
Defines functions get_usms_files

Documented in get_usms_files

#' Getting existing xml files path list per usm from an usms.xml file
#' @param workspace Path of a JavaSTICS workspace (i.e. containing the STICS
#' XML input files)
#' @param usms_list Vector of usms names (Optional)
#' @param usms_file Path (including name) of a USM XML file.
#' @param file_type Vector of file(s) type to get (if not given,
#' all types are returned, see details)
#' @param javastics Path of JavaSTICS Optional, only needed if the plant files
#' are not in the workspace
#' (in this case the plant files used are those included in the
#' JavaSTICS distribution)
#' @param df_output logical if TRUE returning a data.frame, otherwise returning
#' a named list if FALSE (default)
#' @param workspace_path `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `workspace_path`
#' is no longer supported, use `workspace` instead.
#' @param file_name `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `file_name` is no
#'   longer supported, use `usms_file` instead.
#' @param javastics_path `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")` `javastics_path`
#' is no longer supported, use `javastics` instead.
#' @details The possible values for file_type are: "fplt", "finit", "fclim1",
#' "fclim2", "fstation", "ftec", "sols", "pargen" and "parnew"
#' @return A named list with existing files path in each usm element
#' @export
#' @seealso See `get_soils_list()` to get all soils in a usm file,
#' and `get_usms_list()` to get the list of usms.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_usms_files(
#'   workspace = "/path/to/workspace",
#'   javastics = "/path/to/JavaSTICS/folder"
#' )
#' get_usms_files(
#'   workspace = "/path/to/workspace",
#'   javastics = "/path/to/JavaSTICS/folder",
#'   usm_list = c("usm1", "usm3")
#' )
#' get_usms_files(
#'   workspace = "/path/to/workspace",
#'   file_type = c("finit", "ftec")
#' )
#' }
get_usms_files <- function(workspace,
                           usms_list = NULL,
                           usms_file = "usms.xml",
                           file_type = NULL,
                           javastics = NULL,
                           df_output = FALSE,
                           workspace_path = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                           file_name = lifecycle::deprecated(),
                           javastics_path = lifecycle::deprecated()
) {
  if (lifecycle::is_present(workspace_path)) {
  } else {
    workspace_path <- workspace # to remove when we update inside the function
  if (lifecycle::is_present(file_name)) {
  } else {
    file_name <- usms_file # to remove when we update inside the function
  if (lifecycle::is_present(javastics_path)) {
  } else {
    javastics_path <- javastics # to remove when we update inside the function

  # Types definition
  files_types <- c("fplt", "finit", "fclim1", "fclim2", "fstation", "ftec",
                   "sols", "pargen", "parnew")
  if (is.null(file_type)) {
    file_type <- files_types
  } else {
    # Checking if type(s) exist(s)
    type_exists <- file_type %in% files_types
    if (!all(type_exists))
      warning("One or more file type(s) do(es) not exist : ",
              paste(file_type[!type_exists], collapse = ",")
    file_type <- file_type[type_exists]

  # Checking if plt files are needed
  plt_dir_path <- NULL
  check_plt <- FALSE

  # Getting first the plant dir path from the workspace, if any
  if ("fplt" %in% file_type) {
    javastics_plt_path <- NULL
    ws_plt_path <- NULL

    if (!base::is.null(javastics_path) &&
        dir.exists(file.path(javastics_path, "plant"))) {
      javastics_plt_path <- suppressWarnings(
        normalizePath(file.path(javastics_path, "plant"))

    if (dir.exists(file.path(workspace_path, "plant"))) {
      ws_plt_path <- suppressWarnings(
        normalizePath(file.path(workspace_path, "plant"))

    plt_dir_path <- c(ws_plt_path, javastics_plt_path)

    if (base::is.null(plt_dir_path)) {
      stop("not any plant folder found, please add javastics_path directory",
           " as function input argument or a workspace plant sub-directory !")
    check_plt <- TRUE

  # Getting usms.xml path
  usms_xml_path <- file.path(workspace_path, file_name)

  # Checking usms file
  if (!file.exists(usms_xml_path)) {
    stop(paste("Unknown path:", usms_xml_path))

  xml_doc <- xmldocument(usms_xml_path)

  # Getting usms_list
  usms_full_list <- find_usms_soils_names(
    xml_doc = xml_doc,
    xml_name = "usm"

  # Getting the full list or a subset
  if (is.null(usms_list)) {
    usms_list <- usms_full_list
  } else {
    # checking if usms names exist
    usm_idx <- usms_full_list %in% usms_list
    if (!length(usms_list) == sum(usm_idx)) {
      usms_list <- usms_full_list[usm_idx]
        "There are missing usms in usms.xml file:\n",
        paste(usms_full_list[!usm_idx], collapse = ", ")

  usms_nb <- length(usms_list)
  usms_files_list <- vector("list", usms_nb)

  # Loop over usms names
  for (i in 1:usms_nb) {

    usm_name <- usms_list[i]

    nodeset <- XML::getNodeSet(
      doc = xml_doc@content,
      path = paste0("//usm[@nom='",
                    "']//*[starts-with(name(), 'f')]")

    node_names <- unlist(lapply(nodeset, XML::xmlName))
    usm_files <- XML::xmlValue(nodeset)
    usm_files <- usm_files[node_names %in% file_type]

    # Keeping usms xml files, except plant files, obs, lai, null
    useless_files_idx <- grep("\\.obs|\\.lai|null", usm_files)
    if (length(useless_files_idx) > 0) usm_files <- usm_files[-useless_files_idx]
    usm_files <- unique(usm_files)
    usm_files_path <- file.path(workspace_path, usm_files)

    # Specific plt files management
    plt_idx <- grep("_plt\\.xml$", usm_files_path)
    plt_files <- basename(usm_files_path[plt_idx])
    plt_files_path <- NULL
    usm_files_path <- usm_files_path[-plt_idx]

    usm_files_exist <- file.exists(usm_files_path)

    plt_files_exist <- vector("logical", 0)

    if (check_plt) {
      # getting plant files path in workspace or JavaSTICS/config folders
      plt_files_path <- vector(mode = "character", length(plt_files))
      plt_files_exist <- vector(mode = "logical", length(plt_files))

      for (p in seq_along(plt_files)) {
        plt_path <- file.path(plt_dir_path[1], plt_files[p])
        plt_exist <- file.exists(plt_path)

        if (!plt_exist && length(plt_dir_path) > 1) {
          plt_path <- file.path(plt_dir_path[2], plt_files[p])
          plt_exist <- file.exists(plt_path)
        plt_files_path[p] <- plt_path
        plt_files_exist[p] <- plt_exist

    # soil file
    sols_file_path <- NULL
    sols_file_exists <- vector("logical", 0)
    if ("sols" %in% file_type) {
      sols_file_path <- suppressWarnings(
        normalizePath(file.path(workspace_path, "sols.xml"))
      sols_file_exists <- file.exists(sols_file_path)

    # param_gen.xml
    pargen_file_path <- NULL
    pargen_file_exists <- vector("logical", 0)
    if ("pargen" %in% file_type) {
      pargen_file_path <- suppressWarnings(
        normalizePath(file.path(workspace_path, "param_gen.xml"))

      if (!file.exists(pargen_file_path))
        pargen_file_path <- suppressWarnings(
          normalizePath(file.path(javastics, "config", "param_gen.xml"))

      pargen_file_exists <- file.exists(pargen_file_path)

    # param_newform.xml
    parnew_file_path <- NULL
    parnew_file_exists <- vector("logical", 0)
    if ("parnew" %in% file_type) {
      parnew_file_path <- suppressWarnings(
        normalizePath(file.path(workspace_path, "param_newform.xml"))

      if (!file.exists(parnew_file_path))
        parnew_file_path <- suppressWarnings(
          normalizePath(file.path(javastics, "config", "param_newform.xml"))

      parnew_file_exists <- file.exists(parnew_file_path)

    # Adding the files lists
    usms_files_list[[i]] <- list(
      paths = c(usm_files_path, plt_files_path, sols_file_path,
                pargen_file_path, parnew_file_path),
      all_exist = c(usm_files_exist,

  # Returning a named list
  names(usms_files_list) <- usms_list

  # returning a data.frame or a list (default)
  if (df_output) {
    return(dplyr::bind_rows(usms_files_list, .id = "usm"))
  } else {

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SticsRFiles documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:18 a.m.