
Defines functions plot.strata

Documented in plot.strata

#  File library/SDAR/R/plot.strata.R			                           #
#									                                       #
#  Copyright (C) 					                                       # 
#									                                       #
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify	   #
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by	   #
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or	   #
#  (at your option) any later version.						               #					
#										                                   #
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,		   #
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of		   #
#  GNU General Public License for more details.					           #
#										                                   #
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at			       #
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/						               #
#										                                   #

plot.strata <- function(
  # Mandatory parameters to draw a stratigraphic log
  datum = "top",
  data.units = "feet",
  scale = 100,
  barscale = 2,
  lithology = TRUE,
  bed.number = TRUE,
  file.name = "SDAR_graphical_output",
  # Optional
  GR.log = NULL,
  ncore = NULL,
  samples = NULL,
  oil.stain = NULL,
  sed.structures = NULL,
  fossils = NULL,
  other.sym = NULL,
  bioturbation = NULL,
  lithostrat = NULL,
  chronostrat = NULL,
  legend = TRUE,
  metadata = NULL,
  main = NULL,
  sub = NULL,
  subset.base = NULL,
  subset.top = NULL, 
  plot.order = NULL, 
  color = 0,
  fill.pattern = TRUE,
  bar.type = 0,
  w.litho = 2,
  w.litho.unit = "inches",
  symbols.size = 1,
  xlim.GR = c(0, 300),
  family = "serif",
  fontsize = 10,
  cex.main = 1.5,
  suppress.ref = FALSE,
  ...){ # dots for generic compatibility

  # Data and parameters validation
  if(!datum %in% c("base", "top")) {  # Validation for datum
    stop(call.=FALSE, "datum should be 'base' or 'top'. 'base' when thickness are measured up from the bottom (e.g. stratigraphic section); 'top' when depths are measured from the surface (e.g. core)")
  if(datum == "top" & any(x$from < x$to) & all(x$from >= 0)) {
      stop(call.=FALSE, paste("In", substitute(x), "object 'top' is grether than 'base', in this case datum should be 'base'."))
  if(datum == "base" & any(x$from < x$to) & all(x$from <= 0)) {
    stop(call.=FALSE, paste("In", substitute(x), "object 'base' is grether than 'top', in this case datum should be 'top'."))
  if(!data.units %in% c("feet", "meters")) {  # Validation for units.data 
    stop(call. = FALSE, 'units.data should be "feet" or "meters"')
  if(!is.numeric(scale)) {  # Validation for scale
    stop(call. = FALSE, "scale should be numeric.")
  if(!is.numeric(barscale)) {  # Validation for barscale
    stop(call. = FALSE, "barscale should be numeric.")
  if(!is.logical(lithology)) {  # Validation for lithology
    stop(call. = FALSE, 'bed.number need to be a logical value, TRUE or FALSE')
  if(!w.litho.unit %in% c("inches", "cm")){
    stop(call. = FALSE, 'w.litho.unit should be "inches" or "cm"')
  if(!is.logical(bed.number)) {  # Validation for bed.number
    stop(call. = FALSE, 'bed.number need to be a logical value, TRUE or FALSE')
  if(!is.null(metadata) & !is.list(metadata)) {  # Validation for bed.number
    stop(call. = FALSE, 'metadata must to be a list class object')
    subset.base <- round(min(x$from), 1)
  	if(datum=="top") {
  	  subset.base <- round(subset.base * -1, 1)	
    subset.top <- round(max(x$to), 1)
  	  subset.top <- round(subset.top * -1, 1)
  subset.lim <- events(from=subset.base, to=subset.top) # limits for interval subset
  # Subset strata class
  x <- crop_events(x, subset.lim) 
  nx <- data.frame(n.view= 1, from= subset.base, 
	    to = subset.top, sc.cover=0, 
	    thick= subset.top - subset.base)
  if(bed.number == TRUE) {
    if(all(is.na(x$bed_number)) == TRUE) {
	  stop(call.=FALSE, "Bed number is empty, this is a mandatory field")
    if(any(duplicated(x$bed_number) == TRUE)) {
      stop(call.=FALSE, capture.output(cat("bed number must to be unique for each bed, rows number", 
				       head(rownames(x[duplicated(x$bed_number),]), 10), 
				       "contains duplicated values")))
  # to maintain compatibility with SDAR database (GUI, version),
  # two columns named "grain_size_base" and "grain_size_top".
  if("grain_size_base" %ni% colnames(x)) {
    x$grain_size_base <- x[,"grain_size"]
  if("grain_size_top" %ni% colnames(x)) {
    x$grain_size_top <- x[, "grain_size"]
  x$gz_xAxis <- gs.table[match(x[, "grain_size"], 
    gs.table[, "name"]), "xAxis"]
  if("grain_size_base" %in% colnames(x)) {
    x$base_xAxis <- gs.table[match(x[, "grain_size_base"], 
      gs.table[, "name"]), "xAxis"]
  if("grain_size_top" %in% colnames(x)) {
    x$top_xAxis <- gs.table[match(x[, "grain_size_top"], 
      gs.table[, "name"]), "xAxis"]
  if("sec_litho" %in% colnames(x)) {
    x$id_sec_litho <- litho.table[match(x[, "sec_litho"], 
      litho.table[, "name"]), "id"]
  if(lithology == TRUE) {
    fb.order(lithology, "lithology", plot.order)
    if(color == 0) {
      x$color <- litho.table[with(x, factor(prim_litho, 
                 levels=litho.table$name)), "def_col"] # Replace color for default sdar colors
    if(color == 1) {
      x$color <- munsell.table[with(x, factor(toupper(munsell_color), 
                 levels=munsell.table$munsell_code)), "munsell_hex"] # Replace color for default sdar colors
    if(color == 2) {
      isColor2 <- function(x) {
        return(x%in%colors() | grepl("^#(\\d|[a-f]){6,8}$",x,ignore.case=TRUE))
      x$color <- ifelse(isColor2(x$Rcolor) == TRUE, x$Rcolor, "transparent")
    if(color == 3) {        # if the user select white and black option
      x$color <- rep("transparent", nrow(x))
  # Input data validation
  if(!is.null(GR.log)) {
    f.order(GR.log, "GR.log", plot.order)
    input.val.log(GR.log, col.na="GR")
    if(datum == "top") {
  	  GR.log$Depth <- GR.log$Depth * -1
    GR.log$Depth2 <- GR.log$Depth
    event.GR.log <- as_events(GR.log, from.col="Depth", to.col="Depth2")
    sub.GR.log <- crop_events(event.GR.log, subset.lim)
  if(!is.null(ncore)) {
    f.order(ncore, "ncore", plot.order)
  	if(datum == "base"){
	  stop(call.=FALSE, "ncore applies only for wells when datum is set to 'top'")
	input.val(ncore, "core_number")
	  sub.ncore <- int.event(ncore, datum, subset.lim, "ncore")
  if(!is.null(samples)) {
    f.order(samples, "samples", plot.order)
    namSam <- colnames(samples)
    input.val(samples, "type")
    check.samples <- input.check(samples, "type", samples.table)
    sub.samples <- int.event(check.samples, datum, subset.lim, "samples")
    if("label" %in% namSam){
      width.table[which(width.table$name == "w.samples"), "value"] <- 2.5
      sub.samples$label <- ifelse(nchar(sub.samples$label) > 12, 
      paste0(strtrim(sub.samples$label, 12), ''), sub.samples$label)  
    if(!"pch" %in% colnames(sub.samples)){
      sub.samples$pch <- NA
    if(any(is.na(sub.samples$pch))) {
      sub.samples$pch <-  samples.table[match(sub.samples[["type"]], 
  	    samples.table[, "id"]), "pch"]
    if(!"color" %in% colnames(sub.samples)){
      sub.samples$color <- NA
      sub.samples$color <-  samples.table[match(sub.samples[["type"]], 
  	    samples.table[, "id"]), "color"]
  if(!is.null(oil.stain)) {
    f.order(oil.stain, "oil.stain", plot.order)
    input.val(oil.stain, "intensity")
    check.oil.stain <- input.check(oil.stain, "intensity", stain.table)
    sub.oil.stain <- int.event(check.oil.stain, datum, subset.lim, "oil.stain")
    sub.oil.stain$color <-  stain.table[match(sub.oil.stain[["intensity"]], 
  	  stain.table[, "id"]), "color"]
  if(!is.null(sed.structures)) {
    f.order(sed.structures, "sed.structures", plot.order)
    input.val(sed.structures, "sed_structure")
    check.sed.structures <- input.check(sed.structures, "sed_structure", sed.struc.table)
    sub.sed.structures <- int.event(check.sed.structures, datum, subset.lim, "sed.structures")
  	leg.sed <- sort(unique(sub.sed.structures$sed_structure))
  if(!is.null(fossils)) {
    f.order(fossils, "fossils", plot.order)
    input.val(fossils, "fossil")
    check.fossils <- input.check(fossils, "fossil", fossil.table)
    sub.fossils <- int.event(check.fossils, datum, subset.lim, "fossils")
  	leg.fos <- sort(unique(sub.fossils$fossil))
  if(!is.null(other.sym)) {
    f.order(other.sym, "other.sym", plot.order)
    input.val(other.sym, "other_symbol")
    check.other.sym <- input.check(other.sym, "other_symbol", others.table)
    sub.other.sym <- int.event(check.other.sym, datum, subset.lim, "other.sym")
    leg.other <- sort(unique(sub.other.sym$other_symbol))
  if(!is.null(chronostrat)) {
    chronostrat <- as.data.frame(chronostrat)
    f.order(chronostrat, "chronostrat", plot.order)
    input.val(chronostrat, "chrono_unit")
    check.chronostrat <- input.check(chronostrat, "chrono_unit", gts.table)
    check.chronostrat$color <- chrono.table[chrono.table$name %in% chronostrat$name, "color"]
    sub.chronostrat <- int.event(check.chronostrat, datum, subset.lim, "chronostrat")
    chrono_ran <- length(unique(sub.chronostrat$chrono_unit))
    if(nrow(sub.chronostrat) != 0) {
      if(chrono_ran == 1) {
        width.table[which(width.table$name == "w.chronostrat"), "value"] <- 1
      }else if (chrono_ran == 2) {
        width.table[which(width.table$name == "w.chronostrat"), "value"] <- 1.5 
        width.table[which(width.table$name == "w.chronostrat"), "value"] <- 2.25  
  if(!is.null(lithostrat)) {
    lithostrat <- as.data.frame(lithostrat)
    f.order(lithostrat, "lithostrat", plot.order)
    input.val(lithostrat, "litho_unit_rank")
    check.lithostrat <- input.check(lithostrat, "litho_unit_rank", litho.unit.table)
    sub.lithostrat <- int.event(check.lithostrat, datum, subset.lim, "lithostrat")
    litho_ran <- length(unique(sub.lithostrat$litho_unit_rank)) 
    if(nrow(sub.lithostrat) != 0) {
      if(litho_ran == 1) {
        width.table[which(width.table$name == "w.lithostrat"), "value"] <- 1
      }else if (litho_ran == 2) {
        width.table[which(width.table$name == "w.lithostrat"), "value"] <- 1.5 
        width.table[which(width.table$name == "w.lithostrat"), "value"] <- 2.25  
  if(!is.null(bioturbation)) {
    f.order(bioturbation, "bioturbation", plot.order)
    input.val(bioturbation, "index")
  	val.bioturbation <- input.check(bioturbation, "index", biotur.table)
    val.bioturbation$percent <-  biotur.table[match(val.bioturbation[["index"]], 
  	  biotur.table[, "id"]), "percent"]
    sub.bioturbation <- int.event(val.bioturbation, datum, subset.lim, "bioturbation")
  # Define drawing parameters
  sc.fac <- scale/100  # Define scale factor, equal to 1:100
  if(data.units == "feet") {
    sc.fac <- (scale/100) / 0.3048
  if(legend == TRUE) {
  	h.litho <- 0
    if(lithology == TRUE) {
      leg.litho <- unique(na.omit(x[,c("prim_litho", "color")]))
      rows_leg <- sum(length(unique(leg.litho$prim_litho)),
      				  if("covered" %in% x$rock_type) 3)
      if(rows_leg > 9) {
        h.litho <- (rows_leg - 9) * 0.75
    h.sed <- 0
    if(!is.null(sed.structures)) {
      if(length(leg.sed) > 13) {
        h.sed <- (length(leg.sed) - 13) * 0.5
    h.fos <- 0
    if(!is.null(fossils)) {
      if(length(leg.fos) > 13) {
        h.fos <- (length(leg.fos) - 13) * 0.5
    h.other <- 0
    if(!is.null(other.sym)) {
      if(length(leg.other) > 13) {
        h.other <- (length(leg.other) - 13) * 0.5
    h.legend <- 8 + max(h.litho, h.sed, h.fos, h.other) + 0.2 
  ## Design of margins, width and height of panels for the output frame (Measurement are in cm).
  if(is.null(plot.order)) {
    arrng <- c(if(!is.null(chronostrat)) "d.chronostrat",
               if(!is.null(lithostrat)) "d.lithostrat",
  	           if(!is.null(ncore)) "d.ncore",
  	           if(!is.null(GR.log)) "d.GR.log",
               if(!is.null(samples)) "d.samples",
               if(bed.number == TRUE) "d.bed.number",
               if(!is.null(barscale)) "d.barscale",
               if(lithology == TRUE) "d.lithology",
               if(!is.null(sed.structures)) "d.sed.structures",
               if(!is.null(fossils)) "d.fossils",
               if(!is.null(other.sym)) "d.other.sym",
               if(!is.null(oil.stain)) "d.oil.stain",
               if(!is.null(bioturbation)) "d.bioturbation")
    opc.order <- c("chronostrat", "lithostrat", "ncore", "GR.log", "samples",
      "bed.number", "barscale", "lithology", "sed.structures",
      "fossils", "other.sym", "oil.stain", "bioturbation")
    if(any(!plot.order %in% opc.order)) {
      notIn <- plot.order[which(!plot.order %in% opc.order)]
      if(length(notIn) != 0) {
        if(length(notIn) == 1){
          eM <- "is not a valid value in 'plot.order' argument"
          eM <- "are not valid values in 'plot.order' argument"
        stop(call.=FALSE, paste(c(head(notIn), 
           eM), collapse=", "))
    arrng <- paste("d.", plot.order, sep="")  # plot features arrangement, this vector is provide for the user
  row.head <- 2
  # compute layout widths 
  if(!is.null(w.litho)) {
    if(w.litho.unit == "inches"){
      w.litho <- w.litho * 2.54
    width.table[which(width.table$name =="w.lithology"), "value"] <- as.numeric(w.litho)

  width.layout <- width.table[order(match(width.table[, "arg"],  arrng)), 
  # Create objects for the features to be displayed with its frame witdh
  for (i in 1:length(arrng)) {
    assign(arrng[i], width.layout[i])
  w.oma <-  width.table[width.table[,"name"] == "w.oma", "value"]
  tmp_width <- sum(width.layout, (w.oma *2))
  width_leg <- sum(5 + ifelse(lithology == TRUE, 5.5, 0),
                  ifelse(any(!is.null(c(bioturbation, oil.stain))), 5.5, 0), 
                  ifelse(!is.null(sed.structures), 5.5, 0),
			      ifelse(!is.null(fossils), 5.5, 0),
			      ifelse(!is.null(other.sym), 5.5, 0))
if(legend == TRUE) {
  if(width_leg > tmp_width) {
    w.oma <- (width_leg - tmp_width) / 2 + w.oma
  widths <- c(w.oma, width.layout, w.oma)
  heights <- c(3.5, 3.75, 1, rev(nx$thick / sc.fac), 1, 
               if(legend == TRUE) h.legend, 2)
  unitlay <- grid.layout(length(heights), length(widths),
        widths=unit(widths, "cm"), 
        heights=unit(heights, "cm"))
  pdf(paste(file.name, ".pdf", sep=""), 
    width=sum(widths) / 2.54 + 1, 
    height=sum(heights) / 2.54 + 1, 
    family=family, pointsize=10)  ## Open the PDF device

    pushViewport(viewport(layout=unitlay))  # Open Viewport "unitlay". It is the main design of viewports
    # Lithology
      if(lithology == TRUE) {
      draw.header.litho(which(arrng == "d.lithology") + 1, row.head) # draw the header of lithology
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.lithology") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)  # Openviewport to draw lithology
      draw.guidelines(subset.lim, c(0.33, 0.54, 0.68, 0.82, 0.96)) # draw dashed guidelines in the backgound
        lay.v <- x
        lay.v$thk <- abs(lay.v$from - lay.v$to)
      # Move points to shape the graing size
        nodesComp <- c(0, 0.0095, 0.0185, 0.0165, 0.0215, 0.0165, 0.0185, 0.0095, 0) - 0.0215 # Points to shape competent lithologies
        nodesMud <- c(0, -0.0075, -0.0125, -0.0145, -0.0125, -0.0145, -0.0125, -0.0075, 0)  # Points to shape soft lithologies
        for(i in 1:nrow(lay.v)) {  # Loop to draw each stratum acording of thickness, grainSize and others parameters. 
        movY <- c(1 , .93, .8, .65, .5, .35, .2, .07)  # Points to draw curved ending of the beds
        ## Create xP and yP points. This points are the position in the X and Y axis to draw each layer.
        ## The position of this points will be modified in further steps, to represent features as grading, contact type.
        yP <- c(lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i], 
              (lay.v$to[i] - lay.v$from[i]) *
	          movY + lay.v$from[i], lay.v$from[i])
        xP <- c(0,0, if(lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% 
		      c(5:9, 11:12, 18:34,
            litho.table[c(5:9, 11:12, 18:34),2])) {
		      nodesComp + lay.v$gz_xAxis[i]
	                 nodesMud + lay.v$gz_xAxis[i]
        #  Grading
        if(!is.na(lay.v$base_xAxis[i])) {
          xP[11] <- lay.v$base_xAxis[i] 	# Add the correspondent grain size at the base of the layer
          if(!is.na(lay.v$top_xAxis[i])) {
            xP[3] <- lay.v$top_xAxis[i]  	# Add the correspondent grain size at the top of the layer
        ## Shape bedding when there are two points "Grain_size_base" and "Grain_size_top"   
            shapePts <- rep(c(-0.004, 0.004), 4)
            if(lay.v$base_xAxis[i] > lay.v$top_xAxis[i]) {
	          xP[4:10] <- cumsum(rep(abs(xP[3] - xP[11])/8, 7)) + xP[3]
	          xP[4:10] <- xP[4:10] + shapePts[-1]
            if(lay.v$base_xAxis[i] < lay.v$top_xAxis[i]) {	    
 	          xP[4:10] <- rev(cumsum(rep(abs(xP[3] - xP[11])/8, 7))) + xP[11] 
	          xP[4:10] <-  xP[4:10] + shapePts[-1]
#### Draw the lithologic patterns according to the functions included in "patterns.R" file.
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[1,]) { 
          clayP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
            lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[2,]) { 
          mudP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
            lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[3,]) { 
          shaleP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i], 
            lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[4,]) { 
          siltP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[5,]) { 
          sandP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize = 1.4)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[6,]) { 
          congP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[7,]) { 
          brecP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize=0.39)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[8,]) { 
          limeP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize=1.4)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[9,]) { 
          dolP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[10,]) { 
          marlP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize=1)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[11,]) { 
          chalkP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[12,]) { 
          diatP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[13,]) { 
          coalP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[14,]) { 
          gypP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize = 1)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[15,]) { 
          haliteP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[16,]) { 
          chertP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize=1)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[17,]) { 
          sandP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize = 2)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[18,]) { 
          limoP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize=1.2)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[19,]) { 
          sidP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize=1.1)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[20,]) { 
          phoP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[21,]) { 
          tufP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
            lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[22,]) { 
          lapP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize = 1)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[23,]) { 
          brecP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize=0.39)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[24,]) { 
          benP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[26,]) { 
          ignP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[28,]) { 
          basP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i], 
            lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[29,]) { 
          metaP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize = 1.5)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[35,]){
          m_sand_limeP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize = 2)
         if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[36,]){
          m_lime_sandP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize = 2)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[37,]){
          int_sand_shaleP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
            lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        if(!is.na(lay.v$prim_litho[i]) & lay.v$prim_litho[i] %in% litho.table[38,]){
          int_lime_shaleP(xP, yP, lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i],
          lay.v$color[i], sc.fac, fill.pattern)
        ##  To draw cover segments included in the same viewport
        if(lay.v$rock_type[i] == "covered") {
          draw.cover(lay.v$from[i], lay.v$to[i], 0.19)
      }  #  Temporal close loop open to draw each strata.
      upViewport()  # Close Viewport opened with function open.viewport
    ##  barscale
    if(!is.null(barscale)) {
      f.order(barscale, "barscale", plot.order)     
      u.meas <- ifelse(data.units == "meters", '(meters)', '(feet)')
      unit.label <- ifelse(datum == "base", 'Thickness', 'Depth')
      rem.from <- subset.base %% barscale
      over.to <- subset.top %% barscale
      over.from <- barscale - rem.from
      pt.int <- subset.base + over.from
      pt.end <- subset.top - over.to
      mark.lab <- data.frame(from = c(subset.base, seq(pt.int, pt.end, barscale)))
      mark.lab$to <- c(seq(pt.int, pt.end, barscale), subset.top)
      mark.lab$color <- rep(c("black", "white"), 
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.barscale") + 1, row.head, 
        paste(unit.label, "\n", u.meas) , 90, 1.1, 2)
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.barscale") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
          grid.rect(x=0.5, y=0.5, width=1, 
          height=1, gp=gpar(lwd=0.1, col="grey", lty=2))
        if(nrow(mark.lab) != 0) { 
          grid.text(abs(c(mark.lab$from, subset.top)), 
	          x=0.75, y=c(mark.lab$from, subset.top),
	          just = "right", default.units = 'native', 
	          check.overlap = TRUE, gp=gpar(cex=0.8))
          grid.segments(x0=0.8, y0=c(mark.lab$from, subset.top),
                        x1=0.965, y1=c(mark.lab$from, subset.top),
          if(bar.type == 1) {
            grid.lines(x=c(0.965, 0.965), y=subset.lim,
            grid.segments(x0=0.85, y0=mark.lab$from[-c(1:2)] - barscale/2,
                        x1=0.965, y1=mark.lab$from[-c(1:2)] - barscale/2,
            grid.rect(x=0.85, y=mark.lab$from, 
              width=0.12, height=mark.lab$to - mark.lab$from, 
              just=c("left", "bottom"), default.units = 'native', 
              gp=gpar(fill=mark.lab$color, lwd=0.5))
    #  Bed number
    if(bed.number != "FALSE") {
      fb.order(bed.number, "bed.number", plot.order)
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.bed.number") + 1, row.head, "Bed number", 90, 1, 2)
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.bed.number") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
        if(nrow(x) != 0) {
	      x=0.75, y=(x$to - x$from)/2 + x$from,
	      just = "right", default.units = 'native', check.overlap = TRUE,
    #  Samples
    if(!is.null(samples)) {      
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.samples") + 1, row.head, "Samples", 90, 1, 2)
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.samples") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
        if(nrow(sub.samples) != 0) {
        grid.points(x=rep(unit(0.25, "cm"), nrow(sub.samples)), 
          y=(sub.samples[["to"]] - sub.samples[["from"]])/ 2 + sub.samples[["from"]], 
          size = unit(symbols.size * 7, "pt"),
          default.units = 'native', 
        grid.rect(x=unit(0.5, "cm"), y=sub.samples$from,
          width = 0.01, height= sub.samples$to - sub.samples$from,
          just=c("center", "bottom"),
          gp=gpar(fill="black", col=NA),
          default.units = "native")
        grid.segments(x0=unit(0.45, "cm"), y0=sub.samples$from, x1=unit(0.55, "cm"), y1=sub.samples$from,  
          gp=gpar(col="black", lwd=1),
          default.units = "native")
        grid.segments(x0=unit(0.45, "cm"), y0=sub.samples$to, x1=unit(0.55, "cm"), y1=sub.samples$to,  
          gp=gpar(col="black", lwd=1),
          default.units = "native")
        if("label" %in% colnames(sub.samples)) {
          grid.text(sub.samples$label, x=unit(0.625, "cm"), 
      	    y=(sub.samples[["to"]] - sub.samples[["from"]])/ 2 + sub.samples[["from"]], 
  		    just="left", gp=gpar(cex=0.8), default.units="native")
    # Core Number
    if(!is.null(ncore)) {      
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.ncore") + 1, row.head, "Core number", 90, 1, 2)
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.ncore") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
        if(nrow(sub.ncore) != 0) {
            x=0.5, y=(sub.ncore$to - sub.ncore$from)/2 + sub.ncore$from,
            just="center", default.units='native', check.overlap=TRUE,
            gp=gpar(cex=1.1), rot=90)
          grid.rect(x=0.075, y=sub.ncore$from,
            width = 0.85, height= sub.ncore$to - sub.ncore$from,
            just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(lwd=0.5, col="black"),
        grid.rect(x=0.5, y=0.5, width=1, 
          height=1, gp=gpar(lwd=0.1, col="grey", lty=2))
    # chronostrat
    if(!is.null(chronostrat)) {      
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=which(arrng == "d.chronostrat") + 1,
        layout.pos.row=row.head))    # Open Viewport to draw the header.
        chrono.head <- gts.table[sort(unique(sub.chronostrat$chrono_unit)), 2]
        if(length(chrono.head) > 3){
          stop(call.=FALSE, "SDAR allows to draw a maximum of three categories of chronostratigraphic units, check it at the chronostratigraphic dataset.")
        if(length(chrono.head) == 3) {
          xrec = c(0, 0.33, 0.66); xtex = c(0.165, 0.495, 0.825); wid = 0.33
        }else if (length(chrono.head) == 2) {
          xrec = c(0, 0.5); xtex = c(0.25, 0.75); wid = 0.5
          xrec = 0 ; wid = 1 ; xtex = 0.5
        grid.rect(x=xrec, y=0, width=wid, 
          height=0.75, just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(lwd=0.25))
        grid.text(firstup(chrono.head), x=xtex, y=0.375, 
          rot=90, gp=gpar(cex=1.1, font=2))
        grid.rect(x=0, y=0.75, width=1, 
          height=0.25, just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(lwd=0.25))
        grid.text("Chrono", x=0.5, y=0.875, 
          gp=gpar(cex=1.1, font=2))
## Draw chronostratigraphic Names
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.chronostrat") + 1, 
        datum, iv=1, subset.lim)  # Open Viewport to draw chronostratigraphy names.
        ind.chrono_unit <- sort(unique(sub.chronostrat$chrono_unit))
        if(length(chrono.head) == 1) {
          subWidth <- 0.975
        }else if(length(chrono.head) == 2) {
          subWidth <- 0.5
          subWidth <- 0.325
        }    # To calculated the width of the viewport
      for(i in 1:length(chrono.head)) {    
        sub.chrono <- sub.chronostrat[sub.chronostrat$chrono_unit == ind.chrono_unit[i],]  # Subset chronostratigraphy according of chrono_unit index
        if(i == 1) {
          subX <- 0
        }else if(i == 2) {
          ifelse(length(chrono.head) == 2, subX <- 0.5, subX <- 0.325)           
          if(length(chrono.head) == 3) {subX <- 0.65}  
        }     # To define the x position of the next viewports
        draw.text.colum(sub.chrono, subX, subWidth, sc.fac)
    upViewport()        # Close Viewport "lithostratigraphy".  
    # Lithostrat
    if(!is.null(lithostrat)) {      
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=which(arrng == "d.lithostrat") + 1,
        layout.pos.row=row.head))    # Open Viewport to draw the header.
        litho.head <- litho.unit.table[unique(sub.lithostrat$litho_unit_rank), 2]
        if(length(litho.head) == 3) {
          xrec = c(0, 0.33, 0.66); xtex = c(0.165, 0.495, 0.825); wid = 0.33
        }else if (length(litho.head) == 2) {
          xrec = c(0, 0.5); xtex = c(0.25, 0.75); wid = 0.5
          xrec = 0 ; wid = 1 ; xtex = 0.5
        grid.rect(x=xrec, y=0, width=wid, 
          height=0.75, just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(lwd=0.25))
        grid.text(firstup(litho.head), x=xtex, y=0.375, 
          rot=90, gp=gpar(cex=1.1, font=2))
        grid.rect(x=0, y=0.75, width=1, 
          height=0.25, just=c("left", "bottom"), gp=gpar(lwd=0.25))
        grid.text("Litho", x=0.5, y=0.875, 
          gp=gpar(cex=1.1, font=2))
## Draw lithostratigraphic Names
     open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.lithostrat") + 1, 
        datum, iv=1, subset.lim)  # Open Viewport to draw lithostratigraphy names.
        ind.lithounit <- sort(unique(sub.lithostrat$litho_unit_rank))
        if(length(litho.head) == 1) {
          subWidth <- 0.975
        }else if(length(litho.head) == 2) {
          subWidth <- 0.5
          subWidth <- 0.325
        }    # To calculated the width of the viewport
      for(i in 1:length(litho.head)) {    # lithostrat.lab was calculated before to set the width of the "GTS" viewport.    
        sub.litho <- sub.lithostrat[sub.lithostrat$litho_unit_rank == ind.lithounit[i],]  # Subset lithostratigraphy according of litho_unit_rank index
        if(i == 1) {
          subX <- 0
        }else if(i == 2) {
          ifelse(length(litho.head) == 2, subX <- 0.5, subX <- 0.325)           
          ifelse(length(litho.head) == 2, subX <- 0.5, subX <- 0.65)   
        }     # To define the x position of the next viewports
        draw.text.colum(sub.litho, subX, subWidth, sc.fac)
    upViewport()        # Close Viewport "lithostratigraphy".
    #  Visual Oil
    if(!is.null(oil.stain)) {      
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.oil.stain") + 1, row.head, "Oil Stain", 90, 1, 2)
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.oil.stain") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
        if(nrow(sub.oil.stain) != 0) {
          grid.rect(x=0.075, y=sub.oil.stain$from,
            width = 0.85, just=c("left", "bottom"),
            height= sub.oil.stain$to - sub.oil.stain$from,
            gp=gpar(fill=sub.oil.stain$color, col=NA),
            default.units = "native")
        grid.rect(x=0.5, y=0.5, width=1, 
          height=1, gp=gpar(lwd=0.1, col="grey", lty=2))
    #  Bioturbation  
    if(!is.null(bioturbation)) {			
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.bioturbation") + 1, row.head, "Bioturbation\nIndex\n", 90, 1, 2)
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=which(arrng == "d.bioturbation") + 1,
        grid.text("(Taylor & Goldring, 1993)", 
      	  x= 0.75, y= 0.5, rot=90,
	      gp=gpar(cex=0.9, font=3, col="blue"))
        grid.text(c(1,2,3,4,5,6), x=seq(1/6, 1, 1/6) - 1/12, 
      	  y=unit(-0.8, "cm"), rot=0, 
  		  just="center", gp=gpar(cex=0.9)) 
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.bioturbation") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
        if(nrow(sub.bioturbation) != 0) {    
      	  grid.rect(x=sub.bioturbation$percent - 1/6, y=sub.bioturbation$from,
            width = 1/6, just=c("left", "bottom"),
	        height= sub.bioturbation$to - sub.bioturbation$from,
	        gp=gpar(fill="grey75", col=NA),
            default.units = "native")
        col=rep(c("black" , "grey"),4)
        lin= seq(0, (1/6) * 6, 1/6)
        for( i in 1:6) {
          grid.lines(x = c(lin[i], lin[i]),
            y = subset.lim, gp=gpar(col=col[i], 
            lwd=0.6, lty=2),
            default.units = "native")
        grid.rect(x=0.5, y=0.5, width=1, 
          height=1, gp=gpar(lwd=0.1, col="grey", lty=2))
    #  GR.log  
    if(!is.null(GR.log)) {			
      pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=which(arrng == "d.GR.log") + 1,
        grid.rect(x=0.5, y=0.5, width=1, 
          height=1, gp=gpar(lwd=0.25))
        grid.text(c("Gamma Ray", "API Units"), x=0.5, y=c(0.5, 0.20), 
          just = "center", rot=0, 
          gp=gpar(cex=c(1.2, 0.9), font=c(2,1), col="forestgreen"))
        grid.text(xlim.GR, x=c(0.1,0.9), y=0.175, 
          just = "center", gp=gpar(cex=0.9, col="forestgreen"))
        grid.lines(x = c(0.1, 0.9), y = 0.1,
          arrow = arrow(angle = 30, length = unit(0.2, "cm"), ends = "last", 
          type = "open"), gp=gpar(col="forestgreen", lwd=1.2))
      upViewport()          # Close Viewport "gamma ray curve".
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.GR.log") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
	    tvp <- viewport(layout.pos.col= 1, layout.pos.row=1, xscale = xlim.GR, 
	                    yscale = subset.lim)
        xlogcur <- well_logGrob(two_col_log=sub.GR.log, y.sc=subset.lim, vp=tvp, xlim.GR=xlim.GR)
    #  Fossils
    if(!is.null(fossils)) {			
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.fossils") + 1, row.head, "Fossils", 90, 1.1, 2)
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.fossils") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
        if(nrow(sub.fossils) > 0) {
          for(i in 1:nrow(sub.fossils)) {
            tmp_file <-  paste(fossil.table[sub.fossils$fossil[i], "file_name"], ".svg", sep="")
            ind_x <- rep(c(0.25, 0.75), nrow(sub.fossils))
            ind_x <- ind_x[1:nrow(sub.fossils)]
            grid.symbols(SDAR.sym[["fos.sym"]][[tmp_file]], x=ind_x[i], 
              (sub.fossils[i, "to"] - sub.fossils[i, "from"])/ 2 + sub.fossils[i, "from"], 
              default.units = "native", size = unit(symbols.size * 21, "pt"))
    # Sedimentary structures
    if(!is.null(sed.structures)) {			
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.sed.structures") + 1, row.head, "Sedimentary\n structures", 90, 1.1, 2)
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.sed.structures") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
        if(nrow(sub.sed.structures) > 0) {
          for(i in 1:nrow(sub.sed.structures)) {
            tmp_file <- paste(sed.struc.table[sub.sed.structures$sed_structure[i], "file_name"], ".svg", sep="")
            ind_x <- rep(c(0.25, 0.75), nrow(sub.sed.structures))
            ind_x <- ind_x[1:nrow(sub.sed.structures)]
            grid.symbols(SDAR.sym[["sed.sym"]][[tmp_file]], x=ind_x[i],
              (sub.sed.structures[i, "to"] - sub.sed.structures[i, "from"])/ 2 + sub.sed.structures[i, "from"], 
              default.units = "native", size = unit(symbols.size * 28, "pt"))
    # Others symbols
    if(!is.null(other.sym)) {			
      drawHeader(which(arrng == "d.other.sym") + 1, row.head, "Others", 90, 1, 2)
      open.viewport(1, poscol=which(arrng == "d.other.sym") + 1, datum, iv=1, subset.lim)
        if(nrow(sub.other.sym) > 0) {
          for(i in 1:nrow(sub.other.sym)) {
          tmp_file <- paste(others.table[sub.other.sym$other_symbol[i], "file_name"], ".svg", sep="")
          ind_x <- rep(c(0.25, 0.75), nrow(sub.other.sym))
          ind_x <- ind_x[1:nrow(sub.other.sym)]
          grid.symbols(SDAR.sym[["other.sym"]][[tmp_file]], x=ind_x[i],
            (sub.other.sym[i, "to"] - sub.other.sym[i, "from"])/ 2 + sub.other.sym[i, "from"], 
            default.units = "native", size = unit(symbols.size * 21, "pt"))
    # Header
    pushViewport(viewport(layout.pos.col=c(2, length(widths) - 1),        # Open Viewport to draw main.
      layout.pos.row=row.head - 1))
      if(suppress.ref == FALSE){
        grid.text(paste("Printed by SDAR, Ortiz J. et al. 2015, (", 
      	  format(Sys.time(), "%b %d %Y"), ")", sep=""),
          x=0, y=0.075, just = "left", 
          gp=gpar(cex= 0.8, col="darkblue"))
      if(!is.null(main)) {
      grid.text(main, x=0.5, y=0.7,  
        gp=gpar(cex=cex.main, lineheight=1.1, font=2))
        grid.text(sub, x=0.5, y=0.4,  
          gp=gpar(cex=1, lineheight=1.1, font=1))
    # Legend
    if(legend == TRUE) {
        layout.pos.row= 6, name="legend"))
          # warning('typically required metadata includes these information: Site Name, Latitude, Longitude, Elevation, Author, and References')
          metadata <- list(locality_name = '',
                   latitude = '',
                   longitude = '',
                   elevation = '',
                   author = '',
                   reference = '')
        grid.text("LEGEND", x=unit(0.5, "npc") + unit(0.5, "cm"),
          y=unit(1,"npc") - unit(0.4, "cm"), gp=gpar(font=2))
        grid.text(c("Locality", "Location", "Authors"), x= unit(2.5, "cm"), 
          y=unit(1, "npc") - unit(c(0.25, 2.75, 5.5), "cm"),
          just = c("center"), gp=gpar(cex=1.1, font=c(2))) 
        grid.text(c("Name:", "ID:", "Units:", "Scale:"), 
          x= unit(c(rep(0.25, 4)), "cm"), 
          y=unit(1, "npc") - unit(c(0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.25), "cm"),
          just = "left", gp=gpar(cex=1, font=2))
        grid.text(c(ifelse(exists("locality_name", where=metadata), 
        	  ifelse(!is.na(metadata$locality_name), metadata$locality_name, ""), ""),
        	ifelse(exists("locality_id", where=metadata),
        	  ifelse(!is.na(metadata$locality_id), metadata$locality_id, ""), ""),
        	ifelse(exists("thickness_unit", where=metadata),
        	  ifelse(!is.na(metadata$thickness_unit), metadata$thickness_unit, ""), ""), 
            paste("1 :", scale)),
          x= unit(rep(1.35, 4), "cm"), 
          y=unit(1, "npc") - unit(c(0.75, 1.25, 1.75, 2.25), "cm"),
          just = "left", gp=gpar(cex=1, font=1))
        grid.text(c("Latitude:", "Longitude:", "Elevation:", "Country:",
          ifelse(exists("latitude", where=metadata), 
          	ifelse(!is.na(metadata$latitude), round(as.numeric(metadata$latitude), 8), ""), ""), 
          ifelse(exists("longitude", where=metadata), 
          	ifelse(!is.na(metadata$longitude), round(as.numeric(metadata$longitude), 8), ""), ""),
          ifelse(exists("elevation", where=metadata), 
          	ifelse(!is.na(metadata$elevation), round(as.numeric(metadata$elevation), 0), ""), ""),
          ifelse(exists("country", where=metadata), 
          	ifelse(!is.na(metadata$country), metadata$country, ""), "")),
          x= unit(c(rep(0.25, 4), rep(2.1, 4)), "cm"), 
          y=unit(1, "npc") - unit(c(3.25, 3.75, 4.25, 4.75), "cm"),
          just = "left", gp=gpar(cex=1, font=c(rep(2, 4), rep(1,4))))
        grid.segments(x0=0, y0=unit(1, "npc") - unit(c(2.5, 5.3), "cm"), x1=unit(5, "cm"), 
          y1=unit(1, "npc") - unit(c(2.5, 5.3), "cm"), gp=gpar(lwd=0.5))
        grid.segments(x0=unit(5, "cm"), y0=0, x1=unit(5, "cm"), 
          y1=1, gp=gpar(lwd=0.5))      
        if(exists("author", where=metadata) & !is.na(metadata$author)) {
                splitText <- strwrap(metadata$author, 32, exdent=2) # split the string in several lines to be draw.
                t <- unit(1, "npc") - unit(6, "cm")
                for(i in 1:length(splitText)) {  # draw text
                    x = unit(0.25, "cm"), 
                    y = t, just="left", 
                    t <- t - unit(0.5, "cm")
        if(exists("reference", where=metadata) & metadata$reference != "") {
                splitText <- strwrap(paste("Reference: ", metadata$reference), 80, exdent=18) # split the string in several lines to be draw.
                t <- unit(-0.75, "cm")
                for(i in 1:length(splitText)) {  # draw text
                    x = unit(0.1, "cm"), 
                    y = t, just="left", 
                    gp=gpar(font=3, col="blue", cex=1))
                    t <- t - unit(0.5, "cm")
          grid.text("* (http://wiki.aapg.org/Show_evaluation)", x=unit(0.1, "cm"),
            y=unit(-0.25,"cm"), gp=gpar(font=3, col="blue"), just="left")
        if(lithology == TRUE){
          pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(5, "cm"), y=0, 
            width=unit(4.5, "cm"), height=unit(h.legend - 0.65,"cm"),
            just=c("left", "bottom")))
            grid.text("Dominant lithology", x=0.5, y=unit(h.legend - 0.65 - 0.5, "cm"), 
            draw.pattern.legend <- function(x, y, pat_func, color, sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize, label){
            pushViewport(viewport(x, y, width=unit(4.5, "cm"), 
              height=unit(0.5, "cm"), xscale=c(0,1),
              default.units = "cm"))   
              pat_func(c(0, 0, 0.21, 0.21), c(0,1,1,0), 0,
                1, color, sc.fac, fill.pattern, pSize)
            grid.text(label, x + 1.15, y + 0.25,
              just="left", gp=gpar(cex=1.1, lineheight=0.7))
          t.leg <- data.frame(pos.pat=seq(1, rows_leg, 1), 
            xleg=rep(0.5, rows_leg), 
            yleg=rep((h.legend - 1.5) - cumsum(rep(0.7, rows_leg))))
          pos.pat <- 0
          if("claystone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
              ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "claystone", 2]),
              sc.fac=1.8, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "claystone")
          if("mudstone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "mudstone", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.6, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "mudstone")
          if("shale" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "shale", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.8, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "shale")
          if("siltstone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "siltstone", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.5, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "siltstone")
          if("sandstone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "sandstone", 2]),
            sc.fac=2.5, fill.pattern, pSize=1.4, "sandstone")
          if("conglomerate" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "conglomerate", 2]),
            sc.fac=2, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "conglomerate")
          if("breccia" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "breccia", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.7, fill.pattern, pSize=0.39, "breccia")
          if("limestone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "limestone", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.25, fill.pattern, pSize=1.4, "limestone")
          if("dolostone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "dolostone", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.75, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "dolostone")
          if("marl" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "marl", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.05, fill.pattern, pSize=1.2, "marl")
          if("chalk" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "chalk", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.8, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "chalk")
          if("diatomite" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "diatomite", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.15, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "diatomite")
          if("coal" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "coal", 2]),
            sc.fac=NULL, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "coal")
          if("gypsum" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "gypsum", 2]),
            sc.fac=0.9, fill.pattern, pSize=0.9, "gypsum")
          if("halite" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "halite", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.6, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "halite")
          if("chert" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "chert", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.05, fill.pattern, pSize=1.2, "chert")
          if("glauconite" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "glauconite", 2]),
            sc.fac=2.5, fill.pattern, pSize=2, "glauconite")
          if("limonite" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "limonite", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.1, fill.pattern, pSize=1.3, "limonite")
          if("siderite" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "siderite", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.05, fill.pattern, pSize=1.2, "siderite")
          if("phosphorite" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "phosphorite", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.5, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "phosphorite")
          if("bentonite" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "bentonite", 2]),
            sc.fac=0.85, fill.pattern, pSize=1.1, "bentonite")
          if("calcareous sandstone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "calcareous sandstone", 2]),
            sc.fac=2, fill.pattern, pSize=1.4, "calcareous sandstone")
          if("sandy limestone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "sandy limestone", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.75, fill.pattern, pSize=1.4, "sandy limestone")
          if("interbedded sandstone and shale" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "interbedded sandstone and shale", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.5, fill.pattern, pSize=1.4, "interbedded sandstone\n   and shale")
          if("interbedded limestone and shale" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "interbedded limestone and shale", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.5, fill.pattern, pSize=1.4, "interbedded limestone\n   and shale")
          if("igneous rock" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat],
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "igneous rock", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.75, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "igneous rock")
          if("tuff" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "tuff", 2]),
            sc.fac=1, fill.pattern, pSize=1, "tuff")
          if("lapillistone" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "lapillistone", 2]),
            sc.fac=0.9, fill.pattern, pSize=0.9, "lapillistone")
          if("agglomerate" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "agglomerate", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.7, fill.pattern, pSize=0.39, "agglomerate")
          if("basalt" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "basalt", 2]),
            sc.fac=0.9, fill.pattern, pSize=0.9, "basalt")
          if("metamorphic rock" %in% leg.litho$prim_litho) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
            draw.pattern.legend(t.leg$xleg[pos.pat], t.leg$yleg[pos.pat], 
            ifelse(color %in% c(1,2), "transparent", leg.litho[leg.litho$prim_litho == "metamorphic rock", 2]),
            sc.fac=1.25, fill.pattern, pSize=1.5, "metamorphic rock")
          if("covered" %in% x$rock_type) {
            pos.pat <- pos.pat + 1
              width=unit(0.9, "cm"), 
              height=unit(0.5, "cm"), xscale=c(0,1),
              default.units = "cm"))   
              grid.lines(x=c(0, 1), y=c(0, 1),
              grid.lines(x=c(0, 1), y=c(1,0),
            grid.text("covered", t.leg$xleg[pos.pat] + 1.15, 
              t.leg$yleg[pos.pat] + 0.25,
              just="left", gp=gpar(cex=1.1))
        # Oil Stain
        need_pos <- c(lithology, any(!is.null(oil.stain), !is.null(bioturbation)), 
          !is.null(sed.structures), !is.null(fossils), !is.null(other.sym))
        if(!is.null(oil.stain)) {
        pos.oil.x <- ifelse(isTRUE(need_pos[1]), 10.5, 5) 
        pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(pos.oil.x, "cm"), y=unit(1, "npc") - unit(0.65,"cm"), 
          width=unit(4.5, "cm"), height=unit(4,"cm"),
          just=c("left", "bottom")))
          grid.text(c("Visual Oil Stain ", "*"), x=c(0.5, 0.81), y=unit(-0.5,"cm"),
            gp=gpar(cex=c(1,1.1), font=c(2,3), col=c("black","blue")))
          grid.rect(x=0.175, y=unit(seq(-1.15, -3.75, -0.65),"cm"),
          	width=0.15, height=unit(0.3, "cm"), gp=gpar(lwd=0.5, 
          	fill=c("grey94", "grey71", "grey49", "grey26", "grey0")))
          grid.text(c("Weak", "Moderate weak", "Moderate", "Moderate strong", "Strong"), 
          	x=0.325, y=unit(seq(-1.15, -3.75, -0.65),"cm"), 
            gp=gpar(cex=1), just="left")
        # bioturbation
        if(!is.null(bioturbation)) {
          pos.bio.x <- ifelse(isTRUE(need_pos[1]), 10.5, 5) 
          pos.bio.y <- ifelse(!is.null(oil.stain), 4.65, 0.65) 
          pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(pos.bio.x, "cm"), y=unit(1, "npc") - unit(pos.bio.y, "cm"), 
            width=unit(4.5, "cm"), height=unit(3.35,"cm"),
            just=c("left", "bottom")))
            grid.text("Bioturbation Index", x=0.5, y=unit(-0.5,"cm"), 
              gp=gpar(cex=1.1, font=2))
            grid.text("(Taylor & Goldring, 1983)", x= 0.5, y=unit(-0.9,"cm"),
              gp=gpar(cex=0.9, font=3, col="blue"))
            grid.text(c("1 - Sparse", "2 - Low", "3 - Moderate", 
          	  "4 - High", "5 - Intense", "6 - Complete"), x=c(rep(0.065, 3), rep(0.545, 3)),
          	  y=unit(rep(c(-1.6, -2.2, -2.8), 2),"cm"), just="left")
        if(!is.null(sed.structures)) {
          if(sum(need_pos[1:2]) == 0) {
            pos.sed.x <- 5
          if(sum(need_pos[1:2]) == 1) {
            pos.sed.x <- 10.5
          if(sum(need_pos[1:2]) == 2) {
            pos.sed.x <- 16
          pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(pos.sed.x, "cm"), y=0, 
            width=unit(6, "cm"), height=unit(h.legend - 0.65,"cm"),
            just=c("left", "bottom")))
            grid.text("Sedimentary structures", x=0.5, y=unit(h.legend - 0.65 - 0.5, "cm"), 
            if(length(leg.sed) > 0) {
              for(i in 1:length(leg.sed)) {
                tmp_file <- paste(sed.struc.table[leg.sed[i], "file_name"], ".svg", sep="")
                ind_y <- unit(rep((h.legend - 1.3) - cumsum(rep(0.5, length(leg.sed)))), "cm")
                grid.symbols(SDAR.sym[["sed.sym"]][[tmp_file]], x= 0.1,
                  y=ind_y[i], size = unit(symbols.size * 24, "pt"))
                grid.text(sed.struc.table[leg.sed[i], "name"], x=0.2,
                  y=ind_y[i], just="left")
        if(!is.null(fossils)) {
          if(sum(need_pos[1:3]) == 0) {
            pos.sed.x <- 5
          if(sum(need_pos[1:3]) == 1) {
            pos.sed.x <- 10.5
          if(sum(need_pos[1:3]) == 2) {
            pos.sed.x <- 16
          if(sum(need_pos[1:3]) == 3) {
            pos.sed.x <- 21.5
          pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(pos.sed.x, "cm"), y=0, 
            width=unit(5, "cm"), height=unit(h.legend - 0.65,"cm"),
            just=c("left", "bottom")))
            grid.text("Fossils", x=0.5, y=unit(h.legend - 0.65 - 0.5, "cm"), 
            if(length(leg.fos) > 0) {
              for(i in 1:length(leg.fos)) {
                tmp_file <-  paste(fossil.table[leg.fos[i], "file_name"], ".svg", sep="")
                ind_y <- unit(rep((h.legend - 1.3) - cumsum(rep(0.5, length(leg.fos)))), "cm")
                grid.symbols(SDAR.sym[["fos.sym"]][[tmp_file]], x= 0.1,
                  y=ind_y[i], size = unit(symbols.size * 18, "pt"))
                grid.text(fossil.table[leg.fos[i], "name"], x=0.2,
                  y=ind_y[i], just="left")
        if(!is.null(other.sym)) {
          if(sum(need_pos[1:4]) == 0) {
            pos.sed.x <- 5
          if(sum(need_pos[1:4]) == 1) {
            pos.sed.x <- 10.5
          if(sum(need_pos[1:4]) == 2) {
            pos.sed.x <- 16
          if(sum(need_pos[1:4]) == 3) {
            pos.sed.x <- 21.5
          if(sum(need_pos[1:4]) == 4) {
            pos.sed.x <- 27
          pushViewport(viewport(x=unit(pos.sed.x, "cm"), y=0, 
            width=unit(5, "cm"), height=unit(h.legend - 0.65,"cm"),
            just=c("left", "bottom")))
            grid.text("Others", x=0.5, y=unit(h.legend - 0.65 - 0.5, "cm"), 
            if(length(leg.other) > 0) {
              for(i in 1:length(leg.other)) {
                tmp_file <-  paste(others.table[leg.other[i], "file_name"], ".svg", sep="")
                ind_y <- unit(rep((h.legend - 1.3) - cumsum(rep(0.5, length(leg.other)))), "cm")
                grid.symbols(SDAR.sym[["other.sym"]][[tmp_file]], x= 0.1,
                  y=ind_y[i], size = unit(symbols.size * 20, "pt"))
                grid.text(others.table[leg.other[i], "name"], x=0.2,
                  y=ind_y[i], just="left")



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SDAR documentation built on Oct. 23, 2020, 7:09 p.m.