
Defines functions RPython pythonSend pythonEval pythonCommand pythonCall pythonGet pythonSource pythonDefine pythonSerialize pythonUnserialize pythonName pythonShell pythonImport pythonTask pythonAddToPath ipython isinstance fromRtclt toRtclt okPython

Documented in fromRtclt ipython isinstance okPython pythonAddToPath pythonCall pythonCommand pythonDefine pythonEval pythonGet pythonImport pythonName pythonSend pythonSerialize pythonShell pythonSource pythonTask pythonUnserialize RPython toRtclt

#' An Interface to Python
#' The \code{"PythonInterface"} class provides an evaluator for computations in Python, following the structure
#' in the XR  package.  Proxy functions and classes allow use of the interface with no explicit
#' reference to the evaluator.  The function \code{RPython()} returns an evaluator object.
#' The class extends the \code{"Interface"} class in the XR package and has the same fields.
#' Python-specific methods use the rPython low-level interface.  See the Chapter from the
#'  \dQuote{Extending R} book in the documents for this package for details.
PythonInterface <- setRefClass("PythonInterface",
                                 contains = "Interface",
                               methods = list(
    initialize = function(...) {
       'The Python version, with special defaults for prototypeObject and modules'
        languageName <<- "Python"
        obj <- PythonObject()
        obj$.ev <- .self
        prototypeObject <<- obj
        modules <<- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
        callSuper(...) # initialize object
        startupActions() # actions for search path, imports
    ServerEval = function(strings, key = "", get = NA) {
       'The Python version using value_for_R()'
             pySend <- { if(is.na(get)) "None"
                          else if(get) "True"
                          else "False"}
             pyExpr <- { if(is.character(strings)) deparse(strings)
                         else deparse(as.character(strings)) # does this ever happn?
             expr <- gettextf("_R_value = value_for_R(%s, %s, %s)",
                             pyExpr, deparse(key), pySend)
             string <- reticulate::py_eval("_R_value") #? reticulate has no version of python.get()
             XR::valueFromServer(string, key, get, .self)
    ServerClassDef = function(Class, module = "", example = TRUE ) {
       'The Python version using PythonClassDef()'
        PythonClassDef(Class,  module, example, evaluator = .self)
    ServerFunctionDef = function(name, module ="") {
       'The Python version using PythonFunction()'
        PythonFunction(name, module, .ev = .self)
    Define = function(text, file) {
        'Define a Python function from a character vector, `text` or by reading the text
from a file via readLines().  Character vectors are taken to represent lines of Python code
in a function definiition.  The method returns a proxy function with a name inferred from
the first line of the text.'
        if(missing(text)) {
            if(is(file, "connection")) {
                    open(file, "r")
                con <- file
            else con <- base::file(file, "r")
            text <- base::readLines(con)
        ## try to parse the first line to get the function name
        fname <- text[[1]]
        fname <- gsub("[(].*","",gsub("^def  *", "", fname))
        if(grepl("[^_a-zA-Z]",fname)) # doesn't look like a function def.
            fname <- "" # At present, we just go ahead
        string <- paste(text, collapse = "\n")
    Source = function(filename) {
        'The $Source() method uses the Python function execfile() and therefore is quite efficient.'
        Command("execfile(%s)", filename)
    ServerRemove = function(key) {
       'The Python version using del_for_R())'
        Eval("del_for_R(%s)", key, .get = TRUE)
    PythonCommand = function(strings) {
        'A low-level command execution, needed for initializing.  Normally should not be used by applications
since it does no error checking; use $Command() instead.'
        reticulate::py_run_string(strings, convert = FALSE)
    ServerSerialize = function(key, file) {
        'Serializing and unserializing in the Python interface use the pickle structure in Python.
Serialization does not rely on the R equivalent object.'
        Command("pickle_for_R(%s, %s)", key, file)
                                   ServerUnserialize = function(file, all = FALSE) {
       'The Python unserialize using unpickle'
       value <- Eval("start_unpickle(%s)", file, .get = FALSE)
       size <- 0L
        repeat {
            obj <- Eval("unpickle_for_R(%s)", value, .get = TRUE)
            if(identical(obj, FALSE)) # => EOF
            size <- size + 1L
        if(!all && (size == 1L))
            value <- Eval("%s[0]", value, .get = FALSE)
    ServerAddToPath = function(serverDirectory, serverPos) {
       'The Python version using sys.path.append()'
          PythonCommand(paste0("sys.path.append(", shQuote(serverDirectory), ")"))
          PythonCommand(paste0("sys.path.insert(",as.integer(serverPos), ", ",
                               shQuote(serverDirectory), ")"))

    ## replaces the XR method for Import()
    Import = function(module, ...)  {
        'The Python version of this method replaces the general version in XR with the "import" or
"from ... import" directives in Python as appropriate.  Returns the `reticulate` version of the module object, which can be used directly'
        members <- unlist(c(...))
        imported <- base::exists(module, envir = modules)
        if(imported) # the usual case
            mod <- base::get(module, envir = modules)
        else {
            mod <- do.call(reticulate::import, list(module))
            base::assign(module,mod , envir = modules)
        if(length(members)) {
            ## TODO:  should remember what has been imported
            code <- paste("from", module, "import", paste(members, collapse = ", "))

### start a python shell
    Shell = function(endCode = "exit", prompt = "Py>: ", cont = "Py+: ") {
        'Starts an interactive Python shell.  Each line of input must be a complete Python expression
or command, which will be evaluated in the same context as $Eval() expressions.
To continue over multiple lines, end all but the last with an unescaped backslash.
The argument `endCode` is the string to type to leave the shell, by default "exit".'
        callSuper(endCode, prompt, cont)
    ## used by .classStructure(), but could also be used for proxy functions.
    pythonArgs = function(fName, prefix = "", method = FALSE) {
        code <- (if(nzchar(prefix)) paste(prefix, fName, sep = ".")
                 else fName)
        value <- Eval(gettextf("arglist_for_R(%s)", code), .get = TRUE)
        if(method) {
            if(length(value) < 1)
                warning(gettextf("Empty argument list is inconsistent with %s being a method, as asserted",
                value <- value[-1]
        if(any(substr(value,1,1) == "_")) {
            fixme <- substr(value,1,1) == "_"
            old <- value
            substr(value[fixme], 1, 1) <- "."
            warning(gettextf("Valid R names cannot start with \"_\": %s changed to %s",
                             paste(old[fixme], collapse = ", "), paste(value[fixme], collapse = ", ")))

    pythonMethods = function(Class, module = "", needsImport = nzchar(module)) {
            ClassName <- paste(module, Class, sep = ".")
            ClassName <- Class
        code <- paste0("getMethods(",  ClassName, ")")
        Eval(code, .get = TRUE)

.PythonInterfaceClass <- getClass("PythonInterface")

#' An Evaluator for the Python Interface.
#' Returns an evaluator for the Python interface.  Starts one on the first call, or if arguments are provided;
#' providing argument \code{.makeNew = TRUE} will force a new evaluator.  Otherwise, the current evaluator is
#' returned.
#' See \code{\link{PythonInterface}} for details of the evaluator.
#' @param ... arguments to control whether a new evaluator is started.  Normally omitted.
#' @examples
#' if(okPython(TRUE)) {
#'   ev <- RPython()
#'   xx <- ev$Eval("[1, %s, 5]", pi)
#'   xx
#'   xx$append(4.5)
#'   ev$Command("print %s", xx)
#' }
RPython <- function(...)
    XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass, ...)

#' Proxy Objects in R for Python Objects
#' This is a class for all proxy objects from a Python class with an R proxy class definition.
#' Objects will normally be from a subclass of this class, for the specific Python class.
#' Proxy objects returned from the Python interface will be promoted to objects
#' from a specific R proxy class for their Python class, if such a class has been defined.
PythonObject <- setRefClass("PythonObject",
                            contains = "ProxyClassObject")

#' Function Versions of Methods for Python Interface evaluators.
#' These functions allow application code to invoke evaluator methods for essentially all basic computations.   Usually, they access
#' the current Python evaluator, starting one if none exists.  For details, see the documentation for the corresponding method, under
#' \link{PythonInterface}.
#' @name functions
#' @param object For \code{pythonSend()}, an R object, to be sent to Python.  For \code{pythonGet()},
#' \code{pythonSerialize()} and \code{pythonNqme()}, a proxy object for
#' a Python object.
#' @param evaluator The evaluator object to use.  By default, and usually, the current evaluator
#' is used, and one is started if none has been.
#' @param file A filename or an open connection, for reading or writing depending on the function

#' @describeIn functions
#' sends the \code{object} to Python, converting it via methods for
#' \code{\link[XR]{asServerObject}} and returns a proxy for the converted object.
pythonSend <- function(object, evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))

#' @describeIn functions
#' evaluates the \code{expr} string subsituting the arguments.
#' @param expr A string for a Python expression or command, with C-style fields (\code{"\%s"}) to be substituted for the following arguments, if any.
#' @param ... For the evaluation functions: Objects, either R objects to be converted or proxies for Python objects previously computed.
#' For other functions, specialized arguments for the corresponding method.
#' In particular, \code{.get=} for controlling whether the computed result should be converted.
pythonEval <- function(expr, ..., evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))
    evaluator$Eval(expr, ...)

#' @describeIn functions
#' evaluates the \code{expr} string subsituting the arguments; used for a command that is not
#' an expression.
pythonCommand <- function(expr, ..., evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))
    evaluator$Command(expr, ...)

#' @describeIn functions
#' call the function in Python, with arguments given.
#' @param fun the string name of the function; a module name must be included in the string if the function has
#' not been explicitly imported from that module.
pythonCall <- function(fun, ..., evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))
    evaluator$Call(fun, ...)

#' @describeIn functions
#' converts the proxy object that is its argument to an \R{} object.
pythonGet <- function(object,  evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))

#' @describeIn functions
#' evaluate the file of Python source.
pythonSource <- function(file, ..., evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))
    evaluator$Source(file, ...)

#' @describeIn functions
#' define a Python function
#' @param text  the definition as text (supply argument  file= instead  to read it from a file)
pythonDefine <- function(text, file, ..., evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))
    evaluator$Define(text, file, ...)

#' @describeIn functions
#' serialize the \code{object} in Python, via \code{pickle}
#' @param append should the serializing text be appended to a file; otherwise the file will be truncated on opening.
pythonSerialize <- function(object,  file, append = FALSE, evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))
    evaluator$Serialize(object, file, append)

#' @describeIn functions
#' unserialize the file in Python, via \code{pickle}
#' @param all should the unserialized object be a list of all serialized objects on the file?
pythonUnserialize <- function(file, all = FALSE, evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))
    evaluator$Unserialize(file, all)

#' @describeIn functions
#' return the name by which this proxy object was assigned in Python
pythonName <- function(object)

#' @describeIn functions
#' Start an interactive Python shell.  See the chapter file in the documentation, section 14.3.
pythonShell <- function(..., evaluator = XR::getInterface(.PythonInterfaceClass))

#' Import a Python module or add a directory to the Python Search Path
#' If called from the source directory of a package during installation, both \code{pythonImport}
#' and \code{pythonAddToPath()} also set up
#' a load action for that package.  The functional versions, not the methods themselves, should
#' be called from package source files to ensure that the load actions are created.
#' @param evaluator The evaluator object to use. Supplying this argument suppresses the load action.
#' @name Modules

#' @describeIn Modules
#' Add the module and name information specified to the objects imported for Python evaluators.
#' @param ...,where  arguments for the \code{$Import()} method. See the method documentation for details.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## How to search from a local directory, import a function from a file there
#' ## and call the function.
#' ## Including the evaluator argument causes the path change and import to happen
#' ## right now, not in a package being loaded
#' ev <- RPython()
#' pythonAddToPath("/Users/me/myPython/", package = "",
#'                 evaluator = ev)
#' pythonImport("funEx", "foo", evaluator = ev)
#' pythonCall("foo", 1.1, 1.2)
#' }
pythonImport <- function( ...,  evaluator,
                         where = topenv(parent.frame())) {
        XR::serverImport("PythonInterface", ..., where = where)

#' Register an Evaluator Command or Expression at Initialization
#' An unevalated command or expression for the interface is supplied, typically using
#' \code{quote()} or \code{substitute}.  When an evaluator from the class is created, this
#' command will be evaluated.  Repeated calls to this function, to \code{serverAddToPath()}
#' and to \code{serverImport()} will evaluate the corresponding requests, in the order in
#' which the corresponding calls took place (typically in the source of a pacakage).
#' @param command an \emph{unevaluated} command or expression for the evaluator.
pythonTask <- function(command)
    XR::serverTask("PythonInterface", command)

#' @describeIn Modules
#' Add the directory specified to the search path for future Python objects.
#' @param directory the directory to add, defaults to "python"
#' @param package,pos arguments \code{package} and \code{pos} to the method, usually omitted.
pythonAddToPath <- function(directory = "python", package = utils::packageName(topenv(parent.frame())), pos = NA,  evaluator,
                            where = topenv(parent.frame())) {

        XR::serverAddToPath("PythonInterface", directory, package, pos, where = where)
        evaluator$AddToPath(directory, package, pos)

## the path and import requirements
## first, a low-level action to import "sys"
XR::serverTask("PythonInterface", quote(PythonCommand("import sys")))

XR::serverTask("PythonInterface", quote(PythonCommand(
                "from RPython import getMethods, classStructure, arglist_for_R, function_for_R, objectFromJSON"))
XR::serverTask("PythonInterface", quote(PythonCommand(
                "from RPython import value_for_R, del_for_R, pickle_for_R, unpickle_for_R, start_unpickle, end_unpickle, vectorR")))

pythonImport("RPython", "getMethods", "classStructure", "arglist_for_R", "function_for_R", "objectFromJSON")
pythonImport("RPython", "value_for_R", "del_for_R", "pickle_for_R", "unpickle_for_R", "start_unpickle", "end_unpickle", "vectorR")

## Correct JSON's logical constants: always use objectFromJSON()
          c("logical", "PythonObject"),
          function(object, prototype) {
               jsonString <- objectAsJSON(object, prototype)
               if(is(jsonString, "JSONScalar")) # correct logical constant
                            typeToJSON(jsonString, prototype)) # add escapes in the string

#' Class for General Python Class Objects
#' The Python side of the interface will return a general object from a Python class as an R
#' object of class "from_Python".  Its Python fields (converted to R objects) can be accessed by the \code{$}
#' operator.
#' @slot serverClass the Python type.
#' @slot module the Python module, or ""
#' @slot fields the converted versioin of the Python fields; these are accessed by the \code{$} operator.
setClass("from_Python", contains = "from_Server")

setMethod("initialize", "from_Python",
    function (.Object, ...)
        .Object@language <- "Python"
        callNextMethod(.Object, ..., referenceClass = TRUE)

#' The Setup Step
#' The file \code{"setup.R"} in the \code{tools} directory is designed to create an explicit definiion of proxy
#' classes for the \code{"list"} and \code{"dict"} types in Python.  The file would be run through
#' \code{XR::packageSetup()} when creating or modifying these classes in the \code{XRPython} package.  It provides
#' a useful example for the general task of creating an explicit, written-out version of a proxy class.
#' The setup step generates a file \code{"R/pythonProxyClasses.R"} in the source directory for the package.  The
#' setup step needs to be run twice, first to generate the R code in that file, and again to use the
#' \code{roxygen2} package to generate documentation.
#' For the first round, the package needs to be installed with an empty version of the file (the file has to exist
#' because the package uses a \code{Collate:} directive that mentions it.  Running \code{packageSetup()} this time
#' defines the proxy classes and dumps them (with some extra stuff) to the target file.  and  adds a line to the
#' \code{NAMESPACE} to export both classes. (If we were willing to let \code{roxygenize()} create the namespace
#' directives this would be automatic, but I'm not willing.)
#' Now the package needs to be installed again, this time with the proxy classes, The second pass of the setup file
#' runs \code{roxygenize()}.  Finally, as usual with \code{roxygenize()},
#' the package has to be installed one more time to generate the actual documentation.
#' @name setupStep

#' Send a Non-scalar Version of an Object
#' Ensures that an object is interpreted as a vector (array) when sent to the server language.
#' The default strategy is to send length-1 vectors as scalars.
#' Copied from package XR.
#' @return the object, but with the S4 bit turned on.
#' Relies on the convention that XR interfaces leave S4 objects
#' as vectors, not scalars, even when they are of length 1
#' @param object A vector object.  Calling with a non-vector is an error.
#' @name noScalar

#' Write a File of Python Commands to Test Package Modules in Python
#' A file of python commands will be written that set up an interactive Python session
#' having imported the contents from a file (module) of python code in an R package.
#' Typically, uploading such a file to \code{ipython} notebook allows the python code, along with additional or modified code, to
#' be tested directly without interfacing from R.
#' @param file A file name or open write connection.  The python commands generated will be written to this file.
#' @param package The R package containing the relevent module
#' @param module The file (module) to be imported.  Specifically, a command \code{"from ... import *"} will be generated.
#' Omit this argument or supply it as \code{""} to suppress this command, in which case explicit commands should be provided.
#' @param ... Additional python commands to be appended to the output file.
#' @param RPython Should the path include the XRPython code, default \code{TRUE}, which is usually what you want.
#' @param folder The name of the folder in the installed package; the default is the suggested \code{"python"}; that is, the installed
#' version of folder \code{"inst/python"} in the source for the package.  Note that it's the installed version; changes to the source
#' code must be installed to show up in the output.
ipython <- function(file, package, module = "", ..., RPython = TRUE, folder = "python") {
    dots <- list(...)
    output <- "import sys"
        output <- c(output, paste0("sys.path.append(",nameQuote(system.file("python", package = "XRPython")),")"),
                    paste0("sys.path.append(", nameQuote(system.file(folder, package = package)), ")"))
        output <- c(output, paste0("from ", module, " import *"))
    ## else expect commands in ...
    for( more in dots) {
            output <- c(output, more)
            stop("... arguments should be python commands")
    writeLines(output, file)

#' Test if a Proxy Object is an Instance of a Python Type
#' Applies the Python function \code{isinstance()} to \code{object}.  NOTE:  this function should be used to test inheritance on the Python side,
#' even if there are proxy classes for everything involved.  It is not true (with the present version of the package) that inheritance in Python
#' corresponds to inheritance in R for the proxy classes.
#' @param object Any object.  The function returns \code{FALSE} without further testing if the object is not a proxy object.
#' @param type A character string corresponding to the Python type (not to the name of a proxy class for the type).
#' A Python error will result
#' if there is no such type, or if \code{object} is a proxy from another language.
#' The implementation diverges from a direct mapping into the Python \code{isinstance} to handle a Python bizarre for functions:  although \code{type(f)}
#' causes you to think functions have the obvious type, that doesn't work in \code{isinstance}.  So the R code uses what works for this case.
#' (Before we get too sarcastic, the problem is similar to that in R from primitives, making \code{class(f)} and \code{typeof(f)} confusing.)
#' @param .ev an XRPython evaluator, by default and usually the current evaluator.
isinstance <- function(object, type, .ev = RPython()) {
        switch(type, `function` = .ev$Eval("callable(%s)", object),
               .ev$Eval("isinstance(%s,%s)", object, as.name(type)))
#' Convert Proxy Objects between XRPython and reticulate
#' Packages XRPython and reticulate both support proxies for Python objects; that is, R objects that are
#' proxies for objects created in Python by evaluations in the respective packages.  Function \code{fromRtclt()}
#' returns the equivalent XRPython proxy object given a reticulate object.
#' Function \code{toRtclt()} returns the equivalent reticulate proxy object given an XRPython object.
#' Normally, no copying is involved in either direction.
#' @param obj a proxy object, computed in XRPython for \code{toRtclt} or by reticulate for \code{fromRtclt}
#' @param .ev an XRPython evaluator, by default and usually the current evaluator.
#' @name convert

#' @describeIn convert
#' Convert from reticulate to XRPython
fromRtclt <- function(obj, .ev = XRPython::RPython()) {
    rpy <- .ev$Import("RPython")
    key <- .ev$ProxyName()
    ## call as a reticulate expression to store obj, return proxy with this key
    robj <- rpy$proxy_or_object(obj, FALSE, key)
    XR::valueFromServer(robj, key, FALSE, .ev)

#' @describeIn convert
#' Convert from XRPython to reticulate
toRtclt <- function(obj, .ev = XRPython::RPython()) {
    key <- XR::proxyName(obj)
    reticulate::py_run_string("import RPython")
    reticulate::py_eval(gettextf("RPython._for_R[%s]", deparse(key)), convert = FALSE)

#' Check for a Valid Python for Interface
#' The function returns true or false according to whether a Python interface can be established.  This
#' will fail if no Python exists, if it is incompatible with this version of XRPython (e.g., 32 vs 64 bits
#' in Windows), or if for some reason it can't evaluate a trivial expression correctly.  Warnings are printed
#' but ignored.
#' @param verbose Should a message with the cause of a failure be reported?  Default \code{FALSE}.
okPython <- function(verbose = FALSE) {
    ev <- tryCatch(RPython(), error = function(e)e)
    if(is(ev, "PythonInterface")) {
        test <- tryCatch(ev$Eval("1"), error = function(e)e)
        if(identical(all.equal(test, 1), TRUE))
        else {
                message("Attempt to evalute 1 in Python got: ", test)
    else {
        if(verbose) {
            if(is(ev, "error"))
                message("Error in creating evaluator: ", conditionMessage(ev))
                message("Expected PythonInterface object, got class: ", class(ev))

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XRPython documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:33 a.m.