
Defines functions tam_mml_wle_proc_input_data

## File Name: tam_mml_wle_proc_input_data.R
## File Version: 0.08

tam_mml_wle_proc_input_data <- function(tamobj, score.resp)
    B <- tamobj$B
    A <- tamobj$A
    nitems <- tamobj$nitems
    xsi <- tamobj$xsi
    if ( ! is.null(xsi) ){
        xsi <- xsi[,1]
    AXsi <- tamobj$AXsi
    resp <- tamobj$resp
    resp.ind <- tamobj$resp.ind
    pweights <- tamobj$pweights
    pid <- tamobj$pid

    #--- input via score.resp
    new_input <- FALSE
    if ( ! is.null( score.resp) ){
        resp <- score.resp
        new_input <- TRUE
    #--- input via resp with missings
    if ( is.null(resp.ind) | new_input ){
        resp.ind <- 1 - is.na(resp)
    resp[ is.na(resp) ] <- 0

    #--- more values
    maxK <- ncol(AXsi)
    nitems <- nrow(AXsi)
    ndim <- dim(B)[3]
    nstud <- nrow(resp)
    if ( is.null(pid) ){
        pid <- 1:nstud
    if ( is.null(pweights) ){
        pweights <- rep(1,nstud)

    #--- OUTPUT
    res <- list(AXsi=AXsi, B=B, A=A, resp=resp, resp.ind=resp.ind,
                nitems=nitems, xsi=xsi, nstud=nstud, ndim=ndim, maxK=maxK,
                pweights=pweights, pid=pid)

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TAM documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:20 a.m.