
Defines functions line2poly

Documented in line2poly

#' Line-in-polygon analysis
#' Function for basic geometry calculations on polyline features, within an overlapping destination polygon layer.
#' @param linez Source polyline layer. \code{sf} object.
#' @param polyz Destination polygon layer. Must have identical CRS to \code{linez}. \code{sf} object.
#' @param poly_id Name of unique ID column for destination polygon layer. Character string.
#' @param measurez Desired measurements. Could be any of "length" (sum of line lengths by polygon), "density" (sum of line lengths divided by area of polygon) and/or "distance" (distance from each polygon to nearest line feature). Default is to report all three. Character string or vector of character strings.
#' @param outvar_name Name (root) to be given to output variable. Default is \code{"line"}. Character string.
#' @param unitz Units of measurement (linear). Defaul is \code{"km"}. Character string.
#' @param reproject Temporarily reproject layers to planar projection for geometric operations? Defaul is \code{TRUE}. Logical.
#' @param na_val Value to be assigned to missing values (line lengths and densities only). Defaul is \code{NA}. Logical or list.
#' @param verbose Print status messages and progress? Default is \code{TRUE}. Logical.
#' @return An \code{sf} polygon object, with summary statisics of \code{linez} features aggregated to the geometries of \code{polyz}.
#' If \code{measurez = "lengths"}, contains fields with suffixes
#' \itemize{
##'  \item "\code{_length}". Sum of line lengths within each polygon, in km or other units supplied in \code{unitz}.
##'  }
#' If \code{measurez = "density"}, contains fields with suffixes
#' \itemize{
##'  \item "\code{_length}". Sum of line lengths within each polygon, in km or other units supplied in \code{unitz}.
##'  \item "\code{_area}". Area of each polygon, in km^2 or the square of linear units supplied in \code{unitz}.
##'  \item "\code{_density}". Sum of line lengths divided by area of each polygon, in km/km^2 or other units supplied in \code{unitz}.
##'  }
#' If \code{measurez = "distance"}, contains fields with suffixes
#' \itemize{
##'  \item "\code{_distance}". Distance from each polygon to nearest line feature, in km or other units supplied in \code{unitz}.
##'  }
#' If \code{measurez = c("length","density","distance")} (default), contains all of the above.
#' @import sf
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @importFrom measurements conv_unit
#' @importFrom dplyr select everything
#' @examples
#' # Road lengths, densities and distance from polygon to nearest highway
#' \dontrun{
#' data(hex_05_deu)
#' data(highways_deu1992)
#' out_1 <- line2poly(linez = highways_deu1992,
#'                    polyz = hex_05_deu,
#'                    poly_id = "HEX_ID")
#' plot(out_1["line_length"])
#' plot(out_1["line_density"])
#' plot(out_1["line_distance"])
#' }
#' # Replace missing road lengths and densities with 0's, rename variables
#' \dontrun{
#' out_2 <- line2poly(linez = highways_deu1992,
#'                    polyz = hex_05_deu,
#'                    poly_id = "HEX_ID",
#'                    outvar_name = "road",
#'                    na_val = 0)
#' plot(out_2["road_length"])
#' plot(out_2["road_density"])
#' plot(out_2["road_distance"])
#' }
#' @export

line2poly <- function(linez,

  # Turn off s2 processing

  # Find optimal planar projection for map
  # if(reproject){
  #   if(verbose){print("Finding optimal planar projection...")}
  #   suppressWarnings({polyz_tr <- crs_select(polyz = fix_geom(polyz))})
  #   polyz_tr_ <- polyz_tr[["sf"]]
  #   epsg <- polyz_tr[["epsg_best"]]
  #   linez_tr_ <- sf::st_transform(linez,sf::st_crs(paste0("EPSG:",epsg)))
  # }
    polyz_tr_ <- utm_select(polyz)
    linez_tr_ <- utm_select(linez)
    polyz_tr_ <- polyz
    linez_tr_ <- linez

  # Set units
  unitz_sq <- paste0(unitz,"2")

  # Overlay
  if(verbose){print("Conducting overlay operations...")}
  lp_o <- suppressWarnings({sf::st_intersection(linez_tr_,polyz_tr_)})
  lp_o$sgeoz_length <- as.numeric(measurements::conv_unit(sf::st_length(lp_o),"m", unitz))
  lp_o <- base::as.data.frame(lp_o)
  lp_o <- stats::aggregate(lp_o$sgeoz_length, by=list(lp_o[,which(colnames(lp_o)==poly_id)]), FUN=sum)
  colnames(lp_o) <- c(poly_id,"sgeoz_length")

  # Distance
    polyz_tr_$sgeoz_distance <- as.numeric(measurements::conv_unit(sf::st_distance(polyz_tr_,sf::st_union(linez_tr_)),"m", unitz))

  # Length
    polyz_tr_ <- merge(polyz_tr_,dplyr::select(lp_o,all_ofSunGeo(poly_id),"sgeoz_length"),by=poly_id,all.x=TRUE,all.y=FALSE)
    polyz_tr_$sgeoz_length <- replace(polyz_tr_$sgeoz_length,is.na(polyz_tr_$sgeoz_length), na_val)

  # Density
    polyz_tr_$sgeoz_area <- as.numeric(measurements::conv_unit(sf::st_area(polyz_tr_),"m2", unitz_sq))
    polyz_tr_$sgeoz_density <- replace(polyz_tr_$sgeoz_length/polyz_tr_$sgeoz_area,is.na(polyz_tr_$sgeoz_length/polyz_tr_$sgeoz_area), na_val)

  # Rename variables
  polyz_tr_2 <- dplyr::select(polyz_tr_, all_ofSunGeo(poly_id) ,grep("^sgeoz",names(polyz_tr_),value=TRUE),dplyr::everything())
  colnames(polyz_tr_) <- gsub("^sgeoz",outvar_name,colnames(polyz_tr_))

  # Reproject
    if(verbose){print("Restoring original projection...")}
    polyz_ <- sf::st_transform(polyz_tr_,sf::st_crs(polyz))
    polyz_ <- polyz_tr_

  # Output

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SUNGEO documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:40 a.m.