
Defines functions tdmDispatchTuner spotTuner lhdTuner mapConf2Ctrl cmaesTuner cma_jTuner cma_jInternRCma bfgsTuner tdmPrepareData

Documented in bfgsTuner cmaesTuner cma_jTuner lhdTuner spotTuner tdmDispatchTuner

#-------- MIES part temporarily moved to ../tdmDispatch_miesPart.r

#'     Helper function for \code{\link{tdmBigLoop}}.
#'     tdmDispatchTuner selects and starts the tuner specified by tuneMethod. \cr
#'     See the 'Details' section of \code{\link{tdmBigLoop}} for a list of available tuners.
#' @param tuneMethod the tuning algorithm given as a string. Possible values are \{ "spot" | "lhd" | "cmaes" | "cma_j" | "bfgs"  \}.
#         --- removed: "powell"  
#' @param confFile the configuration name.
#' @param spotStep --DEPRECATED-- SPOT 2.0 supports only spotStep="auto".
#' @param tdm the TDMR object
#' @param envT the environment variable
#' @param dataObj the \code{\link{TDMdata}} object containing the data set (train/vali part and test part)
#' @return The result \code{tunerVal} of the tuning algorithm, this is the list envT$spotConfig, extended by
#'      \item{\code{alg.currentResult}}{ the RES data frame  }
#'      \item{\code{alg.currentBest}}{ the BST data frame  }
#'      \item{...}{[optional] further results from the tuning algorithm \code{tuneMethod}  }
#' @note Side effects: Environment \code{envT} is extended by
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item \code{envT$tunerVal = tunerVal} 
#'         \item \code{envT$res  } the RES data frame
#'         \item \code{envT$bst  } the BST data frame
#'      }
#' @seealso   \code{\link{tdmBigLoop}}
#' @author Wolfgang Konen, THK, 2018
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
tdmDispatchTuner <- function(tuneMethod,confFile,spotStep,tdm,envT,dataObj)
    #if (spotStep=="auto") {
      #if (is.null(tdm$mainFile)) stop("Element tdm$mainFile is missing, but this is required for spotStep='auto'");
      if (is.null(tdm$mainFunc)) stop("Element tdm$mainFunc is missing, but this is required for spotStep='auto'");
      sC <- envT$spotConfig
    if (!is.null(envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest)) {
      # Fix for upgading older BST data frames to the new SPOT version (V1.0.2662): 
      # A BST data frame now has to have a column STEP, otherwise a crash in spotWriteBest (spotHelpFunctions.R) will occur.  
      if (!any(names(envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest)=="STEP")) {
        cat("NOTE: Since envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest has no column STEP, we add for SPOT a dummy column STEP containing the numbers 1 :",nrow(envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest),"\n");
        envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest <- cbind(envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest,STEP=(1:nrow(envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest)));
    #if (tdm$fileMode==FALSE) 
      confFile="NULL";      # everything is passed to spot() via envT$spotConfig
    tunerVal = switch(spotStep
      #,"rep"=,"report"= spot(confFile,spotStep,theSpotPath,envT$spotConfig)
      ,"auto"= switch(tuneMethod
                ,"spot" = spotTuner(confFile,theSpotPath,tdm,envT,dataObj)
                ,"lhd" = lhdTuner(confFile,theSpotPath,tdm,envT,dataObj) 
                ,"cmaes" = cmaesTuner(confFile,tdm,envT,dataObj)
                #,"mies" = miesTuner(confFile,tdm,envT,dataObj)  
                ,"cma_j" = cma_jTuner(confFile,tdm,envT,dataObj) 
                ,"bfgs" = bfgsTuner(confFile,tdm,envT,dataObj) 
                #,"powell" = powellTuner(confFile,tdm,envT,dataObj) 

    if (tunerVal[1]=="INVALID1") {
      stop(sprintf("*** Invalid tuneMethod=%s ***\n",tuneMethod));
    if (tunerVal[1]=="INVALID2") {
      stop(sprintf("*** Invalid spotStep=%s ***\n",spotStep));
    tunerVal$dataObj = NULL;     # delete this potential voluminous element

    #--- WK/01/2018: questionable if we need this still with SPOT 2.0
  #   if (!(tuneMethod %in% c("spot","lhd"))) {
  #     # Bug fix 05/12:        
  #     # When tuning via tdmStartOther terminates, there might have been last calls to tdmStartOther which have not
  #     # yet been processed for the BST data frame (or this data frame may not have been constructed yet).
  #     # So we compute again, based on tunerVal$alg.currentResult, the so far best solution (merge repeats), 
  #     # and write a line to the BST data frame tunerVal$alg.currentBest.
  #     tunerVal <- tdmPrepareData(tunerVal);	# appends the best solution to tunerVal$alg.currentBest
  #     #mergedData <- spotPrepareData(tunerVal)              # old version TDMR 1.0
  #     #tunerVal <- spotWriteBest(mergedData, tunerVal);	
  # 		envT$bst <- tunerVal$alg.currentBest;  
  #   }

    envT$tunerVal = tunerVal;

#' Perform a \link{SPOT} tuning. 
#' \code{spotTuner} calls \code{\link{spot}} and write the necessary information on environment \code{envT}.
#' @param confFile task configuration for tuning algorithm
#' @param theSpotPath needed for spot
#' @param tdm the TDMR object
#' @param envT the environment variable
#' @param dataObj the \code{\link{TDMdata}} object containing the data set (train/vali part and test part)
#' @return the result of SPOT tuning, i.e. the list \code{spotConfig}
# @rdname  tdmTuners
# @aliases lhdTuner spotTuner
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
spotTuner <- function(confFile,theSpotPath,tdm,envT,dataObj)
    sC <- envT$spotConfig;
    #sC$spot.fileMode = TRUE; 
    sC$tdm <- tdm;              # needed for tdm$mainFile, tdm$mainFunc, tdm$fileMode
    sC$alg.currentResult <- NULL;
    sC$dataObj <- dataObj;
    roiLower <- sC$alg.roi[,1];
    roiUpper <- sC$alg.roi[,2];
    spotControl <- mapConf2Ctrl(sC);
    spotRes <- spot(,tdmStartSpot2,roiLower,roiUpper,control=spotControl,tdm,envT,dataObj);
    # spot calls tdmStartSpot2 and tdmStartSpot2 appends to data frames 
    # envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult, ...$alg.mergedData and ...$alg.currentBest .
    envT$res <- sC$alg.currentResult <- envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult;
    envT$bst <- sC$alg.currentBest <- envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest;
    envT$spotRes <- spotRes;


#' Perform LHD tuning. 
#' Perform a parameter tuning using a Latin hypercube design (LHD) 
#' for obtaining best design points. LHD is performed by configuring SPOT 
#' in such a way that all the budget is used for the initial design (usually LHD).
#' @param confFile task configuration for tuning algorithm
#' @param theSpotPath needed for spot
#' @param tdm the TDMR object
#' @param envT the environment variable
#' @param dataObj the \code{\link{TDMdata}} object containing the data set (train/vali part and test part)
#' @return the result of LHD sampling, i.e. the list \code{spotConfig}
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
lhdTuner <- function(confFile,theSpotPath,tdm,envT,dataObj)
    #if (tdm$fileMode==FALSE) {
    #  envT$spotConfig$spot.fileMode=FALSE;
    #  confFile="NULL";

    sC <- envT$spotConfig;
    sC$tdm <- tdm;              # needed for tdm$mainFile, tdm$mainFunc, tdm$fileMode
    sC$alg.currentResult <- NULL;
    #sC$seq.design.maxRepeats <- sC$replicates;
    roiLower <- sC$alg.roi[,1];
    roiUpper <- sC$alg.roi[,2];
    fncall1 = sC$funEvals;
    # fncall2 = sC$auto.loop.steps* sC$seq.design.new.size* sC$seq.design.maxRepeats +
    #           sC$init.design.size* sC$init.design.repeats  +
    #          (sC$seq.design.maxRepeats- sC$init.design.repeats);
    # new.nevals = min(fncall1,fncall2); 
    new.nevals = fncall1;
    #sC$auto.loop.steps = 0;
    sC$designControl.size = round(new.nevals/sC$designControl.replicates) - 1;
            ## Why "- 1"? - spot needs to run at least once through the modelling part, 
            ## otherwise an error will occur
    #sC$init.design.repeats = sC$seq.design.maxRepeats;
    #sC$dataObj <- dataObj;

    spotControl <- mapConf2Ctrl(sC);
    spotRes <- spot(,tdmStartSpot2,roiLower,roiUpper,control=spotControl,tdm,envT,dataObj);
    # spot calls tdmStartSpot2 and tdmStartSpot2 appends to data frames 
    # envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult, ...$alg.mergedData and ...$alg.currentBest .
    envT$res <- sC$alg.currentResult <- envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult;
    envT$bst <- sC$alg.currentBest <- envT$spotConfig$alg.currentBest;
    envT$spotRes <- spotRes;


# Map the spotConfig object to the control object needed by SPOT 2.0
mapConf2Ctrl <- function(sC) {
  control <- list();
  control$types = as.vector(d$replace[match(sC$alg.roi$type, d$name)] )
  control$funEvals = sC$funEvals;
  control$replicates = sC$replicates;
  control$OCBA = sC$OCBA;
  control$seedSPOT = sC$seedSPOT;
  control$noise = sC$noise;
  control$plots = sC$plots;
  control$design = sC$design;
  control$designControl = list(
    size = sC$designControl.size,
    replicates = sC$designControl.replicates
  control$model = sC$model;     
  control$modelControl <- list(
    useLambda = sC$modelControl.useLambda
  control$optimizerControl <- list(
    funEvals = sC$optimizerControl.funEvals,
    retries = sC$optimizerControl.retries
  if (!control$noise && control$replicates>1)
    warning(sprintf("control$noise==FALSE, but control$replicates>1.         \n  %s ",
                    "Consider to set noise==TRUE if you want more than one replicate to be effective.\n"));
  if (control$replicates != control$designControl$replicates)
    warning(sprintf("control$replicates(%d) != control$designControl$replicates(%d). \n  %s ",
                     control$replicates, control$designControl$replicates,
                    "Consider to set designControl$replicates to the same value as replicates.\n"));

#' Perform CMA-ES tuning (R version). 
#' Perform a parameter tuning by CMA-ES, using the *R*-implementation 
#' (package \code{cmaes} by Olaf Mersmann).
#' @param confFile task configuration for tuning algorithm
#' @param tdm the TDMR object
#' @param envT the environment variable
#' @param dataObj the \code{\link{TDMdata}} object containing the data set (train/vali part and test part)
#' @return the result of CMA-ES tuning, i.e. the list \code{envT$spotConfig}, extended by
#'    \item{\code{cma}}{ the return value from \code{\link[cmaes]{cma_es}}   }
#'    \item{\code{cma$count}}{ the number of calls to \code{tdmStartOther}  }
#' @note 
#'    This tuner \code{cmaesTuner} is deprecated. Use instead \code{\link{cma_jTuner}}.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
cmaesTuner <- function(confFile,tdm,envT,dataObj)
    # require(cmaes)      # now via direct call 'cmaes::' 
    envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult <- NULL;    
    sC <- envT$spotConfig;
    #sC$seq.design.maxRepeats <- sC$replicates;
    roiLower <- sC$alg.roi[,1];
    roiUpper <- sC$alg.roi[,2];
    param <- runif(length(roiLower),roiLower,roiUpper);#/2;    # start configuration
    # if (tdm$fileMode) {
    #   tdm$resFile <-  sC$io.resFileName;   
    #   tdm$bstFile <-  sC$io.bstFileName;   
    #   if (file.exists(sC$io.resFileName)) file.remove(sC$io.resFileName);
    #   if (file.exists(sC$io.bstFileName)) file.remove(sC$io.bstFileName);
    # }

    fitFunc <- function(x, opts=NULL) {
      ## tdmStartOther returns the fitness (mean(yres)) and saves other
      ## diagnostic results in envT$spotConfig, envT$res, envT$bst
    #--- old, deprecated: 
    #if(is.null(tdm$startOtherFunc)) tdmStartOther = makeTdmStartOther(tdm,envT,dataObj) else
    #  tdmStartOther = tdm$startOtherFunc;

    fncall1 = sC$funEvals;
    # fncall2 = sC$auto.loop.steps* sC$seq.design.new.size* sC$seq.design.maxRepeats 
    #         + sC$init.design.size* sC$init.design.repeats;
    #         + (sC$seq.design.maxRepeats- sC$init.design.repeats);
    # new.nevals = min(fncall1,fncall2); 
    new.nevals = fncall1;
    control = list(mu=4,lambda=4);
    # Be aware, that control$lambda (# of offsprings) controls the # of fct calls, 
    # NOT control$mu. The number of calls to tdmStartOther will be N=ceiling(control$maxit)*control$lambda, 
    # the number of calls to the DM training fct main_TASK will be N*sC$seq.design.maxRepeats.
    control$maxit=max(round(control$maxit),1);     # BUG FIX 05/12: if control$maxit were NOT an integer, we would get 
            # from cma_es: "Error in eigen.log[iter, ] <- rev(sort(e$values)): subscript out of bounds"

    cma <- cmaes::cma_es(param,fitFunc,sC$opts,lower=roiLower,upper=roiUpper,control=control);
    # cma_es calls tdmStartOther and tdmStartOther appends to data frames envT$res and envT$bst
    # (and to envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult and ...$alg.currentBest as well).
    # If tdm$fileMode==TRUE, then tdmStartOther will write envT$res to envT$spotConfig$io.resFileName
    # and envT$bst to envT$spotConfig$io.bstFileName 
    tunerVal = envT$spotConfig;
    tunerVal$cma = cma;
    cat(sprintf("Function calls to tdmStartOther: %d\n",tunerVal$cma$count[1]));


# cma_jTuner
#' Perform CMA-ES tuning (Java version). 
#' Perform a parameter tuning by CMA-ES, using the *Java* 
#' implementation by Niko Hansen through the interface package \code{\link[rCMA]{rCMA-package}}.
#' @param confFile task configuration for tuning algorithm
#' @param tdm the list with TDMR settings. \cr
#'    If \code{tdm$CMA.propertyFile} is not NULL, then \code{\link[rCMA]{rCMA-package}} will read this CMA property file. If NULL, 
#'    the default file CMAEvolutionStrategy.properties from find.package("rCMA") is taken. \cr
#'    If \code{tdm$CMA.populationSize} is not NULL, the CMA population size will be set accordingly. If NULL, 
#'    the default population size \code{4 + 3*log(N)} is taken with \code{N} = number of parameters in .roi file.
#' @param envT the environment variable
#' @param dataObj the \code{\link{TDMdata}} object containing the data set (train/vali part and test part)
#' @return the result of CMA-ES tuning, i.e. the list \code{envT$spotConfig}, extended by list \code{cma} with elements
#'    \item{\code{cma$sres}}{ a string vector with all console output from the optimization run \code{cmaOptimDP} of package \code{\link[rCMA]{rCMA-package}}  }
#'    \item{\code{cma$count}}{ the number of calls to \code{tdmStartOther}  }
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
cma_jTuner <- function(confFile,tdm,envT,dataObj)
    #require(rCMA);         # now via direct call 'rCMA::' 
    tunerVal <- cma_jInternRCma(tdm,envT,dataObj);
    #tunerVal <- cma_jInternRJava(tdm,envT,dataObj);    # -- deprecated, now in R-DM-Template-deprecated\
    #tunerVal <- cma_jIntern__Old(tdm,envT,dataObj);    # -- deprecated, now in R-DM-Template-deprecated\
# Internal function for the usage of CMA-ES (Java) from R (based on package rCMA)
cma_jInternRCma <- function(tdm,envT,dataObj) {
    #require(rCMA);         # now via direct call 'rCMA::'
    envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult <- NULL;
    sC <- envT$spotConfig;
    roiLower <- sC$alg.roi[,1];
    roiUpper <- sC$alg.roi[,2];
    if (!(length(roiLower)==length(roiUpper))) stop("Length of roiLower and roiUpper differ");
    initialX <- runif(length(roiLower),roiLower,roiUpper);#/2;    # initial point (mean for population)
    stdDevs <- (roiUpper-roiLower)/10;                            # initial standard deviations
    ## we assume that sC$funEvals is the limiting factor in SPOT tuning
    stopMaxFunEvals = sC$funEvals/sC$replicates;           

    fitFunc <- function(x) {
        ## tdmStartCma_j (see tdmStartOther.r) returns the fitness (mean(yres)) and 
        ## saves other diagnostic results in envT$spotConfig, envT$res, envT$bst
    isFeasible <- function(x) {
        if (any(x<roiLower) | any(x>roiUpper)) return(FALSE);
    cma <- rCMA::cmaNew(propFile=tdm$CMA.propertyFile);
    # if tdm$CMA.propertyFile is NULL, the default file CMAEvolutionStrategy.properties from find.package("rCMA") will be loaded
    if (!is.null(tdm$CMA.populationSize)) {
    rCMA::cmaSetStopFitness(cma,-1e300);  # never stop due to fitness function value
    rCMA::cmaInit(cma,seed=sC$seedSPOT,dimension=length(initialX),initialX=initialX, initialStandardDeviations=stdDevs);
    res1 = rCMA::cmaOptimDP(cma,fitFunc,isFeasible,verbose=2,iterPrint=1);

    tunerVal = envT$spotConfig;
		tunerVal$alg.currentResult <- envT$res;
		tunerVal$alg.currentBest <- envT$bst;
    tunerVal$cma = list()
    tunerVal$cma$sres <- res1$sMsg; 
    cat(sprintf("Function calls to tdmStartOther: %d\n",tunerVal$cma$count[1]));


#' Perform BFGS tuning. 
#' Perform a parameter tuning by Broyden, Fletcher, Goldfarb and Shanno (BFGS) method.
#' The L-BFGS-B version allowing box constraints is used.
#' @param confFile task configuration for tuning algorithm
#' @param tdm the TDMR object
#' @param envT the environment variable
#' @param dataObj the \code{\link{TDMdata}} object containing the data set (train/vali part and test part)
#' @return the result of BFGS tuning, i.e. the list \code{envT$spotConfig}, extended by
#'    \item{\code{bfgs}}{ the return value from \code{optim(...,method="L-BFGS-B")}   }
#'    \item{\code{bfgs$count}}{ the number of calls to \code{tdmStartOther}  }
#' @author Wolfgang Konen \email{wolfgang.konen@@Th-koeln.de}, Patrick Koch 
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
bfgsTuner <- function(confFile,tdm,envT,dataObj){
    envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult <- NULL;
    #if (tdm$fileMode==FALSE) envT$spotConfig$spot.fileMode=FALSE;
    sC <- envT$spotConfig;
    roiLower <- sC$alg.roi[,1];
    roiUpper <- sC$alg.roi[,2];
    param <- runif(length(roiLower), min=roiLower, max=roiUpper) # create start vector generating uniformly randomized vector
    # if (tdm$fileMode) {
    #   tdm$resFile <-  sC$io.resFileName;   
    #   tdm$bstFile <-  sC$io.bstFileName;   
    #   if (file.exists(sC$io.resFileName)) file.remove(sC$io.resFileName);
    #   if (file.exists(sC$io.bstFileName)) file.remove(sC$io.bstFileName);
    # }
    fitFunc <- function(x, opts=NULL) {
      ## tdmStartOther returns the fitness (mean(yres)) and saves other
      ## diagnostic results in envT$spotConfig, envT$res, envT$bst
    #--- old, deprecated: 
    #if(is.null(tdm$startOtherFunc)) tdmStartOther = makeTdmStartOther(tdm,envT,dataObj) else
    #  tdmStartOther = tdm$startOtherFunc;

    tdm$roi <- sC$alg.roi;
    maxEvaluations = sC$funEvals/sC$replicates;
    maxEvaluations = round(maxEvaluations);

    bfgs <- optim(par=param, fn=fitFunc, gr=NULL, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=roiLower, upper=roiUpper, control=list(maxit=maxEvaluations), opts=sC$opts)
    # optim calls tdmStartOther and tdmStartOther writes envT$res and envT$bst
    # (and to envT$spotConfig$alg.currentResult and ...$alg.currentBest as well).
    cat(">>>>>> RESULT:\n")
    tunerVal = envT$spotConfig;
		tunerVal$alg.currentResult <- envT$res;       
		tunerVal$alg.currentBest <- envT$bst;         
    tunerVal$bfgs = bfgs;

# tdmPrepareData is the new replacement for spotPrepareData + spotWriteBest 
tdmPrepareData <- function(spotConfig) {
  # remove the columns which change over replicates:
  mergedData <- stats::aggregate(Y~.,data=rawData,FUN=spotConfig$seq.merge.func);
  ## here comes the former spotWriteBest part
  C <- data.frame(mergedData[order(mergedData$Y,decreasing=FALSE),,drop=FALSE]);
  best <-  C[1,,drop=FALSE];
  spotConfig$alg.mergedData <- mergedData;

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TDMR documentation built on March 3, 2020, 1:06 a.m.