
Defines functions tam_calc_posterior

## File Name: tam_calc_posterior.R
## File Version: 9.218

tam_calc_posterior <- function(rprobs, gwt, resp, nitems,
            resp.ind.list, normalization=TRUE,
            thetasamp.density=NULL, snodes=0, resp.ind=NULL,
            avoid.zerosum=FALSE, logprobs=FALSE )
a0 <- Sys.time()
    fx <- gwt
    tsd <- NULL
    # calculate individual 'sampling weight'
    if ( snodes > 0 ){
        nstud <- nrow(gwt)
        tsd <- matrix( thetasamp.density, nrow=nstud, ncol=ncol(gwt), byrow=TRUE)
        gwt <- gwt / tsd
        gwt <- gwt / ncol(gwt)
        swt <- fx <- gwt
# cat("vor calcfx") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    nstud <- nrow(fx)
    storage.mode(resp) <- "integer"
    fx0 <- fx
#cat("start calcfx") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    fx <- .Call('_TAM_calcfx', PACKAGE='TAM', fx, rprobs, resp.ind.list, resp)
    if (avoid.zerosum ){
        fxs <- rowSums( fx )
        m1 <- max( min( fxs[ fxs > 0 ], na.rm=TRUE), 1E-200 ) / 1E3 / ncol(fx)
        ind <- which( fxs==0 )
        if ( length(ind) > 0 ){
            fx[ (fxs==0), ] <- m1
        fx[ is.na(fxs), ] <- m1
# cat("nach calcfx (2)") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    rfx <- rowSums(fx)
    if (normalization ){
        hwt <- fx / rfx
    } else {
        hwt <- fx
# cat("nach normalization") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    res <-  list(hwt=hwt, rfx=rfx )
    res$fx1 <- fx / gwt
    if ( snodes > 0 ){
        res[["swt" ]] <- fx
        res$gwt <- gwt
    res$tsd <- tsd
# cat("before output") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1
    #--- output

calc_posterior.v2 <- tam_calc_posterior

# cat(" in  posterior rest") ; a1 <- Sys.time(); print(a1-a0) ; a0 <- a1

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