
Defines functions LeafLabelInterchange MakeTreeBinary.multiPhylo MakeTreeBinary.list MakeTreeBinary.phylo MakeTreeBinary CollapseEdge CollapseNode.phylo CollapseNode UnrootTree.NULL UnrootTree.multiPhylo UnrootTree.list UnrootTree.phylo UnrootTree RootOnNode.NULL RootOnNode.multiPhylo RootOnNode.list RootOnNode.phylo RootOnNode RootTree.NULL RootTree.multiPhylo RootTree.list RootTree.matrix .AncestorTable .AllAncestors RootTree.phylo RootTree

Documented in CollapseEdge CollapseNode CollapseNode.phylo LeafLabelInterchange MakeTreeBinary RootOnNode RootTree UnrootTree

#' Root or unroot a phylogenetic tree
#' `RootTree()` roots a tree on the smallest clade containing the specified
#' tips;
#' `RootOnNode()` roots a tree on a specified internal node;
#' `UnrootTree()` collapses a root node, without the undefined behaviour
#' encountered when using \code{\link[ape:root]{ape::unroot}()} on trees in
#' preorder.
#' @template tree(s)Param
#' @param outgroupTips Vector of type character, integer or logical, specifying
#' the names or indices of the tips to include in the outgroup.
#' If `outgroupTips` is a of type character, and a tree contains multiple tips
#' with a matching label, the first will be used.
#' @return `RootTree()` returns a tree of class `phylo`, rooted on the smallest
#' clade that contains the specified tips, with edges and nodes numbered in
#' preorder. Node labels are not retained.
#' @examples
#' tree <- PectinateTree(8)
#' plot(tree)
#' ape::nodelabels()
#' plot(RootTree(tree, c("t6", "t7")))
#' plot(RootOnNode(tree, 12))
#' plot(RootOnNode(tree, 2))
#' @seealso
#' - [`ape::root()`]
#' @family tree manipulation
#' @template MRS
#' @export
RootTree <- function(tree, outgroupTips) {

#' @export
RootTree.phylo <- function(tree, outgroupTips) {
  if (missing(outgroupTips) ||
      is.null(outgroupTips) ||
      length(outgroupTips) == 0) {
  tipLabels <- tree[["tip.label"]]
  if (is.character(outgroupTips)) {
    chosenTips <- match(outgroupTips, tipLabels)
    if (any(is.na(chosenTips))) {
      stop("Outgroup tips [",
           paste(outgroupTips[is.na(chosenTips)], collapse = ", "),
           "] not found in tree's tip labels.")
    outgroupTips <- chosenTips
  } else if (is.logical(outgroupTips)) {
    outgroupTips <- which(outgroupTips)
  tree <- Preorder(tree)
  nTip <- NTip(tree)
  if (length(outgroupTips) == 0) {
    stop("No outgroup tips selected")
  } else if (length(outgroupTips) == 1L) {
    outgroup <- outgroupTips
  } else if (length(outgroupTips) == nTip - 1L) {
    outgroup <- setdiff(seq_len(nTip), outgroupTips)
  } else {
    ancestryTable <- .AncestorTable(tree, outgroupTips)
    lineage <- ancestryTable[1, ]
    lca <- max(lineage[ancestryTable[2, ] == length(outgroupTips)])
    nTip <- length(tipLabels)
    rootNode <- nTip + 1L
    if (lca == rootNode) {
      if (tree[["Nnode"]] > 2L) {
        lca <- lineage[lineage - c(lineage[-1], 0) != -1][1] + 1L
        if (lca > rootNode + nTip - 2L) {
      } else {
    outgroup <- lca
  if (outgroup > nTip + tree[["Nnode"]]) {

  root_on_node(tree, outgroup)

.AllAncestors <- function(edge) {
  edge <- Preorder(edge)
  parents <- edge[, 1]
  child <- edge[, 2]
  nEdge <- length(child)
  res <- vector("list", max(parents))
  for (i in seq_len(nEdge)) {
    pa <- parents[i]
    res[[child[i]]] <- c(pa, res[[pa]])

  # Return:

.AncestorTable <- function(tree, outgroupTips) {
  edge <- tree[["edge"]]
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  child <- edge[, 2]
  nVert <- max(parent)
  parentOf <- `length<-`(integer(), nVert)
  parentOf[child] <- parent
  counts <- integer(nVert)
  i <- outgroupTips
  while (length(i)) {
    i <- parentOf[i]
    i <- i[!is.na(i)]
    for (j in i) {
      counts[j] <- counts[j] + 1L
  counted <- counts > 0
  # Return:
  rbind(node = which(counted),
        count = counts[counted])

#' @export
RootTree.matrix <- function(tree, outgroupTips) {
  tree <- Preorder(tree)
  if (missing(outgroupTips) ||
      is.null(outgroupTips) ||
      length(outgroupTips) == 0L) {
  rootNode <- tree[1]
  nNode <- max(tree[, 1]) - rootNode + 1L
  if (length(outgroupTips) == 1L) {
    outgroup <- outgroupTips
  } else {
    ancestry <- unlist(.AllAncestors(tree)[outgroupTips])
    ancestryTable <- tabulate(ancestry)
    lca <- max(which(ancestryTable == length(outgroupTips)))
    if (lca == rootNode) {
      if (nNode > 2L) {
        lineage <- which(as.logical(ancestryTable))
        lca <- lineage[lineage - c(lineage[-1], 0) != -1][1] + 1L
      } else {
    outgroup <- lca

  root_on_node(list(edge = tree, Nnode = nNode), outgroup)[["edge"]]

#' @export
RootTree.list <- function(tree, outgroupTips) {
  if (missing(outgroupTips)
      || is.null(outgroupTips)
      || length(outgroupTips) == 0) {
  lapply(tree, RootTree, outgroupTips)

#' @export
RootTree.multiPhylo <- function(tree, outgroupTips) {
  tree[] <- RootTree.list(tree, outgroupTips)

#' @export
RootTree.NULL <- function(tree, outgroupTips) NULL

#' @rdname RootTree
#' @param node integer specifying node (internal or tip) to set as the root.
#' @param resolveRoot logical specifying whether to resolve the root node.
#' @return `RootOnNode()` returns a tree of class `phylo`, rooted on the
#' requested `node` and ordered in [`Preorder`].
#' @export
RootOnNode <- function(tree, node, resolveRoot = FALSE) {
  UseMethod("RootOnNode", tree)

#' @importFrom fastmatch %fin%
#' @export
RootOnNode.phylo <- function(tree, node, resolveRoot = FALSE) {
  edge <- tree[["edge"]]
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  child <- edge[, 2]
  nodeParentEdge <- child == node
  rootEdges <- !parent %fin% child
  rootNode <- parent[rootEdges][1]
  rooted <- sum(rootEdges) == 2L

  if (any(nodeParentEdge)) {
    if (rooted) {
      # Do before editing parent:
      ancestorEdges <- EdgeAncestry(which(nodeParentEdge), parent, child,
                                    stopAt = rootEdges)

      rootChildren <- child[rootEdges]
      if (node %fin% rootChildren) {
        if (!resolveRoot) {
          if (node < NTip(tree)) {
            node <- rootChildren[rootChildren != node]
          deletedEdge  <- child == node
          parent[parent == node] <- parent[deletedEdge]
          parent <- parent[!deletedEdge]
          child <- child[!deletedEdge]
          parent[parent > node] <- parent[parent > node] - 1L
          child[child > node] <- child[child > node] - 1L
          tree[["Nnode"]] <- tree[["Nnode"]] - 1L
        inverters <- logical(length(parent))
      } else {
        spareRoot <- rootChildren == min(rootChildren) # Hit tip if present
        parent[rootEdges][!spareRoot] <- rootChildren[spareRoot]

        inverters <- ancestorEdges | rootEdges
        if (!ancestorEdges[rootEdges][!spareRoot]) {
          inverters[which(rootEdges)[!spareRoot]] <- FALSE
        if (resolveRoot) {
          inverters <- inverters | nodeParentEdge
          parent[rootEdges][spareRoot] <- node
          child[rootEdges][spareRoot] <- rootNode
          child[nodeParentEdge] <- rootNode
        } else {
          if (node > rootNode) inverters <- inverters | nodeParentEdge
          deletedEdge <- which(rootEdges)[spareRoot]

          parent <- parent[-deletedEdge]
          child <- child[-deletedEdge]
          inverters <- inverters[-deletedEdge]

          parent[parent > rootNode] <- parent[parent > rootNode] - 1L
          child[child > rootNode] <- child[child > rootNode] - 1L

          tree[["Nnode"]] <- tree[["Nnode"]] - 1L
    } else {
      if (resolveRoot) {
        inverters <- c(EdgeAncestry(which(nodeParentEdge), parent, child), FALSE)
        newNode <- max(parent) + 1L
        parent <- c(parent, newNode)
        child <- c(child, parent[nodeParentEdge])
        parent[nodeParentEdge] <- newNode
        tree[["Nnode"]] <- 1L + tree[["Nnode"]]
      } else {
        inverters <- EdgeAncestry(which(nodeParentEdge), parent, child,
                                  stopAt = rootEdges)
    tree[["edge"]] <- RenumberTree(ifelse(inverters, child, parent),
                                   ifelse(inverters, parent, child))
    attr(tree, "order") <- "preorder"
  } else {
    # Root position is already correct
    if (rooted && !resolveRoot) {
    } else if (!rooted && resolveRoot) {
      RootOnNode(tree, max(child[rootEdges]), resolveRoot = TRUE)
    } else {

#' @export
RootOnNode.list <- function(tree, node, resolveRoot = FALSE) {
  lapply(tree, RootOnNode, node, resolveRoot)

#' @export
RootOnNode.multiPhylo <- function(tree, node, resolveRoot = FALSE) {
  tree[] <- RootOnNode.list(tree, node, resolveRoot)

#' @export
RootOnNode.NULL <- function(tree, node, resolveRoot = FALSE) NULL

#' @rdname RootTree
#' @return `UnrootTree()` returns `tree`, in preorder,
#' having collapsed the first child of the root node in each tree.
#' @export
UnrootTree <- function(tree) UseMethod("UnrootTree")

#' @export
UnrootTree.phylo <- function(tree) {
  tree <- Preorder(tree)
  edge <- tree[["edge"]]
  if (dim(edge)[1] < 3) {

  parent <- edge[, 1]
  rootNode <- parent[1]
  rootEdge2 <- parent[-1] == rootNode
  if (sum(rootEdge2) > 1L) {

  if (edge[1, 2] < rootNode) {
    deleted <- 1L + which(rootEdge2)
    weightTo <- 1L
  } else {
    deleted <- 1L
    weightTo <- 1L + which(rootEdge2)
  renumber <- edge > rootNode
  edge[renumber] <- edge[renumber] - 1L
  tree[["edge"]] <- edge[-deleted, ]
  tree[["Nnode"]] <- tree[["Nnode"]] - 1L
  weight <- tree[["edge.length"]]
  if (!is.null(weight)) {
    weight[weightTo] <- weight[weightTo] + weight[deleted]
    tree[["edge.length"]] <- weight[-deleted]

  # Return:

#' @export
UnrootTree.list <- function(tree) lapply(tree, UnrootTree)

#' @export
UnrootTree.multiPhylo <- function(tree) {
  tree[] <- UnrootTree.list(tree)

#' @export
UnrootTree.NULL <- function(tree) NULL

#' Collapse nodes on a phylogenetic tree
#' Collapses specified nodes or edges on a phylogenetic tree, resulting in
#' polytomies.
#' @template treeParam
#' @param nodes,edges Integer vector specifying the nodes or edges in the tree
#'  to be dropped.
#' (Use \code{\link[ape]{nodelabels}()} or
#' \code{\link[ape:nodelabels]{edgelabels}()}
#' to view numbers on a plotted tree.)
#' @return `CollapseNode()` and `CollapseEdge()` return a tree of class `phylo`,
#' corresponding to `tree` with the specified nodes or edges collapsed.
#' The length of each dropped edge will (naively) be added to each descendant
#' edge.
#' @examples
#' oldPar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1), mar = rep(0.5, 4))
#' tree <- as.phylo(898, 7)
#' tree$edge.length <- 11:22
#' plot(tree)
#' nodelabels()
#' edgelabels()
#' edgelabels(round(tree$edge.length, 2),
#'            cex = 0.6, frame = "n", adj = c(1, -1))
#' # Collapse by node number
#' newTree <- CollapseNode(tree, c(12, 13))
#' plot(newTree)
#' nodelabels()
#' edgelabels(round(newTree$edge.length, 2),
#'            cex = 0.6, frame = "n", adj = c(1, -1))
#' # Collapse by edge number
#' newTree <- CollapseEdge(tree, c(2, 4))
#' plot(newTree)
#' par(oldPar)
#' @family tree manipulation
#' @author  Martin R. Smith
#' @export
CollapseNode <- function(tree, nodes) UseMethod("CollapseNode")

#' @rdname CollapseNode
#' @importFrom fastmatch %fin%
#' @export
CollapseNode.phylo <- function(tree, nodes) {
  if (length(nodes) == 0) return(tree)

  edge <- tree[["edge"]]
  lengths <- tree[["edge.length"]]
  hasLengths <- !is.null(lengths)
  nodeLabels <- tree[["node.label"]]
  hasLabels <- !is.null(nodeLabels)
  parent <- edge[, 1]
  child <- edge[, 2]
  root <- RootNode(edge)
  nTip <- NTip(tree)
  maxNode <- max(parent)
  edgeBelow <- order(child, method = "radix") # a little faster than "auto"
  tips <- seq_len(nTip)
  preRoot <- seq_len(root - 1L)
  edgeBelow <- c(edgeBelow[preRoot], NA, edgeBelow[-preRoot])
  nodes <- unique(nodes)

  if (!all(nodes %fin% (nTip + 1L):maxNode)) {
    stop("nodes must be integers between ", nTip + 1L, " and ", maxNode)
  if (any(nodes == root)) {
    warning("Cannot collapse root node")
    nodes <- nodes[nodes != root]
    if (length(nodes) == 0L) return(tree)

  keptEdges <- -edgeBelow[nodes]
  depths <- NodeDepth(edge)[nodes]

  for (node in nodes[order(depths)]) {
    newParent <- parent[edgeBelow[node]]
    if (hasLengths) {
      lengths[parent == node] <- lengths[parent == node] + lengths[child == node]
    parent[parent == node] <- newParent

  newNumber <- c(seq_len(nTip), nTip + cumsum((nTip + 1L):maxNode %fin% parent))

  tree[["edge"]] <- cbind(newNumber[parent[keptEdges]],
  tree[["edge.length"]] <- lengths[keptEdges]
  tree[["Nnode"]] <- tree[["Nnode"]] - length(nodes)
  if (hasLabels) {
    tree[["node.label"]] <- nodeLabels[-(nodes - nTip)]

  # TODO Renumber nodes sequentially
  # TODO Re-write this in C++.

#' @rdname CollapseNode
#' @export
CollapseEdge <- function(tree, edges) {
  nodesToCollapse <- tree[["edge"]][edges, 2]
  if (any(nodesToCollapse < NTip(tree))) {
    stop("Cannot collapse external edges: ",
         paste(edges[nodesToCollapse <= NTip(tree)], collapse = ", "))
  CollapseNode(tree, nodesToCollapse)

#' Generate binary tree by collapsing polytomies
#' `MakeTreeBinary()` resolves, at random, all polytomies in a tree or set of
#' trees, such that all trees compatible with the input topology are drawn
#' with equal probability.
#' @seealso Since ape v5.5, this functionality is available through
#' [`ape::multi2di()`]; previous versions of "ape" did not return topologies
#' in equal frequencies.
#' @return `MakeTreeBinary()` returns a rooted binary tree of class `phylo`,
#' corresponding to tree uniformly selected from all those compatible with
#' the input tree topologies.
#' @examples
#' MakeTreeBinary(CollapseNode(PectinateTree(7), c(9, 11, 13)))
#' UnrootTree(MakeTreeBinary(StarTree(5)))
#' @template MRS
#' @template treeParam
#' @family tree manipulation
#' @export
MakeTreeBinary <- function(tree) {

#' @export
MakeTreeBinary.phylo <- function(tree) {
  tree <- Preorder(tree)
  degree <- NodeOrder(tree, internalOnly = TRUE)
  degree[1] <- degree[1] + 1L # Root node
  polytomies <- degree > 3L
  if (!any(polytomies)) return(tree)
  edge <- tree[["edge"]]

  nTip <- edge[1] - 1L
  polytomyN <- which(polytomies) + nTip
  degree <- degree[polytomies]
  for (i in seq_len(sum(polytomies))) {
    n <- polytomyN[i]
    nKids <- degree[i] - 1L
    newParent <- .RandomParent(nKids + 1L) # Tip 1 is the "root"
    newEdges <- RenumberEdges(newParent, seq_len(nKids + nKids))

    nNewNodes <- nKids - 2L

    childEdges <- edge[, 1] == n

    keep <- edge[!childEdges, ]
    increase <- keep > n
    keep[increase] <- keep[increase] + nNewNodes

    children <- edge[childEdges, 2L]
    increase <- children > n
    children[increase] <- children[increase] + nNewNodes

    polytomyN <- polytomyN + nNewNodes

    newEdges2 <- newEdges[[2]][c(-1, -2)] - 1L
    decrease <- newEdges2 > nKids
    newEdges2[decrease] <- newEdges2[decrease] - 2L

    add <- cbind(newEdges[[1]][-(1:2)] + n - nKids - 3L,
                 c(children, n + seq_len(nNewNodes))[newEdges2])

    edge <- rbind(keep, add)
  nodeLabel <- tree[["node.label"]]
  if (!is.null(nodeLabel)) {
    # Inefficient but pragmatic
    tree[["node.label"]] <- .UpdateNodeLabel.numeric(edge, tree,  nodeLabel)
  tree[["edge"]] <- edge
  tree[["Nnode"]] <- nTip - 1L

#' @export
MakeTreeBinary.list <- function(tree) lapply(tree, MakeTreeBinary)

#' @export
MakeTreeBinary.multiPhylo <- function(tree) {
  structure(MakeTreeBinary.list(tree), class = "multiPhylo")

#' Leaf label interchange
#' `LeafLabelInterchange()` exchanges the position of leaves within a tree.
#' Modifies a tree by switching the positions of _n_ leaves.  To avoid
#' later swaps undoing earlier exchanges, all _n_ leaves are guaranteed
#' to change position.  Note, however, that no attempt is made to avoid
#' swapping equivalent leaves, for example, a pair that are each others'
#' closest relatives.  As such, the relationships within a tree are not
#' guaranteed to be changed.
#' @template treeParam
#' @param n Integer specifying number of leaves whose positions should be
#' exchanged.
#' @return `LeafLabelInterchange()` returns a tree of class `phylo` on which
#' the position of `n` leaves have been exchanged.
#' The tree's internal topology will not change.
#' @examples
#' tree <- PectinateTree(8)
#' plot(LeafLabelInterchange(tree, 3L))
#' @template MRS
#' @family tree manipulation
#' @export
LeafLabelInterchange <- function(tree, n = 2L) {

  if (n < 2L) return(tree)
  tipLabel <- tree[["tip.label"]]
  nTip <- length(tipLabel)
  if (n > nTip) {
    stop("`n` cannot exceed number of tips in tree (", nTip, ")")

  from <- sample.int(nTip, n)
  # We need to ensure that a tip's new position is different from its old one.
  # A simple way would be to shift each moved tip to the next one in turn:
  # 1, 2, 3, 4 -> 2, 3, 4, 1
  # But this cyclicity is non-random: we may wish to introduce some smaller
  # cycles, e.g.
  # 1, 2, 3, 4 -> 2, 1, 4, 3.

  cycles <- integer(n / 2L)
  remaining <- n
  i <- 1L
  while (remaining > 0L) {
    if (remaining == 2L) {
      cycles[i] <- 2L
    thisCycle <- SampleOne(1L + seq_len(remaining - 2L))
    if (thisCycle == remaining - 1L) thisCycle <- remaining
    remaining <- remaining - thisCycle
    cycles[i] <- thisCycle
    i <- i + 1L
  cycles <- cycles[cycles > 0L]
  nCycles <- length(cycles)
  start <- cumsum(c(0L, cycles[-nCycles]))
  to <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(cycles), function(i) {
     c(seq_len(cycles[i] - 1L) + 1L, 1L) + start[i]

  tree[["tip.label"]][from] <- tipLabel[from[to]]
  # Return:

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