
Defines functions ParsePreambleForOptions jsonexamparser jsonhwparser

Documented in jsonexamparser jsonhwparser ParsePreambleForOptions

# Author Alejandro Gonzalez Recuenco
# e-mail <alejandrogonzalezrecuenco@gmail.com>
# (C) 2017
#### Parsing document for JSON TexExamRandomizer directions

#' @title ParsePreambleForOptions
#' @description This function parses a preamble of a document trying to read options handed to the package TexExamRandomizer to be used in compiling.
#' @param preamble character vector identifying the preamble from which to pass the JSON readon through
#' @return Returns a list, that concatenates all the lists of options described on the file.
#' @details It find all \code{\%!TexExamRandomizer = {}} lines. It then uses the function  \code{\link[jsonlite]{fromJSON}} to parse them, and it concatenates all those options.
#' If more than one option with the same name is given, it tries to concatenate those.
#' However, it doesn't do that recursively, only if the names of the outer layer are the same... therefore, in nested structure you might end up with a list that have twice the same name. Keep in mind that in those cases, the default behaviour of R is to select the first one.
#' @family jsoncompiler
#' @export
ParsePreambleForOptions <- function(preamble) {
    connectList <- function(A, B) {
        #Connects two lists if they have conflicting names
        conflicting_names <- names(B) %in% names(A)
        for (name in names(B)[conflicting_names]) {
            A[[name]] <- c(A[[name]], B[[name]])

        return(c(A, B[!conflicting_names]))

    options_pattern <- "(?i)%\\s*!\\s*TexExamRandomizer\\s*=\\s*(\\{.*\\})"

    json_info <-
    # First column is the non-matches, second column is the first group, which is greedy... so it should grab everything, assuming someone didn't write something to disturb it

    optionList <- list()

    for (line in json_info) {

                optionList <-
            error = function(e) {
                cat("JSON couldn't be read from:\t", line, "\nProceeding ignoring this\n")




#' @title Json Exam Document Parser
#' @description This function takes a series of options as obtained from \code{\link[optparse]{parse_args}} through the parameter \code{opt}. The "examples" section provides all the options that it can parse.
#' From within those options, a \code{--file} option is mandatory.
#' The file option provides a 'LaTeX' file name in which to search for lines on the preamble \code{\%!TexExamRandomizer} within the first 200 lines.
#' With those options that it finds through tags, it passes the function \code{\link{CreateRandomExams}}.
#' Note that the tags must respect the JSON format, that is. It \emph{needs} to be written within double quotes.
#' @param opt Options as parsed from \code{\link[optparse]{parse_args}}. The function expects a series of options, the example code exemplifies those options that the function understands.
#' @details
#' All the options can be found on
#' \code{vignette("ExamOptions", package = "TexExamRandomizer")}
#' The options that are called "command line" options in the vignette are those that are given to the function through \code{opt}, the rest of the options are read directly froo the document specified with \code{--file <filename>}
#' @family jsoncompiler
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #!/bin/Rscript
#' #This example showcases the type of script this jsonparser might be used on.
#' # You can still use it without a script,
#' # just by adding a list that has the same names as the list provided in opt
#' library(optparse)
#' option_list <- list(
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--file"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = 'character',
#'         help = "Filename of the Tex File"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--table"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = 'character',
#'         help = "Filename of the table to break down. It overwrites the values written on the file"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-n", "--noutput"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = "integer",
#'         help = "Number of output Versions"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-q", "--nquestions"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = "character",
#'         help = "Number of output questions"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-s", "--seed"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = "integer",
#'         help = "Seed for any randomization done"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-c", "--compile"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "Should the output folder be compiled or not"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--xelatex"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "Should we use xelatex to compile or not"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-d", "--debug"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "If debugging, it doesn't remove auxiliary files"
#'     )
#' )
#' #### PARSING OPTIONS ####
#' ####
#' opt <-
#'     parse_args(
#'         OptionParser(option_list = option_list),
#'         positional_arguments = TRUE
#'     )
#' # Let's assume the file was the example file
#' testfile <-
#'     system.file(
#'         "extdata",
#'         "ExampleTexDocuments",
#'         "exam_testing_nquestions.tex", #Test exam that doesn't require a table
#'         package = "TexExamRandomizer")
#' # To prevent modifying the file system in examples
#' temporalfile <- paste(tempfile(), ".tex", sep = "")
#' file.copy(testfile, temporalfile)
#' opt$options$file <- temporalfile
#' jsonexamparser(opt)
#' }

jsonexamparser <- function(opt) {

    # Checking main tex file exists

    if (is.na(opt$options$file)) {
        stop("Main Tex file not passed")
    } else {
        texFile <- opt$options$file
            '...exist =',
            file = stderr()


    MainDirectory <- dirname(texFile)

    compileInfo <- "compileinfo.txt" # This will hold the information from the compilation steps

    fullAnswerSheet <- "fullanswersheet.csv" #Filename with the full answer sheet

    shortAnswerSheet <- "shortanswersheet.csv" #Filename with the short version of the answer sheet

    this.basename <- basename(texFile)
    assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_extension(texFile, "tex"))
    outputBaseName <- sub(pattern = "\\.tex$", replacement = "", x = this.basename)
    outputDirectory <- file.path(MainDirectory, outputBaseName)

    x <- readLines(texFile)

    # We only search for the %!TexExamRandomizer within the first 200 lines of the document
    preamble_options <- ParsePreambleForOptions(x[1:200])

    if (is.null(opt$options$table)) {
        tableFile <- preamble_options$table
    } else {
        tableFile <- opt$options$table

    if (is.null(opt$options$noutput)) {
        nOutputVersions <- preamble_options$noutput
    } else {
        nOutputVersions <- opt$options$noutput

    if (is.null(opt$options$noutput)) {
        nOutputQuestions <- preamble_options$nquestions
    } else {
        nOutputQuestions <- opt$options$nquestions

    if (!is.null(opt$options$seed)) {
        seed <- opt$options$seed
    } else if (!is.null(preamble_options$seed)) {
        seed <- preamble_options$seed
    } else if (file.exists(file.path(outputDirectory, compileInfo))) {
        seed <- NULL

                seed <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(outputDirectory, compileInfo))$Rseed[[1]];
                cat("\nRecicling Rseed \"", seed, "\" from last pass\n", sep = "")
            error = function(e) {
                    "\nJSON couldn't be read from:\t",
                    ".\t Don't modify this file manually.\n",
                    file = stderr(),
                    sep = "")
    } else {
        seed <- NULL

    layerNames <- preamble_options$layernames
    layerCmd <- preamble_options$layercmd
    answerSheetCorrectTag <- preamble_options$correcttag
    answerSheetWrongTag <- preamble_options$wrongtag

    RandomColumns <- preamble_options$randominfo
    #This shoudl be extra columns with random info.
    # The standard is "randominfo": {"<commandname>": <integer>}}

    ExtraInfo <- preamble_options$extrainfo
    # Extra info will be in the format of "extrainfo" : {"<columnName>":"<cmdName>"}

    sectionReorder <- preamble_options$reordersections

    cmdReorder <- preamble_options$reorderitems

    #### Default behaviour ####

    # Default tables
    if (is.null(tableFile) && is.null(nOutputVersions)) {
        stop("You require a \"table\" of information or a \"noutput\" option to know how many output versions ")

    if (is.null(tableFile)) {
        ClassTable <- data.frame(rollnumber = 1:nOutputVersions, Class = NA, ID = NA, Name = NA, Surname = NA, Nickname = NA)
    } else {
        # We will understand tableFile to be relative to the folder in which the texFile is found, use an absolute path file if you don't want that
            '...exist =',
            file = stderr()

        ClassTable <-
                folder = MainDirectory,
                fun = utils::read.csv,
                header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                na.strings = c("","NaN","NA","Na","NAN"), strip.white = TRUE

        if (is.null(nOutputVersions)) {
            nOutputVersions <- nrow(ClassTable)


    if (is.null(seed)) {
        seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())
    } else if (!is.numeric(seed)) {
        seed <- as.numeric(seed)
        if (is.na(seed)) {
            warning("Seed couldn't be coherced to an integer, using the System time as seed")
            seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())

    if (is.null(layerNames)) {
        layerNames <- c("questions", "choices")

    } else if (!is.character(layerNames)) {
        layerNames <- as.character(layerNames)

    if (is.null(layerCmd)) {
        layerCmd <-  c("question", "(choice|CorrectChoice)")

    } else if (!is.character(layerCmd)) {
        layerCmd <- as.character(layerCmd)

    if (is.null(answerSheetCorrectTag)) {
        answerSheetCorrectTag <- "CorrectChoice"
    } else if (!is.character(answerSheetCorrectTag)) {
        answerSheetCorrectTag <- as.character(answerSheetCorrectTag)

    if (is.null(answerSheetWrongTag)) {
        answerSheetWrongTag <- "choice"
    } else if (!is.character(answerSheetWrongTag)) {
        answerSheetWrongTag <- as.character(answerSheetWrongTag)

    #the seed is set twice, once to generate any random columns

    # Setting up extra table rows


    cmds <- character()
    columns <- character()

    # Random information
    for (index in seq_along(RandomColumns)) {
        ClassTable[names(RandomColumns)[index]] <-
                size = nrow(ClassTable),
                replace = TRUE

        cmds <- c(cmds, names(RandomColumns)[index])
        columns <- c(columns,  names(RandomColumns)[index])


    ClassTable$rSeed <-
        rep_len(seed, length.out = nrow(ClassTable))

    cmds <- c(cmds, "rseed")
    columns <- c(columns, "rseed")

    # Extra information from the Table
    for (index in seq_along(ExtraInfo)) {

        if (assertthat::is.scalar(ExtraInfo[[index]]) && !is.null(tableFile)) {
            cmds <- c(cmds,  names(ExtraInfo)[index])
            columns <- c(columns, ExtraInfo[[index]])


    #Remove all spaces and punctuations from names, since otherwise it might cause confusion.... keep in mind that R
    #messes with dots and other symbols when reading form a table.

    columns <-
            pattern = "[[:punct:][:space:]]+",
            replacement = "",
            x = columns
    names(ClassTable) <-
            pattern = "[[:punct:][:space:]]+",
            replacement = "",
            x = names(ClassTable)

    # Setting up randomization defaults
    if (!is.logical(sectionReorder)) {
        sectionReorder <- rep_len(TRUE, length(layerNames))
    if (!is.logical(cmdReorder)) {
        cmdReorder <- rep_len(TRUE, length(layerNames))
    } else if (length(cmdReorder) == 1) {
        cmdReorder <- rep(cmdReorder, length(layerNames))

    if (!dir.exists(outputDirectory)) {

    #### Calling CreateRandomExams ####

    set.seed(seed) #Reset the seed over here, before randomizing the document

    cat("Generating Exams\n")

        cmdReorder = cmdReorder,
        sectionReorder = sectionReorder,
        infoTable = ClassTable,
        colNames = columns,
        cmdNames = cmds,
        nOutputVersions = nOutputVersions,
        nOutputQuestions = nOutputQuestions,
        answerSheetCorrectTag = answerSheetCorrectTag,
        answerSheetWrongTag = answerSheetWrongTag
    ) ->

    cat("Exams Generated, generating and saving answer sheets...\n", file = stderr())

    ExamSheet <- ExamInfo$FullAnswerSheet

    fileFullAnswerSheet <-

    fileShortAnswerSheet <-

    #Saving answer sheets for the exam after they have been created
        sep = ",",
        quote = FALSE,
        na = "",
        row.names = FALSE

    fileMetaData <-

                list(Rseed =  seed),
        con = fileMetaData

    OutputShortAnswerTable <- GenerateShortAnswerSheet(ExamSheet)

    ZerothSheet <- stats::na.omit(ExamSheet$CorrectChoice[ExamSheet$Version == 0L])

    if (ncol(OutputShortAnswerTable) == length(ZerothSheet) + 1) {
        # If we can, let's try to add the zeroth version to the answer sheet. (That is, if the number of questions on each exam is the same as the total ammount of questions)

        OutputShortAnswerTable <-
                c(0L, ZerothSheet),

        sep = ",",
        quote = FALSE,
        na = "",
        row.names = FALSE

    #### Compile resulting files ####

    if (opt$options$compile) {
        if (opt$options$xelatex) {
            engine <- "xelatex"
        } else {
            # print("Using pdflatex")
            engine <- "pdflatex"
        CompileLatexDir(outputDirectory, outputDirectory, compile.dir = MainDirectory, engine = engine)

        if (!opt$options$debug) {
            #Remove autiliary files

            CompileLatexDir(outputDirectory, outputDirectory, compile.dir = MainDirectory, engine = engine, extracmdoptions = "-c")


#' @title Json Homework Parser
#' @description This function takes a series of options as obtained from \code{\link[optparse]{parse_args}} through the parameter \code{opt}. The "examples" section provides all the options that it can parse.
#' From within those options, a \code{--file} option is mandatory.
#' The file option provides a 'LaTeX' file name in which to search for lines on the preamble \code{\%!TexExamRandomizer} within the first 200 lines.
#' With those options that it finds through tags, it passes the function \code{\link{GenerateHomework}}.
#' Note that the tags must respect the JSON format, that is. It \emph{needs} to be written within double quotes.
#' @param opt Options as parsed from \code{\link[optparse]{parse_args}}. The function expects a series of options, the example code exemplifies those options that the function understands.
#' @details
#' It acts similarly to \code{link{jsonexamparser}}, but with the exception of not providing any randomiation option, it only provides the personalization options.
#' Look at \code{vignette("ExamOptions", package = "TexExamRandomizer")} to see the details of the options that it accepts.
#' @family jsoncompiler
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #!/bin/Rscript
#' #This example showcases the type of script this jsonparser might be used on.
#' # You can still use it without a script,
#' # just by adding a list that has the same names as the list provided in opt
#' library(optparse)
#' option_list <- list(
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--file"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = 'character',
#'         help = "Filename of the Tex File"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--table"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = 'character',
#'         help = "Filename of the table to break down. It overwrites the values written on the file"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-s", "--seed"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = "integer",
#'         help = "Seed for any randomization done"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-c", "--compile"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "Should the output folder be compiled or not"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--xelatex"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "Should we use xelatex to compile or not"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-d", "--debug"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "If debugging, it doesn't remove auxiliary files"
#'     )
#' )
#' #### PARSING OPTIONS ####
#' ####
#' opt <-
#'     parse_args(
#'         OptionParser(option_list = option_list),
#'         positional_arguments = TRUE
#'     )
#' # Let's assume the file was the example file
#' testfile <-
#'     system.file(
#'         "extdata",
#'         "ExampleTexDocuments",
#'         "exam_testing_nquestions.tex", #Test exam that doesn't require a table
#'         package = "TexExamRandomizer")
#' # To prevent modifying the file system in examples
#' temporalfile <- paste(tempfile(), ".tex", sep = "")
#' file.copy(testfile, temporalfile)
#' opt$options$file <- temporalfile
#' jsonhwparser(opt)
#' }

jsonhwparser <- function(opt) {

    # Checking main tex file exists

    if (is.na(opt$options$file)) {
        stop("Main Tex file not passed")
    } else {
        texFile <- opt$options$file
            '...exist =',
            file = stderr()


    MainDirectory <- dirname(texFile)

    compileInfo <- "compileinfo.txt" # This will hold the information from the compilation steps

    this.basename <- basename(texFile)
    assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_extension(texFile, "tex"))
    outputBaseName <- sub(pattern = "\\.tex$", replacement = "", x = this.basename)
    outputDirectory <- file.path(MainDirectory, outputBaseName)

    x <- readLines(texFile)

    # We only search for the %!TexExamRandomizer within the first 200 lines of the document
    preamble_options <- ParsePreambleForOptions(x[1:200])

    if (!is.null(opt$options$table)) {
        tableFile <- opt$options$table
    } else if (!is.null(preamble_options$table)) {
        tableFile <- preamble_options$table
    } else {
        tableFile <- NULL

    if (is.null(opt$options$noutput)) {
        nOutputVersions <- preamble_options$noutput
    } else {
        nOutputVersions <- opt$options$noutput

    if (!is.null(opt$options$seed)) {
        seed <- opt$options$seed
    } else if (!is.null(preamble_options$seed)) {
        seed <- preamble_options$seed
    } else if (file.exists(file.path(outputDirectory, compileInfo))) {
        seed <- NULL

                seed <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(outputDirectory, compileInfo))$Rseed[[1]];
                cat("\nRecicling Rseed \"", seed, "\" from last pass\n", sep = "")
            error = function(e) {
                    "\nJSON couldn't be read from:\t",
                    ".\t Don't modify this file manually.\n",
                    file = stderr(),
                    sep = "")
    } else {
        seed <- NULL

    RandomColumns <- preamble_options$randominfo
    #This shoudl be extra columns with random info.
    # The standard is "randominfo": {"<commandname>": <integer>}}

    ExtraInfo <- preamble_options$extrainfo
    # Extra info will be in the format of "extrainfo" : {"<columnName>":"<cmdName>"}

    #### Default behaviour ####

    # Default tables
    if (is.null(tableFile) && is.null(nOutputVersions)) {
        stop("You require a \"table\" of information or a \"noutput\" option to know how many output versions ")

    if (is.null(tableFile)) {
        ClassTable <- data.frame(rollnumber = 1:nOutputVersions, Class = NA, ID = NA, Name = NA, Surname = NA, Nickname = NA)
    } else {
        # We will understand tableFile to be relative to the folder in which the texFile is found, use an absolute path file if you don't want that
            '...exist =',
            file = stderr()

        ClassTable <-
                folder = MainDirectory,
                fun = utils::read.csv,
                header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                na.strings = c("","NaN","NA","Na","NAN"), strip.white = TRUE

        if (is.null(nOutputVersions)) {
            nOutputVersions <- nrow(ClassTable)


    if (is.null(seed)) {
        seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())
    } else if (!is.numeric(seed)) {
        seed <- as.numeric(seed)
        if (is.na(seed)) {
            warning("Seed couldn't be coherced to an integer, using the System time as seed")
            seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())

    #the seed is set twice, once to generate any random columns

    # Setting up extra table rows

    cmds <- character()
    columns <- character()

    # Random information
    for (index in seq_along(RandomColumns)) {
        ClassTable[names(RandomColumns)[index]] <-
                size = nrow(ClassTable),
                replace = TRUE

        cmds <- c(cmds, names(RandomColumns)[index])
        columns <- c(columns,  names(RandomColumns)[index])


    ClassTable$rSeed <-
        rep_len(seed, length.out = nrow(ClassTable))

    cmds <- c(cmds, "rseed")
    columns <- c(columns, "rseed")

    # Extra information from the Table
    for (index in seq_along(ExtraInfo)) {

        if (assertthat::is.scalar(ExtraInfo[[index]]) && !is.null(tableFile)) {
            cmds <- c(cmds,  names(ExtraInfo)[index])
            columns <- c(columns, ExtraInfo[[index]])


    #Remove all spaces and punctuations from names, since otherwise it might cause confusion.... keep in mind that R
    #messes with dots and other symbols when reading form a table.

    columns <-
            pattern = "[[:punct:][:space:]]+",
            replacement = "",
            x = columns
    names(ClassTable) <-
            pattern = "[[:punct:][:space:]]+",
            replacement = "",
            x = names(ClassTable)

    # Setting up randomization defaults

    set.seed(seed) #Reset the seed over here, before randomizing the document

    #### Generating Homework ####

    if (!dir.exists(outputDirectory)) {

    cat("Generating Homework\n")

        Table = ClassTable,
        CommandNames = cmds,
        ColumnNames = columns,
        outputDirectory = outputDirectory,
        outputBaseName = outputBaseName
    ) ->
    # TODO: Use the filenames from HWInfo to prevent compiling the whole folder, and only compile that that comes frmo HWInfo.
    if (FALSE) { #This is here just to prevent the warning message of "unused variable" until we do the TODO above

    cat("Homework generated, saving metadata and compiling...\n", file = stderr())

    fileMetaData <-

            list(Rseed =  seed),
        path = fileMetaData

    #### Compiling resulting tex files ####

    if (opt$options$compile) {
        if (opt$options$xelatex) {
            engine <- "xelatex"
        } else {
            # print("Using pdflatex")
            engine <- "pdflatex"
        CompileLatexDir(outputDirectory, outputDirectory, compile.dir = MainDirectory, engine = engine)

        if (!opt$options$debug) {
            #Remove autiliary files

            CompileLatexDir(outputDirectory, outputDirectory, compile.dir = MainDirectory, engine = engine, extracmdoptions = "-c")


Try the TexExamRandomizer package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

TexExamRandomizer documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:18 a.m.