
"scatter3dPETER" <-
function (x, y, z, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), 
    zlab = deparse(substitute(z)), revolutions = 0, bg.col = c("white", 
        "black"), axis.col = if (bg.col == "white") "black" else "white", 
    surface.col = c("blue", "green", "orange", "magenta", "cyan", 
        "red", "yellow", "gray"), neg.res.col = "red", pos.res.col = "green", 
    point.col = "yellow", text.col = axis.col, grid.col = if (bg.col == 
        "white") "black" else "gray", fogtype = c("exp2", "linear", 
        "exp", "none"), residuals = (length(fit) == 1), surface = TRUE, 
    grid = TRUE, grid.lines = 26, df.smooth = NULL, df.additive = NULL, 
    sphere.size = 1, threshold = 0.01, speed = 1, fov = 60, fit = "linear", 
    groups = NULL, parallel = TRUE, model.summary = FALSE) 
    summaries <- list()
#    if ((!is.null(groups)) && (nlevels(groups) > length(surface.col))) 
#        stop(sprintf(gettextRcmdr("Number of groups (%d) exceeds number of colors (%d)."), 
#            nlevels(groups), length(surface.col)))
#    if ((!is.null(groups)) && (!is.factor(groups))) 
#        stop(gettextRcmdr("groups variable must be a factor."))
    bg.col <- match.arg(bg.col)
    fogtype <- match.arg(fogtype)
#    if ((length(fit) > 1) && residuals && surface) 
#        stop(gettextRcmdr("cannot plot both multiple surfaces and residuals"))
    rgl.viewpoint(fov = fov)
    rgl.bg(color = bg.col, fogtype = fogtype)
    valid <- if (is.null(groups)) 
        complete.cases(x, y, z)
    else complete.cases(x, y, z, groups)
    x <- x[valid]
    y <- y[valid]
    z <- z[valid]
    if (!is.null(groups)) 
        groups <- groups[valid]
    x <- (x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x))
    y <- (y - min(y))/(max(y) - min(y))
    z <- (z - min(z))/(max(z) - min(z))
    size <- sphere.size * ((100/length(x))^(1/3)) * 0.015
    if (is.null(groups)) {
        if (size > threshold) 
            rgl.spheres(x, y, z, color = point.col, radius = size)
        else rgl.points(x, y, z, color = point.col)
    else {
        if (size > threshold) 
            rgl.spheres(x, y, z, color = surface.col[as.numeric(groups)], 
                radius = size)
        else rgl.points(x, y, z, color = surface.col[as.numeric(groups)])
    rgl.lines(c(0, 1), c(0, 0), c(0, 0), color = axis.col)
    rgl.lines(c(0, 0), c(0, 1), c(0, 0), color = axis.col)
    rgl.lines(c(0, 0), c(0, 0), c(0, 1), color = axis.col)
    rgl.texts(1, 0, 0, xlab, adj = 1, color = text.col)
    rgl.texts(0, 1, 0, ylab, adj = 1, color = text.col)
    rgl.texts(0, 0, 1, zlab, adj = 1, color = text.col)
    if (surface) {
        vals <- seq(0, 1, length = grid.lines)
        dat <- expand.grid(x = vals, z = vals)
        for (i in 1:length(fit)) {
            f <- match.arg(fit[i], c("linear", "quadratic", "smooth", 
            if (is.null(groups)) {
                mod <- switch(f, linear = lm(y ~ x + z), quadratic = lm(y ~ 
                  (x + z)^2 + I(x^2) + I(z^2)), smooth = if (is.null(df.smooth)) 
                  gam(y ~ s(x, z))
                else gam(y ~ s(x, z, fx = TRUE, k = df.smooth)), 
                  additive = if (is.null(df.additive)) 
                    gam(y ~ s(x) + s(z))
                  else gam(y ~ s(x, fx = TRUE, k = df.additive[1] + 
                    1) + s(z, fx = TRUE, k = (rev(df.additive + 
                    1)[1] + 1))))
                if (model.summary) 
                  summaries[[f]] <- summary(mod)
                yhat <- matrix(predict(mod, newdata = dat), grid.lines, 
                rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color = surface.col[i], 
                  alpha = 0.5, lit = FALSE)
                if (grid) 
                  rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color = grid.col, 
                    alpha = 0.5, lit = FALSE, front = "lines", 
                    back = "lines")
                if (residuals) {
                  n <- length(y)
                  fitted <- fitted(mod)
                  colors <- ifelse(residuals(mod) > 0, pos.res.col, 
                  rgl.lines(as.vector(rbind(x, x)), as.vector(rbind(y, 
                    fitted)), as.vector(rbind(z, z)), color = as.vector(rbind(colors, 
            else {
                if (parallel) {
                  mod <- switch(f, linear = lm(y ~ x + z + groups), 
                    quadratic = lm(y ~ (x + z)^2 + I(x^2) + I(z^2) + 
                      groups), smooth = if (is.null(df.smooth)) 
                      gam(y ~ s(x, z) + groups)
                    else gam(y ~ s(x, z, fx = TRUE, k = df.smooth) + 
                      groups), additive = if (is.null(df.additive)) 
                      gam(y ~ s(x) + s(z) + groups)
                    else gam(y ~ s(x, fx = TRUE, k = df.additive[1] + 
                      1) + s(z, fx = TRUE, k = (rev(df.additive + 
                      1)[1] + 1)) + groups))
                  if (model.summary) 
                    summaries[[f]] <- summary(mod)
                  levs <- levels(groups)
                  for (j in 1:length(levs)) {
                    group <- levs[j]
                    select.obs <- groups == group
                    yhat <- matrix(predict(mod, newdata = cbind(dat, 
                      groups = group)), grid.lines, grid.lines)
                    rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color = surface.col[j], 
                      alpha = 0.5, lit = FALSE)
                    if (grid) 
                      rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color = grid.col, 
                        alpha = 0.5, lit = FALSE, front = "lines", 
                        back = "lines")
                    rgl.texts(0, predict(mod, newdata = data.frame(x = 0, 
                      z = 0, groups = group)), 0, paste(group, 
                      " "), adj = 1, color = surface.col[j])
                    if (residuals) {
                      yy <- y[select.obs]
                      xx <- x[select.obs]
                      zz <- z[select.obs]
                      fitted <- fitted(mod)[select.obs]
                      rgl.lines(as.vector(rbind(xx, xx)), as.vector(rbind(yy, 
                        fitted)), as.vector(rbind(zz, zz)), col = surface.col[j])
                else {
                  levs <- levels(groups)
                  for (j in 1:length(levs)) {
                    group <- levs[j]
                    select.obs <- groups == group
                    mod <- switch(f, linear = lm(y ~ x + z, subset = select.obs), 
                      quadratic = lm(y ~ (x + z)^2 + I(x^2) + 
                        I(z^2), subset = select.obs), smooth = if (is.null(df.smooth)) 
                        gam(y ~ s(x, z), subset = select.obs)
                      else gam(y ~ s(x, z, fx = TRUE, k = df.smooth), 
                        subset = select.obs), additive = if (is.null(df.additive)) 
                        gam(y ~ s(x) + s(z), subset = select.obs)
                      else gam(y ~ s(x, fx = TRUE, k = df.additive[1] + 
                        1) + s(z, fx = TRUE, k = (rev(df.additive + 
                        1)[1] + 1)), subset = select.obs))
                    if (model.summary) 
                      summaries[[paste(f, ".", group, sep = "")]] <- summary(mod)
                    yhat <- matrix(predict(mod, newdata = dat), 
                      grid.lines, grid.lines)
                    rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color = surface.col[j], 
                      alpha = 0.5, lit = FALSE)
                    rgl.surface(vals, vals, yhat, color = grid.col, 
                      alpha = 0.5, lit = FALSE, front = "lines", 
                      back = "lines")
                    rgl.texts(0, predict(mod, newdata = data.frame(x = 0, 
                      z = 0, groups = group)), 0, paste(group, 
                      " "), adj = 1, color = surface.col[j])
                    if (residuals) {
                      yy <- y[select.obs]
                      xx <- x[select.obs]
                      zz <- z[select.obs]
                      fitted <- fitted(mod)
                      rgl.lines(as.vector(rbind(xx, xx)), as.vector(rbind(yy, 
                        fitted)), as.vector(rbind(zz, zz)), col = surface.col[j])
    if (revolutions > 0) {
        for (i in 1:revolutions) {
            for (angle in seq(1, 360, length = 360/speed)) rgl.viewpoint(-angle, 
                fov = fov)
    if (model.summary) 
    else return(invisible(NULL))

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