
geemR <- function(formula, id, waves=NULL, data = parent.frame(),
                 family = gaussian, corstr = "independence", Mv = 1,
                 weights = NULL, corr.mat = NULL, init.beta=NULL,
                 init.alpha=NULL, init.phi = 1, scale.fix = FALSE, nodummy = FALSE,
                 sandwich = TRUE, useP = TRUE, maxit = 20, tol = 0.00001){
  call <- match.call()
  famret <- getfam(family)
  if(inherits(famret, "family")){
    LinkFun <- famret$linkfun
    InvLink <- famret$linkinv
    VarFun <- famret$variance
    InvLinkDeriv <- famret$mu.eta
    LinkFun <- famret$LinkFun
    VarFun <- famret$VarFun
    InvLink <- famret$InvLink
    InvLinkDeriv <- famret$InvLinkDeriv
  if(scale.fix & is.null(init.phi)){
    stop("If scale.fix=TRUE, then init.phi must be supplied")
  useP <- as.numeric(useP)
  ### First, get all the relevant elements from the arguments
  dat <- model.frame(formula, data, na.action=na.pass)
  nn <- dim(dat)[1]
  if(typeof(data) == "environment"){
    id <- id
    weights <- weights
    if(is.null(call$weights)) weights <- rep(1, nn)
    waves <- waves
    if(length(call$id) == 1){
      subj.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$id)
      if(length(subj.col) > 0){
        id <- data[,subj.col]
        id <- eval(call$id, envir=parent.frame())
    }else if(is.null(call$id)){
      id <- 1:nn
    if(length(call$weights) == 1){
      weights.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$weights)
      if(length(weights.col) > 0){
        weights <- data[,weights.col]
        weights <- eval(call$weights, envir=parent.frame())
    }else if(is.null(call$weights)){
      weights <- rep.int(1,nn)
    if(length(call$waves) == 1){
      waves.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$waves)
      if(length(waves.col) > 0){
        waves <- data[,waves.col]
        waves <- eval(call$waves, envir=parent.frame())
    }else if(is.null(call$waves)){
      waves <- NULL
  dat$id <- id
  dat$weights <- weights
  dat$waves <- waves
  if(!is.numeric(dat$waves) & !is.null(dat$waves)) stop("waves must be either an integer vector or NULL")
  # W is diagonal matrix of weights, sqrtW = sqrt(W)
  # included is diagonal matrix with 1 if weight > 0, 0 otherwise
  # includedvec is logical vector with T if weight > 0, F otherwise
  # Note that we need to assign weight 0 to rows with NAs
  # in order to preserve the correlation structure
  na.inds <- NULL
    na.inds <- which(is.na(dat), arr.ind=T)
    dat <- dat[order(id, waves),]
    dat <- dat[order(id),]
  # Figure out the correlation structure
  cor.vec <- c("independence", "ar1", "exchangeable", "m-dependent", "unstructured", "fixed", "userdefined")
  cor.match <- charmatch(corstr, cor.vec)
  if(is.na(cor.match)){stop("Unsupported correlation structure")}
    wavespl <- split(dat$waves, dat$id)
    idspl <- split(dat$id, dat$id)
    maxwave <- rep(0, length(wavespl))
    incomp <- rep(0, length(wavespl))
    for(i in 1:length(wavespl)){
      maxwave[i] <- max(wavespl[[i]]) - min(wavespl[[i]]) + 1
      if(maxwave[i] != length(wavespl[[i]])){
        incomp[i] <- 1
    #If there are gaps and correlation isn't exchangeable or independent
    #then we'll add some dummy rows
    if(!is.element(cor.match, c(1,3)) & (sum(incomp) > 0) & !nodummy){
      dat <- dummyrows(formula, dat, incomp, maxwave, wavespl, idspl)
      id <- dat$id
      waves <- dat$waves
      weights <- dat$weights
    weights[unique(na.inds[,1])] <- 0
    for(i in unique(na.inds)[,2]){
        dat[na.inds[,1], i] <- levels(dat[,i])[1]
        dat[na.inds[,1], i] <- median(dat[,i], na.rm=T)
  includedvec <- weights>0
  inclsplit <- split(includedvec, id)
  dropid <- NULL
  allobs <- T
    allobs <- F
    for(i in 1:length(unique(id))){
        dropid <- c(dropid, i)
    dropind <- which(is.element(id, dropid))
    dat <- dat[-dropind,]
    includedvec <- includedvec[-dropind]
    weights <- weights[-dropind]
    id <- id[-dropind]
  nn <- dim(dat)[1]
  K <- length(unique(id))
  modterms <- terms(formula)
  X <- model.matrix(formula,dat)
  Y <- model.response(dat)
  offset <- model.offset(dat)
  p <- dim(X)[2]
  ### if no offset is given, then set to zero
    off <- rep(0, nn)
    off <- offset
  # Is there an intercept column?
  interceptcol <- apply(X==1, 2, all)
  ## Basic check to see if link and variance functions make any kind of sense
  linkOfMean <- LinkFun(mean(Y[includedvec])) - mean(off)
  if( any(is.infinite(linkOfMean) | is.nan(linkOfMean)) ){
    stop("Infinite or NaN in the link of the mean of responses.  Make sure link function makes sense for these data.")
  if( any(is.infinite( VarFun(mean(Y))) | is.nan( VarFun(mean(Y)))) ){
    stop("Infinite or NaN in the variance of the mean of responses.  Make sure variance function makes sense for these data.")
      #if there is an intercept and no initial beta, then use link of mean of response
      init.beta <- rep(0, dim(X)[2])
      init.beta[which(interceptcol)] <- linkOfMean
      stop("Must supply an initial beta if not using an intercept.")
  # Number of included observations for each cluster
  includedlen <- rep(0, K)
  len <- rep(0,K)
  uniqueid <- unique(id)
  tmpwgt <- as.numeric(includedvec)
  idspl <-ifelse(tmpwgt==0, NA, id)
  includedlen <- as.numeric(summary(split(Y, idspl, drop=T))[,1])
  len <- as.numeric(summary(split(Y, id, drop=T))[,1])
  W <- Diagonal(x=weights)
  sqrtW <- sqrt(W)
  included <- Diagonal(x=(as.numeric(weights>0)))
  # Get vector of cluster sizes... remember this len variable
  #len <- as.numeric(summary(split(Y, id, drop=T))[,1])
  # Set the initial alpha value
    alpha.new <- 0.2
      # If corstr = "m-dep"
      alpha.new <- 0.2^(1:Mv)
    }else if(cor.match==5){
      # If corstr = "unstructured"
      alpha.new <- rep(0.2, sum(1:(max(len)-1)))
    }else if(cor.match==7){
      # If corstr = "userdefined"
      alpha.new <- rep(0.2, max(unique(as.vector(corr.mat))))
    alpha.new <- init.alpha
  #if no initial overdispersion parameter, start at 1
    phi <- 1
    phi <- init.phi
  beta <- init.beta
  #Set up matrix storage
  StdErr <- Diagonal(nn)
  dInvLinkdEta <- Diagonal(nn)
  Resid <- Diagonal(nn)
  #  if( (max(len)==1) & cor.match != 1 ){
  #    warning("Largest cluster size is 1. Changing working correlation to independence.")
  #    cor.match <- 1
  #    corstr <- "independence"
  #  }
  # Initialize for each correlation structure
  if(cor.match == 1){
    R.alpha.inv <- Diagonal(x = rep.int(1, nn))/phi
    BlockDiag <- getBlockDiag(len)$BDiag
  }else if(cor.match == 2){
    # AR-1
    tmp <- buildAlphaInvAR(len)
    # These are the vectors needed to update the inverse correlation
    a1<- tmp$a1
    a2 <- tmp$a2
    a3 <- tmp$a3
    a4 <- tmp$a4
    # row.vec and col.vec for the big block diagonal of correlation inverses
    # both are vectors of indices that facilitate in updating R.alpha.inv
    row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
    col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
    BlockDiag <- getBlockDiag(len)$BDiag
  }else if(cor.match == 3){
    # Build a block diagonal correlation matrix for updating and sandwich calculation
    # this matrix is block diagonal with all ones.  Each block is of dimension cluster size.
    tmp <- getBlockDiag(len)
    BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
    # Create a vector of length number of observations with associated cluster size for each observation
    n.vec <- vector("numeric", nn)
    index <- c(cumsum(len) - len, nn)
    for(i in 1:K){
      n.vec[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <-  rep(includedlen[i], len[i])
    #n.vec <- vector("numeric", nn)
    #index <- c(cumsum(len) - len, nn)
    #for(i in 1:K){
    #  n.vec[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <-  rep(len[i], len[i])
  }else if(cor.match == 4){
    # M-DEPENDENT, check that M is not too large
    if(Mv >= max(len)){
      stop("Cannot estimate that many parameters: Mv >=  max(clustersize)")
    # Build block diagonal similar to in exchangeable case, also get row indices and column
    # indices for fast matrix updating later.
    tmp <- getBlockDiag(len)
    BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
    row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
    col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
    R.alpha.inv <- NULL
  }else if(cor.match == 5){
    if( max(len^2 - len)/2 > length(len)){
      stop("Cannot estimate that many parameters: not enough subjects for unstructured correlation")
    tmp <- getBlockDiag(len)
    BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
    row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
    col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
  }else if(cor.match == 6){
    # FIXED
    # check if matrix meets some basic conditions
    corr.mat <- checkFixedMat(corr.mat, len)
    R.alpha.inv <- as(getAlphaInvFixed(corr.mat, len), "symmetricMatrix")/phi
    BlockDiag <- getBlockDiag(len)$BDiag
  }else if(cor.match == 7){
    corr.mat <- checkUserMat(corr.mat, len)
    # get the structure of the correlation matrix in a way that
    # I can use later on.
    tmp1 <- getUserStructure(corr.mat)
    corr.list <- tmp1$corr.list
    user.row <- tmp1$row.vec
    user.col <- tmp1$col.vec
    struct.vec <- tmp1$struct.vec
    # the same block diagonal trick.
    tmp2 <- getBlockDiag(len)
    BlockDiag <- tmp2$BDiag
    row.vec <- tmp2$row.vec
    col.vec <- tmp2$col.vec
  }else if(cor.match == 0){
    stop("Ambiguous Correlation Structure Specification")
    stop("Unsupported Correlation Structure")
  stop <- F
  converged <- F
  count <- 0
  beta.old <- beta
  unstable <- F
  phi.old <- phi
  # Main fisher scoring loop
    count <- count+1
    eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta) + off
    mu <- InvLink(eta)
    diag(StdErr) <- sqrt(1/VarFun(eta))
      phi <- updatePhi(Y, mu, VarFun, p, StdErr, included, includedlen, sqrtW, useP)
    phi.new <- phi
    ## Calculate alpha, R(alpha)^(-1) / phi
    if(cor.match == 2){
      # AR-1
      alpha.new <- updateAlphaAR(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                                 StdErr, p, included, includedlen,
                                 includedvec, allobs, sqrtW,
                                 BlockDiag, useP)
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvAR(alpha.new, a1,a2,a3,a4, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 3){
      alpha.new <- updateAlphaEX(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len, StdErr,
                                 Resid, p, BlockDiag, included,
                                 includedlen, sqrtW, useP)
      #R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvEX(alpha.new, n.vec, BlockDiag)/phi
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvEX(alpha.new, n.vec, BlockDiag)/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 4){
        alpha.new <- updateAlphaAR(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                                   StdErr, p, included, includedlen,
                                   includedvec, allobs,
                                   sqrtW, BlockDiag, useP)
        alpha.new <- updateAlphaMDEP(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                                     StdErr, Resid, p, BlockDiag, Mv,
                                     included, includedlen,
                                     allobs, sqrtW, useP)
        if(sum(len>Mv) <= p){
          unstable <- T
      if(any(alpha.new >= 1)){
        stop <- T
        warning("some estimated correlation is greater than 1, stopping.")
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvMDEP(alpha.new, len, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 5){
      alpha.new <- updateAlphaUnstruc(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                                      StdErr, Resid,  p, BlockDiag,
                                      included, includedlen, allobs,
                                      sqrtW, useP)
      # This has happened to me (greater than 1 correlation estimate)
      if(any(alpha.new >= 1)){
        stop <- T
        warning("some estimated correlation is greater than 1, stopping.")
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvUnstruc(alpha.new, len, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
    }else if(cor.match ==6){
      R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv*phi.old/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 7){
      alpha.new <- updateAlphaUser(Y, mu, phi, id, len, StdErr, Resid,
                                   p, BlockDiag, user.row, user.col,
                                   corr.list, included, includedlen,
                                   allobs, sqrtW, useP)
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvUser(alpha.new, len, struct.vec, user.row, user.col, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 1){
      R.alpha.inv <-  Diagonal(x = rep.int(1/phi, nn))
      alpha.new <- "independent"
    beta.list <- updateBetaR(Y, X, beta, off, InvLinkDeriv, InvLink, VarFun, R.alpha.inv, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta, tol, W, included)
    beta <- beta.list$beta
    phi.old <- phi
    if( max(abs((beta - beta.old)/(beta.old + .Machine$double.eps))) < tol ){converged <- T; stop <- T}
    if(count >= maxit){stop <- T}
    beta.old <- beta
  biggest <- which.max(len)[1]
  index <- sum(len[1:biggest])-len[biggest]
  if(K == 1){
    biggest.R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv
    if(cor.match == 6) {
      biggest.R.alpha <- corr.mat*phi
      biggest.R.alpha <- solve(R.alpha.inv)
    biggest.R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv[(index+1):(index+len[biggest]) , (index+1):(index+len[biggest])]
    if(cor.match == 6){
      biggest.R.alpha <- corr.mat[1:len[biggest] , 1:len[biggest]]*phi
      biggest.R.alpha <- solve(biggest.R.alpha.inv)
  eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta) + off
    sandvar.list <- getSandwichR(Y, X, eta, id, R.alpha.inv, phi, InvLinkDeriv, InvLink, VarFun, 
                                beta.list$hess, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta, BlockDiag, W, included)
    sandvar.list <- list()
    sandvar.list$sandvar <- "no sandwich"
  if(!converged){warning("Did not converge")}
  if(unstable){warning("Number of subjects with number of observations >= Mv is very small, some correlations are estimated with very low sample size.")}
  # Create object of class geem with information about the fit
  dat <- model.frame(formula, data, na.action=na.pass)
  X <- model.matrix(formula, dat)
  if(is.character(alpha.new)){alpha.new <- 0}
  results <- list()
  results$beta <- as.vector(beta)
  results$phi <- phi
  results$alpha <- alpha.new
  if(cor.match == 6){
    results$alpha <- as.vector(triu(corr.mat, 1)[which(triu(corr.mat,1)!=0)])
  results$coefnames <- colnames(X)
  results$niter <- count
  results$converged <- converged
  results$naiv.var <- solve(beta.list$hess)  ## call model-based
  results$var <- sandvar.list$sandvar
  results$call <- call
  results$corr <- cor.vec[cor.match]
  results$clusz <- len
  results$FunList <- famret
  results$X <- X
  results$offset <- off
  results$eta <- eta
  results$dropped <- dropid
  results$weights <- weights
  results$terms <- modterms
  results$y <- Y
  results$biggest.R.alpha <- biggest.R.alpha/phi
  results$R.a.inv <- R.alpha.inv
  results$formula <- formula
  class(results) <- "geem"

### Method to update coefficients.  Goes to a maximum of 10 iterations, or when
### rough convergence has been obtained.
updateBetaR = function(YY, XX, beta, off, InvLinkDeriv, InvLink,
                      VarFun, R.alpha.inv, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta, tol, W, included){
  beta.new <- beta
  for(i in 1:10){
    eta <- as.vector(XX%*%beta.new) + off
    diag(dInvLinkdEta) <- InvLinkDeriv(eta)
    mu <- InvLink(eta)
    diag(StdErr) <- sqrt(1/VarFun(eta))
    #hess <- crossprod( StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*%XX, R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*%dInvLinkdEta %*% XX)
    #esteq <- crossprod( StdErr %*%dInvLinkdEta %*%XX , R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*% as.matrix(YY - mu))
    hess <- crossprod( StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*%XX, included %*% R.alpha.inv  %*% W %*% StdErr %*%dInvLinkdEta %*% XX)
    esteq <- crossprod( StdErr %*%dInvLinkdEta %*%XX , included %*% R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*% as.matrix(YY - mu))
    update <- solve(hess, esteq)
    beta.new <- beta.new + as.vector(update)
  return(list(beta = beta.new, hess = hess))

### Calculate the sandiwch estimator as usual.
getSandwichR = function(YY, XX, eta, id, R.alpha.inv, phi, InvLinkDeriv,
                       InvLink, VarFun, hessMat, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta,
                       BlockDiag, W, included){
  diag(dInvLinkdEta) <- InvLinkDeriv(eta)
  mu <- InvLink(eta)
  diag(StdErr) <- sqrt(1/VarFun(eta))
  scoreDiag <- Diagonal(x= YY - mu)
  BlockDiag <- scoreDiag %*% BlockDiag %*% scoreDiag
  #numsand <- as.matrix(crossprod(  StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*% XX,  R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*% BlockDiag %*% StdErr %*% W %*% R.alpha.inv %*%  StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*% XX))
  numsand <- as.matrix(crossprod(  StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*% XX, included %*% R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*% BlockDiag %*% StdErr %*% W %*% R.alpha.inv %*% included %*% StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*% XX))
  sandvar <- t(solve(hessMat, numsand))
  sandvar <- t(solve(t(hessMat), sandvar))
  return(list(sandvar = sandvar, numsand = numsand))

geem <- function(formula, id, waves=NULL, data = parent.frame(),
                 family = gaussian, corstr = "independence", Mv = 1,
                 weights = NULL, corr.mat = NULL, init.beta=NULL,
                 init.alpha=NULL, init.phi = 1, scale.fix = FALSE, nodummy = FALSE,
                 sandwich = TRUE, useP = TRUE, maxit = 20, tol = 0.00001, offset=NULL){
  call <- match.call()
  famret <- getfam(family)
  if(inherits(famret, "family")){
    LinkFun <- famret$linkfun
    InvLink <- famret$linkinv
    VarFun <- famret$variance
    InvLinkDeriv <- famret$mu.eta
    LinkFun <- famret$LinkFun
    VarFun <- famret$VarFun
    InvLink <- famret$InvLink
    InvLinkDeriv <- famret$InvLinkDeriv
  if(scale.fix & is.null(init.phi)){
    stop("If scale.fix=TRUE, then init.phi must be supplied")
  useP <- as.numeric(useP)
  ### First, get all the relevant elements from the arguments
  dat <- model.frame(formula, data, na.action=na.pass)
  nn <- dim(dat)[1]
  if(typeof(data) == "environment"){
    id <- id
    weights <- weights
    if(is.null(call$weights)) weights <- rep(1, nn)
    waves <- waves
    if(length(call$id) == 1){
      subj.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$id)
      if(length(subj.col) > 0){
        id <- data[,subj.col]
        id <- eval(call$id, envir=parent.frame())
    }else if(is.null(call$id)){
      id <- 1:nn
    if(length(call$weights) == 1){
      weights.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$weights)
      if(length(weights.col) > 0){
        weights <- data[,weights.col]
        weights <- eval(call$weights, envir=parent.frame())
    }else if(is.null(call$weights)){
      weights <- rep.int(1,nn)
    if(length(call$waves) == 1){
      waves.col <- which(colnames(data) == call$waves)
      if(length(waves.col) > 0){
        waves <- data[,waves.col]
        waves <- eval(call$waves, envir=parent.frame())
    }else if(is.null(call$waves)){
      waves <- NULL
  dat$id <- id
  dat$weights <- weights
  dat$waves <- waves
  if(!is.numeric(dat$waves) & !is.null(dat$waves)) stop("waves must be either an integer vector or NULL")
  # W is diagonal matrix of weights, sqrtW = sqrt(W)
  # included is diagonal matrix with 1 if weight > 0, 0 otherwise
  # includedvec is logical vector with T if weight > 0, F otherwise
  # Note that we need to assign weight 0 to rows with NAs
  # in order to preserve the correlation structure
  na.inds <- NULL
    na.inds <- which(is.na(dat), arr.ind=T)
    dat <- dat[order(id, waves),]
    dat <- dat[order(id),]
  # Figure out the correlation structure
  cor.vec <- c("independence", "ar1", "exchangeable", "m-dependent", "unstructured", "fixed", "userdefined")
  cor.match <- charmatch(corstr, cor.vec)
  if(is.na(cor.match)){stop("Unsupported correlation structure")}
    wavespl <- split(dat$waves, dat$id)
    idspl <- split(dat$id, dat$id)
    maxwave <- rep(0, length(wavespl))
    incomp <- rep(0, length(wavespl))
    for(i in 1:length(wavespl)){
      maxwave[i] <- max(wavespl[[i]]) - min(wavespl[[i]]) + 1
      if(maxwave[i] != length(wavespl[[i]])){
        incomp[i] <- 1
    #If there are gaps and correlation isn't exchangeable or independent
    #then we'll add some dummy rows
    if(!is.element(cor.match, c(1,3)) & (sum(incomp) > 0) & !nodummy){
      dat <- dummyrows(formula, dat, incomp, maxwave, wavespl, idspl)
      id <- dat$id
      waves <- dat$waves
      weights <- dat$weights
    weights[unique(na.inds[,1])] <- 0
    for(i in unique(na.inds)[,2]){
        dat[na.inds[,1], i] <- levels(dat[,i])[1]
        dat[na.inds[,1], i] <- median(dat[,i], na.rm=T)
  includedvec <- weights>0
  inclsplit <- split(includedvec, id)
  dropid <- NULL
  allobs <- T
    allobs <- F
    for(i in 1:length(unique(id))){
        dropid <- c(dropid, i)
    dropind <- which(is.element(id, dropid))
    dat <- dat[-dropind,]
    includedvec <- includedvec[-dropind]
    weights <- weights[-dropind]
    id <- id[-dropind]
  nn <- dim(dat)[1]
  K <- length(unique(id))
  modterms <- terms(formula)
  X <- model.matrix(formula,dat)
  Y <- model.response(dat)
  offset <- model.offset(dat)
  p <- dim(X)[2]
  ### if no offset is given, then set to zero
    off <- rep(0, nn)
    off <- offset
  # Is there an intercept column?
  interceptcol <- apply(X==1, 2, all)
  ## Basic check to see if link and variance functions make any kind of sense
  linkOfMean <- LinkFun(mean(Y[includedvec])) - mean(off)
  if( any(is.infinite(linkOfMean) | is.nan(linkOfMean)) ){
    stop("Infinite or NaN in the link of the mean of responses.  Make sure link function makes sense for these data.")
  if( any(is.infinite( VarFun(mean(Y))) | is.nan( VarFun(mean(Y)))) ){
    stop("Infinite or NaN in the variance of the mean of responses.  Make sure variance function makes sense for these data.")
      #if there is an intercept and no initial beta, then use link of mean of response
      init.beta <- rep(0, dim(X)[2])
      init.beta[which(interceptcol)] <- linkOfMean
      stop("Must supply an initial beta if not using an intercept.")
  # Number of included observations for each cluster
  includedlen <- rep(0, K)
  len <- rep(0,K)
  uniqueid <- unique(id)
  tmpwgt <- as.numeric(includedvec)
  idspl <-ifelse(tmpwgt==0, NA, id)
  includedlen <- as.numeric(summary(split(Y, idspl, drop=T))[,1])
  len <- as.numeric(summary(split(Y, id, drop=T))[,1])
  W <- Diagonal(x=weights)
  sqrtW <- sqrt(W)
  included <- Diagonal(x=(as.numeric(weights>0)))
  # Get vector of cluster sizes... remember this len variable
  #len <- as.numeric(summary(split(Y, id, drop=T))[,1])
  # Set the initial alpha value
    alpha.new <- 0.2
      # If corstr = "m-dep"
      alpha.new <- 0.2^(1:Mv)
    }else if(cor.match==5){
      # If corstr = "unstructured"
      alpha.new <- rep(0.2, sum(1:(max(len)-1)))
    }else if(cor.match==7){
      # If corstr = "userdefined"
      alpha.new <- rep(0.2, max(unique(as.vector(corr.mat))))
    alpha.new <- init.alpha
  #if no initial overdispersion parameter, start at 1
    phi <- 1
    phi <- init.phi
  beta <- init.beta
  #Set up matrix storage
  StdErr <- Diagonal(nn)
  dInvLinkdEta <- Diagonal(nn)
  Resid <- Diagonal(nn)
  #  if( (max(len)==1) & cor.match != 1 ){
  #    warning("Largest cluster size is 1. Changing working correlation to independence.")
  #    cor.match <- 1
  #    corstr <- "independence"
  #  }
  # Initialize for each correlation structure
  if(cor.match == 1){
    R.alpha.inv <- Diagonal(x = rep.int(1, nn))/phi
    BlockDiag <- getBlockDiag(len)$BDiag
  }else if(cor.match == 2){
    # AR-1
    tmp <- buildAlphaInvAR(len)
    # These are the vectors needed to update the inverse correlation
    a1<- tmp$a1
    a2 <- tmp$a2
    a3 <- tmp$a3
    a4 <- tmp$a4
    # row.vec and col.vec for the big block diagonal of correlation inverses
    # both are vectors of indices that facilitate in updating R.alpha.inv
    row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
    col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
    BlockDiag <- getBlockDiag(len)$BDiag
  }else if(cor.match == 3){
    # Build a block diagonal correlation matrix for updating and sandwich calculation
    # this matrix is block diagonal with all ones.  Each block is of dimension cluster size.
    tmp <- getBlockDiag(len)
    BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
    # Create a vector of length number of observations with associated cluster size for each observation
    n.vec <- vector("numeric", nn)
    index <- c(cumsum(len) - len, nn)
    for(i in 1:K){
      n.vec[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <-  rep(includedlen[i], len[i])
    #n.vec <- vector("numeric", nn)
    #index <- c(cumsum(len) - len, nn)
    #for(i in 1:K){
    #  n.vec[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <-  rep(len[i], len[i])
  }else if(cor.match == 4){
    # M-DEPENDENT, check that M is not too large
    if(Mv >= max(len)){
      stop("Cannot estimate that many parameters: Mv >=  max(clustersize)")
    # Build block diagonal similar to in exchangeable case, also get row indices and column
    # indices for fast matrix updating later.
    tmp <- getBlockDiag(len)
    BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
    row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
    col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
    R.alpha.inv <- NULL
  }else if(cor.match == 5){
    if( max(len^2 - len)/2 > length(len)){
      stop("Cannot estimate that many parameters: not enough subjects for unstructured correlation")
    tmp <- getBlockDiag(len)
    BlockDiag <- tmp$BDiag
    row.vec <- tmp$row.vec
    col.vec <- tmp$col.vec
  }else if(cor.match == 6){
    # FIXED
    # check if matrix meets some basic conditions
    corr.mat <- checkFixedMat(corr.mat, len)
    R.alpha.inv <- as(getAlphaInvFixed(corr.mat, len), "symmetricMatrix")/phi
    BlockDiag <- getBlockDiag(len)$BDiag
  }else if(cor.match == 7){
    corr.mat <- checkUserMat(corr.mat, len)
    # get the structure of the correlation matrix in a way that
    # I can use later on.
    tmp1 <- getUserStructure(corr.mat)
    corr.list <- tmp1$corr.list
    user.row <- tmp1$row.vec
    user.col <- tmp1$col.vec
    struct.vec <- tmp1$struct.vec
    # the same block diagonal trick.
    tmp2 <- getBlockDiag(len)
    BlockDiag <- tmp2$BDiag
    row.vec <- tmp2$row.vec
    col.vec <- tmp2$col.vec
  }else if(cor.match == 0){
    stop("Ambiguous Correlation Structure Specification")
    stop("Unsupported Correlation Structure")
  stop <- F
  converged <- F
  count <- 0
  beta.old <- beta
  unstable <- F
  phi.old <- phi
  # Main fisher scoring loop
    count <- count+1
    eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta) + off
    mu <- InvLink(eta)
    diag(StdErr) <- sqrt(1/VarFun(mu))
      phi <- updatePhi(Y, mu, VarFun, p, StdErr, included, includedlen, sqrtW, useP)
    phi.new <- phi
    ## Calculate alpha, R(alpha)^(-1) / phi
    if(cor.match == 2){
      # AR-1
      alpha.new <- updateAlphaAR(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                                 StdErr, p, included, includedlen,
                                 includedvec, allobs, sqrtW,
                                 BlockDiag, useP)
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvAR(alpha.new, a1,a2,a3,a4, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 3){
      alpha.new <- updateAlphaEX(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len, StdErr,
                                 Resid, p, BlockDiag, included,
                                 includedlen, sqrtW, useP)
      #R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvEX(alpha.new, n.vec, BlockDiag)/phi
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvEX(alpha.new, n.vec, BlockDiag)/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 4){
        alpha.new <- updateAlphaAR(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                                   StdErr, p, included, includedlen,
                                   includedvec, allobs,
                                   sqrtW, BlockDiag, useP)
        alpha.new <- updateAlphaMDEP(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                                     StdErr, Resid, p, BlockDiag, Mv,
                                     included, includedlen,
                                     allobs, sqrtW, useP)
        if(sum(len>Mv) <= p){
          unstable <- T
      if(any(alpha.new >= 1)){
        stop <- T
        warning("some estimated correlation is greater than 1, stopping.")
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvMDEP(alpha.new, len, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 5){
      alpha.new <- updateAlphaUnstruc(Y, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                                      StdErr, Resid,  p, BlockDiag,
                                      included, includedlen, allobs,
                                      sqrtW, useP)
      # This has happened to me (greater than 1 correlation estimate)
      if(any(alpha.new >= 1)){
        stop <- T
        warning("some estimated correlation is greater than 1, stopping.")
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvUnstruc(alpha.new, len, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
    }else if(cor.match ==6){
      R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv*phi.old/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 7){
      alpha.new <- updateAlphaUser(Y, mu, phi, id, len, StdErr, Resid,
                                   p, BlockDiag, user.row, user.col,
                                   corr.list, included, includedlen,
                                   allobs, sqrtW, useP)
      R.alpha.inv <- getAlphaInvUser(alpha.new, len, struct.vec, user.row, user.col, row.vec, col.vec)/phi
    }else if(cor.match == 1){
      R.alpha.inv <-  Diagonal(x = rep.int(1/phi, nn))
      alpha.new <- "independent"
    beta.list <- updateBeta(Y, X, beta, off, InvLinkDeriv, InvLink, VarFun, R.alpha.inv, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta, tol, W, included)
    beta <- beta.list$beta
    phi.old <- phi
    if( max(abs((beta - beta.old)/(beta.old + .Machine$double.eps))) < tol ){converged <- T; stop <- T}
    if(count >= maxit){stop <- T}
    beta.old <- beta
  biggest <- which.max(len)[1]
  index <- sum(len[1:biggest])-len[biggest]
  if(K == 1){
    biggest.R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv
    if(cor.match == 6) {
      biggest.R.alpha <- corr.mat*phi
      biggest.R.alpha <- solve(R.alpha.inv)
    biggest.R.alpha.inv <- R.alpha.inv[(index+1):(index+len[biggest]) , (index+1):(index+len[biggest])]
    if(cor.match == 6){
      biggest.R.alpha <- corr.mat[1:len[biggest] , 1:len[biggest]]*phi
      biggest.R.alpha <- solve(biggest.R.alpha.inv)
  eta <- as.vector(X %*% beta) + off
    sandvar.list <- getSandwich(Y, X, eta, id, R.alpha.inv, phi, InvLinkDeriv, InvLink, VarFun, 
                                beta.list$hess, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta, BlockDiag, W, included)
    sandvar.list <- list()
    sandvar.list$sandvar <- "no sandwich"
  if(!converged){warning("Did not converge")}
  if(unstable){warning("Number of subjects with number of observations >= Mv is very small, some correlations are estimated with very low sample size.")}
  # Create object of class geem with information about the fit
  dat <- model.frame(formula, data, na.action=na.pass)
  X <- model.matrix(formula, dat)
  if(is.character(alpha.new)){alpha.new <- 0}
  results <- list()
  results$beta <- as.vector(beta)
  results$phi <- phi
  results$alpha <- alpha.new
  if(cor.match == 6){
    results$alpha <- as.vector(triu(corr.mat, 1)[which(triu(corr.mat,1)!=0)])
  results$coefnames <- colnames(X)
  results$niter <- count
  results$converged <- converged
  results$naiv.var <- solve(beta.list$hess)  ## call model-based
  results$var <- sandvar.list$sandvar
  results$call <- call
  results$corr <- cor.vec[cor.match]
  results$clusz <- len
  results$FunList <- famret
  results$X <- X
  results$offset <- off
  results$eta <- eta
  results$dropped <- dropid
  results$weights <- weights
  results$terms <- modterms
  results$R.a.inv <- R.alpha.inv
  results$y <- Y
  results$biggest.R.alpha <- biggest.R.alpha/phi
  results$formula <- formula
  class(results) <- "geem"

### Simple moment estimator of dispersion parameter
updatePhi <- function(YY, mu, VarFun, p, StdErr, included, includedlen, sqrtW, useP){
  nn <- sum(includedlen)
  resid <- diag(StdErr %*% included %*% sqrtW %*% Diagonal(x = YY - mu))
  phi <- (1/(sum(included)- useP * p))*crossprod(resid, resid)

### Method to update coefficients.  Goes to a maximum of 10 iterations, or when
### rough convergence has been obtained.
updateBeta = function(YY, XX, beta, off, InvLinkDeriv, InvLink,
                      VarFun, R.alpha.inv, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta, tol, W, included){
  beta.new <- beta
  for(i in 1:10){
    eta <- as.vector(XX%*%beta.new) + off
    diag(dInvLinkdEta) <- InvLinkDeriv(eta)
    mu <- InvLink(eta)
    diag(StdErr) <- sqrt(1/VarFun(mu))
    #hess <- crossprod( StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*%XX, R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*%dInvLinkdEta %*% XX)
    #esteq <- crossprod( StdErr %*%dInvLinkdEta %*%XX , R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*% as.matrix(YY - mu))
    hess <- crossprod( StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*%XX, included %*% R.alpha.inv  %*% W %*% StdErr %*%dInvLinkdEta %*% XX)
    esteq <- crossprod( StdErr %*%dInvLinkdEta %*%XX , included %*% R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*% as.matrix(YY - mu))
    update <- solve(hess, esteq)
    beta.new <- beta.new + as.vector(update)
  return(list(beta = beta.new, hess = hess))

### Calculate the sandiwch estimator as usual.
getSandwich = function(YY, XX, eta, id, R.alpha.inv, phi, InvLinkDeriv,
                       InvLink, VarFun, hessMat, StdErr, dInvLinkdEta,
                       BlockDiag, W, included){
  diag(dInvLinkdEta) <- InvLinkDeriv(eta)
  mu <- InvLink(eta)
  diag(StdErr) <- sqrt(1/VarFun(mu))
  scoreDiag <- Diagonal(x= YY - mu)
  BlockDiag <- scoreDiag %*% BlockDiag %*% scoreDiag
  #numsand <- as.matrix(crossprod(  StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*% XX,  R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*% BlockDiag %*% StdErr %*% W %*% R.alpha.inv %*%  StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*% XX))
  numsand <- as.matrix(crossprod(  StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*% XX, included %*% R.alpha.inv %*% W %*% StdErr %*% BlockDiag %*% StdErr %*% W %*% R.alpha.inv %*% included %*% StdErr %*% dInvLinkdEta %*% XX))
  sandvar <- t(solve(hessMat, numsand))
  sandvar <- t(solve(t(hessMat), sandvar))
  return(list(sandvar = sandvar, numsand = numsand))

### summary function for geem object.
summary.geem <- function(object, ...)  {
  Coefs <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(object$beta),ncol=5)
  Coefs[,1] <- c(object$beta)
  naive <- is.character(object$var)
  if(!naive & any(diag(object$var) < 0) ){
    naive <- TRUE
    warning("Some elements of robust variance estimate < 0.  Reporting model based SE.")
  Coefs[,2] <- sqrt(diag(object$naiv.var))
  if(naive){Coefs[,3] <- rep(NA, length(object$beta))}else{Coefs[,3] <- sqrt(diag(object$var))}
  if(naive){Coefs[,4] <- Coefs[,1]/Coefs[,2]}else{Coefs[,4] <- Coefs[,1]/Coefs[,3]}
  Coefs[,5] <- round(2*pnorm(abs(Coefs[,4]), lower.tail=F), digits=8)
  colnames(Coefs) <- c("Estimates","Model SE","Robust SE", "wald", "p")
  summ <- list(beta = Coefs[,1], se.model = Coefs[,2], se.robust = Coefs[,3], wald.test = Coefs[,4], p = Coefs[,5],
               alpha = object$alpha, corr = object$corr, phi = object$phi, niter = object$niter, clusz = object$clusz,
               coefnames = object$coefnames, weights=object$weights, biggest.R.alpha = object$biggest.R.alpha)
  class(summ) <- 'summary.geem'

### print function for summary.geem object
print.summary.geem <- function(x, ...){
  Coefs <- matrix(0,nrow=length(x$coefnames),ncol=5)
  rownames(Coefs) <- c(x$coefnames)
  colnames(Coefs) <- c("Estimates","Model SE","Robust SE", "wald", "p")
  Coefs[,1] <- x$beta
  Coefs[,2] <- x$se.model
  Coefs[,3] <- x$se.robust
  Coefs[,4] <- x$wald.test
  Coefs[,5] <- x$p
  #print("Call: ", object$call, "\n")
  print(signif(Coefs, digits=4))
  if(!is.element(x$corr, c("independence", "ar1", "exchangeable"))){
    if(dim(x$biggest.R.alpha)[1] > 4 ){
      cat("\n Working Correlation[1:4,1:4]: \n")
      print(as.matrix(round(x$biggest.R.alpha[1:4,1:4], digits=4)))
      cat("\n Working Correlation: \n")
      print(as.matrix(round(x$biggest.R.alpha, digits=4)))
    cat("\n Estimated Correlation Parameter: ", signif(x$alpha, digits=4), "\n")
  #cat("\n Est. Correlation: ", signif(x$alpha, digits=4), "\n")
  cat(" Correlation Structure: ", x$corr, "\n")
  cat(" Est. Scale Parameter: ", signif(x$phi, digits=4), "\n")
  cat("\n Number of GEE iterations:", x$niter, "\n")
  cat(" Number of Clusters: ", length(x$clusz), "   Maximum Cluster Size: ", max(x$clusz), "\n")
  cat(" Number of observations with nonzero weight: ", sum(x$weights != 0), "\n")

### print function for geem object
print.geem <- function(x, ...){
  coefdf <- signif(data.frame(x$beta), digits=4)
  rownames(coefdf) <- x$coefnames
  colnames(coefdf) <- ""
  cat("\n", "Coefficients:", "\n")
  cat("\n Scale Parameter: ", signif(x$phi, digits=4), "\n")
  cat("\n Correlation Model: ", x$corr)
  if(!is.element(x$corr, c("independence", "ar1", "exchangeable"))){
    if(dim(x$biggest.R.alpha)[1] > 4 ){
      cat("\n Working Correlation[1:4,1:4]: \n")
      print(as.matrix(round(x$biggest.R.alpha[1:4,1:4], digits=4)))
      cat("\n Working Correlation: \n")
      print(as.matrix(round(x$biggest.R.alpha, digits=4)))
    cat("\n Estimated Correlation Parameter: ", signif(x$alpha, digits=4), "\n")
  cat("\n Number of clusters: ", length(x$clusz), "  Maximum cluster size: ", max(x$clusz), "\n")
  cat(" Number of observations with nonzero weight: ", sum(x$weights != 0), "\n")

#print.coef.geem <- function(x, ...){
#  print(signif(x, 3))

### Update the alpha (possibly) vector for the USERDEFINED correlation matrix.
updateAlphaUser <- function(YY, mu, phi, id, len, StdErr, Resid,
                            p, BlockDiag, row.vec, col.vec, corr.list,
                            included, includedlen, allobs,sqrtW, useP){
  Resid <- StdErr %*% included %*% sqrtW %*% Diagonal(x = YY - mu)
  ml <- max(len)
  BlockDiag <- Resid %*% BlockDiag %*% Resid
  alpha.new <- vector("numeric", length(corr.list))
  index <- cumsum(len)-len
  for(i in 1:length(alpha.new)){
    newrow <- NULL
    newcol <- NULL
    for(j in 1:length(corr.list[[i]])){
      newrow <- c(newrow, index[which(len >= col.vec[corr.list[[i]]][j])] + row.vec[corr.list[[i]][j]])
      newcol <- c(newcol, index[which(len >= col.vec[corr.list[[i]]][j])] + col.vec[corr.list[[i]][j]])
    bdtmp <- BlockDiag[cbind(newrow, newcol)]
      denom <- phi*(length(newrow) - useP * p)
      denom <- phi*(sum(bdtmp!=0) - useP * p)
    alpha.new[i] <- sum(bdtmp)/denom

### Calculate the parameter for the EXCHANGEABLE correlation structure
updateAlphaEX <- function(YY, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len, StdErr,
                          Resid, p, BlockDiag, included,
                          includedlen, sqrtW, useP){
  W <- sqrtW^2
  Resid <- StdErr %*% included %*% sqrtW %*% Diagonal(x = YY - mu)
  denom <- phi*(sum(triu(included %*% BlockDiag %*% included, k=1)) - useP * p)
  #BlockDiag <- StdErr  %*%Diagonal(x = YY - mu) %*%  BlockDiag %*% W %*% included %*% Diagonal(x = YY - mu)  %*% StdErr
  BlockDiag <- StdErr  %*%Diagonal(x = YY - mu) %*%  included %*% BlockDiag %*% W %*% Diagonal(x = YY - mu)  %*% StdErr
  alpha <- sum(triu(BlockDiag, k=1))
  #alpha <- sum(triu(Resid %*% BlockDiag %*% Resid, k=1))
  alpha.new <- alpha/denom

### Calculate the parameters for the M-DEPENDENT correlation structure
updateAlphaMDEP <- function(YY, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len,
                            StdErr, Resid, p, BlockDiag, m,
                            included, includedlen, allobs, sqrtW, useP){
  Resid <- StdErr %*% included %*% sqrtW %*% Diagonal(x = YY - mu)
  BlockDiag <- Resid %*% BlockDiag %*% Resid
  alpha.new <- vector("numeric", m)
  for(i in 1:m){
    if(sum(includedlen>i) > p){
      bandmat <- drop0(band(BlockDiag, i,i))
        alpha.new[i] <- sum(bandmat)/(phi*(sum(as.numeric(len>i)*(len-i)) - useP * p))
        alpha.new[i] <- sum( bandmat)/(phi*(length(bandmat@i) - useP * p))
      # If we don't have many observations for a certain parameter, don't divide by p
      # ensures we don't have NaN errors.
      bandmat <- drop0(band(BlockDiag, i,i))
      if(allobs){alpha.new[i] <- sum(bandmat)/(phi*(sum(as.numeric(len>i)*(len-i))))
        alpha.new[i] <- sum( bandmat)/(phi*length(bandmat@i))

### Calculate the parameter for the AR-1 correlation, also used for 1-DEPENDENT
updateAlphaAR <- function(YY, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len, StdErr, p,
                          included, includedlen, includedvec, allobs,
                          sqrtW, BlockDiag, useP){
  #K <- length(len)
  #oneobs <- which(len == 1)
  Resid <- StdErr %*%  sqrtW %*% Diagonal(x = YY - mu)
  #len2 = len
  #includedvec2 <- includedvec
  #if(length(oneobs) > 0){
  #  index <- c(0, (cumsum(len) -len)[2:K], sum(len))
  #  len2 <- len[-oneobs]
  #  resid <- resid[-index[oneobs]]
  #  includedvec2 <- includedvec[-index[oneobs]]
  denom <- phi*(sum(band(triu(included %*% BlockDiag %*% included, k=1), k1=1, k2=1)) - useP * p)
  num <- sum(band(triu(Resid %*% BlockDiag %*% Resid, k=1), k1=1, k2=1))
  #nn <- length(resid)
  #lastobs <- cumsum(len2)
  #shiftresid1 <- resid[1:nn-1]
  #shiftresid2 <- resid[2:nn]
  #  shiftresid1 <- shiftresid1[-lastobs]
  #  shiftresid2 <- shiftresid2[-lastobs]
  #s1incvec2 <- includedvec2[1:nn-1]
  #s2incvec2 <- includedvec2[2:nn]
  #s1incvec2 <- s1incvec2[-lastobs]
  #s2incvec2 <- s2incvec2[-lastobs]
  # alphasum <- crossprod(shiftresid1, shiftresid2)
  #denom <- (as.vector(crossprod(s1incvec2, s2incvec2)) - p)*phi
  #  alphasum <- crossprod(shiftresid1[-lastobs], shiftresid2[-lastobs])
  #denom <- (sum(len2-1) - p)*phi
  alpha <- num/denom

### Calculate alpha values for UNSTRUCTURED correlation
updateAlphaUnstruc <- function(YY, mu, VarFun, phi, id, len, StdErr, Resid,
                               p, BlockDiag, included, includedlen,
                               allobs, sqrtW, useP){
  Resid <- StdErr %*% included %*% sqrtW %*%Diagonal(x = YY - mu)
  ml <- max(len)
  BlockDiag <- Resid %*% BlockDiag %*% Resid
  alpha.new <- vector("numeric", sum(1:(ml-1)))
  lalph <- length(alpha.new)
  row.vec <- NULL
  col.vec <- NULL
  for(i in 2:ml){
    row.vec <- c(row.vec, 1:(i-1))
    col.vec <- c(col.vec, rep(i, each=i-1))
  index <- cumsum(len)-len
  if(sum(includedlen == max(len)) <= p){stop("Number of clusters of largest size is less than p.")}
  for(i in 1:lalph){
    # Get all of the indices of the matrix corresponding to the correlation
    # we want to estimate.
    newrow <- index[which(len>=col.vec[i])] + row.vec[i]
    newcol <- index[which(len>=col.vec[i])] + col.vec[i]
    bdtmp <- BlockDiag[cbind(newrow, newcol)]
      denom <- (phi*(length(newrow) - useP * p))
      denom <- (phi*(sum(bdtmp!=0) - useP * p))
    alpha.new[i] <- sum(bdtmp)/denom

### Get the AR-1 inverse matrix
getAlphaInvAR <- function(alpha.new, a1,a2,a3,a4, row.vec, col.vec){
  corr.vec <- c(alpha.new*a1/(1-alpha.new^2) , ( (1+alpha.new^2)*a2 + a3)/(1-alpha.new^2) + a4, alpha.new*a1/(1-alpha.new^2))	
  return(as(sparseMatrix(i= row.vec, j=col.vec, x=corr.vec), "symmetricMatrix"))

### Get the necessary structures for the inverse matrix of AR-1
### returns the row and column indices of the AR-1 inverse
### a1, a2, a3, and a4 are used to compute the entries in the matrix
buildAlphaInvAR <- function(len){
  nn <- sum(len)
  K <- length(len)
  a1 <- a2 <- a3 <- a4 <- vector("numeric", nn)
  index <- c(cumsum(len) - len, nn)
  for (i in 1:K)  {
    if(len[i] > 1)  {
      a1[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- c(rep(-1,times = len[i]-1),0)
      a2[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- c(0,rep(1,times=len[i]-2),0)
      a3[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- c(1,rep(0,times=len[i]-2),1)
      a4[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- c(rep(0,times=len[i]))
    else if (len[i] == 1)  {
      a1[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- 0
      a2[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- 0
      a3[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- 0
      a4[(index[i]+1) : index[i+1]] <- 1
  a1 <- a1[1:(nn-1)]
  subdiag.col <- 1:(nn-1)
  subdiag.row <- 2:nn
  row.vec <- c(subdiag.row, (1:nn), subdiag.col)
  col.vec <- c(subdiag.col, (1:nn), subdiag.row)
  return(list(row.vec = row.vec, col.vec= col.vec, a1 = a1, a2=a2, a3=a3, a4=a4))

### Returns the full inverse matrix of the correlation for EXCHANGEABLE structure
getAlphaInvEX <- function(alpha.new, diag.vec, BlockDiag){
  return(as(BlockDiag %*% Diagonal(x = (-alpha.new/((1-alpha.new)*(1+(diag.vec-1)*alpha.new))))
            + Diagonal( x = ((1+(diag.vec-2)*alpha.new)/((1-alpha.new)*(1+(diag.vec-1)*alpha.new))
                             + alpha.new/((1-alpha.new)*(1+(diag.vec-1)*alpha.new)))), "symmetricMatrix"))

### Get the inverse of M-DEPENDENT correlation matrix.
getAlphaInvMDEP <- function(alpha.new, len, row.vec, col.vec){
  K <- length(len)
  N <- sum(len)
  m <- length(alpha.new)
  # First get all of the unique block sizes.
  #real.sizes <- sort(unique(len))
  #mat.sizes <- fillMatSizes(real.sizes)
  mat.sizes <- sort(unique(len))
  #mat.sizes <- len
  corr.vec <- vector("numeric", sum(len^2))
  mat.inverses <- list()
  index <- c(0, (cumsum(len^2) -len^2)[2:K], sum(len^2)) 
  for(i in 1:length(mat.sizes)){
    # Now create and invert each matrix
    if(mat.sizes[i] == 1){
      mat.inverses[[i]] <- 1
      mtmp <- min(m, mat.sizes[i]-1)
      a1 = list()
      a1[[1]] <- rep(1, mat.sizes[i])
      for(j in 1:mtmp){
        a1[[j+1]] <- rep(alpha.new[j], mat.sizes[i]-j)
      tmp <- bandSparse(mat.sizes[i], k=c(0:mtmp),diagonals=a1, symmetric=T )
      mat.inverses[[i]] <- as.vector(solve(tmp))
  # Put all inverted matrices in a vector in the right order
  mat.finder <- match(len, mat.sizes)
  corr.vec <- unlist(mat.inverses[mat.finder])
  return(as(sparseMatrix(i=row.vec, j=col.vec, x=corr.vec), "symmetricMatrix"))

### Get a vector of elements of the inverse correlation matrix for UNSTRUCTURED
### Inversion strategy follows the same basic idea as M-DEPENDENT
getAlphaInvUnstruc <- function(alpha.new, len, row.vec, col.vec){
  K <- length(len)
  unstr.row <- NULL
  unstr.col <- NULL
  ml <- max(len)
  sl2 <- sum(len^2)
  for(i in 2:ml){
    unstr.row <- c(unstr.row, 1:(i-1))
    unstr.col <- c(unstr.col, rep(i, each=i-1))
  unstr.row <- c(unstr.row, 1:ml)
  unstr.col <- c(unstr.col, 1:ml)
  xvec <- c(alpha.new, rep(1, ml))
  # Get the biggest matrix implied by the cluster sizes
  biggestMat <- forceSymmetric(sparseMatrix(i=unstr.row, j=unstr.col, x=xvec))
  mat.sizes <- sort(unique(len))
  corr.vec <- vector("numeric", sl2)
  mat.inverses <- list()
  index <- vector("numeric", K+1)
  index[1] <- 0
  index[2:K] <-  (cumsum(len^2) -len^2)[2:K]
  index[K+1] <- sl2
  for(i in 1:length(mat.sizes)){
    tmp <- biggestMat[1:mat.sizes[i], 1:mat.sizes[i]]
    mat.inverses[[i]] <- as.vector(solve(tmp))		
  mat.finder <- match(len, mat.sizes)
  corr.vec <- unlist(mat.inverses[mat.finder])
  return(as(sparseMatrix(i=row.vec, j=col.vec, x=corr.vec), "symmetricMatrix"))

### Invert the FIXED correlation structure.  Again,
### uses same basic technique as M-DEPENDENT
getAlphaInvFixed <- function(mat, len){
  K <- length(len)
  mat.sizes <- sort(unique(len))
  mat.inverses <- list()
  sl2 <- sum(len^2)	
  corr.vec <- vector("numeric", sl2)
  index <- vector("numeric", K+1)
  index[1] <- 0
  index[2:K] <-  (cumsum(len^2) -len^2)[2:K]
  index[K+1] <- sl2
  for(i in 1:length(mat.sizes)){
    tmp <- mat[1:mat.sizes[i], 1:mat.sizes[i]]
    mat.inverses[[i]] <- as.vector(solve(tmp))
  mat.finder <- match(len, mat.sizes)
  corr.vec <- unlist(mat.inverses[mat.finder])  
  return(as(getBlockDiag(len, corr.vec)$BDiag, "symmetricMatrix"))	

### Get the structure of the USERDEFINED correlation matrix implied by the
### corr.mat argument to geem.
getUserStructure <- function(corr.mat){
  ml <- dim(corr.mat)[1]
  row.vec <- NULL
  col.vec <- NULL
  for(i in 2:ml){
    row.vec <- c(row.vec, 1:(i-1))
    col.vec <- c(col.vec, rep(i, each=i-1))
  struct.vec <- corr.mat[cbind(row.vec, col.vec)]
  corr.list <- vector("list", max(struct.vec))
  for(i in 1:max(struct.vec)){
    corr.list[[i]] <- which(struct.vec == i)
  return(list(corr.list = corr.list, row.vec = row.vec, col.vec = col.vec, struct.vec = struct.vec))

### Get the inverse correlation matrix for USERDEFINED.
getAlphaInvUser <- function(alpha.new, len, struct.vec, user.row, user.col, row.vec, col.vec){
  K <- length(len)
  ml <- max(len)
  sl2 <- sum(len^2)
  # Indices for the correlation matrix for the subject
  # with the most observations.
  user.row <- c(user.row, 1:ml)
  user.col <- c(user.col, 1:ml)
  # The entries of the biggest matrix
  xvec <- rep.int(0, length(struct.vec))
  for(i in 1:length(alpha.new)){
    xvec[which(struct.vec == i)] <- alpha.new[i]
  xvec <- c(xvec, rep(1, ml))	
  biggestMat <- forceSymmetric(sparseMatrix(i=user.row, j=user.col, x=xvec))
  mat.sizes <- sort(unique(len))
  corr.vec <- vector("numeric", sl2)
  mat.inverses <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(mat.sizes)){
    tmp <- biggestMat[1:mat.sizes[i], 1:mat.sizes[i]]
    mat.inverses[[i]] <- as.vector(solve(tmp))		
  mat.finder <- match(len, mat.sizes)
  corr.vec <- unlist(mat.inverses[mat.finder])
  return(as(sparseMatrix(i=row.vec, j=col.vec, x=corr.vec), "symmetricMatrix"))

### Check some conditions on the USERDEFINED correlation structure supplied.
checkUserMat <- function(corr.mat, len){
    stop("corr.mat must be specified if using user defined correlation structure")
  if(dim(corr.mat)[1] < max(len)){
    stop("corr.mat needs to be at least as long as the maximum cluster size.")
  test.vec <- as.vector(corr.mat)
  if(any(abs(test.vec-round(test.vec)) > .Machine$double.eps )){
    stop("entries in corr.mat must be integers.")
  max.val <- max(test.vec)
  min.val <- min(test.vec)
  if(!all(sort(unique(test.vec)) == min.val:max.val)){
    stop("entries in corr.mat must be consecutive integers starting at 1.")
  return(corr.mat[1:max(len), 1:max(len)])	
getfam <- function(family){
    family <- get(family, mode = "function", envir = parent.frame(2))  
    family <- family()
  }else if(inherits(family, "family")){
  }else if(is.list(family)){
    if(length(match(names(family), c("LinkFun", "VarFun", "InvLink", "InvLinkDeriv"))) == 4){
      famname <- "custom"
      LinkFun <- family$LinkFun
      InvLink <- family$InvLink
      VarFun <- family$VarFun
      InvLinkDeriv <- family$InvLinkDeriv
      famname <- "custom"
      LinkFun <- family[[1]]
      VarFun <- family[[2]]
      InvLink <- family[[3]]
      InvLinkDeriv <- family[[4]]
    FunList <- list("family"= famname, "LinkFun" = LinkFun, "VarFun" = VarFun, "InvLink" = InvLink, "InvLinkDeriv" = InvLinkDeriv) 
    stop("problem with family argument: should be string, family object, or list of functions")

### Get a block diagonal matrix. Each block has dimension corresponding to
### each cluster size.  By default, each block is just a matrix filled with ones.
getBlockDiag <- function(len, xvec=NULL){
  K <- length(len)
    xvec <- rep.int(1, sum(len^2))
  row.vec <- col.vec <- vector("numeric", sum(len^2))
  add.vec <- cumsum(len) - len
  if(K == 1){
    index <- c(0, sum(len^2))
    index <- c(0, (cumsum(len^2) -len^2)[2:K], sum(len^2)) 
  for(i in 1:K){
    row.vec[(index[i] + 1):(index[i+1])] <- rep.int( (1:len[i]) + add.vec[i], len[i])
    col.vec[(index[i] + 1):(index[i+1])] <- rep( (1:len[i]) + add.vec[i], each=len[i])
  BlockDiag <- sparseMatrix(i = row.vec, j = col.vec, x = xvec)
    testsymm <- abs(sum(skewpart(BlockDiag)))
    if(testsymm != 0) {
      warning("Correlation matrix is not computed to be exactly symmetric. Taking only the symmetric part.")
  return(list(BDiag = symmpart(BlockDiag), row.vec =row.vec, col.vec=col.vec))

### Check some conditions on the FIXED correlation structure.
checkFixedMat <- function(corr.mat, len){
    stop("corr.mat must be specified if using fixed correlation structure")
  if(dim(corr.mat)[1] < max(len)){
    stop("Dimensions of corr.mat must be at least as large as largest cluster")
    stop("corr.mat must be symmetric")
  if(determinant(corr.mat, logarithm=T)$modulus == -Inf){
    stop("supplied correlation matrix is not invertible.")
  return(corr.mat[1:max(len), 1:max(len)])	

### fitted function for geem object
fitted.geem <- function(object, ...){
  #InvLink <- object$FunList$InvLink
  InvLink <- object$FunList[[if(object$FunList$family == "custom") "InvLink" else "linkinv"]]

predict.geem <- function(object, newdata = NULL,...){
  coefs <- object$beta
    return(as.vector(object$X %*% object$beta))
    if(dim(newdata)[2] != length(coefs)){warning("New observations must have the same number of rows as coefficients in the model")}
    return(as.vector(newdata %*% object$beta))

coef.geem <- function(object, ...){
  coefs <- object$beta
  names(coefs) <- object$coefnames

family.geem <- function(object,...){

dummyrows <- function(formula, dat, incomp, maxwave, wavespl, idspl){
  missing <- missid <- misswave <- rep(0, sum(maxwave))
  index <- 1
  for(i in 1:length(wavespl)){
    wa <- wavespl[[i]]
    index <- index+1
    for(j in 2:length(wa)){
      wdiff <- wa[j] - wa[j-1] -1
      if(wdiff > 0){
        missing[index:(index+wdiff-1)] <- (wa[j-1]+1):(wa[j]-1)
        missid[index:(index+wdiff-1)] <- idspl[[i]][1]
      index <- index+wdiff+1
  dat2 <- as.data.frame(matrix(nrow=sum(maxwave), ncol=dim(dat)[2]))
  colnames(dat2) <- colnames(dat)
  dat2[missing==0,] <- dat
  dat2$id[missing > 0] <- missid[missing>0]
  dat2$weights[missing > 0] <- 0
  dat2$waves[missing > 0] <- missing[missing > 0]
  NAcols <- which(!is.element(names(dat2), c("id", "waves", "weights")))
  for(i in NAcols){
    dat2[missing>0, i] <- median(dat2[,i], na.rm=TRUE)
  retdat <- model.frame(formula, dat2, na.action=na.pass)
  retdat$id <- dat2$id
  retdat$weights <- dat2$weights
  retdat$waves <- dat2$waves

fillMatList <- function(real.sizes){

model.matrix.geem <- function(object, ...){
  return(model.matrix(object$formula, data=model.frame(object)))

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