
Defines functions manageMessages

Documented in manageMessages

#' Increase the intensity or suppress the output of an observed message
#' Function provides more nuanced management of known message outputs
#' messages that appear in function calls outside the front-end users control
#' (e.g., functions written in third-party packages). Specifically,
#' this function provides a less nuclear approach than
#' \code{\link{quiet}} and friends, which suppresses all \code{cat} and
#' \code{message}s raised, and instead allows for specific messages to be
#' raised either to warnings or, even more extremely, to errors. Note that for
#' messages that are not suppressed the order with which the output and message
#' calls appear in the original function is not retained.
#' @param expr expression to be evaluated (e.g., ret <- \code{myfun(args)}).
#'   Function should either be used as a wrapper,
#'   such as \code{manageMassages(ret <- myfun(args), ...)} or
#'   \code{ret <- manageMassages(myfun(args), ...)}, or more
#'   readably as a pipe, \code{ret <- myfun(args) |> manageMassages(...)}
#' @param allow (optional) a \code{character} vector indicating messages that
#'   should still appear, while all other messages should remain suppressed.
#'   Each supplied message is matched using a \code{\link{grepl}} expression, so partial matching
#'   is supported (though more specific messages are less likely to throw
#'   false positives). If \code{NULL}, all messages will be suppressed unless
#'   they appear in \code{message2error} or \code{message2warning}
#' @param message2warning (optional) Input can be a \code{character} vector containing
#'   messages that should probably be considered warning messages for the current application
#'   instead. Each supplied \code{character} vector element is matched using
#'   a \code{\link{grepl}} expression,
#'   so partial matching is supported (though more specific messages are less
#'   likely to throw false positives).
#' @param message2error (optional) Input can be a \code{character} vector containing known-to-be-severe
#'   messages that should be converted to errors for the current application.
#'   See \code{message2warning} for details.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{\link{grepl}}
#' @return returns the original result of \code{eval(expr)}, with warning
#'  messages either left the same, increased to errors, or suppressed (depending
#'  on the input specifications)
#' @references
#' Chalmers, R. P., & Adkins, M. C.  (2020). Writing Effective and Reliable Monte Carlo Simulations
#' with the SimDesign Package. \code{The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16}(4), 248-280.
#' \doi{10.20982/tqmp.16.4.p248}
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{manageWarnings}}, \code{\link{quiet}}
#' @author Phil Chalmers \email{rphilip.chalmers@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myfun <- function(x, warn=FALSE){
#'    message('This function is rather chatty')
#'    cat("It even prints in different output forms!\n")
#'    message('And even at different ')
#'    cat(" many times!\n")
#'    cat("Too many messages can be annoying \n")
#'    if(warn)
#'      warning('It may even throw warnings ')
#'    x
#' }
#' out <- myfun(1)
#' out
#' # tell the function to shhhh
#' out <- quiet(myfun(1))
#' out
#' # same default behaviour as quiet(), but potential for nuance
#' out2 <- manageMessages(myfun(1))
#' identical(out, out2)
#' # allow some messages to still get printed
#' out2 <- manageMessages(myfun(1), allow = "many times!")
#' out2 <- manageMessages(myfun(1), allow = "This function is rather chatty")
#' # note: . matches single character (regex)
#' out2 <- manageMessages(myfun(1), allow = c("many times.",
#'                                            "This function is rather chatty"))
#' # convert specific message to warning
#' out3 <- manageMessages(myfun(1), message2warning = "many times!")
#' identical(out, out3)
#' # other warnings also get through
#' out3 <- manageMessages(myfun(1, warn=TRUE), message2warning = "times!")
#' identical(out, out3)
#' # convert message to error
#' manageMessages(myfun(1), message2error = "m... times!")
#' # multiple message intensity changes
#' manageMessages(myfun(1),
#'   message2warning = "It even prints in different output forms",
#'   message2error = "many times!")
#' manageMessages(myfun(1),
#'   allow = c("This function is rather chatty",
#'             "Too many messages can be annoying"),
#'   message2warning = "It even prints in different output forms",
#'   message2error = "many times!")
#' }
manageMessages <- function(expr, allow = NULL,
                           message2warning = NULL, message2error = NULL, ...){
    ret <- quiet(expr, keep = TRUE)
    msgs <- attr(ret, "quiet.messages")
    attr(ret, "quiet.messages") <- NULL
        pick <- lapply(allow, \(x) which(grepl(x, msgs, ...)))
        whc <- msgs[do.call(c,pick)]
            nms <- names(whc)
            whc.cat <- grepl('cat.', nms)
            whc.msg <- grepl('message.', nms)
                sapply(whc[whc.cat], \(x) cat(x,'\n'))
                sapply(whc[whc.msg], \(x) message(x))
        whc <- msgs[lapply(message2warning, \(x) grepl(x, msgs, ...)) |> sapply(which)]
            sapply(whc, \(x) warning(x, call.=FALSE))
        whc <- msgs[lapply(message2error, \(x) grepl(x, msgs, ...)) |> sapply(which)]
            stop(whc[1L], call.=FALSE)

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SimDesign documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8 p.m.