
Defines functions TaxonOut

Documented in TaxonOut

TaxonOut <- function(name, lBound = 0.0, hBound = 1.0E100, takeOut,
                     writeTrees = T) {
  opar <-par(no.readonly=TRUE)
  inFileName <- paste0(name, '.xml')
  inFile <- readLines(inFileName)
  versionLine <- readLines(inFileName,n=1)
  ver <- grepl(pattern = 'version=\"1.0', x = versionLine)
  ver2 <- grepl(pattern = 'version=\"2.', x = versionLine)  
  ver1 = F
  if (ver == T & ver2 ==  F) {ver1 = T}
  if (ver1 == T) {
    endTaxaLine <- grep(pattern = "</taxa>", x = inFile, value = F)
    taxaLine <- grep(pattern = "<taxon id=", x = inFile, value = T)
    taxaLinePosition <- grep(pattern="<taxon id=", x = inFile, value = F)
    taxaLine <- unlist(strsplit(taxaLine, "\""))
    taxa <- taxaLine[c (F, T, F)]
    numberTaxa <- length(taxa)
    if (length(taxa) == 0) {stop(
      "No date info found, check BEAST input files")}
    if (is.numeric(takeOut) == F) {
      valueTakeOut <- match(takeOut, taxa)
      if (is.na (valueTakeOut)) {stop("Taxon name not found, check spelling")}
      takeOut <- valueTakeOut
    if (numberTaxa < takeOut) {stop("Error in taxon number")}
    matchFileName <- grep(pattern = "fileName", x = inFile, value = T)
    matchFileNamePosition <- grep(pattern = "fileName", x = inFile, value = F)
    newFile <- inFile
    taxon <- taxa[takeOut]
    add1 <- grep(pattern = "</taxa>", x = newFile, value = F)
    newFile [add1] <- paste0("\t</taxa>\n\n","\t<taxa id=\"leave_out\">\n",
                             "\t\t<taxon idref=\"",taxon,"\"/>\n\t</taxa>")
    add2 <- grep(pattern = "</treeModel>", x = newFile, value = F)
    newFile [add2] <- paste0(
      "\n\t\t<!-- START Tip date sampling\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-->
      \n\t\t<leafHeight taxon=\"",taxon,"\">\n\t\t\t<parameter id=\"age(",
      \n\t\t<!-- END Tip date sampling\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-->
      \n\t</treeModel>","\n\n\t<!-- Taxon Sets\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t-->
      \t<tmrcaStatistic id=\"tmrca(leave_out)\" includeStem=\"false\">
      \t\t<mrca>\n\t\t\t<taxa idref=\"leave_out\"/>\n\t\t</mrca>
      \t\t<treeModel idref=\"treeModel\"/>\n\t</tmrcaStatistic>")
    add34 <- grep(pattern = "</operators>", x = newFile, value = F)
    newFile [add34] <- paste0(
      "\t\t<scaleOperator scaleFactor=\"0.9\" weight=\"1\">
      \t\t\t<parameter idref=\"age(",taxon,")\"/>\n\t\t</scaleOperator>
    add5 <- grep(pattern = "<prior id=\"prior\">", x = newFile, value = F)
    newFile [add5] <- paste0(
      "\t\t\t<prior id=\"prior\">
      \t\t\t<uniformPrior lower=\"", lBound, "\" upper=\"",hBound,"\">
      \t\t\t\t\t<parameter idref=\"age(",taxon,
    add6 <- grep(pattern = "<log id=\"fileLog\"", x = newFile, value = F)
    keep6 <- newFile[add6 + 1]
    newFile [add6 + 1] <- paste0(
      "\n\t\t\t<parameter idref=\"age(",taxon,")\"/>\n",keep6)
    log = paste0("\\.log")
    matchLog <- grep(pattern = log, x = newFile, value = T)
    matchLogPosition <- grep(pattern = log, x = newFile, value = F)
    logRep <- paste0("\\.Taxon", takeOut, log)
    if (length(matchLogPosition) != 0) {
      newFile [matchLogPosition] <- gsub(log, logRep, matchLog)}
    trees = paste0("\\.trees")
    matchTrees <- grep(pattern = trees, x = newFile, value = T)
    matchTreesPosition <- grep(pattern = trees, x = newFile, value = F)
    treesRep <- paste0("\\.Taxon", takeOut, trees)
    if (length(matchTreesPosition) != 0) {
      newFile [matchTreesPosition] <- gsub(trees, treesRep, matchTrees)}    
    csv = paste0("\\.csv")
    matchCsv <- grep(pattern = csv, x = newFile, value = T)
    matchCsvPosition <- grep(pattern = csv, x = newFile, value = F) 
    csvRep <- paste0("\\.Taxon", takeOut, csv)
    if (length(matchCsvPosition) != 0) {
      newFile [matchCsvPosition] <- gsub(csv, csvRep, matchCsv)}
    ops = paste0("\\.ops")
    matchOps <- grep(pattern = ops, x = newFile, value = T)
    matchOpsPosition <- grep(pattern = ops, x = newFile, value = F) 
    opsRep <- paste0("\\.Taxon", takeOut, ops)
    if (length(matchOpsPosition) != 0) {
      newFile [matchOpsPosition] <- gsub(ops, opsRep, matchOps)}
    if (writeTrees == F) {
      logA <- grep(pattern = "<logTree id=", x = newFile, value = T)
      logAn <- grep(pattern = "<logTree id=", x = newFile, value = F)
      newFile [logAn] <- paste0("\t\t<!-- \n", logA)
      logB <- grep(pattern = "</logTree>", x = newFile, value = T)
      logBn <- grep(pattern = "</logTree>", x = newFile, value = F)
      newFile [logBn] <- paste0(logB, "\n", " \t\t -->")
    out <- paste0(name, ".Taxon.", takeOut, ".xml")
    cat (newFile, file = out, sep = "\n")
    cat ("Taxon", takeOut, "processed \n")
  if (ver2 == T) {
    numberTaxa <- length(grep('taxon=', inFile))
    line <- grep(pattern = 'traitname=\"date|traitname=\'date', x = inFile)
    linearDates <- grepl(pattern = 'value=', inFile[line])
    if (linearDates == T) { 
      dateLine <- inFile[line]
      step1 <- gsub('\">','',strsplit(dateLine, 'value=\"')[[1]][2])
      step2 <- unlist(strsplit(step1, ","))
      numberDates <- length(step2)
      date <- unlist(strsplit(step2, "="))
      dateHap <- date[c(T, F)]
      dateHap <- dateHap[1: numberDates]
      dateValues <- date[c(F, T)]
      dateValues <- gsub(",$", "", dateValues)   
      if (is.numeric(takeOut) == F) {
        valueTakeOut <- match(takeOut, dateHap)
        if (is.na (valueTakeOut)) {stop("Taxon name not found, check spelling")}
        takeOut <- valueTakeOut
      if (numberTaxa < takeOut) {stop("Error in taxon number")} 
      dateValues <- gsub(",$", "", dateValues)
      newFile <- inFile
      taxon <- dateHap[takeOut]  
      lineTrees <- grep(pattern ="@Tree.t:", x = newFile)
      lineTree <- tail(lineTrees, 1) 
      treeLine <- newFile[lineTree]
      treePart <- tail(unlist(strsplit(treeLine, "@Tree.t:")), 1)
      treeName <- head(unlist(strsplit(treePart, "\"")), 1)  
      addLine1 <- grep(pattern = "</prior>", x = newFile)
      add1 <- tail(addLine1, n = 1)
      temp1 <- newFile[add1]
      newFile [add1] <- paste0(temp1,"\n","\t\t\t<distribution id=",
                               "\"LOOCV.prior\" spec=\"beast.math.",
                               " tree=\"@Tree.t:", treeName,
                               "\">\n","\t\t\t\t<taxonset id=\"",
                               "LOOCV\" spec=\"TaxonSet\">\n","\t\t\t\t\t",
                               "<taxon id=\"", taxon,"\" spec=\"Taxon\"/>\n",
                               "\t\t\t\t<Uniform id=\"Uniform.",
                               "01\" name=\"distr\" upper=\"Infinity\"/>\n",
      addLine2 <- grep(pattern = "</operator>", x = newFile)
      add2 <- tail(addLine2, n = 1)
      temp2 <- newFile[add2]
      newFile [add2] <- paste0(temp2,"\n\n","\t<operator id=\"TipDatesRandom",
                               "Walker\" windowSize=\"1\" spec=\"TipDatesRandomWalker",
                               "\" taxonset=\"@LOOCV\" tree=\"@Tree.t:",
                               treeName,"\" weight=\"1.0\"/>")
      add6 <- grep(pattern = "<logger id=\"tracelog\" ", x = newFile, value = F)
      keep6 <- newFile[add6]
      newFile [add6] <- paste0(keep6,"\n\t\t<log idref=\"LOOCV.prior\"/>")
      log = paste0("\\.log")
      matchLog <- grep(pattern = log, x = newFile, value = T)
      matchLogPosition <- grep(pattern = log, x = newFile, value = F)
      logRep <- paste0("\\.Taxon", takeOut, log)
      if (length(matchLogPosition) != 0) {
        newFile [matchLogPosition] <- gsub(log, logRep, matchLog)}
      trees = paste0("\\.trees")
      matchTrees <- grep(pattern = trees, x = newFile, value = T)
      matchTreesPosition <- grep(pattern = trees, x = newFile, value = F)
      treesRep <- paste0("\\.Taxon", takeOut, trees)
      if (length(matchTreesPosition) != 0) {
        newFile [matchTreesPosition] <- gsub(trees, treesRep, matchTrees)}
      if (writeTrees == F) {
        logA <- grep(pattern = "\\.trees", x = newFile, value = T)
        logAn <- grep(pattern = "\\.trees", x = newFile, value = F)
        newFile [logAn] <- paste0("\t<!-- \n ", logA)
        ctr <- 0
        repeat {
          ctr <- ctr + 1
          ctr2 <- 0
          ctr2 <- logAn + ctr
          temp <- grep(pattern = "</logger>", newFile[ctr2], value = F)
          temp <- length(temp)
          if (temp != 0) break
          if (ctr == 100) stop("Error, check files, no tree block found")
        newFile [ctr2] <- paste0("\t</logger>", "\n", "\t-->")
      out <- paste0(name, ".Taxon", takeOut, ".xml")
      cat (newFile, file = out, sep = "\n")
      cat ("Taxon", takeOut, "processed \n")
    if (linearDates == F) { 
      numberTaxa <- length(grep("taxon=", inFile))
      line <- grep(pattern = "traitname=\"date|traitname=\'date", x = inFile)
      line <- line + 1
      if (length(line) == 0) {stop(
        "No date info found, check BEAST input file")}
      datePositions = c()
      repeat {
        if (length(grep("value=", inFile[line])) > 0) line <- line + 1
        if (length(grep("alignment", inFile[line])) > 0) break
        if (length(grep("=", inFile[line])) > 0) {
          datePositions <- c(datePositions, line)}
        line <- line + 1
      numberDates <- length(datePositions)
      dateLines <- inFile[datePositions]
      dateLines <- trimws(dateLines)
      date <- unlist(strsplit(dateLines, "="))
      dateHap <- date[c(T, F)]
      dateHap <- dateHap[1: numberDates]
      dateValues <- date[c(F, T)]
      lastLine <- length(grep("<taxa", dateValues))
      if (is.numeric(takeOut) == F) {
        valueTakeOut <- match(takeOut, dateHap)
        if (is.na (valueTakeOut)) {stop("Taxon name not found, check spelling")}
        takeOut <- valueTakeOut
      if (numberTaxa < takeOut) {stop("Error in taxon number")} 
      if (lastLine == 1){
        lastDate <- tail(dateValues, 2)
        lastDate <- unlist(strsplit(lastDate, " "))
        lastDate <- head(lastDate, 1)
        dateValues <- head(dateValues, numberTaxa-1)
        dateValues <- c(dateValues, lastDate)
      dateValues <- gsub(",$", "", dateValues)
      newFile <- inFile
      taxon <- dateHap[takeOut]  
      lineTrees <- grep(pattern ="@Tree.t:", x = newFile)
      lineTree <- tail(lineTrees, 1) 
      treeLine <- newFile[lineTree]
      treePart <- tail(unlist(strsplit(treeLine, "@Tree.t:")), 1)
      treeName <- head(unlist(strsplit(treePart, "\"")), 1)  
      addLine1 <- grep(pattern = "</prior>", x = newFile)
      add1 <- tail(addLine1, n = 1)
      temp1 <- newFile[add1]
      newFile [add1] <- paste0(temp1,"\n","\t\t\t<distribution id=",
                               "\"LOOCV.prior\" spec=\"beast.math.",
                               " tree=\"@Tree.t:", treeName,
                               "\">\n","\t\t\t\t<taxonset id=\"",
                               "LOOCV\" spec=\"TaxonSet\">\n","\t\t\t\t\t",
                               "<taxon id=\"", taxon,"\" spec=\"Taxon\"/>\n",
                               "\t\t\t\t<Uniform id=\"Uniform.",
                               "01\" name=\"distr\" upper=\"Infinity\"/>\n",
      addLine2 <- grep(pattern = "</operator>", x = newFile)
      add2 <- tail(addLine2, n = 1)
      temp2 <- newFile[add2]
      newFile [add2] <- paste0(temp2,"\n\n","\t<operator id=\"TipDatesRandom",
                               "Walker\" windowSize=\"1\" spec=\"TipDatesRandomWalker",
                               "\" taxonset=\"@LOOCV\" tree=\"@Tree.t:",
                               treeName,"\" weight=\"1.0\"/>")
      add6 <- grep(pattern = "<logger id=\"tracelog\" ", x = newFile, value = F)
      keep6 <- newFile[add6]
      newFile [add6] <- paste0(keep6,"\n\t\t<log idref=\"LOOCV.prior\"/>")
      log = paste0("\\.log")
      matchLog <- grep(pattern = log, x = newFile, value = T)
      matchLogPosition <- grep(pattern = log, x = newFile, value = F)
      logRep <- paste0("\\.Taxon", takeOut, log)
      if (length(matchLogPosition) != 0) {
        newFile [matchLogPosition] <- gsub(log, logRep, matchLog)}
      trees = paste0("\\.trees")
      matchTrees <- grep(pattern = trees, x = newFile, value = T)
      matchTreesPosition <- grep(pattern = trees, x = newFile, value = F)
      treesRep <- paste0("\\.Taxon", takeOut, trees)
      if (length(matchTreesPosition) != 0) {
        newFile [matchTreesPosition] <- gsub(trees, treesRep, matchTrees)}
      if (writeTrees == F) {
        logA <- grep(pattern = "\\.trees", x = newFile, value = T)
        logAn <- grep(pattern = "\\.trees", x = newFile, value = F)
        newFile [logAn] <- paste0("\t<!-- \n ", logA)
        ctr <- 0
        repeat {
          ctr <- ctr + 1
          ctr2 <- 0
          ctr2 <- logAn + ctr
          temp <- grep(pattern = "</logger>", newFile[ctr2], value = F)
          temp <- length(temp)
          if (temp != 0) break
          if (ctr == 100) stop("Error, check files, no tree block found")
        newFile [ctr2] <- paste0("\t</logger>", "\n", "\t-->")
      out <- paste0(name, ".Taxon", takeOut, ".xml")
      cat (newFile, file = out, sep = "\n")
      cat ("Taxon", takeOut, "processed \n")
  if (ver1 == F & ver2 == F) {stop("Error, check BEAST input file -version not recognized")}

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TipDatingBeast documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 11:40 a.m.