
Defines functions whatif

Documented in whatif

#' Whatif
#' Implements the methods described in King and Zeng (2006a, 2006b) for
#' evaluating counterfactuals.  
#' @examples 
#' Create example data sets and counterfactuals
#' my.cfact <- matrix(rnorm(3*5), ncol = 5)
#' my.data <- matrix(rnorm(100*5), ncol = 5)
#' Evaluate counterfactuals
#'  my.result <- whatif(data = my.data, cfact = my.cfact, mc.cores = 1)
#'  Evaluate counterfactuals and supply own gower distances for 
#'  cumulative frequency distributions
#' my.result <- whatif(cfact = my.cfact, data = my.data, 
#'          freq = c(0, .25, .5, 1, 1.25, 1.5), mc.cores = 1) 
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores mclapply 
#' @importFrom pbmcapply pbmclapply
#' @importFrom utils read.table setTxtProgressBar txtProgressBar
#' @importFrom lpSolve lp
#' @importFrom stats complete.cases delete.response model.frame model.matrix na.fail na.omit terms update.formula
#' @export
whatif <- function(formula = NULL, data, cfact, range = NULL, freq = NULL,
                   nearby = 1,  distance = "gower", miss = "list",
                   choice= "both", return.inputs = FALSE,
                   return.distance = FALSE, mc.cores = detectCores(), ...)  {
    if (mc.cores <= 0)
        stop("mc.cores must be an integer greater than 0.", call. = FALSE)

    #Initial processing of cfact
  message("Preprocessing data ...")

  if(!((is.character(cfact) && is.vector(cfact) && length(cfact) == 1) ||
       is.data.frame(cfact) || (is.matrix(cfact) && !is.character(cfact)))) {
    stop("'cfact' must be either a string, a R data frame, or a R non-character matrix")
  if (is.character(cfact))  {
    cfact <- read.table(cfact)
  if (dim(cfact)[1] == 0)  {
    stop("no counterfactuals supplied: 'cfact' contains zero rows")
  if (!any(complete.cases(cfact)))  {
    stop("there are no cases in 'cfact' without missing values")
  if ("(Intercept)" %in% dimnames(cfact)[[2]])  {
    cfact <- cfact[, -(which(dimnames(cfact)[[2]] == "(Intercept)"))]
    #Initial processing of data
  if (is.list(data) && !(is.data.frame(data)))  {
    if (!((("formula" %in% names(data)) || ("terms" %in% names(data))) &&
          (("data" %in% names(data)) || ("model" %in% names(data)))))  {
      stop("the list supplied to 'data' is not a valid output object")
    tt <- terms(data)
    attr(tt, "intercept") <- rep(0, length(attr(tt, "intercept")))
    if ("data" %in% names(data))  {
      if (is.data.frame(data$data))  {
        data <- model.matrix(tt, model.frame(tt, data = data$data, na.action = NULL))
      }  else  {
        data <- model.matrix(tt, model.frame(tt, data = eval(data$data, envir = .GlobalEnv), na.action = NULL))
    }  else  {
      data <- model.matrix(tt, data = data$model)
    if (!(is.matrix(data)))  {
      stop("observed covariate data could not be extracted from output object")
  } else {
    if(!((is.character(data) && is.vector(data) && length(data) == 1) ||
         is.data.frame(data) || (is.matrix(data) && !is.character(data)))) {
      stop("'data' must be either a string, a R data frame, a R non-character matrix, or an output object")
    if (is.character(data))  {
      data <- read.table(data)
  if (dim(data)[1] == 0)  {
    stop("no observed covariate data supplied: 'data' contains zero rows")
  if (!any(complete.cases(data)))  {
    stop("there are no cases in 'data' without missing values")
  #Secondary processing of data and cfact: use formula
  if (!(is.null(formula)))  {
    if (identical(class(formula), "formula"))  {
      if (!(is.data.frame(as.data.frame(data))))  {
        stop("'data' must be coercable to a data frame in order to use 'formula'")
      if (!(is.data.frame(as.data.frame(cfact))))  {
        stop("'cfact' must be coercable to a data frame in order to use 'formula'")
      formula <- update.formula(formula, ~ . -1)
      ttvar <- all.vars(formula)
      for (i in 1:length(ttvar))  {
        if (!(ttvar[i] %in% dimnames(data)[[2]])){
          stop("variables in 'formula' either unlabeled or not present in 'data'")
        if (!(ttvar[i] %in% dimnames(cfact)[[2]])){
          stop("variable(s) in 'formula' either unlabeled or not present in 'cfact'")
      data <- model.matrix(formula, data = model.frame(formula, as.data.frame(data),
                                      na.action = NULL))
      cfact <- model.matrix(formula, data = model.frame(formula, as.data.frame(cfact),
                                       na.action = NULL))
    } else {
      stop("'formula' must be of class 'formula'")
  if (!(identical(complete.cases(cfact), rep(TRUE, dim(cfact)[1])))) {
    cfact <- na.omit(cfact)
    message("Note:  counterfactuals with missing values eliminated from cfact")
    #Tertiary processing of data and cfact:  convert to numeric matrices
  if (is.data.frame(data))  {
    if (is.character(as.matrix(data)))  {
      stop("observed covariate data not coercable to numeric matrix due to character column(s)")
    data <- suppressWarnings(data.matrix(data))
  }  else  {
    data <- data.matrix(as.data.frame(data))
  if (is.data.frame(cfact))  {
    if (is.character(as.matrix(cfact)))  {
      stop("counterfactual data not coercable to numeric matrix due to character column(s)")
    cfact <- suppressWarnings(data.matrix(cfact))
  }  else  {
    cfact <- data.matrix(as.data.frame(cfact))
   #Final checks on data and cfact
  if (!(is.matrix(data) && is.numeric(data)))  {
    stop("observed covariate data not coercable to numeric matrix")
  if (!(is.matrix(cfact) && is.numeric(cfact)))  {
    stop("counterfactual data not coercable to numeric matrix")

    #Check if cfact, data have the same number of dimensions, k
  if (!identical(ncol(cfact), ncol(data)))  {
    stop("number of columns of 'cfact' and 'data' are not equal")
    #Check format of range if user supplies an argument
  if (!(is.null(range)))  {
    if (!(is.vector(range) && is.numeric(range)))  {
      stop("'range' must be a numeric vector")
    if (!identical(length(range), ncol(data)))  {
      stop("length of 'range' does not equal number of columns of 'data'")
   #Check format of freq if user supplies an argument
  if (!(is.null(freq)))  {
    if (!(is.vector(freq) && is.numeric(freq)))  {
      stop("'freq' must be a numeric vector")
    #Check if nearby argument is numeric, a scalar, and >= 0, if supplied
  if (!(is.null(nearby))) {
    if (!(is.numeric(nearby) && is.vector(nearby) && length(nearby) == 1 &&
          nearby >= 0))  {
      stop("'nearby' must be numeric, greater than or equal to 0, and a scalar")
    #Check if miss argument is valid
  if (!(identical(miss, "list") || identical(miss, "case")))  {
    stop("'miss' must be either ''case'' or ''list''")

    #Check if distance argument is valid
  if (!(identical(distance, "gower") || identical(distance, "euclidian")))  {
    stop("'distance' must be either ''gower'' or ''euclidian''")

    #Check if choice argument is valid
  if (!(identical(choice, "both") || identical(choice, "hull") || identical(choice, "distance")))  {
    stop("'choice' must be either ''both'', ''hull'', or ''distance''")

   #Check if return.distance argument is valid
  if (!(is.logical(return.inputs)))  {
    stop("'return.inputs' must be logical, i.e. either TRUE or FALSE")

   #Check if return.distance argument is valid
  if (!(is.logical(return.distance)))  {
    stop("'return.distance' must be logical, i.e. either TRUE or FALSE")

  n = nrow(data)  #Number of data points in observed data set (initially including missing)

    #LOCAL FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------
    convex.hull.test <- function(x, z, mc.cores = mc.cores)  {

        one_core_pb <- mc.cores == 1 

        #Create objects required by lp function, adding a row of 1s to
        #transposed matrix s and a 1 to counterfactual vector z[m,].  Note that "A" here
        #corresponds to "A'" in King and Zeng 2006, Appendix A, and "B" and
        #"C" to their "B" and "C", respectively.
        n <- nrow(x)
        k <- ncol(x)
        m <- nrow(z)

        if (one_core_pb && m == 1) one_core_pb <- FALSE
        if (one_core_pb) pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 1, max = m, style = 3)

        A <- rbind(t(x), rep(1, n))
        C <- c(rep(0, n))
        D <- c(rep("=", k + 1))

        in_ch <- function(i, one_core_pb = FALSE) {
            B <- c(z[i,], 1)
            lp.result <- lp(objective.in = C, const.mat = A, const.dir = D,
                            const.rhs = B)
            if (one_core_pb)
                setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
            if (lp.result$status == 0) return(TRUE)
            else return(FALSE)
        if (one_core_pb) {
            hull <- sapply(1:m, in_ch, one_core_pb = one_core_pb)
        else {
            if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
                hull <- mclapply(1:m, in_ch, mc.cores = mc.cores)
                hull <- pbmclapply(1:m, in_ch, mc.cores = mc.cores) # parallelised with progress bar
            hull <- unlist(hull)

        if (one_core_pb) close(pb)

  calc.gd <- function(dat, cf, range) {
      #If range =  0 for a variable k, set the normalized difference
      #equal to 0 if, for a given observed data point p, its
      #kth element minus the kth element of the counterfactual is 0.
      #Otherwise set equal to NA, thus ignoring the contribution of the kth
      #variable to the calculation of Gower's distance.
      #Note that an element of the range vector should only be 0 in degenerate
    n <- nrow(dat)
    m <- nrow(cf)
    dat = t(dat)
    dist = matrix(0,m,n,dimnames=list(1:m,1:n))
    for (i in 1:m) {
      if (any(range==0)) {
      dist[i,] <- colMeans(temp,na.rm=T)

  calc.ed <- function(dat, cf)  {
    for (i in 1:m) {

  geom.var <- function(dat,rang) {
    n <- nrow(dat)
      if (any(rang==0)) {
      tmp<-sum(colMeans(temp,na.rm=TRUE) )
    gv.x <- (0.5 * sum.gd.x)/(n^2)
    return (gv.x)

  calc.cumfreq <- function(freq, dist)  {
    for(i in 1:m)
      res[,i]<-(colSums(dist <= freq[i]))/nrow(dist)

if (identical(miss, "list"))  {
  data <- na.omit(data)
  n <- nrow(data)

if ((choice=="both")|(choice=="hull"))  {
  message("Performing convex hull test ...")
  test.result <- convex.hull.test(x = na.omit(data), z = cfact,
                                  mc.cores = mc.cores)


if ((choice=="both")|(choice=="distance"))  {
  message("Calculating distances ....")
  if (identical(distance, "gower"))  {
    samp.range <- apply(data, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE) - apply(data, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
    if(!is.null(range)) {
    if (identical(TRUE, any(samp.range == 0)))  {
      message("Note:  range of at least one variable equals zero")
    dist <- calc.gd(dat = data, cf = cfact, range=samp.range)
  }  else {
    dist <- calc.ed(dat = na.omit(data), cf = cfact)

  message("Calculating the geometric variance...")
  if (identical(distance, "gower"))  {
    gv.x <- geom.var(dat = data,rang = samp.range)
  }  else {
    gv.x<-.5*mean(calc.ed(dat = na.omit(data), cf = na.omit(data)))

  if (identical(miss, "case") && identical(distance, "euclidian"))  {
    summary <- colSums(dist <= nearby*gv.x) * (1/nrow(na.omit(data)))
  }  else  {
    summary <- colSums(dist <= nearby*gv.x) * (1/n)

  message("Calculating cumulative frequencies ...")
   if (is.null(freq))  {
     if (identical(distance, "gower"))  {
       freqdist <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.05)
     }  else {
       min.ed <- min(dist)
       max.ed <- max(dist)
       freqdist <- round(seq(min.ed, max.ed, by = (max.ed - min.ed)/20), 2)
  } else {
    freqdist <- freq
  cumfreq <- calc.cumfreq(freq = freqdist, dist = dist)
  dimnames(cumfreq) <- list(seq(1, nrow(cfact), by = 1), freqdist)

message("Finishing up ...")


if (return.inputs)  {
  if (choice=="both")  {
    if (return.distance)  {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), inputs = list(data = data, cfact = cfact),
                  in.hull = test.result, dist = t(dist), geom.var = gv.x,
                  sum.stat = summary, cum.freq = cumfreq)
    }  else  {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), inputs = list(data = data, cfact = cfact),
                  in.hull = test.result, geom.var = gv.x, sum.stat = summary,
                  cum.freq = cumfreq)

  if (choice=="distance")  {
    if (return.distance)  {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), inputs = list(data = data, cfact = cfact),
                  dist = t(dist), geom.var = gv.x, sum.stat = summary,
                  cum.freq = cumfreq)
    }  else {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), inputs = list(data = data, cfact = cfact),
                  geom.var = gv.x, sum.stat = summary, cum.freq = cumfreq)

  if (choice=="hull") {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), inputs = list(data = data, cfact = cfact),
                  in.hull = test.result)

}  else  {
  if (choice=="both")  {
    if (return.distance)  {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), in.hull = test.result, dist = t(dist),
                  geom.var = gv.x, sum.stat = summary, cum.freq = cumfreq)
    }  else {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), in.hull = test.result, geom.var = gv.x,
                  sum.stat = summary, cum.freq = cumfreq)

  if (choice=="distance")  {
    if (return.distance)  {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), dist = t(dist), geom.var = gv.x,
                  sum.stat = summary, cum.freq = cumfreq)
    }  else {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), geom.var = gv.x, sum.stat = summary,
                  cum.freq = cumfreq)

  if (choice=="hull")  {
      out <- list(call = match.call(), in.hull = test.result)


  class(out) <- "whatif"

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WhatIf documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 5:13 p.m.