
Defines functions make_interim_MP

Documented in make_interim_MP

#' @rdname make_MP
#' @aliases make_interim_MP
#' @param AddInd A vector of integers or character strings indicating the indices to be used in the assessment model. 
#' Integers assign the index to the corresponding index in Data@@AddInd, "B" (or 0) represents total biomass in Data@@Ind, 
#' "VB" represents vulnerable biomass in Data@@VInd, and "SSB" represents spawning stock biomass in Data@@SpInd. For the interim
#' procedure, the function will use the first index in `AddInd`.
#' @param assessment_interval The time interval for when the assessment model is applied (number of years). In all other years, the 
#' interim procedure is applied.
#' @param type How the index is used to calculate the TAC in the interim procedure. See details.
#' @param type_par A control parameter for the interim procedure. See details.
#' @details 
#' `make_interim_MP` creates an MP that runs the interim procedure (updating the TAC according to index observations in between periodic 
#' assessment intervals. **Always ensure to set:** `OM@@interval <- 1`. The assessment frequency is specified in argument 
#' `assessment_interval`.
#' In the year when the assessment is applied, the TAC is set by fitting the model and then running the harvest control rule. Between assessments,
#' the TAC is updated as
#' \deqn{
#' \textrm{TAC}_{y+1} = C_{\textrm{ref}} (I_y + b \times s)/(I_{\textrm{ref}} + b \times s)
#' }
#' where `Cref` is the TAC calculated from the most recent assessment, `Iref` is the value of the index when `Cref` was calculated
#' (see Equations 6 and 7 of Huynh et al. 2020). The value of `I_y` depends on `type`, with `b` and `s` equal zero unless
#' `type = "buffer"`:
#' \itemize{
#' \item `"buffer"` - `I_y` is the most recent index with `b` is specifed by `type_par` (default = 1), and `s` is 
#' the standard deviation of index residuals from the most recent assessment. 
#' \item `"mean"` - `I_y` is the mean value of the index over the most recent `type_par` years (default = 3).
#' \item `"loess"` - `I_y` is the most recent index predicted by a [loess][stats::loess] smoother applied over the entire time series of the index.
#' Use `type_par` to adjust the `span` parameter (default = 0.75).
#' \item `"none"` - `I_y` is the most recent index. Index values are not adjusted in the interim procedure.
#' }
#' @references 
#' Huynh et al. 2020. The interim management procedure approach for assessed stocks: Responsive management advice and lower assessment
#' frequency. Fish Fish. 21:663–679. \doi{10.1111/faf.12453}
#' @examples 
#' \donttest{
#' # Interim MPs
#' MP_buffer_5 <- make_interim_MP(assessment_interval = 5)
#' MP_buffer_10 <- make_interim_MP(assessment_interval = 10)
#' OM <- MSEtool::testOM
#' OM@@interval <- 1
#' MSE <- MSEtool::runMSE(OM, MPs = c("MP_buffer_5", "MP_buffer_10")) 
#' }
#' @export
make_interim_MP <- function(.Assess = "SCA", .HCR = "HCR_MSY", AddInd = "VB", assessment_interval = 5, type = c("buffer", "mean", "loess", "none"),
                            type_par = NULL, diagnostic = c("min", "full", "none"), ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  diagnostic <- match.arg(diagnostic)
  if (is.character(.Assess)) {
    Assess_char <- .Assess
    .Assess <- as.symbol(.Assess)
  } else {
    .Assess <- substitute(.Assess)
    Assess_char <- as.character(.Assess)
  if (is.character(.HCR)) {
    .HCR <- as.symbol(.HCR)
  } else {
    .HCR <- substitute(.HCR)
  if (!inherits(eval(.Assess), "Assess")) {
    stop(paste(.Assess, "does not belong to class 'Assess'. Use: avail('Assess') to find eligible objects."))
  if (!inherits(eval(.HCR), "HCR")) {
    stop(paste(.HCR, "does not belong to class 'HCR.' Use: avail('HCR') to find eligible objects."))
  dots <- list(...)
  dots$AddInd <- AddInd
  dots_in_Assess <- dots[match(names(formals(eval(.Assess))), names(dots), nomatch = 0)]
  dots_in_HCR <- dots[match(names(formals(eval(.HCR))), names(dots), nomatch = 0)]
  Assess_call <- as.call(c(.Assess, x = quote(x), Data = quote(Data), dots_in_Assess))
  HCR_call <- as.call(c(.HCR, Assessment = quote(do_Assessment), reps = quote(reps), dots_in_HCR))
  MP_body <- bquote({
    dependencies <- .(get_dependencies(Assess_char, dots))
    ny <- length(Data@Year)
    Current_Yr <- Data@Year[ny]
    first_assess_yr <- Current_Yr == Data@LHYear
    run_assessment <- first_assess_yr || Current_Yr == Data@Misc[[x]]$interim$next_assess_yr
    run_interim <- !run_assessment
    if (run_assessment) {
      do_Assessment <- .(Assess_call)
      if (do_Assessment@conv) { # Assessment converged. Run the HCR and report parameters for future interim procedure
        Rec <- .(HCR_call)
        if (diagnostic != "none") {
          Rec@Misc <- Assess_diagnostic(x, Data, do_Assessment, include_assessment = .(diagnostic == "full"))
        if (!is.null(do_Assessment@info$Misc)) Rec@Misc <- c(Rec@Misc, do_Assessment@info$Misc)
        Rec@Misc$interim <- list(Cref = Rec@TAC, # A vector of nsim reps
                                 Iref = do_Assessment@Index[ny, 1],
                                 next_assess_yr = Current_Yr + assessment_interval)
        if (type == "buffer") {
          Rec@Misc$interim$s <- log(do_Assessment@Obs_Index[, 1]/do_Assessment@Index[, 1]) %>% sd(na.rm = TRUE)
        } else {
          Rec@Misc$interim$s <- 0
      } else { # Assessment did not converge. Try the assessment again next year
        next_assess_yr <- Current_Yr + 1
        if (first_assess_yr || is.null(Data@Misc[[x]]$interim)) { # No assessment has been run in the past, can't do interim procedure, return TAC = NA
          Rec <- new("Rec")
          Rec@TAC <- rep(NA_real_, reps)
          if (diagnostic != "none") {
            Rec@Misc <- Assess_diagnostic(x, Data, do_Assessment, include_assessment = .(diagnostic == "full"))
          if (!is.null(do_Assessment@info$Misc)) Rec@Misc <- c(Rec@Misc, do_Assessment@info$Misc)
          Rec@Misc$interim <- list(Cref = NA_real_, Iref = NA_real_, next_assess_yr = next_assess_yr, s = 0)
        } else { # There should be a previous assessment to continue the interim procedure for the current year
          run_interim <- TRUE
    if (run_interim) {
      Cref <- Data@Misc[[x]]$interim$Cref
      Iref <- Data@Misc[[x]]$interim$Iref
      I_y <- switch(type,
                    "buffer" = Assess_I_hist(AddInd[1], Data, x, ny)$I_hist,
                    "mean" =  local({
                      if (is.null(type_par)) type_par <- 3
                      Assess_I_hist(AddInd[1], Data, x, seq(ny - type_par + 1, ny))$I_hist %>% mean(na.rm = TRUE)
                    "loess" = local({
                      I_df <- data.frame(Year = Data@Year, Ind = Assess_I_hist(AddInd[1], Data, x, 1:ny)$I_hist)
                      if (is.null(type_par)) type_par <- formals(loess)$span
                      fit <- loess(Ind ~ Year, data = I_df, span = type_par)
                    "none" = Assess_I_hist(AddInd[1], Data, x, ny)$I_hist
      if (type == "buffer") {
        if (is.null(type_par)) {
          b <- 1
        } else {
          b <- type_par
        s <- Data@Misc[[x]]$interim$s
      } else {
        b <- s <- 0
      Rec <- new("Rec")
      TAC <- Cref * (I_y + b * s)/(Iref + b * s)
      if (is.null(TAC)) TAC <- NA_real_
      Rec@TAC <- TAC
      if (exists("next_assess_yr", inherits = FALSE)) Rec@Misc$interim$next_assess_yr <- next_assess_yr
      if (exists("do_Assessment", inherits = FALSE) && diagnostic != "none") { # If we have an assessment
        Rec@Misc <- Assess_diagnostic(x, Data, do_Assessment, include_assessment = .(diagnostic == "full"))
        if (!is.null(do_Assessment@info$Misc)) Rec@Misc <- c(Rec@Misc, do_Assessment@info$Misc)
      Rec@Misc <- c(Rec@Misc, Data@Misc[[x]][setdiff(names(Data@Misc[[x]]), names(Rec@Misc))]) # Only add items that are missing from Rec@Misc
  custom_MP <- eval(call("function", as.pairlist(alist(x = 1, Data = , reps = 1)), MP_body))
  formals(custom_MP)$assessment_interval <- assessment_interval
  formals(custom_MP)$AddInd <- AddInd
  formals(custom_MP)$type <- type
  formals(custom_MP)$type_par <- type_par
  formals(custom_MP)$diagnostic <- diagnostic
  return(structure(custom_MP, class = "MP"))

#' @rdname make_MP
#' @param Ftarget An expression that the MP will evaluate to identify the F used in the projection. See [projection] and example.
#' @param proj_args Additional arguments for [projection].
#' @aliases make_projection_MP
#' @export
make_projection_MP <- function(.Assess = "SCA", .HCR = "HCR_MSY", assessment_interval = 5, 
                               Ftarget = expression(Assessment@FMSY),
                               proj_args = list(process_error = 1, p_sim = 1), 
                               diagnostic = c("min", "full", "none"), ...) {
  diagnostic <- match.arg(diagnostic)
  if (is.character(.Assess)) {
    Assess_char <- .Assess
    .Assess <- as.symbol(.Assess)
  } else {
    .Assess <- substitute(.Assess)
    Assess_char <- as.character(.Assess)
  #if (is.character(.HCR)) {
  #  .HCR <- as.symbol(.HCR)
  #} else {
  #  .HCR <- substitute(.HCR)
  if (!inherits(eval(.Assess), "Assess")) {
    stop(paste(.Assess, "does not belong to class 'Assess'. Use: avail('Assess') to find eligible objects."))
  #if (!inherits(eval(.HCR), "HCR")) {
  #  stop(paste(.HCR, "does not belong to class 'HCR.' Use: avail('HCR') to find eligible objects."))
  dots <- list(...)
  dots_in_Assess <- dots[match(names(formals(eval(.Assess))), names(dots), nomatch = 0)]
  #dots_in_HCR <- dots[match(names(formals(eval(.HCR))), names(dots), nomatch = 0)]
  Assess_call <- as.call(c(.Assess, x = quote(x), Data = quote(Data), dots_in_Assess))
  #HCR_call <- as.call(c(.HCR, Assessment = quote(Assessment), reps = quote(reps), dots_in_HCR))
  proj_args <- proj_args[match(names(formals(projection)), names(proj_args), nomatch = 0)]
  proj_args$p_years <- assessment_interval + 1
  proj_call <- as.call(c(substitute(projection), Assessment = quote(Assessment), Ftarget = quote(eval(Ftarget)), proj_args))
  MP_body <- bquote({
    dependencies <- .(get_dependencies(Assess_char, dots))
    ny <- length(Data@Year)
    Current_Yr <- Data@Year[ny]
    first_assess_yr <- Current_Yr == Data@LHYear
    run_assessment <- first_assess_yr || Current_Yr == Data@Misc[[x]]$proj$next_assess_yr
    get_projection <- !run_assessment
    Rec <- new("Rec")
    if (run_assessment) {
      Assessment <- .(Assess_call)
      if (diagnostic != "none") {
        Rec@Misc <- Assess_diagnostic(x, Data, Assessment, include_assessment = .(diagnostic == "full"))
      if (!is.null(Assessment@info$Misc)) Rec@Misc <- c(Rec@Misc, Assessment@info$Misc)
      if (Assessment@conv) { # Assessment converged. Run the projection and save future TACs
        Ftarget <- eval(Ftarget)
        do_project <- .(proj_call)
        Rec@Misc$proj <- list(TACvec = apply(do_project@Catch, 2, median) %>% 
                                structure(names = Current_Yr + 1 + 0:assessment_interval), # A vector of future TACs
                              next_assess_yr = Current_Yr + assessment_interval)
        Rec@TAC <- rep(Rec@Misc$proj$TACvec[1], reps)
      } else { # Assessment did not converge. Try the assessment again next year. TAC defaults to most recent TAC
        Rec@Misc$proj <- list(TACvec = NA_real_, next_assess_yr = Current_Yr + 1)
        Rec@TAC <- rep(NA_real_, reps)
    if (get_projection) {
      Rec@Misc <- Data@Misc[[x]]
      Rec@TAC <- rep(Data@Misc[[x]]$proj$TACvec[as.character(Current_Yr + 1)], reps)
  custom_MP <- eval(call("function", as.pairlist(alist(x = 1, Data = , reps = 1)), MP_body))
  formals(custom_MP)$Ftarget <- Ftarget
  formals(custom_MP)$assessment_interval <- assessment_interval
  formals(custom_MP)$diagnostic <- diagnostic
  return(structure(custom_MP, class = "MP"))

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