
Defines functions simu_lstsp obj.func prox.sparse.func prox.nuclear.func Q.func f.func sparse.pen nuclear.pen gradf.func shrinkage.lr shrinkage fista.LpS second.step.detect first.step.detect backward.selection break.var.lps cv.tuning.selection cv.separate cv.detect.LpS detect.LpS lstsp

Documented in backward.selection break.var.lps cv.detect.LpS cv.separate cv.tuning.selection detect.LpS f.func first.step.detect fista.LpS gradf.func lstsp nuclear.pen obj.func prox.nuclear.func prox.sparse.func Q.func second.step.detect shrinkage shrinkage.lr simu_lstsp sparse.pen

## usethis namespace: start
#' @useDynLib VARDetect, .registration = TRUE
## usethis namespace: end

################ Main function: the main function for LpS detection algo #################
#' Main function for the low rank plus sparse structure VAR model
#' @description Main function for the low-rank plus sparse structure VAR model
#' @param data A n by p dataset matrix
#' @param lambda.1 tuning parameter for sparse component for the first step
#' @param mu.1 tuning parameter for low rank component for the first step
#' @param lambda.1.seq a sequence of lambda to the left segment for cross-validation, it's not mandatory to provide
#' @param mu.1.seq a sequence of mu to the left segment, low rank component tuning parameter
#' @param lambda.2 tuning parameter for sparse for the second step
#' @param mu.2 tuning parameter for low rank for the second step
#' @param lambda.3 tuning parameter for estimating sparse components
#' @param mu.3 tuning parameter for estimating low rank components
#' @param alpha_L a positive numeric value, indicating the restricted space of low rank component, default is 0.25
#' @param omega tuning parameter for information criterion, the larger of omega, the fewer final selected change points
#' @param h window size of the first rolling window step
#' @param step.size rolling step
#' @param tol tolerance for the convergence in the second screening step, indicates when to stop
#' @param niter the number of iterations required for FISTA algorithm
#' @param backtracking A boolean argument to indicate use backtrack to FISTA model
#' @param skip The number of observations need to skip near the boundaries
#' @param cv A boolean argument, indicates whether the user will apply cross validation to select tuning parameter, default is FALSE
#' @param nfold An positive integer, the number of folds for cross validation
#' @param verbose If is TRUE, then it will print all information about current step.
#' @return A list object including 
#' \describe{
#'     \item{data}{the original dataset}
#'     \item{q}{the time lag for the time series, in this case, it is 1}
#'     \item{cp}{Final estimated change points}
#'     \item{sparse_mats}{Final estimated sparse components}
#'     \item{lowrank_mats}{Final estimated low rank components}
#'     \item{est_phi}{Final estimated model parameter, equals to sum of low rank and sparse components}
#'     \item{time}{Running time for the LSTSP algorithm}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nob <- 100
#' p <- 15
#' brk <- c(50, nob+1)
#' rank <- c(1, 3)
#' signals <- c(-0.7, 0.8)
#' singular_vals <- c(1, 0.75, 0.5)
#' info_ratio <- rep(0.35, 2)
#' try <- simu_var(method = "LS", nob = nob, k = p, lags = 1, brk = brk, 
#'                 sigma = as.matrix(diag(p)), signals = signals, 
#'                 rank = rank, singular_vals = singular_vals, info_ratio = info_ratio, 
#'                 sp_pattern = "off-diagonal", spectral_radius = 0.9)
#' data <- try$series
#' lambda1 = lambda2 = lambda3 <- c(2.5, 2.5)
#' mu1 = mu2 = mu3 <- c(15, 15)
#' fit <- lstsp(data, lambda.1 = lambda1, mu.1 = mu1, 
#'              lambda.2 = lambda2, mu.2 = mu2, 
#'              lambda.3 = lambda3, mu.3 = mu3, alpha_L = 0.25, 
#'              step.size = 5, niter = 20, skip = 5, 
#'              cv = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
#' summary(fit)
#' plot(fit, data, display = "cp")
#' plot(fit, data, display = "param")
#' }
lstsp <- function(data, lambda.1 = NULL, mu.1 = NULL, lambda.1.seq = NULL, mu.1.seq = NULL, 
                  lambda.2, mu.2, lambda.3, mu.3, alpha_L = 0.25, omega = NULL, h = NULL, 
                  step.size = NULL, tol = 1e-4, niter = 100, backtracking = TRUE, skip = 5, 
                  cv = FALSE, nfold = NULL, verbose = FALSE){
    ###### model dimensions
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    p <- dim(data)[2]
        h <- 2*floor(sqrt(n))+1
    ###### Step 1: rolling-window find candidate change points ######
    start.time <- proc.time()[3]
    candi_pts <- first.step.detect(data = data, h = h, step.size = step.size, 
                                   lambda = lambda.1, mu = mu.1, alpha_L = alpha_L, 
                                   skip = skip, lambda.1.seq = lambda.1.seq, mu.1.seq = mu.1.seq,
                                   cv = cv, nfold = nfold, verbose = verbose)
    ###### Step 2: screening out redundant candidate and obtain the final change points ######
    N <- n - 1
        omega <- (1/0.05) * (((log(N))^1)*log(p))
    screen_select <- second.step.detect(data, candi_pts, omega, lambda.2, mu.2, 
                                        alpha_L = alpha_L, verbose = verbose)
    final.pts <- screen_select$pts
    ###### Step 3: estimate model parameters by using final change points ######
    pts <- c(1, final.pts, n)
    est_phi = sp_mats = lr_mats <- vector('list', length(pts)-1)
    for(i in 1:(length(pts)-1)){
        s <- pts[i]
        e <- pts[i+1]
        interval_data <- data[s:e, ]
        ns <- dim(interval_data)[1]
        X <- interval_data[1:(ns-1), ]
        y <- interval_data[2:ns, ]
        fit <- fista.LpS(X, y, lambda = lambda.3, mu = mu.3, alpha_L = alpha_L, 
                         niter = niter, backtracking, x.true = diag(p))
        sp_mats[[i]] <- t(fit$sparse.comp)
        lr_mats[[i]] <- t(fit$lr.comp)
        est_phi[[i]] <- sp_mats[[i]] + lr_mats[[i]]
    end.time <- proc.time()[3]
    time.comparison <- end.time - start.time
    # S3 class result
    final.result <- structure(list(data = data, 
                                   q = 1, 
                                   cp = final.pts, 
                                   sparse_mats = sp_mats, 
                                   lowrank_mats = lr_mats, 
                                   est_phi = est_phi, 
                                   time = time.comparison), class = "VARDetect.result")

#' Single change point detection for low-rank plus sparse model structure
#' @description Single change point detection for low-rank plus sparse model using minimizing SSE method.
#' @param data A n by p dataset, n is the number of observations, p is the number of variables
#' @param lambda A 2-d vector recording tuning parameters for sparse components left/right
#' @param mu A 2-d vector recording tuning parameters for low rank components left/right
#' @param alpha_L A numeric value, a positive number indicating the constraint space for low rank matrix 
#' @param skip The number of observations at the boundaries we should skip 
#' @return A list object, which includes the followings:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cp}{A vector recording all estimated change points}
#'   \item{S_hat1}{Estimated sparse component for the left-handed side}
#'   \item{S_hat2}{Estimated sparse component for the right-handed side}
#'   \item{L_hat1}{Estimated low rank component for the left-handed side}
#'   \item{L_hat2}{Estimated low rank component for the right-handed side}
#'   \item{sse}{The sum of squared errors for all passed time points}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
detect.LpS <- function(data, lambda, mu, alpha_L, skip = 50){
    sse <- c()
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    k <- dim(data)[2]
    lr_est <- vector("list", n - 2*skip)
    sp_est <- vector('list', n - 2*skip)
    for(t in (skip+1):(n-skip)){
        ###### segmentation of dataset ######
        seg1 <- data[1:t,]
        seg2 <- data[((t+1):n),]
        ### fitting the left-side dataset
        X1 <- seg1[1:(t-1),]
        Y1 <- seg1[2:t,]
        fit1 <- fista.LpS(X1, Y1, lambda = lambda[1], mu = mu[1], alpha_L = alpha_L, 
                          niter = 100, backtracking = TRUE, x.true = diag(k))
        ### fitting the right-side dataset
        X2 <- seg2[1:(n-t-1),]
        Y2 <- seg2[2:(n-t),]
        fit2 <- fista.LpS(X2, Y2, lambda = lambda[2], mu = mu[2], alpha_L = alpha_L, 
                          niter = 100, backtracking = TRUE, x.true = diag(k))
        ###### find the residual and full SSE ######
        phi.hat1 <- t(fit1$lr.comp + fit1$sparse.comp)
        phi.hat2 <- t(fit2$lr.comp + fit2$sparse.comp)
        lr_est[[t-skip]] <- cbind(t(fit1$lr.comp), t(fit2$lr.comp))
        sp_est[[t-skip]] <- cbind(t(fit1$sparse.comp), t(fit2$sparse.comp))
        pred.err1 <- (1/t) * norm(Y1 - X1 %*% t(phi.hat1), "F")^2
        pred.err2 <- (1/(n-t)) * norm(Y2 - X2 %*% t(phi.hat2), "F")^2
        sse <- c(sse, pred.err1 + pred.err2)
    idx <- which.min(sse) + skip
    L_hat1 <- lr_est[[idx-skip]][,c(1:k)]; L_hat2 <- lr_est[[idx-skip]][,-(c(1:k))]
    S_hat1 <- sp_est[[idx-skip]][,c(1:k)]; S_hat2 <- sp_est[[idx-skip]][,-(c(1:k))]
    return(list(cp = idx, S_hat1 = S_hat1, S_hat2 = S_hat2, L_hat1 = L_hat1, L_hat2 = L_hat2, sse = sse))

#' Single change point detection for low-rank plus sparse model with cross-validation
#' @description single change point detection with cross-validation
#' @param data a n by p datatset matrix
#' @param lambda.1.seq a numeric vector, the sequence of tuning parameter for sparse component for the left segment
#' @param mu.1.seq a numeric vector, the sequence of tuning parameter for low rank component for the left segment
#' @param alpha_L a numeric value, indicates the constraint space of low rank component
#' @param skip a positive integer, indicates the number of time points should be skipped close to the boundary
#' @param nfold a positive integer, the number of folds for cross validation
#' @return A list object, including
#' \describe{
#'   \item{cp}{Estimated change point}
#'   \item{S_hat1}{Estimated sparse component for the left-handed side}
#'   \item{S_hat2}{Estimated sparse component for the right-handed side}
#'   \item{L_hat1}{Estimated low rank component for the left-handed side}
#'   \item{L_hat2}{Estimated low rank component for the right-handed side}
#'   \item{sse}{The sum of squared errors for all passed time points}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
cv.detect.LpS <- function(data, lambda.1.seq = NULL, mu.1.seq = NULL, 
                          alpha_L = 0.25, skip = 50, nfold = 5){
    sse <- c()
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    k <- dim(data)[2]

        lambda.1.seq <- sqrt(log(k)/n) * exp(seq(-2, 5, length.out = nfold))
        mu.1.seq <- sqrt((k)/n) * exp(seq(-2, 5, length.out = nfold))
    lr_est <- vector("list", n-2*skip)
    sp_est <- vector('list', n-2*skip)
    for(t in (skip+1):(n-skip)){
        ###### segmentation of dataset ######
        seg1 <- data[1:t,]
        seg2 <- data[((t+1):n),]
        ###### tuning parameter selection for the left-side segment ######
        ret <- cv.tuning.selection(seg1, lambda.1.seq, mu.1.seq, 
                                   alpha_L = alpha_L, nfold = nfold)
        lambda1 <- ret$lambda
        mu1 <- ret$mu
        ### fitting the left-side dataset
        X1 <- seg1[1:(t-1),]
        Y1 <- seg1[2:t,]
        fit1 <- fista.LpS(X1, Y1, lambda = lambda1, mu = mu1, alpha_L = alpha_L, 
                          niter = 100, backtracking = TRUE, x.true = diag(k))
        ###### tuning parameter selection for the right-side segment ######
        ret <- cv.tuning.selection(seg2, lambda.1.seq, mu.1.seq, 
                                   alpha_L = alpha_L, nfold = nfold)
        lambda2 <- ret$lambda
        mu2 <- ret$mu
        # fitting the right-side dataset
        X2 <- seg2[1:(n-t-1),]
        Y2 <- seg2[2:(n-t),]
        fit2 <- fista.LpS(X2, Y2, lambda = lambda2, mu = mu2, alpha_L = alpha_L, 
                          niter = 100, backtracking = TRUE, x.true = diag(k))
        ###### find the residual and full SSE ######
        phi.hat1 <- t(fit1$lr.comp + fit1$sparse.comp)
        phi.hat2 <- t(fit2$lr.comp + fit2$sparse.comp)
        lr_est[[t-skip]] <- cbind(t(fit1$lr.comp), t(fit2$lr.comp))
        sp_est[[t-skip]] <- cbind(t(fit1$sparse.comp), t(fit2$sparse.comp))
        pred.err1 <- (1/n) * norm(Y1 - X1 %*% t(phi.hat1), "F")^2
        pred.err2 <- (1/n) * norm(Y2 - X2 %*% t(phi.hat2), "F")^2
        sse <- c(sse, pred.err1 + pred.err2)
    idx <- which.min(sse) + skip
    L_hat1 <- lr_est[[idx-skip]][,c(1:k)]; L_hat2 <- lr_est[[idx-skip]][,-(c(1:k))]
    S_hat1 <- sp_est[[idx-skip]][,c(1:k)]; S_hat2 <- sp_est[[idx-skip]][,-(c(1:k))]
    return(list(cp = idx, S_hat1 = S_hat1, S_hat2 = S_hat2, L_hat1 = L_hat1, L_hat2 = L_hat2, sse = sse))

################## Cross validation related functions ##################################
#' cross-validation index function, separate train and test sets
#' @description a function to setup training and testing datasets, select data point in test every nfold time points
#' @param period an input dataset with size of n by p
#' @param nfold an positive integer, indicates the number of folds in cv
#' @return a list object, includes
#' \describe{
#'     \item{train}{training dataset}
#'     \item{test}{test dataset}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
cv.separate <- function(period, nfold = 5){
    n <- dim(period)[1]
    if(n < 10){
        # print("Warning: too few data points!")
        # break
        stop("too few data points!")
        cv.index <- c()
        for(i in 1:n){
            if(i %% nfold == (nfold-1)){
                cv.index <- c(cv.index, i)
    data_train <- period[-cv.index,]
    data_test <- period[cv.index,]
    return(list(train = data_train, test = data_test))

#' a function to apply cross-validation to select tuning parameter by minimizing SSE
#' @param data a n by p dataset matrix
#' @param lambda.seq a numeric vector, indicates the sequence of tuning parameters of sparse components
#' @param mu.seq a numeric vector, the sequence of tuning parameters of low rank components
#' @param alpha_L a positive numeric value, indicating the constraint space of low rank components
#' @param nfold a positive integer, the number of folds for cv
#' @return a list of object, including
#' \describe{
#'     \item{grid}{the grid of lamdbas and mus}
#'     \item{lambda}{final selected tuning parameter for sparse}
#'     \item{mu}{final selected tuning parameter for low rank}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
cv.tuning.selection <- function(data, lambda.seq, mu.seq, alpha_L = 0.25, nfold = 5){
    ### separate data time series into training and testing set
    separate <- cv.separate(data, nfold = nfold)
    data_train <- separate$train
    data_test <- separate$test
    ntrain <- dim(data_train)[1]
    ntest <- dim(data_test)[1]
    X_train <- data_train[1:(ntrain-1),]
    Y_train <- data_train[2:ntrain,]
    X_test <- data_test[1:(ntest-1),]
    Y_test <- data_test[2:ntest,]
    ### grid search part: find the tuning parameter that minimizes the prediction error on test set
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    k <- dim(data)[2]
    grid <- matrix(0, nrow = length(lambda.seq), ncol = length(mu.seq))
    for(r in 1:length(lambda.seq)){
        for(c in 1:length(mu.seq)){
            lambda <- lambda.seq[r]
            mu <- mu.seq[c]
            fit <- fista.LpS(X_train, Y_train, lambda = lambda, mu = mu, alpha_L = alpha_L, 
                             niter = 100, backtracking = TRUE, diag(k))
            if(qr(fit$lr.comp)$rank == 0 | qr(fit$lr.comp)$rank > k/2){
                grid[r,c] <- Inf
                residual <- Y_test - X_test %*% (fit$sparse.comp + fit$lr.comp)
                grid[r,c] <- norm(residual, "F")^2
    idx <- which(grid == min(grid), arr.ind = TRUE)
    final.lambda <- lambda.seq[idx[1]]
    final.mu <- mu.seq[idx[2]]
    return(list(grid = grid, lambda = final.lambda, mu = final.mu))

#' Auxiliary function to calculate loss at the estimated change points
#' @description Function to calculate loss function at the estimated change points
#' @param data A n by p dataset, n is the number of observations, p is the number of variables
#' @param pts a vector of change points
#' @param lambda tuning parameter for sparse component
#' @param mu tuning parameter for low-rank component
#' @param alpha_L a positive number, indicating the value of constraint space of low rank component, default is 0.25
#' @return A list object, including
#' \describe{
#'  \item{L.n}{Value of objective function}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
break.var.lps <- function(data, pts, lambda, mu, alpha_L = 0.25){
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    k <- dim(data)[2]
    m <- length(pts)
    L.n <- rep(0, m+1)
    if(m == 0){
        pts.temp <- c(1, n+1)
        pts.temp <- c(1, pts, n+1)
    for(mm in 1:(m+1)){
        data.temp <- data[(pts.temp[mm]):(pts.temp[mm+1]-1),]
        n.temp <- dim(data.temp)[1]
        x.temp <- data.temp[1:(n.temp-1),]
        y.temp <- data.temp[2:n.temp,]
        ### estimate the coefficient matrices and calculate the corresponding prediction error
        try <- fista.LpS(x.temp, y.temp, lambda = lambda, mu = mu, alpha_L = alpha_L, 
                         niter = 20, backtracking = TRUE, diag(k))
        est.coef <- t(try$lr.comp) + t(try$sparse.comp)
        pred.error <- y.temp - x.temp %*% t(est.coef)
        L.n[mm] <- sum(pred.error^2)
    return(list(L.n = sum(L.n)))

#' Backward selection function for the second screening step
#' @description Backward elimination algorithm
#' @param data A n by p dataset matrix
#' @param pts A numeric vector, which includes all candidate change points obtained from the first step
#' @param lambda Tuning parameter for sparse component
#' @param mu Tuning parameter for low-rank component
#' @param alpha_L Constraint space for low rank component, default is 0.25
#' @return A list object, containing
#' \describe{
#'     \item{L.n}{Value of objective function}
#'     \item{L.n.current}{Current value of objective function}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
backward.selection <- function(data, pts, lambda, mu, alpha_L = 0.25){
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    k <- dim(data)[2]
    m <- length(pts)
    L.n <- rep(0, m)
    L.n.current <- rep(0, 1)
    try <- break.var.lps(data, pts, lambda, mu)
    L.n.current <- try$L.n
    for(mm in 1:m){
        pts.temp <- pts[-mm]
        try <- break.var.lps(data, pts.temp, lambda, mu, alpha_L)
        L.n[mm] <- try$L.n
    return(list(L.n = L.n, L.n.current = L.n.current))

################# First step: rolling window method to select candidates #################
#' First step rolling window function
#' @description Rolling window scheme function for the first step
#' @param data the whole data matrix
#' @param h window size
#' @param step.size rolling step size, default is NULL. If Null, the step size is 1/4 of the window size
#' @param lambda a 2-d vector of tuning parameters for sparse components, available when cv is FALSE
#' @param mu a 2-d vector of tuning parameters for low rank components, available when cv is FALSE
#' @param alpha_L a numeric value, indicates the size of constraint space of low rank component
#' @param skip the number of observations we should skip near the boundaries, default is 3
#' @param lambda.1.seq the sequence of sparse tuning parameter to the left segment, only available when cv is TRUE
#' @param mu.1.seq the sequence of low rank tuning, only available for cv is TRUE
#' @param cv a boolean argument, indicates whether use cross validation or not
#' @param nfold a positive integer, indicates the number of folds of cross validation
#' @param verbose if TRUE, then all information for current stage are printed
#' @return A vector which includes all candidate change points selected by rolling window
#' @keywords internal
first.step.detect <- function(data, h, step.size = NULL, lambda, mu, alpha_L = 0.25, 
                              skip = 3, lambda.1.seq = NULL, mu.1.seq = NULL,
                              cv = FALSE, nfold = NULL, verbose = FALSE){
    n <- dim(data)[1]
    k <- dim(data)[2]
        step.size <- floor(0.25 * h)
    s <- 1
    e <- s + h
    candi_cp <- c()
    while(e <= n-1){
        interval_data <- data[s:e, ]
        ### use single change point detection method to find the candidates
            fit <- detect.LpS(interval_data, lambda = lambda, mu = mu, alpha_L = alpha_L, skip = skip)
            current_cp <- fit$cp
            candi_cp <- c(candi_cp, current_cp + s)
            fit <- cv.detect.LpS(interval_data, lambda.1.seq = lambda.1.seq, mu.1.seq = mu.1.seq, 
                                 alpha_L = alpha_L, skip = skip, nfold = nfold)
            current_cp <- fit$cp
        s <- s + step.size
        if(s + h <= n){
            e <- s + h
            e <- n
            print(paste("Finished interval:", s, e))
    first.step.cp <- candi_cp[-1]
    first.step.cp <- first.step.cp[order(first.step.cp)]
    ### remove repeat candidate change points
    m <- length(first.step.cp)
    pts <- c()
    for(mm in 1:(m-1)){
        if(abs(first.step.cp[mm] - first.step.cp[mm+1]) > 2){
            pts <- c(pts, first.step.cp[mm])
    pts <- c(pts, first.step.cp[m])  ## final points after the first rolling window selection.

################ Second step: screening with backward selection algorithm ################
#' Backward elimination algorithm for screening in the second step
#' @description Backward elimination algorithm function for screening
#' @param data a n by p dataset matrix
#' @param pts a vector includes all candidate change points obtained by the first step
#' @param omega tuning parameter for the information criterion function
#' @param lambda tuning parameter for sparse component estimation
#' @param mu tuning parameter for low rank component estimation
#' @param alpha_L a numeric value, indicates the size of constraint space of low rank component
#' @param verbose if TRUE, then it provides all information for current stage
#' @return A list object includes
#' \describe{
#'     \item{pts}{Final selected change points}
#'     \item{ic}{Values of information criterion}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
second.step.detect <- function(data, pts, omega, lambda, mu, alpha_L = 0.25, verbose = FALSE){
    m <- length(pts)
    if(m == 0){
        stop('no change point!')
    mm <- 0; ic <- 0
    while(mm < m){
        mm <- mm + 1
        try <- backward.selection(data, pts, lambda, mu, alpha_L)
        L.n <- try$L.n; L.n.curr <- try$L.n.current
        if(min(L.n) + (m-1)*omega >= L.n.curr + m*omega){
            ic <- L.n.curr + (m - mm + 1) * omega
            pts <- pts[-which(L.n == min(L.n))]
    return(list(pts = pts, ic = ic))

######################## FISTA estimation functions ####################################
#' A function to solve low rank plus sparse model estimation using FISTA algorithm
#' @description A function to solve low rank plus sparse model estimation
#' @param A A design matrix with size of n by p
#' @param b A matrix, (or vector) with size of n by p (or n by 1)
#' @param lambda A positive numeric value, indicating the tuning parameter for sparse component
#' @param mu A positive numeric value, indicating the tuning parameter for low rank component
#' @param alpha_L The constraint coefficient of low rank component, default is 0.25
#' @param niter The maximum number of iterations required for FISTA 
#' @param backtracking A boolean argument, indicating that use backtracking in the FISTA
#' @param x.true A p by p matrix, the true model parameter. Only available for simulation.
#' @return A list object, including the followings
#' \describe{
#'   \item{sparse.comp}{Estimated sparse component}
#'   \item{lr.comp}{Estimated low-rank component}
#'   \item{obj.val}{Values of objective function}
#'   \item{rel.err}{Relative errors compared with the true model parameters if available}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
fista.LpS <- function(A, b, lambda, mu, alpha_L = 0.25, 
                      niter = 100, backtracking = TRUE, x.true){
    tnew = t <- 1
    p <- dim(A)[2]
    x1 <- matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
    xnew1 = xnew2 <- x1
    y1 = y2 <- x1
    AtA <- t(A) %*% A
    Atb <- t(A) %*% b
    if(backtracking == TRUE){
        L <- norm(A, "F")^2 / 5
        gamma <- 2
        L <- norm(A, "F")^2
    obj.val = rel.err <- c()
    for(i in 1:niter){
        if(backtracking == TRUE){
            L.bar <- L
            found <- FALSE
            while(found == FALSE){
                y <- y1 + y2
                prox1 <- prox.sparse.func(y1, y, A, b, 2*L.bar, lambda, AtA, Atb)
                prox2 <- prox.nuclear.func(y2, y, A, b, 2*L.bar, mu, AtA, Atb)
                ### Restricted solution space
                for(j in 1:p){
                    for(k in 1:p){
                        if(abs(prox2[j,k]) > alpha_L){
                            prox2[j,k] <- alpha_L * sign(prox2[j,k])
                prox <- prox1 + prox2
                if(f.func(prox, A, b) <= Q.func(prox, y, A, b, L.bar, AtA, Atb)){
                    found <- TRUE
                    L.bar <- L.bar * gamma
            L <- L.bar
        x1 <- xnew1 
        x2 <- xnew2
        xnew1 <- prox1
        xnew2 <- prox2
        t = tnew
        tnew <- (1 + sqrt(1 + 4*t^2))/2
        y1 <- xnew1 + (t - 1) / tnew * (xnew1 - x1)
        y2 <- xnew2 + (t - 1) / tnew * (xnew2 - x2)
        xnew <- xnew1 + xnew2
        obj.val <- c(obj.val, f.func(xnew, A, b) + sparse.pen(xnew1, lambda) + nuclear.pen(xnew2, mu))
        rel.err <- c(rel.err, norm(xnew - x.true, "F") / norm(x.true, "F"))
    return(list(sparse.comp = xnew1, lr.comp = xnew2, obj.val = obj.val, rel.err = rel.err))

#' Shrinkage function for sparse soft-thresholding
#' @description Shrinkage function for sparse soft-thresholding
#' @param y A matrix, or a vector for thresholding
#' @param tau A positive number, threshold
#' @return A thresholded matrix, or vector
#' @keywords internal
shrinkage <- function(y, tau){
    z <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(y), ncol = ncol(y))
    for(i in 1:nrow(y)){
        for(j in 1:ncol(y)){
            z[i,j] <- sign(y[i,j]) * max(abs(y[i,j]) - tau, 0)

#' Shrinkage function for low-rank soft-thresholding
#' @description Shrinkage function for low-rank soft-thresholding
#' @param y A matrix, or a vector for thresholding
#' @param tau A positive number, threshold
#' @return A thresholded matrix, or vector
#' @keywords internal
shrinkage.lr <- function(y, tau){
    z <- rep(0, length(y))
    for(i in 1:length(y)){
        z[i] <- sign(y[i]) * max(0, abs(y[i]) - tau)

#' Gradient function of quardratic loss
#' @description Gradient function of quardratic loss
#' @param x A vector, or matrix, indicating the model parameter
#' @param AtA A p by p Gram matrix for corresponding design matrix A
#' @param Atb An inner product for design matrix A and corresponding matrix (vector) b
#' @return Value of gradients
#' @keywords internal
gradf.func <- function(x, AtA, Atb){
    return(AtA %*% x - Atb)

#' Nuclear norm penalty for low-rank component
#' @description Nuclear norm penalty for low-rank component
#' @param x Model parameter
#' @param lambda Tuning parameter
#' @return Value of nuclear norm penalty term
#' @keywords internal
nuclear.pen <- function(x, lambda){
    d <- svd(x)$d
    return(lambda * sum(d))

#' L1-norm penalty for sparse component
#' @description L1-norm penalty for sparse component 
#' @param x Model parameter
#' @param lambda Tuning parameter
#' @return Value of l1-norm penalty term
#' @keywords internal
sparse.pen <- function(x, lambda){

#' Main loss function for quardratic loss
#' @description Main loss function
#' @param x Model parameters
#' @param A Design matrix with size of n by p
#' @param b Correspond vector or matrix
#' @return Value of objective function
#' @keywords internal
f.func <- function(x, A, b){
    return(0.5 * norm(A %*% x - b, "F")^2)

#' An auxiliary function in FISTA algorithm
#' @description Auxiliary function for FISTA implementation
#' @param x Model parameter for previous update
#' @param y Model parameter for updating
#' @param A An n by p design matrix
#' @param b A correspond vector, or matrix with size of n by 1 or n by p
#' @param L Learning rate
#' @param AtA Gram matrix for design matrix A
#' @param Atb Inner product for design matrix A and correspond vector b
#' @return Value of function Q
#' @keywords internal
Q.func <- function(x, y, A, b, L, AtA, Atb){
    return(f.func(y, A, b) + sum((x - y) * gradf.func(y, AtA, Atb)) + 0.5 * L * norm(x - y, "F")^2)

#' Proximal function with nuclear norm penalty updating
#' @description Proximal function with nuclear norm
#' @param w1 previously updated model parameter
#' @param y updated model parameter
#' @param A design matrix
#' @param b correspond vector, or matrix
#' @param L learning rate
#' @param lambda tuning parameter for low-rank component
#' @param AtA Gram matrix of design matrix A
#' @param Atb inner product of design matrix A and correspond vector b
#' @return Value of proximal function with nuclear norm penalty
#' @keywords internal
prox.nuclear.func <- function(w1, y, A, b, L, lambda, AtA, Atb){
    Y <- w1 - (1 / L) * gradf.func(y, AtA, Atb)
    d <- shrinkage.lr(svd(Y)$d, 2*lambda / L)
    return(svd(Y)$u %*% diag(d) %*% t(svd(Y)$v))

#' Proximal function with l1-norm penalty updating
#' @description Proximal function with l1-norm
#' @param w1 previously updated model parameter
#' @param y updated model parameter
#' @param A design matrix
#' @param b correspond vector, or matrix
#' @param L learning rate
#' @param lambda tuning parameter for sparse component
#' @param AtA Gram matrix of design matrix A
#' @param Atb inner product of design matrix A and correspond vector b
#' @return Value of proximal function with l1-norm penalty
#' @keywords internal
prox.sparse.func <- function(w1, y, A, b, L, lambda, AtA, Atb){
    Y <- w1 - (1 / L) * gradf.func(y, AtA, Atb)
    return(shrinkage(Y, 2*lambda / L))

#' Objective function
#' @description objective function, main loss function and penalties
#' @param x.lr low-rank component
#' @param x.sparse sparse component
#' @param A design matrix 
#' @param b correspond vector
#' @param lambda a tuning parameter for sparse component
#' @param mu a tuning parameter for low-rank component
#' @return value of objective function
#' @keywords internal
obj.func <- function(x.lr, x.sparse, A, b, lambda, mu){
    ### x.sparse is a list
    m <- length(x.sparse)
    loss <- 0
    for(i in 1:m){
        loss <- loss + f.func((x.lr[[i]] + x.sparse[[i]]), A, b) + sparse.pen(x.sparse[[i]], lambda) + nuclear.pen(x.lr[[i]], mu)

#' Function to deploy simulation with LSTSP algorithm
#' @description A function to generate simulation with LSTSP algorithm
#' @param nreps A positive integer, indicating the number of simulation replications
#' @param simu_method the structure of time series: only available for "LS"
#' @param nob sample size
#' @param k dimension of transition matrix
#' @param lags lags of VAR time series. Default is 1.
#' @param lags_vector a vector of lags of VAR time series for each segment
#' @param brk a vector of break points with (nob+1) as the last element
#' @param sparse_mats transition matrix for sparse case
#' @param group_mats transition matrix for group sparse case
#' @param group_index group index for group lasso.
#' @param group_type type for group lasso: "columnwise", "rowwise". Default is "columnwise".
#' @param sp_pattern a choice of the pattern of sparse component: diagonal, 1-off diagonal, random, custom
#' @param sp_density if we choose random pattern, we should provide the sparsity density for each segment
#' @param rank if we choose method is low rank plus sparse, we need to provide the ranks for each segment
#' @param info_ratio the information ratio leverages the signal strength from low rank and sparse components
#' @param signals manually setting signal for each segment (including sign)
#' @param singular_vals singular values for the low rank components
#' @param spectral_radius to ensure the time series is piecewise stationary.
#' @param sigma the variance matrix for error term
#' @param skip an argument to control the leading data points to obtain a stationary time series
#' @param alpha_L a positive numeric value, indicating the restricted space of low rank component, default is 0.25
#' @param lambda.1 tuning parameter for sparse component for the first step
#' @param mu.1 tuning parameter for low rank component for the first step
#' @param lambda.1.seq a sequence of lambda to the left segment for cross-validation, it's not mandatory to provide
#' @param mu.1.seq a sequence of mu to the left segment, low rank component tuning parameter
#' @param lambda.2 tuning parameter for sparse for the second step
#' @param mu.2 tuning parameter for low rank for the second step
#' @param lambda.3 tuning parameter for estimating sparse components
#' @param mu.3 tuning parameter for estimating low rank components
#' @param omega tuning parameter for information criterion, the larger of omega, the fewer final selected change points
#' @param h window size of the first rolling window step
#' @param step.size rolling step
#' @param tol tolerance for the convergence in the second screening step, indicates when to stop
#' @param niter the number of iterations required for FISTA algorithm
#' @param backtracking A boolean argument to indicate use backtrack to FISTA model
#' @param rolling.skip The number of observations need to skip near the boundaries
#' @param cv A boolean argument, indicates whether the user will apply cross validation to select tuning parameter, default is FALSE
#' @param nfold An positive integer, the number of folds for cross validation
#' @param verbose If is TRUE, then it will print all information about current step.
#' @return A S3 object of class \code{VARDetect.simu.result}, containing the following entries:
#' \describe{
#'     \item{sizes}{A 2-d numeric vector, indicating the size of time series data}
#'     \item{true_lag}{True time lags for the process, here is fixed to be 1.}
#'     \item{true_lagvector}{A vector recording the time lags for different segments, not available under this model setting, 
#'                           here is fixed to be NULL}
#'     \item{true_cp}{True change points for simulation, a numeric vector}
#'     \item{true_sparse}{A list of numeric matrices, indicating the true sparse components for all segments}
#'     \item{true_lowrank}{A list of numeric matrices, indicating the true low rank components for all segments}
#'     \item{est_cps}{A list of estimated change points, including all replications}
#'     \item{est_lag}{A numeric value, estimated time lags, which is user specified}
#'     \item{est_lagvector}{A vector for estimated time lags, not available for this model, set as NULL.}
#'     \item{est_sparse_mats}{A list of estimated sparse components for all replications}
#'     \item{est_lowrank_mats}{A list of estimated low rank components for all replications}
#'     \item{est_phi_mats}{A list of estimated model parameters, transition matrices for VAR model}
#'     \item{running_times}{A numeric vector, containing all running times}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nob <- 100
#' p <- 15
#' brk <- c(50, nob+1)
#' rank <- c(1, 3)
#' signals <- c(-0.7, 0.8)
#' singular_vals <- c(1, 0.75, 0.5)
#' info_ratio <- rep(0.35, 2)
#' lambda1 = lambda2 = lambda3 <- c(2.5, 2.5)
#' mu1 = mu2 = mu3 <- c(15, 15)
#' try_simu <- simu_lstsp(nreps = 3, simu_method = "LS", nob = nob, k = p, 
#'                        brk = brk, sigma = diag(p), signals = signals, 
#'                        rank = rank, singular_vals = singular_vals, 
#'                        info_ratio = info_ratio, sp_pattern = "off-diagonal", 
#'                        spectral_radius = 0.9, lambda.1 = lambda1, mu.1 = mu1, 
#'                        lambda.2 = lambda2, mu.2 = mu2, lambda.3 = lambda3, 
#'                        mu.3 = mu3, step.size = 5, niter = 20, rolling.skip = 5,
#'                        cv = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
#' summary(try_simu, critical = 5)
#' }
simu_lstsp <- function(nreps, simu_method = c("LS"), nob, k, lags = 1, 
                       lags_vector = NULL, brk, sigma, skip = 50, group_mats = NULL, 
                       group_type = c("columnwise", "rowwise"), group_index = NULL, 
                       sparse_mats = NULL, sp_density = NULL, signals = NULL, rank = NULL, 
                       info_ratio = NULL, sp_pattern = c("off-diagonal", "diagoanl", "random"), 
                       singular_vals = NULL, spectral_radius = 0.9, alpha_L = 0.25, 
                       lambda.1 = NULL, mu.1 = NULL, lambda.1.seq = NULL, mu.1.seq = NULL, 
                       lambda.2, mu.2, lambda.3, mu.3, omega = NULL, h = NULL, 
                       step.size = NULL, tol = 1e-4, niter = 100, backtracking = TRUE, 
                       rolling.skip = 5, cv = FALSE, nfold = NULL, verbose = FALSE){
    group_type <- match.arg(group_type)
    sp_pattern <- match.arg(sp_pattern)
    # storage variables 
    est_cps <- vector('list', nreps)
    est_sparse_mats <- vector('list', nreps)
    est_lowrank_mats <- vector('list', nreps)
    est_phi_mats <- vector('list', nreps)
    running_times <- rep(0, nreps)
    # start fitting
    for(rep in 1:nreps){
        cat(paste("========================== Start replication:", rep, "==========================\n", sep = " "))
        try <- simu_var(method = simu_method, nob = nob, k = k, lags = lags, lags_vector = lags_vector, 
                        brk = brk, sigma = sigma, skip = skip, group_mats = group_mats, group_type = group_type, 
                        group_index = group_index, sparse_mats = sparse_mats, sp_pattern = sp_pattern, 
                        sp_density = sp_density, signals = signals, rank = rank, info_ratio = info_ratio, 
                        singular_vals = singular_vals, spectral_radius = spectral_radius, seed = rep)
        data <- as.matrix(try$series)
        fit <- lstsp(data, lambda.1 = lambda.1, mu.1 = mu.1, lambda.1.seq = lambda.1.seq, 
                     mu.1.seq = mu.1.seq, lambda.2 = lambda.2, mu.2 = mu.2, 
                     lambda.3 = lambda.3, mu.3 = mu.3, alpha_L = alpha_L, omega = omega, 
                     h = h, step.size = step.size, tol = tol, niter = niter, backtracking = backtracking, 
                     skip = rolling.skip, cv = cv, nfold = nfold, verbose = verbose)
        cat("========================== Finished ==========================\n")
        est_cps[[rep]] <- fit$cp
        est_sparse_mats[[rep]] <- fit$sparse_mats
        est_lowrank_mats[[rep]] <- fit$lowrank_mats
        est_phi_mats[[rep]] <- fit$est_phi
        running_times[rep] <- fit$time
    ret <- structure(list(sizes = c(nob, k),
                          true_lag = 1,
                          true_lagvector = NULL, 
                          true_cp = brk, 
                          true_sparse = try$sparse_param, 
                          true_lowrank = try$lowrank_param,
                          true_phi = try$model_param, 
                          est_cps = est_cps, 
                          est_lag = 1,
                          est_lagvector = NULL, 
                          est_sparse_mats = est_sparse_mats, 
                          est_lowrank_mats = est_lowrank_mats, 
                          est_phi_mats = est_phi_mats, 
                          running_times = running_times), class = "VARDetect.simu.result")

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VARDetect documentation built on May 10, 2022, 9:07 a.m.