
Defines functions distance_thin

Documented in distance_thin

#' Filter a vcf file based on distance between SNPs on a given scaffold
#' This function requires a vcfR object as input, and returns a vcfR object filtered
#' to retain only SNPs greater than a specified distance apart on each scaffold.
#' The function starts by automatically retaining the first SNP on a given scaffold,
#' and then subsequently keeping the next SNP that is greater than the specified distance away,
#' until it reaches the end of the scaffold/chromosome. This function scales well with
#' an increasing number of SNPs, but poorly with an increasing number of scaffolds/chromosomes.
#' For this reason, there is a built in progress bar,
#' to monitor potentially long-running executions with many scaffolds.
#' This type of filtering is often employed to reduce linkage among input SNPs,
#' especially for downstream input to programs like structure, which require unlinked SNPs.
#' @param vcfR a vcfR object
#' @param min.distance a numeric value representing the smallest distance (in base-pairs)
#' allowed between SNPs after distance thinning
#' @return An identical vcfR object, except that SNPs separated by less than the
#' specified distance have been removed from the file
#' @examples
#' distance_thin(vcfR = SNPfiltR::vcfR.example, min.distance = 1000)
#' @export
distance_thin <- function(vcfR,

  #if vcfR is not class vcfR, fail gracefully
  if (!inherits(vcfR, what = "vcfR")){
    stop("specified vcfR object must be of class 'vcfR'")

  #function is useless if no distance is provided
  if (is.null(min.distance)){
    stop("filtering distance must be provided")

  #logical test specifying that the minimum distance between SNPs for filtering must be at least 1 base pair or the logic doesn't work
  if (is.numeric(min.distance) != TRUE){
    stop("specified filtering distance must be numeric")

  #logical test specifying that the minimum distance between SNPs for filtering must be at least 1 base pair or the logic doesn't work
  if (min.distance < 1){
    stop("filtering distance must be >= 1 base pair")

  #logical test to ensure formatting of input vcf will allow accurate analysis of position in genome
  if (colnames(vcfR@fix)[1] != "CHROM"){
    stop("vcfR incorrectly formatted. vcfR@fix column 1 must be 'CHROM'")

  #logical test to ensure formatting of input vcf will allow accurate analysis of position in genome
  if (colnames(vcfR@fix)[2] != "POS"){
    stop("vcfR incorrectly formatted. vcfR@fix column 2 must be 'POS'")

#set min distance specified by user

#generate dataframe containing information for chromosome and bp locality of each SNP

#write test to identify and remove duplicated SNPs in input vcf
if (length(unique(paste(df$CHROM,df$POS))) < nrow(df)){
  #remove duplicated SNPs
  #report to user
  message(nrow(df) - length(unique(paste(df$CHROM,df$POS)))," duplicated SNPs removed from input vcf")
  #regenerate df without duplicate inputs

#generate list of all unique chromosomes in alphabetical order

#intialize empty df to hold filtering

#make progress bar
pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(chroms), style = 3)

#begin tracker

#loop over each chromosome
#for t in vector containing the name of each chromosome
for (t in chroms){

  #isolate the SNP positions on the given chromosome
  fix.sub<-as.numeric(df$POS[df$CHROM == t])

  #order the positions numerically

  #set the first position

  #initialize empty vector

  #always keep first SNP on the chromosome

  #loop to decide whether to keep each following SNP
    if (length(fix.sub) < 2){
      #if chrom only has 1 SNP, do nothing
    } else{

      #else, use a for loop to determine which SNPs to keep that satisfy our distance criteria
      for (i in 2:length(fix.sub)){

        #store logical indicating whether this SNP is greater than j base pairs from the previous SNP
        k[i]<- fix.sub[i] > prev+j

        #if it is, then we keep this SNP, making it the new 'previous' for assessing the next point.
        #If we don't keep the SNP, we don't update the closest point
          if (fix.sub[i] > prev+j){

      #close for loop
    #close else statement

  #make a dataframe with the precise info for each SNP for this chromosome
  chrom.df<-data.frame(CHROM=rep(t, times=length(fix.sub)), POS=fix.sub, keep=k)

  #now we rbind in the information for this chromosome to the overall df

  #empty df for this chrom to prepare for the next one

  #update progress bar
  utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, pbtrack)

  #update tracker

} #close for loop, start over on next chromosome

#close progress bar

#order the dataframe to match the order of the input vcf file
#remove scientific notation
keep.df$POS<-format(keep.df$POS,scientific = FALSE)
df$POS<-format(df$POS,scientific = FALSE)
#make sure class matches between the columns you're trying to merge
#make sure class matches between the columns you're trying to merge
#add tracking column
#order based on tracking column

#order.df<-keep.df[match(paste(df$CHROM,format(df$POS,scientific = FALSE)), paste(keep.df$CHROM,format(keep.df$POS,scientific = FALSE))),]
#note: the position vector must be stripped of scientific notation otherwise identical numbers will not be recognized as matches, giving NA values
#note: this old approach using match() has been deprecated because there were too many formatting issues causing
#match to not be able to correctly match the order between 'df' and 'keep.df'. Now we use merge() which seems to be more robust

#write a test to catch if this internal dataset is not able to merge correctly
if (sum(is.na(order.df)) > .5){
  stop("internal error with the merge function. Please email a copy of your input vcf to devonderaad@gmail.com for a bug fix")

#write a test to catch if this internal dataset is not able to merge correctly
if (sum(order.df$id != c(1:nrow(df))) > .5){
  stop("internal error with the merge function. Please email a copy of your input vcf to devonderaad@gmail.com for a bug fix")

#subset vcfR locus info based on the logical column from our dataframe
#subset genotypes based on logical

#realized there is no need to do this subsetting separately

#calculate number of total SNPs input

#calculate total SNPs retained

#print info to screen
message(p," out of ",z," input SNPs were not located within ",j," base-pairs of another SNP and were retained despite filtering")

#return vcfR

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SNPfiltR documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:57 p.m.