
Defines functions PointMassPrior

Documented in PointMassPrior

#' Univariate discrete point mass priors
#' \code{PointMassPrior} is a sub-class of \code{\link[=Prior-class]{Prior}}
#' representing a univariate prior over a discrete set of points with positive
#' probability mass.
#' @slot theta cf. parameter 'theta'
#' @slot mass cf. parameter 'mass'
#' @seealso To represent continuous prior distributions use \code{\link{ContinuousPrior}}.
#' @aliases PointMassPrior
#' @exportClass PointMassPrior
setClass("PointMassPrior", representation(
        theta = "numeric",
        mass  = "numeric"
    contains = "Prior")

#' @param theta numeric vector of pivot points with positive prior mass
#' @param mass numeric vector of probability masses at the pivot points
#'     (must sum to 1)
#' @template label
#' @return an object of class \code{PointMassPrior}, \code{theta} is
#' automatically sorted in ascending order
#' @examples
#' PointMassPrior(c(0, .5), c(.3, .7))
#' @rdname PointMassPrior-class
#' @export
PointMassPrior <- function(theta, mass, label = NA_character_) {
    if (round(sum(mass), 10) != 1)
        stop("mass must sum to one")
    new("PointMassPrior", theta = theta[order(theta)], mass = mass[order(theta)],
        label = label)

setMethod("print", signature('PointMassPrior'), function(x, ...) {
    name <- if (!is.na(x@label)) x@label else 'PointMass'
    if (length(x@theta) == 1)
            paste0(glue::glue("Pr[{sprintf('%.2f',x@theta)}]={sprintf('%3.2f',x@mass)}"), collapse = ";"),
            collapse = ""

#' @examples
#' bounds(PointMassPrior(c(0, .5), c(.3, .7)))
#' # > 0.3 0.7
#' @rdname bounds
#' @export
setMethod("bounds", signature("PointMassPrior"),
    function(dist, ...) range(dist@theta))

#' @examples
#' expectation(PointMassPrior(c(0, .5), c(.3, .7)), identity)
#' # > .35
#' @rdname expectation
#' @export
setMethod("expectation", signature("PointMassPrior", "function"),
    function(dist, f, ...) sum(dist@mass * sapply(dist@theta, f, ...)) )

#' @examples
#' tmp <- condition(PointMassPrior(c(0, .5), c(.3, .7)), c(-1, .25))
#' expectation(tmp, identity) # 0
#' @rdname condition
#' @export
setMethod("condition", signature("PointMassPrior", "numeric"),
    function(dist, interval, ...) {
        if (length(interval) != 2)
            stop("interval must be of length 2")
        if (any(!is.finite(interval)))
            stop("interval must be finite")
        if (diff(interval) < 0)
            stop("interval[2] must be larger or equal to interval[1]")
        epsilon <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
        # find indices of pivots wihtin interval (up to machine precision!)
        idx <- (interval[1] - dist@theta <= epsilon) & (dist@theta - interval[2] <= epsilon)
        # re-normalize and return
            dist@theta[idx], dist@mass[idx] / sum(dist@mass[idx])

#' @examples
#' predictive_pdf(Normal(), PointMassPrior(.3, 1), 1.5, 20) # ~.343
#' @rdname predictive_pdf
#' @export
setMethod("predictive_pdf", signature("DataDistribution", "PointMassPrior", "numeric"),
    function(dist, prior, x1, n1, ...) {
        grid <- expand.grid(x1 = x1, piv = prior@theta)
        (matrix(probability_density_function(dist, grid$x1, n1, grid$piv), nrow = length(x1)) %*% prior@mass)[, 1]

#' @examples
#' predictive_cdf(Normal(), PointMassPrior(.0, 1), 0, 20) # .5
#' @rdname predictive_cdf
#' @export
setMethod("predictive_cdf", signature("DataDistribution", "PointMassPrior", "numeric"),
    function(dist, prior, x1, n1, ...) {
        grid <- expand.grid(x1 = x1, piv = prior@theta)
        (matrix(cumulative_distribution_function(dist, grid$x1, n1, grid$piv), nrow = length(x1)) %*% prior@mass)[, 1]

#' @examples
#' posterior(Normal(), PointMassPrior(0, 1), 2, 20)
#' @rdname posterior
#' @export
setMethod("posterior", signature("DataDistribution", "PointMassPrior", "numeric"),
    function(dist, prior, x1, n1, ...) {
        if (length(prior@theta) == 1) return(prior) # shortcut
        mass <- prior@mass * probability_density_function(dist, x1, n1, prior@theta)
        mass <- mass / sum(mass) # normalize
        PointMassPrior(prior@theta, mass)

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