
Defines functions genUniqueVar pasteItems nearPD2 makeUMatList nozero makeSandwich waldTest print.summaryWeMixResults print.WeMixWaldTest residuals.WeMixGLMResp residuals.WeMixResults isGLMM.WeMixResults predict.WeMixResults summary.WeMixResults print.WeMixResults coef.WeMixResults

Documented in waldTest

# This helper funciton returns just the coefficient from the WeMix results object.
#' @method coef WeMixResults
#' @export
coef.WeMixResults <- function(object, ...) {

# This helper function prints the coefficient from the WeMix results object.
#' @export
print.WeMixResults <- function(x, ...) {

# This helper funciton creates a coefficient matrix from WeMix results.
# and packages variance results in a clearer way. 
#' @importFrom stats cov2cor model.frame
#' @export
summary.WeMixResults <- function(object, ...) {
  x0 <- object
  #for adaptive quad models 
    VC <- makeSandwich(object) # calculates the sandwhich estimator of variance 
    object$vc <- VC$VC #sets variances returned by model to variances calculated by sandwich estimator
    se <- VC$se[1:length(x0$coef)]
    re_se <- VC$se[-(1:length(x0$coef))] #not used currently 
    if(object$levels == 2){
      x0$varVC <- list(NULL,VC$VC[names(x0$vars),names(x0$vars)])
      x0$varVC <- list(NULL,
    # build the var mat output, first adding SEvcov
    varDF <- x0$varDF
    varDF$SEvcov <- NA
    names(re_se) <- gsub(":",".",names(re_se),fixed=TRUE) # change : to .
    for(i in 1:nrow(varDF)) {
      if(varDF$fullGroup[i] %in% names(re_se)) {
        varDF$SEvcov[i] <- re_se[varDF$fullGroup[i]] 
  } else{
    se <- object$SE
    re_se <- rep(0, length(x0$vars))
    # build the var mat output from this
    varDF <- x0$varDF
  object$coef <- as.matrix(data.frame(Estimate=x0$coef, "Std. Error"=se, "t value"=x0$coef/se))
  # make.names breaks/fixes colnames with spaces, un-break/-fix them.
  colnames(object$coef)[2:3] <- c("Std. Error", "t value")
  rownames(object$coef) <- names(x0$coef)
  # build the var mat output
  varsmat <- varDF[is.na(x0$varDF$var2),c("level","grp", "var1","vcov","SEvcov")]
  varsmat$st <- sqrt(varsmat$vcov)
  # add variance estimates
  colnames(varsmat) <- c("Level", "Group", "Name", "Variance", "Std. Error", "Std.Dev.")
  for(li in 2:x0$levels) {
    vc <- as.matrix(x0$varVC[[li]])
    cr <- cov2cor(vc)
    if(ncol(vc)>1) {
      for(i in 2:ncol(cr)) {
        for(j in 1:(i-1)){
          varsmat[varsmat$Level==li & varsmat$Name==rownames(cr)[i],paste0("Corr",j)] <- cr[i,j]

  object$varsmat <- varsmat
  #this is important for compatibility  with mixed.sdf
  object$vars  <- varsmat[,4:6]
  rownames(object$vars)  <- names(x0$vars)
  class(object) <- "summaryWeMixResults"

#' @method predict WeMixResults
#' @export
predict.WeMixResults <- function(object, newdata = NULL, type=c("link","response"), allow.new.levels=FALSE, ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  family <- attr(object,"resp")$family
  b <- object$coef
  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    if (type == "response") {
    } else {
  } else {
    form <- as.formula(formula(getCall(object)))
    response <- as.name(form[[2]])
    if (!deparse(response) %in% colnames(newdata)) {
      newdata[[response]] <- 0
    lForm <- lFormula(formula=form, data=newdata)
    X_new <- lForm$X
    Zt_new <- lForm$reTrms$Zt
    grps <- names(object$ranefMat)
    ui_offset <- 0
    u <- c()
    for(gi in 1:length(grps)) {
      g <- grps[gi]
      if( any(!newdata[,g] %in% unique(rownames(object$ranefMat[[g]])))){
        if(!allow.new.levels) {
          stop("found new levels in ", g, " try setting the argument allow.new.levels to TRUE")
      ui_raw <- object$ranefMat[[gi]]
      ui <- rep(0, ncol(ui_raw) * length(unique(newdata[,g])))
      names(ui) <- rownames(Zt_new)[ui_offset + 1:length(ui)]
      # adjust the offset to account for having filled these positions
      ui_offset <- ui_offset + length(ui)
      for(ii in 1:nrow(ui_raw)) {
        if(sum(names(ui) == rownames(ui_raw)[ii]) == ncol(ui_raw)) {
          ui[names(ui) == rownames(ui_raw)[ii]] <- unlist(ui_raw[ii,])
      # append ui to the end of the u vector
      u <- c(u, ui)

    if (any(!colnames(X_new) %in% names(b))) {
      notinX <- colnames(X_new)[!colnames(X_new) %in% names(b)]
      stop("cannot find columns in X: ", pasteItems(notinX), ".")
    if (any(!names(b) %in% colnames(X_new))) {
      notinb <- names(b)[!names(b) %in% colnames(X_new)]
      stop("cannot find coefficients in b: ", pasteItems(notinb), ".")
    if (any(!names(lForm$reTrms$cnms) %in% names(object$ranefMat))) {
      notinZ <- names(object$ranefMat)[!names(object$ranefMat) %in% names(lForm$reTrms$cnms)]
      stop("cannot find columns in Z: ", pasteItems(notinZ), ".")
    if (any(!names(object$ranefMat) %in% names(lForm$reTrms$cnms))) {
      notinre <- names(object$ranefMat)[!names(object$ranefMat) %in% names(lForm$reTrms$cnms)]
      stop("cannot find random effects in ranefMat: ", pasteItems(notinre), ".")
    eta <- as.vector(X_new %*% object$coef + Matrix::t(Zt_new) %*% u)
    if (type == "response") {
      res <- family$linkinv(eta)
    } else {
      res <- eta
    df_res <- data.frame(res=res,
    df_all <- data.frame(row_name=rownames(newdata),
    df_m <- merge(df_res, df_all, by="row_name", all.x=TRUE, all.y=TRUE)
    res <- df_m$res
    names(res) <- df_m$row_name
    res <- res[sort(df_m$order, index.return=TRUE)$ix]

#' @method isGLMM WeMixResults
#' @export
isGLMM.WeMixResults <- function(x, ...) {
  as.logical(attr(x,"resp")$family$family %in% c("binomial","poisson"))

#' @importFrom lme4 isGLMM
#' @export
residuals.WeMixResults <- function(object,
                             type = if(isGLMM(object)) "deviance" else "response",
                             ...) {
  if (isGLMM(object)) {
    residuals(attr(object,"resp"), type,...)
  }else { 

# TO-DO: same thing 
#' @method residuals WeMixGLMResp
residuals.WeMixGLMResp <- function(object, type = c("deviance", "pearson",
                                               "working", "response"),
                              ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  y <- object$y
  mu <- object$mu
  eta <- object$eta
  family <- object$family
  wt <- object$wt
  mu_eta <- family$mu.eta(eta)
  wrkResids <- (y - mu)/mu_eta
         deviance = y - sqrt(family$dev.resids(y,mu,wt)),
         pearson = object$wtres,
         working = (y - mu)/mu_eta,
         response = y - mu

# This helper function prints WeMix Wald Test Resuls.
#' @export
print.WeMixWaldTest <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Wald Test Statistic\n")
  cat("\n\nDegrees of Freedom\n")
  cat("\n\nNull Hypothesis\n")
  if (inherits(x$H0, "matrix")){
  } else {
  cat("\n\nAlternative Hypothesis\n")
  if (inherits(x$HA, "matrix")){
  } else {

# This helper function creates a coefficient matrix from WeMix results.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats printCoefmat
print.summaryWeMixResults <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), nsmall=2, ...) {
  cat("\nVariance terms:\n")
  varsmat <- x$varsmat
  varsmat <- varsmat[order(varsmat$Level, decreasing=TRUE),]
  i <- 1
  while(paste0("Corr",i) %in% colnames(varsmat)) {
    # round correlations to two digits
    varsmat[[paste0("Corr",i)]] <- as.character(round(varsmat[[paste0("Corr",i)]],2))
    i <- i + 1
  print(varsmat, na.print="", row.names=FALSE, digits=digits, nsmall=nsmall)
  groupSum <- varsmat[!duplicated(varsmat$Level), c("Level", "Group")]
  if(any(groupSum$Level==1)) {
    groupSum$Group[groupSum$Level==1] <- "Obs"
  } else {
    newrow <- groupSum[1,]
    newrow$Level <- 1
    newrow$Group <- "Obs"
    groupSum <- rbind(groupSum, newrow)
  groupSum$"n size" <- rev(x$ngroups)
  for(i in 1:length(x$wgtStats)) {
    groupSum$"mean wgt"[groupSum$Level == i] <- x$wgtStats[[i]]$mean
    groupSum$"sum wgt"[groupSum$Level == i] <- x$wgtStats[[i]]$sum
  print(groupSum, na.print="", row.names=FALSE, digits=digits, nsmall=nsmall)
  cat("\nFixed Effects:\n")
  printCoefmat(x$coef, digits=digits, ...)
  cat("\nlnl=",format(x$lnl, nsmall=nsmall),"\n")
  if(length(x$ICC) > 0) {
    cat("Intraclass Correlation=",format(x$ICC, nsmall=nsmall, digits=digits),"\n")

#' Mixed Model Wald Tests
#' @description
#' This function calculates the Wald test for either fixed effects or variance parameters.
#' @param fittedModel a  model of class \code{WeMixResults} that is the result of a call to \code{\link{mix}} 
#' @param type a string, one of "beta" (to test the fixed effects) or "Lambda" (to test the variance-covariance parameters for the random effects)
#' @param coefs a vector containing the names of the coefficients to test. For \code{type="beta"} these must be
#'              the variable names exactly as they appear in the fixed effects table of the summary. For \code{type="Lambda"}
#'              these must be the names exactly as they appear in the theta element of the fitted model. 
#' @param hypothesis the hypothesized values of beta or Lambda. If \code{NA} (the default) 0 will be used. 
#' @details
#' By default this function tests against the null hypothesis that all coefficients are zero.
#' To identify which coefficients to test use the name exactly as it appears in 
#' the summary of the object.
#' @return Object of class \code{WeMixWaldTest}. 
#' This is a list with the following elements: 
#' \item{wald}{the value of the test statistic.}
#' \item{p}{the p-value for the test statistic. Based on the probabilty of the test statistic
#' under the chi-squared distribution.}
#' \item{df}{degrees of freedom used to calculate p-value.}
#' \item{H0}{The vector (for a test of beta) or matrix (for tests of Lambda) containing the 
#' null hypothesis for the test.}
#' \item{HA}{The vector (for a test of beta) or matrix (for tests of Lambda) containing the 
#' alternative hypothesis for the test (i.e. the values calculated by the fitted model being 
#' tested.)} 
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' library(lme4) #to use the example data 
#' sleepstudyU <- sleepstudy
#' sleepstudyU$weight1L1 <- 1
#' sleepstudyU$weight1L2 <- 1
#' wm0 <- mix(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject), data=sleepstudyU, 
#'             weights=c("weight1L1", "weight1L2"))
#' wm1 <- mix(Reaction ~ Days + (1 +Days|Subject), data=sleepstudyU, 
#'            weights=c("weight1L1", "weight1L2"))
#' waldTest(wm0, type="beta")  #test all betas 
#' #test only beta for days 
#' waldTest(wm0, type="beta", coefs="Days")  
#' #test only beta for intercept against hypothesis that it is 1
#' waldTest(wm0, type="beta", coefs="(Intercept)", hypothesis=c(1))  
#' waldTest(wm1,type="Lambda")  #test all values of Lambda
#'  #test only some Lambdas.The names are the same as names(wm1$theta)
#' waldTest(wm1,type="Lambda", coefs="Subject.(Intercept)") 
#' #specify  test values
#' waldTest(wm1,type="Lambda", coefs="Subject.(Intercept)", hypothesis=c(1))  
#' }
#' @importFrom stats pchisq 
#' @export
waldTest <- function(fittedModel, type=c("beta", "Lambda") , coefs=NA, hypothesis=NA) {
  type <- match.arg(type,c("beta", "Lambda"))
  if (type == "Lambda"){
    # names of the coefs 
    if (all(is.na(coefs))) {
      coef_names <- names(fittedModel$theta)
    } else {
      coef_names <- coefs
    #number of parameters 
    q <- length(coef_names)
    #total coefficients 
    p <- length(fittedModel$theta)
    # this block sets up R, the hypothesis matrix 
    # it has a row for each parameter to be tested (q) 
    # it has a column for each parameter that exists in the model
    R <-  matrix(0, nrow=q, ncol=p)
    rownames(R) <- coef_names
    colnames(R) <- names(fittedModel$theta)
    # Fill in one for each  each coefficient to  be tested in the relevant row
    for (coef in coef_names){
      if (any(!coef_names %in% names(fittedModel$theta))){
        stop("Names of coefficients to test must be the same as names of theta in the fitted model.")
      R[coef, coef] <- 1
    #this block sets up the r vector of hypothesized values for theta
    if (all(is.na(hypothesis))){
      r <- rep(0,q)
    } else {
      if (length(hypothesis) != q){
        stop("Length of hypothesized values must be same as number of coefficients to test.")
      r <- hypothesis
    names(r) <- coef_names
    # get variance covariance matrix 
    V_hat <- fittedModel$var_theta

    ests <- fittedModel$theta
    #create var-cov matrix for null and alternative hypothesis 
    variances <- fittedModel$varDF[!is.na(fittedModel$varDF$var1) & is.na(fittedModel$varDF$var2),"fullGroup"]
    h0  <- matrix(0,nrow=length(variances),ncol=length(variances))
    rownames(h0) <- colnames(h0)  <- variances
    ha <- h0
    #fill with theta values (for null hypothesis) - but only those related to the parameters  we are test
    #handle positioning covariance
    for (i  in 1:length(r)){
      #decompose name into parts
      var <- r[i]
      parts <- unlist(strsplit(names(var),".",fixed=T))
      if (length(parts)>2){  #These are covariances 
        group <- parts[1]
        v1 <-paste0(group,".",parts[2])
        v2 <-paste0(group,".",parts[3])
      }  else { #these are variances 
        group <- parts[1]
        v1 <-paste0(group,".",parts[2])
        v2 <-paste0(group,".",parts[2])
      #put value alue into var-covar matrix
      h0[v1,v2] <- var
      h0[v2,v1] <- var
      ha[v1,v2] <- fittedModel$theta[names(var)]
      ha[v2,v1] <- fittedModel$theta[names(var)]
  } else { # end if (type == "Lambda")
    # wald test for beta values
    # names of the coefs 
    if  (all(is.na(coefs))) {
      coef_names <- names(fittedModel$coef)
    } else {
      coef_names <- coefs
    #number of parameters 
    q <- length(coef_names)
    #total coefficients 
    p <- length(fittedModel$coef)
    # this block sets up  R the hypothesis matrix 
    # it has a row for each parameter to be tested (q) 
    # it has a column for each parameter that exists in the model
    R <-  matrix(0,nrow=q,ncol=p)
    rownames(R) <- coef_names
    colnames(R) <- names(fittedModel$coef)
    # Fill in one for each  each coefficient to  be tested in the relevant row
    for (coef in coef_names){
      if (any(!coef_names %in% names(fittedModel$coef))){stop("Names of coefficients to test must be the same as names of beta in the fitted model.")}
      R[coef,coef] <- 1
    #this block sets up the r vector of hypothesized values for theta
    if (all(is.na(hypothesis))){
      r <- rep(0,q)
    } else {
      if (length(hypothesis) != q){stop("Length of hypothesized values must be same as number of coefficients to test.")}
      r <- hypothesis
    # Covariance matrix of beta
      # this is a glm
      VC <- makeSandwich(fittedModel) # calculates the sandwhich estimator of variance 
      V_hat <- VC$VC[1:(q+1), 1:(q+1)]
    } else {
      V_hat <- fittedModel$cov_mat
    ests <- fittedModel$coef
    #Make hypothesis vectors to return
    h0 <- ests[coef_names]
    ha <- r 
    names(ha) <- coef_names
  } #end else for if (type == "beta")
  #Wald test using the following equation
  #W = (Rb - r)^T (RVR^T)^-1 (Rb - r)
  W = as.numeric(t(R%*%ests - r)  %*% solve(R  %*% V_hat  %*% t(R)) %*% (R%*%ests - r))
  ch = 1 - pchisq(W, df=q)
  res <- list("Wald"=W,"p"=ch ,"df"=q,"H0"= h0,"HA"=ha)
  class(res) <- "WeMixWaldTest"

# This function calculates robust standard errors using the sandwich estimator of the standard errors  
# following Rabe-Hesketh & Skrondal 2006. For linear models, robust standard errors are returned from the main estimation function. 
# This function is only used for post-hoc estimation for non-linear models. 
#' @importFrom numDeriv jacobian
makeSandwich <- function(fittedModel) {
  #make same estimator based on 

  par <- c(fittedModel$coef, fittedModel$vars)
  FisherInfInverse <- solve(fittedModel$invHessian)
  L <- jacobian(fittedModel$lnlf, par, top=FALSE)
  nGroups <- nrow(L)
  nParams <- length(par)
  J <- matrix(0,ncol=nParams, nrow=nParams)
  for (i in 1:nGroups){
    J <- J + L[i,] %*% t(L[i,])
  J <- (nGroups/(nGroups-1))*J
  SE <- FisherInfInverse%*%J%*%FisherInfInverse
  colnames(SE) <- rownames(SE)<-names(par)
  se <- sqrt(diag(SE)) 

  #return NA for obs with variance below threshold 
  se[which(log(fittedModel$vars) < -3.6) + length(fittedModel$coef) ] <- NA
  diag(SE) <- se^2 
  names(se) <- colnames(SE)


# TRUE if x has no zeros in it. False if it does have a zero.
# useful for finding columns with non-zero entries in lapply
nozero <- function(x) {
  any(x != 0)

# turns fit random effects into a list of matrixes, one per group level, with effects by group
# @param bhatq, with fit random effects
# @param Zlist the Z matrix list, by level, used to map random effects to groups
# @param theta the names of which are used to get the structure and column names for results
# assumes every effect is occupied (has a column in Z) and throws an error if this is not the case
makeUMatList <- function(bhatq, Zlist, theta) {
  splitEffects <- strsplit(x=names(theta), split="[.]")
  firstEffects <- sapply(splitEffects, function(x) { x[1] } )
  ufirstEffects <- unique(firstEffects)
  if(length(ufirstEffects) != length(Zlist)) {
    stop("unable to form covariates matrix. You may need to rename grouping factors without periods.")
  res <- list()
  u <- bhatq$ranef
  for(zi in 1:length(Zlist)) {
    firstEi <- ufirstEffects[zi]
    selected <- which(firstEffects==firstEi & lapply(splitEffects, length) == 2)
    effectNamesi <- unlist(lapply(selected, function(si) { splitEffects[[si]][-1] } ))
    bs <- bhatq$ranef[[zi+1]]
    cnZi <- colnames(Zlist[[zi]])
    ucnZi <- unique(cnZi)
    if( length(bs)/length(selected) - round(length(bs)/length(selected)) > sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) ) {
      stop(paste0("unable to form covariates matrix. Number of random effects per group is non-integer at level ", zi +1, " with ", length(bs), " effects  and ", length(selected), " per unit."))
    bsmat <- matrix(NA, ncol=length(selected), nrow=round(length(bs)/length(selected)), dimnames=list(ucnZi, effectNamesi))
    for(ei in 1:length(ucnZi)) {
      bsmat[ei,] <- bs[cnZi == ucnZi[ei]]
    bsmatr <- data.frame(bsmat)
    colnames(bsmatr) <- colnames(bsmat)
    res <- c(res, list(bsmatr))
  names(res) <- ufirstEffects

nearPD2 <- function(X, tol=400, warn="") {
  # this is faster but will mean another package dependency
  #eig <- RSpectra::eigs_sym(as.matrix(X), 2, which = "BE", opts = list(retvec = FALSE))
  eig <- eigen(X,symmetric=TRUE,only.values = TRUE)
  if(min(eig$values) <= 0 || max(eig$values)/min(eig$values) >= 1/((.Machine$double.eps)^0.25)) {
    if(nchar(warn) > 0) {
    X <- nearPD(X,  posd.tol=tol*sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))$mat

# turns a vector into a properyly formatted list for showing the user
# @param vector a vector of items to paste
# @param final the word to put after the serial comma and the final element
# @
# examples:
# pasteItems(c())
# # NULL
# pasteItems(c("A"))
# # [1] "A"
# pasteItems(c("A", "B"))
# # [1] "A and B"
# pasteItems(c("A", "B", "C"))
# # [1] "A, B, and C"
# from EdSurvey 4.0.0
# @author Paul Bailey
pasteItems <- function(vector, final = "and") {
  # no need to do anything if there is one or fewer elements
  if (length(vector) <= 1) {
  if (length(vector) == 2) {
    return(paste0(vector[1], " ", final, " ", vector[2]))
  v <- vector[-length(vector)]
  f <- vector[length(vector)]
  return(paste0(paste(v, collapse = ", "), ", ", final, " ", f))

# generate a variable not on the dataframe already by adding letters to the end unit
# a name not on the data frame is available
genUniqueVar <- function(df, new_var_name="unique") {
  while(new_var_name %in% colnames(df)) {
    new_var_name <- paste0(new_var_name,sample(letters,1))

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