
Defines functions wrtds.tidalmean wrtds.tidal wrtds

Documented in wrtds wrtds.tidal wrtds.tidalmean

#' Get WRTDS prediction grid
#' Get WRTDS prediction grid for observations of the response variable in a tidal or tidalmean object
#' @param dat_in input tidal or tidalmean object
#' @param flo_div numeric indicating number of divisions across the range of salinity/flow to create the interpolation grid
#' @param tau numeric vector indicating conditional quantiles to fit in the weighted regression, can be many
#' @param fill_empty logical to fill missing values in interpolation grid using bilinear interpolation by season, see details
#' @param trace logical indicating if progress is shown in the console
#' @param ... arguments passed to or from other methods
#' @export
#' @return Appends interpolation grid attributes to the input object.  For a tidal object, this could include multiple grids for each quantile.  For tidalmean objects, only one grid is appended to the `fits' attribute, in addition to a back-transformed grid as the `bt_fits' attribute and a grid of the scale parameter of each prediction as the `scls' attribute.  Grid rows correspond to the dates in the input data.
#' The \code{fill_empty} arguments uses bilinear interpolation of time by flow to fill missing data in the interpolation grids.  The grids are subset by month before interpolating to retain the seasonal variation captured by the models.  In general, this argument should not be used if more than ten percent of the interpolation grids are missing data.  It may be helpful to improve visual appearance of some of the plotting results. 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## load data
#' data(chldat)
#' ## as tidal object
#' dat_in <- tidal(chldat)
#' res <- wrtds(dat_in)
#' ## as tidalmean object
#' dat_in <- tidalmean(chldat)
#' res <- wrtds(dat_in)
#' ## multiple quantiles
#' res <- wrtds(dat_in, tau = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))
#' }
wrtds <- function(dat_in, ...) UseMethod('wrtds')

#' @rdname wrtds
#' @import quantreg
#' @export
#' @method wrtds tidal
wrtds.tidal <- function(dat_in, flo_div = 10, tau = 0.5, trace = TRUE, fill_empty = FALSE, ...){
  #salinity/flow values to estimate
  flo_grd <- seq(
    min(dat_in$flo, na.rm = TRUE), 
    max(dat_in$flo, na.rm = TRUE), 
    length = flo_div

  # sort
  tau <- sort(tau)
  # save orig for output
  dat_out <- dat_in
  # output for predictions
  fit_grds <- matrix(nrow = nrow(dat_in), ncol = flo_div)
  fit_grds <- replicate(length(tau), fit_grds, simplify = FALSE)
  names(fit_grds) <- paste0('fit', tau)

  # output for nobs
  nobs_grds <- matrix(nrow = nrow(dat_in), ncol = flo_div)
  nobs_grds <- list(nobs_grds)
  names(nobs_grds) <- 'nobs'
    txt <- paste(tau, collapse = ', ')
    txt <- paste0('\nEstimating interpolation grids for tau = ', txt, ', % complete...\n\n')
    counts <- round(seq(1, nrow(dat_in), length = 20))
  # iterate through rows of dat_in
  for(row in 1:nrow(dat_in)){

    ref_in <- dat_in[row, ]
    # progress
      perc <- 5 * which(row == counts)
      if(length(perc) != 0) cat(perc, '\t')
    # then iterate through values in flo_grd
    for(i in seq_along(flo_grd)){
      ref_in$flo <- flo_grd[i]
      ref_wts <- getwts(dat_in, ref_in, ...)
      # data to predict
      pred_dat <- data.frame(flo = flo_grd[i], dec_time = ref_in$dec_time)
      # crq model, estimates all quants
      mod <- quantreg::crq(
        survival::Surv(res, not_cens, type = "left") ~ 
          dec_time + flo + sin(2*pi*dec_time) + cos(2*pi*dec_time), 
        weights = ref_wts,
        data = dat_in, 
        method = "Portnoy"
      # crq doesn't always work
      test <- try({coef(mod)})
      if('try-error' %in% class(test)) next
      # fitted coefficients for quantile
      parms <- data.frame(coef(mod, tau))
      # predicted values by quantile model coefficients
      fits <- sapply(seq_along(tau), function(x){
          parms[1, x] + parms[2, x] * dec_time + parms[3, x] * flo + parms[4, x] * sin(2*pi*dec_time) + parms[5, x] * cos(2*pi*dec_time)
      names(fits) <- names(fit_grds)
      ## save output to grids
      # fit grids
      for(val in tau){
        fit_ind <- paste0('fit', val)
        fit_grds[[fit_ind]][row, i] <- fits[fit_ind]
      # nobs grid
      nobs_ind <- names(nobs_grds)
      nobs_grds[[nobs_ind]][row, i] <- sum(ref_wts > 0)
  # half-window widths for attributes
  ref_wts <- getwts(dat_in, ref_in, wins_only = TRUE, ...)
  # add year, month, day to interp grids
  fit_grds <- lapply(fit_grds, function(x) {
    fill_grd(x, dat_in, interp = fill_empty)
  # add year, month, day to nobs grids
  nobs_grds <- lapply(nobs_grds, function(x) {
    fill_grd(x, dat_in, interp = FALSE)
  # add grids to tidal object, return
  attr(dat_out, 'half_wins') <- ref_wts
  attr(dat_out, 'fits') <- fit_grds
  attr(dat_out, 'flo_grd') <- flo_grd
  attr(dat_out, 'nobs') <- nobs_grds
  if(trace) cat('\n')

#' @rdname wrtds
#' @export
#' @method wrtds tidalmean
wrtds.tidalmean <- function(dat_in, flo_div = 10, fill_empty = FALSE, trace = TRUE, ...){

  #salinity/flow values to estimate
  flo_grd <- seq(
    min(dat_in$flo, na.rm = TRUE), 
    max(dat_in$flo, na.rm = TRUE), 
    length = flo_div
  # save orig for output
  dat_out <- dat_in
  # output for predictions, log-space
  fit_grds <- matrix(nrow = nrow(dat_in), ncol = flo_div)
  fit_grds <- list(fit_grds)
  names(fit_grds) <- 'fitmean'
  # output for predictions, obs-space
  bt_grds <- fit_grds
  names(bt_grds) <- 'btmean'
  # sd of model at each point in the grid
  scl_grds <- fit_grds
  names(scl_grds) <- 'sclmean'
  # output for nobs
  nobs_grds <- fit_grds
  names(nobs_grds) <- 'nobsmean'
    txt <- '\nEstimating interpolation grid for mean response, % complete...\n\n'
    counts <- round(seq(1, nrow(dat_in), length = 20))
  # iterate through rows of dat_in
  for(row in 1:nrow(dat_in)){

    ref_in <- dat_in[row, ]
    # progress
      perc <- 5 * which(row == counts)
      if(length(perc) != 0) cat(perc, '\t')
    # then iterate through values in flo_grd
    for(i in seq_along(flo_grd)){
      ref_in$flo <- flo_grd[i]
      ref_wts <- getwts(dat_in, ref_in, ...)
      # data to predict
      pred_dat <- data.frame(flo = flo_grd[i], dec_time = ref_in$dec_time)
      # data to model, only those w/ weights > 0
      to_mod <- dat_in[ref_wts > 0, ]
      ref_wts <- ref_wts[ref_wts > 0]
      # parametric survival mod
      mod <- try({survival::survreg(
        survival::Surv(res, not_cens, type = "left")
          ~ dec_time + flo + sin(2*pi*dec_time) + cos(2*pi*dec_time),
        weights = ref_wts,
        data = to_mod, 
        dist = 'gaussian'
        )}, silent = TRUE)
      # test if model worked
      if('try-error' %in% class(mod)) next
      if(is.nan(mod$scale)) next
      # predicted values, log-space
      fits <-predict(
        newdata = pred_dat
      names(fits) <- names(fit_grds)
      # sd of model at each point in the grid
      sclfits <- mod$scale
      names(sclfits) <- names(scl_grds)

      # predicted values, observed
      btfits <- exp((mod$scale^2)/2)
      btfits <- btfits * exp(fits)
      names(btfits) <- names(bt_grds)
      # save output to grids
      fit_ind <- names(fit_grds)
      fit_grds[[fit_ind]][row, i] <- fits[fit_ind]
      bt_ind <- names(bt_grds)
      bt_grds[[bt_ind]][row, i] <- btfits[bt_ind]
      scl_ind <- names(scl_grds)
      scl_grds[[scl_ind]][row, i] <- sclfits[scl_ind]
      nobs_ind <- names(nobs_grds)
      nobs_grds[[nobs_ind]][row, i] <- sum(ref_wts > 0)
  # half-window widths for attributes
  ref_wts <- getwts(dat_in, ref_in, wins_only = TRUE, ...)
  # add year, month to fit grids
  # expand for full month, year combo 
  fit_grds <- lapply(fit_grds, function(x) {
    fill_grd(x, dat_in, interp = fill_empty)
  # add year, month to bt grids
  bt_grds <- lapply(bt_grds, function(x) {
    fill_grd(x, dat_in, interp = fill_empty)

  # add year, month to scl grids
  scl_grds <- lapply(scl_grds, function(x) {
    fill_grd(x, dat_in, interp = fill_empty)
  # add year, month to nobs grids
  nobs_grds <- lapply(nobs_grds, function(x) {
    fill_grd(x, dat_in, interp = fill_empty)
  # add grids to tidal object, return
  attr(dat_out, 'half_wins') <- ref_wts
  attr(dat_out, 'fits') <- fit_grds
  attr(dat_out, 'bt_fits') <- bt_grds
  attr(dat_out, 'scls') <- scl_grds
  attr(dat_out, 'flo_grd') <- flo_grd
  attr(dat_out, 'nobs') <- nobs_grds
  if(trace) cat('\n')

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WRTDStidal documentation built on Oct. 20, 2023, 5:08 p.m.