
Defines functions seqdef

Documented in seqdef

## ========================================
## Defining a set of sequences as an object
## ========================================

seqdef <- function(data, var=NULL, informat="STS", stsep=NULL,
	alphabet=NULL, states=NULL, id=NULL, weights=NULL, start=1,
	left=NA, right="DEL", gaps=NA, missing=NA, void="%", nr="*",
	cnames=NULL, xtstep=1, tick.last=FALSE, cpal=NULL, missing.color="darkgrey",
  labels=NULL, ...) {

	## Parameters
	maxstatedisplay <- 12

  ## Checking some parameters
  if (!is.character(void) || void %in% c(left,gaps,right))
    msg.stop("'void' must be a character different from left, gaps, and right!")

	## ===================
	## Extracting the data
	## ===================
	seqdata <- seqxtract(data, var, data.frame=TRUE)

	## ============
	## ============
	if (informat=="STS") {
		if (is.null(stsep)) {
			sf <- seqfcheck(seqdata)
			if (sf %in% c("-",":")) seqdata <- seqdecomp(seqdata,sep=sf)
			else if (sf=="-X")
				message(" [!] found '-' character in state codes, not recommended")
		else {
			seqdata <- seqdecomp(seqdata,sep=stsep)
	else if (informat %in% c("SPS","SPELL")) {
    if (is.na(missing)) missing <- "_!NA!_"  ## NA causes an error in seqformat
		seqdata <- seqformat(seqdata, from = informat, to = "STS", stsep = stsep, missing = missing, ...)
    missing <- NA  ## seqformat replaces missings with NA
		## if (is.null(cnames)) cnames <- colnames(seqdata)

	## If states are made of logical values
	if (any(is.logical(seqdata))) {
		for (i in 1:ncol(seqdata))
			seqdata[,i] <- as.character(seqdata[,i])

	cntmp <- colnames(seqdata)

	## ===================
	## ===================

	## Turning missing values to NAs
	## if (!is.na(missing)) seqdata[seqdata==missing] <- NA

	statl <- seqstatl(seqdata)
	if (!is.na(missing)) {
		statl <- statl[!statl==missing & !statl==void]

	if (is.null(alphabet)) {
		plevels <- as.character(statl)
	} else {
    if (any(duplicated(alphabet))) {
			stop("\n [!] duplicated element(s) in alphabet: ",alphabet[duplicated(alphabet)], call.=FALSE)
		if (any(!statl %in% alphabet)) {
			stop("\n [!] state(s) ", paste(statl[!statl %in% alphabet], collapse=','), " found in 'data' should be in 'alphabet'", call.=FALSE)
		plevels <- alphabet

	seqdata <- as.matrix(seqdata)

	if (!is.null(states)) {
		for (i in 1:length(plevels)) {
			seqdata[seqdata==plevels[i]] <- states[i]

	if ((is.na(missing) && any(is.na(seqdata))) || ((!is.na(missing)) && any(seqdata==missing, na.rm=TRUE))) {
		message(" [>] found missing values ('",missing,"') in sequence data")
		seqdata <- seqprep(seqdata, left=left, gaps=gaps, right=right, missing=missing, void=void, nr=nr)

	seqdata <- as.data.frame(seqdata)
	class(seqdata) <- c("stslist","data.frame")

	if (is.null(start)) start <- 1
	attr(seqdata,"start") <- start
	attr(seqdata,"missing") <- missing
	attr(seqdata,"void") <- void
	attr(seqdata,"nr") <- nr

	## ====================
	## ====================
	if (missing(states)) {
		nbdatastat <- length(statl)
		message(" [>] ", nbdatastat," distinct states appear in the data: ")
		for (i in 1:min(nbdatastat,maxstatedisplay)) {
			message("     ",i, " = ", statl[i])
		if (nbdatastat>maxstatedisplay) message("      ...")

		A <- plevels
	} else {
		## plevels <- states
		A <- states

	## Adding special character for missing values if any defined
	specst <- NULL

	if (!is.na(left) && left!="DEL" && left!="NEUTRAL" && !(left %in% A)) {
		specst <- c(specst,left)
	if (!is.na(gaps) && gaps!="DEL" && gaps!="NEUTRAL" && !(gaps %in% A)) {
		specst <- c(specst,gaps)
	if (!is.na(right) && right!="DEL" && right!="NEUTRAL" && !(right %in% A)) {
		specst <- c(specst,right)
	if (!is.null(specst)) {
		message(" [>] adding special state(s) to the alphabet: ", paste(specst,collapse="/"))
		plevels <- c(plevels, specst)
		A <- c(A, specst)

	attr(seqdata,"alphabet") <- A
	nbstates <- length(A)

	##if (nbstates==1)
		## stop("\n [!] alphabet contains only one state", call.=FALSE)
		## warning("\n [!] alphabet contains only one state", call.=FALSE)
  # if (nbstates>12 && is.null(cpal)) {
	#   warning(" [!] No automatic color palette assigned because number of states > 12.
  #              \n     Use 'cpal' argument to assign one.", call.=FALSE)

  # }

	## Converting each column to a factor

   ## Using factor() is slow
##	for (i in 1:ncol(seqdata)) {
##		seqdata[,i] <- factor(seqdata[,i],
##			## levels=c(plevels,nr,void),
##			## labels=c(A,nr,void))
##			levels=c(A,nr,void))
##		}

  ## Much faster way proposed by Jouni Helske
  newf <- list(levels = c(A, nr, void), class = "factor")
  seqdata[] <- lapply(seqdata,
    function(x) {
      x <- match(x, newf$levels)
      attributes(x) <- newf

	if (!is.null(labels)) {
		if (length(labels) != nbstates) {
			stop("\n [!] number of labels must equal number of states in the alphabet", call.=FALSE)
	} else
		labels <- A

	attr(seqdata,"labels") <- labels

	## Displaying the alphabet
	message(" [>] state coding:")
	nc1 <- max(nchar(plevels)+1, 12)
	nc2 <- max(nchar(A)+1, 9)

	message("       ", format("[alphabet]", width=nc1), format("[label]", width=nc2), "[long label] ")
	for (i in 1:min(nbstates,maxstatedisplay)) {
		message("     ",i, "  ", format(plevels[i], width=nc1),
			format(A[i], width=nc2), labels[i])

	if (nbstates>12) {
		message("      ... (", nbstates, " states)")

	## message(" [>] labels: ",paste(1:nbstates,collapse=" ",sep="="))

	## =======
	## =======
	if (!is.null(weights)) {
		if (length(weights) != nrow(seqdata)) {
			stop("\n [!] number of weights must equal number of sequences", call.=FALSE)
        if (any(is.na(weights)) | any(weights<0)){
			stop("\n [!] Negative or NA weights!", call.=FALSE)
		message(" [>] sum of weights: ", round(sum(weights),2), " - min/max: ",
		names(weights) <- rownames(seqdata)

	attr(seqdata,"weights") <- weights

	## =======================
	## =======================
	if (is.null(cpal)) {
		if (nbstates<=2)
			attr(seqdata,"cpal") <- brewer.pal(3,"Accent")[1:nbstates]
		else if (nbstates<=8)
			attr(seqdata,"cpal") <- brewer.pal(nbstates,"Accent")
		else if (nbstates>8 & nbstates<=12)
			attr(seqdata,"cpal") <- brewer.pal(nbstates,"Set3")
		else if (nbstates>12)
			# message(" [>] no color palette attributed, provide one to use graphical functions")
      attr(seqdata,"cpal") <- qualitative_hcl(n=nbstates, palette="Set 3") ## colorspace
      #attr(seqdata,"cpal") <- hcl.colors(n=nbstates, palette="Set 3") ## grDevices, requires R  >=3.6
	else {
		## Controling if number of colors = number of states
		if (length(cpal)!=nbstates)
			stop("\n [!] number of colors in 'cpal' must equal length of alphabet", call.=FALSE)
			attr(seqdata,"cpal") <- cpal

	attr(seqdata,"missing.color") <- missing.color

	## =====
	## Stats
	## =====
	nbseq <- nrow(seqdata)
	seql <- seqlength(seqdata)

	message(" [>] ", nbseq, " sequences in the data set")
	message(" [>] min/max sequence length: ",min(seql),"/",max(seql))

	## ======================
	## Rows and columns names
	## ======================
	if (!is.null(cnames)) {
		colnames(seqdata) <- cnames
	else {
		if (is.null(cntmp))
			colnames(seqdata) <- paste("T",start:(max(seql)+start-1),sep="")
		else if (all(is.na(cntmp)!=TRUE))
			colnames(seqdata) <- cntmp
		else colnames(seqdata) <- paste("T",start:(max(seql)+start-1),sep="")

	attr(seqdata,"xtstep") <- xtstep
	attr(seqdata,"tick.last") <- tick.last

	if (!is.null(id)) {
		if (length(id)==1 && id=="auto") {
			rownames(seqdata) <- paste("[",1:nbseq,"]",sep="") }
		else {
			rownames(seqdata) <- id
		if (!is.null(weights)) { names(weights) <- rownames(seqdata) }

	## TraMineR Version
	descr <- packageDescription("TraMineR")
	attr(seqdata,"Version") <- descr$Version

	## ======================
	## Returning the object
	## ======================

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TraMineR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5 a.m.