
Defines functions createHumanReadableRule improvedTable parseTime .randIntExcluded .randDouble .randIntClosed .randIntClosed .randInt .yesno .normalizeDNFRule .getFuzzyValues .getMatrixSelector .join .getClassAttributes .separate .getParticipants changeTargetVariable modifyFuzzyCrispIntervals .qsort .getVariableAndValue .getValuesForQualityMeasures .compareDNF .compareCAN Rule.compatibility


# Utils relative to obtain the fuzzy belonging degree


#' Return the compatibility degrees of a rule with all instances of a given dataset.
#' The rules passed to this functions MUST have a vector representation in CANONICA form. This function
#' was made for being used mainly for the FuGePSD algorithm. 
#' @param example The instances of the dataset, a matrix with one example PER COLUMN and without the CLASS ATTRIBUTE.
#' @param rule_cat Part of the rule with the categorical values.
#' @param rule_num Part of the rule with the numerical values.
#' @param catParticip vector indicating which categorical attributes participate in the rule and so, they must be evaluated.
#' @param numParticip vector indicating which numerical attributes participate in the rule and so, they must be evaluated.
#' @param xmin numeric vector which indicate the minimum value of the fuzzy sets of every numeric attribute that participate in the rule.
#' @param xmedio numeric vector which indicate the medium value of the fuzzy sets of every numeric attribute that participate in the rule.
#' @param xmax numeric vector which indicate the maximum value of the fuzzy sets of every numeric attribute that participate in the rule.
#' @param n_matrices number of fuzzy sets that there are in the rule (The length of vectors xmin, xmedio and xmax)
#' @param max_cat numeric vector indicating the maximum value of categorical values.
#' @param max_num numeric vector indicating the maximum value for fuzzy partitions on every attribute
#' @param t_norm The T-norm to use to compute the compatibility degree. 0 for minimum t-norm. Other value for product t-norm
#' @return A vector with length 'number of examples' indicating their compatibility degree.
#' @noRd
Rule.compatibility <- function(example, rule_cat, rule_num, catParticip, numParticip, xmin, xmedio, xmax, n_matrices, max_cat, max_num, t_norm){
  dispFuzzy <- numeric(NCOL(example)) + 1
  #Computation of membership degree.
  #Categorical variables.
  if(length(catParticip > 0)){
    ej_cat <- as.integer( example[catParticip,] )
    values <-  ceiling( ( which(ej_cat != rule_cat & ! (ej_cat == max_cat + 1 )) / (length(catParticip)) ) ) 
    #Examples no compatibles
    dispFuzzy[values] <- 0L
  #Numerical Values 
  if(length(numParticip) > 0){
    ej_num <- as.vector( example[numParticip, which(dispFuzzy > 0) ] )
    #Fuzzy computation
    #Computes compatibility degree of every value of the whole dataset with the rule
    belongingDegree <- .fuzzyBelongingDegree(x = ej_num, xmin = xmin, xmedio = xmedio, xmax = xmax, n_matrices = n_matrices)
    if(t_norm == 0) { # MINIMUM T-NORM 
      dispFuzzy[which(dispFuzzy > 0)] <- apply(X = belongingDegree, MARGIN = 1, FUN = min)
    } else { # PRODUCT T-NORM
      dispFuzzy[which(dispFuzzy > 0)] <- apply(X = belongingDegree, MARGIN = 1, FUN = prod)

#' @title Gets the membership degree of all examples in the dataset over a single rule. 
#' @param examples Is a matrix after the use of .separate
#' @param rule_cat is the categorcal variables that participate in the rule
#' @param rule_num is the numerical variables that participate in the rule
#' @param catParticip and numParticip are logical vectors for tell the function which rules of each type participe in the rule
#' @param xmin, xmax, xmedio and xminCrisp and xmaxCrisp are the vectors with the fuzzy and crisp definition of the variables that participa in the rule
#' @param max_cat is a vector the maximum value for categorical values and max_num is the same but for numerical variables.
#' @details ONLY FOR CAN RULES !
#' @return a list with two vector of length number of examples with the belonging degree for fuzzy and crisp 
#' @noRd
.compareCAN <- function(example, rule_cat, rule_num, catParticip, numParticip, xmin, xmedio, xmax, n_matrices, xminCrisp, xmaxCrisp, max_cat){
  dispFuzzy <- numeric(NCOL(example)) + 1
  dispCrisp <- integer(NCOL(example)) + 1L
  #Computation of membership degree.
  #Categorical variables.
  if(length(catParticip > 0)){
    ej_cat <- as.integer( example[catParticip,] )
    values <-  ceiling( ( which(ej_cat != rule_cat & ! (ej_cat == max_cat + 1 )) / (length(catParticip)) ) ) 
    #Examples no compatibles
    dispFuzzy[values] <- 0L
    dispCrisp[values] <- 0L
  #Numerical Values 
  if(length(numParticip) > 0){
    ej_num <- as.vector( example[numParticip, which(dispFuzzy > 0) ] )
    #Fuzzy computation
    belongingDegree <- .fuzzyBelongingDegree(x = ej_num, xmin = xmin, xmedio = xmedio, xmax = xmax, n_matrices = n_matrices)
    dispFuzzy[which(dispFuzzy > 0)] <- apply(X = belongingDegree, MARGIN = 1, FUN = min)
    #Crisp Computation
    belongingDegree <- .crispBelongingDegree(x = ej_num, xmin = xminCrisp, xmax = xmaxCrisp)
    dispCrisp[which(dispCrisp > 0)] <- apply(X = belongingDegree, MARGIN = 1, FUN = min)
  return(list( fuzzy = dispFuzzy, crisp = dispCrisp) )

#' @title Gets the membership degree of all examples in the dataset over a single rule. 
#' @param examples Is a matrix after the use of .separate
#' @param rule The rule
#' @param rule_num is the numerical variables that participate in the rule
#' @param cat_particip and num_particip are logical vectors for tell the function which rules of each type participe in the rule
#' @param max_rule_cat A vector which indicates the number of possible caterigocal values for each variable.
#' @param nLabels The number of fuzzy labels per variable.
#' @param fuzzySets is the fuzzy sets definitions for each variable.
#' @param crispSet The crisp sets definitions
#' @details ONLY FOR DNF RULES !
#' @return a list with two vector of length number of examples with the belonging degree for fuzzy and crisp 
#' @noRd
.compareDNF <- function(example,  rule, rule_num, cat_particip, num_particip, max_rule_cat, max_rule_num, nLabels, fuzzySets, crispSet, valuesFuzzy, valuesCrisp){
  ejemplo_cat <- as.vector( example[cat_particip, ] )
  dispFuzzy <- numeric(NCOL(example)) + 1
  dispCrisp <- numeric(NCOL(example)) + 1

  if(length(ejemplo_cat > 0)){  
    valCat <- (max_rule_cat + 1) + ejemplo_cat
    #Categorical Values
    fuera <- unique( ceiling(which(rule[valCat] == 0) / length(max_rule_cat)) )
    dispFuzzy[fuera] <- 0
    dispCrisp[fuera] <- 0
  example_num <- example[num_particip, which(dispFuzzy > 0), drop = F] 
  #Numerical Values
  if(length(example_num) > 0){
    example_num <- example_num[valuesFuzzy[1,], ]
    #Fuzzy Computation
    dispFuzzy[which(dispFuzzy > 0)] <- .getMaxFuzzyForAVariable2(values = valuesFuzzy, example_num = example_num)
    #Crisp Computation
    dispCrisp[which(dispCrisp > 0)] <- .getMaxCrispForAVariable2(valuesCrisp, example_num)
  list(fuzzy = dispFuzzy, crisp = dispCrisp)

# - Return:
# -  [[1]] n(cond)  -> Examples covered by the rule
# -  [[2]] n(Tv ? cond) -> Covered examples that match the consecuent of the rule
# -  [[3]] FP -> Exmaples that match the antecedent but not the consecuent (False positives)
# -  [[4]] Ns -> Number of examples in the dataset
# -  [[5]] n(TargetValue) -> number of examples that match the consecuent
# -  [[6]] number of examples covered for each class
# -  [[7]] number of examples for each class
# -  [[8]] new correctly covered examples
# -  [[9]] number of examples of the target class that are uncovered
# -  [[10]] Fuzzy sum of belonging degree of the examples covered
# -  [[11]] Fuzzy sum of the belonging degree of correctly covered examples
# -  [[12]] Fuzzy sum of the belonging degree of new correctle covered examples
# -  [[13]] True positive rate
# -  [[14]] False positive rate
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
.getValuesForQualityMeasures <- function(gr_perts, classNames, dataset, targetClass, examples_perClass, cov, Ns, N_vars , to_cover, mark = FALSE, test = FALSE, fuzzy = FALSE, NMEEF = FALSE){
 # This is not the best form, there must be another form to use the list directly
  dataset <- matrix(unlist(dataset), nrow = length(dataset[[1]]), ncol = length(dataset)) #Too much time-consuming
  coveredExamples <- 0L
  fuzzySumExCovered <- 0
  corrCoverdExamples <- 0L  #TP
  fuzzySumCorrCoveredExamples <- 0
  newExamplesCovered <- 0L
  fuzzySumNewExamples <- 0
  #Variables for the confusion matrix
  fp <- 0L
  tn <- 0L
  fn <- 0L
  # information about the dataset

  cov_examplesCrisp <- integer(length(classNames))  # For significance computation
  names(cov_examplesCrisp) <- classNames
  fuzzyPerts <- gr_perts[[1]]
  crispPerts <- gr_perts[[2]]
  # Get covered examples
  coveredFuzzy <- which( fuzzyPerts > 0)
  coveredCrisp <- which( crispPerts > 0)
  #Covered examples by the rule for each class (for significance)
  #   tabla <- table( t( dataset[N_vars,coveredFuzzy]) )
  #   cov_examplesFuzzy[ names( tabla )] <- tabla 
  #tabla <- table( t( classNames[ dataset[N_vars,coveredCrisp] + 1] ) )
  tabla <- improvedTable(dataset[, coveredCrisp, drop = F], classNames)
  cov_examplesCrisp[names( tabla )] <- tabla 
  #Examples covered by the rule
  coveredExamples <- length(coveredCrisp)
  fuzzySumExCovered <- sum(fuzzyPerts[coveredFuzzy])
  #Correctly Covered Examples
  p <- classNames[ dataset[N_vars,coveredFuzzy] + 1] == targetClass 
  p1 <- classNames[ dataset[N_vars,coveredCrisp] + 1] == targetClass 
  corrCoverdExamples <- sum(p1)
  fuzzySumCorrCoveredExamples <- sum(fuzzyPerts[coveredFuzzy[p]])
  #False positives: Examples covered with a distinct consecuent
  fp <- sum(classNames[ dataset[N_vars,coveredCrisp] + 1] != targetClass)
  #True negatives: Examples not covered with distinc consecuent
  tn <- sum(classNames[ dataset[N_vars, - coveredCrisp] + 1] != targetClass)
  #False negatives: Examples not covered with the same consecuent
  fn <- sum(classNames[ dataset[N_vars, - coveredCrisp] + 1] == targetClass)
  #Correctly Covered examples that aren't covered before (new covered examples)  
  i <- cov[coveredFuzzy] == FALSE
  iC <- cov[coveredCrisp] == FALSE
  obj_notCoveredFuzzy <- which(p & i)
  obj_notCoveredCrisp <- which(p1 & iC)
  newExamplesCovered <- length(obj_notCoveredCrisp) #NCOL( dataset[ , obj_notCovered])
  fuzzySumNewExamples <- sum(fuzzyPerts[coveredFuzzy[obj_notCoveredFuzzy]])
  #Calculate TPR and FPR (In next versions, it is possible to return the confusion)
  tpr <- corrCoverdExamples / (corrCoverdExamples + fn)
  fpr <- fp / (fp + tn)
  if(is.nan(tpr)) tpr <- 0
  if(is.nan(fpr)) fpr <- 0
  #Mark new covered examples (if neccesary)
    if(! fuzzy){
      cov[coveredCrisp[obj_notCoveredCrisp]] <- TRUE # If CRISP SUPPORT is used
    } else {
      cov[coveredFuzzy[p & i]] <- TRUE # If FUZZY SUPPORT is used
    l <- list(coveredExamples, corrCoverdExamples, NA, Ns, NROW(p[p]), cov_examplesCrisp, examples_perClass, newExamplesCovered, to_cover, fuzzySumExCovered, fuzzySumCorrCoveredExamples, fuzzySumNewExamples, tpr = tpr, fpr = fpr) 
    conf <- .confidence(l)
    if( ! test) return(list(cov, conf)) 
    return(list(cov, l) )
  } else {
    #to_cover <- sum(obj_notCovered) 
      return( list(coveredExamples, corrCoverdExamples, NA, Ns, examples_perClass[[targetClass]], cov_examplesCrisp, examples_perClass, newExamplesCovered, to_cover, fuzzySumExCovered, fuzzySumCorrCoveredExamples, fuzzySumNewExamples, tpr = tpr, fpr = fpr) )
      cover <- (fuzzyPerts > 0 | crispPerts > 0) & classNames[dataset[N_vars, ] + 1]== targetClass
      return( list(coveredExamples, corrCoverdExamples, NA, Ns, examples_perClass[[targetClass]], cov_examplesCrisp, examples_perClass, newExamplesCovered, to_cover, fuzzySumExCovered, fuzzySumCorrCoveredExamples, fuzzySumNewExamples, cover , tpr = tpr, fpr = fpr) )

#' @title Gets the variable and the value of a DNF rule
#' @description Returns the number of the variable and value this variable for a DNF Rules
#' @param value The index of the value to get in the DNF rule representation
#' @param maxValues a vector indicating the begining of each variable on the DNF representation
#' @noRd
.getVariableAndValue <- function(value, maxValues){
  variable <- which( (value / maxValues) <= 1)[1]  
  vInitVariable <- 1
  if(variable > 1){
    vInitVariable <- maxValues[variable - 1] + 1
  valor <- value - vInitVariable + 1
  return(c(variable, valor))


# C.A.R. Hoare QuickSort Implementation
# @param v The vector to be ordered
# @param left First index of the subvector
# @param right Last index of the subvector
# @param index Index vector
# @return A list with two fields, vector which is the ordered vector and indices which is the sorted indexes of the original vector 
.qsort <- function(v, left, right, index) {
  i = left
  j = right
  x = v[(left+right)/2]
  while(i <= j){
    while (v[i]<x && i<right)
      i <- i + 1
    while (x<v[j] && j>left)
      j <- j - 1
    if (i<=j) {
      y = v[i];
      v[i] = v[j];
      v[j] = y;
      aux = index[i];
      index[i] = index[j];
      index[j] = aux;
      i <- i + 1
      j <- j - 1
  if (left<j){
   a <- .qsort(v,left,j,index)
    v[left:j] <- a$vector
    index[left:j] <- a$indices
  if (i<right){
   b <- .qsort(v,i,right,index);
   v[i:right] <- b$vector
   index[i:right] <- b$indices

  list(vector = v[left:right], indices = index[left:right])

#' Modifiy the number of Fuzzy Labels of the dataset.
#' This function change the number of fuzzy labels defined in the current SDEFSR_Dataset dataset.
#' @details The fuzzy definitions used in the \code{SDEFSR_Dataset} class are triangular.
#'     Because you can only specify the number of fuzzy definitions, all those definitions
#'     has the same width. With this function you can re-calculate this triangular fuzzy sets.
#' @param dataset The dataset to modify their fuzzy labels definitions. Must be a \code{SDEFSR_Dataset} class.
#' @param nLabels The new number of fuzzy labels. An integer greater than zero.
#' @return  This function returns the same dataset with their fuzzy definitions modified.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#'     modifyFuzzyCrispIntervals(habermanTra, 2)
#'     modifyFuzzyCrispIntervals(habermanTra, 15)
#' @noRd

modifyFuzzyCrispIntervals <- function(dataset, nLabels){
    if(nLabels < 1)
      stop("The number of fuzzy sets ('nLabels') must be greater than zero.")
    dataset[["fuzzySets"]] <- .create_fuzzyIntervals(min = dataset$min, max = dataset$max, num_sets = nLabels, types = dataset$attributeTypes)
    dataset[["crispSets"]] <- .createCrispIntervals(fuzzyIntervals = dataset[["fuzzySets"]])

#' Change the target Variable of a \code{'SDEFSR_Dataset'} Dataset
#' Change the actual target variable for another one if it is categorical.
#' @param dataset The SDEFSR_Dataset dataset class
#' @param variable The position (or the name) of the variable to set as target Variable.
#' @return The dataset with the variables changed
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' changeTargetVariable(carTra, 3)
#' changeTargetVariable(carTra, "Doors")
#' Throws an error because the variable selected is numerical:
#' changeTargetVariable(habermanTra, 1)
#' }
#' @noRd
changeTargetVariable <- function(dataset, variable){
  if(class(dataset) != "SDEFSR_Dataset") stop( paste("'",substitute(dataset),"' is not a SDEFSR_Dataset class", sep = ""))
  #if(variable >= dataset$nVars + 1) stop("variable is the same of the actual variable or is out of range")
    variable <- which(tolower(dataset$attributeNames) == tolower(variable))
    if(length(variable) == 0)
      stop(paste(variable, "is not a variable of this dataset."))
  if(dataset[[3]][variable] != "c") stop("No categorical variable selected.")
  if(variable <= dataset$nVars){
  #Swap variables.
  dataset$data <- lapply(X = dataset$data , FUN = function(x, variable){ 
                       aux <- x[variable]; 
                       x[variable] <- x[length(x)]; 
                       x[length(x)] <- aux; 
                       x }, 
  #Swap Attribute Names
  aux <- dataset[[2]][variable]
  dataset[[2]][variable] <- dataset[[2]][length(dataset[[2]])]
  dataset[[2]][length(dataset[[2]])] <- aux
  #swap sets
  dataset[["sets"]][variable] <- dataset[["max"]][dataset[["nVars"]] + 1]
  #Swap Min
  aux <- dataset[[4]][variable]
  dataset[[4]][variable] <- dataset[[4]][length(dataset[[4]])]
  dataset[[4]][length(dataset[[4]])] <- aux
  #Swap Max
  aux <- dataset[[5]][variable]
  dataset[[5]][variable] <- dataset[[5]][length(dataset[[5]])]
  dataset[[5]][length(dataset[[5]])] <- aux
  #Change class_names Values
  dataset[["class_names"]] <- dataset[["categoricalValues"]][[variable]]
  #Swap categorical Values
  aux <- dataset[["categoricalValues"]][[variable]]
  dataset[["categoricalValues"]][[variable]] <- dataset[["categoricalValues"]][[length(dataset[["categoricalValues"]])]]
  dataset[["categoricalValues"]][[length(dataset[["categoricalValues"]])]] <- aux
  #Calculate new value for examplesPerClass
  clValues <- unlist(lapply(dataset$data, '[', dataset$nVars + 1))
  examplesPerClass <- lapply(X = seq_len(length(dataset$class_names)) - 1, FUN = function(x, data) sum(data == x), clValues)
  names(examplesPerClass) <- dataset$class_names
  dataset$examplesPerClass <- examplesPerClass

#' @title  Gets the varialbes that participate in a rule
#' @param rule A rule in CAN or DNF representation.
#' @param maxRule A vector indicatinf the maximum value for each rule in CAN or a vector indicating the begining
#'      each variable in a DNF representation.
#' @param DNF A logical indicating if we are processing DNF rules.
#' @return A logical with the variables that participate in the rule
#' @noRd
.getParticipants <- function(rule, maxRule, DNFRules){
    participants <- as.logical( (rule < maxRule) ) 
    participants <- logical(length(maxRule) - 1)
    for(i in 2:length(maxRule)){
      ruleValues <- rule[(maxRule[i - 1] + 1):maxRule[i]]
      participants[i-1] <- !(all(ruleValues == 1) | all(ruleValues == 0))

# Returns de dataset without the last (class) column
.separate <- function(dataset){
  lapply(dataset$data, FUN = function(x) x[-length(x)])

#' Returns the class attribute of the examples of a dataset.
#' @noRd
.getClassAttributes <- function(dataset){
  lapply(dataset, FUN = function(x) x[length(x)])

# returns de original dataset
.join <- function(dataNoClass , classes){
  lapply(X = 1:length(dataNoClass), FUN = function(num, x,y) append(x[[num]],y[[num]]), dataNoClass, classes)

# Returns a matrix for select the variables that participate in a DNF rule for calculating their belonging degree
.getMatrixSelector <- function(rule_num, value){
  values <- unlist(lapply(X = seq_len(length(rule_num)), 
                          FUN = function(x, rule, value){
                            a <- which(rule[[x]] > 0)
                            vals <- unlist(lapply(X = a, 
                                                     FUN = function(y, value, mat){
                                                       c(y, value, mat)
                                                     }, value, x) )
                          }, rule_num, value))
  matrix(data = values, nrow = length(values) / 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE)

# Obtain the fuzzy values of a DNF Rule
.getFuzzyValues <- function(rule_num, fuzzy,  crisp = FALSE){
  a <- .getMatrixSelector(rule_num = rule_num, value = 1)
  variables <- a[,3]
  if(! crisp){
    xmin <- fuzzy[a]
    a[,2] <- 2
    xmedio <- fuzzy[a]
    a[,2] <- 3
    xmax <- fuzzy[a]
    rbind(variables, xmin, xmedio, xmax)
  } else {
    xmin <- fuzzy[a]
    a[,2] <- 2
    xmax <- fuzzy[a]
    rbind(variables, xmin, xmax)

# Normalize a DNF by means of put all the non-participating variables filled with 0's.
.normalizeDNFRule <- function(rule, max){
    for(i in seq_len(length(max) - 1)){ 
      if(all(rule[(max[i] + 1):max[i+1]] == 1)){
        rule[(max[i] + 1):max[i+1]] <- 0
  } else{

# Make a yes/no question to the user
.yesno <- function(text){
  line <- readline(text)

#                                                                    #
#                   MATHEMATICAL UTILS                               #    
#                                                                    #
#                                                                    #

#' returns an integer between low and high. EXCLUDING high
#' @param low Lower bound (included)
#' @param high Upper bound (NOT included)
#' @return a uniform-distributed integer value in [low, high)
#' @noRd
.randInt <- function(low, high){
  floor( low + (high - low) * runif(1) )

#' returns an integer between low and high. INCLUDING high
#' @param low Lower bound (included)
#' @param high Upper bound (included)
#' @return a uniform-distributed integer value in [low, high)
#' @noRd
.randIntClosed <- function(low, high){
  floor( low + ((high + 1) - low) * runif(1) )

#' returns an integer between low and high. EXCLUDING low and high
#' @param low Lower bound (NOT included)
#' @param high Upper bound (NOT included)
#' @return a uniform-distributed integer value in [low, high)
#' @noRd
.randIntClosed <- function(low, high){
  floor( (low+1) + (high - (low+1)) * runif(1) )

#' returns a number between low and high. EXCLUDING high
#' @param low Lower bound (included)
#' @param high Upper bound (NOT included)
#' @return a uniform-distributed integer value in [low, high)
#' @noRd
.randDouble <- function(low, high){
  low + (high - low) * runif(1) 

#' returns a number between low and high. Including high and EXCLUDING excluded
#' @param low Lower bound (included)
#' @param high Upper bound (NOT included)
#' @param excluded. The number to exclude, it does not check if it is in the range [low,high]
#' @return a uniform-distributed integer value in [low, high)
#' @noRd
.randIntExcluded <- function(low, high, excluded){
  number <- .randIntClosed(low, high)
  while(number == excluded){
    number <- .randIntClosed(low, high)

#' Parse a time difference to "x hours, y minutes and z seconds"
#' @param actual End time in UNIX int format (e.g. as.numeric(Sys.time()))
#' @param initial Initial time in Unix format.
#' @return A human-readable string with time difference.
#' @noRd
parseTime <- function(actual, initial){
  dif <- actual - initial
  hours <- 0
  minutes <- 0
  seconds <- 0
  if(dif >= 3600){
    hours <- floor(dif / 3600)
    dif <- dif %% 3600
  if(dif >= 60){
    minutes <- floor(dif / 60)
    seconds <- dif %% 60
  } else {
    seconds <- dif
  paste(hours, " hours, ", minutes, " minutes and ", round(seconds, 2) , " seconds.", sep = "")

#' Improved table creation for .getValuesForQualityMeasures, this implementation is faster than table()
#' @param dataset A matrix with the data
#' @param classNames a vector with the names of the attributes.
#' @return a named vector with the number of instances per class.
#' @noRd
improvedTable <- function(dataset, classNames){
  tabla <-
      X = seq_len(length(classNames)) - 1, FUN = function(x, data)
        sum(data == x), integer(1), dataset[nrow(dataset),]
  names(tabla) <- classNames

#' Creates a human-readable representation of a rule for insert into a 'SDEFSR_Rules' object
#' This function creates an string representation of a given rule
#' @param rule The rule we want to get the representation
#' @param DNF Logical value indicating if the rule is in DNF format
#' @param FuGePSD Logical value indicatin if rule is in the format of the FuGePS algorithm
#' @return A string with the representation of the rule.
#' @noRd
createHumanReadableRule <- function(rule, dataset, DNF = FALSE){
  class <- rule[length(rule)]
  antecedent <- as.numeric(rule[- length(rule)])
  count <- 1
  string <- character()

      #CAN Rules
      for(i in seq_len(length(antecedent))){
        if(antecedent[i] < dataset$sets[i]){
          #If variable participates in the rule
          if(dataset$attributeTypes[i] != "c"){
             #Print real attribute
            string[count] <- paste(dataset$attributeNames[i],"= Label", antecedent[i], "(", dataset$fuzzySets[antecedent[i] + 1,1,i], ",", dataset$fuzzySets[antecedent[i] + 1,2,i], ",", dataset$fuzzySets[antecedent[i] + 1,3,i], ")", sep = " ")
          } else {
            #Print categorical attribute
            string[count] <- paste(dataset$attributeNames[i],"=", dataset$categoricalValues[[i]][antecedent[i] + 1])
          count <- count + 1
      #join values of variables
      string <- paste(string, collapse = " AND ")
      #Add target class and add the IF clausure
      string <- paste("IF", string, "THEN", class )
    } else {
      #DNF Rules
      #Get the position of the last value that belongs to a variable
      max <- Reduce(f = '+', x = dataset$sets, accumulate = TRUE)
      before <- 1
      pos <- 1
      count <- 1
      for (i in max) {
        variable <- rule[before:i]
        notParticipate <- all(variable == 1) | all(variable == 0)
        if (!notParticipate) {
          values <- which(variable == 1)  # A variable with '1' indicate that this value participate in the rule
          variableName <- dataset$attributeNames[pos]
          if (dataset$attributeTypes[pos] == 'c') { 
            #Print categorical Variable
            valueNames <- dataset$categoricalValues[[pos]][values]
            valueNames <- paste(valueNames, sep = " ", collapse = " OR ")
          } else {
            # Print numerical variable
            valueNames <- paste("Label", values - 1, "(", dataset$fuzzySets[values,1,pos], ",", dataset$fuzzySets[values,2,pos], ",",dataset$fuzzySets[values,3,pos], ")", sep = " ", collapse = " OR ")
          #Join to the return string
          string[count] <- paste("Variable", variableName, valueNames,  sep = " ")
          count <- count+1
        pos <- pos + 1
        before <- i + 1 # This is the first position of a value that belongs to the next variable to process
      #join all string values:
      string <- paste(string, collapse = " AND ")
      #Add the target variable to the final string
      string <- paste("IF", string, "THEN", class, sep = " ")


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SDEFSR documentation built on April 30, 2021, 9:10 a.m.