
Defines functions lines.thres3 plot.thres3 icBootTH3 getParams aux.par.boot3 icBoot3 print.thres3 thres3 icParam3 thresNLM3 resample3 cost3fun print.thresTH3 thresTH3 Der2 Der1 VarThr3 th2st3 th1st3 VDel3 secondDer3aux secondDer3

Documented in lines.thres3 plot.thres3 secondDer3 thres3 thresTH3

###########  3 STATES

###########  Tak K Mak
##### Second derivative of the cost function (3 states): just a check
##### arguments:  x=thres3 object
##### value:      the second derivative
secondDer3 <- function(x){
  # error handling
  if (!inherits(x, "thres3")){
    stop("'x' must be of class 'thres3'")
  if (x$T$dist1=="norm" & x$T$dist2=="norm" & x$T$dist3=="norm"){
    k1 <- x$T$k1
    k2 <- x$T$k2
    k3 <- x$T$k3
    rho <- x$T$prev
    costs <- x$T$costs
    Thr <- c(x$T$thres1, x$T$thres2)
    # sort distributions 
    mean <- c(mean(k1), mean(k2), mean(k3))
    ord_m <- order(mean)
    if (!all(ord_m==1:3)){
      list.ks.ord <- list(k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3)[ord_m]
      k1 <- list.ks.ord[[1]]
      k2 <- list.ks.ord[[2]]
      k3 <- list.ks.ord[[3]]
      rho <- rho[ord_m]
      costs <- costs[ord_m, ord_m]
    # end of sorting    
    par1.1 <- mean(k1)
    par2.1 <- mean(k2)
    par3.1 <- mean(k3)
    par1.2 <- sd(k1)
    par2.2 <- sd(k2)
    par3.2 <- sd(k3)
    n1 <- length(k1)
    n2 <- length(k2)
    n3 <- length(k3)
    rho1 <- rho[1]
    rho2 <- rho[2]
    rho3 <- rho[3]
    c11 <- costs[1,1]
    c12 <- costs[1,2]
    c13 <- costs[1,3]
    c21 <- costs[2,1]
    c22 <- costs[2,2]
    c23 <- costs[2,3]
    c31 <- costs[3,1]
    c32 <- costs[3,2]
    c33 <- costs[3,3]  
    der1 <- (n1+n2+n3)/sqrt(2*pi)*( rho1*(c12-c11)*((Thr[1]-par1.1)/par1.2^3)*exp(-(Thr[1]-par1.1)^2/(2*par1.2^2))+
                                    rho3*(c32-c31)*((Thr[1]-par3.1)/par3.2^3)*exp(-(Thr[1]-par3.1)^2/(2*par3.2^2)) )
    der2 <- (n1+n2+n3)/sqrt(2*pi)*( rho1*(c13-c12)*((Thr[2]-par1.1)/par1.2^3)*exp(-(Thr[2]-par1.1)^2/(2*par1.2^2))+
                                    rho3*(c33-c32)*((Thr[2]-par3.1)/par3.2^3)*exp(-(Thr[2]-par3.1)^2/(2*par3.2^2)) )
    dist1 <- x$T$dist1
    dist2 <- x$T$dist2
    dist3 <- x$T$dist3
    par1.1 <- x$T$pars1[1]
    par1.2 <- x$T$pars1[2]
    par2.1 <- x$T$pars2[1]
    par2.2 <- x$T$pars2[2]
    par3.1 <- x$T$pars3[1]
    par3.2 <- x$T$pars3[2]
    rho <- x$T$prev
    costs <- x$T$costs
    # sort distributions
    median1 <- quant(dist1)(0.5, par1.1, par1.2)
    median2 <- quant(dist2)(0.5, par2.1, par2.2)
    median3 <- quant(dist3)(0.5, par3.1, par3.2)  
    median <- c(median1, median2, median3)
    ord_m <- order(median)
    if (!all(ord_m==1:3)){
      pars <- matrix(c(par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2), byrow=T, ncol=2)
      pars <- pars[ord_m,]
      rho <- rho[ord_m]
      costs <- costs[ord_m,ord_m]
      par1.1 <- pars[1, 1]
      par1.2 <- pars[1, 2]
      par2.1 <- pars[2, 1]
      par2.2 <- pars[2, 2]
      par3.1 <- pars[3, 1]
      par3.2 <- pars[3, 2]
      dist <- c(dist1, dist2, dist3)[ord_m]
      dist1 <- dist[1]
      dist2 <- dist[2]
      dist3 <- dist[3]
    # end of sorting
    rho1 <- rho[1]
    rho2 <- rho[2]
    rho3 <- rho[3]
    c11 <- costs[1, 1]
    c12 <- costs[1, 2]
    c13 <- costs[1, 3]
    c21 <- costs[2, 1]
    c22 <- costs[2, 2]
    c23 <- costs[2, 3]
    c31 <- costs[3, 1]
    c32 <- costs[3, 2]
    c33 <- costs[3, 3] 
    eq1 <- function(y){
      ret <- (rho1*(c11-c12)*dens(dist1)(y,par1.1,par1.2)+rho2*(c21-c22)*dens(dist2)(y,par2.1,par2.2)+rho3*(c31-c32)*dens(dist3)(y,par3.1,par3.2))
    eq2 <- function(y){
      ret <- (rho1*(c12-c13)*dens(dist1)(y,par1.1,par1.2)+rho2*(c22-c23)*dens(dist2)(y,par2.1,par2.2)+rho3*(c32-c33)*dens(dist3)(y,par3.1,par3.2))
    der1 <- grad(eq1, x$T$thres1)
    der2 <- grad(eq2, x$T$thres2)
  der <- c(der1, der2)
  names(der) <- c("Value for thres1", "Value for thres2")

##### Second derivative of the cost function (3 states): just a check
##### arguments:  k1=vector containing the class 1 sample values 
#####  	   	      k2= vector containing the class 2 sample values
#####		   	      k3= vector containing the class 3 sample values 
#####	 	   	      rho= vector of prevalences
#####		  	      costs=cost matrix
#####		  	      Thr=at which threshold values will the second derivative be evaluated
#####             na.rm=a logical value indicating whether NA values in k1, k2 and k3 should
#####             be stripped before the computation proceeds. Default, F.
##### value:      the second derivative function
secondDer3aux <- function(k1, k2, k3, rho, Thr, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2], 0, rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE), na.rm=FALSE){
  # error handling
  if (sum(rho > 0 & rho < 1) != 3){
    stop("The prevalences must be in (0,1)")
  if (sum(rho) != 1){
    stop("The sum of the prevalences must be 1")
  if (!is.matrix(costs)){
    stop("'costs' must be a matrix")
  if (dim(costs)[1] != 3 | dim(costs)[2] != 3){
    stop("'costs' must be a 3x3 matrix")
  if (!is.numeric(k1) | !is.numeric(k2) | !is.numeric(k3)){
    stop("'k1', 'k2' and 'k3' must be numeric vectors")
  # NAs handling
  if (na.rm){
    k1 <- k1[!is.na(k1)]
    k2 <- k2[!is.na(k2)]
    k3 <- k2[!is.na(k3)]
  par1.1 <- mean(k1)
  par2.1 <- mean(k2)
  par3.1 <- mean(k3)
  par1.2 <- sd(k1)
  par2.2 <- sd(k2)
  par3.2 <- sd(k3)
  n1 <- length(k1)
  n2 <- length(k2)
  n3 <- length(k3)
  rho1 <- rho[1]
  rho2 <- rho[2]
  rho3 <- rho[3]
  c11 <- costs[1, 1]
  c12 <- costs[1, 2]
  c13 <- costs[1, 3]
  c21 <- costs[2, 1]
  c22 <- costs[2, 2]
  c23 <- costs[2, 3]
  c31 <- costs[3, 1]
  c32 <- costs[3, 2]
  c33 <- costs[3, 3]
  der1 <- (n1+n2+n3)/sqrt(2*pi)*( rho1*(c12-c11)*((Thr[1]-par1.1)/par1.2^3)*exp(-(Thr[1]-par1.1)^2/(2*par1.2^2))+
                                    rho3*(c32-c31)*((Thr[1]-par3.1)/par3.2^3)*exp(-(Thr[1]-par3.1)^2/(2*par3.2^2)) )
  der2 <- (n1+n2+n3)/sqrt(2*pi)*( rho1*(c13-c12)*((Thr[2]-par1.1)/par1.2^3)*exp(-(Thr[2]-par1.1)^2/(2*par1.2^2))+
                                    rho3*(c33-c32)*((Thr[2]-par3.1)/par3.2^3)*exp(-(Thr[2]-par3.1)^2/(2*par3.2^2)) )
  der <- c(der1, der2)
  names(der) <- c("Value for Thr[1]","Value for Thr[2]")

###########  V=Delta Variances of the derivatives of the cost function sigma^2/2*n
#####		  	costs=cost matrix
VDel3 <- function(k1, k2, k3, rho, Thr, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2], 0, rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE)){
  n1 <- length(k1)
  n2 <- length(k2)
  n3 <- length(k3)
  c11 <- costs[1, 1]
  c12 <- costs[1, 2]
  c13 <- costs[1, 3]
  c21 <- costs[2, 1]
  c22 <- costs[2, 2]
  c23 <- costs[2, 3]
  c31 <- costs[3, 1]
  c32 <- costs[3, 2]
  c33 <- costs[3, 3] 
  rho1 <- rho[1]
  rho2 <- rho[2]
  rho3 <- rho[3]
  ### derivative means T1
  d111 <- th1st3(k1, rho1, n1, n2, n3, c11, c12, Thr[1])
  d121 <- th1st3(k2, rho2, n1, n2, n3, c21, c22, Thr[1])
  d131 <- th1st3(k3, rho3, n1, n2, n3, c31, c32, Thr[1])
  ### derivative standard deviations T1
  d112 <- th2st3(k1, rho1, n1, n2, n3, c11, c12, Thr[1])
  d122 <- th2st3(k2, rho2, n1, n2, n3, c21, c22, Thr[1])
  d132 <- th2st3(k3, rho3, n1, n2, n3, c31, c32, Thr[1])
  ### derivative means T2
  d211 <- th1st3(k1, rho1, n1, n2, n3, c12, c13, Thr[2])
  d221 <- th1st3(k2, rho2, n1, n2, n3, c22, c23, Thr[2])
  d231 <- th1st3(k3, rho3, n1, n2, n3, c32, c33, Thr[2])
  ### derivative standard deviations T2
  d212 <- th2st3(k1, rho1, n1, n2, n3, c12, c13, Thr[2])
  d222 <- th2st3(k2, rho2, n1, n2, n3, c22, c23, Thr[2])
  d232 <- th2st3(k3, rho3, n1, n2, n3, c32, c33, Thr[2])

  par1.1 <- mean(k1)
  par2.1 <- mean(k2)
  par3.1 <- mean(k3)
  par1.2 <- sd(k1)
  par2.2 <- sd(k2)
  par3.2 <- sd(k3)
  V1 <- d111^2*(par1.2^2/n1)+d121^2*(par2.2^2/n2) + d131^2*(par3.2^2/n3) + d112^2*(par1.2^2/(2*n1)) + d122^2*(par2.2^2/(2*n2)) + d132^2*(par3.2^2/(2*n3))
  V2 <- d211^2*(par1.2^2/n1)+d221^2*(par2.2^2/n2) + d231^2*(par3.2^2/n3) + d212^2*(par1.2^2/(2*n1)) + d222^2*(par2.2^2/(2*n2)) + d232^2*(par3.2^2/(2*n3))

########### Partial derivative of cost function with respect to mean
th1st3 <- function(k1, rho1, n1, n2, n3, c11, c12, Th){
  par1.1 <- mean(k1)
  par1.2 <- sd(k1)
  der <- (n1 + n2 + n3)/sqrt(2*pi)*rho1*(c11-c12)*((Th-par1.1)/par1.2^3)*exp(-(Th-par1.1)^2/(2*par1.2^2))
########### Partial derivative of cost function with respect to standard deviation
th2st3 <- function(k1, rho1, n1, n2, n3, c11, c12, Th){
  par1.1 <- mean(k1)
  par1.2 <- sd(k1)
  der <- -(n1 + n2 + n3)/(sqrt(2*pi)*par1.2^2)*rho1*(c11-c12)*exp(-(Th-par1.1)^2/(2*par1.2^2))*(-1+((Th-par1.1)^2/par1.2^2))

########### Variance estimator
VarThr3 <- function(k1, k2, k3, rho, Thr, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2], 0, rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE)){
  c11 <- costs[1, 1]
  c12 <- costs[1, 2]
  c13 <- costs[1, 3]
  c21 <- costs[2, 1]
  c22 <- costs[2, 2]
  c23 <- costs[2, 3]
  c31 <- costs[3, 1]
  c32 <- costs[3, 2]
  c33 <- costs[3, 3] 
  rho1 <- rho[1]
  rho2 <- rho[2]
  rho3 <- rho[3]
  vd <- VDel3(k1, k2, k3, rho, Thr, costs)
  vn <- secondDer3aux(k1, k2, k3, rho, Thr, costs)
  ret1 <- vd[1]/vn[1]^2
  ret2 <- vd[2]/vn[2]^2
  # result
  re <- list(VAR1=ret1,VAR2=ret2)

#### Derivatives of the cost function
Der1 <- function(p, dist1, dist2, dist3, par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, rho, costs) {
  rho1 <- rho[1]
  rho2 <- rho[2]
  rho3 <- rho[3]
  c11 <- costs[1,1]
  c12 <- costs[1,2]
  c13 <- costs[1,3]
  c21 <- costs[2,1]
  c22 <- costs[2,2]
  c23 <- costs[2,3]
  c31 <- costs[3,1]
  c32 <- costs[3,2]
  c33 <- costs[3,3] 
  eq <- (rho1*(c11-c12)*dens(dist1)(p, par1.1, par1.2)+rho2*(c21-c22)*dens(dist2)(p, par2.1, par2.2)+rho3*(c31-c32)*dens(dist3)(p, par3.1, par3.2))

Der2 <- function(p, dist1, dist2, dist3, par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, rho, costs) {
  rho1 <- rho[1]
  rho2 <- rho[2]
  rho3 <- rho[3]
  c11 <- costs[1, 1]
  c12 <- costs[1, 2]
  c13 <- costs[1, 3]
  c21 <- costs[2, 1]
  c22 <- costs[2, 2]
  c23 <- costs[2, 3]
  c31 <- costs[3, 1]
  c32 <- costs[3, 2]
  c33 <- costs[3, 3] 
  eq <- (rho1*(c12-c13)*dens(dist1)(p, par1.1, par1.2)+rho2*(c22-c23)*dens(dist2)(p, par2.1, par2.2)+rho3*(c32-c33)*dens(dist3)(p, par3.1, par3.2))

##### "uniroot" function looks for the one-variable equation solution  
##### arguments: 	q11, q12=percentiles of the first distribution 
#####			        q31, q32=percentiles of the third distribution 
#####		         dist1, dist2, dist3=choose the distributions
#####             between the following 2-parameter distributions: "beta", "cauchy",
#####             "chisq" (chi-squared), "gamma", "lnorm" (lognormal), "logis" (logistic), "norm" (normal)
#####             and "weibull".
#####			        par1.1=first parameter of the first distribution
#####		   	      par1.2=second parameter of the first distribution
#####             par2.1=first parameter of the second distribution
#####		          par2.2=second parameter of the second distribution
#####			        par3.1=first parameter of the third distribution
#####		          par3.2=second parameter of the third distribution
#####		          rho=vector of prevalences
#####		  	      costs=cost matrix
#####             tol=tolerance to be used in uniroot. Default, 10^(-8).
##### value: an object of class "thresTH3" containing the two thresholds,
#####        the prevalences and the cost matrix.  		  	
thresTH3 <- function(dist1, dist2, dist3, par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, rho, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2], 0, rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE), q1=0.05, q2=0.5, q3=0.95, tol=10^(-8)){
  # error handling
  if (sum(rho > 0 & rho < 1) != 3){
    stop("The prevalences must be in (0,1)")
  if (sum(rho) != 1){
    stop("The sum of the prevalences must be 1")
  if (!is.matrix(costs)){
    stop("'costs' must be a matrix")
  if (dim(costs)[1] != 3 | dim(costs)[2] != 3){
    stop("'costs' must be a 3x3 matrix")
  costs.origin <- costs
  rho.origin <- rho
  # sort distributions
  median1 <- quant(dist1)(0.5, par1.1, par1.2)
  median2 <- quant(dist2)(0.5, par2.1, par2.2)
  median3 <- quant(dist3)(0.5, par3.1, par3.2)  
  median <- c(median1, median2, median3)
  ord_m <- order(median)
  if (!all(ord_m==1:3)){
    pars <- matrix(c(par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2), byrow=T, ncol=2)
    pars <- pars[ord_m, ]
    rho <- rho[ord_m]
    costs <- costs[ord_m, ord_m]
    par1.1 <- pars[1, 1]
    par1.2 <- pars[1, 2]
    par2.1 <- pars[2, 1]
    par2.2 <- pars[2, 2]
    par3.1 <- pars[3, 1]
    par3.2 <- pars[3, 2]
    dist <- c(dist1, dist2, dist3)[ord_m]
    dist1 <- dist[1]
    dist2 <- dist[2]
    dist3 <- dist[3]
  # end of sorting
  p1 <- quant(dist1)(q1, par1.1, par1.2)
  p2 <- quant(dist2)(q2, par2.1, par2.2)
  p3 <- quant(dist3)(q3, par3.1, par3.2)
  cut1 <- uniroot(Der1, c(p1, p2), tol=tol, dist1, dist2, dist3, par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, rho, costs)$root
  cut2 <- uniroot(Der2, c(p2, p3), tol=tol, dist1, dist2, dist3, par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, rho, costs)$root
  # results
  re <- list(thres1=cut1, thres2=cut2, prev=rho.origin, costs=costs.origin, method="theoretical")
  class(re) <- "thresTH3"

# Print function for class "thresTH3"
print.thresTH3 <- function(x, ...){
    cat("\nThreshold 1: ", x$thres1)
    cat("\nThreshold 2: ", x$thres2)
    cat("\nParameters used")
    cat("\n  Prevalences:", x$prev)
    cat("\n  Costs")
    cat("\n    C11,C12,C13:", x$costs[1,])
    cat("\n    C21,C22,C23:", x$costs[2,])
    cat("\n    C31,C32,C33:", x$costs[3,])

### cost function
cost3fun <- function(x, k1, k2, k3, rho, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2], 0, rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE)){
  rho1 <- rho[1]
  rho2 <- rho[2]
  rho3 <- rho[3]
  c11 <- costs[1, 1]
  c12 <- costs[1, 2]
  c13 <- costs[1, 3]
  c21 <- costs[2, 1]
  c22 <- costs[2, 2]
  c23 <- costs[2, 3]
  c31 <- costs[3, 1]
  c32 <- costs[3, 2]
  c33 <- costs[3, 3] 
  n1 <- length(k1)
  n2 <- length(k2)
  n3 <- length(k3)
  ret <- (n1 + n2 + n3)*(rho1*(c11*pnorm(x[1], mean(k1), sd(k1)) + c12*(pnorm(x[2], mean(k1), sd(k1)) - pnorm(x[1], mean(k1), sd(k1))) + c13*(1-pnorm(x[2], mean(k1), sd(k1)))) + rho2*(c21*pnorm(x[1], mean(k2), sd(k2)) + c22*(pnorm(x[2], mean(k2), sd(k2)) - pnorm(x[1], mean(k2), sd(k2))) + c23*(1-pnorm(x[2], mean(k2), sd(k2)))) + rho3*(c31*pnorm(x[1], mean(k3), sd(k3)) + c32*(pnorm(x[2], mean(k3), sd(k3)) - pnorm(x[1], mean(k3), sd(k3))) + c33*(1-pnorm(x[2], mean(k3), sd(k3)))))

############      DATA GENERATION
##### arguments:   k1=vector containing the first sample values 
#####		   	       k2=vector containing the second sample values 
#####		   	       k3=vector containing the third sample values 
#####		   	       B=number of bootstrap resamples
##### returns: two-object list [[1]]:first resample matrix, [[2]]:second resample matrix, [[3]]:third resample matrix
resample3 <- function(k1, k2, k3, B){
  n1 <- length(k1)
  n2 <- length(k2)
  n3 <- length(k3)
  t1 <- matrix(sample(k1, n1*B, replace=TRUE), nrow=n1)
  t2 <- matrix(sample(k2, n2*B, replace=TRUE), nrow=n2)
  t3 <- matrix(sample(k3, n3*B, replace=TRUE), nrow=n3)
  t <- list(t1, t2, t3)

### 			Threshold estimator
#####		  	costs=cost matrix
thresNLM3 <- function(start, k1, k2, k3, rho, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2],0 ,rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3,byrow=TRUE)){
  costs.origin <- costs
  rho.origin <- rho
  k1.origin <- k1
  k2.origin <- k2
  k3.origin <- k3
  # sort distributions 
  mean <- c(mean(k1), mean(k2), mean(k3))
  ord_m <- order(mean)
  if (!all(ord_m==1:3)){
    list.ks.ord <- list(k1=k1, k2=k2, k3=k3)[ord_m]
    k1 <- list.ks.ord[[1]]
    k2 <- list.ks.ord[[2]]
    k3 <- list.ks.ord[[3]]
    rho <- rho[ord_m]
    costs <- costs[ord_m, ord_m]
  # end of sorting
  # estimate
  th <- nlm(cost3fun, start, k1, k2, k3, rho, costs)$estimate
  # results
  re <- list(thres1=th[1], thres2=th[2], prev=rho.origin, costs=costs.origin, k1=k1.origin, k2=k2.origin, k3=k3.origin)  

### 			Parametric Confidence Intervals
icParam3 <- function(k1, k2, k3, rho, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2], 0, rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0),3,3,byrow=TRUE), Thres, a=0.05){
  cut <- c(Thres[1],Thres[2])
  se0 <- VarThr3(k1,k2,k3,rho,cut,costs)
  se <- sqrt(c(se0$VAR1,se0$VAR2))
  # CIs
  ic1 <- c(cut[1]+qnorm(a/2)*se[1],cut[1]+qnorm(1-a/2)*se[1])
  ic2 <- c(cut[2]+qnorm(a/2)*se[2],cut[2]+qnorm(1-a/2)*se[2])
  # results
  ic <- list(lower1=ic1[1],upper1=ic1[2],lower2=ic2[1],upper2=ic2[2],alpha=a, ci.method="param")

##### arguments: k1=vector containing the first sample values 
#####  	   	     k2=vector containing the second sample values
#####  	   	     k3=vector containing the third sample values
#####  	   	     rho=3-dimensional vector of prevalences
#####		   	     costs=cost matrix
#####            dist1, dist2, dist3: distribution to be assumed for the three populations,
#####            respectively. They can be chosen between the following 2-parameter distributions:
#####              "beta", "cauchy", "chisq" (chi-squared), "gamma", "lnorm" (lognormal),
#####              "logis" (logistic), "norm" (normal) and "weibull".
#####            ci=should CIs be calculated=Default, TRUE.
#####            ci.method=method to be used for the confidence intervals computation. The user can
#####            choose between:
#####              "param": parametric CIs are computed when assuming a trinormal underlying model.
#####              "boot": the confidence interval is computed by bootstrap.
#####            Default, "param". The user can specify just just the initial letters.
#####            B=number of bootstrap resamples when ci.method="boot". Otherwise, ignored.
#####            Default, 1000.
#####  	   	     alpha=significance level for the confidence interval. Default, 0.05.
#####            na.rm=a logical value indicating whether NA values in k1, k2 and k3 should
#####            be stripped before the computation proceeds. Default, F.
##### value: the thresholds estimated
thres3 <- function(k1, k2, k3, rho, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2],0,rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE), dist1="norm", dist2="norm", dist3="norm", start=NULL, ci=TRUE, ci.method=c("param", "boot"), B=1000, alpha=0.05, na.rm=FALSE){
  # error handling
  if (sum(rho > 0 & rho < 1) != 3){
    stop("The prevalences must be in (0,1)")
  if (sum(rho) != 1){
    stop("The sum of the prevalences must be 1")
  if (!is.matrix(costs)){
    stop("'costs' must be a matrix")
  if (dim(costs)[1] != 3 | dim(costs)[2] != 3){
    stop("'costs' must be a 3x3 matrix")
  if (!is.numeric(k1) | !is.numeric(k2) | !is.numeric(k3)){
    stop("'k1', 'k2' and 'k3' must be numeric vectors")
  if (!is.logical(ci) | is.na(ci)){
    stop("'ci' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  # NAs handling
  if (na.rm){
    k1 <- k1[!is.na(k1)]
    k2 <- k2[!is.na(k2)]
    k3 <- k3[!is.na(k3)]
  # function
  ci.method <- match.arg(ci.method)
  if (dist1=="norm" & dist2=="norm" & dist3=="norm"){
    if (is.null(start)){
      stop("'start' must be specified")
    if (length(start)!=2){
      stop("'start' must be a 2-dimensional vector containing starting values for the thresholds") 
    T <- thresNLM3(start, k1, k2, k3, rho, costs)
    T$dist1 <- dist1
    T$dist2 <- dist2
    T$dist3 <- dist3
    if (ci){
      if (ci.method=="param"){
        CI <- icParam3(k1, k2, k3, rho, costs, c(T$thres1, T$thres2), a=alpha)
      if (ci.method=="boot"){
        CI <- icBoot3(k1, k2, k3, rho, costs, c(T$thres1, T$thres2), B=B, a=alpha, start)
      CI <- NULL
    if (ci.method=="param" & ci){
      stop("When not all the distributions are 'norm', parametric CIs cannot be computed (choose ci.method='boot')")
    if (!(dist1 %in% c("beta", "cauchy", "chisq", "gamma", "lnorm", "logis", "nbinom", "norm", "weibull"))){
      stop("Unsupported distribution for 'dist1'")
    if (!(dist2 %in% c("beta", "cauchy", "chisq", "gamma", "lnorm", "logis", "nbinom", "norm", "weibull"))){
      stop("Unsupported distribution for 'dist2'")
    if (!(dist3 %in% c("beta", "cauchy", "chisq", "gamma", "lnorm", "logis", "nbinom", "norm", "weibull"))){
      stop("Unsupported distribution for 'dist3'")
    # parameter estimation through 'fitdistr()'
    # dist1
    pars1 <- getParams(k1, dist1)
    # dist2
    pars2 <- getParams(k2, dist2)
    # dist3
    pars3 <- getParams(k3, dist3)
    # threshold+CI estimation
    T <- thresTH3(dist1, dist2, dist3, pars1[1], pars1[2], pars2[1], pars2[2], pars3[1], pars3[2], rho, costs, tol=10^(-8))
    T <- unclass(T)
    # adding some information to the output
    T$k1 <- k1
    T$k2 <- k2
    T$k3 <- k3
    T$dist1 <- dist1
    T$dist2 <- dist2
    T$dist3 <- dist3
    T$pars1 <- pars1
    T$pars2 <- pars2
    T$pars3 <- pars3
    # confidence interval by parametric bootstrap
    if (ci){
      CI <- icBootTH3(dist1, dist2, dist3, pars1[1], pars1[2], pars2[1], pars2[2], pars3[1], pars3[2], length(k1), length(k2), length(k3), rho, costs, c(T$thres1, T$thres2), B, alpha)
      CI <- NULL
  out <- list(T=T, CI=CI)
  class(out) <- "thres3"

# Print function for class "thres3"
print.thres3 <- function(x, ...){
  if (x$T$dist1 == "norm" & x$T$dist2 == "norm" & x$T$dist3 == "norm"){
    cat("\n  Threshold 1: ", x$T$thres1)
    cat("\n  Threshold 2: ", x$T$thres2)
    if (!is.null(x$CI)){
      if(x$CI$ci.method == "param"){
        cat("\nConfidence interval Threshold 1:")
        cat("\n  Lower Limit:", x$CI$lower1)
        cat("\n  Upper Limit:", x$CI$upper1)
        cat("\nConfidence interval Threshold 2:")
        cat("\n  Lower Limit:", x$CI$lower2)
        cat("\n  Upper Limit:", x$CI$upper2)
      if(x$CI$ci.method == "boot"){
        cat("\nConfidence intervals (bootstrap):")
        cat("\n  CI based on normal distribution for Threshold 1: ", x$CI$low.norm1, " - ", x$CI$up.norm1)
        cat("\n  CI based on percentiles for Threshold 1: ", x$CI$low.perc1, " - ", x$CI$up.perc1)
        cat("\n  CI based on normal distribution for Threshold 2: ", x$CI$low.norm2, " - ", x$CI$up.norm2)
        cat("\n  CI based on percentiles for Threshold 2: ", x$CI$low.perc2, " - ", x$CI$up.perc2)
        cat("\n  Bootstrap resamples: ", x$CI$B)
    cat("\nParameters used:")
    cat("\n  Prevalences:", x$T$prev)
    cat("\n  Costs")
    cat("\n    C11,C12,C13:", x$T$costs[1,])
    cat("\n    C21,C22,C23:", x$T$costs[2,])
    cat("\n    C31,C32,C33:", x$T$costs[3,])
    if (!is.null(x$CI)){
      cat("\n  Significance Level: ", x$CI$alpha)

    cat("\n  Threshold 1: ", x$T$thres1)
    cat("\n  Threshold 2: ", x$T$thres2)
    if (!is.null(x$CI)){
      cat("\nConfidence intervals (parametric bootstrap):")
      cat("\n  CI based on normal distribution for Threshold 1: ", x$CI$low.norm1, " - ", x$CI$up.norm1)
      cat("\n  CI based on percentiles for Threshold 1: ", x$CI$low.perc1, " - ", x$CI$up.perc1)
      cat("\n  CI based on normal distribution for Threshold 2: ", x$CI$low.norm2, " - ", x$CI$up.norm2)
      cat("\n  CI based on percentiles for Threshold 2: ", x$CI$low.perc2, " - ", x$CI$up.perc2)
      cat("\n  Bootstrap resamples: ", x$CI$B)
    cat("\nParameters used:")
    cat("\n  Prevalences:", x$T$prev)
    cat("\n  Costs")
    cat("\n    C11,C12,C13:", x$T$costs[1,])
    cat("\n    C21,C22,C23:", x$T$costs[2,])
    cat("\n    C31,C32,C33:", x$T$costs[3,])
    if (!is.null(x$CI)){
      cat("\n  Confidence Level: ", x$CI$alpha)
    cat("\n  Distribution assumed for the first sample: ", x$T$dist1, "(", round(x$T$pars1[1], 2), ", ", round(x$T$pars1[2], 2), ")", sep="")
    cat("\n  Distribution assumed for the second sample: ", x$T$dist2, "(", round(x$T$pars2[1], 2), ", ", round(x$T$pars2[2], 2), ")", sep="")
    cat("\n  Distribution assumed for the third sample: ", x$T$dist3, "(", round(x$T$pars3[1], 2), ", ", round(x$T$pars3[2], 2), ")", sep="") 

### 			Bootstrap Confidence Interval
icBoot3 <- function(k1, k2, k3, rho, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2], 0, rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE), Thres, B, a=0.05, start){
  t <- resample3(k1, k2, k3, B)
  t1 <- t[[1]]
  t2 <- t[[2]]
  t3 <- t[[3]]
  # bootstrap
  cutsim <- sapply(1:B,function(i){
  cutsim1 <- unlist(cutsim[1, ])
  cutsim2 <- unlist(cutsim[2, ])
  # sd
  est.se1 <- sd(cutsim1)
  est.se2 <- sd(cutsim2)
  norm1 <- c(Thres[1] + qnorm(a/2)*est.se1, Thres[1] + qnorm(1-a/2)*est.se1)
  norm2 <- c(Thres[2] + qnorm(a/2)*est.se2, Thres[2] + qnorm(1-a/2)*est.se2)
  ###### 2) PERCENTILE
  perc1 <- c(quantile(cutsim1, a/2), quantile(cutsim1, 1-a/2))
  perc2 <- c(quantile(cutsim2, a/2), quantile(cutsim2, 1-a/2))
  # results
  re <- list(low.norm1=norm1[1], up.norm1=norm1[2], low.norm2=norm2[1], up.norm2=norm2[2], low.perc1=perc1[1], up.perc1=perc1[2], low.perc2=perc2[1], up.perc2=perc2[2], alpha=a, B=B, ci.method="boot")

############       DATA GENERATION
##### arguments:  dist1, dist2, dist3=distributions assumed for the three populations. 
#####  	   	      B=number of bootstrap resamples
##### value: three-object list [[1]]:first population resample matrix, [[2]]:second population resample matrix,
#####         [[3]]: third population resample matrix
aux.par.boot3 <- function(dist1, dist2, dist3, par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, n1, n2, n3, B){
  t0 <- matrix(rand(dist1)(n1*B, par1.1, par1.2), nrow=n1) # B resamples of dist1(par1.1, par1.2) with replacement
  t1 <- matrix(rand(dist2)(n2*B, par2.1, par2.2), nrow=n2) # B resamples of dist2(par2.1, par2.2) with replacement
  t2 <- matrix(rand(dist3)(n3*B, par3.1, par3.2), nrow=n3) # B resamples of dist3(par3.1, par3.2) with replacement
  t <- list(t0, t1, t2)

getParams <- function(k, dist){
  if (dist %in% c("cauchy", "gamma", "weibull")){
    pars <- fitdistr(k, dist)$estimate
  }else if(dist=="beta"){
    # needs initial values
    sigma2 <- var(k)
    mu <- mean(k)
    shape1.start <- ((1-mu)/sigma2-1/mu)*mu^2
    shape2.start <- shape1.start*(1/mu-1)
    pars <- fitdistr(k, "beta", start=list(shape1=shape1.start, shape2=shape2.start))$estimate
  }else if(dist=="chisq"){
    # needs initial values
    sigma2 <- var(k)
    mu <- mean(k)
    ncp.start <- sigma2/2-mu
    df.start <- mu-ncp.start
    pars <- fitdistr(k, "chi-squared", start=list(df=df.start, ncp=ncp.start))$estimate
  }else if(dist=="lnorm"){
    pars <- fitdistr(k, "lognormal")$estimate
  }else if(dist=="logis"){
    pars <- fitdistr(k, "logistic")$estimate
  }else if(dist=="norm"){
    pars <- fitdistr(k, "normal")$estimate
  out <- pars

##########              1) BOOTSTRAP VERSION OF S.E.- NORMAL
##########              2) PERCENTILE BIAS-CORRECTED
##### arguments:  dist1, dist2, dist3 =distributions assumed for three populations. 
#####             par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, n1, n2, n3 =parameters and sample sizes
#####		   	      B=number of bootstrap resamples
#####		   	      a=significance level
#####		   	      rho=disease prevalences
#####		  	      costs=cost matrix
##### returns: the 2 interval limits
icBootTH3 <- function(dist1, dist2, dist3, par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, n1, n2, n3, rho, costs=matrix(c(0, 1, 1, rho[1]/rho[2], 0, rho[3]/rho[2], 1, 1, 0), 3, 3, byrow=TRUE), Thres, B, a){
  # bootstrap resamples
  t <- aux.par.boot3(dist1, dist2, dist3, par1.1, par1.2, par2.1, par2.2, par3.1, par3.2, n1, n2, n3, B)
  t0 <- t[[1]]
  t1 <- t[[2]]
  t2 <- t[[3]]
  # computing threshold of the resamples...
  # 1) parameter estimation for each resample
  pars1 <- sapply(1:B, function(i){getParams(t0[, i], dist1)})
  pars2 <- sapply(1:B, function(i){getParams(t1[, i], dist2)})
  pars3 <- sapply(1:B, function(i){getParams(t2[, i], dist3)})
  # 2) TH cut
  cut <- sapply(1:B, function(i){thresTH3(dist1, dist2, dist3, pars1[1, i], pars1[2, i], pars2[1, i], pars2[2, i], pars3[1,i], pars3[2,i], rho, costs)[1:2]})
  cut1 <- unlist(cut[1, ])
  cut2 <- unlist(cut[2, ])

  est.se1 <- sd(cut1)
  est.se2 <- sd(cut2)
  norm1 <- c(Thres[1] + qnorm(a/2)*est.se1, Thres[1] + qnorm(1-a/2)*est.se1)
  norm2 <- c(Thres[2] + qnorm(a/2)*est.se2, Thres[2] + qnorm(1-a/2)*est.se2)
  ###### 2) PERCENTILE
  perc1 <- c(quantile(cut1, a/2), quantile(cut1, 1-a/2))
  perc2 <- c(quantile(cut2, a/2), quantile(cut2, 1-a/2))
  # results
  re <- list(low.norm1=norm1[1], up.norm1=norm1[2], low.norm2=norm2[1], up.norm2=norm2[2], low.perc1=perc1[1], up.perc1=perc1[2], low.perc2=perc2[1], up.perc2=perc2[2], alpha=a, B=B, ci.method="boot")

###### plot.thres3 function provides a graph including the three sample densities,
###### the thresholds and their confidence intervals
###### arguments:
######  x: 'thres3' object
######  bw: vector containing the bandwith for the 1st sample in the 1st
######      position, the bandwith for the 2nd sample in the 2nd position
######      and bandwith for the 3rd sample in the 3rd position
######      (to be passed to 'density()'). Default, c("nrd0", "nrd0", "nrd0").
######  ci: should the confidence intervals be plotted? Default, T.
######  which.boot: in case 'x' contains CI computed by bootstrapping, which one should be printed?
######              the user can choose between "norm" (based on normal distribution)
######              or "perc" (based on percentiles). Default, "norm". This argument
######              is ignored if parametric CI were computed 
######  col: 4-dimensional vector:
######       col[1]: color for the density of the first sample
######       col[2]: color for the density for the second sample
######       col[3]: color for the density of the third sample
######       col[4]: color for the thresholds and their corresponding CI
######       Default, c(1, 2, 3, 1).
######  lty: 5-dimensional vector:
######       lty[1]: line type for the density of the first sample
######       lty[2]: line type for the density of the second sample
######       lty[3]: line type for the density of the third sample
######       lty[4]: line type for the thresholds
######       lty[5]: line type for the CI
######       Default, c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2).
######  lwd: 4-dimensional vector:
######       lwd[1]: line width for the density of the first sample
######       lwd[2]: line width for the density for the second sample
######       lwd[3]: line width for the density for the third sample
######       lwd[4]: line width for the thresholds and their corresponding CI
######       Default, c(1, 1, 1, 1).
######  legend: logical asking if an automatic legend should be added to the graph. Default, TRUE.
######  leg.pos: position of the legend. Default, "topleft". Ignored if legend=FALSE.
######  leg.cex: a number that reescales the size of the legend. Ignored if legend=FALSE. Default, 1.
######  xlim, ylim: 2-dimensional vectors indicating the limits for the plot
######  main, xlab, ...: further arguments to be passed to 'plot()'.
plot.thres3 <- function(x, bw=c("nrd0", "nrd0", "nrd0"), ci=TRUE, which.boot=c("norm", "perc"), col=c(1, 2, 3, 4), lty=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2), lwd=c(1, 1, 1, 1), legend=TRUE, leg.pos="topleft", leg.cex=1, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, main=paste0("Threshold estimates", ifelse(ci, " and CIs", "")), xlab="", ...){
  # error handling
  if (!is.logical(ci) | is.na(ci)){
    stop("'ci' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!is.logical(legend) | is.na(legend)){
    stop("'legend' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  if (!is.null(xlim)){
    if (any(is.na(xlim)) | length(xlim)!=2){
      stop("'xlim' must be NULL or a 2-dimensional vector containing no NAs")
  if (!is.null(ylim)){
    if (any(is.na(ylim)) | length(ylim)!=2){
      stop("'ylim' must be NULL or a 2-dimensional vector containing no NAs")
  # recycle col, lty, lwd
  if (length(col)!=4){
    col <- rep_len(col, 4)
  if (length(lty)!=5){
    lty <- rep_len(lty, 5)
  if (length(lwd)!=4){
    lwd <- rep_len(lwd, 4)
  which.boot <- match.arg(which.boot)
  k1 <- x$T$k1
  k2 <- x$T$k2
  k3 <- x$T$k3
  dens.k1 <- density(k1, bw=bw[1])
  dens.k2 <- density(k2, bw=bw[2])
  dens.k3 <- density(k3, bw=bw[3])
  if (is.null(xlim)){
    min.x <- min(min(dens.k1$x), min(dens.k2$x), min(dens.k3$x))
    max.x <- max(max(dens.k1$x), max(dens.k2$x), max(dens.k3$x))
    min.x <- xlim[1]
    max.x <- xlim[2]
  if (is.null(ylim)){
    min.y <- 0
    max.y <- max(max(dens.k1$y), max(dens.k2$y), max(dens.k3$y))
    min.y <- ylim[1]
    max.y <- ylim[2]
  plot(dens.k1, xlim=c(min.x, max.x), ylim=c(min.y, max.y), col=col[1], lty=lty[1], lwd=lwd[1], main=main, xlab=xlab, ...)
  lines(dens.k2, col=col[2], lty=lty[2], lwd=lwd[2])
  lines(dens.k3, col=col[3], lty=lty[3], lwd=lwd[3])
  # thres
  abline(v=x$T$thres1, col=col[4], lty=lty[4], lwd=lwd[4])
  abline(v=x$T$thres2, col=col[4], lty=lty[4], lwd=lwd[4])
  # CI
  if(ci & !is.null(x$CI)){
    if (x$CI$ci.method != "boot"){
      abline(v=c(x$CI$lower1, x$CI$upper1), col=col[4], lty=lty[5], lwd=lwd[4])
      abline(v=c(x$CI$lower2, x$CI$upper2), col=col[4], lty=lty[5], lwd=lwd[4])
      abline(v=c(x$CI[paste0("low.", which.boot, "1")], x$CI[paste0("up.", which.boot, "1")]), col=col[4],  lty=lty[5], lwd=lwd[4])
      abline(v=c(x$CI[paste0("low.", which.boot, "2")], x$CI[paste0("up.", which.boot, "2")]), col=col[4],  lty=lty[5], lwd=lwd[4])
  # legend
  if (legend){
    legend(leg.pos, c("1st sample", "2nd sample", "3rd sample", ifelse(ci & !is.null(x$CI), "Thres+CI", "Thres")), col=col, lty=lty, lwd=lwd, cex=leg.cex)

###### lines.thres3 function includes vertical lines for the thresholds and CIs in
###### a plot.thres3.
###### arguments:
######  x: 'thres3' object
######  ci: should the confidence intervals be plotted? Default, TRUE.
######  which.boot: in case 'x' contains CI computed by bootstrapping, which one should be printed?
######              the user can choose between "norm" (based on normal distribution)
######              or "perc" (based on percentiles). Default, "norm". This argument
######              is ignored if parametric CI were computed 
######  col: color for the thresholds and their corresponding CI. Default, 1.
######  lty: 2-dimensional vector:
######       lty[1]: line type for the thresholds
######       lty[2]: line type for the CI
######       Default, c(1, 2).
######  lwd: line width for the thresholds and their corresponding CI. Default, 1.
######  ...: further arguments to be passed to 'abline()'.
lines.thres3 <- function(x, ci=TRUE, which.boot=c("norm", "perc"), col=1, lty=c(1, 2), lwd=1, ...){
  if (!is.logical(ci) | is.na(ci)){
    stop("'ci' must be TRUE or FALSE")
  which.boot <- match.arg(which.boot)
  # recycle lty
  if (length(lty)!=2){
    lty <- rep_len(lty, 2)
  # thres
  abline(v=x$T$thres1, col=col, lty=lty[1], lwd=lwd)
  abline(v=x$T$thres2, col=col, lty=lty[1], lwd=lwd)
  # CI
  if(ci & !is.null(x$CI)){
    if (x$CI$ci.method != "boot"){
      abline(v=c(x$CI$lower1, x$CI$upper1), col=col, lty=lty[2], lwd=lwd, ...)
      abline(v=c(x$CI$lower2, x$CI$upper2), col=col, lty=lty[2], lwd=lwd, ...)
      abline(v=c(x$CI[paste0("low.", which.boot, "1")], x$CI[paste0("up.", which.boot, "1")]), col=col,  lty=lty[2], lwd=lwd, ...)
      abline(v=c(x$CI[paste0("low.", which.boot, "2")], x$CI[paste0("up.", which.boot, "2")]), col=col,  lty=lty[2], lwd=lwd, ...)

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ThresholdROC documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:15 a.m.