
Defines functions solveEN

Documented in solveEN

solveEN <- function(Sigma, Gamma, alpha = 1, lambda = NULL, nlambda = 100,
                    lambda.min = .Machine$double.eps^0.5, lambda.max = NULL,
                    common.lambda = TRUE, beta0 = NULL, nsup.max = NULL,
                    scale = TRUE, sdx = NULL, tol = 1E-5, maxiter = 1000,
                    mc.cores = 1L, save.at = NULL, fileID = NULL,
                    precision.format = c("double","single"), sparse = FALSE,
                    eps = .Machine$double.eps*100, verbose = FALSE)
    precision.format <- match.arg(precision.format)
    alpha <- as.numeric(alpha)
    scale <- as.logical(scale)
    tol <- as.numeric(tol)
    maxiter <- as.integer(maxiter)

    if(length(dim(Gamma)) == 2L){
      Gamma <- as.matrix(Gamma)
      Gamma <- matrix(Gamma, ncol=1L)
    p <- nrow(Gamma)
    q <- ncol(Gamma)

    if((sum(dim(Sigma))/2)^2 != p^2){
      stop("'Sigma' must be a p x p matrix where p = nrow(Gamma)")

    if(alpha<0 | alpha>1){ stop("Parameter 'alpha' must be a number between 0 and 1")}
    if(tol < .Machine$double.eps){
      stop("Input 'tol' must be > 0")
    nsup.max <- ifelse(is.null(nsup.max), p, as.integer(nsup.max))

    scaleb <- TRUE
      sdx <-  sqrt(diag(Sigma))
      cov2cor2(Sigma, inplace=TRUE)     # Equal to Sigma=cov2cor(Sigma) but faster
      Gamma <- sweep(Gamma, 1L, sdx, FUN="/")
        scaleb <- FALSE
        if(length(sdx) != p){
          stop("'sdx' must be a numeric vector with length(sdx) = ",p)

    # Get lambda grid. Diagonal values in Sigma are assumed to be zero
    lambda <- set_lambda(Gamma, alpha=alpha, lambda=lambda, nlambda=nlambda,
                         lambda.min=lambda.min, lambda.max=lambda.max,
                         common.lambda=common.lambda, verbose=FALSE)
    nlambda <- nrow(lambda)

      stop("'beta0' must be a numeric vector with length(beta0) = ",p)

    flagsave <- as.logical(!is.null(save.at))
    verbose2 <- as.logical((q==1L) & verbose)
    mc.cores <- ifelse((q==1L) & (mc.cores>1L), 1L, mc.cores)
    doubleprecision <- as.logical(precision.format=="double")

    compApply <- function(task)
        lambda0 <- lambda[,task]
        lambda0 <- lambda[,1]

        filename <- paste0(file_beta,fileID[task],".bin")
        filename <- NULL

        res <- .Call('R_updatebeta_sparse', Sigma, Gamma[,task],
                    lambda0, alpha, beta0, tol, maxiter, nsup.max,
                    scaleb, sdx, eps, filename, doubleprecision, verbose2)
        res <- .Call('R_updatebeta', Sigma, Gamma[,task],
                    lambda0, alpha, beta0, tol, maxiter, nsup.max,
                    scaleb, sdx, filename, doubleprecision, verbose2)

      if((q>1L) & verbose){
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, nchar(scan(con,what="character",quiet=TRUE))/q)

      res$task <- task

    file_beta <- NULL
      file_beta <- normalizePath(paste0(save.at,"beta_i_"), mustWork=FALSE)

        dir.create(dirname(file_beta), recursive=TRUE)

        fileID <- seq(q)
        stopifnot(length(fileID) == q)

    # Run the analysis for 1:ncol(Gamma)
    if((q>1L) & verbose){
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style=3)
      con <- tempfile(tmpdir=tempdir())
    if(mc.cores == 1L){
      out <- lapply(X=seq(q), FUN=compApply)
      out <- parallel::mclapply(X=seq(q), FUN=compApply, mc.cores=mc.cores)
    if((q>1L) & verbose) {
      close(pb); unlink(con)

    # Checkpoint
    if(!all(seq(q) == unlist(lapply(out,function(x) x$task)))){
      stop("Some sub-processes failed. Something went wrong during the analysis")

    out <- list(p=p, q=q, alpha=alpha, nlambda=nlambda,
                lambda = lapply(out, function(x)x$lambda),
                nsup = lapply(out, function(x)x$nsup),
                niter = lapply(out, function(x)x$niter),
                error = lapply(out, function(x)x$error),
                beta = lapply(out, function(x)x$beta)

    if(q == 1L){
      out$nsup <- out$nsup[[1]]
      out$lambda <- out$lambda[[1]]
      out$niter <- out$niter[[1]]
      out$error <- out$error[[1]]
      out$beta <- as.matrix(out$beta[[1]])

      out$file_beta <- gsub("i_[0-9]+.bin$", "i_\\*.bin",
      out$fileID <- fileID
      out$beta <- NULL

    class(out) <- "LASSO"

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