#' Insert animations into an HTML page
#' This function first records all the plots in the R expression as bitmap
#' images, then inserts them into an HTML page and finally creates the animation
#' using the SciAnimator library.
#' It mainly uses the SciAnimator library, which is based on jQuery. It has a
#' neat interface (both technically and visually) and is much easier to use or
#' extend. Moreover, this function allows multiple animations in a single HTML
#' page -- just use the same HTML filename.
#' Optionally the source code and some session information can be added below
#' the animations for the sake of reproducibility (specified by the option
#' \code{ani.options('verbose')} -- if \code{TRUE}, the description, loaded
#' packages, the code to produce the animation, as well as a part of
#' \code{\link{sessionInfo}()} will be written in the bottom of the animation;
#' the R code will be highlighted using the SyntaxHighlighter library for better
#' reading experience).
#' @param expr an R expression to be evaluated to create a sequence of images
#' @param the filename of the images (the real output will be like
#' \file{img.name1.png}, \file{img.name2.png}, ...); this name has to be
#' different for different animations, since it will be used as the
#' identifiers for each animation; make it as unique as possible; meanwhile,
#' the following characters in \code{} will be replaced by \code{_} to
#' make it a legal jQuery string:
#' \verb{!"#$\%&'()*+,./:;?@@[\]^`{|}~}
#' @param global.opts a string: the global options of the animation; e.g. we can
#' specify the default theme to be blue using
#' \verb{$.fn.scianimator.defaults.theme = 'blue';} note these options must be
#' legal JavaScript expressions (ended by \code{';'})
#' @param single.opts the options for each single animation (if there are
#' multiple ones in one HTML page), e.g. to use the dark theme and text labels
#' for buttons:
#' \verb{'utf8': false, 'theme': 'dark'}
#' or to remove the navigator panel (the navigator can affect the smoothness
#' of the animation when the playing speed is extremely fast (e.g.
#' \code{interval} less than 0.05 seconds)):
#' \verb{'controls': ['first', 'previous', 'play', 'next', 'last', 'loop',
#' 'speed']}
#' see the reference for a complete list of available options
#' @param navigator whether to show the navigator (like a progress bar); by
#' default, the navigator is not shown for performance reasons when the number
#' of images is greater than 100 or the time interval is smaller than 0.05
#' @param htmlfile the filename of the HTML file
#' @param ... other arguments to be passed to \code{\link{ani.options}} to
#' animation options such as the time interval between image frames
#' @return The path of the HTML output.
#' @note Microsoft IE might restrict the HTML page from running JavaScript and
#' try to ``protect your security'' when you view the animation page, but this
#' is not really a security problem.
#' When you want to publish the HTML page on the web, you have to upload the
#' associated \file{css} and \file{js} folders with the HTML file as well as
#' the images.
#' For \code{\link{saveHTML}}, \code{ani.options('description')} can be a
#' character vector, in which case this vector will be pasted into a scalar;
#' use \code{'\n\n'} in the string to separate paragraphs (see the first
#' example below).
#' For the users who do not have R at hand, there is a demo in
#' \code{system.file('misc', 'Rweb', 'demo.html', package = 'animation')} to
#' show how to create animations online without R being installed locally. It
#' depends, however, on whether the Rweb service can be provided for public
#' use in a long period (currently we are using the Rweb at Tama University).
#' See the last example below.
#' @author Yihui Xie
#' @references Examples at \url{}
#' scianimator official website \url{}
#' @family utilities
#' @export
saveHTML = function(
expr, = 'Rplot', global.opts = '', single.opts = '',
navigator = ani.options('nmax') <= 100 && ani.options('interval') >= 0.05,
htmlfile = 'index.html', ...
) {
oopt = ani.options(...)
## replace special chars first:
spec.chars = strsplit("!\"#$%&'()*+,./:;?@[\\]^`{|}~", '')[[1]]
img.name0 = strsplit(, '')[[1]]
img.name0[img.name0 %in% spec.chars] = '_'
img.name0 = paste(img.name0, collapse = '')
## deparse the expression and form the verbose description
.dexpr = NULL
if (isTRUE(ani.options('verbose'))) {
info = sessionInfo()
.dexpr = deparse(substitute(expr))
if (length(.dexpr) >=3 && .dexpr[1] == '{' && tail(.dexpr, 1) == '}') {
.dexpr = sub('^[ ]{4}', '', .dexpr[-c(1, length(.dexpr))])
.dexpr = append(
paste(ani.options('description'), collapse = ' '),
width = ani.options('ani.width')/8, exdent = 2, prefix = '## '),
sprintf('library(%s)', names(info$otherPkgs))
), 0
## append sessionInfo()
.dexpr = append(
c(R.version.string, paste('Platform:', info$platform),
strwrap(paste('Other packages:', paste(
sapply(info$otherPkgs, function(x) paste(x$Package, x$Version)),
collapse = ', '))))
.dexpr = paste(
' <div class="scianimator" style="width: ', ani.options('ani.width'),
'px; text-align: left"><pre><code class="r">', paste(.dexpr, collapse = '\n'),
'</code></pre></div>', sep = ''
ani.type = ani.options('ani.type') = ani.options('')
if (is.character( = get(
imgdir = ani.options('imgdir')
dir.create(imgdir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
img.fmt = file.path(imgdir, paste(, ani.options('imgnfmt'), '.', ani.type, sep = ''))
ani.options(img.fmt = img.fmt)
if (( <- ani.options(''))) {
if ("res" %in% names(formals({, width = ani.options('ani.width'),
height = ani.options('ani.height'), res = ani.options('ani.res'))
} else {, width = ani.options('ani.width'), height = ani.options('ani.height'))
if (
system.file('misc', 'scianimator', c('js', 'css'), package = 'animation'),
dirname(htmlfile),recursive = TRUE
unlink(file.path(dirname(htmlfile), 'js', 'template.js'))
## try to append to the HTML file if it exists
html = if (file.exists(htmlfile)) {
} else {
readLines(system.file('misc', 'scianimator', 'index.html', package = 'animation'))
n = grep('<!-- highlight R code -->', html, fixed = TRUE)
if (!length(n))
html = readLines(system.file('misc', 'scianimator', 'index.html', package = 'animation'))
html = sub(
'<title>.*</title>', sprintf('<title>%s</title>', ani.options('title')), html
html = sub(
'<meta name="generator" content=".*">',
sprintf('<meta name="generator" content="R package animation %s">',
packageDescription('animation', fields = 'Version')), html
div.str = sprintf(' <div class="scianimator"><div id="%s" style="display: inline-block;"></div></div>',
js.str = sprintf(' <script src="js/%s.js"></script>',
n = grep('<!-- highlight R code -->', html, fixed = TRUE)
## make sure there are no duplicate div/scripts
if (!length(div.pos <- grep(div.str, html, fixed = TRUE)) &
!length(js.pos <- grep(js.str, html, fixed = TRUE))) {
html = append(html, c(div.str, .dexpr, js.str), n - 1)
} else {
if (js.pos - div.pos > 1) {
## remove the old session info
html = html[-seq(div.pos + 1, js.pos - 1)]
html = append(html, .dexpr, div.pos)
js.temp = readLines(system.file('misc', 'scianimator', 'js', 'template.js', package = 'animation'))
if (!ani.options('autoplay')) js.temp = js.temp[-10]
js.temp = paste(js.temp, collapse = '\n')
imglen = length(list.files(imgdir, pattern = paste(, '[0-9]+\\.', ani.type, sep = '')))
ani.options(nmax = imglen)
imglist = file.path(
sprintf(paste(, ani.options('imgnfmt'), '.', ani.type, sep = ''), seq_len(imglen))
if (!navigator) single.opts = remove_navigator(single.opts)
js.temp = sprintf(
js.temp, global.opts, img.name0, paste(shQuote(imglist, 'sh'), collapse = ', '),
ani.options('ani.width'), 1000 * ani.options('interval'),
ifelse(ani.options('loop'), 'loop', 'none'),
ifelse(nzchar(single.opts), paste(',\n', single.opts), ''),
writeLines(js.temp, file.path(dirname(htmlfile), 'js', paste(, 'js', sep = '.')))
writeLines(html, con = htmlfile)
if (ani.options('autobrowse'))
browseURL(paste('file:///', normalizePath(htmlfile), sep = ''))
message('HTML file created at: ', htmlfile)
# a dirty hack to delete "non-standard things" during R CMD check
if (!interactive() && !'_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_', NA))) {
unlink(c('css', imgdir, htmlfile, 'js'), recursive = TRUE)
remove_navigator = function(x) {
if (!nzchar(x))
return("'controls': ['first', 'previous', 'play', 'next', 'last', 'loop', 'speed']")
sub(",\\s*(['\"])navigator\\1\\s*|\\s*(['\"])navigator\\1\\s*,", '', x)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.