#' Parse XML Files into XML Documents
#' Essentially a recursive call to \link{xmlParse}.
#' @param urls character vector. Either urls that point to an XML file online or a local XML file name.
#' @param local logical. Should urls be treated as paths to local files?
#' @param quiet logical. Print file name currently being parsed?
#' @param ... arguments passed along to `httr::GET`
#' @importFrom plyr try_default
#' @importFrom XML xmlParse
#' @importFrom httr url_ok
#' @importFrom httr GET
#' @importFrom httr content
#' @export
urlsToDocs <- function(urls, local = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, ...) {
#keep only urls that exist
if (!local) {
urls <- urls[vapply(urls, url_ok, logical(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)]
text <- lapply(urls, function(x) content(GET(x, ...), as = "text"))
} else {
text <- urls
if (length(text) == 0) {
warning("No content found. Please double check your urls.")
docs <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(text)) {
if (!quiet) cat(urls[i], "\n")
doc <- try_default(xmlParse(text[i], asText = !local), NULL, quiet = TRUE)
if (!is.null(doc)) {
attr(doc, "XMLsource") <- urls[i]
docs <- c(docs, doc) #Keep non-empty documents
#' Parse XML Documents into XML Nodes
#' Essentially a recursive call to \link{getNodeSet}.
#' @param docs XML documents
#' @param xpath xpath expression
#' @importFrom XML getNodeSet
#' @export
docsToNodes <- function(docs, xpath) {
#I should really figure which class I want...
rapply(docs, function(x) getNodeSet(x, path=xpath),
classes=c('XMLInternalDocument', 'XMLAbstractDocument'), how="replace")
#' Coerce XML Nodes into a list with both attributes and values
#' Essentially a recursive call to \link{xmlToList}.
#' @param nodes A collection of XML nodes. Should be the output from \link{docsToNodes}.
#' @importFrom XML xmlToList
#' @return A nested list with a structure that resembles the XML structure
#' @export
nodesToList <- function(nodes){
#I should really figure which class I want...
rapply(nodes, function(x) xmlToList(x),
classes=c("XMLInternalElementNode", "XMLInternalNode", "XMLAbstractNode"), how="replace")
#' Flatten nested list into a list of observations
#' This function flattens the nested list into a list of "observations" (that is, a list of matrices with one row).
#' The names of the list that is returned reflects the XML ancestory of each observation.
#' @param l list. Should be the output from \link{nodesToList}.
#' @param urls character vector the same length as \code{l}. Each element should map element of \code{l} to an XML file.
#' @param append.value logical. Should the XML value be appended to the observation?
#' @param as.equiv logical. Should observations from two different files (but the same ancestory) have the same name returned?
#' @param logical. If TRUE, the 'url_key' column will contain a condensed url identifier (for each observation)
#' and full urls will be stored in the "url_map" element. If FALSE, the full urls are included (for each observation)
#' as a 'url' column and no "url_map" is included.
#' @return A list where each element reflects one "observation".
#' @export
#adapted from knowledege gained from here:
listsToObs <- function(l, urls, append.value=TRUE, as.equiv=TRUE, {
#add a prefix to the names of the list to help content to a url
url.count <- paste0("url", seq_len(length(urls)))
url_map <- cbind(url_key=url.count, url=urls)
names(l) <- url.count
#Assuming the names of the list elements holding XML values (and only values) will be NULL, we can distinguish between values/attributes
#By also assuming that values appear immediately before their respective attributes (which appears to be the way xmlToList works),
#we append the XML value to a row of attributes (given that their from the same node)
name.len <- rapply(l, function(x) length(names(x)))
list.len <- length(name.len)
nms <- names(name.len)
#if (is.null(names(l[[1]]))) nms <- rep(names(l), sapply(l, length)) #overwrite names if no names (or no children) exist
# turn '..attr' into '.attr' -- note it can show up multiple times in a name
temp <- gsub('.attrs', 'attrs', fixed=TRUE, nms)
idx <- gsub('.', '//', fixed=TRUE, temp)
#select the url prefix and replace with nothing (this will give observations from different files and the same ancestory the same name)
if (as.equiv) {
node.sets <- sub("url([0-9]+)//", "", idx)
} else {
node.sets <- idx
urlz <- sub("//.*$", "", idx)
suffix <- sub(".*//", "", node.sets)
#tracks which XML values should be appended to the sequential row
indicies <- which(name.len == 0 & suffix %in% "text")
holder <- vector('list', list.len) #placeholder for the flattened list hierarchy
i <- 0L
#fill up placeholder with relevant info
rapply(l, function(x) {
i <<- i+1L
holder[[i]] <<- matrix(x, nrow=1)
nmz <- names(x)
if (is.null(nmz)) nmz <- "XML_value"
colnames(holder[[i]]) <<- nmz
#Append XML_value column to the appropriate attributes
#Note that this assumes the value always appears before the attributes in the list order
if (append.value && length(indicies) > 0) {
values <- holder[indicies]
add.values <- holder[indicies+1]
holder[indicies+1] <- mapply(function(x, y){ cbind(x, y) }, add.values, values, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
holder[indicies] <- NULL
#remove the XML value elements (so they aren't duplicated)
urlz <- urlz[-indicies]
node.sets <- node.sets[-indicies]
if ( {
holder <- mapply(function(x, y) cbind(x, url_key=y), holder, urlz, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
holder[[length(holder) + 1]] <- url_map #append url_map to end of list
node.sets <- c(node.sets, "url_map")
} else {
tab <- table(urlz)
reps <- tab[match(url.count, names(tab))]
reps[] <- 0 #error handling for urls without any observations
holder <- mapply(function(x, y) cbind(x, url=y), holder, rep(urls, reps), SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
names(holder) <- sub("//attrs", "", node.sets)
#' Rename rows of a list
#' Sometimes, certain nodes in an XML ancestory may want to be neglected
#' before any keys are created (see \link{add_key}) or observations are aggregated (see \link{collapse}).
#' This function takes a list of "observations" (that is, a list of matrices with one row) and
#' alters the names of that list. Note that any information lost from changing names is saved
#' in a new column whose name is specified by \code{}.
#' @param obs list. Should be the output from \link{XML2Obs} (or \link{listsToObs}).
#' @param namez must be equivalent to \code{names(obs)}. Intended use is to avoid unneccessarily repeating that operation.
#' @param equiv character vector with the appropriate (unique) names that should be regarded "equivalent".
#' @param character string used for naming the variable that is appended to any observations whose name was overwritten.
#' The value for this variable is the difference in from the original name and the overwritten name.
#' @param character string to override naming of observations that are renamed.
#' @param quiet logical. Include message about how observations are being renamed?
#' @return A list of "observations".
#' @export
re_name <- function(obs, namez, equiv,"diff_name",, quiet=FALSE){
if (missing(equiv)) {
warning("Must include equiv argument!")
if (missing(namez)) {
nms <- names(obs)
} else {
nms <- namez
if (is.null(nms)) {
warning("The observations don't not have any names!")
if (all(!equiv %in% unique(nms))) {
warning("None of the equiv elements match the names of the observations.")
baseline <- strsplit(equiv, "//")
n <- length(equiv)
keeps <- baseline[[1]]
names(baseline) <- equiv
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) { #get all the common nodes
idx <- keeps %in% baseline[[i+1]]
keeps <- keeps[idx]
#construct the 'label' to replace all the names that match equiv
if (length(keeps) == 0) {
warning("None of the XML node names seem to match. Are you sure you want to regard these names equivalent?")
label <- "equivalent"
} else {
label <- paste0(keeps, collapse="//")
if (!missing( label <-
if (!quiet) message(paste0("Renaming all list elements named: \n", paste(equiv, collapse=" OR "), "\nwith\n", label))
diffs <- lapply(baseline, function(x) paste(x[!x %in% keeps], collapse="//")) #keeps the nodes that will be 'overwritten'
idx <- nms %in% equiv
#idx <- grepl(paste(equiv, collapse="||"), nms) #grep here instead?
#overwrite the names
names(obs)[idx] <- label
#get the information that was "lost" when overwritting names and append a new column accordingly
klass <- as.character(diffs[match(nms[idx], names(diffs))])
obs[idx] <- mapply(function(x, y) cbind(x, `colnames<-`(cbind(y),, obs[idx], klass, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
#' Add a key to connect parents to descendants
#' This function creates a mapping from parent observations to it's descendants (which useful for merging/joining tables).
#' Either an existing value in the parent observation can be \code{recycle}d to it's descendants or a new column
#' will be created (if \code{recycle} is missing).
#' @param obs list. Should be the output from \link{listsToObs}.
#' @param parent character string. Should be present in the names of \code{obs}.
#' @param recycle character string that matches a variable name among \code{parent} observations.
#' @param The desired column name of the newly generated key.
#' @param quiet logical. Include message about the keys being generated?
#' @return A list of observations.
#' @export
add_key <- function(obs, parent, recycle,, quiet=FALSE){
if (missing(parent)) {
warning("You must provide the parent argument!")
if (length(parent) > 1) warning("Please specify one parent at a time!")
nms <- names(obs)
if (is.null(nms)) {
warning("The observations don't not have any names!")
un <- unique(nms)
if (!parent %in% un) {
warning("The parent argument you provided does not match any observations.")
fetus <- un[-which(un == parent)]
children <- fetus[grep(paste0(parent, "//.*"), fetus)]
if (length(children) == 0){
warning(paste0("No children were found for the ", parent, " node."))
} else {
if (!quiet) message(paste0("A key for the following children will be generated for the ", parent, " node:\n", paste0(children, collapse="\n")))
if (missing(recycle)) { #add an (outer) index to parent
elders <- nms == parent
outer_index <- seq_len(sum(elders))
if (missing( <- "key_name"
obs[elders] <- mapply(function(x, y) cbind(x, `colnames<-`(cbind(y),, obs[elders], outer_index, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
} else { #use a specified variable for (outer) index
elders <- nms == parent
outer_index <- lapply(obs[elders], function(x) x[,recycle])
if (missing( <- recycle
#now add the (inner) index for each descendent
for (child in children) {
kids <- nms == child
kid.idx <- which(kids)
relevant <- obs[elders | kids] #have to subset to relevant cases to get the proper indexing
elder.idx <- which(names(relevant) == parent)
timez <- diff(c(0, elder.idx))-1 #yields the number of children between each parent
inner_index <- rep(outer_index, timez)
obs[kid.idx] <- mapply(function(x, y) cbind(x, `colnames<-`(cbind(y),, obs[kid.idx], inner_index, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
#' Collapse a list of observations into a list of tables.
#' This function aggregates all observations with a similar name into a common table. Note that observations
#' with a particular name don't need consistent variables (any missing information is filled with NAs).
#' @param obs list of observations.
#' @return Returns list with one element for each relevant XML node. Each element contains a matrix.
#' @importFrom plyr rbind.fill.matrix
#' @export
collapse_obs <- function(obs) {
nms <- names(obs)
#Exclude url_map from collapsing if it exists
map <- grep("url_map", nms)
if (length(map) != 0) {
obs <- obs[-map]
nms <- nms[-map]
if (length(unique(nms)) == 1) {
} else {
return(tapply(obs, INDEX=nms, rbind.fill.matrix))
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