Defines functions fitBLUP

Documented in fitBLUP

fitBLUP <- function(y, X = NULL, Z = NULL, K = NULL, U = NULL,
                    d = NULL, varU = NULL, varE = NULL,
                    intercept = TRUE, BLUP = TRUE,
                    method = c("REML","ML"), interval = c(1E-9,1E9),
                    tol = 1E-8, maxiter = 1000, n.regions = 10,
                    verbose = TRUE)
  method <- match.arg(method)
  dmin <- .Machine$double.eps
  ratio <- NULL
  # y=yNA[,]; X=X0; K=G0; method="REML"; BLUP=FALSE

  if(length(dim(y)) == 2L){
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    y <- matrix(y, ncol=1L)

  n <- nrow(y) # Number of total observations
  q <- ncol(y)
  trn_list <- get_common_trn(y)

  # Track if the training set is the same across all response variables.
  # If not, SVD is performed for each group with common trn set
  commonTRN <- (length(trn_list)==1L)

  if((q > 1L) & !commonTRN){
      message(" ",length(trn_list)," different training sets were found for the response variable.")
      message(" Eigenvalue decomposition is applied to each common training set")

  BLUE <- ifelse(is.null(X) & !intercept, FALSE, TRUE)
  if(verbose & !BLUE){
    message(" No intercept is estimated. Response is assumed to have mean zero")
  X <- setX(n=n, X=X)
  p <- ncol(X)

  isEigen <- FALSE
  if(is.null(U) | is.null(d))
    G <- setK(n=n, Z=Z, K=K)

    isEigen <- TRUE
    G <- K <- Z <- NULL
    stopifnot(ncol(U) == length(d))
    tmp <- unlist(lapply(trn_list,function(x)length(x$trn)))
    if(any(tmp != n)){
       stop("No 'NA' values are allowed when parameters 'U' and 'd' are provided")
    EVD <- list(values=d, vectors=U)

  # If varE and varU are provided
  if(is.null(ratio) & !is.null(varU) & !is.null(varE)){
    stopifnot(length(varU) == length(varE))
    ratio <- varU/varE
       ratio <- rep(ratio, q)
      if(length(ratio) != q){
        stop("Length of 'varU' and 'varE' must be equal to the number of columns of 'y'")

  stopifnot(n.regions > 0)
  isREML <- (method=="REML")

  bounds <- exp(seq(log(interval[1]), log(interval[2]), length=n.regions+1))

  out <- vector("list", q)
  conty <- 0

  # Perform the analysis for all traits
  if(verbose & q>1L){
    pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style=3)
  for(tr in 1:length(trn_list))
    trn <- trn_list[[tr]]$trn
    nTRN <- length(trn)

      if(is.null(Z) & is.null(K)){
        # EVD of a diagonal matrix
        EVD <- list(values=rep(1, nTRN), vectors=matrix(0, ncol=nTRN, nrow=nTRN))
        for(i in 1:nTRN){
          EVD$vectors[i,nTRN-i+1] <- 1

        EVD <- eigen(G[trn,trn], symmetric=TRUE)

    iy <- trn_list[[tr]]$iy  # columns of y with a common trn set

    for(k in seq_along(iy))
      ind <- iy[k]
      conty <- conty + 1
      ytrn <- as.vector(y[trn, ind])
      ratio0 <- NULL
      if(!is.null(ratio)) ratio0 <- ratio[ind]

      res <- .Call('R_solve_mixed', n, ratio0, trn-1, ytrn, X, Z, K,
                    EVD$vectors, EVD$values, bounds, tol, maxiter,
                    dmin, isREML, isEigen, BLUE, BLUP)

      bHat0 <- res[[10]]
        names(bHat0) <- colnames(X)
      if(verbose & q>1L){
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, conty/q)

      out[[ind]] <- list(ind=ind, solution=res[[1]], status=res[[4]],
                         convergence=(res[[5]]>0), nDsmall=res[[6]],
                         varU=res[[7]], varE=res[[8]], h2=res[[9]],
                         bHat=bHat0, yHat=res[[11]], uHat=res[[12]])

  if(verbose & q>1L) {

  # Checkpoint
  if(any(seq(q) != unlist(lapply(out,function(x) x$ind)) )){
      stop("Some sub-processes failed. Something went wrong during the analysis")

    nDsmall <- unlist(lapply(out,function(x)x$nDsmall))
    tmp <- ifelse(any(nDsmall>0),ifelse(sum(nDsmall>0)==1,nDsmall[nDsmall>0],
    if(any(nDsmall>0) | !is.na(tmp)){
      message(ifelse(max(commonTRN),nDsmall,tmp)," eigenvalue(s) are very small.",
              " The corresponding eigenvector(s) were ignored")

    status <- unlist(lapply(out, function(x)x$status))
    status <- status[!is.na(status)]
    if(any(status > 0)){
      for(k in 1:4){
        index <- which(status==k)
          msg <- switch(k,
            '1'=paste0("The log Likelihood function is horizontal. No search for ratio varU/varE\n",
                     " was performed and was set to varU/varE=",interval[1]),
            '2'=paste0("Algorithm to find ratio varU/varE did not converge after ",
                     maxiter," iterations.\n Results are doubtful"),
            '3'=paste0("Ratio varU/varE is around the lower bound ",interval[1],
                     "\n Results might be doubtful"),
            '4'=paste0("Ratio varU/varE is around the upper bound ",interval[2],
                     "\n Results might be doubtful"))
          if(q > 1L){
            tmp <- ifelse(length(index)<=15, paste(index,collapse=","),
            msg <- paste(msg, "for",length(index),"trait(s):",tmp)

  out <- list(varE=unlist(lapply(out,function(x)x$varE)),

  if(q == 1L){
    out$b <- drop(out$b)
    out$u <- as.vector(out$u)
    out$yHat <- as.vector(out$yHat)


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