
"plotFLIM" <- function(multimodel, multitheta, plotoptions) {
  oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  m <- multimodel@modellist
  t <- multitheta
  resultlist <- multimodel@fit@resultlist
  if (plotoptions@residplot) {
    plotFLIMresid(multimodel, multitheta, plotoptions)
  if (plotoptions@noFLIMsummary) {
  if (plotoptions@writecon) {
    fn <- ifelse(plotoptions@makeps == "", "flimcon", plotoptions@makeps)
    xx <- getXList(
      result = list(currModel = multimodel, currTheta = multitheta),
      group = vector(),
      file = fn
  for (i in 1:length(m)) {
    k <- t[[i]]@kinpar
    model <- m[[i]]
    nt <- model@nt
    nl <- model@nl
    x <- model@x
    x2 <- model@x2
    irfmu <- vector()
    cohirfmu <- vector()
    irftau <- vector()
    if (dev.cur() != 1) {
    par(mgp = c(2, 1, 0), mar = c(3, 3, 3, 2), oma = c(
      0, 4, 0
    ), cex.main = 0.95, mfrow = c(

    if (!(plotoptions@plotpulsefol) && model@cohcol != 0) {
      spec <- as.matrix(getSpecList(multimodel, t)[[i]][, -model@cohcol])
    } else {
      spec <- as.matrix(getSpecList(multimodel, t)[[i]])

      file = paste(plotoptions@makeps,
        "_spec_dataset_", i, ".txt",
        sep = ""
      row.names = m[[i]]@x2,
      quote = FALSE
    ## ===========plotHistAmp==============

    for (j in 1:ncol(spec)) {
      hist(spec[, j],
        xlab = paste("tau=", signif(1 / k[j], 5)),
        main = paste("Comp.", j, "amplitude")
    ## ===========plotHistNormComp=============

    if (ncol(spec) > 1) {
      sumAv <- matrix(0, ncol(spec), nrow(spec))
      sumspec <- rowSums(spec)
      for (j in 1:ncol(spec)) {
        sumAv[j, ] <- spec[, j] / sumspec
        hist(sumAv[j, ], xlab = paste("mean", signif(mean(spec[
        ]) / mean(sumspec), 5)), main = paste("Norm. Component", j))

    ## ===========plotIntenImage=============
    plotIntenImage(multimodel, multitheta, i)
    ## ===========plotSelectedPix=============
    plotSelIntenImage(multimodel, multitheta, i)

    ## ===============<tau>==============
    selpixmat <- matrix(0, nrow(model@inten), ncol(model@inten))
    ## find out the rows where the selected pixels begin and end
    selpixmat[x2] <- 1
    j <- 1
    while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[, j])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j<ncol(selpixmat)
      j <- j + 1
    colstart <- j
    j <- ncol(selpixmat)
    while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[, j])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j>1
      j <- j - 1
    colend <- j
    j <- 1
    while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[j, ])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j<nrow(selpixmat)
      j <- j + 1
    rowstart <- j
    j <- nrow(selpixmat)
    while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[j, ])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j>1
      j <- j - 1
    rowend <- j
    resmat <- matrix(0, nrow(model@inten), ncol(model@inten))
    if (length(k) > 1) {
      xmat <- matrix(nrow = length(k), ncol = model@nl)
      vecres <- vector()
      for (j in length(k):1) xmat[j, ] <- sumAv[j, ] * (1 / k[j])
      vecR <- colSums(xmat)
      ## ============plotHistof<tau>==================
        xlab = paste("mean", signif(mean(vecR), 5)),
        main = "Hist <tau>"
      ## ============plotimage<tau>===================
      resmat[x2] <- vecR

      zmin <- min(vecR) - (.10 * min(vecR))
      zmax <- max(vecR)

      if (length(plotoptions@ylimspec) == 2) {
        zlim <- plotoptions@ylimspec
      } else {
        zlim <- c(zmin, zmax)

      if (length(plotoptions@imagepal) == 0) {
        colp <- tim.colors()
      } else {
        colp <- plotoptions@imagepal
      image.plot(resmat[rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend],
        xlab = "", axes = FALSE, ylab = "",
        main = "<tau>", zlim = zlim, col = colp
    ## ===========plotAmplImages===================
    if (ncol(spec) > 1) {
      for (j in 1:ncol(spec)) {
        if (length(plotoptions@ylimcomp) == (ncol(spec) * 2)) {
          zmin <- plotoptions@ylimcomp[j * 2 - 1]
          zmax <- plotoptions@ylimcomp[j * 2]
        } else {
          zmin <- 0
          zmax <- 1
        resmat[x2] <- sumAv[j, ]
        image.plot(resmat[rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend],
          ylab = "", axes = FALSE, xlab = paste("tau=", signif(1 / k[j], 5)),
          main = paste("Comp.", j, "norm. amp."), zlim = c(zmin, zmax)

    residlist <- svdresidlist <- list()
    residuals <- matrix(nrow = nt, ncol = nl)
    for (j in 1:length(resultlist[[i]]@resid)) {
      residuals[, j] <- resultlist[[i]]@resid[[j]]
    svdresidlist[[length(svdresidlist) + 1]] <- doSVD(residuals, 2, 2)
    residlist[[length(residlist) + 1]] <- residuals
    limd <- max(max(residlist[[1]]), abs(min(residlist[[1]])))
    if (plotoptions@FLIMresidimag) {
      if (!(any(diff(x) <= 0) || any(diff(x2) <= 0))) {
        image.plot(x, x2, residlist[[1]],
          xlab = plotoptions@xlab,
          ylab = plotoptions@ylab, main = paste("Residuals Dataset", i),
          zlim = c(-limd, limd), col = two.colors()

      ## diverge_hcl(40,h = c(0, 120), c = 60, l = c(45, 90), power = 1.2))

    xpos <- x
    xpos[which(x <= 0)] <- NA
    if (nt > 1 && nl > 1) {
      matplot(xpos, svdresidlist[[1]]$left[, 1],
        type = "l",
        main = "Left sing. vec. residuals ", ylab = "",
        log = "x", xlab = plotoptions@xlab, col = 1

    resmat[x2] <- as.vector(svdresidlist[[1]]$right[1, ])

    limd <- max(max(svdresidlist[[1]]$right[1, ]), abs(min(svdresidlist[[1]]$right[1, ])))

    image.plot(resmat[rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend],
      xlab = "", zlim = c(-limd, limd), col = two.colors(),
      axes = FALSE, ylab = "",
      main = "Right sing. vec. residuals"

    ## diverge_hcl(40, h = c(0, 120), c = 60,l = c(45, 90), power = 1.2),

    svddatalist <- list()
    svddatalist[[length(svddatalist) + 1]] <- doSVD(multimodel@data[[i]]@psi.df, 2, 2)
    if (nt > 1 && nl > 1) {
      plot(1:length(svddatalist[[1]]$values), log10(svddatalist[[1]]$values),
        ylab = "", xlab = "", main = "Sing. values data",
        type = "b"
    if (length(plotoptions@title) != 0) {
      if (length(m) > 1) {
        tit <- paste(plotoptions@title, ", dataset ",
          sep = ""
      } else {
        tit <- plotoptions@title
      if (plotoptions@addfilename) {
        tit <- paste(tit, m[[i]]@datafile)
      mtext(tit, side = 3, outer = TRUE, line = 1)
    if (dev.interactive() && length(plotoptions@makeps) !=
      0) {
      if (plotoptions@output == "pdf") {
        pdev <- pdf
      } else {
        pdev <- postscript
      dev.print(device = pdev, file = paste(plotoptions@makeps,
        "dataset_", i, "_summary.", plotoptions@output,
        sep = ""
  writeEst(multimodel, multitheta, plotoptions)
  # TODO: replace functionality provided by displayEst

## ===========new version=========================
"plotHistAmp" <- function(multimodel, t, i = 1) {
  k <- t[[i]]@kinpar
  spectralist <- getSpecList(multimodel, t)
  m <- multimodel@modellist

  if ((m[[i]]@cohcol != 0)[1]) {
    spec <- as.matrix(spectralist[[i]][, -m[[i]]@cohcol])
  } else {
    spec <- spectralist[[i]]

  for (j in 1:ncol(spec)) {
    hist(spec[, j],
      xlab = paste("tau=", signif(1 / k[j], 5)),
      main = paste("Comp.", j, "amplitude")
## ===========new version=========================
"plotHistNormComp" <- function(multimodel, t, i = 1) {
  k <- t[[i]]@kinpar
  model <- multimodel@modellist[[i]]
  spectralist <- getSpecList(multimodel, t)

  if ((model@cohcol != 0)[1]) {
    spec <- as.matrix(spectralist[[i]][, -model@cohcol])
  } else {
    spec <- spectralist[[i]]

  if (ncol(spec) > 1) {
    sumAv <- matrix(0, ncol(spec), nrow(spec))
    sumspec <- rowSums(spec)
    for (j in 1:ncol(spec)) {
      sumAv[j, ] <- spec[, j] / sumspec
      hist(sumAv[j, ], xlab = paste("mean", signif(mean(spec[
      ]) / mean(sumspec), 5)), main = paste(
        "Norm. Component",
"plotIntenImage" <- function(multimodel, t, i = 1,
                             tit = c("Intensity Image")) {
  model <- multimodel@modellist[[i]]
  colvec <- gray(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 100))
    col = colvec, xlab = "", axes = FALSE,
    ylab = "", main = tit
"plotSelIntenImage" <- function(multimodel, t, i = 1,
                                tit = c("Region of Interest"), cex = 1) {
  model <- multimodel@modellist[[i]]
  colvec <- gray(seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 100))
  tt <- (model@inten - min(model@inten)) / max(model@inten - min(model@inten))
  colmat <- gray(tt)
  colmat[model@x2] <- "#0000FF"
  dim(colmat) <- dim(model@inten)
  csave <- colmat
  colmat <- t(colmat)
  for (j in 1:(ncol(colmat))) {
    colmat[, j] <- rev(colmat[, j])
  plotcolors(colmat, main = tit, cex = cex)

"plotTau" <- function(multimodel, t, i = 1, tit = " < tau > ", plotoptions = kinopt(), lifetimes = TRUE) {
  model <- multimodel@modellist[[i]]
  k <- t[[i]]@kinpar
  nt <- model@nt
  nl <- model@nl
  x <- model@x
  x2 <- model@x2
  spec <- getSpecList(multimodel, t)[[i]]

  selpixmat <- matrix(0, nrow(model@inten), ncol(model@inten))
  ## find out the rows where the selected pixels begin and end
  selpixmat[x2] <- 1
  j <- 1
  while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[, j])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j<ncol(selpixmat)
    j <- j + 1
  colstart <- j
  j <- ncol(selpixmat)
  while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[, j])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j>1
    j <- j - 1
  colend <- j
  j <- 1
  while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[j, ])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j<nrow(selpixmat)
    j <- j + 1
  rowstart <- j
  j <- nrow(selpixmat)
  while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[j, ])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j>1
    j <- j - 1
  rowend <- j
  resmat <- matrix(0, nrow(model@inten), ncol(model@inten))
  if (length(k) > 1) {
    sumAv <- matrix(0, ncol(spec), nrow(spec))
    sumspec <- rowSums(spec)
    for (j in ncol(spec):1) {
      sumAv[j, ] <- spec[, j] / sumspec

    xmat <- matrix(nrow = length(k), ncol = model@nl)
    vecres <- vector()
    for (j in length(k):1) {
      kk <- if (lifetimes) (1 / k[j]) else k[j]
      xmat[j, ] <- sumAv[j, ] * kk
    vecR <- colSums(xmat)

    ## ============plotimage<tau>===================
    resmat[x2] <- vecR

    zmin <- min(vecR) - (.10 * min(vecR))
    zmax <- max(vecR)

    if (length(plotoptions@ylimspec) == 2) {
      zlim <- plotoptions@ylimspec
    } else {
      zlim <- c(zmin, zmax)

    if (length(plotoptions@imagepal) == 0) {
      colp <- tim.colors()
    } else {
      colp <- plotoptions@imagepal
    image.plot(resmat[rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend],
      xlab = "", axes = FALSE, ylab = "",
      main = tit, zlim = zlim, col = colp
"plotNormComp" <- function(multimodel, t, i = 1) {
  model <- multimodel@modellist[[i]]
  k <- t[[i]]@kinpar
  nt <- model@nt
  nl <- model@nl
  x <- model@x
  x2 <- model@x2

  if ((model@cohcol != 0)[1]) {
    spec <- as.matrix(getSpecList(multimodel, t)[[i]][, -model@cohcol])
  } else {
    spec <- getSpecList(multimodel, t)[[i]]

  selpixmat <- matrix(0, nrow(model@inten), ncol(model@inten))
  ## find out the rows where the selected pixels begin and end
  selpixmat[x2] <- 1
  j <- 1
  while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[, j])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j<ncol(selpixmat)
    j <- j + 1
  colstart <- j
  j <- ncol(selpixmat)
  while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[, j])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j>1
    j <- j - 1
  colend <- j
  j <- 1
  while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[j, ])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j<nrow(selpixmat)
    j <- j + 1
  rowstart <- j
  j <- nrow(selpixmat)
  while (!(1 %in% selpixmat[j, ])) { ## for safety reason need to add condition about j>1
    j <- j - 1
  rowend <- j

  if (ncol(spec) > 1) {
    sumAv <- matrix(0, ncol(spec), nrow(spec))
    sumspec <- rowSums(spec)
    for (j in ncol(spec):1) {
      sumAv[j, ] <- spec[, j] / sumspec
    resmat <- matrix(0, nrow(model@inten), ncol(model@inten))
    resmat[x2] <- sumAv[j, ]
    for (j in 1:ncol(spec)) {
      resmat[x2] <- sumAv[j, ]
      image.plot(resmat[rowstart:rowend, colstart:colend],
        ylab = "", axes = FALSE,
        xlab = paste("tau=", signif(1 / k[j], 5)),
        main = paste("Comp.", j, "norm. amp."),
        zlim = c(0, 1)

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