
Defines functions fastPointMetrics.available fastPointMetrics ptm.knn ptm.voxel ptmStatistics ptmMetricsLog

Documented in fastPointMetrics fastPointMetrics.available ptm.knn ptm.voxel

# ===============================================================================
# Developers:
# Tiago de Conto - tdc.florestal@gmail.com -  https://github.com/tiagodc/
# COPYRIGHT: Tiago de Conto, 2020
# This piece of software is open and free to use, redistribution and modifications
# should be done in accordance to the GNU General Public License >= 3
# Use this software as you wish, but no warranty is provided whatsoever. For any
# comments or questions on TreeLS, please contact the developer (prefereably through my github account)
# If publishing any work/study/research that used the tools in TreeLS,
# please don't forget to cite the proper sources!
# Enjoy!
# ===============================================================================



ptmMetricsLog = function(which_metrics){
  metrics_log = POINT_METRICS_NAMES %in% which_metrics
  if(all(!metrics_log)) stop('Please provide at least one valid metric. See ?fastPointMetrics.available')
  metrics_names = POINT_METRICS_NAMES[metrics_log]
  return(list(log = metrics_log, names = metrics_names))

ptmStatistics = function(las, knn, which_metrics = ENABLED_POINT_METRICS$names){

  pick_metrics = ptmMetricsLog(which_metrics)

  kid = knn$nn.idx
  # kds = knn$nn.dists
  # kds[kid == 0] = 0

  ptm = pointMetricsCpp(las %>% las2xyz, kid, pick_metrics$log) %>% do.call(what = rbind) %>% as.data.table
  colnames(ptm) = pick_metrics$names
  ptm = cleanFields(ptm, colnames(ptm))


#' Point metrics algorithm: Voxel metrics
#' @description This function is meant to be used inside \code{\link{fastPointMetrics}}. It calculates metrics per voxel.
#' @param d \code{numeric} - voxel spacing, in point cloud units.
#' @param exact \code{logical} - use exact voxel search? If \code{FALSE}, applies approximate voxel search using integer index hashing, much faster on large point clouds (several million points).
#' @export
ptm.voxel = function(d = .1, exact=FALSE){

  if(!is.numeric(d)) stop('d must be a number')
  if(d <= 0) stop('d must be a positive number')
  if(!is.logical(exact)) stop('exact must be logical')

  func = function(las, which_metrics){

    special_case = any(c('KnnDensity', 'KnnDensity2d') %in% which_metrics) && all(which_metrics != 'N')

      which_metrics = c('N', which_metrics)

    pick_metrics = ptmMetricsLog(which_metrics)


      df = data.table()
      offset = las@data[1,1:3]
      for(var in c('X', 'Y', 'Z')){
        dst = floor( (las[[var]] - offset[[var]]) / d )
        df %<>% cbind(dst)

      vx = paste(df[[1]], df[[2]], df[[3]], sep='_') %>% as.factor %>% as.integer


      vx = voxelIndex(las2xyz(las), d)

      uid = unique(vx)
      vxid = data.table(hash = uid, id = 1:length(uid))

      vx = data.table(hash = vx)
      vx = merge(vx, vxid, by='hash', sort=F)
      vx = vx$id %>% as.double

    idx = split(0:(length(vx)-1), vx)
    vtm = voxelMetrics(las2xyz(las), idx, pick_metrics$log) %>% do.call(what = rbind) %>% as.data.table
    colnames(vtm) = pick_metrics$names

    keep_names = colnames(las@data)[ !( colnames(las@data) %in% colnames(vtm) ) ]
    las@data = las@data[, keep_names, with=F]
    vtm$VoxelID = names(idx) %>% as.double
    las@data$VoxelID = vx
    las@data = merge(las@data, vtm, by='VoxelID', sort=F)
    las@data = las@data[,-c('VoxelID')]
    las@data$VoxelID = vx
    las = cleanFields(las, pick_metrics$names)

      las@data$KnnDensity = las$N / (d^3)

      las@data$KnnDensity2d = las$N / (d^2)

      las@data$N = NULL


  func %<>% setAttribute('ptm_mtd')

#' Point metrics algorithm: K Nearest Neighbors metrics
#' @description This function is meant to be used inside \code{\link{fastPointMetrics}}. It calculates metrics for every point using its nearest neighbors (KNN).
#' @param k \code{numeric} - number of nearest points to search per neighborhood.
#' @param r \code{numeric} - search radius limit. If \code{r == 0}, no distance limit is applied.
#' @export
ptm.knn = function(k = 20, r = 0){

  if(!is.numeric(k) || !is.numeric(r)) stop('k and r must be numbers')
  if(k < 3) stop('k must be a number larger than 3')
  if(r < 0) stop('r must be 0 or higher')

  func = function(las, which_metrics){

    k = nabor::knn(las %>% las2xyz, k = k+1, radius = r)
    ptm = ptmStatistics(las, k, which_metrics)
    las@data[,colnames(ptm)] = ptm

  func %<>% setAttribute('ptm_mtd')

#' Calculate point neighborhood metrics
#' @description Get statistics for every point in a \code{LAS} object. Neighborhood search methods are prefixed by \code{ptm}.
#' @template param-las
#' @param method neighborhood search algorithm. Currently available: \code{\link{ptm.voxel}} and \code{\link{ptm.knn}}.
#' @param which_metrics optional \code{character} vector - list of metrics (by name) to be calculated. Check out \code{\link{fastPointMetrics.available}} for a list of all metrics.
#' @template return-las
#' @details
#' Individual or voxel-wise point metrics build up the basis for many studies involving TLS in forestry. This
#' function is used internally in other \emph{TreeLS} methods for tree mapping and stem denoising, but also may
#' be useful to users interested in developing their own custom methods for point cloud classification/filtering of
#' vegetation features or build up input datasets for machine learning classifiers.
#' \code{fastPointMetrics} provides a way to calculate several geometry related metrics (listed below) in an optimized way.
#' All metrics are calculated internally by C++ functions in a single pass (\emph{O(n)} time), hence \emph{fast}.
#' This function is provided for convenience, as it allows very fast calculations of several complex variables
#' on a single line of code, speeding up heavy work loads. For a more flexible approach that allows user defined
#' metrics check out \code{\link[lidR:point_metrics]{point_metrics}} from the \emph{lidR} package.
#' In order to avoid excessive memory use, not all available metrics are calculated by default.
#' The calculated metrics can be specified every time \code{fastPointMetrics} is run by naming the desired metrics
#' into the \code{which_metrics} argument, or changed globally for the active R session by setting new default
#' metrics using \code{\link{fastPointMetrics.available}}.
#' @template section-point-metrics
#' @template reference-wang
#' @template reference-zhou
#' @examples
#' file = system.file("extdata", "pine.laz", package="TreeLS")
#' tls = readTLS(file, select='xyz')
#' all_metrics = fastPointMetrics.available()
#' my_metrics = all_metrics[c(1,4,6)]
#' tls = fastPointMetrics(tls, ptm.knn(10), my_metrics)
#' head(tls@data)
#' plot(tls, color='Linearity')
#' @export
fastPointMetrics = function(las, method = ptm.voxel(), which_metrics = ENABLED_POINT_METRICS$names){


  if(!hasAttribute(method, 'ptm_mtd'))
    stop('invalid method: check ?fastPointMetrics')

  return(method(las, which_metrics))

#' Print available point metrics
#' @description Print the list of available metrics for \code{\link{fastPointMetrics}}.
#' @param enable optional \code{integer} or \code{character} vector containing indices or names of the metrics you want to
#' enable globally. Enabled metrics are calculated every time you run \code{\link{fastPointMetrics}} by default.
#' Only metrics used internally in other \emph{TreeLS} methods are enabled out-of-the-box.
#' @return \code{character} vector of all metrics.
#' @template section-point-metrics
#' @examples
#' m = fastPointMetrics.available()
#' length(m)
#' @export
fastPointMetrics.available = function(enable = ENABLED_POINT_METRICS$names){
  if(typeof(enable) != 'character') enable = POINT_METRICS_NAMES[enable]
  enable_metrics = ptmMetricsLog(enable)
  ENABLED_POINT_METRICS$names <- enable_metrics$names
  temp = data.frame(INDEX = 1:length(POINT_METRICS_NAMES), METRIC = POINT_METRICS_NAMES, ENABLED = enable_metrics$log)

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TreeLS documentation built on Aug. 26, 2020, 5:14 p.m.