Defines functions antcolony.mplus

Documented in antcolony.mplus

#' A function to implement the ant colony optimization algorithm for short form
#' specification searches, either using MPlus directly via
#' \code{\link[base]{system}} calls or using Mplus indirectly with the package
#' \link[MplusAutomation]{MplusAutomation}.
#' @description The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm (Dorigo & Stutzle,
#' 2004) can produce short forms of scales that are optimized with respect to
#' characteristics selected by the developer, such as model fit and predictive
#' relationships with other variables. The algorithm is based on the foraging
#' behavior of a group of ants, which start searching for food in a variety of
#' directions and then eventually all ants converge to the shortest distance to
#' the food source. This behavior occurs because ants leave a pheromone trail
#' behind as they search for food and ants in shorter paths leave stronger
#' pheromone trails, which are detected by other ants and that will lead them to
#' follow the shortest trail.
#' @details This function sends a specified number of ants
#' per iteration, which randomly select items to build a model, then evaluates
#' the model based on pheromone levels. The pheromone levels are updated after
#' each iteration according to the best-fitting model of that iteration. The
#' algorithm's stopping rule is to end the search when a certain solution is the
#' same for a given number of ants in a row. When constructing the mplus dataset
#' and when \code{Mplus.Automation=FALSE}, make sure that items in 'categorical
#' are' and 'usevariables' are specifications that take the same number of lines
#' per short form.
#' PREPARATORY STEPS: For the ACO algorithm implementation for short
#' for selection, the following decisions are needed:
#' 1. Determine the target size for the short form.
#' 2. Determine which characteristics should be optimized.
#' 3. Define how the pheromone level will be computed: This is a function of the
#' characteristics of the short form that will be optimized. In Leite, Huang and
#' Marcoulides (2008), the pheromone level was zero if model fit indices did
#' not meet Hu and Bentler's (1999) suggested thresholds, and equal to the sum of
#' path coefficients of a predictor variable if model fit indices met thresholds.
#' Currently, the package only implements pheromone calculation based on
#' regression coefficients or variance explained, with user-selected model fit
#' index thresholds.
#' 4. Define how many short forms should be evaluated before the best-so-far
#' pheromone level is examined. Leite, Huang and Marcoulides (2008) used 10 short
#' forms.
#' 5. Define the percentage of pheromone evaporation, if any. Leite, Huang and
#' Marcoulides (2008) used 5\%.
#' 6. Define convergence criterion. Leite, Huang and Marcoulides (2008) set the
#' algorithm to converge if the short form did not improve in 100 x number of
#' short forms in step 4.
#' IMPLEMENTATION: Once these decisions are made, the ACO algorithm
#' selects short forms with the following steps:
#' Step 1. All items are assigned an initial weight of 1.
#' Step 2. A set of n short forms is selected by sampling with probability
#' proportional to the items' weights.
#' Step 3. Fit latent variable model to the n short forms.
#' Step 4. Calculate the pheromone levels for the n short forms. Define the
#' best-so-far pheromone level (if iteration 1) or compare the current best
#' pheromone from the set of n short forms to the best-so-far pheromone.
#' Step 5. If the pheromone level of the best short form from step 4 exceeds the
#' best-so-far pheromone level, update the best-so-far pheromone level and add it
#' to the current weight of the items of the best short form.
#' Step 6. Return to step 2 until convergence criterion is reached.
#' @param ants A numeric value indicating the number of ants to send send (short
#'  forms to evaluate) per iteration. Default value is 20.
#' @param evaporation A numeric value which sets the percentage of the pheremone
#'  that is retained after evaporation between steps of the algorithm. Default
#'  value is 0.9, indicating 10% evaporation. Should be within the range of
#'  (0,1), exclusive.
#' @param mplus When \code{Mplus.Automation=FALSE}, this is a character value
#'  indicating the name of the MPlus input file without the file extension
#'  ".inp". If not in the current working directory, include the full file path
#'  where it is located. This file will be changed during the ant colony search,
#'  so it's suggested to make a backup of the original file before running the
#'  function. When \code{Mplus.Automation=TRUE}, this is an object of class
#'  \link[MplusAutomation]{mplusObject} created by
#'  \link[MplusAutomation]{MplusAutomation} and containing the initial model.
#' @param list.items A list containing one or more character vectors of item
#'  names for each factor, where each factor is a separate element of the list.
#'  The items should be input in the order in which the factors are input in
#'  \code{i.per.f} and \code{factors}.
#' @param full A numeric value indicating the total number of unique items in the
#'  test or scale.
#' @param i.per.f A vector with number of items per factor (e.g. target number),
#'  in the same order of \code{list.items} and \code{factors}.
#' @param factors A character vector with the names of the factors in the same
#'  order of \code{list.items} and \code{i.per.f}.
#' @param steps A numeric value that sets the stopping rule, which is the number
#'  of ants in a row for which the model does not change.
#' @param max.run The maximum number of ants to run before the algorithm stops.
#'  This includes failed iterations as well. Default is 1000.
#' @param resultfile A character vector containing the file path where the MPlus
#'  results for the current ant model is saved. If the file is not in the
#'  current working directery, the full path must be specified. Not used when
#'  \code{Mplus.Automation=FALSE}.
#' @param min.CFI A numeric value indicating the minimum CFI for "acceptable"
#'  model fit. Models with CFI less than this value are automatically rejected.
#'  Default is 0.95.
#' @param min.TLI A numeric value indicating the minimum TLI for "acceptable"
#'  model fit. Models with TLI less than this value are automatically rejected.
#'  Default is 0.95.
#' @param max.RMSEA A numeric value indicating the maximum RMSEA for "acceptable"
#'  model fit. Models with RMSEA greater than this value are automatically
#'  rejected. Default is 0.06
#' @param summaryfile A character vector containing the name of the summary file
#'  generated. A .txt file is suggested. Default is "summary.txt" and writes
#'  into the current working directory. This file writes a line for each ant
#'  within each step and includes (a) a vector of a 0/1 value for each item
#'  indicating whether the item was selected by that ant, (b) the run number,
#'  (c) the count number, (d) the ant number, and (e) the current pheromone
#'  level.
#' @param feedbackfile A character vector containing the name of the feedback
#'  file generated. An .html file is suggested. Default is "iteration.html" and
#'  writes into the current working directory. This file saves the result of
#'  each run, which includes (a) the run number, (b) the count number, (c) the
#'  ant number, (d) the step number (if the current run is successful) or
#'  "Failure" (if the current run is unsuccessful), and for successful runs (f)
#'  the value of CFI, TLI, and RMSEA fit indices, the average of the gammas
#'  (standardized regression coefficients), and the overall variance explained
#'  of the current run.
#' @param loc.gammas A numeric vector with the line numbers where the regression
#'  coefficients of the MIMIC model start and end (locations). Not used with
#'  \code{Mplus.Automation=TRUE}
#' @param loc.variances A numeric vector with the line numbers of the residual
#'  variances of the latent factors. Not used with \code{Mplus.Automation=TRUE}
#' @param predictors Character vector with names of predictor variables, if any.
#' @param var.predictors A numeric vector with variances of the predictor(s), if
#'  any. Not used with \code{Mplus.Automation=TRUE}
#' @param Mplus.Automation Logical. If \code{TRUE}, uses the
#'  \code{MplusAutomation} package to modify the model as the algorithm
#'  procedes. The "mplus" option will then be used as Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#'  as it is in the process of being built.
#' @param dataOut A character vector specifying the location and name of the data
#'  file generated by \code{MplusAutomation} for each iteration of the
#'  algorithm. Default is "tempData.dat" and saves to the current working
#'  directory. When specifying the name, be sure to use a data format that Mplus
#'  can read. You must change the working directory to the location in which
#'  this file will be saved. Only used when \code{Mplus.Automation=TRUE}.
#' @param modelOut A character vector specifying the location and name of the
#'  Mplus model file generated by \code{MplusAutomation} for each iteration of
#'  the algorithm. Default is "tempModel.inp" and saves to the current working
#'  directory. When specifying the name of the model file, it must be a ".inp"
#'  extension. You must change the working directory to the location in which
#'  this file will be saved. Only used when \code{Mplus.Automation=TRUE}.
#' @return A named matrix containing final model's best RMSEA, CFI, and TLI
#'  values, the final pheromone level (the mean of the standardized regression
#'  coefficients (gammas)), and a series of 0/1 values indicating the items
#'  selected in the final solution.
#' @family Ant Colony Algorithms
#' @seealso \code{\link{antcolony.lavaan}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # use MplusAutomation to find a 15-item short form of a simulated 56-item unidimensional test
#' # first, create the list of the items by the factors
#' # in this case, all items load onto the general 'Ability' factor
#' list.items <- list(c(
#'   "Item1", "Item2", "Item3", "Item4", "Item5",
#'   "Item6", "Item7", "Item8", "Item9", "Item10",
#'   "Item11", "Item12", "Item13", "Item14", "Item15",
#'   "Item16", "Item17", "Item18", "Item19", "Item20",
#'   "Item21", "Item22", "Item23", "Item24", "Item25",
#'   "Item26", "Item27", "Item28", "Item29", "Item30",
#'   "Item31", "Item32", "Item33", "Item34", "Item35",
#'   "Item36", "Item37", "Item38", "Item39", "Item40",
#'   "Item41", "Item42", "Item43", "Item44", "Item45",
#'   "Item46", "Item47", "Item48", "Item49", "Item50",
#'   "Item51", "Item52", "Item53", "Item54", "Item55",
#'   "Item56"
#' ))
#' # then, load the data
#' data(simulated_test_data)
#' # Create the mplusObject with MplusAutomation
#' # notice the explicit call of each item, instead of the shorthand "Item1-Item56"
#' initial.MplusAutomation.model <- MplusAutomation::mplusObject(
#'   TITLE = "Trial ACO MpluAutomation with FERA 2016 Data;",
#'   MODEL = "Ability BY Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5
#'   Item6 Item7 Item8 Item9 Item10 Item11 Item12
#'   Item13 Item14 Item15 Item16 Item17 Item18
#'   Item19 Item20 Item21 Item22 Item23 Item24
#'   Item25 Item26 Item27 Item28 Item29 Item30
#'   Item31 Item32 Item33 Item34 Item35 Item36
#'   Item37 Item38 Item39 Item40 Item41 Item42
#'   Item43 Item44 Item45 Item46 Item47 Item48
#'   Item49 Item50 Item51 Item52 Item53 Item54
#'   Item55 Item56;",
#'   VARIABLE = "CATEGORICAL = Item1 Item2 Item3 Item4 Item5
#'   Item6 Item7 Item8 Item9 Item10 Item11 Item12
#'   Item13 Item14 Item15 Item16 Item17 Item18
#'   Item19 Item20 Item21 Item22 Item23 Item24
#'   Item25 Item26 Item27 Item28 Item29 Item30
#'   Item31 Item32 Item33 Item34 Item35 Item36
#'   Item37 Item38 Item39 Item40 Item41 Item42
#'   Item43 Item44 Item45 Item46 Item47 Item48
#'   Item49 Item50 Item51 Item52 Item53 Item54
#'   Item55 Item56;",
#'   OUTPUT = "stdyx;",
#'   rdata = simulated_test_data
#' )
#' # finally, call the function with some minor changes to the default values.
#' abilityShortForm <- antcolony.mplus(
#'   ants = 3, evaporation = 0.7,
#'   mplus = initial.MplusAutomation.model, list.items = list.items, full = 56,
#'   i.per.f = 15, factors = "Ability", steps = 3, max.run = 50, resultfile = NULL,
#'   summaryfile = "C:/Users/lordmaxwell/Desktop/summary.txt",
#'   min.CFI = 0.95, min.TLI = 0.95, max.RMSEA = 0.06,
#'   feedbackfile = "C:/Users/lordmaxwell/Desktop/iteration.html", Mplus.Automation = TRUE,
#'   dataOut = "exampleModel.dat",
#'   modelOut = "exampleModel.inp"
#' )
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Walter Leite; Anthony W Raborn, \email{anthony.w.raborn@@gmail.com}
#' @references \doi{10.1080/00273170802285743}

antcolony.mplus <- function(ants = 20, evaporation = 0.95, mplus = NULL, list.items = NULL, full = NULL,
                            i.per.f = NULL, factors = NULL, steps = 50, max.run = 1000,
                            resultfile = NULL, summaryfile = "summary.txt",
                            min.CFI = 0.95, min.TLI = 0.95, max.RMSEA = 0.06,
                            feedbackfile = "iteration.html", loc.gammas,
                            loc.variances, predictors, var.predictors,
                            Mplus.Automation = FALSE, dataOut = "tempModel.dat", modelOut = "tempModel.inp") {

  # create initial, empty summaryfile to be used
  write(x = "", file = summaryfile)

  # creates the table of initial pheromone levels.
  include <- rep(2, full)
  # puts initial best solution (all items selected).
  best.so.far.solution <- include
  # starts counting the iterations
  count <- 1
  # starts counting continuous runs regardless of result.
  run <- 1
  # creates a vector with all items.
  item.vector <- unlist(list.items, use.names = F)
  # defines initial best so far (overall) pheromone
  best.so.far.pheromone <- 0
  # defines initial best pheromone for the current trial of n ants.
  best.pheromone <- 0
  # defines initial solutions.
  previous.solution <- include
  step <- 0
  # creates selected.items list
  selected.items <- list()

  # check whether to use MplusAutomation or to call Mplus directly through R
  if (Mplus.Automation == FALSE) {

    # reads mplus syntax.
    # setwd("C:/Program Files/Mplus")
    input <- scan(file = paste(mplus, ".inp", sep = ""), what = "character", sep = "\n", quote = NULL)

    # creates a list to store factors.
    selected.items <- list.items

    # starts loop through iterations.
    while (count <= steps) {
      if (run <= max.run) {

        # sends a number of ants per time.
        ant <- 1
        while (ant <= ants) {
          print(paste0("Count Number ", count, " and Ant Number", ant, " and Run Number ", run, "."))

          # selects items for all factors.
          for (factor in 1:length(list.items)) {

            # selects the items for a short form for the factor
            positions <- is.element(item.vector, list.items[[factor]])
            prob <- include[positions] / sum(include[positions])

            items <- sample(list.items[[factor]], size = i.per.f[factor], replace = F, prob)

            # stores selected items.
            selected.items[[factor]] <- items

            # replaces the mplus syntax for factor specification.
            # make sure the factor name provided is the same as the one in the MPLUS file.
            factor.position <- grep(paste(factors[factor], "BY"), input, ignore.case = T)
            input[factor.position] <- paste(c(factors[factor], "BY", items, ";"), collapse = " ")

            # finishes loop

          selected.items <- lapply(selected.items, sort)
          selected.vector <- unlist(selected.items, use.names = F)
          select.indicator <- is.element(item.vector, selected.vector)
          notselect.indicator <- (select.indicator == FALSE)

          # when constructing mplus file, leave two lines blank after the usevariables command.

          # make sure there are at least three lines of space between them.
          # defines variables to be used.
          position1 <- grep("usevariables", input, ignore.case = T)
          input[position1] <- paste("usevariables are ", predictors)
          input[position1 + 1] <- paste(c(selected.vector[1:round(sum(i.per.f) / 2, 0)]),
            collapse = " "
          input[position1 + 2] <- paste(c(selected.vector[(round(sum(i.per.f) / 2, 0) + 1):sum(i.per.f)], ";"),
            collapse = " "
          position2 <- grep("categorical", input, ignore.case = T)
          input[position2 + 1] <- paste(c(selected.vector[1:round(sum(i.per.f) / 2, 0)]),
            collapse = " "
          input[position2 + 2] <- paste(c(selected.vector[(round(sum(i.per.f) / 2, 0) + 1):sum(i.per.f)], ";"),
            collapse = " "

          # writes the mplus syntax for fitting the short form.
            file = paste(mplus, ".inp", sep = ""), quote = F,
            col.names = F, row.names = F

          # Run MPLUS with the syntax file specified.
          system(paste("mplus.exe ", mplus, ".inp", sep = ""), wait = TRUE)
          outfile <- c(paste(mplus, ".out", sep = ""))

          # read the output file to verify the outcome of the analysis.
          output <- scan(file = outfile, what = character(), sep = "\n")
          # check if the outcome was a non-positive definite matrix.
          outcome1 <- grep("WARNING", output, ignore.case = T)
          # check if there was non-convergence.
          outcome0 <- grep("EXCEEDED", output, ignore.case = T)
          outcome2 <- grep("Model estimation did not terminate normally.  No results were saved", output, ignore.case = T)
          # set pheromone to zero if the there was non-convergence or a non-positive definite solution.
          if ((length(outcome1) == 1) || (length(outcome0) == 1) || (length(outcome2) == 1)) {
            pheromone <- 0

            # writes summary about non-convergence and non-positive definite.
            fit.info <- matrix(c(select.indicator, run, count, ant, 999, 999, round((include), 5)), 1, )
              file = summaryfile, append = T,
              quote = F, sep = " ", row.names = F, col.names = F

            # provide feedback about search.
            feedback <- c(paste("<h1>", run, "-", count, "-", ant, "-", step, "- Failure", "</h1>"))
            write(feedback, file = feedbackfile)

            # finishes if for non-convergent cases.
          } else {

            # The SAVE command at the MPLUS syntax specifies that results should be
            # saved to results.txt.
            # scans all results.
            results <- scan(resultfile)
            # read the CFI,TLI and RMSEA.
            CFI.row <- output[grep("CFI[ ]{1,}", output)]
            CFI <- as.numeric(regmatches(CFI.row, regexpr("[0-9\\.]{5}", CFI.row)))

            TLI.row <- output[grep("TLI[ ]{1,}", output)]
            TLI <- as.numeric(regmatches(TLI.row, regexpr("[0-9\\.]{5}", TLI.row)))

            RMSEA.row <- output[grep("RMSEA", output) + 1]
            RMSEA <- as.numeric(regmatches(RMSEA.row, regexpr("[0-9\\.]{5}", RMSEA.row)))

            # reads the regression coefficients (gammas)
            gammas <- results[loc.gammas]

            # reads the residual variances of the latent variables.
            res.variances <- results[loc.variances]

            # obtains the variance explained by the predictors using path tracing
            var.explained <- t(t(gammas)^2 * var.predictors)
            var.explained <- apply(var.explained, 1, sum)

            # obtains the total variance of the latent variable
            # residual variance + variance explained
            variances <- res.variances + var.explained

            # standardizes the gammas.
            std.gammas <- gammas / sqrt(variances)

            # saves summary information about the selected items and the RMSEA they generated.
            fit.info <- matrix(c(
              select.indicator, run, count, ant, CFI, TLI, RMSEA, mean(std.gammas),
              round(include, 2)
            ), 1, )

              file = summaryfile, append = T,
              quote = F, sep = " ", row.names = F, col.names = F

            # provide feedback about search.
            feedback <- c(paste(
              "<h1>", "run:", run, "count:", count, "ant:", ant, "step:", step, "<br>",
              "CFI:", CFI, "TLI:", TLI, "RMSEA:", RMSEA, "<br>",
              "GAMMA:", mean(std.gammas), "</h1>"
            write(feedback, file = feedbackfile)

            # implements fit requirement.
            if ((CFI < min.CFI) | (TLI < min.TLI) | (RMSEA > max.RMSEA)) {
              pheromone <- 0
            } else {
              # calculate pheromone (mean of standardized gammas).
              pheromone <- mean(std.gammas)
            # adjusts count based on outcomes and selects best solution.
            if (pheromone >= best.pheromone) {

              # updates solution.
              best.solution <- select.indicator
              # updates best fit indices
              best.RMSEA <- RMSEA
              best.CFI <- CFI
              best.TLI <- TLI
              # updates best pheromone
              best.pheromone <- pheromone

            # Move to next ant.
            ant <- ant + 1

            # end else clause for converged solutions
          # ends loop through ants.
          run <- run + 1

        # adjusts pheromone only if the current pheromone is best than the previous.
        if (best.pheromone > best.so.far.pheromone) {

          # implements pheromone evaporation.
          include <- include * evaporation

          # Adjusts the pheromone levels.
          include.pheromone <- best.solution * best.pheromone * (0.1 * run)

          # updates pheromone.
          include <- include + include.pheromone

          # updates best so far solution and pheromone, with corresponding RMSEA.
          best.so.far.solution <- best.solution
          best.so.far.pheromone <- best.pheromone
          best.so.far.RMSEA <- best.RMSEA
          best.so.far.CFI <- best.CFI
          best.so.far.TLI <- best.TLI
          # re-starts count.
          count <- 1

          # end if clause for pheromone adjustment.
        } else {

          # advances count.
          count <- count + 1

          # adds more pheromone to the best so far solution.
          # include.pheromone = best.so.far.solution * best.so.far.pheromone

          # updates pheromone.
          # include = include + include.pheromone

          # finish else clause.

        # ends loop.
      } else {
        stop("Maximum number of runs reached.")
  } else if (Mplus.Automation == TRUE) {
    if (!requireNamespace("MplusAutomation", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("The `MplusAutomation` package is required to use this function. Please install `MplusAutomation`, then try to use this function again.")

    # starts loop through iterations.
    while (count <= steps) {
      if (run <= max.run) {

        # sends a number of ants per time.
        ant <- 1
        while (ant <= ants) {
          print(paste0("Count Number ", count, " and Ant Number ", ant, " and Run Number ", run, "."))

          # selects items for all factors.
          for (factor in 1:length(list.items)) {
            # selects the items for a short form for the factor
            positions <- is.element(item.vector, list.items[[factor]])
            prob <- include[positions] / sum(include[positions])
            items <- sample(list.items[[factor]], size = i.per.f[factor], replace = F, prob)
            # stores selected items.
            selected.items[[factor]] <- items
            # finishes loop

          # replaces the mplus syntax for factor specification.
          # make sure the factor name provided is the same as the one in the mplusObject!
          measurement.pattern <- c()
          for (i in 1:length(factors)) measurement.pattern[i] <- paste0("(", factors[i], " BY)[ A-z0-9]*")
          updated.model <- gsub("\\n", " ", mplus$MODEL)
          for (i in 1:length(factors)) updated.model <- gsub(measurement.pattern[i], paste(c(factors[i], "BY", selected.items[[i]]), collapse = " "), updated.model)
          updated.model <- gsub("(;)(\\s|$)", "\\1\n", updated.model)
          updated.model <- gsub("(.{1,80})(\\s|$)", "\\1\n", updated.model)
          updated.model <- gsub(";", ";\n", updated.model)

          # writes the mplus syntax for fitting the short form.
          new.input <- mplus
          new.input$MODEL <- updated.model

          factor.patterns <- c()
          for (i in 1:length(factors)) factor.patterns[i] <- paste0("(", factors[i], " BY|", factors[i], " ON| ON ", factors[i], ")", collapse = "")

          new.usevariables <- updated.model
          for (i in 1:length(factors)) new.usevariables <- gsub(factor.patterns[i], "", new.usevariables)
          new.usevariables <- gsub(";\\n", "", new.usevariables)
          new.usevariables <- gsub("\\n", " ", new.usevariables)
          new.usevariables <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(new.usevariables, " "), unique))
          new.usevariables <- new.usevariables[new.usevariables != ""]
          new.usevariables <- new.usevariables[new.usevariables != "ON"]
          new.usevariables <- new.usevariables[!(new.usevariables %in% factors)]
          new.input$usevariables <- new.usevariables

          outcome.vars <- unlist(regmatches(updated.model, gregexpr("[A-z0-9 ]{1,} (ON) [A-z0-9 ]{1,}", updated.model)))
          for (i in 1:length(factors)) outcome.vars <- gsub(factors[i], "", outcome.vars)
          outcome.vars <- gsub("( ON){1,}", "", outcome.vars)
          outcome.vars <- unique(gsub(" ", "", outcome.vars))
          if (length(outcome.vars) == 0) outcome.vars <- "none"
          dependent.vars <- new.usevariables[new.usevariables != outcome.vars]
          if (grepl(outcome.vars, mplus$VARIABLE)) {
            new.input$VARIABLE <- gsub("(.{1,80})(\\s|$)", "\\1\n", gsub("(?<= ){1}[A-z0-9 - \\n]{1,}", paste(c(outcome.vars, dependent.vars), collapse = " "), new.input$VARIABLE, perl = TRUE))
          } else {
            new.input$VARIABLE <- gsub("(.{1,80})(\\s|$)", "\\1\n", gsub("(?<= ){1}[A-z0-9 - \\n]{1,}", paste(dependent.vars, collapse = " "), new.input$VARIABLE, perl = TRUE))

          selected.items <- lapply(selected.items, sort)
          selected.vector <- unlist(selected.items, use.names = F)
          select.indicator <- is.element(item.vector, selected.vector)
          notselect.indicator <- (select.indicator == FALSE)

          # Run MPLUS with the updated model just specified.
          current.ant.model <- MplusAutomation::mplusModeler(new.input, dataout = dataOut, modelout = modelOut, run = 1, writeData = "always", hashfile = FALSE)

          # check if the outcome was a non-positive definite matrix.
          output <- paste(c(unlist(current.ant.model$results$warnings), unlist(current.ant.model$results$errors)), collapse = " ")
          outcome1 <- grep("WARNING", output, ignore.case = T)
          # check if there was non-convergence.
          outcome0 <- grep("EXCEEDED", output, ignore.case = T)
          outcome2 <- grep("Model estimation did not terminate normally.  No results were saved", output, ignore.case = T)
          # set pheromone to zero if the there was non-convergence or a non-positive definite solution.
          if ((length(outcome1) == 1) || (length(outcome0) == 1) || (length(outcome2) == 1)) {
            pheromone <- 0

            # writes feedback about non-convergence and non-positive definite.
            fit.info <- matrix(c(select.indicator, run, count, ant, 999, 999, round((include), 5)), 1, )
              file = summaryfile, append = T,
              quote = F, sep = " ", row.names = F, col.names = F

            # provide feedback about search.
            feedback <- c(paste("<h1> Run", run, "- Count", count, "- Ant", ant, "- Step", step, "- Failure", "</h1>"))
            write(feedback, file = feedbackfile)

            # finishes if for non-convergent cases.
          } else {

            # read the CFI,TLI and RMSEA.
            CFI <- current.ant.model$results$summaries$CFI
            TLI <- current.ant.model$results$summaries$TLI
            RMSEA <- current.ant.model$results$summaries$RMSEA_Estimate

            # extract the standardized regression coefficients
            std.gammas <- current.ant.model$results$parameters$std[grep(".ON", current.ant.model$results$parameters$unstandardized$paramHeader), "est"]
            if (length(std.gammas) == 0) {
              std.gammas <- current.ant.model$results$parameters$r2$est

            # saves information about the selected items and the RMSEA they generated.
            fit.info <- matrix(c(
              select.indicator, run, count, ant, CFI, TLI, RMSEA, mean(std.gammas),
              round(include, 2)
            ), 1, )

              file = summaryfile, append = T,
              quote = F, sep = " ", row.names = F, col.names = F

            # provide feedback about search.
            feedback <- c(paste(
              "<h1>", "run:", run, "count:", count, "ant:", ant, "step:", step, "<br>",
              "CFI:", CFI, "TLI:", TLI, "RMSEA:", RMSEA, "<br>",
              "GAMMA:", mean(std.gammas), "</h1>"
            write(feedback, file = feedbackfile)

            # implements fit requirement.
            if ((CFI < min.CFI) | (TLI < min.TLI) | (RMSEA > max.RMSEA)) {
              pheromone <- 0
            } else {
              # calculate pheromone (mean of standardized gammas).
              pheromone <- mean(std.gammas)
            # adjusts count based on outcomes and selects best solution.
            if (pheromone >= best.pheromone) {

              # updates solution.
              best.solution <- select.indicator
              # updates best RMSEA.
              best.RMSEA <- RMSEA
              best.CFI <- CFI
              best.TLI <- TLI
              # updates best pheromone
              best.pheromone <- pheromone

            # Move to next ant.
            ant <- ant + 1

            # end else clause for converged solutions

          # ends loop through ants.
          run <- run + 1

        # adjusts pheromone only if the current pheromone is best than the previous.
        if (best.pheromone > best.so.far.pheromone) {

          # implements pheromone evaporation.
          include <- include * evaporation

          # Adjusts the pheromone levels.
          include.pheromone <- best.solution * best.pheromone * (0.1 * run)

          # updates pheromone.
          include <- include + include.pheromone

          # updates best so far solution and pheromone, with corresponding RMSEA.
          best.so.far.solution <- best.solution
          best.so.far.pheromone <- best.pheromone
          best.so.far.RMSEA <- best.RMSEA
          best.so.far.CFI <- best.CFI
          best.so.far.TLI <- best.TLI
          # re-starts count.
          count <- 1

          # end if clause for pheromone adjustment.
        } else {

          # advances count.
          count <- count + 1

          # adds more pheromone to the best so far solution.
          include.pheromone <- best.so.far.solution * best.so.far.pheromone

          # updates pheromone.
          include <- include + include.pheromone
      } else {
        stop("Maximum number of runs reached.")
      # ends loop.

  final.solution <- matrix(c(best.so.far.RMSEA, best.so.far.CFI, best.so.far.TLI, best.so.far.pheromone, best.so.far.solution), 1, dimnames = list(NULL, c("RMSEA", "CFI", "TLI", "mean_gamma", item.vector)))


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