
Defines functions ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample

Documented in ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample

ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample <- function(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1, Monotonicity=c("General"), 
                                   M=100000, Volume.Perc=0, Seed=sample(1:100000, size=1)) {   

Seed.orig <- Seed  
if (length(pi1_1_)==1 & length(pi1_0_)==1 & length(pi_1_1)==1 & 
    length(pi_1_0)==1 & length(pi0_1_)==1 & length(pi_0_1)==1){  
  pi_1001=seq(0, 1, by=.01); pi_1110=seq(0, 1, by=.01) 
  pi_1101=seq(0, 1, by=.01); pi_1011=seq(0, 1, by=.01)
  pi_1111=seq(0, 1, by=.01); pi_0110=seq(0, 1, by=.01)
  pi_0011=seq(0, 1, by=.01); pi_0111=seq(0, 1, by=.01) 
  pi_1100=seq(0, 1, by=.01)
  Seed.orig <- Seed
  if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- round(runif(min=(1+M), max=2147483647, n=1), digits=0)}
  Seed.generalCase <- Seed   #for gen case LS
  vector_b <- matrix(data=c(1, pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1), ncol=1)  
  Pi.Vectors <- pi_f_all <- pi_r_all <- C3_all <- R2_H_all <- theta_T_all <- theta_S_all <- H_Delta_T_all <- pi_all <- NULL
  if (Monotonicity=="General"){

    try(T_No <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1, Seed=Seed.orig, Monotonicity=c("No"), M, Volume.Perc), silent=TRUE)
    Pi.Vectors <- pi_f_all <- pi_r_all <- C3_all <- R2_H_all <- theta_T_all <- theta_S_all <- H_Delta_T_all <- pi_all <- NULL
    try(T_True <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1, Seed=Seed.orig, Monotonicity=c("True.Endp"), M, Volume.Perc), silent=TRUE)
    Pi.Vectors <- pi_f_all <- pi_r_all <- C3_all <- R2_H_all <- theta_T_all <- theta_S_all <- H_Delta_T_all <- pi_all <- NULL
    try(T_Surr <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1, Seed=Seed.orig, Monotonicity=c("Surr.Endp"), M, Volume.Perc), silent=TRUE)
    Pi.Vectors <- pi_f_all <- pi_r_all <- C3_all <- R2_H_all <- theta_T_all <- theta_S_all <- H_Delta_T_all <- pi_all <- NULL
    try(T_SurrTrue <- ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample(pi1_1_, pi1_0_, pi_1_1, pi_1_0, pi0_1_, pi_0_1, Seed=Seed.orig, Monotonicity=c("Surr.True.Endp"), M, Volume.Perc), silent=TRUE)
    Pi.Vectors <- pi_f_all <- pi_r_all <- C3_all <- R2_H_all <- theta_T_all <- theta_S_all <- H_Delta_T_all <- pi_all <- NULL
    if (exists("T_No")==TRUE){
      if (!is.null(T_No)){Pi.Vectors.No <- cbind(T_No$Pi.Vectors, "No")}  } 
    if (exists("T_True")==TRUE){ 
      if (!is.null(T_True)){Pi.Vectors.T <- cbind(T_True$Pi.Vectors[,1:5], 0, 0, 0, T_True$Pi.Vectors[,6:7], 0, T_True$Pi.Vectors[,8:13], "True")}
    if (exists("T_Surr")==TRUE){ 
      if (!is.null(T_Surr)){Pi.Vectors.S <- cbind(T_Surr$Pi.Vectors[,1:2], 0, T_Surr$Pi.Vectors[,3:5], 0, T_Surr$Pi.Vectors[,8], 0, T_Surr$Pi.Vectors[,9],
                              T_Surr$Pi.Vectors[,6], T_Surr$Pi.Vectors[,10], 0, T_Surr$Pi.Vectors[,7], 
                              T_Surr$Pi.Vectors[,11:13], "Surr")}  }
    if (exists("T_SurrTrue")==TRUE){
      if (!is.null(T_SurrTrue)){Pi.Vectors.ST <- cbind(T_SurrTrue$Pi.Vectors[,1:2], 0, T_SurrTrue$Pi.Vectors[,3:4], 0, 0, 0, 0, T_SurrTrue$Pi.Vectors[,5], 0,
                               T_SurrTrue$Pi.Vectors[,6], 0, T_SurrTrue$Pi.Vectors[,7:10], "SurrTrue")}   }
    if (exists("Pi.Vectors.No")==FALSE) {Pi.Vectors.No <-  matrix(rep(NA, times=18), nrow = 1)} 
    if (dim(Pi.Vectors.No)[2]<18) {Pi.Vectors.No <-  matrix(rep(NA, times=18), nrow = 1)} 
    if (exists("Pi.Vectors.S")==FALSE) {Pi.Vectors.S <-  matrix(rep(NA, times=18), nrow = 1)} 
    if (dim(Pi.Vectors.S)[2]<18) {Pi.Vectors.S <-  matrix(rep(NA, times=18), nrow = 1)} 
    if (exists("Pi.Vectors.T")==FALSE) {Pi.Vectors.T <-  matrix(rep(NA, times=18), nrow = 1)} 
    if (dim(Pi.Vectors.T)[2]<18) {Pi.Vectors.T <-  matrix(rep(NA, times=18), nrow = 1)} 
    if (exists("Pi.Vectors.ST")==FALSE) {Pi.Vectors.ST <-  matrix(rep(NA, times=18), nrow = 1)} 
    if (dim(Pi.Vectors.ST)[2]<18) {Pi.Vectors.ST <-  matrix(rep(NA, times=18), nrow = 1)} 
    try(colnames(Pi.Vectors.No) <- colnames(Pi.Vectors.T) <-  colnames(Pi.Vectors.S) <- colnames(Pi.Vectors.ST) <- 
          c("Pi_0000", "Pi_0100", "Pi_0010", "Pi_0001", "Pi_0101", "Pi_1000", "Pi_1010", "Pi_1001", "Pi_1110", "Pi_1101", "Pi_1011", 
            "Pi_1111", "Pi_0110", "Pi_0011", "Pi_0111", "Pi_1100", "Sum.Pi.f", "Monotonicity"), silent=TRUE) 
    try(Pi.Vectors <- na.exclude(rbind(Pi.Vectors.No, Pi.Vectors.T, Pi.Vectors.S, Pi.Vectors.ST)), silent=TRUE)
    if ((exists("T_No"))==FALSE){T_No = NULL
                                   T_No$C3 <- T_No$R2_H <- T_No$Theta_T <- T_No$Theta_S <-  T_No$H_Delta_T <- NA}
    if ((exists("T_True"))==FALSE){T_True = NULL
      T_True$C3 <- T_True$R2_H <- T_True$Theta_T <- T_True$Theta_S <-  T_True$H_Delta_T <- NA}
    if ((exists("T_Surr"))==FALSE){T_Surr = NULL
                                   T_Surr$C3 <- T_Surr$R2_H <- T_Surr$Theta_T <- T_Surr$Theta_S <-  T_Surr$H_Delta_T <- NA}
    if ((exists("T_SurrTrue"))==FALSE){T_SurrTrue = NULL
                                   T_SurrTrue$C3 <- T_SurrTrue$R2_H <- T_SurrTrue$Theta_T <- T_SurrTrue$Theta_S <-  T_SurrTrue$H_Delta_T <- NA}
#    try(C3_all <- as.numeric(na.exclude(c(T_No$C3, T_True$C3, T_Surr$C3, T_SurrTrue$C3))), silent=TRUE)
    R2_H_all  <- as.numeric(na.exclude(c(T_No$R2_H, T_True$R2_H, T_Surr$R2_H, T_SurrTrue$R2_H)))
    theta_T_all <- as.numeric(na.exclude(c(T_No$Theta_T, T_True$Theta_T, T_Surr$Theta_T, T_SurrTrue$Theta_T)))
    theta_S_all <- as.numeric(na.exclude(c(T_No$Theta_S, T_True$Theta_S, T_Surr$Theta_S, T_SurrTrue$Theta_S)))
    H_Delta_T_all <- as.numeric(na.exclude(c(T_No$H_Delta_T, T_True$H_Delta_T, T_Surr$H_Delta_T, T_SurrTrue$H_Delta_T))) 
  if (Monotonicity=="No"){
    A_r <- matrix(data=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                         1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                         1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
                         1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                         1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                         1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                         1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), ncol=7)
    A_f <- matrix(data=c(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                         1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                         1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                         1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                         1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                         1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
                         1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
                         1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
                         1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), ncol=9)
    A <- cbind(A_r, A_f)
    min_pi_1001 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_0_1)
    min_pi_1110 <- min(pi1_1_, pi_1_0)
    min_pi_1101 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_1011 <- min(pi1_1_, pi_0_1)
    min_pi_1111 <- min(pi1_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_0110 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_0)
    min_pi_0011 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_0_1)
    min_pi_0111 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_1100 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_0)
    pi_1 <- seq(0, min_pi_1001, by=.01)
    pi_2 <- seq(0, min_pi_1110, by=.01) 
    pi_3 <- seq(0, min_pi_1101, by=.01) 
    pi_4 <- seq(0, min_pi_1011, by=.01) 
    pi_5 <- seq(0, min_pi_1111, by=.01) 
    pi_6 <- seq(0, min_pi_0110, by=.01) 
    pi_7 <- seq(0, min_pi_0011, by=.01) 
    pi_8 <- seq(0, min_pi_0111, by=.01) 
    pi_9 <- seq(0, min_pi_1100, by=.01) 
    tot_combn_No <- 
    #if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- round(runif(min=(1+tot_combn_No), max=2147483647, n=1), digits=0)}
    if (Volume.Perc != 0){M <- tot_combn_No * Volume.Perc}
    if (Volume.Perc != 0 & M > 1000000){
      cat("\nNote. A total of ", M, " runs will be conducted. This may require a long time. \n")
      cat("Consider using a lower Volume.Perc value or use the M= argument instead of Volume.Perc.\n")
    for (k in 1: M){
      if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- Seed-1}
      if (Volume.Perc!=0){Seed <- Seed+1}
        pi_1001 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1001)
        pi_1110 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1110)
        pi_1101 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1101)
        pi_1011 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1011)
        pi_1111 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1111)
        pi_0110 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_0110)
        pi_0011 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_0011)
        pi_0111 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_0111)
        pi_1100 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1100)
        pi_f <- matrix(data = c(pi_1001, pi_1110, pi_1101, pi_1011, pi_1111, pi_0110, pi_0011, pi_0111, pi_1100), ncol = 1)
        pi_r <- solve(A_r) %*% (vector_b - (A_f %*% pi_f))
        if ((sum(pi_r >= 0 & pi_r <= 1) == 7)==TRUE) {
          for (l in 1: length(pi_r)){
            if (pi_r[l] < 0) {pi_r[l] <- c(0)}
            if (pi_r[l] > 1) {pi_r[l] <- c(1)}
          pi <- rbind(pi_r, pi_f)
          mat1 <- pi[7] 
          mat2 <- pi[3] + pi[9] 
          mat3 <- pi[13] 
          mat4 <- pi[6] + pi[11] 
          mat5 <- pi[1] + pi[14] + pi[16] + pi[12] 
          mat6 <- pi[2] + pi[15]
          mat7 <- pi[8]
          mat8 <- pi[4] + pi[10] 
          mat9 <- pi[5]
          Delta_c_mat <-
            matrix(data=c(mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4, mat5, mat6, mat7, mat8, mat9), nrow=3)
          pi_a <- mat1+mat5+mat9
          pi_e <- ((mat1+mat4+mat7)*(mat1+mat2+mat3))+((mat2+mat5+mat8)*(mat4+mat5+mat6))+((mat3+mat6+mat9)*(mat7+mat8+mat9))
          kappa <- (pi_a - pi_e)/(1-pi_e)
          pi_max <- 
            min(mat1+mat4+mat7, mat1+mat2+mat3) + min(mat2+mat5+mat8, mat4+mat5+mat6) + min(mat3+mat6+mat9, mat7+mat8+mat9)
          k_max <- (pi_max - pi_e)/(1-pi_e)
          C3 <- (pi_a - pi_e) / (pi_max - pi_e)
          C3_all <- cbind(C3_all, C3)
          sum_S_min1 <- mat1+mat2+mat3
          sum_S_0 <- mat4+mat5+mat6
          sum_S_1 <- mat7+mat8+mat9
          sum_T_min1 <- mat1+mat4+mat7
          sum_T_0 <- mat2+mat5+mat8
          sum_T_1 <- mat3+mat6+mat9
          I_Delta_T_Delta_S <- 
          H_Delta_T <-  
          H_Delta_T_all <- cbind(H_Delta_T_all, H_Delta_T)
          H_Delta_S <-   
          R2_H <- I_Delta_T_Delta_S / min(H_Delta_T, H_Delta_S)
          R2_H_all <- cbind(R2_H_all, R2_H)
          # Association potential outcomes true (theta_T) and surrogate (theta_S)
          pi_T_00 <- pi[1] + pi[3] + pi[4] + pi[14] 
          pi_T_01 <- pi[2] + pi[5] + pi[13] + pi[15]
          pi_T_10 <- pi[6] + pi[7] + pi[8] + pi[11]
          pi_T_11 <- pi[9] + pi[10] + pi[12] + pi[16]
          pi_S_00 <- pi[1] + pi[2] + pi[6] + pi[16]  
          pi_S_01 <- pi[4] + pi[5] + pi[8] + pi[10] 
          pi_S_10 <- pi[3] + pi[7] + pi[9] + pi[13]   
          pi_S_11 <- pi[11] + pi[12] + pi[14] + pi[15]
          theta_T <- (pi_T_00 * pi_T_11)/(pi_T_10 * pi_T_01)
          theta_S <- (pi_S_00 * pi_S_11)/(pi_S_10 * pi_S_01)
          theta_T_all <- cbind(theta_T_all, theta_T)  
          theta_S_all <- cbind(theta_S_all, theta_S)
          pi_all <- cbind(pi_all, pi) 
    num <- dim(R2_H_all)[2]

    if (is.null(num)==TRUE){stop(c("No pi vectors found that are in line with the restrictions based on the data."))}
    sum_pi_f <- colSums(pi_all[8:16,]) 
    Pi.Vectors <- 
      data.frame(t(rbind(pi_all, sum_pi_f)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) 
    colnames(Pi.Vectors) <- c("Pi_0000", "Pi_0100", "Pi_0010", "Pi_0001", "Pi_0101", "Pi_1000", "Pi_1010", 
                              "Pi_1001", "Pi_1110", "Pi_1101", "Pi_1011", "Pi_1111", "Pi_0110", "Pi_0011", "Pi_0111", "Pi_1100", "Sum.Pi.f") 

  } # end no mono
  if (Monotonicity=="True.Endp"){
    A_star_r <- matrix(data=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                              1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), ncol=7)
    A_star_f <- matrix(data=c(1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1,
                              1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
                              1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), ncol=5)
    A_star <- cbind(A_star_r, A_star_f)
    pi_f_all <- pi_r_all <- C3_all <- R2_H_all <- theta_T_all <- theta_S_all <- H_Delta_T_all <- NULL
    min_pi_1111 <- min(pi1_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_0110 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_0)
    min_pi_0011 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_0_1)
    min_pi_0111 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_1100 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_0)
    pi_1 <- seq(0, min_pi_1111, by=.01) 
    pi_2 <- seq(0, min_pi_0110, by=.01) 
    pi_3 <- seq(0, min_pi_0011, by=.01) 
    pi_4 <- seq(0, min_pi_0111, by=.01) 
    pi_5 <- seq(0, min_pi_1100, by=.01) 
      tot_combn_T <- 
   # if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- round(runif(min=(1+tot_combn_T), max=2147483647, n=1), digits=0)}
    if (Volume.Perc != 0){M <- tot_combn_T * Volume.Perc}
    if (Volume.Perc != 0 & M > 1000000){
      cat("\nNote. A total of ", tot_combn_T, " runs will be conducted. This may require a long time. \n")
      cat("Consider using a lower Volume.Perc value or use the M= argument instead of Volume.Perc.\n")
    for (k in 1: M){
      if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- Seed-1}
      if (Volume.Perc!=0){Seed <- Seed+1}
        min_pi_1111 <- min(pi1_1_, pi_1_1)
        min_pi_0110 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_0)
        min_pi_0011 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_0_1)
        min_pi_0111 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_1)
        min_pi_1100 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_0)
        pi_1111 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1111)
        pi_0110 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_0110)
        pi_0011 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_0011)
        pi_0111 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_0111)
        pi_1100 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1100)
        pi_f <- matrix(data = c(pi_1111, pi_0110, pi_0011, pi_0111, pi_1100), ncol = 1)
        pi_r <-   
          solve(A_star_r) %*% (vector_b - (A_star_f %*% pi_f))
        if ((sum(pi_r >= 0 & pi_r <= 1) == 7)==TRUE) {
          for (l in 1: length(pi_r)){
            if (pi_r[l] < 0) {pi_r[l] <- c(0)}
            if (pi_r[l] > 1) {pi_r[l] <- c(1)}
          pi <- rbind(pi_r, pi_f)
          mat1 <- c(0) 
          mat2 <- pi[3] + pi[6] 
          mat3 <- pi[9] 
          mat4 <- c(0) + c(0)  
          mat5 <- pi[1] + pi[10] + pi[12] + pi[8] 
          mat6 <- pi[2] + pi[11]
          mat7 <- c(0)
          mat8 <- pi[4] + pi[7] 
          mat9 <- pi[5]
          Delta_c_mat <-
            matrix(data=c(mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4, mat5, mat6, mat7, mat8, mat9), nrow=3)
          pi_a <- mat1+mat5+mat9
          pi_e <- ((mat1+mat4+mat7)*(mat1+mat2+mat3))+((mat2+mat5+mat8)*(mat4+mat5+mat6))+((mat3+mat6+mat9)*(mat7+mat8+mat9))
          kappa <- (pi_a - pi_e)/(1-pi_e)
          pi_max <- 
            min(mat1+mat4+mat7, mat1+mat2+mat3) + min(mat2+mat5+mat8, mat4+mat5+mat6) + min(mat3+mat6+mat9, mat7+mat8+mat9)
          k_max <- (pi_max - pi_e)/(1-pi_e)
          C3 <- (pi_a - pi_e) / (pi_max - pi_e)
          C3_all <- cbind(C3_all, C3)
          sum_S_min1 <- mat1+mat2+mat3
          sum_S_0 <- mat4+mat5+mat6
          sum_S_1 <- mat7+mat8+mat9
          sum_T_min1 <- mat1+mat4+mat7
          sum_T_0 <- mat2+mat5+mat8
          sum_T_1 <- mat3+mat6+mat9
          I_Delta_T_Delta_S <- 
          H_Delta_T <-  
          H_Delta_T_all <- cbind(H_Delta_T_all, H_Delta_T)
          H_Delta_S <-  -(((mat1+mat2+mat3)*log2(mat1+mat2+mat3))+((mat4+mat5+mat6)*log2(mat4+mat5+mat6))+((mat7+mat8+mat9)*log2(mat7+mat8+mat9)))
          R2_H <- I_Delta_T_Delta_S / min(H_Delta_T, H_Delta_S)
          R2_H_all <- cbind(R2_H_all, R2_H)
          # Association potential outcomes true (theta_T) and surrogate (theta_S)
          pi_T_00 <- pi[1] + pi[3] + pi[4] + pi[10] 
          pi_T_01 <- pi[2] + pi[5] + pi[9] + pi[11]
          pi_T_10 <- 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
          pi_T_11 <- pi[6] + pi[7] + pi[8] + pi[12]
          pi_S_00 <- pi[1] + pi[2] + 0 + pi[12]  
          pi_S_01 <- pi[4] + pi[5] + 0 + pi[7] 
          pi_S_10 <- pi[3] + 0 + pi[6] + pi[9]   
          pi_S_11 <- 0 + pi[8] + pi[10] + pi[11]
          theta_T <- (pi_T_00 * pi_T_11)/(pi_T_10 * pi_T_01)
          theta_S <- (pi_S_00 * pi_S_11)/(pi_S_10 * pi_S_01)
          theta_T_all <- cbind(theta_T_all, theta_T)  
          theta_S_all <- cbind(theta_S_all, theta_S)
          pi_all <- cbind(pi_all, pi) 
    num <- dim(R2_H_all)[2]
    if (is.null(num)==TRUE){stop(c("No pi vectors found that are in line with the restrictions based on the data."))}
    sum_pi_f <- colSums(pi_all[8:12,]) 
    Pi.Vectors <- 
      data.frame(t(rbind(pi_all, sum_pi_f)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) 
    colnames(Pi.Vectors) <- c("Pi_0000", "Pi_0100", "Pi_0010", "Pi_0001", "Pi_0101", 
                              "Pi_1110", "Pi_1101", "Pi_1111", "Pi_0110", "Pi_0011", "Pi_0111", "Pi_1100", "Sum.Pi.f")  

  } # end mono T
  if (Monotonicity=="Surr.Endp"){
    A_star_r <- matrix(data=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                              1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), ncol=7)
    A_star_f <- matrix(data=c(1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                              1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
                              1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), ncol=5)
    A_star <- cbind(A_star_r, A_star_f)
    min_pi_1001 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_0_1)
    min_pi_1101 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_1111 <- min(pi1_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_0111 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_1100 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_0)
    pi_1 <- seq(0, min_pi_1001, by=.01)
    pi_2 <- seq(0, min_pi_1101, by=.01) 
    pi_3 <- seq(0, min_pi_1111, by=.01) 
    pi_4 <- seq(0, min_pi_0111, by=.01) 
    pi_5 <- seq(0, min_pi_1100, by=.01) 
      tot_combn_S <- 
    #if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- round(runif(min=(1+tot_combn_S), max=2147483647, n=1), digits=0)}
    if (Volume.Perc != 0){M <- tot_combn_S * Volume.Perc}
    if (Volume.Perc != 0 & M > 1000000){
      cat("\nNote. A total of ", tot_combn_S, " runs will be conducted. This may require a long time. \n")
      cat("Consider using a lower Volume.Perc value or use the M= argument instead of Volume.Perc.\n")
    for (k in 1: M){
      if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- Seed-1}
      if (Volume.Perc!=0){Seed <- Seed+1}
    min_pi_1001 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_0_1)
    min_pi_1101 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_1111 <- min(pi1_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_0111 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_1100 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_0)
    pi_1001 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1001)
    pi_1101 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1101)
    pi_1111 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1111)
    pi_0111 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_0111)
    pi_1100 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1100)
    pi_f <- matrix(data = c(pi_1001, pi_1101, pi_1111, pi_0111, pi_1100), ncol = 1)
    pi_r <- solve(A_star_r) %*% (vector_b - (A_star_f %*% pi_f))
        if ((sum(pi_r >= 0 & pi_r <= 1) == 7)==TRUE) {
          for (l in 1: length(pi_r)){
            if (pi_r[l] < 0) {pi_r[l] <- c(0)}
            if (pi_r[l] > 1) {pi_r[l] <- c(1)}
          pi <- rbind(pi_r, pi_f)
          mat1 <- 0 
          mat2 <- 0 
          mat3 <- 0 
          mat4 <- pi[5] + pi[6] 
          mat5 <- pi[1] + pi[7] + pi[12] + pi[10] 
          mat6 <- pi[2] + pi[11]
          mat7 <- pi[8]
          mat8 <- pi[3] + pi[9] 
          mat9 <- pi[4]
          Delta_c_mat <-
            matrix(data=c(mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4, mat5, mat6, mat7, mat8, mat9), nrow=3)
          pi_a <- mat1+mat5+mat9
          pi_e <- ((mat1+mat4+mat7)*(mat1+mat2+mat3))+((mat2+mat5+mat8)*(mat4+mat5+mat6))+((mat3+mat6+mat9)*(mat7+mat8+mat9))
          kappa <- (pi_a - pi_e)/(1-pi_e)
          pi_max <- 
            min(mat1+mat4+mat7, mat1+mat2+mat3) + min(mat2+mat5+mat8, mat4+mat5+mat6) + min(mat3+mat6+mat9, mat7+mat8+mat9)
          k_max <- (pi_max - pi_e)/(1-pi_e)
          C3 <- (pi_a - pi_e) / (pi_max - pi_e)
          C3_all <- cbind(C3_all, C3)
          sum_S_min1 <- mat1+mat2+mat3
          sum_S_0 <- mat4+mat5+mat6
          sum_S_1 <- mat7+mat8+mat9
          sum_T_min1 <- mat1+mat4+mat7
          sum_T_0 <- mat2+mat5+mat8
          sum_T_1 <- mat3+mat6+mat9
          I_Delta_T_Delta_S <- 
          H_Delta_T <-  
          H_Delta_T_all <- cbind(H_Delta_T_all, H_Delta_T)
          H_Delta_S <-   
          R2_H <- I_Delta_T_Delta_S / min(H_Delta_T, H_Delta_S)
          R2_H_all <- cbind(R2_H_all, R2_H)
          # Association potential outcomes true (theta_T) and surrogate (theta_S)
          pi_T_00 <- pi[1] + 0 + pi[3] + pi[7] 
          pi_T_01 <- pi[2] + pi[4] + 0 + pi[11]
          pi_T_10 <- pi[5] + 0 + pi[8] + pi[6]
          pi_T_11 <- 0 + pi[9] + pi[10] + pi[12]
          pi_S_00 <- pi[1] + pi[2] + pi[5] + pi[12]  
          pi_S_01 <- pi[3] + pi[4] + pi[8] + pi[10] 
          pi_S_10 <- 0 + 0 + 0 + 0   
          pi_S_11 <- pi[6] + pi[10] + pi[7] + pi[11]
          theta_T <- (pi_T_00 * pi_T_11)/(pi_T_10 * pi_T_01)
          theta_S <- (pi_S_00 * pi_S_11)/(pi_S_10 * pi_S_01)
          theta_T_all <- cbind(theta_T_all, theta_T)  
          theta_S_all <- cbind(theta_S_all, theta_S)
          pi_all <- cbind(pi_all, pi) 
    num <- dim(R2_H_all)[2]
    if (is.null(num)==TRUE){stop(c("No pi vectors found that are in line with the restrictions based on the data."))}
    sum_pi_f <- colSums(pi_all[8:12,]) 
    Pi.Vectors <- 
      data.frame(t(rbind(pi_all, sum_pi_f)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) 
    colnames(Pi.Vectors) <- c("Pi_0000", "Pi_0100", "Pi_0001", "Pi_0101", "Pi_1000",  
                              "Pi_1011", "Pi_0011", "Pi_1001", "Pi_1101", "Pi_1111", "Pi_0111", "Pi_1100", "Sum.Pi.f")   
  } # end mono S  
  if (Monotonicity=="Surr.True.Endp"){  
    A_star_r <- matrix(data=c(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,
                              1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                              1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 
                              1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), ncol=7)
    A_star_f <- matrix(data=c(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
                              1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0), ncol=2)
    A_star <- cbind(A_star_r, A_star_f)
    min_pi_0111 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_1)
    min_pi_1100 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_0)
    pi_1 <- seq(0, min_pi_0111, by=.01) 
    pi_2 <- seq(0, min_pi_1100, by=.01) 
      tot_combn_ST <- 
  #  if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- round(runif(min=(1+tot_combn_ST), max=2147483647, n=1), digits=0)}
    if (Volume.Perc != 0){M <- tot_combn_ST * Volume.Perc}
    for (k in 1: M){
      if (Volume.Perc==0){Seed <- Seed-1}
      if (Volume.Perc!=0){Seed <- Seed+1}
        min_pi_0111 <- min(pi0_1_, pi_1_1)
        min_pi_1100 <- min(pi1_0_, pi_1_0)
        pi_0111 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_0111)
        pi_1100 <- runif(n=1, min = 0, max=min_pi_1100)
        pi_f <- matrix(data = c(pi_0111, pi_1100), ncol = 1)
        pi_r <-   
          solve(A_star_r) %*% (vector_b - (A_star_f %*% pi_f))
        if ((sum(pi_r >= 0 & pi_r <= 1) == 7)==TRUE) {
          for (l in 1: length(pi_r)){
            if (pi_r[l] < 0) {pi_r[l] <- c(0)}
            if (pi_r[l] > 1) {pi_r[l] <- c(1)}
          pi <- rbind(pi_r, pi_f)
          mat1 <- 0 
          mat2 <- 0 + 0 
          mat3 <- 0 
          mat4 <- 0 + 0 
          mat5 <- pi[1] + pi[7] + pi[9] + pi[6] 
          mat6 <- pi[2] + pi[8]
          mat7 <- 0
          mat8 <- pi[3] + pi[5] 
          mat9 <- pi[4]
          Delta_c_mat <-
            matrix(data=c(mat1, mat2, mat3, mat4, mat5, mat6, mat7, mat8, mat9), nrow=3)
          pi_a <- mat1+mat5+mat9
          pi_e <- ((mat1+mat4+mat7)*(mat1+mat2+mat3))+((mat2+mat5+mat8)*(mat4+mat5+mat6))+((mat3+mat6+mat9)*(mat7+mat8+mat9))
          kappa <- (pi_a - pi_e)/(1-pi_e)
          pi_max <- 
            min(mat1+mat4+mat7, mat1+mat2+mat3) + min(mat2+mat5+mat8, mat4+mat5+mat6) + min(mat3+mat6+mat9, mat7+mat8+mat9)
          k_max <- (pi_max - pi_e)/(1-pi_e)
          C3 <- (pi_a - pi_e) / (pi_max - pi_e)
          C3_all <- cbind(C3_all, C3)
          sum_S_min1 <- mat1+mat2+mat3
          sum_S_0 <- mat4+mat5+mat6
          sum_S_1 <- mat7+mat8+mat9
          sum_T_min1 <- mat1+mat4+mat7
          sum_T_0 <- mat2+mat5+mat8
          sum_T_1 <- mat3+mat6+mat9
          I_Delta_T_Delta_S <- 
          H_Delta_T <-  
          H_Delta_T_all <- cbind(H_Delta_T_all, H_Delta_T)
          H_Delta_S <-   
          R2_H <- I_Delta_T_Delta_S / min(H_Delta_T, H_Delta_S)
          R2_H_all <- cbind(R2_H_all, R2_H)
          # Association potential outcomes true (theta_T) and surrogate (theta_S)
          pi_T_00 <- pi[1] + 0 + pi[3] + pi[7] 
          pi_T_01 <- pi[2] + pi[4] + 0 + pi[8]
          pi_T_10 <- 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
          pi_T_11 <- 0 + pi[5] + pi[6] + pi[9]
          pi_S_00 <- pi[1] + pi[2] + 0 + pi[9]  
          pi_S_01 <- pi[3] + pi[4] + 0 + pi[5] 
          pi_S_10 <- 0 + 0 + 0 + 0   
          pi_S_11 <- 0 + pi[6] + pi[7] + pi[8]
          theta_T <- (pi_T_00 * pi_T_11)/(pi_T_10 * pi_T_01)
          theta_S <- (pi_S_00 * pi_S_11)/(pi_S_10 * pi_S_01)
          theta_T_all <- cbind(theta_T_all, theta_T)  
          theta_S_all <- cbind(theta_S_all, theta_S)
          pi_all <- cbind(pi_all, pi) 
    num <- dim(R2_H_all)[2]
    if (is.null(num)==TRUE){stop(c("No pi vectors found that are in line with the restrictions based on the data."))}
    sum_pi_f <- colSums(pi_all[8:9,]) 
    Pi.Vectors <- 
      data.frame(t(rbind(pi_all, sum_pi_f)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE) 
    colnames(Pi.Vectors) <- c("Pi_0000", "Pi_0100", "Pi_0001", "Pi_0101",  
                              "Pi_1101", "Pi_1111", "Pi_0011", "Pi_0111", "Pi_1100", "Sum.Pi.f") 
  } # end mono S and T
  if (exists("tot_combn_No")==FALSE){tot_combn_No <- c(0)}
  if (exists("tot_combn_S")==FALSE){tot_combn_S <- c(0)}
  if (exists("tot_combn_T")==FALSE){tot_combn_T <- c(0)}
  if (exists("tot_combn_ST")==FALSE){tot_combn_ST <- c(0)}

fit <- 
  list(Pi.Vectors= Pi.Vectors, R2_H=as.numeric(R2_H_all), Theta_T = as.numeric(theta_T_all), 
       Theta_S = as.numeric(theta_S_all), H_Delta_T = as.numeric(H_Delta_T_all), Monotonicity=Monotonicity, 
       Volume.No=tot_combn_No, Volume.T=tot_combn_T, Volume.S=tot_combn_S, Volume.ST=tot_combn_ST, Call=match.call())      

  class(fit) <- "ICA.BinBin"
  else {
    cat("\nTo take uncertainty in the estimation of the marginal pi's into account, \nuse the function ICA.BinBin.Grid.Sample.Uncert()\n")
  }# einde als nt alle margs scalar

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