#' @importFrom igraph V shortest_paths distances graph_from_adjacency_matrix clusters count_components get.shortest.paths
#' @importFrom lle lle
#' @importFrom alphahull ahull areaahull
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom graphics legend lines plot points segments
#' @importFrom stats dist rnorm var
adaptive_knn_graph = function(traj_dist, k)
adj_mat = matrix(0,nrow=nrow(traj_dist),ncol=ncol(traj_dist))
knn = t(apply(traj_dist,1,order))
for (i in 1:nrow(traj_dist))
adj_mat[i,knn[i,2:(k[i]+1)]] = traj_dist[i,knn[i,2:(k[i]+1)]]
return (adj_mat)
#' Helper function for k selection
#' @param k Nearest neighbors
#' @param traj_exp Cell expression matrix
#' @return Width of LLE embedding
#' @export
width_k = function(k,traj_exp)
n = nrow(traj_exp)
traj_lle = lle(traj_exp,m=2,k=k)$Y
traj_graph = conn_knn_graph(traj_lle,k)
dists = distances(traj_graph)
len = max(dists)
alpha = len/10
alpha_hull = ahull(traj_lle,alpha=alpha)
#' Select the number of nearest neighbors for LLE to use
#' \code{select_k} uses the alpha-hull to determine which value
#' of k yields an embedding that most resembles a trajectory.
#' @param exp_mat Matrix of expression levels
#' @param kmin Smallest value of k to try
#' @param kmax Largest value of k to try
#' @param by Increment
#' @return The optimal value of k
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' genes = select_genes(traj)
#' k = select_k(traj[,genes])
#' }
select_k = function(exp_mat,kmin=5,kmax=50,by=5)
min_k = kmin
min_width = Inf
w = Inf
for (k in seq(kmin,kmax,by))
w = width_k(k,exp_mat)
error = function(cond)
w = Inf
if (
w= Inf
if (w < min_width)
min_k = k
min_width = w
return (min_k)
dev_ij = function(i,j,traj_exp,adj_mat)
return(sum((traj_exp[i,j] - traj_exp[which(adj_mat[i,] > 0),j])^2))
selection_val = function(j,traj_exp,adj_mat)
n = nrow(traj_exp)
dev = sapply(1:n,dev_ij,j,traj_exp,adj_mat)
k = sum(adj_mat[1,] > 0)
return (var(traj_exp[,j])/(sum(dev)/(n*k-1)))
min_conn_k = function(traj_exp)
traj_dist = as.matrix(dist(traj_exp))
conn_comp = 2
k = 0
while (conn_comp > 1)
k = k + 1
adj_mat = adaptive_knn_graph(traj_dist,rep(k,nrow(traj_exp)))
traj_graph = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mat,mode="undirected",weighted=TRUE)
conn_comp = count_components(traj_graph)
return (k)
#' Identify clusters corresponding to putative cell types
#' \code{detect_cell_types} divides the k-nearest neighbor
#' graph (built from the LLE embedding) into connected
#' components. These connected components represent clusters of cells corresponding to putative cell types.
#' @param embedding Low-dimensional LLE embedding of cells
#' @param k Number of nearest neighbors to use when detecting clusters
#' @return Vector containing a numerical cluster assignment for each cell
#' @export
detect_cell_types = function(embedding,k)
traj_dist = as.matrix(dist(embedding))
adj_mat = adaptive_knn_graph(traj_dist,rep(k,nrow(embedding)))
traj_graph = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mat,mode="undirected",weighted=TRUE)
cluster_assignments = clusters(traj_graph)$membership
#' Construct a k-nearest neighbor graph that is fully connected
#' This function constructs a k-nearest neighbor graph using an
#' LLE embedding, then adds the minimum number of edges needed to
#' make the graph fully connected.
#' @param embedding Low-dimensional LLE embedding of cells
#' @param k Number of nearest neighbors
#' @return An igraph object corresponding to the k-NN graph
#' @export
#' @examples
#' genes=1:200
#' cells=sample(1:500,30)
#' k=10
#' traj_lle = lle::lle(traj[cells,genes],m=2,k)$Y
#' traj_graph = conn_knn_graph(traj_lle,5)
conn_knn_graph = function(embedding,k)
dup = which(duplicated(embedding))
for (i in dup)
embedding[i,] = embedding[i,]+rnorm(ncol(embedding),0,0.00001)
traj_dist = as.matrix(dist(embedding))
adj_mat = adaptive_knn_graph(traj_dist,rep(k,nrow(embedding)))
traj_graph = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mat,mode="undirected",weighted=TRUE)
conn_comp = count_components(traj_graph)
n = nrow(embedding)
while(conn_comp > 1)
cluster_assignments = clusters(traj_graph)$membership
min_dist = Inf
min_i = 0
min_j = 0
for (i in 2:n)
for (j in 1:(i-1))
if (cluster_assignments[i] != cluster_assignments[j])
if (traj_dist[i,j] < min_dist)
min_dist = traj_dist[i,j]
min_i = i
min_j = j
adj_mat[min_i,min_j] = min_dist
adj_mat[min_j,min_i] = min_dist
traj_graph = graph_from_adjacency_matrix(adj_mat,mode="undirected",weighted=TRUE)
conn_comp = count_components(traj_graph)
#' Select genes to use in building a cell trajectory
#' This function uses "neighborhood variance" to identify genes
#' that vary smoothly, rather than fluctuating randomly, across
#' the set of cells. Genes selected in this way can then be used
#' to construct a trajectory.
#' @param embedding Low-dimensional LLE embedding of cells
#' @return Vector containing indices of selected genes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' genes = select_genes(traj)
#' }
select_genes = function(embedding)
k = min_conn_k(embedding)
n = nrow(embedding)
m = ncol(embedding)
traj_dist = as.matrix(dist(embedding))
adj_mat = adaptive_knn_graph(traj_dist,rep(k,n))
sel_vals = sapply(1:m,selection_val,embedding,adj_mat)
genes = which(sel_vals > 1)
#' Determine the position of each cell within the trajectory
#' This function calculates the geodesic distance from the start
#' cell to each other cell. This value corresponds to the
#' distance a cell has migrated through the process described by
#' the cell trajectory.
#' @param traj_graph Nearest neighbor graph built from LLE embedding
#' @param start Index of starting cell
#' @return Vector of distances
#' @export
#' @examples
#' genes=1:200
#' cells=sample(1:500,30)
#' k=10
#' traj_lle = lle::lle(traj[cells,genes],m=2,k)$Y
#' traj_graph = conn_knn_graph(traj_lle,5)
#' start = 1
#' dists = process_distance(traj_graph,start)
process_distance = function(traj_graph,start)
geodesic_dists = distances(traj_graph,v=start)
#' Identify candidate start cells for the trajectory
#' Plots the embedding generated by LLE and highlights
#' potential starting cells for the trajectory. The candidates
#' are chosen based on the longest shortest path through the
#' nearest neighbor graph.
#' @param traj_graph Nearest neighbor graph built from LLE embedding
#' @param embedding Low-dimensional LLE embedding of cells
#' @return Indices of potential starting cells
#' @export
#' @examples
#' genes=1:200
#' cells=sample(1:500,30)
#' k=10
#' traj_lle = lle::lle(traj[cells,genes],m=2,k)$Y
#' traj_graph = conn_knn_graph(traj_lle,5)
#' find_extreme_cells(traj_graph,traj_lle)
find_extreme_cells = function(traj_graph,embedding)
dists = distances(traj_graph)
starts = unique(max.col(dists))
plot(embedding[,1],embedding[,2],pch=16,xlab="Manifold Dim 1",ylab="Manifold Dim 2")
#' Sort cells according to their progress through a process
#' Uses the values computed by \code{process_distance} to order cells.
#' @param traj_graph Nearest neighbor graph built from LLE embedding
#' @param start Index of starting cell
#' @return Sorted vector of cell indices
#' @export
#' @examples
#' genes=1:200
#' cells=sample(1:500,30)
#' data(traj)
#' k=10
#' traj_lle = lle::lle(traj[cells,genes],m=2,k)$Y
#' traj_graph = conn_knn_graph(traj_lle,5)
#' start=1
#' cells_ordered = cell_order(traj_graph,start)
cell_order = function(traj_graph,start)
geodesic_dists = distances(traj_graph,v=start)
cell_orders = order(geodesic_dists)
#' Plot trajectory colored by expression level of a gene
#' This function plots the embedding produced by LLE, coloring
#' cells by their expression levels of a gene of interest.
#' @param exp_mat Matrix of expression levels
#' @param embedding Low-dimensional LLE embedding of cells
#' @param samples Indices of cells to include in the plot
#' @param gene_ind Index of gene to use
#' @param cell_symbols Symbols to use for plotting each cell
#' @param title Plot title
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' graph_gene(traj,traj_lle,1:nrow(traj),1)
#' }
graph_gene = function(exp_mat,embedding,samples,gene_ind,cell_symbols=16,title="Gene Expression")
gene_exp = log(exp_mat[gene_ind,samples]+1)
col_scl <- (gene_exp - min(gene_exp, na.rm=T))/(max(gene_exp, na.rm=T) - min(gene_exp, na.rm=T))
plotclr <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "red", "yellow"),space="rgb")(50)
color_scl = round(col_scl*length(plotclr))
color_scl[color_scl == 0] = 1
plot(embedding[,1],embedding[,2],pch=cell_symbols,col=plotclr[color_scl],xlab="Manifold Dim 1",ylab="Manifold Dim 2",main=title,bg=plotclr[color_scl])
#legend("bottomleft",pch=c(23,16,15,17),legend=c("Embryonic Day 14.5","Embryonic Day 16.5","Embryonic Day 18.5","Postnatal Day 107"),"Black")
#' Plot trajectory colored by process distance
#' This function plots the embedding produced by LLE, coloring
#' cells by their progress through a process.
#' @param traj_graph Nearest neighbor graph built from LLE embedding
#' @param embedding Low-dimensional LLE embedding of cells
#' @param start Index of start cell
#' @param cell_symbols Symbols to use for plotting each cell
#' @return None
#' @export
#' @examples
#' genes=1:200
#' cells=sample(1:500,30)
#' k=10
#' traj_lle = lle::lle(traj[cells,genes],m=2,k)$Y
#' traj_graph = conn_knn_graph(traj_lle,5)
#' start=1
#' graph_process_distance(traj_graph,traj_lle,start)
graph_process_distance = function(traj_graph,embedding,start,cell_symbols=16)
geodesic_dists = process_distance(traj_graph,start)
col_scl <- (geodesic_dists - min(geodesic_dists, na.rm=T))/(max(geodesic_dists, na.rm=T) - min(geodesic_dists, na.rm=T))
plotclr <- colorRampPalette(c("black", "red", "yellow"),space="rgb")(50)
color_scl = round(col_scl*length(plotclr))
color_scl[color_scl == 0] = 1
plot(embedding[,1],embedding[,2],pch=cell_symbols,col=plotclr[color_scl],xlab="Manifold Dim 1",ylab="Manifold Dim 2")
for (i in 1:length(V(traj_graph)))
if (i == start){ i = i + 1 }
path = get.shortest.paths(traj_graph, start, i)[[1]]
path_inds = as.numeric(path[[1]])
start_inds = path_inds[1:length(path_inds)-1]
end_inds = path_inds[2:length(path_inds)]
#legend("bottomleft",pch=c(23,16,15,17),legend=c("Embryonic Day 14.5","Embryonic Day 16.5","Embryonic Day 18.5","Postnatal Day 107"),"Black")
#' Compute the geodesic entropy profile of a trajectory
#' The geodesic entropy of a trajectory can be used to detect
#' branches. This function computes geodesic entropy and
#' produces a plot that can be used to visually confirm
#' the branches detected by \code{assign_branches}.
#' @param traj_graph Nearest neighbor graph built from LLE embedding
#' @param start Index of start cell
#' @return Vector of geodesic entropy values. Item k is the
#' geodesic entropy k steps away from the start cell.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' traj_lle = lle(traj[,genes],m=2,k)$Y
#' traj_graph = conn_knn_graph(traj_lle,5)
#' start=1
#' compute_geodesic_entropy(traj_graph,start)
#' }
compute_geodesic_entropy = function(traj_graph,start)
smart_table = function(x,n)
tab = rep(0,n)
return (tab)
n = length(V(traj_graph))
paths = shortest_paths(traj_graph,from=start)
path_table = sapply(paths$vpath,smart_table,n)
path_counts = rowSums(path_table)
vertex_freqs = matrix(0,n,n)
for (i in 1:length(paths$vpath)){
for (j in 1:length(paths$vpath))
if (length(paths$vpath[[j]]) >= i){
vertex_freqs[i,paths$vpath[[j]][i]] = vertex_freqs[i,paths$vpath[[j]][i]] + 1
vertex_probs = vertex_freqs/rowSums(vertex_freqs)
entropy_i = function(vertex_probs,i)
return (-sum(vertex_probs[i,which(vertex_probs[i,] > 0)]*log2(vertex_probs[i,which(vertex_probs[i,] > 0)])))
max_path_length = max(sapply(paths$vpath,function(x) length(x)))
entropies = rep(Inf,max_path_length)
for(i in 1:max_path_length)
entropies[i] = entropy_i(vertex_probs,i)
plot(1:max_path_length,entropies,type="l",xlab="Steps from Start Cell",ylab="Geodesic Entropy")
return (entropies)
#' Detect branches in the trajectory and assign cells to branches
#' This function uses geodesic entropy to automatically determine
#' the number and location of branches in the trajectory.
#' Each cell is then assigned to the corresponding branch.
#' @param traj_graph Nearest neighbor graph built from LLE embedding
#' @param start Index of start cell
#' @param min_branch_len Minimum number of cells required to call a branch
#' @param cells List of indices indicating which cells to assign
#' to branches (used for recursive calls; not intended to be set
#' by users).
#' @return Vector of integers assigning each cell to a branch
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' traj_lle = lle::lle(traj[,genes],m=2,k)$Y
#' traj_graph = conn_knn_graph(traj_lle,5)
#' start=1
#' branches = assign_branches(traj_graph,start)
#' plot(traj_lle,pch=16,col=branches)
#' }
assign_branches = function(traj_graph,start,min_branch_len=10,cells=V(traj_graph))
smart_table = function(x,y,n)
tab = rep(0,n)
return (tab)
n = length(cells)
which_ind = rep(0,length(V(traj_graph)))
for (i in 1:n)
which_ind[cells[i]] = i
paths = shortest_paths(traj_graph,from=start,to=cells)
path_table = sapply(paths$vpath,smart_table,which_ind,n)
path_counts = rowSums(path_table)
vertex_freqs = matrix(0,n,n)
for (i in 1:length(paths$vpath)){
for (j in 1:length(paths$vpath))
if (length(paths$vpath[[j]]) >= i){
vertex_freqs[i,which_ind[paths$vpath[[j]][i]]] = vertex_freqs[i,which_ind[paths$vpath[[j]][i]]] + 1
vertex_probs = vertex_freqs/rowSums(vertex_freqs)
entropy_i = function(vertex_probs,i)
return (-sum(vertex_probs[i,which(vertex_probs[i,] > 0)]*log2(vertex_probs[i,which(vertex_probs[i,] > 0)])))
max_path_length = max(sapply(paths$vpath,function(x) length(x)))
entropies = rep(Inf,max_path_length)
for(i in 1:max_path_length)
entropies[i] = entropy_i(vertex_probs,i)
branch_point = (which(entropies>1)[1])-1
num_branches = round(2^(entropies[branch_point+1]))
crit_verts = order(vertex_probs[branch_point+1,],decreasing=TRUE)[1:num_branches]
for (i in crit_verts)
if (vertex_freqs[branch_point+1,i]<min_branch_len)
num_branches = num_branches-1
if (num_branches < 2)
return (rep(1,n))
assign_cell = function(x,branch_point,crit_verts)
if (length(x) <= branch_point)
return (1)
for (i in 1:length(crit_verts))
if (which_ind[x[branch_point+1]] == crit_verts[i])
return (i+1)
return (1)
branch_assignments = sapply(paths$vpath,assign_cell,branch_point,crit_verts)
while ((max(branch_assignments)-1) > num_branches)
min_dist = Inf
min_i = 0
min_j = 0
for (i in 3:max(branch_assignments))
for (j in 2:(i-1))
mean_dist = mean(distances(traj_graph,v=cells[branch_assignments==i],to=cells[branch_assignments==j]))
if (mean_dist < min_dist)
min_dist = mean_dist
min_i = i
min_j = j
branch_assignments[branch_assignments==min_i] = min_j
geodesic_dists = process_distance(traj_graph,start)
for (i in 1:num_branches)
branch_i = which(branch_assignments == (i+1))
recurse_br = assign_branches(traj_graph,start=cells[branch_i[which.min(geodesic_dists[cells[branch_i]])]],min_branch_len,cells[branch_i])
rec_num_branches = max(recurse_br)
if (rec_num_branches > 1)
add_this = max(branch_assignments)
for (j in 2:rec_num_branches)
recurse_br[recurse_br == j] = add_this + j - 1
recurse_br[recurse_br == 1] = max(branch_assignments)
branch_assignments[branch_i] = recurse_br
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