
Defines functions tam_mml_3pl_ic

## File Name: tam_mml_3pl_ic.R
## File Version: 9.253

#--- Information criteria tam.mml.3pl
tam_mml_3pl_ic <- function( nstud, deviance, xsi, xsi.fixed,
    beta, beta.fixed, ndim, variance.fixed, G, irtmodel,
    B_orig=NULL, B.fixed, E, est.variance, resp,
    est.slopegroups=NULL, skillspace, delta, delta.fixed, est.guess, fulldesign,
    est.some.slopes, gammaslope, gammaslope.fixed, gammaslope.constr.V,
    gammaslope.constr.Npars, gammaslope.center.index,
    gammaslope.prior, numdiff.parm, Ngamma.nonactive=0, pweights=NULL,
    #***Model parameters
    h <- numdiff.parm
    ic <- data.frame("n"=nstud, "deviance"=deviance )
    dev <- deviance
    # xsi parameters
    ic$Nparsxsi <- length(xsi)
    if ( ! is.null( xsi.fixed) ){
            ic$Nparsxsi <- ic$Nparsxsi - nrow(xsi.fixed)
    # B slopes
    ic$NparsB <- 0
    if ( est.some.slopes ){
        ic$NparsB <- length(gammaslope)
        if ( ! is.null(gammaslope.constr.V) ){
            ic$NparsB <- max(0, ic$NparsB - ncol(gammaslope.constr.V))
    if ( ! is.null( gammaslope.fixed ) ){
        ic$NparsB <- max(0,ic$NparsB - nrow(gammaslope.fixed ))
    ic$NparsB <- ic$NparsB - gammaslope.constr.Npars
    if ( ! is.null(gammaslope.center.index ) ){
        ic$NparsB <- ic$NparsB - max( gammaslope.center.index )
    # non-active gammaslope parameters
    ic$Ngamma.nonactive <- Ngamma.nonactive
    if ( ! is.null(gammaslope.prior ) ){
        if ( ncol(gammaslope.prior) > 2 ){
            ic$Ngamma.nonactive <- ic$Ngamma.nonactive +
                        sum( gammaslope < gammaslope.prior[,3] + 3*h )
            ic$Ngamma.nonactive <- ic$Ngamma.nonactive +
                        sum( gammaslope > gammaslope.prior[,4] - 3*h )
    #--- guessing parameters
    ic$Nguess <- length( setdiff( unique(est.guess), 0 ) )

    # inits
    ic$Nparsbeta <- 0
    ic$Nparscov <- 0
    #-- variance parameters, normal skillspace
    if ( skillspace=="normal"){
        ic$Nparsbeta <- dim(beta)[1] * dim(beta)[2]
        if ( ! is.null( beta.fixed) ){
                ic$Nparsbeta <- ic$Nparsbeta - nrow(beta.fixed ) }
        # variance/covariance matrix
        ic$Nparscov <- G * ( ndim + ndim*(ndim-1)/2 )
        if ( ! is.null( variance.fixed) ){
            ic$Nparscov <- max(0, ic$Nparscov - nrow(variance.fixed ) )

    if ( skillspace !="normal" ){
        ic$Ndelta <- prod( dim(delta) )
        ic$Ndelta <- ic$Ndelta - ncol(delta)
        if ( ! is.null( delta.fixed ) ){
            ic$Ndelta <- ic$Ndelta - nrow(delta.fixed )
    } else {
        ic$Ndelta <- 0
    #--- total number of parameters
    ic$Npars <- ic$np <- ic$Nparsxsi + ic$NparsB + ic$Nparsbeta + ic$Nparscov +
                    ic$Nguess + ic$Ndelta - ic$Ngamma.nonactive
    ic$ghp_obs <- tam_ghp_number_informations(pweights=pweights, resp.ind=resp.ind)
    #---- include information criteria
    ic <- tam_mml_ic_criteria(ic=ic)

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