
Defines functions adaptIntegrateBallRadial adaptIntegrateBallTri adaptIntegrateSphereCheck partitionRegion nextMultiIndex nextGraySubset adaptIntegrateSphereTriI1 adaptIntegrateSphereTriSubdivideK adaptIntegrateSphereTriI0 adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d Orthants nextBinary CheckUnitVectors adaptIntegrateSphereTri SubdivideSphereTriByOrthant ballVolume sphereArea integrateSphereStroud11 rect2polar polar2rect adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit adaptIntegrateBallPolar adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit adaptIntegrateSpherePolar integrateBallPolynomial integrateSpherePolynomial

Documented in adaptIntegrateBallPolar adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit adaptIntegrateBallRadial adaptIntegrateBallTri adaptIntegrateSphereCheck adaptIntegrateSpherePolar adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit adaptIntegrateSphereTri adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d adaptIntegrateSphereTriI0 adaptIntegrateSphereTriI1 adaptIntegrateSphereTriSubdivideK ballVolume CheckUnitVectors integrateBallPolynomial integrateSpherePolynomial integrateSphereStroud11 nextBinary nextGraySubset nextMultiIndex Orthants partitionRegion polar2rect rect2polar sphereArea SubdivideSphereTriByOrthant

# Package SphericalCubature
# John P. Nolan, April 2013, jpnolan@american.edu
# This package computes integrals over spheres, balls, and
#    annular regions in n-dimensions.
# Functions integratePolynomialSphere and integratePolynomialBall
#     exactly integrate polynomials over a sphere/ball.
# Function integrateSphereStroud11 uses Stroud 11 degree rule
#     to integrate over the unit sphere. It is faster but only
#     reliable for smooth functions.
# Functions adaptIntegrateSpherePolar and adaptIntegrateBallPolar use
#     adaptive integration using the multivariate polar representation
#     and the R package cubature, which performs multivariate adaptive
#     integration over that rectangular region.  Both functions have
#     extensions, named adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit and adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit,
#     which allow you to manually split the region of integration to
#     capture spikes, etc. in the integrand.
# Function adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d works in 3-dimensions, approximating
#     an integral over a list of spherical triangles (instead of using
#     polar coordinates).
# Function adaptIntegrateSphereTri works in n-dimensions, n >= 2 approximating
#     an integral over a list of hyperspherical triangles (instead of using
#     polar coordinates).
# Utility functions:
#     rect2polar and polar2rect convert to/from polar coordinates in
#         n-dimensions
#     nextGraySubset and nextMultiIndex calculate particular subsets
#         needed in the computations.
#  n dimensional polar coordinates are given by the following:
#  rectangular x=(x[1],...,x[n])  corresponds to
#     polar  (r,phi[1],...,phi[n-1]) by
#  x[1]  = r*cos(phi[1])
#  x[2]  = r*sin(phi[1])*cos(phi[2])
#  x[3]  = r*sin(phi[1])*sin(phi[2])*cos(phi[3])
#   ...
#  x[n-1]= r*sin(phi[1])*sin(phi[2])*...*sin(phi[n-2])*cos(phi[n-1])
#  x[n]  = r*sin(phi[1])*sin(phi[2])*...*sin(phi[n-2])*sin(phi[n-1])
#  Here phi[1],...,phi[n-2] in [0,pi), and phi[n-1] in [0,2*pi).
#  For multivariate integration, the Jacobian of the above tranformation
#    is J(phi) = r^(n-1) * prod( sin(phi[1:(n-2)])^((n-2):1) );
#    note that phi[n-1] does not appear in the Jacobian.
require(cubature) # for adaptIntegrate*( ) functions
integrateSpherePolynomial <- function( p, valueOnly=TRUE ) {
# compute the exact integral over the sphere in n dimensions of
# a polynomial  p(x[1],...,x[n])=sum (coef[i] * x[1]^k[i,1] * ... * x[n]^k[i,n]),
# where the sum is over i=1,...,m.  This is specified as a list
# with fields
#    p$coef[1:m] vector of doubles
#    p$k[1:m,1:n] matrix of integers
#    m and n a given implicitly in the sizes of these arrays
# output - a list with two fields:
#    $integral - a double containing the value of the integral
#    $term - a vector of length m of values used in the computation
#          and which are used by function IntegratePolynomialBall( ... )
# Method is from Folland (2001), MAA Monthly 108, pg. 446-448.

m <- length(p$coef)
storage.mode(p$k) <- "integer"
if (m != nrow(p$k)) {
  stop("Error in integratePolynomialSphere: length(p$coef) should be the same as he number of rows of p$k\n")
if ( any(p$k < 0) ) { stop("Error in integratePolynomialSphere: some p$k[i,j] is negative") }
n <- ncol(p$k)

# loop through the terms in the polynomial, integrating each monomial exactly
term <- double(m)
for (i in 1:m) {
  ki <- p$k[i, ]
  if ( !any( ki %% 2L )) { # test that all powers are even, otherwise term=0
    beta <- (ki+1.0)/2.0
    term[i] <- 2*p$coef[i]*prod(gamma(beta))/gamma(sum(beta))
integral <- sum(term)
if (valueOnly) return(integral)
else return( list(integral=integral,term=term) )}
integrateBallPolynomial <- function( p, R=c(0.0,1.0) ) {
# compute the exact integral over (part of) a ball in n dimensions of
# a polynomial p(x[1],...,x[n]), which is specified as in the
# function IntegratePolynomialSphere( ).  The default is to integrate
# over the unit ball:  0 <= r <= 1, but one can specify inner and outer
# r bounds to get integration over the annulus: R[1] <= r <= R[2].
# Method is from reference in IntegratePolynomialSphere( ).

n <- ncol(p$k)
b <- integrateSpherePolynomial( p, valueOnly=FALSE )
integral <- 0.0
for (i in 1:length(p$coef)) {
  power <- n + sum(p$k[i,])
  integral <- integral + b$term[i]*(R[2]^power-R[1]^power)/power
adaptIntegrateSpherePolar <- function( f, n, lowerLimit=rep(0.0,n-1),
                    upperLimit=c(rep(pi,n-2),2*pi), tol=1e-05, ... ) {
# Integrate f(x[1],...,x[n]) over the portion of the unit sphere
#     bounded by *polar* coordinates lowerLimit and upperLimit.
#     If the integrand has abrupt changes, the adaptive integration
#     routine may miss that change.  You can prevent this if you
#     know the location of the change points by calling
#     adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit( ), which will split up the region
#     of integration at/near specified points.
# The result is a list with multiple fields.  In all cases, the value of
# the integral is stored in the field $integral.  Other fields are specific to
# the dimension: if n=2, the list is what is returned by integrate( );
# if n > 2, the list is what is returned by adaptIntegrate( ) from
# the package cubature.

if( !is.function(f) ) { stop("first argument is not a function" ) }
n <- as.integer(n)
a <- adaptIntegrateSphereCheck( n, lowerLimit, upperLimit, R=c(0.0,1.0), xstar=matrix(0.0,nrow=n,ncol=0), width=0.0 )

if (n == 2) {   # use adaptive univariate integration
  polar.f <- function( phi, rect.f, ... ) {
      # function integrate( ) in base R is vectorized; rect.f( ) may not
      #   be vectorized, so we evaluate f on argument at a time.  This will
      #   be slower, but we do it to be consistent with n > 2.
      y <- double(length(phi))
      for (i in 1:length(phi)) {
        x <- polar2rect( 1.0, phi[i])
        y[i] <- rect.f(x,...)
      return(y) }
  z <- integrate( polar.f, lower=lowerLimit, upper=upperLimit, rel.tol=tol, rect.f=f,... )
  if (z$message != "OK") warning(paste("Error in adaptIntegrateSpherePolar: error return from integrate(...) ",z$message))
  z$integral <- z$value
  return( z )

# From now on, dimension n > 2, use adaptIntegrate from package cubature
# internal integrand function
polar.f <- function( phi, rect.f, ... ) {
  x <- polar2rect( 1.0, phi )
  y <- rect.f(x,...)  # evaluate integrand
  # compute Jacobian from change to polar coordinates
  n <- length(phi)+1
  sint <- sin(phi)
  if (n > 2) { y <- y*prod( sint[1:(n-2)]^((n-2):1) ) }
  return( y ) }

z <- adaptIntegrate( polar.f,  lowerLimit=lowerLimit, upperLimit=upperLimit,
         tol=tol, rect.f=f, ... )
if(z$returnCode != 0) warning(paste("Error in adaptIntegrateSpherePolar: return from adaptIntegrate=",z$returnCode))
return(z) }
adaptIntegrateSpherePolarSplit <- function( f, n, xstar, width=0,
       lowerLimit=rep(0.0,n-1), upperLimit=c(rep(pi,n-2),2*pi), tol=1e-05, ... ) {
# Integrate f(x[1],...,x[n]) over the portion of the unit sphere
#     bounded by *polar* coordinates lowerLimit and upperLimit.
# If it is known that f(.) has abrupt changes (spike, cusp, etc).
#     in directions given by xstar[ ,j], j=1:m, then we can assist the
#     adaptive integration routine by splitting up the region of
#     integration into pieces, with rectangles of side width[j] around
#     each point xstar[,j].  (If width[j]=0, then just split at each
#     point xstar[ ,j].)
# Since this function makes repetitive calls to adaptIntegrateSpherePolar,
#     and that function prints a warning when something isn't right,
#     this function only returns a single number, the estimated
#     value of the integral

# check input and set up things
if( !is.function(f) ) { stop("first argument is not a function" ) }
if (!is.matrix(xstar)) xstar <- as.matrix(xstar,ncol=1)
a <- adaptIntegrateSphereCheck( n,  lowerLimit, upperLimit, R=c(0.0,1.0), xstar, width  )
m <- a$m
newWidth <- a$width

# partition the region of integration into subrectangles based on directions
# of the vectors xstar[ ,j], j=1:m
partition <- partitionRegion( xstar, newWidth, lowerLimit, upperLimit )

integral <- 0.0
size <- partition$count - 1
j <- rep(1L,n-1)
low <- rep(0.0,n-1)
up <- rep(0.0,n-1)

# loop through subdivision of the space and accumulate results
if (n==2) {
  # line integral computed using integrate() in base R
  cum <- list( integral=0.0, subdivision=NA, message="OK" )
} else {
  # adaptIntegrateSimplex() used
  cum <- list( integral=0.0, error=0.0, functionEvaluations=0L, returnCode=0L)
repeat {
  for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
    low[i] <- partition$phi[[i]][j[i]]
    up[i] <- partition$phi[[i]][j[i]+1]
  cur <- adaptIntegrateSpherePolar( f, n, low,up, tol, ... )
  if(n==2) {
    if(cur$message=="OK")  {
       cum$integral <- cum$integral + cur$integral
       cum$abs.error <- cum$abs.error + cur$abs.error
    } else {
       cum$message <- cur$message
  } else {
    # n < 2
    if(cur$returnCode==0L) {
      cum$integral <- cum$integral + cur$integral
      cum$error <- cum$error + cur$error
      cum$functionEvaluations <- cum$functionEvaluations + cur$functionEvaluations
    } else {
      cum$returnCode <- cur$returnCode

  j <- nextMultiIndex(j, size)
  if (j[1] < 0 ) { break }
return( cum ) }
adaptIntegrateBallPolar <- function( f, n, lowerLimit=rep(0.0,n-1),
                    upperLimit=c(rep(pi,n-2),2*pi), R=c(0.0,1.0), tol=1e-05, ... ) {
# integrate f(x[1],...,x[n]) over the portion of the unit ball
#     bounded by *polar* coordinates lowerLimit and upperLimit and
#     radius R[1] <= r <= R[2].
#     If the integrand has abrupt changes, the adaptive integration
#     routine may miss that change.  You can prevent this if you
#     know the location of the change points by calling
#     adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit( ), which will split up the region
#     of integration at/near specified points.
# The result is a list with multiple fields.  In all cases, the value of
# the integral is stored in the field $integral.  The list is what is
# returned by adaptIntegrate( ) from the package cubature.

if( !is.function(f) ) { stop("first argument is not a function" ) }
n <- as.integer(n)
a <- adaptIntegrateSphereCheck( n, lowerLimit, upperLimit, R=R, xstar=matrix(0.0,nrow=n,ncol=0), width=0.0 )

# use adaptIntegrate from package cubature
# internal integrand function
polar.f <- function( r.phi, rect.f, ... ) {
  n <- length(r.phi)
  x <- polar2rect( r.phi[1],r.phi[2:n] )
  y <- rect.f(x,...)  # evaluate integrand
  # compute Jacobian from change to polar coordinates

  sint <- sin(r.phi[2:n])
  if (n == 2L) { 
    y <- r.phi[1]*y
  } else { 
    y <- r.phi[1]^(n-1)*y*prod( sint[1:(n-2)]^((n-2):1) ) 
  return( y ) }

z <- adaptIntegrate( polar.f,  lowerLimit=c(R[1],lowerLimit), upperLimit=c(R[2],upperLimit),
         tol=tol, rect.f=f, ... )
if(z$returnCode != 0) warning(paste("Error in adaptIntegrateBallPolar: return from adaptIntegrate=",z$returnCode))
return(z) }
adaptIntegrateBallPolarSplit <- function( f, n, xstar, width=0.0, lowerLimit=rep(0.0,n-1),
                    upperLimit=c(rep(pi,n-2),2*pi), R=c(0.0,1.0), tol=1e-05, ... ) {
# integrate f(x[1],...,x[n]) over the portion of the unit ball
#    bounded by *polar* coordinates lowerLimit and upperLimit and
#    radius R[1] <= r <= R[2]
# If it is known that f(.) has abrupt changes (spike, cusp, etc).
#     in directions given by xstar[ ,j], j=1:m, then we can assist the
#     adaptive integration routine by splitting up the region of
#     integration into pieces, with rectangles of side width[j] around
#     each point xstar[,j].  (If width[j]=0, then just split at each
#     point xstar[ ,j].
# Since this function makes repetitive calls to adaptIntegrateSpherePolar,
#     and that function prints a warning when something isn't right,
#     this function only returns a single number, the estimated
#     value of the integral

# check input and set up things
if( !is.function(f) ) { stop("first argument is not a function" ) }
if (!is.matrix(xstar)) xstar <- as.matrix(xstar,ncol=1)
a <- adaptIntegrateSphereCheck( n,  lowerLimit, upperLimit, R=R, xstar=xstar, width=width  )
m <- a$m
newWidth <- a$width

# partition the region of integration into subrectangles based on directions
# of the vectors xstar[ ,j], j=1:m
partition <- partitionRegion( xstar, newWidth, lowerLimit, upperLimit )

integral <- 0.0
size <- partition$count - 1
j <- rep(1L,n-1)
low <- rep(0.0,n-1)
up <- rep(0.0,n-1)
repeat {
  for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
    low[i] <- partition$phi[[i]][j[i]]
    up[i] <- partition$phi[[i]][j[i]+1]
  b <- adaptIntegrateBallPolar( f, n, low,up, R=R, tol, ... )
  integral <- integral + b$integral
  j <- nextMultiIndex(j, size)
  if (j[1] < 0 ) { break }
return(integral) }
polar2rect <- function( r, phi ) {
# Convert polar coordinates to rectangular coordinates in n-dimensions.
# If r is a scalar, then the polar point (r,phi[1:(n-1)]) is converted to
#     rectangular coordinates x[1:n].
# If r is a vector of length m, then phi should be a matrix of dimensions (n-1) x m,
#     and the result is a matrix x[1:n,1:m], with columns of x being the x
#     coordinates of points (r[j],phi[,j]).
# The result is always a matrix x of size (n x m).

m <- length(r)
if (!is.matrix(phi)) { phi <- as.matrix(phi,ncol=1) }
stopifnot( m == ncol(phi))
n <- nrow(phi) + 1
x <- matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = m)
for (j in 1:m) {
    c.term <- cos(phi[, j])
    s.term <- sin(phi[, j])
    y <- c( 1, cumprod(s.term) )
    z <- c( c.term, 1 )
    x[,j] <- r[j] * y * z   
return(x) }
rect2polar <- function( x ) {
# Convert from rectangular to polar coordinates in n dimensions.
# If x[1:n] is a vector in rectangular coordinates, convert to
#     polar coordinates (r,phi[1:(n-1)])
# If x[1:n,1:m] is a matrix, convert each column x[ ,i] to polar coordinates
#   given by r[i] and phi[,i]
# the result is a list, with fields 
#  r=radii, a vector of length m
#  phi angles, a matrix of size (n-1) by m

if(!is.matrix(x)) { x <- as.matrix(x,ncol=1) }
n <- nrow(x)
m <- ncol(x)
r <- rep(0, m)
phi <- matrix(0, nrow = n - 1, ncol = m)
for (j in 1:m) {
    y <- sqrt(cumsum(rev(x[,j]^2)))
    r[j] <- y[n]
    if (r[j] > 0) {
        if (n > 2) {
            for (k in 1:(n - 2)) {
              if( y[n-k+1] > 0 )
                phi[k, j] <- acos( x[k,j] / y[n-k+1] )
              else {
                phi[k,j] <- ifelse( x[k,j] > 0, 0.0, pi )   
        if( y[2] > 0 ) {
          phi[n - 1, j] <- acos( x[n-1,j] / y[2] )
          if(x[n,j] < 0) { phi[n-1,j] <- 2*pi - phi[n-1,j] }
        } else {
          phi[n-1,j] <- ifelse( x[n,j] > 0, 0.0, pi )
return(list(r = r, phi = phi)) }
#  Stroud integration and related functions, adapted from fortran and
#  C code by John Burkhart found at
#    http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/f77_src/stroud/stroud.html
#    http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/c_src/stroud/stroud.html
#  Based on the book by A. H. Stroud, Approximate Calculation of
#  multiple integrals, 1971, page 296-297.
integrateSphereStroud11 <- function( f, n, ... ) {
# numerically integrate the function f( x, ... ) over the unit sphere in R^n
# using an 11th degree Stroud cubature
# ... are arguments passed to f( )
# Based on routine sphere_unit_11_nd by Burkhardt.
# Changes:
#  (1) the outer loops for S31 and S32 in Fortran should be DO I=1,N-1.
#  (2) in dimension 7, Burkhardt's program a mistake
#     in constant coef21[7], it should be 0.0337329118818, not 0.0336329118818

if( !is.function(f) ) { stop("first argument is not a function" ) }
# check that dimesion isn't too small or too large
if (n < 3) stop("Error in Stroud11IntegrateSphere: n < 3")
if (n > 16) stop("Error in Stroud11IntegrateSphere: n > 16")

# define quadrature coefficients
coef1 <- c( 0.0, 0.0, 0.128571428571, 0.0518518518518, 0.0211979378646, 0.281250000000,
            1.11934731935, 2.82751322751, 5.68266145619, 9.93785824515,  15.8196616478,
            23.5285714285, 33.2409299392, 45.1113811729, 59.2754264177, 75.8518518518)
coef21 <- c( 0.0, 0.0, 0.163795782462, 0.0967270533860, 0.0638253880175, 0.0452340041459,
             0.0337329118818, 0.0261275095270, 0.0208331595340, 0.0169937111647,
             0.0141147212492, 0.0118949128383, 0.0101424250926, 0.00873046796644,
             0.00757257014768, 0.00660813369775)
coef22 <- c( 0.0, 0.0, 0.126680408014, 0.0514210947621, 0.0213579471658, -0.108726067638,
            -0.371589499738, -0.786048144448, -1.36034060198, -2.09547695631, -2.98784764467,
            -4.03107480702, -5.21726499521, -6.53783099707, -7.98401677102, -9.54722261180)
coef31 <- c( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0592592592592, 0.0236639091329, 0.0525940190875, 0.0925052768546,
             0.141316953438, 0.196818580052, 0.257027634179, 0.320299222258, 0.385326226441,
             0.451098131789, 0.516849445559, 0.582010515746, 0.646165210110)
coef32 <- c( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0316246294890, 0.0207194729760, 0.0144303800811,
             0.0105348984135, 0.00798435122193, 0.00623845929545, 0.00499896882962,
             0.00409176297655, 0.00341037426698, 0.00288710646943, 0.00247745182907,

quad <- 0.0
x <- rep(1.0/sqrt(n),n)  # initial point on unit sphere
  # S1
  gray <- list(more=FALSE,n=n)
  repeat {
    gray <- nextGraySubset( gray )
    if (gray$iadd != 0L) { x[gray$iadd] <- -x[gray$iadd] }
    quad <- quad + coef1[n] * f ( x, ... )
    if (!gray$more) {break}

  # S21
  r1 <- ( ( n + 6 ) - 4.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) )  / ( n * n + 12 * n - 12 )
  r1 <- sqrt ( r1 )

  s1 <- ( ( 7 * n - 6 ) + ( 4 * ( n - 1 ) ) * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( n * n + 12 * n - 12 )
  s1 <- sqrt ( s1 )

  for( i in 1:n ) {
    x <- rep(r1,n)
    x[i] <- s1
    gray$more <- FALSE
    repeat {
      gray <-  nextGraySubset (gray )
      if ( gray$iadd != 0L ) { x[gray$iadd] = -x[gray$iadd] }
      quad <- quad + coef21[n] * f ( x, ... )
      if (!gray$more) {break}

  #  S22
  r2 <- ( ( n + 6 ) + 4.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) )  /  ( n * n + 12 * n - 12 )
  r2 <- sqrt ( r2 )
  s2 = ( ( 7 * n - 6 ) - ( 4 * ( n - 1 ) ) * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( n * n + 12 * n - 12 )
  s2 <- sqrt ( s2 )
  for (i in 1:n) {
    x <- rep(r2, n)
    x[i] <- s2
    gray$more <- FALSE
    repeat {
      gray <- nextGraySubset ( gray )
      if ( gray$iadd != 0L ) { x[gray$iadd] = -x[gray$iadd] }
      quad = quad + coef22[n] * f ( x, ... )
      if ( !gray$more ) {break}
  #  S31
  u1 <- ( ( n + 12 ) + 8.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) /  ( n * n + 24 * n - 48 )
  u1 <- sqrt ( u1 )
  v1 <- ( ( 7 * n - 12 ) - ( 4 * n - 8 ) * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( n * n + 24 * n - 48 )
  v1 <- sqrt ( v1 )
  for (i in 1:(n-1)) {  # change from fortran code
    for (j in (i+1):n) {
      x <- rep(u1,n)
      x[i] = v1
      x[j] = v1
      gray$more <- FALSE
      repeat {
        gray <- nextGraySubset ( gray )
        if ( gray$iadd != 0L ) { x[gray$iadd] = -x[gray$iadd] }
        quad <- quad + coef31[n]* f ( x, ... )
        if ( !gray$more ) { break }

  #  S32
  u2 <- ( ( n + 12 ) - 8.0 * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) /  ( n * n + 24 * n - 48 )
  u2 <- sqrt ( u2 )
  v2 <- ( ( 7 * n - 12 ) + ( 4 * n - 8 ) * sqrt ( 3.0 ) ) / ( n * n + 24 * n - 48 )
  v2 <- sqrt ( v2 )
  for (i in 1:(n-1)) {  # change from fortran code
    for (j in (i+1):n) {
      x <- rep(u2,n)
      x[i] <- v2
      x[j] <- v2
      gray$more <- FALSE
      repeat {
        gray <- nextGraySubset ( gray )
        if ( gray$iadd != 0L ) { x[gray$iadd] = -x[gray$iadd] }
        quad <- quad + coef32[n] * f ( x, ... )
        if ( !gray$more ) { break }
  result <- quad * sphereArea(n) / 2.0^n
return( result) }
sphereArea <- function( n, R=1.0 ) {
# calculate the surface area of the sphere {|x|=R} in R^n

area <- R^(n-1)*2.0*pi^(n/2)/gamma(n/2)

return(area) }
ballVolume <- function( n, R=1.0 ) {
# calculate the volume of the ball {|x|<R} in n-dimensions

volume <- R^n * pi^(n/2)/gamma((n/2.0)+1.0)
SubdivideSphereTriByOrthant <- function( S, eps=1.0e-14 ) {
# Ensure that each spherical triangle is contained in a single orthant.
# The approach is to construct cones using the origin and each spherical triangle, 
# giving n dim. simplices (whereas the orginal S is a list of (n-1) dim. simplices).  
# Those cones are then intersected with the orthants, and finally the vertex at 
# the origin is removed and all other vertices are normalized to be on the unit sphere.

# check input
CheckUnitVectors( S )
n <- dim(S)[1] # dimension of the vectors
nS <- dim(S)[3] # number of simplices

# convert from column vectors to row vectors & get H representations of both
#  (a) the cones through the simplices S    and    (b) the 2^n orthants
# note that both are n-dim solids, not (n-1)-dim surfaces
HS <- mvmesh::HrepCones( aperm( S, perm=c(2,1,3) ) )
HOrthants <- mvmesh::V2Hrep( mvmesh::UnitBall(n,k=0,p=1)$S )

# intersect spherical triangles with orthants
newMesh <- mvmesh::IntersectMultipleSimplicesH( HS, HOrthants )

# convert non-zero vertices to unit vectors
n.newS <- dim( newMesh$S )[3]
newS <- array( 0.0, dim=c( n, n, n.newS ) )
count <- 0L
for (i in 1:n.newS) {
  temp <- t( newMesh$S[,,i] )
  r <- sqrt( colSums( temp^2 ) )
  reject <- which(r <= eps )
  if (length(reject) == 1) {
    count <- count + 1
    k <- 0L
    for (j in 1:(n+1)) {
      if (j != reject) {
        k <- k + 1
        newS[ ,k,count] <- temp[,j]/r[j]
  } else {
    warning( paste("Ignoring simplex=",i,"   reject=",reject, "  volume=",SimplexVolume(temp) )  )# happens occasionally with tiny simplices

# remove empty simplices
newS <- newS[,,1:count,drop=FALSE]

# clean up: replace small values with 0.  This is apparently caused by
# converting between V and H representations when intersecting simplices
# and tessellating the resulting subsimplices
trim.count <- 0L
for (i in 1:dim(newS)[3]) {
  for (j in 1:n) {
    for (k in 1:n) {
      if( (abs(newS[j,k,i]) > 0) & (abs(newS[j,k,i]) < eps)) { 
        newS[j,k,i] <- 0 
        trim.count <- trim.count + 1

dimnames(newS) <- NULL # clean up junk dimnames

return( list( S=newS, original.simplex=newMesh$index1, 
              orthant=newMesh$index2, trim.count=trim.count  ) ) }
adaptIntegrateSphereTri <- function( f, n, S=Orthants(n), fDim=1L, maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, 
            tol=1.0e-5, integRule=3L, partitionInfo=FALSE, ...  ) {
# Adaptively integrate f(x) over the unit sphere in R^n using an
# approximation to the sphere give by the hyperspherical triangles in S.
# It is required that the points in S are unit vectors (up to double precision accuracy).
# On entry, dim(S)=c(n,n,nS), with S[ ,i,j] is the i-th vertex of hypertriangle j
# Other aguments are the same as in adaptIntegrateSimplex in package SimplicialCubature.
# ... are optional arguments are passed to function f when it is evaluated

# error checking
if( !is.function(f) ) stop("argument f must be a function")
if ( length(n) > 1 ) stop("Second argument to adaptIntegrateSphereTri should be n=the dimension of the space")
if( is.matrix(S) )  { S <- array( S, dim=c(nrow(S),ncol(S),1)) }
if( !is.array(S) | (length(dim(S)) != 3) ) stop("S must be a single simplex or an array of simplices")
tmp <- dim(S)
if( n != tmp[1]) stop("S array is the wrong size")
m <- tmp[2]-1
if( m != n-1 ) stop("S must be (n-1) dimensional simplex/simplices in n dimensional space")

# guarantee that each triangle is inside some orthant
temp <- SubdivideSphereTriByOrthant( S, eps=1.0e-14 )
S <- temp$S
nS <- dim(S)[3]

# define the transformed function which evaluates the original function f(x) at a 
# a single point in R^n, returning a single number
transformedF <- function( x, ... ) { 
  const <- 1.0/sqrt( sum(x^2) )
  y <- f( const*x, ... ) * const^length(x)
  return(y) }

# convert all simplices to lie on the l_1 ball: sum(abs(S[,i,j]))=1.  This is 
# assumed by the change of variables formula in transformedF( ) above.
newS <- array( 0.0, dim=dim(S) )
for (j in 1:nS) {
  for (i in 1:n) {
    newS[,i,j] <- S[,i,j]/ sum(abs(S[,i,j]))

# integrate over new simplices
result <- SimplicialCubature::adaptIntegrateSimplex(transformedF, newS, fDim, 
  maxEvals, absError, tol, integRule, partitionInfo, ...)
# repackage result to give adjusted values
result$integral <- result$integral/sqrt(n)

if( partitionInfo ) {
  result$subsimplicesIntegral <- result$subsimplicesIntegral/sqrt(n)
  # normalize all points in the grid.
  for (i in 1:dim(result$subsimplices)[3]) {
    for (j in 1:n) {
      len <- sqrt(sum(result$subsimplices[,j,i]^2))
      result$subsimplices[,j,i] <- result$subsimplices[,j,i]/len
    result$subsimplicesVolume[i] <- SimplexSurfaceArea( result$subsimplices[,,i] )    
return(result) }
CheckUnitVectors <- function( S, eps=1.0e-14) {
# check that the columns in S are all unit vectors; stop if not
# S can be a vector, a matrix, or an array

if (is.vector(S) ) { S <-  matrix(S,ncol=1) }
if (is.array(S) & length(dim(S)) > 2) {  S <- matrix(S,nrow=nrow(S)) }
stopifnot( is.matrix(S), is.numeric(S) )

a <- colSums( S^2 ) 
if (any(abs(sqrt(a)-1) > eps) ) {stop("Some columns of S are not unit vectors") }
nextBinary <- function( b ){
  # count in base 2, internal function used by Orthants
  j <- 1; carry <- 1L
  while (carry > 0){
    carry <- b[j]
    b[j] <- 1L-carry
    if (j == length(b)) break
    j <- j + 1
  return(b) }
Orthants <- function( n, positive.only=FALSE ) {
  # return the V representation of the orthants in n-dimensions

  nV <- ifelse( positive.only, 1, 2^n )
  V <- array( 0.0, dim=c(n,n,nV)  )
  b <- rep( 0L, n )
  for (j in 1:nV) {
    for (i in 1:n) { V[i,i,j] <- 1-2*b[i] }
    b <- nextBinary( b )
# adaptive numerical integration on spherical triangles in 3d, based on the
# paper by N. Boal and F-J. Sayas at: 
#     www.unizar.es/galdeano/actas_pau/PDFVIII/pp61-69.pdf
# That paper and this function only work in 3-dim.
adaptIntegrateSphereTri3d <- function( f, S, maxRef=50, relTol=0.001, 
    maxTri=50000, gamma=1.5 ) {
# adaptive integration over spherical triangles in 3-dim
#    f is the integrand function, a function of 3 variables
#    S is the array of initial triangles, dim(S)=c(3,3,n0); 
#       S[ ,i,j] is the i-th vertex of triangle j
#    maxRef is the maximum number of refinements allowed
#    relTol is the desired relative tolerance
#    maxTri is the maximum number of triangles allowed while refining
#    gamma >= 1, is the threshold parameter for when a triangle is subdivided,

if( !is.function(f) ) { stop("first argument is not a function" ) }
if( is.matrix(S) ) { S <- array(S,dim=c(nrow(S),ncol(S),1) ) }
CheckUnitVectors( S )
if( nrow(S) != 3 ) { stop("This function only works in 3-dimensions; S must be a 3 x 3 x m array") }

n0 <- dim(S)[3]
K <- array( c(S,rep(0.0,9*(maxTri-n0))),dim=c(3,3,maxTri) )
I0 <- rep(0.0,maxTri) 
E <- rep(0.0,maxTri)
# loop through initial triangles and compute approx. and estimated error
for (k in 1:n0) { 
  I0[k] <- adaptIntegrateSphereTriI0(f, S[,,k])
  tmp <- adaptIntegrateSphereTriI1( f, S[,,k] )
  E[k] <- (4/3)*( tmp$newI1 - I0[k] )
Esum <- sum(E[1:n0])
absEsum <- sum(abs(E[1:n0]))
I0sum <- sum(I0[1:n0])
nk <- n0

# continually refine triangulation, until either reaching desired accuracy,
# or have used the maximum number of refinements
status <- "max number of refinements reached without desired accuracy, increase maxRef"
for (i in  1:maxRef) {
  # if we've achieved desired accuracy, exit early from loop
  if ( abs(Esum) < relTol*abs(I0sum) ) {
    status <- "success"

  # otherwise, loop through triangles and search for ones to subdivide
  newcount <- 0
  threshold <- (gamma/nk)*absEsum
  refTri <- which( abs(E[1:nk]) > threshold ) # triangles to refine
  if ( length(refTri)==0 ) {
    # if no terms exceed threshold, split all triangles
    refTri <- 1:nk
  tooManyTri <- FALSE
  for (j in refTri ) {
    if (nk+newcount+3 > maxTri){ 
      tooManyTri <- TRUE 
      status <- "error: too many triangles, increase maxTri or decrease relTol"
    # compute I1 and error estimates
    tmp <- adaptIntegrateSphereTriI1( f, K[,,j] )
    newE <- rep(0.0,4)
    for (ii in 1:4) {   # not efficient, but works for a first pass...
      tmp2 <- adaptIntegrateSphereTriI1(f,tmp$newK[,,ii])
      newE[ii] <- (4/3)*(tmp2$newI1 - tmp$newI0[ii])
    # add 4 new triangles and corresponding values to arrays
    for (ii in 1:3) {
      newcount <- newcount+1
      K[,,nk+newcount] <- tmp$newK[,,ii]
      I0[nk+newcount] <- tmp$newI0[ii]
      E[nk+newcount] <- newE[ii]
    K[,,j] <- tmp$newK[,,4]
    oldI0 <- I0[j]
    oldE <- E[j]
    I0[j] <- tmp$newI0[4]
    E[j] <- newE[4]
    # adjust the sums to reflect new terms
    I0sum <- I0sum - oldI0 + tmp$newI1
    Esum <- Esum - oldE + sum(newE)
    absEsum <- absEsum - abs(oldE) + sum(abs(newE))
  nk <- nk + newcount
  if (tooManyTri) { break }

return(list(integral=I0sum,I0=I0[1:nk],numRef=i,nk=nk,K=K[,,1:nk,drop=FALSE],est.error=Esum,status=status ) ) }
adaptIntegrateSphereTriI0 <- function( f, K ){
# compute I0(K) 
v1 <- K[,1]; v2 <- K[,2]; v3 <- K[,3]
dv21 <- v2-v1; dv31 <- v3-v1

bhat <- c(1/3,1/3) # barycenter of reference triangle Khat
f.bhat <- v1 + bhat[1]*dv21 - bhat[2]*dv31
c1 <- sqrt( sum(f.bhat^2) ) # norm of f.bhat
b <- f.bhat/c1

dtg <- dv21/c1 - sum(f.bhat*dv21)*f.bhat/c1^3
dsg <- dv31/c1 - sum(f.bhat*dv31)*f.bhat/c1^3
xprod <- c(dtg[2]*dsg[3]-dsg[2]*dtg[3], 
           dtg[1]*dsg[2]-dsg[1]*dtg[2] )
omegaK <- sqrt(sum(xprod^2))/2.0
I0 <- omegaK * f(b)
return(I0) }
adaptIntegrateSphereTriSubdivideK <- function( K ) {
# subdivide spherical triangle K into 4 subtriangles

v1 <- K[,1]; v2 <- K[,2]; v3 <- K[,3]
tmp <- v2+v3;  m1 <- tmp/sqrt(sum(tmp^2))
tmp <- v1+v3;  m2 <- tmp/sqrt(sum(tmp^2))
tmp <- v1+v2;  m3 <- tmp/sqrt(sum(tmp^2))
newK <- array( c(v1,m2,m3, v2,m3,m1, v3,m1,m2, m1,m2,m3), dim=c(3,3,4) )
return(newK) }
adaptIntegrateSphereTriI1 <- function( f, K ) {
# compute I1(K)
newK <- adaptIntegrateSphereTriSubdivideK( K )
newI0 <- rep(0.0,4)
for (i in 1:4) {
  newI0[i] <- adaptIntegrateSphereTriI0( f, newK[,,i] )
newI1 <- sum(newI0)
return(list(newI1=newI1,newI0=newI0,newK=newK)) }
# remaining functions are internal, not meant to be called by user.
nextGraySubset <- function( gray.list ) {
# compute the next Gray subset
# The first time through, gray.list should be a list with two elements:
#    gray.list$more - initially set to FALSE
#    gray.list$n - always set to size of the set
# Returns a list gray.list which should be used in the next call to
#    this function (or you will not get the next Gray subset).
#    Main result is in gray.list$a, which is a sequence of 0s and 1s, indicating
#    which elements are in the set and which are not.  Other fields are
#    needed for successive calls to this function.

#   First set returned is the empty set.
new <- gray.list
if ( !new$more ) {
  new$iadd <- 1L
  new$ncard <- 0L
  new$more <- TRUE
  a <- rep(0L,new$n)
}  else {
  new$iadd <- 1L
  a <- new$a

  if ( ( new$ncard %% 2L ) != 0L ) {
    repeat {
      new$iadd <- new$iadd + 1L
      if ( a[new$iadd-1] != 0L ) { break;}

  a[new$iadd] <- 1 - a[new$iadd];
  new$ncard <- new$ncard + 2 * a[new$iadd] - 1;

  #  Last set returned is the singleton a[n]
  if ( new$ncard == a[new$n] ) { new$more <- FALSE }

new$a <- a
return(new) }
nextMultiIndex <- function( j, size ) {
# Find the next (in lexographical order) multi-index (j[1],...,j[n])
#  by stepping through all values:
#        j[1] in 1:size[1], j[2] in 1:size[2], ..., j[n] in 1:size[n]
# Caller should initialize j to all 1s: j <- rep(1L,n) before calling
#   this function for the first time, then successively pass the multi-index
#   returned by this function back to this function until all multi-indices
#   have been generated.  When all possible values have been enumerated,
#   j[1] is set to -1 and return.

n <- length(j)
stopifnot( n == length(size) )

k <- n  # start at last digit and increment
repeat {
  if (j[k] < size[k]) {
    # increment position k and return
    j[k] <- j[k]+1L
  } else {
    if (k <= 1) {  # no more positions
      j[1] <- -1
    # no more choices in position k, reset that position to 1
    # and go to earlier position
    j[k] <- 1L
    k <- k - 1L
return(j) }
partitionRegion <- function( xstar, width, lowerLimit, upperLimit ){
# partition a polar region by splitting the region around points given
#   by xstar[ ,j], j=1:m
# Output is a list with fields
#   $count[1:k] number of bounds in $phi[[i]],
#   $phi[[i]] angle bounds for i-th polar coordinate

# convert points in xstar to polar coordinates
a <- rect2polar( xstar )  # ignore a$r = lengths of vectors

n <- nrow(a$phi) + 1
m <- ncol(a$phi)
partition <- list(count=integer(n-1),phi=vector("list",0) )
for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
  newphi <- a$phi[i, ]
  newphi <- c(newphi-width,newphi+width)
  maxphi <- ifelse(i<n, pi, 2*pi)
  if (any(newphi < 0.0) ){
    j <- which(newphi < 0.0)
    newphi[j] <- newphi[j]+maxphi
  if (any(newphi > maxphi)) {
    j <- which( newphi > maxphi )
    newphi[j] <- newphi[j]-maxphi
  newphi <- c(newphi,lowerLimit[i],upperLimit[i])
  newphi <- pmax(newphi,lowerLimit[i])
  newphi <- pmin(newphi,upperLimit[i])
  newphi <- unique(sort(newphi))
  partition$count[i] <- length(newphi)
  partition$phi[[i]] <- newphi
return( partition ) }
adaptIntegrateSphereCheck <- function(  n, lowerLimit, upperLimit, R, xstar, width  ) {
# check input arguments to adaptIntegrate*( ) functions.

n <- as.integer(n)
if (n < 2) stop("dimension n < 2")
m <- ncol(xstar)
if (n != nrow(xstar) ) stop("n is not equal nrow(xstar)")
if( length(lowerLimit) != (n-1))
  stop(paste("length(lowerLimit) should be ",n-1) )
if( length(lowerLimit) != length(upperLimit) )
  stop("length(lowerLimit != length(upperLimit)")
if (any(lowerLimit < 0)) stop("lowerLimit has negative values")
if (any(lowerLimit > upperLimit)) stop("some lowerLimit > upperLimit")
maxLimit <- c(rep(pi,n-2),2*pi)
if (any(upperLimit > maxLimit)) stop("some upperLimit too large")

if (length(width) == 1L) { width <- rep(width,m) }
if (length(width) != m ) stop("length(width) != m")
if (any(width > pi/2)) {
   warning("some width > pi/2; truncated to pi/2")
   j <- which(width > pi/2)
   width[j] <- pi/2
if (length(R) != 2) stop("length(R) must be 2")
if (R[1] < 0.0) stop("R[1] must be nonnegative")
if (R[1] >= R[2]) stop("R[2] must be bigger than R[1]")

return(list(m=m,width=width) )}
adaptIntegrateBallTri <- function( f, n, S=Orthants(n), fDim=1,
        maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, tol=1e-05, integRule=3L, 
        partitionInfo=FALSE,... ) {
# Integrate f(x[1],...,x[n] ) over the unit ball (or a portion 
#    specified by the spherical trianges specified in S).  S should be an array of that
#    dscribes sphereical triangles, as in function adaptIntegrateSphereTri. 
#    In the simplest case, S is an (n x n) matrix specifying a single spherical triangle 
#    Together with the origin, this specifies a cone in R^n.
#    More generally, S can be an array with dim(S)=c(n,n,nS), 
#    with each matrix S[,,j] specifying a cone.  The default is to 
#    integrate over the entire unit ball. 
#    If the integrand f is not well-behaved, one can try specifying an f
#    dependent partition of the ball to force this routine to focus on 
#    certain areas.
# The result is a list with multiple fields.  In all cases, the value of
# the integral is stored in the field $integral.  Other fields are specific to
# the dimension: if n=1, the list is what is returned by integrate( );
# if n > 2, the list is what is returned by adaptIntegrate( ) from
# the package cubature.
# Other aguments are the same as in adaptIntegrateSimplex in package SimplicialCubature.
# ... are optional arguments are passed to function f when it is evaluated

# error checking
if( !is.function(f) ) stop("argument f must be a function")
if( (length(n) > 1) | (n < 1 ) | (as.integer(n) != n ) ) stop("n must be an positive integer")
if( is.matrix(S) )  { S <- array( S, dim=c(nrow(S),ncol(S),1)) } # convert to array
if( !is.array(S) | (length(dim(S)) != 3) ) stop("S must be a single simplex or an array of simplices")
tmp <- dim(S)
if( tmp[1] != tmp[2] ) stop("S array is not the right dimensions")
if(n != tmp[2]) stop("dimension n of the base space is not equal to the dimension of the spherical triangles given in S")

# guarantee that each cone is inside some orthant
temp <- SubdivideSphereTriByOrthant(S, eps = 1e-14)
S <- temp$S
nS <- dim(S)[3]

# define the transformed function which evaluates the original function f(x) at a 
# a single point in R^n, returning a single number
transformedF <- function( x ) { 
  const <- sum(abs(x))
  if( const == 0.0 ) stop("Error: x==0 in function transformedF")
  const <- const/sqrt(sum(x^2))
  y <- f( const*x, ... ) * const^length(x)
  return(y) }

# convert all simplices to lie on the l_1 ball: sum(abs(S[,i,j]))=1.  This is 
# assumed by the change of variables formula in transformedF( ) above.
newS <- array( 0.0, dim=c(n,n+1,nS) )
for (j in 1:nS) {
  for (i in 1:n) {
    newS[,i,j] <- S[,i,j]/ sum(abs(S[,i,j]))

# integrate over new simplices
result <- SimplicialCubature::adaptIntegrateSimplex( f=transformedF, S=newS, fDim=fDim, 
  maxEvals=maxEvals, absError=absError, tol=tol, integRule=integRule, partitionInfo=partitionInfo )
# repackage result to give adjusted values
if( partitionInfo) {
  # normalize all points in the grid.
  for (i in 1:dim(result$subsimplices)[3]) {
    for (j in 1:(n+1)) {
      len1 <- sum( abs(result$subsimplices[,j,i] ) )
      len2 <- sqrt( sum( result$subsimplices[,j,i]^2 ) )
      if( len1 > 0 ) { result$subsimplices[,j,i] <- result$subsimplices[,j,i]*len1/len2 }
    result$subsimplicesVolume[i] <- SimplexVolume( result$subsimplices[,,i] )    
return(result) }
adaptIntegrateBallRadial <- function( g, n, fDim=1,
        maxEvals=20000L, absError=0.0, tol=1e-05, integRule=3L, 
        partitionInfo=FALSE, ... ) {
# Integrate a function f(x[1],...,x[n]) over the unit ball B in R^n, 
# where the fumction is radial:  f(x[1],...,x[n])=g(|x|).
# mehtod is to transform the integral to polar coordinates, and then
# use the radial symmetry to get a one dimensional integral:
#   integral over B of f(x) dx (an n-dimensional integral)
#             = K integral from 0 to 1 of r^(n-1) * g(r) dr (a one dim. integral.
# The one dimensional integral is evaluated numerically using adaptive quadrature.

radial.func <- function( r, ... ) { r^(n-1) * g( r, ... ) }

intervals <- array( c(0.0,1.0), dim=c(1,2,1) )
r <- SimplicialCubature::adaptIntegrateVectorFunc( intervals=intervals, fDim=fDim, f=radial.func, 
  maxEvals=maxEvals, absError=absError, tol=tol, partitionInfo=partitionInfo, ... )
r$integral <- 2*pi^(n/2)/gamma(n/2) * r$integral
return( r ) }

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