
test_that("downloadModule downloads and unzips a single module", {

  opts <- list(reproducible.inputPaths = NULL)
  if (isWindows()) {
    opts <- append(opts, list(download.file.method = "auto"))
  } else {
    opts <- append(opts, list(download.file.method = "curl", download.file.extra = "-L"))

  testInit(opts = opts, "httr")

  m <- "test"

  f <- .tryCatch(downloadModule(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, data = FALSE))
  if (!is.null(f$error)) {
    if (grepl("Forbidden", f$error)) {
      skip("Forbidden HTTP 403 on GitHub during downloadModule")
  f <- f$value[[1]] |> unlist() |> as.character() |> basename()

  f_expected <- c("LICENSE", "README.md", "citation.bib", "CHECKSUMS.txt",
                  "test.R", "test.Rmd")

  expect_gt(length(f), 0)
  expect_gt(length(file.path(tmpdir)), 0)
  expect_gt(length(file.path(tmpdir, m)), 0)
  expect_true(all(f %in% f_expected))

test_that("downloadModule downloads and unzips a parent module", {

  testInit(c("terra", "httr"), smcc = FALSE)
  m <- "LCC2005"

  ## f <- downloadModule(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE)[[1]] |> unlist() |> as.character()
  f <- .tryCatch(downloadModule(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, data = FALSE))
  dirTD <- dir(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE)
  gotAllMods <- all(unlist(Map(yy = c("caribouMovementLcc", "cropReprojectLccAge", "fireSpreadLcc",
           "forestAge", "forestSuccessionBeacons", "LCC2005", "LccToBeaconsReclassify"),
         function(yy) any(grepl(yy, x = dirTD)))))
  if (!isTRUE(gotAllMods)) skip("Download didn't work correctly; likely no GITHUB_PAT")
  if (length(dirTD) < 16) skip("Download didn't work correctly; likely no GITHUB_PAT")
  if (!is.null(f$error)) {
    if (grepl("Forbidden", f$error)) {
      skip("Forbidden HTTP 403 on GitHub during downloadModule")
  f <- f$value[[1]] |> unlist() |> as.character()

  d <- f |> dirname() |> basename() |> unique() |> sort()

  d_expected <- moduleMetadata(module = "LCC2005", path = tmpdir)$childModules |>
    c(m, "data", "testthat") |> sort()

  valToCompare <- 45 # if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix" || isWindows()) 45 else 43
  expect_equal(length(f), valToCompare)
  expect_equal(d, d_expected)

test_that("downloadModule can overwrite existing modules", {
  opts <- list(reproducible.inputPaths = NULL)
  if (isWindows()) {
    opts <- append(opts, list(download.file.method = "auto"))
  } else {
    opts <- append(opts, list(download.file.method = "curl", download.file.extra = "-L"))

  m <- "LccToBeaconsReclassify"
  tmpdir <- file.path(tempdir(), "modules") |> checkPath(create = TRUE)
  on.exit(unlink(tmpdir, recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)

  f <- .tryCatch(downloadModule(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, data = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE))
  if (!is.null(f$error)) {
    if (grepl("Forbidden", f$error)) {
      skip("Forbidden HTTP 403 on GitHub during downloadModule")

  original_f <- file.path(tmpdir, m) |>
    list.files(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "[.]R$") |>

  expect_error(downloadModule(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, data = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE))

  f <- .tryCatch(downloadModule(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, data = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE))
  if (!is.null(f$error)) {
    if (grepl("Forbidden", f$error)) {
      skip("Forbidden HTTP 403 on GitHub during downloadModule")

  new_f <- file.path(tmpdir, m) |>
    list.files(full.names = TRUE, pattern = "[.]R$") |>

  expect_true(original_f$mtime < new_f$mtime)

test_that("downloadModule does not fail when data URLs cannot be accessed", {

  opts <- list(reproducible.inputPaths = NULL, "reproducible.verbose" = TRUE)
  if (isWindows()) {
    opts <- append(opts, list(download.file.method = "auto"))
  } else {
    opts <- append(opts, list(download.file.method = "curl", download.file.extra = "-L"))

  testInit(c("httr"), opts = opts)
  m <- "test"

  skipMessReGoogledrive <-
    "Need a newer version of reproducible for downloadData for non-googledrive urls"
  if (packageVersion("reproducible") <= "1.2.16")
  f <- .tryCatch(downloadModule(m, tmpdir, quiet = TRUE, data = TRUE))
  if (!is.null(f$error)) {
    if (grepl("Forbidden", f$error)) {
      skip("Forbidden HTTP 403 on GitHub during downloadModule")
    if (grepl("no package called", f$error)) {
  f <- f$value[[1]] |> unlist() |> as.character()
  d <- f |> dirname() |> basename() |> unique() |> sort()

  d_expected <- sort(c(m, "data"))

  expect_equal(d, d_expected)

Try the SpaDES.core package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

SpaDES.core documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:32 a.m.