
Defines functions CV.SuperLearner

Documented in CV.SuperLearner

# V-fold Cross-validation wrapper for SuperLearner

CV.SuperLearner <- function(Y, X, V = NULL, family = gaussian(), SL.library, method = 'method.NNLS', id = NULL, verbose = FALSE, control = list(saveFitLibrary = FALSE), cvControl = list(), innerCvControl = list(), obsWeights = NULL, saveAll = TRUE, parallel = "seq", env = parent.frame()) {
  call <- match.call()
  N <- dim(X)[1L]
  p <- dim(X)[2L]

  # create CV folds:
  if(any(names(cvControl) == "V") & !is.null(V)) {
	  stop(paste0("You specified a value for V and a value in the cvControl, please only use one, preferably the cvControl"))

  cvControl <- do.call('SuperLearner.CV.control', cvControl)
  if(!is.null(V)) {
	  # if the user specified V in the function call, override the default in cvControl
	  # backward compatibility to not remove the V
	  cvControl$V <- V
  folds <- CVFolds(N = N, id = id, Y = Y, cvControl = cvControl)
  V <- cvControl$V  # save this because it appears in the output value

  if(length(innerCvControl) > 0) {
	  if(length(innerCvControl) == 1) {
		  warning("Only a single innerCvControl is given, will be replicated across all cross-validation split calls to SuperLearner")
		  newInnerCvControl <- vector("list", cvControl$V)
		  for(ii in seq(cvControl$V)) {
			  newInnerCvControl[[ii]] <- unlist(innerCvControl, recursive = FALSE)
		  innerCvControl <- newInnerCvControl  # write over previous with replicated list
	  if(length(innerCvControl) != cvControl$V) stop("innerCvControl must be a list with V cvControl lists")
  } else {
  	innerCvControl <- vector("list", cvControl$V)  # if no innerCvControl is given, generate an empty list
  	for(ii in seq(cvControl$V)) {
	  innerCvControl[[ii]] <- list()
  # put together folds and cvControl (inner loop one) into a list to loop over
  foldsList <- Map(list, folds = folds, cvControl = innerCvControl)

  # check input:
  if(is.null(obsWeights)) {
		obsWeights <- rep(1, N)
	if(!identical(length(obsWeights), N)) {
		stop("obsWeights vector must have the same dimension as Y")

	# check method:
	if(is.character(method)) {
    if(exists(method, mode = 'list')) {
      method <- get(method, mode = 'list')
    } else if(exists(method, mode = 'function')) {
      method <- get(method, mode = 'function')()
  } else if(is.function(method)) {
    method <- method()
  if(!is.list(method)) {
    stop("method is not in the appropriate format. Check out help('method.template')")

  # create placeholders:
  library <- .createLibrary(SL.library)
  libraryNames <- paste(library$library$predAlgorithm, library$screenAlgorithm[library$library$rowScreen], sep="_")
  k <- nrow(library$library)
  AllSL <- vector('list', V)
  names(AllSL) <- paste("training", 1:V, sep=" ")
	SL.predict <- rep(NA, N)
	discreteSL.predict <- rep.int(NA, N)
	whichDiscreteSL <- rep.int(NA, V)
	library.predict <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = k)
	colnames(library.predict) <- libraryNames

  if(p < 2 & !identical(library$screenAlgorithm, "All")) {
    warning('Screening algorithms specified in combination with single-column X.')

  # run SuperLearner:
  .crossValFun <- function(valid, Y, dataX, family, id, obsWeights, SL.library, method, verbose, control, saveAll) {
    cvLearn <- dataX[-valid[[1]], , drop = FALSE]
    cvOutcome <- Y[-valid[[1]]]
    cvValid <- dataX[valid[[1]], , drop = FALSE]
    cvId <- id[-valid[[1]]]
    cvObsWeights <- obsWeights[-valid[[1]]]

    fit.SL <- SuperLearner(Y = cvOutcome, X = cvLearn, newX = cvValid, family = family, SL.library = SL.library, method = method, id = cvId, verbose = verbose, control = control, cvControl = valid[[2]], obsWeights = cvObsWeights, env = env)

    out <- list(cvAllSL = if(saveAll) fit.SL, cvSL.predict = fit.SL$SL.predict, cvdiscreteSL.predict = fit.SL$library.predict[, which.min(fit.SL$cvRisk)], cvwhichDiscreteSL = names(which.min(fit.SL$cvRisk)), cvlibrary.predict = fit.SL$library.predict, cvcoef = fit.SL$coef)
  ## Why is CV.SuperLearner not saving the output from SuperLearner, only the call name?
  ## if we add something like force() will this eval multiple times?

  if (inherits(parallel, 'cluster')) {
    cvList <- parallel::parLapply(parallel, X = foldsList, fun = .crossValFun, Y = Y, dataX = X, family = family, SL.library = SL.library, method = method, id = id, obsWeights = obsWeights, verbose = verbose, control = control, saveAll = saveAll)
  } else if (parallel == 'multicore') {
    cvList <- parallel::mclapply(foldsList, FUN = .crossValFun, Y = Y, dataX = X, family = family, SL.library = SL.library, method = method, id = id, obsWeights = obsWeights, verbose = verbose, control = control, saveAll = saveAll, mc.set.seed = FALSE)
  } else if (parallel == "seq") {
    cvList <- lapply(foldsList, FUN = .crossValFun, Y = Y, dataX = X, family = family, SL.library = SL.library, method = method, id = id, obsWeights = obsWeights, verbose = verbose, control = control,  saveAll = saveAll)
  } else {
    stop('parallel option was not recognized, use parallel = "seq" for sequential computation.')
  # check out Biobase::subListExtract to replace the lapply
  AllSL <- lapply(cvList, '[[', 'cvAllSL')
  SL.predict[unlist(folds, use.names = FALSE)] <- unlist(lapply(cvList, '[[', 'cvSL.predict'), use.names = FALSE)
  discreteSL.predict[unlist(folds, use.names = FALSE)] <- unlist(lapply(cvList, '[[', 'cvdiscreteSL.predict'), use.names = FALSE)
  whichDiscreteSL <- lapply(cvList, '[[', 'cvwhichDiscreteSL')
  library.predict[unlist(folds, use.names = FALSE), ] <- do.call('rbind', lapply(cvList, '[[', 'cvlibrary.predict'))
  coef <- do.call('rbind', lapply(cvList, '[[', 'cvcoef'))
  colnames(coef) <- libraryNames

  # put together output
  out <- list(call = call, AllSL = AllSL, SL.predict = SL.predict, discreteSL.predict = discreteSL.predict, whichDiscreteSL = whichDiscreteSL, library.predict = library.predict, coef = coef, folds = folds, V = V, libraryNames = libraryNames, SL.library = library, method = method, Y = Y)
  class(out) <- 'CV.SuperLearner'

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SuperLearner documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:25 a.m.