
Defines functions SongEvo fast.coords.frame sample.mean

Documented in SongEvo

#' Model bird song evolution
#' This function simulates bird song evolution. Submodels are performed once per time step, and include fledging from the nest, song learning, ageing and death, dispersal, competition for territories, mate attraction, and reproduction.
#' @name SongEvo
#' @param init.inds Initial population data. A data frame that includes columns for “id,” “age,” “trait,” “x1” (longitude) and “y1” (latitude). 
#' @param iteration The number of iterations that the model will run. 
#' @param steps The number of steps per iteration.
#' @param timestep The length of time that passes in each step. For annually breeding species, timestep = 1 year.
#' @param terr.turnover The proportion of territories that change ownership during a step.
#' @param mate.comp Female preference for mates. Options are TRUE or FALSE.
#' @param learning.method If an individual learns from their (“father”) or all males within a specified radius (“integrate”).
#' @param integrate.dist Distance over which song learning is integrated.
#' @param learning.error.d Direction of learning error.
#' @param learning.error.sd The standard deviation of imitation error.  
#' @param mortality.a Annual mortality of adults (after the first time step).
#' @param mortality.j Annual mortality of juvenile birds (in the first time step).
#' @param lifespan Maximum age for individuals; any number is accepted. “NA” causes SongEvo to disregard lifespan and sets population size based on mortality rates alone.
#' @param phys.lim.min The minimum physical limit of trait production.
#' @param phys.lim.max The maximum physical limit of trait production.
#' @param male.fledge.n.mean The mean number of offspring produced per time step per individual breeding male. Includes only offspring raised in that breeding male’s nest (i.e. it does not account for extra-pair offspring in other nests).
#' @param male.fledge.n.sd Standard deviation of the number of male fledglings.
#' @param male.fledge.n A vector of the number of offspring for the initial population, optionally calculated with male.fledge.n.mean and male.fledge.n.sd
#' @param disp.age The age at which individual males disperse from their birth location.
#' @param disp.distance.mean The distance that individual males disperse (meters).
#' @param disp.distance.sd The standard deviation of dispersal distance.
#' @param n.territories The number of territories in the population. This number is fixed for all iterations.
#' @param prin Print summary values after each timestep has completed? Options are TRUE or FALSE. 
#' @param all Save data for all individuals? Options are TRUE or FALSE. 
#' @return three objects. First, currently alive individuals are stored in a data frame called “inds.”  Values within “inds” are updated throughout each of the iterations of the model, and “inds” can be viewed after the model is completed.  Second, an array (i.e. a multi-dimensional table) entitled “summary.results” includes population summary values for each time step (dimension 1) in each iteration (dimension 2) of the model.  Population summary values are contained in five additional dimensions: population size for each time step of each iteration (“sample.n”), the population mean and variance of the song feature studied (“trait.pop.mean” and “trait.pop.variance”), with associated lower (“lci”) and upper (“uci”) confidence intervals.  Third, individual values may optionally be concatenated and saved to one data frame entitled “all.inds.”  all.inds can become quite large, and is therefore only recommended if additional data analyses are desired. 
#' @example inst/examples/SongEvoExamples.R
#' @seealso \code{\link{par.sens}}, \code{\link{par.opt}}, \code{\link{mod.val}}, \code{\link{h.test}} 
#' @importFrom boot boot boot.ci
#' @import lattice
#' @import sp
#' @import geosphere
#' @importFrom stats runif rnorm sd
#' @export
SongEvo <- function(init.inds, 

ptm <- proc.time()
# m_pnt(2)
summary.results <- array(NA, 
                         dim=c(iteration, steps, 5), 
                         dimnames = list(iteration=paste("iteration", seq(1:iteration)), 
                                         feature=c("sample.n", "trait.pop.mean", "trait.pop.variance", "lci", "uci"))) 
trait.results <- NULL

#Further prepare initial individuals 
init.inds$male.fledglings <- male.fledge.n[1:n.territories]
init.inds$territory <- rep(1, n.territories)
init.inds$father <- 0
init.inds$x0 <- 0
init.inds$y0 <- 0
init.inds$x <- init.inds$x1
init.inds$y <- init.inds$y1
# coordinates(init.inds) = ~x+y 
# proj4string(init.inds) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") 

all.inds <- inds0 <- init.inds

#Add timestep and iteration
all.inds$timestep <- 0
all.inds$iteration <- 0
all.inds0 <- all.inds[which(is.na(all.inds$trait)),] #This removes all data from all.inds.  
inds.all_list<-lapply(1:iteration,function(x) step_list)

maxid <- 0

#Template for one individual
new.bird <- data.frame(id = 0, age = 1, 
trait = 0,
male.fledglings = 0,
territory = 0,
x = 0, #current Longitude
y = 0, #current Latitude
x0 = 0, #starting Longitude
y0 = 0, #starting Latitude
x1 = 0, #ending Longitude
y1 = 0) #ending Latitude

hatch <- function(inds){
	ninds <- nrow(inds)
	n.hatch<- sum(inds$male.fledglings)
	if(n.hatch==0) return(inds)
	newinds <- new.bird[rep(1,n.hatch),]
	newinds$id <- maxid +(1:n.hatch)
	map.key<-do.call(c,mapply(rep,1:ninds,inds$male.fledglings, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
	newinds$father <- inds$id[map.key]
	newinds$x <- newinds$x0 <- inds$x1[map.key] 
	newinds$y <- newinds$y0 <- inds$y1[map.key]
	# coordinates(newinds) = ~x+y 
	# proj4string(newinds) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") 
	# inds$male.fledglings <- 0
	# rbind(inds, newinds)

if (learning.method=="father") {
  #1. Young learn from their fathers:
  learn <- function(children,tutors){
    # child=which(inds$age==1)
    children$trait=sapply(children$father, function(x) tutors[tutors$id==x, ]$trait ) + 
      rnorm(nrow(children), mean=learning.error.d, sd=learning.error.sd) 
    #restrict learned song values such that they cannot exceed range of physical possibility: 
    children$trait[children$trait < phys.lim.min] <- phys.lim.min
    children$trait[children$trait > phys.lim.max] <- phys.lim.max
} else if (learning.method=="integrate") {
  #2. Young learn by integrating songs from the neighborhood within a specified distance:
    learn <- function(children,tutors){
      map.key<-do.call(c,mapply(rep,1:nrow(tutors),tutors$male.fledglings, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
      # stopifnot(children$father==tutors$id[map.key])
      # child=which(inds$age==1)
      # singing.inds <- subset(inds, inds$age>1)
      key=spDists(as.matrix(tutors[,c("x","y")]),longlat = TRUE)[map.key,] <= integrate.dist
        key%*%tutors$trait /rowSums(key) +
        # sapply(1:nrow(children), function(x) {
        # key=spDistsN1(pts=singing.inds, pt=inds[x,], longlat=TRUE) <= integrate.dist
        # mean(tutors[key[,x], ]$trait) }) + 
        rnorm(nrow(children), mean=learning.error.d, sd=learning.error.sd) 
      #restrict learned song values such that they cannot exceed range of physical possibility: 
      children$trait[children$trait < phys.lim.min] <- phys.lim.min
      children$trait[children$trait > phys.lim.max] <- phys.lim.max
    } }

if (is.na(lifespan)) {
  die <- function(inds) {
    subset(inds,  runif(ninds) > ifelse(inds$age > 1,
} else {
  die <- function(inds) {
    subset(inds,  inds$age <= lifespan & 
             runif(ninds) > ifelse(inds$age > 1,
grow <- function(inds){
	inds$age <- inds$age + timestep
inds <- inds

disperse <- function(inds){
	ninds <- sum(key<-(inds$age == disp.age))
	# inds <- as.data.frame(inds)
	# for (i in 1: ninds) {
	# 	if (inds$age[i] == disp.age){
		disp.dist <- rnorm(ninds, mean=disp.distance.mean, sd=disp.distance.sd)  
		disp.direction <- runif(ninds, min=0, max=360) #Assume 0 is due North.
		inds[key, c("x", "y")] <- 
		  inds[key, c("x1", "y1")] <- 
		  destPoint(inds[key, c("x0", "y0")], disp.direction, disp.dist)
  #   }
  # }
	# coordinates(inds) = ~x+y 
	# proj4string(inds) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") 

compete.for.territories <- function(inds){
  # (assuming turnover rate of 0.5 and 40 available territories)
  # 1. Set A may contain at most 20 birds (N_T*(1-t_rate))
  # 2. If set (A U B) has less than 20 birds then set B has no birds
  # 3. Set (A U C) may contain at most 40 birds (N_t)
  # 5. Sets A, B, C and D are mutually exclusive (ie every bird is in exactly on of these four sets)
  # 6. Set C can contain at most 20 birds 
  # 7. Set C can only contain first year birds
	ninds <- length(inds$age)
	#Allows a flexible population size, but caps breeding territories at a specific number. 
	without <- which(inds$territory==0 & (inds$age >= disp.age) &  (inds$age < disp.age+timestep))
	with <- which(inds$territory==1)
	nwithout <- length(without)
	nwith <- length(with)
	nopen <- n.territories-nwith

	#Bring available territories up to number based on specified turnover rate.  Some have already opened because of death in the Die submodel.
	if (terr.turnover*n.territories > nopen) {		
		ran <- sample(with, size=round(terr.turnover*n.territories - nopen), replace=FALSE) 
		inds[c(ran), "territory"] <- 0	
		with <- which(inds$territory==1)
		nwith <- length(with)
		nopen <- n.territories-nwith	

 #Give open territories to birds that previously lacked territories. There are two scenarios:
 #First scenario: There are more open territories than specified by the turnover rate because of mortality in the die submodel:
	# if (nwith < n.territories-terr.turnover*n.territories) {		
		if (nwithout > nopen) { #open spaces	
		inds[sample(without, size=nopen, replace=FALSE), "territory"] <- 1
		} else { #open spaces	
		#ran3 <- without #all get territories!			
		inds[without, "territory"] <- 1

	# }

#  #Second scenario: The exact turnover is available:
# 	if (nwith == n.territories-terr.turnover*n.territories) {		
# 		if (nwithout > n.territories-nwith) { 
# 		ran4 <- sample(without, size=n.territories-nwith, replace=FALSE)
# 		inds[c(ran4), "territory"] <- 1
# 		} 			
# 		else if (nwithout <= n.territories-nwith) { 	
# 		ran5 <- without #all get territories!			
# 		inds[c(ran5), "territory"] <- 1
# 		} 
# 	}

compete.for.mates <- function(inds){
	ninds <- length(inds$age)
	prev.songs <- subset(inds, inds$age > 1)$trait
	# avg.song <- mean(prev.songs)
	comp.res<- (!mate.comp | abs(inds$trait-mean(prev.songs)) < (2*sd(prev.songs)))
	inds$male.fledglings <- (inds$territory==1) * comp.res * round(rnorm(ninds, mean=male.fledge.n.mean, sd=male.fledge.n.sd))
	# for (i in 1: ninds) {
	#  if (mate.comp){
	# 	if (abs(inds$trait[i]-avg.song) < (2*sd(prev.songs))){ 
	# 		if (inds$territory[i]==1){
	# 		inds$male.fledglings[i] <- round(rnorm(1, mean=male.fledge.n.mean, sd=male.fledge.n.sd))
	# 	 	inds$male.fledglings[inds$male.fledglings < 0] <- 0						 }
	# 	 							 }
	# 	  } 
	#  if (!mate.comp){
	# 	if (inds$territory[i]==1){
	# 		inds$male.fledglings[i] <- round(rnorm(1, mean=male.fledge.n.mean, sd=male.fledge.n.sd))
	# 		inds$male.fledglings[inds$male.fledglings < 0] <- 0
	# 		}
	# 	  }
	# }
	inds$male.fledglings[inds$male.fledglings < 0] <- 0	

reproduce <- NULL #allows mated individuals to have differential reproductive success, depending on chance, environmental variables, etc. Not currently implemented

# (3) life loop

for (b in 1:iteration){

inds <- init.inds
maxid <- max(inds$id) #store max id, which determines new id numbers in Hatch

for (k in 1:steps) {
  # m_pnt(3)
if (prin==TRUE){
	print(paste("iteration ", b, ", timestep ", k, ", n males ", NROW(inds), ", n territorial males ", length(which(inds$territory==1)), sep=""))}

	if (NROW(inds) >= 3){

	#Data frames used for recording individual values at the start of each time step:
timestep.inds <- inds
timestep.inds$timestep <- k
timestep.inds$iteration <- b
# all.inds <- rbind(all.inds, timestep.inds)
chicks <- hatch(inds)
# m_pnt(4)

maxid <- max(chicks$id)

chicks <- learn(chicks,inds)
# m_pnt(5)
inds <- die(inds)
chicks <- die(chicks)
# m_pnt(6)

if (NROW(inds)+NROW(chicks) >= 3){

inds <- grow(inds)
chicks <- grow(chicks)
# m_pnt(7)
inds <- rbind(inds,chicks)
# m_pnt(8)
inds <- compete.for.territories(inds)
# m_pnt(9)
inds <- compete.for.mates(inds)
# m_pnt(10)

#Calculate summary values
summary.results[b, , "sample.n"][k] <- length(inds$age)
summary.results[b, , "trait.pop.mean"][k] <- mean(subset(inds, inds$age==2)$trait)
summary.results[b, , "trait.pop.variance"][k] <- var(subset(inds, inds$age==2)$trait)

boot_obj <- boot(inds$trait, statistic=sample.mean, R=100)#, strata=mn.res$iteration)	
ci.res <- boot.ci(boot_obj, conf=0.95, type="basic")
summary.results[b, , "lci"][k] <- ci.res$basic[4]
summary.results[b, , "uci"][k] <- ci.res$basic[5]
if (all==TRUE){
  all.inds=rbind(init=all.inds0,  do.call(rbind,do.call(c,inds.all_list)))
  # coordinates(all.inds) = ~x+y 
  # proj4string(all.inds) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") 
  # coordinates(inds) = ~x+y 
  # proj4string(inds) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") 
z <- list("summary.results"=summary.results, "inds"=inds, "all.inds"=all.inds, "time"=proc.time()-ptm)
}else if (all=="sparse"){
  # all.inds0=fast.coords.frame(all.inds0)
  all.inds<-rapply(inds.all_list,fast.coords.frame,classes = "data.frame",how = "replace")
  # all.inds=rbind(init=all.inds0,  do.call(rbind,do.call(c,inds.all_list)))
  # coordinates(all.inds0) = ~x+y 
  # proj4string(all.inds0) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") 
  # coordinates(inds) = ~x+y 
  # proj4string(inds) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") 
  z <- list(summary.results=summary.results, inds.last=inds, inds.init=all.inds0, inds.slices=all.inds, time=proc.time()-ptm)
  # coordinates(inds) = ~x+y 
  # proj4string(inds) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84") 
z <- list("summary.results"=summary.results, "inds"=inds, "time"=proc.time()-ptm)
# m_pnt(11)

#End of I. SongEvo function

fast.coords.frame <- function(data.src,x.col="x",y.col="y"){
  coor.cols=c(which(colnames(data.src)%in% x.col),
              which(colnames(data.src)%in% y.col));
  SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = data.src[,coor.cols],
                         data = data.src[,-coor.cols],
                         coords.nrs = coor.cols,
                         match.ID = FALSE,
                         proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")  ) 
sample.mean <- function(d, x) {

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SongEvo documentation built on May 1, 2019, 11:30 p.m.