
Defines functions tamaanify.proc.loadings.B.fixed

## File Name: tamaanify.proc.loadings.B.fixed.R
## File Version: 9.08

# fixed loadings in tam.mml.2pl
#  B.fixed
#  An optional matrix with four columns for fixing B matrix entries
#   in 2PL estimation. 1st column: item index, 2nd column: category,
#   3rd column: dimension, 4th column: fixed value.

tamaanify.proc.loadings.B.fixed <- function(res)
    lavpartable <- res$lavpartable
    Q <- res$Q
    maxcat <- res$maxcat
    items <- res$items
    B.fixed <- NULL
    res$est.variance <- FALSE
    ind <- which( ( lavpartable$op=="=~" ) & ( lavpartable$free==0 ) )
    if ( length(ind) > 0 ){
        lav1 <- lavpartable[ ind, ]
        N1 <- nrow(lav1)
        for (vv in 1:N1){
            lav1.vv <- lav1[vv,]
            i2 <- which( colnames(res$resp)==paste(lav1.vv$rhs) )
            i3 <- items[ paste(items$item)==paste(lav1.vv$rhs), "ncat"] - 1
            i4 <- which( colnames(Q)==paste(lav1.vv$lhs) )
            B1 <- cbind( i2, seq(1,i3) + 1, i4, seq(1,i3)*lav1.vv$ustart )
            B.fixed <- rbind( B.fixed, B1 )
        facs <- colnames(Q)
        lav1 <- lavpartable[ ( paste0(lavpartable$lhs) %in% facs ) &
                    ( paste0(lavpartable$rhs) %in% facs )    &
                    ( paste0(lavpartable$op)=="~~" )    , ]
        lav1 <- lav1[ lav1$free > 0, ]
        if ( nrow(lav1) > 0 ){
            res$est.variance <- TRUE
    res$B.fixed <- B.fixed

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