
Defines functions designLHD designLHDNorm

Documented in designLHD designLHDNorm

#' Normalized LHD Design
#' Produces a normalized design and calculates the minimal distance 
#' if required.
#' A design  is a matrix with \code{dim} columns and \code{size} rows.
#' Distance can be calculated with respect to a fixed, nested design.
#' @param dim number, dimension of the problem (will be no. of columns of the result matrix)
#' @param size number of points with that dimension needed. (will be no. of rows of the result matrix).
#' @param calcMinDistance Boolean to indicate whether a minimal distance should be calculated.
#' @param nested nested design to be considered during distance calculation.
#' @param inequalityConstraint inequality constraint function, smaller zero for infeasible points. Used to replace infeasible points with random points. Has to evaluate points in interval [0;1].
#' @seealso This function is used as a basis for \code{\link{designLHD}}.
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @return list \code{L}  \cr
#' - \code{L} consists of a matrix \code{L$design} and (if required) a minimal distance \code{L$minDistance}
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Original code by Christian Lasarczyk, adaptations by Martin Zaefferer
designLHDNorm <- function(dim,size, calcMinDistance=FALSE, nested=NULL, inequalityConstraint=NULL){
	step <- 1/size
	design <- replicate(dim, sample(0:(size-1),size) * step + runif(size) * step)

	if(!is.null(inequalityConstraint)){ #TODO: this may be inefficient if the feasible space is small.
		feasible <- apply(design,1,inequalityConstraint) <= 0
			design <- design[feasible,,drop=FALSE]
			design <- matrix(NA,0,ncol(design))
			newP <- runif(dim)
	des <- rbind(design, nested) #adds nested design points, to be considered in distance calculation.
	if (calcMinDistance)
		minDistance <- min(dist(des))
		minDistance <- NA;
	list(  design=design
			, minDistance=minDistance); 

#' Latin Hypercube Design Generator
#' Creates a latin Hypercube Design (LHD) with user-specified dimension and number of design points.
#' LHDs are created repeatedly created at random. For each each LHD, the minimal pair-wise distance between design points is computed.
#' The design with the maximum of that minimal value is chosen.
#' @param x optional matrix x, rows for points, columns for dimensions. This can contain one or more points which are part of the design, 
#' but specified by the user. These points are added to the design, 
#' and are taken into account when calculating the pair-wise distances. 
#' They do not count for the design size. E.g., if \code{x} has two rows, \code{control$replicates} is one and \code{control$size} is ten, the returned design will have
#' 12 points (12 rows). 
#' The first two rows will be identical to \code{x}. 
#' Only the remaining ten rows are guaranteed to be a valid LHD. 
#' @param lower vector with lower boundary of the design variables (in case of categorical parameters, please map the respective factor to a set of contiguous integers, e.g., with lower = 1 and upper = number of levels)
#' @param upper vector with upper boundary of the design variables (in case of categorical parameters, please map the respective factor to a set of contiguous integers, e.g., with lower = 1 and upper = number of levels)
#' @param control list of controls:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{size}}{number of design points}
#'  \item{\code{retries}}{number of retries during design creation}
#'  \item{\code{types}}{this specifies the data type for each design parameter, as a vector of either "numeric","integer","factor". (here, this only affects rounding)}
#'  \item{\code{inequalityConstraint}}{inequality constraint function, smaller zero for infeasible points. Used to replace infeasible points with random points.}
#'  \item{\code{replicates}}{integer for replications of each design point. E.g., if replications is two, every design point will occur twice in the resulting matrix.}
#' }
#' @return matrix \code{design} \cr
#' - \code{design} has \code{length(lower)} columns and \code{(size + nrow(x))*control$replicates} rows.
#' All values should be within \code{lower <= design <= upper}
#' @export
#' @author Original code by Christian Lasarczyk, adaptations by Martin Zaefferer
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1) #set RNG seed to make examples reproducible 
#' design <- designLHD(,1,2) #simple, 1-D case
#' design
#' design <- designLHD(,1,2,control=list(replicates=3)) #with replications
#' design
#' design <- designLHD(,c(-1,-2,1,0),c(1,4,9,1),
#'		control=list(size=5, retries=100, types=c("numeric","integer","factor","factor")))
#' design
#' x <- designLHD(,c(1,-10),c(2,10),control=list(size=5,retries=100))
#' x2 <- designLHD(x,c(1,-10),c(2,10),control=list(size=5,retries=100))
#' plot(x2)
#' points(x, pch=19)
designLHD <- function(x=NULL, lower, upper, control=list()) {
  ## TODO as matrix x?
  ## number of parameters
  n <- length(lower)
  ## defaults:
  con<-list(size=10, #number of design points
			retries=10, #number of randomly created designs, best selected based on max min distance
			replicates=1, #replications for each design point. leads to replicates*size rows.
      types=rep("numeric",n)#data type of each column. possib
	con[names(control)] <- control

  ## normalize x
    for (i in 1:length(lower)){
      lowerBound <-  lower[i]
      upperBound <-  upper[i]
      x[,i] <- (x[,i] - lowerBound)/ (upperBound-lowerBound)
	#constraint function: needs to be scaled in [0,1]
		ineqConstraint <- control$inequalityConstraint
		ineqConstraint01 <- function(xx){
			xx <- lower + xx * (upper - lower)
		ineqConstraint01 <- NULL
	## Bei einer Wiederholung muss die Distanz nicht berechnet werden
	best <- designLHDNorm(length(lower),control$size,calcMinDistance=control$retries>1,nested=x,inequalityConstraint=ineqConstraint01)
	if (control$retries>1) {
		for (i in 1:(control$retries-1)) {
			tmpDes <- designLHDNorm(length(lower),control$size,calcMinDistance=TRUE,nested=x,inequalityConstraint=ineqConstraint01)
			## maximize minimal distance
			if (tmpDes$minDistance > best$minDistance)
				best <- tmpDes
	design <- rbind(x,best$design)
	for (i in 1:n){
		lowerBound <-  lower[i]
		upperBound <-  upper[i]    
    if(control$types[i] != "numeric"){
      lowerBound <- lowerBound - 0.5 #offset required so that lower bound has equal probability to be drawn randomly
			upperBound <- upperBound + 0.4999999999999  #offset required so that upper bound has equal probability to be drawn randomly
		design[,i] <- lowerBound + design[,i] * (upperBound-lowerBound)
    if(control$types[i] != "numeric") #use rounding if not numeric. note that categorical parameters are mapped to integers.
      design[,i] <- floor(design[,i]+0.5)

    m <- nrow(design)
    design <- design[rep(1:m,control$replicates),]

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