
Defines functions plot.SSI summary.SSI fitted.SSI coef.SSI fitted.LASSO coef.LASSO

Documented in coef.LASSO coef.SSI fitted.LASSO fitted.SSI plot.SSI summary.SSI

coef.LASSO <- function(object, ...)
  args0 <- list(...)

  iy <- ilambda <- nsup <-  NULL
  if(length(dim(object$nsup)) == 2L){
    nsup0 <- colMeans(object$nsup)
    nlambda <- unique(unlist(lapply(object$nsup,length)))
      if(object$q == 1L){
        nsup0 <- object$nsup
        nsup0 <- colMeans(do.call(rbind, object$nsup))
    }else{ # This is the case of a LAR-LASSO
      nsup0 <- object$nsup

  if("iy" %in% names(args0)){
    iy <- args0$iy
    iy <- seq(object$q)
  if( any(!iy %in% seq(object$q)) ){
    stop("All elements in 'iy' must be between 1 and ",object$q)

  if("ilambda" %in% names(args0)){
      message(" Only the first element of 'ilambda' is considered")
    ilambda <- rep(args0$ilambda[1],length(iy))
    if( ilambda[1] < 1L | ilambda[1] > min(object$nlambda) ){
      stop("Parameter 'ilambda' must be between 1 and ",min(object$nlambda))

  if("nsup" %in% names(args0)){
        message(" Only the first element of 'nsup' is considered")
      nsup <- args0$nsup[1]
      if( nsup < 1L | nsup > object$p ){
        stop("Parameter 'nsup' must be between 1 and ", object$p)
      if(is.list(nsup0)){ # LAR-LASSO case
        ilambda <- lapply(nsup0,function(x)which.min(abs(x-nsup)))
        message(" A different column was selected for each 'iy' for the case of a LAR-LASSO")
        ilambda <- rep(which.min(abs(nsup0-nsup)),length(iy))
      message(" Parameter 'nsup' is ignored when 'ilambda' is provided")

  #message("'nsup' is NULL: ",is.null(nsup))
  #message("'ilambda' is NULL: ",is.null(ilambda))
  #message("'ilambda' length: ",length(ilambda))
  #message("ilambda=: ",ilambda)

      stop("No regression coefficients were found for the input object")
    if(object$q == 1L){
      BETA <- object$beta
        BETA <- BETA[,ilambda, drop=FALSE]
      BETA <- object$beta[iy]
        BETA <- lapply(1:length(BETA), function(k) BETA[[k]][,ilambda[k], drop=FALSE])

    BETA <- vector("list",length(iy))
    for(k in 1:length(iy)){
      tmp <- paste0("i_",object$fileID[iy[k]],".bin")
      indexcol <- NULL
        indexcol <- ilambda[k]
      BETA[[k]] <- readBinary(gsub("i_\\*.bin$",tmp,object$file_beta),
                              cols=indexcol, verbose=FALSE)

    if(length(BETA) == 1L){
      BETA <- BETA[[1]]
        BETA <- t(do.call(cbind,BETA))


fitted.LASSO <- function(object, ...)
  args0 <- list(...)
  if(length(args0) == 0L){
    stop("A matrix of predictors must be provided")
    if('X' %in% names(args0)){
      X <- args0$X
      if(length(args0) > 1L){
        message(" Only the second argument is considered as the matrix of predictors")
      X <- args0[[1]]
    if(length(dim(X)) == 2L){
      X <- as.matrix(X)
      X <- matrix(X, nrow=1L)

    yHat <- lapply(seq(object$q),function(i){
      tmp <- X%*%coef.LASSO(object, iy=i)
      colnames(tmp) <- paste0("yHat",1:ncol(tmp))
    if(nrow(X)==1L | object$q==1L){
      yHat <- do.call(rbind, yHat)


coef.SSI <- function(object, ...){
  coef.LASSO(object, ...)

fitted.SSI <- function(object, ...)
  args0 <- list(...)
  if(!inherits(object, "SSI")){
     stop("The input object is not of the class 'SSI'")
  if("CV" %in% names(object)){
     stop("'fitted' method cannot be applied after cross-validation")

  if(length(args0) == 0L){
    yHat <- object$yHat

    if('y' %in% names(args0)){
      y0 <- as.vector(args0$y)
        message(" Only the second argument is considered as the response matrix")
      y0 <- as.vector(args0[[1]])

    if(length(y0) != (object$n * object$ntraits)){
      stop("Length of the response matrix must be equal to length(object$y)")
      stop("All entries in y[trn] must be non-NA")

      yTRN <- as.vector(y0[object$trn])
      yTRN <- as.vector(y0[object$trn] - object$Xb[object$trn])

    u <- fitted.LASSO(object, yTRN)
    dimnames(u) <- list(object$tst, paste0("SSI.",1:ncol(u)))

      yHat <- u[]
      yHat <- sweep(u, 1L, object$Xb[object$tst], FUN="+")


summary.SSI <- function(object, ...)
  args0 <- list(...)

  if(!inherits(object, "SSI")){
    stop("The input object is not of the class 'SSI'")

  map <- map_trn <- map_tst <- nsup_trait <- NULL

  nTST <- length(object$tst)
  nTRN <- length(object$trn)

  flag_accuracy <- TRUE
  if(length(object$CV) > 0L)
    nfolds <- object$nfolds
    nCV <- object$nCV

    # Average across all folds
    nsup <- lapply(object$CV,function(x)Reduce("+",x$nsup)/nfolds)
    lambda <- lapply(object$CV,function(x)Reduce("+",x$lambda)/nfolds)
    accuracy <- lapply(object$CV,function(x)Reduce("+",x$accuracy)/nfolds)
    MSE <- lapply(object$CV,function(x)Reduce("+",x$MSE)/nfolds)

    # Average across all CV repetitions
    nsup <- Reduce("+",nsup)/nCV
    lambda <- Reduce("+",lambda)/nCV
    accuracy <- Reduce("+",accuracy)/nCV
    MSE <- Reduce("+",MSE)/nCV

    if(object$ntraits > 1L){
      names_nsup <- paste0("nsup_",1:object$ntraits)
      nsup_trait <- lapply(object$CV,function(x){
      nsup_trait <- Reduce("+",nsup_trait)/nCV
      tmp <- object$CV[[1]]$nsup_trait[[1]][,c("SSI","trait")]
      nsup_trait <- data.frame(tmp, nsup_trait)

      map <- map_set(object$n, object$ntraits, x=object$trn, y=NULL,
                   xlab="trn", ylab="tst")
      map_trn <- map[object$trn,]

      tt <- factor(as.character(map_trn$j), levels=seq(object$ntraits))
      nTRN <- c("Across"=nTRN, table(tt))

    if(length(args0) == 0L){
      y <- object$y
      yHat <- object$yHat # Should be equal to fitted.SSI(object)

      if('y' %in% names(args0)){
        y <- args0$y
          message(" Only the second argument is considered as the response matrix")
        y <- args0[[1]]
      yHat <- fitted.SSI(object, y)
    if(length(dim(y)) == 2L){
      stopifnot(nrow(y) == object$n)
      stopifnot(ncol(y) == object$ntraits)
      if(object$ntraits > 1L){
        stop("Response matrix 'y' should contain ",object$n," rows and ",object$ntraits," columns")
    y0 <- as.vector(y)

    if(sum(is.na(y0[object$tst])) > 0L){
       message(" Some testing entries in the response matrix 'y' are NA.\n",
               " Provide a full 'y' matrix to compute accuracy in testing data")
       flag_accuracy <- FALSE

    yTST <- y0[object$tst]
    tmp <- list(colnames(yHat), "Across")
    nsup <- matrix(colMeans(object$nsup),ncol=1,dimnames=tmp)
    lambda <- matrix(colMeans(object$lambda),ncol=1,dimnames=tmp)
    accuracy <- matrix(suppressWarnings(stats::cor(yHat,yTST)),ncol=1,dimnames=tmp)
    MSE <- matrix(suppressWarnings(apply(sweep(yHat,1L,yTST,FUN="-")^2,2,mean)),

    nsup1 <- lambda1 <- accuracy1 <- MSE1 <- NULL
    if(object$ntraits > 1L){  # Calculate MSE and accuracy within response variable
      map <- map_set(object$n, object$ntraits, x=object$trn, y=object$tst,
                     xlab="trn", ylab="tst")
      map_trn <- map[object$trn,]
      map_tst <- map[object$tst,]

      nsup1 <- lambda1 <- accuracy1 <- MSE1 <- matrix(NA,
      colnames(nsup1) <- colnames(lambda1) <- seq(object$ntraits)
      colnames(accuracy1) <- colnames(MSE1) <- seq(object$ntraits)

      for(j in 1:object$ntraits){
        index <- which(map_tst$j == j)
        map0 <- map_tst[index,]
        nsup1[,j] <- colMeans(object$nsup[index,,drop=F])
        lambda1[,j] <- colMeans(object$lambda[index,,drop=F])

        yHat0 <- yHat[map0$index_set,,drop=F]
        accuracy1[,j] <- drop(suppressWarnings(stats::cor(yHat0,y0[map0$index])))
        MSE1[,j] <- suppressWarnings(apply(sweep(yHat0,1L,y0[map0$index],FUN="-")^2,2,mean))

      # Get nsup_trait: nsup for each trait in tst corresponding to each trait in trn
      nsup_trait <- get_summary_nsup(object, map=map)

      nsup <- cbind(nsup, nsup1)
      lambda <- cbind(lambda, lambda1)
      accuracy <- cbind(accuracy, accuracy1)
      MSE <- cbind(MSE, MSE1)

      tt <- factor(as.character(map_trn$j), levels=seq(object$ntraits))
      nTRN <- c("Across"=nTRN, table(tt))
      tt <- factor(as.character(map_tst$j), levels=seq(object$ntraits))
      nTST <- c("Across"=nTST, table(tt))

  index <- which(colnames(accuracy)=="Across")
  out <- data.frame(accuracy=accuracy[,index], MSE=MSE[,index],
                    nsup=nsup[,index], lambda=lambda[,index])

  # Detect maximum accuracy
  index <- which.max(out$accuracy)
  if(length(index) == 0L){
    optCOR <- out[1, ,drop=FALSE]
    if(nrow(out)>1) optCOR[1,] <- NA
    optCOR <- out[index, ,drop=FALSE]

  # Detect minimum MSE
  index <- which.min(out$MSE)
    optMSE <- out[1, ,drop=FALSE]
    if(nrow(out)>1) optMSE[1,] <- NA
    optMSE <- out[index, ,drop=FALSE]

  optMSE <- as.matrix(optMSE)[1,]
  optCOR <- as.matrix(optCOR)[1,]

  out <- list(accuracy=accuracy, MSE=MSE, nsup=nsup, lambda=lambda)
  if(object$ntraits > 1L){
    out$nsup_trait <- nsup_trait

    out$accuracy <- NULL
    out$MSE <- NULL

  tmp <- list(n=object$n, q=object$q,
              nTST=list(nTST), nTRN=list(nTRN),

  return(do.call(c, tmp))

# x.stat="nsup"; y.stat="accuracy"; nbreaks.x=7
plot.SSI <- function(..., x.stat = c("nsup","lambda"),
                     y.stat = c("accuracy","MSE"),
                     nbreaks.x = 7)
    x <- y <- name <- obj <- lambda <- NULL

    args0 <- list(...)
    x.stat <- match.arg(x.stat)
    y.stat <- match.arg(y.stat)

    #if(!inherits(x, "SSI")){
    #  stop("Input 'x' is not of the class 'SSI'")
    object <- list()
    #  if(inherits(y, "SSI")) object[[length(object)+1]] <- y
    if(length(args0) > 0L){
      for(i in 1:length(args0)){
        if(inherits(args0[[i]], "SSI")) object[[length(object)+1]] <- args0[[i]]
    if(length(object) == 0L){
       stop("No input object of the class 'SSI' was provided")

    xlab <- ifelse(x.stat=="nsup","Support set size",expression(paste("-log(",lambda,")")))
    ylab <- capitalize(y.stat)
    lwd <- ifelse("lwd" %in% names(args0), args0$lwd, 0.65)
    if("xlab" %in% names(args0)) xlab <- args0$xlab
    if("ylab" %in% names(args0)) ylab <- args0$ylab

    # Treat repeated fm$name
    objectNames <- unlist(lapply(1:length(object),function(k) object[[k]]$name))
    index <- table(objectNames)[table(objectNames)>1L]
    if(length(index) > 0L){
      for(i in seq_along(index)){
        tmp <- which(objectNames == names(index[i]))
        for(j in seq_along(tmp)) objectNames[[tmp[j]]] <- paste0(objectNames[[tmp[j]]],"-",j)

    nTRN <- unlist(lapply(object,function(x)length(x$trn)))
    nTST <- unlist(lapply(object,function(x)length(x$tst)))
    isCV <- unlist(lapply(object,function(x)length(x$CV)>0))
    isTRN_TST <- unlist(lapply(object,function(x){
     ifelse(length(x$trn)==length(x$tst), all(x$trn==x$tst), FALSE)

       stop("Training set size is not same across all 'SSI' class objects")
       stop("Testing set size is not same across all 'SSI' class objects")
       stop("All 'SSI' class objects must be of the same type:\n",
            "  either a trn-tst prediction or a cross-validation")
    isCV <- isCV[1]

      main <- bquote("SSI CV ("*n[trn]==.(nTRN[1])*")")
        main <- bquote("SSI ("*n[trn]==.(nTST[1])*")")
        main <- bquote("SSI ("*n[tst]==.(nTST[1])*")")
    if("main" %in% names(args0)) main <- args0$main

    theme0 <- theme(
      panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
      panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
      plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
      legend.background = element_rect(fill="gray95"),
      legend.box.spacing = unit(0.4, "lines"),
      legend.key.size = unit(0.85, "lines"),
      legend.text = element_text(size=8),
      legend.justification = c(1,ifelse(tolower(y.stat)=="mse",1,0)),
      legend.title = element_blank(),
      legend.margin = margin(t=-0.2,r=0.2,b=0.2,l=0.2,unit='line'),
      strip.text.x = element_text(size=8.5, margin=margin(t=1.5,b=1.5))

    eps <- .Machine$double.eps
    dat <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=9))
    nlambda <- ntraits <- rep(NA, length(object))
    for(k in 1:length(object))
      fm0 <- object[[k]]
      ntraits[k] <- fm0$ntraits
      nlambda[k] <- fm0$nlambda
      ss <- summary.SSI(fm0)

      if(nlambda[k] > 1L & !is.null(ss$accuracy) & !is.null(ss$MSE))
        tt <- reshape2::melt(ss$lambda)
        colnames(tt) <- c("SSI","trait","lambda")
        tt$x <- -log(tt$lambda)
        tmp <- ss[[which(tolower(names(ss)) == tolower(y.stat))]]
        tt$y <- reshape2::melt(tmp)$value
        tt$nsup <- reshape2::melt(ss$nsup)$value
        tt <- tt[as.character(tt$trait) == "Across",]

        if(any(tt$lambda < eps)){
          tmp <- tt$lambda[tt$lambda >= eps]
          tt[tt$lambda < eps,'lambda'] <- ifelse(length(tmp)>0,min(tmp)/10,1E-6)

          tt$n0 <- ss$nTRN[as.character(tt$trait)]
          tt$n0 <- ss$nTST[as.character(tt$trait)]

        tt <- data.frame(object=k,name=objectNames[k],tt,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
        dat <- rbind(dat,tt)

    dat$name <- factor(as.character(dat$name))

    if(any(nlambda == 1L)){
      message(" Object(s) ",paste(which(nlambda==1L),collapse=",")," contain a single SSI point.",
              " They are excluded from the plot")

    if(nrow(dat) == 0){
       stop("The plot can not be generated with the provided data")

    dat <- dat[!is.na(dat$y),]   # Remove NA values
    dat$trait <- factor(as.character(dat$trait))

    if("ylim" %in% names(args0)){
       ylim <- args0$ylim
       ylim <- c(NA, NA)

    breaksx <- labelsx <- NULL
      if("xlim" %in% names(args0)){
         xlim <- args0$xlim
         xlim <- c(1,max(dat$nsup, na.rm=TRUE))

      index <- dat$nsup >= xlim[1] & dat$nsup <= xlim[2]
      dat <- dat[index,]

      # Labels and breaks for the nsup axis
      breaks0 <- get_breaks(x=dat$x, y=dat$nsup, nbreaks.x=nbreaks.x, ymin=xlim[1])
      breaksx <- breaks0$breaks.x
      labelsx <- breaks0$breaks.y

      if("xlim" %in% names(args0)){
        xlim <- args0$xlim
        tmp <- dat[dat$nsup>=1,]
        tmp <- tmp[abs(tmp$nsup-min(tmp$nsup))<1E-8,,drop=F]
        xlim <- c(mean(tmp$x, na.rm=T), max(dat$x))

      dat <- dat[dat$x >= xlim[1] & dat$x <= xlim[2],]

    dat2 <- do.call(rbind,lapply(split(dat, paste(dat$trait,dat$object)),function(x){

    pp <- ggplot(dat, aes(x,y,group=object,color=name)) +
          geom_line(size=lwd) +
          labs(title=main, x=xlab, y=ylab) +
          theme_bw() + theme0 +
          geom_vline(data=dat2, aes(xintercept=x),
                      size=0.5,linetype="dotted",color="gray50") +

       pp <- pp + scale_x_continuous(breaks=breaksx, labels=round(labelsx))
       pp <- pp +
        scale_x_continuous(breaks=scales::extended_breaks(n=nbreaks.x), limits=xlim)


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