
Defines functions lfqCreate

Documented in lfqCreate

#' @title Create lfq data from length measurements
#' @description Convert raw length measurements to length frequency data (lfq class).
#' @param data data with at least two columns, one with the length measurements, one
#'    with the sampling date
#' @param Lname name of the length column
#' @param Dname name of the date column
#' @param Fname optional; name of column with frequency, in case each length was measured more than
#'              one time
#' @param bin_size size of the bins in cm (Default: 2)
#' @param species character; to store species name in lfq list
#' @param stock character; to store stock ID or name in lfq list
#' @param comment optional character; to store comments conerning the lfq list
#' @param Lmin minimum length for the midLengths vector (default: 0)
#' @param length_unit unit of length measurements, either "cm" (default), "mm" or "m"
#' @param plus_group logical; should a plus group be created? If yes you will be
#'    asked to insert the length for the plus group in the console (default: FALSE).
#'    Instead of inserting the length of the plus group via the console, the value
#'    can be incorporated in a vector, e.g. plus_group = c(TRUE, 30).
#' @param aggregate_dates logical; indicating whether dates should be lumped in monthly
#'    sampling times (assuming sampling always aound the 15th of
#'    each month; default is FALSE). More exact lumping can only done manually and
#'    then sampling dates provided in data.
#' @param plot logical; should a graph of lfq data be displayed? (Default: FALSE)
#' @keywords function lfq length-frequency
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
#' @examples
#' # create random data
#' set.seed(1)
#' data <- data.frame(length.mm. = sample(c(rpois(300, lambda = 60),
#'            rpois(200, lambda = 100), rpois(100, lambda = 150)),
#'            size = 1000, replace = TRUE),
#'            dates = seq.Date(as.Date("2015-10-02"),as.Date("2016-08-28"),
#'            length.out = 1000))
#' # create lfq data
#' lfq_dat <- lfqCreate(data,Lname = "length.mm.", Dname = "dates", aggregate_dates = TRUE,
#'    length_unit = "mm", bin_size = 0.5, plot=TRUE, plus_group=c(TRUE,15.75))
#' @return A list of "lfq" class with
#'    \itemize{
#'    \item \strong{dates} dates of sampling times (class Date),
#'    \item \strong{midLengths} midpoints of the length classes,
#'    \item \strong{catch} matrix with catches/counts per length class (row) and
#'   sampling date (column).
#'    }
#' @export

lfqCreate <- function(data, Lname, Dname, Fname = NA, bin_size = 1,
                      species = NA, stock = NA, comment = "",
                      Lmin = 0,
                      length_unit = "cm", plus_group = FALSE,
                      aggregate_dates = FALSE,
                      plot = FALSE){

    data$length <- get(Lname, data)
    data$date <- get(Dname, data)
        data$freq <- get(Fname, data)
        data$freq <- rep(1,nrow(data))
    if(!inherits(data$date,"Date")) stop(noquote("Please provide the date as 'Date' class (e.g. as.Date())."))

    # convert length if necessary
    if(length_unit == "m") data$length <- data$length * 100
    if(length_unit == "mm") data$length <- data$length / 10

    # delete any length of 0
    data$length[which(data$length == 0)] <- NA

    # show histogram
    ## hist(data2$length, breaks = 50)

    # no NAs allowed in length nor date column
    data <- data[!is.na(data$length),]
    data <- data[!is.na(data$date),]

    # order according to date
    data <- data[order(data$date),]

    # create monthly grouped dates
      data$samplings <- as.Date(paste(format(data$date, "%Y-%m"),"15",sep="-"))
    }else data$samplings <- data$date

    # rearrange data into LFQ data
    bin.breaks <- seq(Lmin, max(data$length) + bin_size, by=bin_size)
    midLengths <- bin.breaks + bin_size/2

    data2 <- aggregate(list(freq=data$freq),
                       by=list(date=data$samplings, length=data$length), sum)

    # order according to date
    data2 <- data2[order(data2$date),]

    listi <- vector("list",length(unique(data2$date)))
    LF_dat <- data.frame(bin = bin.breaks)
    for(i in 1:length(unique(data2$date))){

        sampli <- unique(data2$date)[i]
        lengthi <- as.numeric(data2$length[data2$date == sampli])
        freqi <- as.numeric(data2$freq[data2$date == sampli])

        bin.breaks2 <- rep(NA, length(bin.breaks))
        for(ii in 1:length(bin.breaks)){
            if(ii == length(bin.breaks)){
                bin.breaks2[ii] <- length(which(lengthi >= bin.breaks[ii]))
                bin.breaks2[ii] <- length(which(lengthi >= bin.breaks[ii] & lengthi < bin.breaks[ii+1]))

        bin.breaks3 <- rep(bin.breaks, bin.breaks2)
        dati <- aggregate(list(freq=freqi), by=list(bin=bin.breaks3), sum)

        listi[[i]] <- merge(LF_dat, dati, by.x = "bin", all.x =TRUE)[,2]
    catch_mat <- do.call(cbind,listi)
    catch_mat[is.na(catch_mat)] <- 0

    # plus group
      if(length(plus_group) == 1){
          print(data.frame(midLengths = midLengths, frequency = catch_mat))
        }else print(data.frame(midLengths = midLengths, frequency = rowSums(catch_mat)))
        writeLines("Check the table above and insert the length of the plus group (Esc to cancel).")
        pg = -1
        while(pg > max(midLengths) | pg < min(midLengths)){
          pg <- readline(paste0("Enter a length group between ", min(midLengths)," and ",
          pg = as.numeric(as.character(pg))
          if(!(pg %in% midLengths)){
            writeLines(paste0(pg, " is not an element of midLengths (see table)."))
            pg = -1
            #pg <- ifelse(grepl("\\D",pg),-1,as.integer(pg))
            if(is.na(pg)){break}  # breaks when hit enter
      }else if(length(plus_group) == 2){
        pg = as.numeric(as.character(plus_group[2]))

      midLengths <- midLengths[1:which(midLengths == pg)]
        addplus <- sum(catch_mat[(which(midLengths == pg):length(catch_mat))])
        catch_mat <- catch_mat[1:which(midLengths == pg)]
        catch_mat[which(midLengths == pg)] <-
          catch_mat[which(midLengths == pg)] + addplus
        addplus <- colSums(catch_mat[(which(midLengths == pg):nrow(catch_mat)),])
        catch_mat <- catch_mat[1:which(midLengths == pg),]
        catch_mat[which(midLengths == pg),] <-
          catch_mat[which(midLengths == pg),] + addplus

    res <- list(species = species,
                stock = stock,
                dates = unique(data$samplings),
                midLengths = midLengths,
                catch = catch_mat,
                comment = comment)
    class(res) <- "lfq"
    if(plot) plot(res, Fname = "catch")

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TropFishR documentation built on Oct. 4, 2021, 9:06 a.m.