
Defines functions .tam.q3.jackknife2 .tam.q3.q3sub

## File Name: tam.q3.aux.R
## File Version: 9.08

# computation of Q3 statistic from residuals
.tam.q3.q3sub <- function( residM )
    corM <- stats::cor(residM, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
    I <- ncol(residM)
    dfr <- matrix( corM, ncol=1 )
    dfr <- data.frame( "index1"=rep(1:I,each=I), "index2"=rep(1:I,I), "Q3"=dfr )
    dfr <- dfr[ dfr$index1 < dfr$index2, ]
    dfr$aQ3 <- dfr$Q3 - mean( dfr$Q3)

# Jackknife estimation with bias correction
.tam.q3.jackknife2 <- function( ms1, ms.jack )
    # pseudo values
    ms <- data.frame("val"=ms1 )
    JJ <- ncol(ms.jack)
    psx <- ms1 + ( JJ-1 ) * ( ms1 - ms.jack )
    # jackknife estimate
    ms$jkunits <- JJ
    ms$jk_est <- rowMeans( psx )
    ms$jk_se <- sqrt( rowSums( ( psx - ms$jk_est )^2 ) / (JJ-1 ) / JJ  )
    ms$est_low <- ms$jk_est - 1.96 * ms$jk_se
    ms$est_upp <- ms$jk_est + 1.96 * ms$jk_se

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