fitBLUP <- function(y, X = NULL, Z = NULL, K = NULL, trn = NULL,
EVD = NULL, varU = NULL, varE = NULL,
ID_geno = NULL, ID_trait = NULL, intercept = TRUE,
BLUP = TRUE, method = c("REML","ML"),
interval = c(1E-9,1E9), tol = 1E-8, maxiter = 1000,
n.regions = 10, verbose = TRUE)
method <- match.arg(method)
dmin <- .Machine$double.eps*10
flagEigen <- as.logical(!is.null(EVD))
# y=yNA[,]; X=X0; EVD=NULL; method="REML"; BLUP=TRUE; interval=c(1E-9,1E9)
if(length(dim(y)) == 2){
y <- as.matrix(y)
if(is.null(ID_geno) & is.null(ID_trait)){
ID_geno <- as.vector(row(y))
ID_trait <- as.vector(col(y))
y <- as.vector(y)
trn <- which(!
if(any( & verbose){
message("The training set was composed of the non-NA entries in the response 'y'")
n <- length(y) # Number of total observations
tmp <- set_G(n=n, Z=Z, K=K, ID_geno=ID_geno)
ID_geno <- tmp$ID_geno
G <- tmp$G
trn <- set_trn_tst(n=n, trn=trn)$trn
# Obtaining ID_trait and trait_names
tmp <- set_traits(n=n, ID_trait=ID_trait)
ID_trait <- tmp$ID_trait
trait_names <- tmp$trait_names
ntraits <- length(table(ID_trait))
if(is.null(G) & (ntraits>1L) &!flagEigen){
stop("'Z' and 'K' cannot be both NULL when passing multiple traits")
ni <- unlist(lapply(seq(ntraits),function(j)sum(ID_trait==j)))
stopifnot(all(c("values", "vectors") %in% names(EVD)))
if(!setequal(seq(n),trn) | !all(ni==nrow(EVD$vectors))){
tmp <- ifelse(ntraits==1,""," within-trait")
stop("An EVD corresponding to full data (n = ",ni[1],tmp,") should be provided")
ID_geno <- rep(NA, n)
for(j in seq(ntraits)){
ID_geno[ID_trait==j] <- seq(nrow(EVD$vectors))
G <- K <- Z <- NULL
stopifnot(length(ID_geno) == length(ID_trait))
trn_des <- get_trn_design(trn=trn, ID_geno=ID_geno, ID_trait=ID_trait)
# Track if the training set is the same across all response variables.
# If not, EVD is performed for each group with common trn set
uniqueTRN <- as.logical(length(trn_des)==1L)
if((ntraits > 1L) & !uniqueTRN & !flagEigen){
message(length(trn_des)," different training sets were found for the response variable.")
message("Eigenvalue decomposition is applied to each common training set")
BLUE <- ifelse(is.null(X) & !intercept, FALSE, TRUE)
if(!BLUE & verbose){
message("No intercept is estimated. Response is assumed to have mean zero")
n0 <- ifelse(flagEigen,ni[1],ifelse(is.null(G),n,nrow(G)))
X <- set_X(n=n0, X=X)
# If varE and varU are provided
if(!is.null(varU) & !is.null(varE)){
stopifnot(length(varU) == length(varE))
ratio <- varU/varE
ratio <- rep(ratio, ntraits)
if(length(ratio) != ntraits){
stop("'varU' and 'varE' should be vectors of length ",ntraits)
ratio <- NULL
stopifnot(n.regions > 0)
isREML <- as.logical(method=="REML")
bounds <- exp(seq(log(interval[1]), log(interval[2]), length=n.regions+1))
yHat <- u <- rep(0, n)
out <- vector("list", ntraits)
conty <- 0
# Perform the analysis for all traits
if((ntraits>1L) & verbose){
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style=3)
for(tr in 1:length(trn_des))
trn_des0 <- trn_des[[tr]]
ID_genoi <- trn_des0$ID_geno
nTRN <- length(ID_genoi)
if(is.null(Z) & is.null(K)){
# EVD of a diagonal matrix
EVD <- list(values=rep(1, nTRN), vectors=matrix(0, ncol=nTRN, nrow=nTRN))
for(i in 1:nTRN){
EVD$vectors[i,nTRN-i+1] <- 1
EVD <- eigen(G[ID_genoi,ID_genoi], symmetric=TRUE)
#cat("sum(d) = ",sum(EVD$values),"\n")
nPC <- sum(EVD$values>dmin)
X0 <- X[ID_genoi, ,drop=FALSE]
UtX <- crossprod(EVD$vectors,X0)
traits <- trn_des0$traits # traits with a common trn set
for(k in seq_along(traits))
trait <- traits[k]
index_trait <- which(ID_trait == trait)
ID_geno1 <- ID_geno[index_trait] # genotypes for the k trait
n0 <- trn_des0$n[k]
index0 <- trn_des0$index[,k] # positions of ID_genoi in that trn
trn0 <- trn_des0$trn[,k][index0]
ytrn <- as.vector(y[trn0])
ratio0 <- NULL
ratio0 <- ratio[trait]
Uty <- drop(crossprod(EVD$vectors,ytrn))
#cat("sum(Uty) = ",sum(Uty),"\n")
res <- .Call('R_solve_mixed', n0, nTRN, nPC, ratio0, Uty, UtX,
EVD$values, bounds, tol, maxiter, isREML, BLUE)
if(length(res) == 1){
if(res == 5){
stop("Design matrix 'X' is not full rank")
yHat[index_trait] <- as.vector(X[ID_geno1,,drop=FALSE]%*%res$b)
names(res$b) <- colnames(X)
ystar <- ytrn - yHat[trn0]
# Matrix B = KZ'Hinv = U diag{ratio*d/(ratio*d+1)} U'
dd <- res$ratio*EVD$values/(res$ratio*EVD$values + 1)
B <- tcrossprod(sweep(EVD$vectors[,1:nPC],2L,sqrt(dd[1:nPC]),FUN="*"))
g0 <- as.vector(B%*%ystar)
# Hinv = U diag{1/(theta+d)} U' = U diag{ratio/(ratio*d+1)} U' = UDU'
dd <- res$ratio/rep(1,length(EVD$values))
dd[1:nPC] <- res$ratio/(res$ratio*EVD$values[1:nPC] + 1)
H <- tcrossprod(sweep(EVD$vectors,2L,sqrt(dd),FUN="*"))
tmp <- as.vector(H%*%ystar)
if(is.null(Z) & is.null(K)){
g0 <- rep(0,n0)
g0[ID_genoi] <- tmp
if(is.null(Z)){ # Z=NULL, K=K: u = K[,trn]*Hinv*(y-Xb)
g0 <- drop(crossprod(K[ID_genoi,],tmp))
if(is.null(K)){ # Z=Z, K=NULL: u = Z[trn,]'Hinv*(y-Xb)
g0 <- drop(crossprod(Z[ID_genoi,],tmp))
}else{ # u = KZ[trn,]'Hinv*(y-Xb)
g0 <- tcrossprod(K,Z[ID_genoi,])%*%tmp
u[index_trait] <- g0[ID_geno1]
u[index_trait] <- drop(Z[ID_geno1,,drop=FALSE]%*%g0)
yHat[index_trait] <- yHat[index_trait] + u[index_trait]
g0 <- NULL
res$g <- g0
res$convergence <- as.logical(res$convergence>0)
res$trait <- trait
out[[trait]] <- res
conty <- conty + 1
if((ntraits>1L) & verbose){
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, conty/ntraits)
if((ntraits>1L) & verbose){
# Checkpoint
if(any(seq(ntraits) != unlist(lapply(out,function(x) x$trait)) )){
stop("Some sub-processes failed. Something went wrong during the analysis")
status <- unlist(lapply(out, function(x)x$status))
status <- status[!]
if(any(status > 0)){
for(k in 1:4){
index <- which(status==k)
msg <- switch(k,
'1'=paste0("The log Likelihood function is horizontal. No search for ratio varU/varE\n",
" was performed and was set to varU/varE=",interval[1]),
'2'=paste0("Algorithm to find ratio varU/varE did not converge after ",
maxiter," iterations.\n Results are doubtful"),
'3'=paste0("Ratio varU/varE is around the lower bound ",interval[1],
"\n Results might be doubtful"),
'4'=paste0("Ratio varU/varE is around the upper bound ",interval[2],
"\n Results might be doubtful"))
if(ntraits > 1L){
tmp <- ifelse(length(index)<=15, paste(index,collapse=","),
msg <- paste(msg, "for",length(index),"trait(s):",tmp)
out <- list(varU=unlist(lapply(out,function(x)x$varU)),
yHat=yHat, u=u, ID_geno=ID_geno, ID_trait=ID_trait,
if(ntraits == 1L){
out$b <- drop(out$b)
out$g <- as.vector(out$g)
names(out$varU) <- names(out$varE) <- names(out$h2) <- trait_names
colnames(out$b) <- trait_names
colnames(out$g) <- trait_names
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