
Defines functions compilation_options compile_latex_directory jsonhwparser jsonexamparser ParsePreambleForOptions

Documented in compilation_options compile_latex_directory jsonexamparser jsonhwparser ParsePreambleForOptions

# Author Alejandro Gonzalez Recuenco
# e-mail <alejandrogonzalezrecuenco@gmail.com>
# (C) 2023
#### Parsing document for JSON TexExamRandomizer directions

#### TODO: Refactor the opt parsing with functions that grab the files and each individual option, adoes the error checking and simply just returns the option value, to prevent having double functions everywhere. ####

#' @title ParsePreambleForOptions
#' @description This function parses a preamble of a document trying to read options handed to the package TexExamRandomizer to be used in compiling.
#' @param preamble character vector identifying the preamble from which to pass the JSON readon through
#' @return Returns a list, that concatenates all the lists of options described on the file.
#' @details It find all \code{\%!TexExamRandomizer = {}} lines. It then uses the function  \code{\link[jsonlite]{fromJSON}} to parse them, and it concatenates all those options.
#' If more than one option with the same name is given, it tries to concatenate those.
#' However, it doesn't do that recursively, only if the names of the outer layer are the same... therefore, in nested structure you might end up with a list that have twice the same name. Keep in mind that in those cases, the default behaviour of R is to select the first one.
#' @family jsoncompiler
#' @export
ParsePreambleForOptions <- function(preamble) {
    connectList <- function(A, B) {
        #Connects two lists if they have conflicting names
        conflicting_names <- names(B) %in% names(A)
        for (name in names(B)[conflicting_names]) {
            A[[name]] <- c(A[[name]], B[[name]])

        return(c(A, B[!conflicting_names]))

    options_pattern <- "(?i)%\\s*!\\s*TexExamRandomizer\\s*=\\s*(\\{.*\\})"

    json_info <-
    # First column is the non-matches, second column is the first group, which is greedy... so it should grab everything, assuming someone didn't write something to disturb it

    optionList <- list()

    for (line in json_info) {

                optionList <-
            error = function(e) {
                cat("JSON couldn't be read from:\t", line, "\nProceeding ignoring this\n")




#' @title Json Exam Document Parser
#' @description This function takes a series of options as obtained from \code{\link[optparse]{parse_args}} through the parameter \code{opt}. The "examples" section provides all the options that it can parse.
#' From within those options, a \code{--file} option is mandatory.
#' The file option provides a 'LaTeX' file name in which to search for lines on the preamble \code{\%!TexExamRandomizer} within the first 200 lines.
#' With those options that it finds through tags, it passes the function \code{\link{CreateRandomExams}}.
#' Note that the tags must respect the JSON format, that is. It \emph{needs} to be written within double quotes.
#' @param opt Options as parsed from \code{\link[optparse]{parse_args}}. The function expects a series of options, the example code exemplifies those options that the function understands.
#' @details
#' All the options can be found on
#' \code{vignette("ExamOptions", package = "TexExamRandomizer")}
#' The options that are called "command line" options in the vignette are those that are given to the function through \code{opt}, the rest of the options are read directly from the document specified with \code{--file <filename>}
#' @family jsoncompiler
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #!/bin/Rscript
#' #This example showcases the type of script this jsonparser might be used on.
#' # You can still use it without a script,
#' # just by adding a list that has the same names as the list provided in opt
#' library(optparse)
#' option_list <- list(
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--file"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = 'character',
#'         help = "Filename of the Tex File"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--table"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = 'character',
#'         help = "Filename of the table to break down. It overwrites the values written on the file"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-n", "--noutput"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = "integer",
#'         help = "Number of output Versions"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-q", "--nquestions"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = "character",
#'         help = "Number of output questions"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-s", "--seed"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = "integer",
#'         help = "Seed for any randomization done"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-c", "--compile"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "Should the output folder be compiled or not"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--xelatex"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "Should we use xelatex to compile or not"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-d", "--debug"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "If debugging, it doesn't remove auxiliary files"
#'     )
#' )
#' #### PARSING OPTIONS ####
#' ####
#' opt <-
#'     parse_args(
#'         OptionParser(option_list = option_list),
#'         positional_arguments = TRUE
#'     )
#' # Let's assume the file was the example file
#' testfile <-
#'     system.file(
#'         "extdata",
#'         "ExampleTexDocuments",
#'         "exam_testing_nquestions.tex", #Test exam that doesn't require a table
#'         package = "TexExamRandomizer")
#' # To prevent modifying the file system in examples
#' temporalfile <- paste(tempfile(), ".tex", sep = "")
#' file.copy(testfile, temporalfile)
#' opt$options$file <- temporalfile
#' jsonexamparser(opt)
#' }

jsonexamparser <- function(opt) {

    # Checking main tex file exists

    if (is.na(opt$options$file)) {
        stop("Main Tex file not passed")
    } else {
        texFile <- path.expand(opt$options$file)
            '...exist =',
            file = stderr()


    MainDirectory <- dirname(texFile)

    compileInfo <- "compileinfo.txt" # This will hold the information from the compilation steps

    fullAnswerSheet <- "fullanswersheet.csv" #Filename with the full answer sheet

    shortAnswerSheet <- "shortanswersheet.csv" #Filename with the short version of the answer sheet

    this.basename <- basename(texFile)
    assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_extension(texFile, "tex"))
    outputBaseName <- sub(pattern = "\\.tex$", replacement = "", x = this.basename)
    outputDirectory <- file.path(MainDirectory, outputBaseName)

    x <- readLines(texFile)

    # We only search for the %!TexExamRandomizer within the first 200 lines of the document
    preamble_options <- ParsePreambleForOptions(x[1:200])

    if (!is.null(opt$options$table)) {
        tableFile <- path.expand(opt$options$table)
    } else if (!is.null(preamble_options$table)) {
        tableFile <- path.expand(preamble_options$table)
    } else {
        tableFile <- NULL

    ## preamble_options$table should be null if it is not there already. Therefore, we are guaranteed to have a tableFile that at least is NULL

    if (is.null(opt$options$noutput)) {
        nOutputVersions <- preamble_options$noutput
    } else {
        nOutputVersions <- opt$options$noutput

    if (is.null(opt$options$noutput)) {
        nOutputQuestions <- preamble_options$nquestions
    } else {
        nOutputQuestions <- opt$options$nquestions

    if (!is.null(opt$options$seed)) {
        seed <- opt$options$seed
    } else if (!is.null(preamble_options$seed)) {
        seed <- preamble_options$seed
    } else if (file.exists(file.path(outputDirectory, compileInfo))) {
        seed <- NULL

                seed <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(outputDirectory, compileInfo))$Rseed[[1]];
                cat("\nRecicling Rseed \"", seed, "\" from last pass\n", sep = "")
            error = function(e) {
                    "\nJSON couldn't be read from:\t",
                    ".\t Don't modify this file manually.\n",
                    file = stderr(),
                    sep = "")
    } else {
        seed <- NULL

    layerNames <- preamble_options$layernames
    layerCmd <- preamble_options$layercmd
    answerSheetCorrectTag <- preamble_options$correcttag
    answerSheetWrongTag <- preamble_options$wrongtag

    RandomColumns <- preamble_options$randominfo
    #This shoudl be extra columns with random info.
    # The standard is "randominfo": {"<commandname>": <integer>}}

    ExtraInfo <- preamble_options$extrainfo
    # Extra info will be in the format of "extrainfo" : {"<columnName>":"<cmdName>"}

    sectionReorder <- preamble_options$reordersections

    cmdReorder <- preamble_options$reorderitems

    #### Default behaviour ####

    # Default tables
    if (is.null(tableFile) && is.null(nOutputVersions)) {
        stop("You require a \"table\" of information or a \"noutput\" option to know how many output versions ")

    if (is.null(tableFile)) {
        ClassTable <- data.frame(rollnumber = 1:nOutputVersions, Class = NA, ID = NA, Name = NA, Surname = NA, Nickname = NA)
    } else {
        # We will understand tableFile to be relative to the folder in which the texFile is found, use an absolute path file if you don't want that
            '...exist =',
            file = stderr()

        ClassTable <-
                folder = MainDirectory,
                fun = utils::read.csv,
                header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                na.strings = c("","NaN","NA","Na","NAN"), strip.white = TRUE

        if (is.null(nOutputVersions)) {
            nOutputVersions <- nrow(ClassTable)


    if (is.null(seed)) {
        seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())
    } else if (!is.numeric(seed)) {
        seed <- as.numeric(seed)
        if (is.na(seed)) {
            warning("Seed couldn't be coherced to an integer, using the System time as seed")
            seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())

    if (is.null(layerNames)) {
        layerNames <- c("questions", "choices")

    } else if (!is.character(layerNames)) {
        layerNames <- as.character(layerNames)

    if (is.null(layerCmd)) {
        layerCmd <-  c("question", "(choice|CorrectChoice)")

    } else if (!is.character(layerCmd)) {
        layerCmd <- as.character(layerCmd)

    if (is.null(answerSheetCorrectTag)) {
        answerSheetCorrectTag <- "CorrectChoice"
    } else if (!is.character(answerSheetCorrectTag)) {
        answerSheetCorrectTag <- as.character(answerSheetCorrectTag)

    if (is.null(answerSheetWrongTag)) {
        answerSheetWrongTag <- "choice"
    } else if (!is.character(answerSheetWrongTag)) {
        answerSheetWrongTag <- as.character(answerSheetWrongTag)

    #the seed is set twice, once to generate any random columns

    # Setting up extra table rows


    cmds <- character()
    columns <- character()

    # Random information
    for (index in seq_along(RandomColumns)) {
        ClassTable[names(RandomColumns)[index]] <-
                size = nrow(ClassTable),
                replace = TRUE

        cmds <- c(cmds, names(RandomColumns)[index])
        columns <- c(columns,  names(RandomColumns)[index])


    ClassTable$rSeed <-
        rep_len(seed, length.out = nrow(ClassTable))

    cmds <- c(cmds, "rseed")
    columns <- c(columns, "rseed")

    # Extra information from the Table
    for (index in seq_along(ExtraInfo)) {

        if (assertthat::is.scalar(ExtraInfo[[index]]) && !is.null(tableFile)) {
            cmds <- c(cmds,  names(ExtraInfo)[index])
            columns <- c(columns, ExtraInfo[[index]])


    #Remove all spaces and punctuations from names, since otherwise it might cause confusion.... keep in mind that R
    #messes with dots and other symbols when reading form a table.

    columns <-
            pattern = "[[:punct:][:space:]]+",
            replacement = "",
            x = columns
    names(ClassTable) <-
            pattern = "[[:punct:][:space:]]+",
            replacement = "",
            x = names(ClassTable)

    # Setting up randomization defaults
    if (!is.logical(sectionReorder)) {
        sectionReorder <- rep_len(TRUE, length(layerNames))
    if (!is.logical(cmdReorder)) {
        cmdReorder <- rep_len(TRUE, length(layerNames))
    } else if (length(cmdReorder) == 1) {
        cmdReorder <- rep(cmdReorder, length(layerNames))

    if (!dir.exists(outputDirectory)) {

    #### Calling CreateRandomExams ####

    set.seed(seed) #Reset the seed over here, before randomizing the document

    cat("Generating Exams\n")

    # TODO: Add if(debug) print this
    # cat("Commands are ", layerNames, layerCmd, columns, cmds, "\n", sep = "\t")

        x = x,
        layersNames = layerNames,
        layersCmd = layerCmd,
        outputBaseName = outputBaseName,
        outputDirectory = outputDirectory,
        cmdReorder = cmdReorder,
        sectionReorder = sectionReorder,
        infoTable = ClassTable,
        colNames = columns,
        cmdNames = cmds,
        nOutputVersions = nOutputVersions,
        nOutputQuestions = nOutputQuestions,
        answerSheetCorrectTag = answerSheetCorrectTag,
        answerSheetWrongTag = answerSheetWrongTag
    ) ->

    cat("Exams Generated, generating and saving answer sheets...\n", file = stderr())

    ExamSheet <- ExamInfo$FullAnswerSheet

    fileFullAnswerSheet <-

    fileShortAnswerSheet <-

    #Saving answer sheets for the exam after they have been created
        sep = ",",
        quote = FALSE,
        na = "",
        row.names = FALSE

    fileMetaData <-

                list(Rseed =  seed),
        con = fileMetaData

    OutputShortAnswerTable <- GenerateShortAnswerSheet(ExamSheet)

    ZerothSheet <- stats::na.omit(ExamSheet$CorrectChoice[ExamSheet$Version == 0L])

    if (ncol(OutputShortAnswerTable) == length(ZerothSheet) + 1) {
        # If we can, let's try to add the zeroth version to the answer sheet. (That is, if the number of questions on each exam is the same as the total ammount of questions)

        OutputShortAnswerTable <-
                c(0L, ZerothSheet),

        sep = ",",
        quote = FALSE,
        na = "",
        row.names = FALSE

    #### Compiling resulting tex files ####

    # input and output directory are the same, until we have a better interface:
        options = opt$options,
        input_directory = outputDirectory,
        main_directory = MainDirectory


#' @title Json Homework Parser
#' @description This function takes a series of options as obtained from \code{\link[optparse]{parse_args}} through the parameter \code{opt}. The "examples" section provides all the options that it can parse.
#' From within those options, a \code{--file} option is mandatory.
#' The file option provides a 'LaTeX' file name in which to search for lines on the preamble \code{\%!TexExamRandomizer} within the first 200 lines.
#' With those options that it finds through tags, it passes the function \code{\link{GenerateHomework}}.
#' Note that the tags must respect the JSON format, that is. It \emph{needs} to be written within double quotes.
#' @param opt Options as parsed from \code{\link[optparse]{parse_args}}. The function expects a series of options, the example code exemplifies those options that the function understands.
#' @details
#' It acts similarly to \code{link{jsonexamparser}}, but with the exception of not providing any randomiation option, it only provides the personalization options.
#' Look at \code{vignette("ExamOptions", package = "TexExamRandomizer")} to see the details of the options that it accepts.
#' @family jsoncompiler
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #!/bin/Rscript
#' #This example showcases the type of script this jsonparser might be used on.
#' # You can still use it without a script,
#' # just by adding a list that has the same names as the list provided in opt
#' library(optparse)
#' option_list <- list(
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--file"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = 'character',
#'         help = "Filename of the Tex File"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--table"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = 'character',
#'         help = "Filename of the table to break down. It overwrites the values written on the file"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-s", "--seed"),
#'         action = "store",
#'         default = NULL,
#'         type = "integer",
#'         help = "Seed for any randomization done"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-c", "--compile"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "Should the output folder be compiled or not"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("--xelatex"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "Should we use xelatex to compile or not"
#'     ),
#'     make_option(
#'         c("-d", "--debug"),
#'         action = "store_true",
#'         default = FALSE,
#'         type = "logical",
#'         help = "If debugging, it doesn't remove auxiliary files"
#'     )
#' )
#' #### PARSING OPTIONS ####
#' ####
#' opt <-
#'     parse_args(
#'         OptionParser(option_list = option_list),
#'         positional_arguments = TRUE
#'     )
#' # Let's assume the file was the example file
#' testfile <-
#'     system.file(
#'         "extdata",
#'         "ExampleTexDocuments",
#'         "exam_testing_nquestions.tex", #Test exam that doesn't require a table
#'         package = "TexExamRandomizer")
#' # To prevent modifying the file system in examples
#' temporalfile <- paste(tempfile(), ".tex", sep = "")
#' file.copy(testfile, temporalfile)
#' opt$options$file <- temporalfile
#' jsonhwparser(opt)
#' }

jsonhwparser <- function(opt) {

    # Checking main tex file exists

    if (is.na(opt$options$file)) {
        stop("Main Tex file not passed")
    } else {
        texFile <- opt$options$file
            '...exist =',
            file = stderr()


    MainDirectory <- dirname(texFile)

    compileInfo <- "compileinfo.txt" # This will hold the information from the compilation steps

    this.basename <- basename(texFile)
    assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_extension(texFile, "tex"))
    outputBaseName <- sub(pattern = "\\.tex$", replacement = "", x = this.basename)
    outputDirectory <- file.path(MainDirectory, outputBaseName)

    x <- readLines(texFile)

    # We only search for the %!TexExamRandomizer within the first 200 lines of the document
    preamble_options <- ParsePreambleForOptions(x[1:200])

    if (!is.null(opt$options$table)) {
        tableFile <- path.expand(opt$options$table)
    } else if (!is.null(preamble_options$table)) {
        tableFile <- path.expand(preamble_options$table)
    } else {
        tableFile <- NULL

    if (is.null(opt$options$noutput)) {
        nOutputVersions <- preamble_options$noutput
    } else {
        nOutputVersions <- opt$options$noutput

    if (!is.null(opt$options$seed)) {
        seed <- opt$options$seed
    } else if (!is.null(preamble_options$seed)) {
        seed <- preamble_options$seed
    } else if (file.exists(file.path(outputDirectory, compileInfo))) {
        seed <- NULL

                seed <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(outputDirectory, compileInfo))$Rseed[[1]];
                cat("\nRecicling Rseed \"", seed, "\" from last pass\n", sep = "")
            error = function(e) {
                    "\nJSON couldn't be read from:\t",
                    ".\t Don't modify this file manually.\n",
                    file = stderr(),
                    sep = "")
    } else {
        seed <- NULL

    RandomColumns <- preamble_options$randominfo
    #This shoudl be extra columns with random info.
    # The standard is "randominfo": {"<commandname>": <integer>}}

    ExtraInfo <- preamble_options$extrainfo
    # Extra info will be in the format of "extrainfo" : {"<columnName>":"<cmdName>"}

    #### Default behaviour ####

    # Default tables
    if (is.null(tableFile) && is.null(nOutputVersions)) {
        stop("You require a \"table\" of information or a \"noutput\" option to know how many output versions ")

    if (is.null(tableFile)) {
        ClassTable <- data.frame(rollnumber = 1:nOutputVersions, Class = NA, ID = NA, Name = NA, Surname = NA, Nickname = NA)
    } else {
        # We will understand tableFile to be relative to the folder in which the texFile is found, use an absolute path file if you don't want that
            '...exist =',
            file = stderr()

        ClassTable <-
                folder = MainDirectory,
                fun = utils::read.csv,
                header = TRUE, sep = ",", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                na.strings = c("","NaN","NA","Na","NAN"), strip.white = TRUE

        if (is.null(nOutputVersions)) {
            nOutputVersions <- nrow(ClassTable)


    if (is.null(seed)) {
        seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())
    } else if (!is.numeric(seed)) {
        seed <- as.numeric(seed)
        if (is.na(seed)) {
            warning("Seed couldn't be coherced to an integer, using the System time as seed")
            seed <- as.integer(Sys.time())

    #the seed is set twice, once to generate any random columns

    # Setting up extra table rows

    cmds <- character()
    columns <- character()

    # Random information
    for (index in seq_along(RandomColumns)) {
        ClassTable[names(RandomColumns)[index]] <-
                size = nrow(ClassTable),
                replace = TRUE

        cmds <- c(cmds, names(RandomColumns)[index])
        columns <- c(columns,  names(RandomColumns)[index])


    ClassTable$rSeed <-
        rep_len(seed, length.out = nrow(ClassTable))

    cmds <- c(cmds, "rseed")
    columns <- c(columns, "rseed")

    # Extra information from the Table
    for (index in seq_along(ExtraInfo)) {

        if (assertthat::is.scalar(ExtraInfo[[index]]) && !is.null(tableFile)) {
            cmds <- c(cmds,  names(ExtraInfo)[index])
            columns <- c(columns, ExtraInfo[[index]])


    #Remove all spaces and punctuations from names, since otherwise it might cause confusion.... keep in mind that R
    #messes with dots and other symbols when reading form a table.

    columns <-
            pattern = "[[:punct:][:space:]]+",
            replacement = "",
            x = columns
    names(ClassTable) <-
            pattern = "[[:punct:][:space:]]+",
            replacement = "",
            x = names(ClassTable)

    # Setting up randomization defaults

    set.seed(seed) #Reset the seed over here, before randomizing the document

    #### Generating Homework ####

    if (!dir.exists(outputDirectory)) {

    cat("Generating Homework\n")

        Table = ClassTable,
        CommandNames = cmds,
        ColumnNames = columns,
        outputDirectory = outputDirectory,
        outputBaseName = outputBaseName
    ) ->
    # TODO: Use the filenames from HWInfo to prevent compiling the whole folder, and only compile that that comes frmo HWInfo.
    if (FALSE) { #This is here just to prevent the warning message of "unused variable" until we do the TODO above

    cat("Homework generated, saving metadata and compiling...\n", file = stderr())

    fileMetaData <-

            list(Rseed =  seed),
        path = fileMetaData

    #### Compiling resulting tex files ####

    # input and output directory are the same, until we have a better interface:
        options = opt$options,
        input_directory = outputDirectory,
        main_directory = MainDirectory


#' Compile LatexDirectory
#' Internal function wrapping the options to compile a directory holding some text files into pdf files.
#' @param options See details
#' @param input_directory Input directory where the tex files are found
#' @param output_directory Output directory where  the pdf files will be placed
#' @param main_directory Directory we will compile from
#' @return No return value
#' @details
#' `options` is a list containing the possible options. The possible options are
#' \itemize{
#' \item compile: Should it compile the tex files
#' \item debug: Should we use debugging information. Otherwise, it will clean up the temporary files created by latex.
#' \item xelatex: Should it use the xelatex engine
#' }
#' The options can be defined directly given by using the other parameters to this function. (Note that those paramenters have precedence)
#' @keywords internal
compile_latex_directory <- function(options = list(), input_directory, output_directory = input_directory, main_directory) {
        if (!is.logical(options$compile)) {
            options$compile <- FALSE
        if (!is.logical(options$debug)) {
            options$debug <- FALSE
        if (!is.logical(options$xelatex)) {
            options$xelatex <- FALSE

        if (options$compile) {
            if (options$xelatex) {
                engine <- "xelatex"
            } else {
                # print("Using pdflatex")
                engine <- "pdflatex"
                pdf.dir.out = output_directory,
                latex.dir.in = input_directory,
                compile.dir = main_directory,
                engine = engine

            if (!options$debug) {
                #Remove autiliary files

                    pdf.dir.out = output_directory,
                    latex.dir.in = input_directory,
                    compile.dir = main_directory,
                    engine = engine,
                    extracmdoptions = "-c"

#' Define compilations options
#' This function provides the compilation options that can be passed to the jsonexamparser
#' @param file Input file name
#' @param table Input table with student name and information
#' @param noutput Number of *different* exams/homeworks produced
#' @param nquestions Number of questions on each exam (Only on exams)
#' @param seed Pseudorandom seed to be used (This allows the result to be deterministic)
#' @param compile If TRUE, it tries to compile
#' @param xelatex If TRUE, it uses `XeLaTeX`
#' @param debug If TRUE, it doesn't remove auxiliary files generated by `LaTeX` when compiling
#' @return A list of options to be passed to \code{\link{jsonexamparser}}, \code{\link{jsonhwparser}}.
#' @export
#' @family jsoncompiler
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' file <-
#'     system.file(
#'         "extdata",
#'         "ExampleTexDocuments",
#'         "exam_testing_nquestions.tex", #Test exam that doesn't require a table
#'         package = "TexExamRandomizer")
#' temporalfile <- paste(tempfile(), ".tex", sep = "")
#' file.copy(file, temporalfile)
#' opt <- compilation_options(file = temporalfile)
#' jsonhwparser(opt)
#' }
compilation_options <- function(file=NULL, table=NULL, noutput=NULL, nquestions=NULL, seed=NULL, compile=NULL, xelatex=NULL, debug = NULL) {

        options = list(
            file = file,
            table = table,
            noutput = noutput,
            nquestions = nquestions,
            seed = seed,
            compile = compile,
            xelatex = xelatex,
            debug = debug


Try the TexExamRandomizer package in your browser

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TexExamRandomizer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:12 a.m.