VisModelSpace <- function(data, cex.u = 3, cex.mtext=1, cex.leg=.8){
models <- data[[1]]
data <- data[[3]]
colors <- heat.colors(1101)
colors <- colors[1001:1]
waic <- (exp(-.5 * data) / (sum(exp(-.5 * data))))
foobar <- waic/max(waic)
mod.heat <- round(1000 * foobar) + 1
foo <- round(sqrt(length(data)) + 1)
yvals <- rep(1:foo, each=foo)[1:length(data)]
xvals <- rep(1:foo, times=foo)[1:length(data)]
par(mar=c(2, 2, 2, 7))
## add the increasing level of model complexity
plot(x=xvals, y=yvals, col=colors[mod.heat], pch=15,
xaxt="n", yaxt="n", cex = cex.u,
x="Increasing Model Complexity"
foobar <- substitute(x %->% y)
mtext(text=foobar, line=0.45, side=1, cex=cex.mtext)
mtext(text=foobar, line=0, side=2, cex=cex.mtext)
abbi <- 1:length(data)
#for(i in 1:length(data)){
# text(x=xvals[i], y=yvals[i], labels = abbi[i], cex = cex.u/4, col= "gray15")
locs <- par("usr")
color.legend(locs[2] + (locs[2]*.01), #xl
locs[4]- ((locs[4]-locs[3]) * 0.5), #yb
locs[2] + (locs[2]*.05), #xr
locs[4], #yt
legend = c("0.00", round(max(waic), digits=3)),
rect.col = colors[1:length(colors)],
cex = cex.leg,
align = "rb", gradient = "y")
par(xpd = TRUE)
text(x=(((locs[2] + 1.5) + (locs[2] + (locs[2]*.05)))/2),
y=(locs[4]+.2), labels="Akaike Weights", pos=3, cex=cex.leg)
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