
Defines functions soacheck3D soacheck2D dim_wt_tab Spattern

Documented in dim_wt_tab soacheck2D soacheck3D Spattern

### exported functions for checking stratification behavior

#' functions to evaluate stratification properties of (O)SOAs and GSOAs
#' \code{soacheck2D} and \code{soacheck3D} evaluate 2D and 3D projections,
#' \code{Spattern} calculates the stratification pattern by Tian and Xu (2022),
#' and \code{dim_wt_tab} extracts and formats the \code{dim_wt_tab} attribute of \code{Spattern}.
#' @rdname Spattern
#' @param D a matrix with factor levels or an object of class \code{SOA} or a
#' data.frame object with numeric columns.\cr
#' Functions \code{soacheck2D} and \code{soacheck3D} require levels
#' that are consecutively numbered (starting with 0 or 1).\cr
#' Function \code{Spattern} also works, if all columns of \code{D}
#' have the same number of unique numeric values; the function will code them using
#' power contrasts.
#' @param s the prime or prime power according to which the array is checked
#' @param maxwt maximum weight to be considered for the pattern (default: 4; see Details);\cr
#'      if the specified limit is larger than \code{maxdim*el},
#'      it is reduced accordingly (where \code{el} is such that \code{s^el} is the number of levels)
#' @param maxdim maximum dimension to be considered for the pattern (default: \code{NULL} implies that \code{maxdim}=\code{min(maxwt, ncol(D))};
#' see also Details);\cr
#'      if the specified limit is larger than \code{m=ncol(D)}, it is reduced to \code{m}
#' @param el the exponent so that the number of levels of the array is \code{s^el}
#' (if \code{s} is not NULL)
#' @param t the strength for which to look (2, 3, or 4), equal to the sum of the
#' exponents in the stratification dimensions; for example, \code{soacheck2D} considers \cr
#' sxs 2D projections with \code{t=2}, \cr
#' s^2xs and sxs^2 projections with \code{t=3}, \cr
#' and s^3xs, s^2xs^2 and sxs^3 projections with \code{t=4}.\cr
#' If \code{t=4} and \code{el=2}, property gamma (s^3 x s and s x s^3) is obviously
#' impossible and will not be part of the checks.
#' @param verbose logical; if \code{TRUE}, additional information is printed
#' (for \code{Spattern}, status information during run time; for the \code{SOAcheck...} functions, confounded pair or triple projections with A2 or A3, respectively, or table of correlations)
#' @param ... currently not used
#' @return
#' Function \code{Spattern} returns an object of class \code{Spattern}
#' that is a named vector with attributes:\cr
#' The attribute \code{call} holds the function call
#' (and thus documents, e.g., limits set on dimension and/or weight).\cr
#' The attribute \code{dim_wt_tab} holds a table of contributions
#' split out by dimension (rows) and weights (columns), which has class
#' \code{dim_wt_tab} and the further attribute \code{Spattern-class}.\cr
#' Function \code{dim_wt_tab} returns the \code{dim_wt_tab} attribute of
#' an object of class \code{Spattern}; note that the object contains NA values
#' for combinations of dimension and weight that cannot occur.
#' @details
#' Function \code{Spattern} calculates the stratification pattern or S pattern
#' as proposed in Tian and Xu (2022) (under the name space-filling pattern);
#' the details and the implementation in this function are described in
#' Groemping (2023b); the function uses the full-factorial-based Helmert contrasts.\cr
#' Position \code{j} in the S pattern shows the imbalance when considering \code{s^j}
#' strata. \code{j} is also called the (total) weight. \code{j=1} can occur for an
#' individual column only. \code{j=2} can be obtained either for an
#' \code{s^2} level version of an individual column or for the crossing of
#' \code{s^1} level versions of two columns, and so forth.
#' Obtaining the entire S pattern
#' can be computationally demanding. The arguments \code{maxwt} and
#' \code{maxdim} limit the effort (choose \code{NULL} for no limit):\cr
#' \code{maxwt} gives an upper limit for the weight \code{j} of the previous paragraph;
#' if \code{NULL}, \code{maxwt} is set to \code{maxdim*el}.\cr
#' \code{maxdim} limits the number of columns that are considered in combination.\cr
#' When using a non-null \code{maxdim}, pattern entries for \code{j} larger than \code{maxdim} can be smaller
#' than if one would not have limited the dimension. Otherwise, dimensionality is unlimited,
#' which is equivalent to specifying \code{maxdim} as the minimum of \code{maxwt} and \code{ncol(D)}.
#' \code{Spattern} with \code{maxdim=2} and \code{maxwt=t} can be used as an alternative
#' to \code{soacheck2D},\cr
#' and analogously \code{Spattern} with \code{maxdim=2} and \code{maxwt=t} can be used as an alternative
#' to \code{soacheck3D}.
#' An \code{Spattern} object
#' object can be post-processed with function \code{dim_wt_tab}. That function splits
#' the S pattern into contributions from effect column groups of different dimensions,
#' arranged with a row for each dimension and a column for each weight.
#' If \code{Spattern} was called with \code{maxdim=NULL} and
#' \code{maxwt=NULL}, the output object shows the GWLP in the right margin and the
#' S pattern in the bottom margin. If \code{Spattern} was called with relevant restrictions
#' on dimensions (\code{maxdim}, default 4) and/or weights (\code{maxwt}, default 4),
#' sums in the margins can be smaller than they would be for unconstrained dimension and
#' weights.
#' Functions \code{soacheck2D} and \code{soacheck3D} were available before
#' function \code{Spattern}; many of their use cases can now be handled with \code{Spattern}
#' instead. The functions are often fast to yield a \code{FALSE} outcome,
#' but can be very slow to yield a \code{TRUE} outcome for larger designs.\cr
#' The functions inspect 2D and 3D
#' stratification, respectively. Each column must have \code{s^el} levels.
#' \code{t} specifies the degree of balance the functions are asked to look for.
#' Function \code{soacheck2D},
#' \itemize{
#'   \item with el=t=2, looks for strength 2 conditions (s^2 levels, sxs balance),
#'   \item with el=2, t=3, looks for strength 2+ / 3- conditions (s^2 levels, s^2xs balance),
#'   \item with el=t=3, looks for strength 2* / 3 conditions (s^3 levels, s^2xs balance).
#'   \item with el=2, t=4, looks for the enhanced strength 2+ / 3-  property alpha (s^2 levels, s^2xs^2 balance).
#'   \item and with el=3, t=4, looks for strength 3+ / 4 conditions (s^3 levels, s^3xs and s^2xs^2 balance).
#' }
#' Function \code{soacheck3D},
#' \itemize{
#'   \item with el=2, t=3, looks for strength 3- conditions (s^2 levels, sxsxs balance),
#'   \item with el=t=3, looks for strength 3 conditions (s^3 levels, sxsxs balance),
#'   \item and with el=3, t=4, looks for strength 3+ / 4 conditions (s^3 levels, s^2xsxs balance).
#' }
#' If \code{verbose=TRUE}, the functions print the pairs or triples that violate
#' the projection requirements for 2D or 3D.
#' @export
#' @references
#' For full detail, see \code{\link{SOAs-package}}.
#' Groemping (2023a)\cr
#' Groemping (2023b)\cr
#' He and Tang (2013)\cr
#' Shi and Tang (2020)\cr
#' Tian and Xu (2022)
#' @importFrom stats lm rnorm model.matrix
#' @importFrom combinat combn
#' @importFrom partitions compositions
#' @examples
#' nullcase <- matrix(0:7, nrow=8, ncol=4)
#' soacheck2D(nullcase, s=2)
#' soacheck3D(nullcase, s=2)
#' Spattern(nullcase, s=2)
#' Spattern(nullcase, s=2, maxdim=2)
#'   ## the non-zero entry at position 2 indicates that
#'   ## soacheck2D does not comply with t=2
#' (Spat <- Spattern(nullcase, s=2, maxwt=4))
#'   ## comparison to maxdim=2 indicates that
#'   ## the contribution to S_4 from dimensions
#'   ## larger than 2 is 1
#' ## postprocessing Spat
#' dim_wt_tab(Spat)
#' ## Shi and Tang strength 3+ construction in 7 8-level factors for 32 runs
#' D <- SOAs_8level(32, optimize=FALSE)
#' ## check for strength 3+ (default el=3 is OK)
#' ## 2D check
#' soacheck2D(D, s=2, t=4)
#' ## 3D check
#' soacheck3D(D, s=2, t=4)
#' ## using Spattern (much faster for many columns)
#'   ## does not have strength 4
#'   Spattern(D, s=2)
#'   ## but complies with strength 4 for dim up to 3
#'   Spattern(D, s=2, maxwt=4, maxdim=3)
#'   ## inspect more detail
#'   Spat <- (Spattern(D, s = 2, maxwt=5))
#'   dim_wt_tab(Spat)

Spattern <- function(D, s, maxwt=4, maxdim=NULL, verbose=FALSE, ...){
  ## examples and references are given in checkStratification.R

  ## uses contr.FFbHelmert with s=s
  ## creates coding columns sorted such that
  ##      earlier columns mean coarser strata
  ## coarsest: weight(u)=1 (i.e. u=1,...,s-1 (0 is omitted))
  ## second coarsest: weight(u)=2 (i.e. u=s to s^2-1)
  ## third coarsest: weight(u)=3 (i.e. u=s^2 to s^3-1)
  ## etc.

  mycall <- sys.call()
  stopifnot(is.matrix(D) || is.data.frame(D))
  if (is.matrix(D)) D.df <- as.data.frame(D) else{
    D.df <- D
    D <- as.matrix(D)
  if (min(D)==1) {
    ## levels start at zero
    ## assuming that the first level is taken at least once
    D <- D-1
    D.df <- as.data.frame(D)
  n <- nrow(D)
  m <- ncol(D)
  nlev <- levels.no(D)
  if (!length(unique(nlev))==1)
    stop("All columns of D must have the same number of levels.")
  nlev <- nlev[1]
  dfm <- nlev - 1
  el <- round(log(nlev, base=s))
  if (!nlev == s^el)
    stop("The number of levels must be a power of s.")

  if (!is.null(maxdim)) {
    ## reduce too large request to maximum possible
    if (maxdim > m) maxdim <- m
  }## non-null maxdim is now valid

  if (!is.null(maxwt)) {
    ## reduce too large request to maximum possible
    if (!is.null(maxdim)){
      if (maxwt > el*maxdim) maxwt <- el*maxdim
      if (maxdim > maxwt) maxdim <- maxwt
      maxdim <- min(m, maxwt)
  }else {
    if (is.null(maxdim)) maxdim <- m
    maxwt <- el*maxdim

  ## obtaining the model matrix
  ### main effects columns of the Hmat
  contr <- contr.FFbHelmert(n=nlev, s=s, contrasts=TRUE)
  Hmat <- matrix(NA, n, m*dfm)
  for (i in 1:n)
    for (j in 1:m)
    {Hmat[i,((j-1)*dfm+1):(j*dfm)] <- contr[D.df[i,j]+1,]}
  ### sorted in the order u <- 1 to dfm for each factor

  ## preparations that do not depend on the actual design
  ## but only on m, s, el
  ## factor labeling
  f <- rep(1:m, each=s^el-1)  ## factor referred to by column
  u <- rep(1:(s^el-1),m)  ## factor specific column number
  ## individual u weights
  uwt <- rep(rep(1:el, times=s^(1:el)-s^(1:el-1)), m)  ## factor specific weights

  ## switch factors on or off in interactions
  picks <- lapply(1:maxdim, function(obj) combn(1:m, obj))
  if (maxdim==m) picks[[length(picks)]] <-
    matrix(picks[[length(picks)]], ncol=1)
  ### corrects stupid behavior of combinat::combn

  ## obtain the invariant weights for each relevant dimension
  cs <- lapply(1:maxdim, function(obj) compositions(maxwt, obj, include.zero=FALSE))
  cs <- lapply(cs, function(obj) pmin(obj, el))
  ## remove duplicates
  cs[-1] <- lapply(cs[-1], function(obj) obj[,!duplicated(t(as.matrix(obj))), drop=FALSE])
  ## remove dominated variants
  behalten <- function(M){
    ## identifies variants that are not dominated
    if (ncol(M)==1) return(M)
    hilf <- matrix(NA, ncol(M), ncol(M))
    for (cc in 2:ncol(M)){
      for (ccc in 1:(cc-1))
      {hilf[ccc,cc] <- all(M[,ccc]<=M[,cc])
      hilf[cc,ccc] <- all(M[,cc] <=M[,ccc])
    which(rowSums(hilf, na.rm=TRUE)==0)
  cs[-1] <- lapply(cs[-1], function(obj){
    ## eliminate dominated columns
    obj[,behalten(obj), drop=FALSE]

  ## numbers of rows in colnums (upper bound, may contain duplicates)
  ncs <- sapply(cs, function(obj) sum(apply(s^obj-1,2,prod)))

  combiweights <- vector(mode="list", maxdim)
  for (obj in 1:maxdim){
    if (verbose)
      cat(paste("start preparations for", obj, "dimensions, \nup to", ncs[obj], "combinations\n"))
    picked <- picks[[obj]][,1]
    cs_now <- cs[[obj]]
    ## pick the adequate colnums based on the weights in cs_now
    (colnums <- lapply(1:ncol(cs_now), function(obj2)
      mapply(":", (picked-1)*dfm+1,
             (picked-1)*dfm + s^cs_now[,obj2] - 1,
    colnums <- do.call(rbind, lapply(colnums, expand.grid))
    colnums <- as.matrix(colnums[!duplicated(colnums),])
    ## colnums is the matrix of all d-column number combinations
    ## such that the combined weight is at most maxwt
    ## (contains the usable columns of M1
    ## for all factors in the first dD projection)
    ## as weights are invariant to specific projections --> use these
    combiweights[[obj]] <- rowSums(matrix(uwt[colnums], nrow=nrow(colnums)))
  ## combiweights is a list of weights with maxdim elements
  ## when using only columns from M1 with combined weights up to maxwt

  ## initialize dimension-specific contributions
  ##      pat_dim is transient
  hilf <- rep(NA, maxwt); names(hilf) <- 1:maxwt
  contrib_list <- rep(list(hilf), maxdim)

  ## obtain contributions from each dimension
  for (dim_now in 1:maxdim){
    if (verbose)
      cat(paste("start calculations for", dim_now, "dimensions, \nup to", ncs[dim_now], "combinations\n"))
    picks_now <- picks[[dim_now]]
    cs_now <- cs[[dim_now]]
    pat_dim <- rep(NA, maxwt); names(pat_dim) <- 1:maxwt
    wt <- combiweights[[dim_now]]
    for (j in 1:ncol(picks_now)){
      picked <- picks_now[,j]
      ## main effect model matrix columns for the selected array columns
      ## with maximum possible combined weight
      ## pick the adequate colnums based on the weights in cs_now
      (colnums <- lapply(1:ncol(cs_now), function(obj)
        mapply(":", (picked-1)*dfm + 1,
               (picked-1)*dfm + s^cs_now[,obj] - 1,
      colnums <- do.call(rbind, lapply(colnums, expand.grid))
      colnums <- as.matrix(colnums[!duplicated(colnums),])
      ## colnums is the matrix of all d-column number combinations
      ## such that the combined weight is at most maxwt
      ## (contains the usable columns of M1
      ## for all factors in picked)
      ## as weights are invariant to specific projections --> use weights
      ## from first 1:d, as calculated before
      for (i in 1:nrow(colnums)){
        contrib <- sum(apply(Hmat[,colnums[i,], drop=FALSE], 1, prod))^2
        if (is.na(pat_dim[wt[i]])) pat_dim[wt[i]] <- contrib else
          pat_dim[wt[i]] <- pat_dim[wt[i]] + contrib
    contrib_list[[dim_now]] <- round(pat_dim/n^2, 8)

  dim_wt_tab <- do.call(rbind, contrib_list)
  attr(dim_wt_tab, "Spattern-call") <- mycall
  dimnames(dim_wt_tab) <- list(dim=1:maxdim, wt=1:maxwt)
  aus <- round(colSums(dim_wt_tab, na.rm=TRUE), 8)
  attr(aus, "call") <- mycall
  attr(aus, "dim_wt_tab") <- dim_wt_tab
  class(aus) <- c("Spattern", class(aus))
  names(aus) <- 1:length(aus)

#' @rdname Spattern
#' @param pat an object of class \code{Spattern}
#' @param dimlim integer; limits the returned dimension rows to the
#' rows from 1 up to \code{dimlim}; the bottom margin continues to include all
#' dimensions that were used in calculating \code{pat}
#' @param wtlim integer; limits the returned weight columns to the columns from
#' 1 up to \code{wtlim}; the right margin continues to include all weights
#' that were used in calculating \code{pat}
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats addmargins
#' @return
#' Function \code{dim_wt_tab} postprocesses an \code{Spattern} object
#' and produces a table that holds the S pattern entries
#' separated by the dimension of the contributing effect column group (rows)
#' and the weight of the effect column micro group (columns). The margin shows row and
#' column sums (see Details section for caveats).
dim_wt_tab <- function(pat, dimlim=NULL, wtlim=NULL, ...){
  ## dimlim and wtlim allow to suppress printing,
  ## even though everything was calculated
  stopifnot("Spattern" %in% class(pat))
  stopifnot("dim_wt_tab" %in% names(attributes(pat)))
  aus <- attr(pat, "dim_wt_tab")
  aus <- cbind(aus, Sum=rowSums(aus, na.rm=TRUE))
  aus <- rbind(aus, Sum=colSums(aus, na.rm=TRUE))
  ## limit output (perhaps rather handle via a print method?)
  if (!is.null(dimlim)) if (dimlim < nrow(aus)-1)
    aus <- aus[c(1:dimlim, nrow(aus)),]
  if (!is.null(wtlim)) if (wtlim < ncol(aus)-1)
    aus <- aus[,c(1:wtlim, ncol(aus))]
  class(aus) <- "dim_wt_tab"

#' @rdname Spattern
#' @export
soacheck2D <- function(D, s=3, el=3, t=3, verbose=FALSE){
  if (is.data.frame(D)) D <- as.matrix(D)
  if (el==2 && t==4) message("property gamma is not possible, ",
                             "only property alpha is checked")
  stopifnot(el >= t-2)
  k <- el  ## renamed k to el, because el is the logical name, code has still k
  ## guarantee integer levels
  ## guarantee that the collapsing works properly
  if (min(D)==1) D <- D-1
  stopifnot(all(D %in% 0:(s^el-1)))

  ## prevent invalid t
  stopifnot(t %in% c(2,3,4))

  paare <- nchoosek(ncol(D), 2)
  aus <- TRUE
  if (verbose) cat("pairs for which SOA property in 2D is violated:\n")
  if (t==4){
    ## t=4, el=3 checks all
    ## t=4, el=2 checks only property alpha
    for (i in 1:ncol(paare)){
      ## might be faster to use length2 instead of GWLP ?
      if (el>=t-1){
        suppressWarnings(threeone <- DoE.base::GWLP(
          cbind(D[,paare[1,i]]%/%(s^(k-3)), D[,paare[2,i]]%/%(s^(k-1))), kmax=2)[3])
        suppressWarnings(onethree <- DoE.base::GWLP(
          cbind(D[,paare[1,i]]%/%(s^(k-1)), D[,paare[2,i]]%/%(s^(k-3))), kmax=2)[3])
      else threeone <- onethree <- 0  ## do not report gamma violations
      suppressWarnings(twotwo <- DoE.base::GWLP(
        cbind(D[,paare[1,i]]%/%(s^(k-2)), D[,paare[2,i]]%/%(s^(k-2))), kmax=2)[3])
      if (round(threeone,8) > 0 || round(twotwo,8) > 0 || round(onethree,8) > 0){
        if (!verbose) return(FALSE)
        aus <- FALSE
        if (round(threeone,8)>0) {
          print(paste0("3x1: A2 = ", round(threeone,8)))
        if (round(twotwo,8)>0) {
          print(paste0("2x2: A2 = ", round(twotwo,8)))
        if (round(onethree,8)>0) {
          print(paste0("1x3: A2 = ", round(onethree,8)))
  if (t==3){
    for (i in 1:ncol(paare)){
      ## might be faster to use length2 instead of GWLP ?
      suppressWarnings(twoone <- DoE.base::GWLP(
        cbind(D[,paare[1,i]]%/%(s^(k-2)), D[,paare[2,i]]%/%(s^(k-1))), kmax=2)[3])
      suppressWarnings(onetwo <- DoE.base::GWLP(
        cbind(D[,paare[1,i]]%/%(s^(k-1)), D[,paare[2,i]]%/%(s^(k-2))), kmax=2)[3])
      if (round(twoone,8) > 0 || round(onetwo,8) > 0){
        if (!verbose) return(FALSE)
        aus <- FALSE
        if (round(twoone,8)>0) {
          print(paste0("2x1: A2 = ", round(twoone,8)))
        if (round(onetwo,8)>0) {
          print(paste0("1x2: A2 = ", round(onetwo,8)))
    for (i in 1:ncol(paare)){
      suppressWarnings(oneone <- DoE.base::GWLP(
        cbind(D[,paare[1,i]]%/%(s^(k-1)), D[,paare[2,i]]%/%(s^(k-1))), kmax=2)[3])
      if (round(oneone,8) > 0){
        if (!verbose) return(FALSE)
        aus <- FALSE
        print(paste0("1x1: A2 = ", round(oneone,8)))


#' @rdname Spattern
#' @export
soacheck3D <- function(D, s=3, el=3, t=3, verbose=FALSE){
  if (is.data.frame(D)) D <- as.matrix(D)

  k <- el  ## renamed k to el, because el is the logical name, code has still k

  ## guarantee integer levels
  ## guarantee that the collapsing works properly
  if (min(D)==1) D <- D-1
  stopifnot(all(D %in% 0:(s^el-1)))

  ## prevent invalid t
  stopifnot(t %in% c(3,4))

  tripel <- nchoosek(ncol(D), 3)
  aus <- TRUE
  if (verbose)
    cat("triples for which SOA property in 3D is violated:\n")
  if (t==3)
    for (i in 1:ncol(tripel)){
      three <- DoE.base::GWLP(cbind(D[,tripel[1,i]]%/%(s^(k-1)),
      if (any(round(three[-1],8) > 0)){
        aus <- FALSE
        if (!verbose) return(FALSE)
    ## t=4
    for (i in 1:ncol(tripel)){
      three <- DoE.base::GWLP(
      if (any(round(three[-1],8) > 0)){
        aus <- FALSE
        if (!verbose) return(FALSE)
      three <- DoE.base::GWLP(
      if (any(round(three[-1],8) > 0)){
        aus <- FALSE
        if (!verbose) return(FALSE)
      three <- DoE.base::GWLP(
      if (any(round(three[-1],8) > 0)){
        aus <- FALSE
        if (!verbose) return(FALSE)


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