
Defines functions has_beta_cols get_delta_R2_blocks convert_b_to_beta get_reg_table_note_rtf get_reg_table_note_txt get_rtf_column_widths output_column_width get_rtf_column_names output_rtf_name get_txt_column_names output_txt_name is_variable_factor is_product_row apa_single_block apa.reg.table

Documented in apa.reg.table

#' Creates a regresion table in APA style
#' @param ... Regression (i.e., lm) result objects. Typically, one for each block in the regression.
#' @param filename (optional) Output filename document filename (must end in .rtf or .doc only)
#' @param prop.var.conf.level Level of confidence (.90 or .95, default .95) for interval around sr2, R2, and Delta R2. Use of .90 confidence level helps to create consistency between the CI overlapping with zero and conclusions based on the p-value for that block (or block difference).
#' @param table.number  Integer to use in table number output line
#' @return APA table object
#' @references
#' sr2 and delta R2 confidence intervals calculated via:
#' Alf Jr, E. F., & Graf, R. G. (1999). Asymptotic confidence limits for the difference between two squared multiple correlations: A simplified approach. Psychological Methods, 4(1), 70.
#' Note that Algina, Keselman, & Penfield (2008) found this approach can under some circumstances lead to inaccurate CIs on proportion of variance values.
#' You might consider using the Algina, Keselman, & Penfield (2008) approach via the apa.reg.boot.table function
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # View top few rows of goggles data set
#' # from Discovering Statistics Using R
#' head(album)
#' # Single block example
#' blk1 <- lm(sales ~ adverts + airplay, data=album)
#' apa.reg.table(blk1)
#' apa.reg.table(blk1,filename="exRegTable.doc")
#' # Two block example, more than two blocks can be used
#' blk1 <- lm(sales ~ adverts, data=album)
#' blk2 <- lm(sales ~ adverts + airplay + attract, data=album)
#' apa.reg.table(blk1,blk2,filename="exRegBlocksTable.doc")
#' # Interaction product-term test with blocks
#' blk1 <- lm(sales ~ adverts + airplay, data=album)
#' blk2 <- lm(sales ~ adverts + airplay + I(adverts * airplay), data=album)
#' apa.reg.table(blk1,blk2,filename="exInteraction1.doc")
#' # Interaction product-term test with blocks and additional product terms
#' blk1<-lm(sales ~ adverts + airplay, data=album)
#' blk2<-lm(sales ~ adverts + airplay + I(adverts*adverts) + I(airplay*airplay), data=album)
#' blk3<-lm(sales~adverts+airplay+I(adverts*adverts)+I(airplay*airplay)+I(adverts*airplay),data=album)
#' apa.reg.table(blk1,blk2,blk3,filename="exInteraction2.doc")
#' #Interaction product-term test with single regression (i.e., semi-partial correlation focus)
#' blk1 <- lm(sales ~ adverts + airplay + I(adverts * airplay), data=album)
#' apa.reg.table(blk1,filename="exInteraction3.doc")
#' }
#' @export
apa.reg.table<-function(...,filename=NA,table.number=NA, prop.var.conf.level = .95) {
     regression_results_list <- list(...)

     table_number <- table.number
     is_random_predictors <- FALSE

     if (is.na(filename)) {
     } else {

     if (prop.var.conf.level == .90) {
          prop_var_conf_level <- .90
     } else {
          prop_var_conf_level <- .95

     is_same_criterion <- c()
     first_result <- regression_results_list[[1]]
     first_criterion <- colnames(first_result$model)[1]
     for (i in 1:L) {
          cur_result <- regression_results_list[[i]]
          cur_criterion_name <- colnames(cur_result$model)[1]
          is_same_criterion[i] <- first_criterion == cur_criterion_name
     if (any(is_same_criterion == FALSE)) {
          cat("apa.reg.table error:\nAll regression objects (i.e., blocks) must use the same criterion.\n")
          cat("The regression objects used had different criterion variables.\n\n")

     is_same_predictors <- c()
     first_result <- regression_results_list[[1]]
     first_model  <- first_result$model
     last_model_number_predictors <- dim(first_model)[2]
     last_predictors <- colnames(first_result$model)[2:last_model_number_predictors]
     n <- dim(first_result$model)[1]
     for (i in 1:L) {
          cur_result <- regression_results_list[[i]]
          cur_model  <- cur_result$model
          cur_model_number_predictors <- dim(cur_model)[2]
          cur_predictors <- colnames(cur_model)[2:cur_model_number_predictors]
          is_same_predictors[i] <- all(intersect(last_predictors,cur_predictors) == last_predictors)
          last_predictors <- cur_predictors
     if (any(is_same_predictors==FALSE)) {
          cat("apa.reg.table error:\nEach regression objects (i.e., block) must contain all of the predictors from the preceeding regression object (i.e., block).\n\n")
          cat("For example:\n")
          cat("block1 <- lm(y ~ a + b)\n")
          cat("block2 <- lm(y ~ a + b + c)\n\n")
          cat("The second block contains all of the predictors from the first block plus additional predictors.\n\n")
          cat("Therefore the command below will work: \n\n")
          cat("apa.reg.table(block1, block2)\n\n")

     #get analyses for each block
     block_results <- list()
     L <- length(regression_results_list)
     for (i in 1:L) {
          cur_result <- apa_single_block(regression_results_list[[i]],is_random_predictors, prop_var_conf_level)
          block_results[[i]] <- cur_result

     is_multiple_blocks <- FALSE
     if (L>1) {
          is_multiple_blocks <- TRUE

     #Combine blocks
     block_out_txt <- block_results[[1]]$model_details_txt
     block_out_rtf <- block_results[[1]]$model_details_rtf

     first_block_calculate_cor  <- block_results[[1]]$calculate_cor # use later for table note
     first_block_calculate_beta <- block_results[[1]]$calculate_beta # use later for table note

     last_block_summary <- block_results[[1]]$model_summary_extended
     last_block_lm <- regression_results_list[[1]]
     if (is_multiple_blocks == TRUE) {
          for (i in 2:L) {
               cur_block_lm <- regression_results_list[[i]]

               cur_block_summary <- block_results[[i]]$model_summary_extended

               cur_block_out_txt <- block_results[[i]]$model_details_txt
               cur_block_out_rtf <- block_results[[i]]$model_details_rtf

               delta_R2_details <- get_delta_R2_blocks(blk2=cur_block_lm,blk1=last_block_lm,summary2=cur_block_summary,summary1=last_block_summary,n, prop_var_conf_level = prop_var_conf_level)

               num_lines <- dim(cur_block_out_txt)[1]
               cur_block_out_txt$difference[num_lines-2] <- delta_R2_details$deltaR2_txt
               cur_block_out_txt$difference[num_lines-1] <- delta_R2_details$deltaR2_CI_txt

               cur_block_out_rtf$difference[num_lines-2] <- delta_R2_details$deltaR2_rtf
               cur_block_out_rtf$difference[num_lines-1] <- delta_R2_details$deltaR2_CI_rtf

               last_block_summary <- cur_block_summary
               last_block_lm <- cur_block_lm

               if (has_beta_cols(block_out_txt) == TRUE & (has_beta_cols(cur_block_out_txt) == FALSE)) {
                    block_out_txt <- select(block_out_txt, -beta, -beta_CI, -r)
                    block_out_rtf <- select(block_out_rtf, -beta, -beta_CI, -r)

               block_out_txt <- rbind(block_out_txt,cur_block_out_txt)
               block_out_rtf <- rbind(block_out_rtf,cur_block_out_rtf)
     } else {
          block_out_txt <- dplyr::select(block_out_txt, -difference)
          block_out_rtf <- dplyr::select(block_out_rtf, -difference)

     #console table
     table_title <- sprintf("Regression results using %s as the criterion\n",first_criterion)
     txt_column_names <- get_txt_column_names(block_out_txt)
     if (prop_var_conf_level == .95) {
          txt_column_names <- sub("XX","95",txt_column_names)
     } else {
          txt_column_names <- sub("XX","90",txt_column_names)
     names(block_out_txt) <- txt_column_names

     table_body <- block_out_txt

     table_note <- get_reg_table_note_txt(first_block_calculate_cor, first_block_calculate_beta)

     table_block_results <-  block_results

     tbl_console <- list(table_number = table_number,
                         table_title = table_title,
                         table_body = as.data.frame(table_body),
                         table_note = table_note,
                         table_block_results = table_block_results)

     table_block_results <-  block_results

     class(tbl_console) <- "apa_table"

     if (make_file_flag==TRUE) {
          table_title <- sprintf("Regression results using %s as the criterion\n",first_criterion)
          table_note <- get_reg_table_note_rtf(first_block_calculate_cor, first_block_calculate_beta)

          #set columns widths and names
          colwidths <- get_rtf_column_widths(block_out_rtf)

          regression_table <- as.matrix(block_out_rtf)

          rtf_column_names <- get_rtf_column_names(block_out_rtf)
          if (prop_var_conf_level == .95) {
               rtf_column_names <- sub("XX","95",rtf_column_names)
          } else {
               rtf_column_names <- sub("XX","90",rtf_column_names)
          new_col_names <- rtf_column_names

          colnames(regression_table) <- new_col_names

          #Create RTF code
          rtfTable <- RtfTable$new(isHeaderRow=TRUE, defaultDecimalTableProportionInternal=.15)
          txt_body <- rtfTable$getTableAsRTF(FALSE,FALSE)

           if (is_multiple_blocks==TRUE) {
               write.rtf.table(filename = filename,txt.body = txt_body,table.title = table_title, table.note = table_note,landscape=TRUE,table.number=table_number)
           } else {
               write.rtf.table(filename = filename,txt.body = txt_body,table.title = table_title, table.note = table_note,table.number=table_number,landscape=TRUE)



apa_single_block<-function(cur_blk,is_random_predictors, prop_var_conf_level) {
     #Regression data
     reg_table_data <- cur_blk$model
     n              <- dim(reg_table_data)[1]
     col_names      <- names(reg_table_data)

     #Determine if beta weights should be calculated
     is_weighted    <- "(weights)" %in% col_names
     is_var_factor  <- is_variable_factor(reg_table_data)
     calculate_beta <- TRUE
     calculate_cor  <- TRUE
     if (is_weighted == TRUE) {
          calculate_beta <- FALSE
     if (is_var_factor == TRUE) {
          calculate_beta <- FALSE
          calculate_cor  <- FALSE

     #Summary statistics
     model_summary_extended    <- broom::glance(cur_blk) #glance include lm constant in df
     model_summary_extended$df <- summary(cur_blk)$df[1] #use summary information to get df without constant

     #Regression table statistics
     reg_table <- broom::tidy(cur_blk)
     names(reg_table) <- c("predictor","b","SE","t","p")

     #adjust df xyzzy
     if (reg_table$predictor[1] == "(Intercept)") {
          model_summary_extended$df[1] <- model_summary_extended$df[1]-1

     R2          <- model_summary_extended$r.squared
     R2_pvalue   <- model_summary_extended$p.value
     df1         <- model_summary_extended$df
     df2         <- model_summary_extended$df.residual

     prop_var_conf_level_str <- sprintf("%g", round(prop_var_conf_level*100))

     if (requireNamespace("MBESS", quietly = TRUE)) {
          R2CI <- MBESS::ci.R2(R2=R2,df.1=df1,df.2=df2,Random.Predictors = is_random_predictors, conf.level = prop_var_conf_level)
          R2LL <- R2CI$Lower.Conf.Limit.R2
          R2UL <- R2CI$Upper.Conf.Limit.R2
     } else {
          R2LL <- NA
          R2UL <- NA
          cat("\nMBESS package needs to be installed to calculate R2 confidence intervals.\n")

     R2_txt     <- strip.leading.zero(add.sig.stars(sprintf("%1.3f",R2),R2_pvalue))
     R2LL_txt   <- strip.leading.zero(sprintf("%1.2f",R2LL))
     R2UL_txt   <- strip.leading.zero(sprintf("%1.2f",R2UL))

     model_summary_txt    <- sprintf("R2 = %s",R2_txt)
     model_summary_CI_txt <- sprintf("%s%% CI[%s,%s]",prop_var_conf_level_str, R2LL_txt,R2UL_txt)

     model_summary_rtf    <- sprintf("{\\i R\\super 2 \\nosupersub}  = %s",R2_txt)
     model_summary_CI_rtf <- sprintf("%s%% CI[%s,%s]",prop_var_conf_level_str, R2LL_txt,R2UL_txt)

     #Add b-weight CI's
     b_CI <- confint(cur_blk) #uses .95 confidence by default
     LLb  <- b_CI[,c("2.5 %")]
     ULb  <- b_CI[,c("97.5 %")]

     reg_table <- dplyr::mutate(reg_table, LLb=LLb, ULb=ULb)
     reg_table <- dplyr::select(reg_table,predictor, b,LLb,ULb,SE,t,p)

     #table parts
     reg_table_components <- table_without_intercept_row(reg_table)
     reg_table_lower      <- reg_table_components$lower_table
     reg_table_first      <- reg_table_components$first_row #intercept row

     #Check if predictors not data table
     all_predictor_have_data <- TRUE
     for (i in 1:length(reg_table_lower$predictor)) {
          p_name  <- reg_table_lower$predictor[i]
          is_present <- p_name %in% names(reg_table_data)
          if (is_present == FALSE) {
               all_predictor_have_data <- FALSE
     if (all_predictor_have_data == FALSE) {
          calculate_beta <- FALSE
          calculate_cor  <- FALSE

     if (calculate_cor==TRUE) {
          r_with_criterion <- correlations_with_criterion(reg_table_data)
          reg_table_lower  <- dplyr::full_join(reg_table_lower,r_with_criterion,by="predictor")

     #semi-partial correlation squared
     reg_table_lower   <- dplyr::mutate(reg_table_lower, sr2=(t*t)*(1-R2)/df2, LLsr2=-999,ULsr2=-999)
     number_predictors <- dim(reg_table_lower[,1])[1]
     if (number_predictors>1) {
          #use delta R2 process for CI
          for (i in 1:number_predictors) {
               sr2 <- reg_table_lower$sr2[i]
               ci  <- get_sr2_ci(sr2 = sr2, R2 = R2, n = n, conf_level = prop_var_conf_level)
               LL  <- ci$LL
               UL  <- ci$UL
               reg_table_lower$LLsr2[i] <- LL
               reg_table_lower$ULsr2[i] <- UL
     } else {
          #single predictor so use R2 CI
          reg_table_lower$LLsr2[1] <- R2LL
          reg_table_lower$ULsr2[1] <- R2UL

     if (calculate_beta==TRUE) {
          reg_table_lower   <- dplyr::mutate(reg_table_lower, beta = -999, LLbeta=-999,ULbeta=-999)
          for (i in 1:number_predictors) {
               p_name  <- reg_table_lower$predictor[i]
               b       <- reg_table_lower$b[i]
               LLb     <- reg_table_lower$LLb[i]
               ULb     <- reg_table_lower$ULb[i]

               sd_crit <- stats::sd(reg_table_data[,1],na.rm = TRUE)
               sd_pred <- stats::sd(reg_table_data[,p_name],na.rm = TRUE)

               beta   <- convert_b_to_beta(b = b  , sd_pred = sd_pred, sd_crit = sd_crit)
               LLbeta <- convert_b_to_beta(b = LLb, sd_pred = sd_pred, sd_crit = sd_crit)
               ULbeta <- convert_b_to_beta(b = ULb, sd_pred = sd_pred, sd_crit = sd_crit)

               # beta    <-   b*(sd_pred / sd_crit)
               # LLbeta  <- LLb*(sd_pred / sd_crit)
               # ULbeta  <- ULb*(sd_pred / sd_crit)

               reg_table_lower$beta[i]   <- beta
               reg_table_lower$LLbeta[i] <- LLbeta
               reg_table_lower$ULbeta[i] <- ULbeta

     #Combine with intercept
     intercept_row         <- get_empty_row(reg_table_lower)
     intercept_row$predictor[1] <- reg_table_first$predictor[1]
     intercept_row$b[1]    <- reg_table_first$b[1]
     intercept_row$LLb[1]  <- reg_table_first$LLb[1]
     intercept_row$ULb[1]  <- reg_table_first$ULb[1]
     intercept_row$t[1]    <- reg_table_first$t[1]
     intercept_row$p[1]    <- reg_table_first$p[1]
     intercept_row$SE[1]   <- reg_table_first$SE[1]

     model_details_extended <- rbind(intercept_row, reg_table_lower)

     L <- dim(model_details_extended)[1]

     CIb_str    <- txt.ci.brackets(model_details_extended$LLb, model_details_extended$ULb, strip_zero = FALSE)
     CIsr2_str  <- txt.ci.brackets(model_details_extended$LLsr2, model_details_extended$ULsr2, strip_zero = TRUE)

     if (calculate_beta == TRUE) {
          CIbeta_str <- txt.ci.brackets(model_details_extended$LLbeta, model_details_extended$ULbeta, strip_zero = FALSE)

     model_details         <- model_details_extended[,1,drop=FALSE]

     model_details$b       <- add.sig.stars(sprintf("%1.2f",model_details_extended$b), model_details_extended$p)
     model_details$b_CI    <- CIb_str

     if (calculate_beta==TRUE) {
          model_details$beta     <- sprintf("%1.2f",model_details_extended$beta)
          model_details$beta[1]  <- ""

          model_details$beta_CI    <- CIbeta_str
          model_details$beta_CI[1] <- ""

     model_details$sr2     <- strip.leading.zero(sprintf("%1.2f", model_details_extended$sr2))
     model_details$sr2[1]  <- ""
     model_details$sr2_CI     <- CIsr2_str
     model_details$sr2_CI[1]  <- ""

     if (calculate_cor==TRUE) {

          model_details$r     <- strip.leading.zero(add.sig.stars(sprintf("%1.2f",model_details_extended$r), model_details_extended$r_pvalue)) #intercept row issue
          model_details$r[1]  <- ""

          product_rows <- is_product_row(model_details$predictor)
          model_details$r[product_rows] <- ""


     model_details_txt <- model_details
     model_details_txt$summary      <- ""
     model_details_txt$difference <- "" #blank column to be populated later

     model_details_txt <- add_row_to_model_summary(model_details_txt)
     model_details_txt <- add_row_to_model_summary(model_details_txt)
     model_details_txt <- add_row_to_model_summary(model_details_txt)

     num_row <- dim(model_details_txt)[1]
     model_details_rtf <- model_details_txt

     model_details_txt$summary[num_row-2] <- model_summary_txt
     model_details_txt$summary[num_row-1] <- model_summary_CI_txt

     model_details_rtf$summary[num_row-2] <- model_summary_rtf
     model_details_rtf$summary[num_row-1] <- model_summary_CI_rtf

     output <- list()
     output$model_summary_extended <- model_summary_extended
     output$model_details_extended <- model_details_extended
     output$model_details_txt      <- model_details_txt
     output$model_details_rtf      <- model_details_rtf
     output$calculate_beta         <- calculate_beta
     output$calculate_cor          <- calculate_cor


is_product_row <- function(row_names) {
     is_a_colon   <- grep(":",row_names)
     is_a_star    <- grep("\\*",row_names)
     is_a_product <- unique(sort(c(is_a_colon,is_a_star)))

is_variable_factor <- function(df) {
     num_var <- dim(df)[2]
     is_var_factor <- FALSE
     for (i in 1:num_var) {
          cur_col <- df[,i]
          if ( is.factor(cur_col)) {is_var_factor <- TRUE}
          if (is.ordered(cur_col)) {is_var_factor <- TRUE}

output_txt_name <- function(column_name) {
            b = "b",
            b_CI = "b_95%_CI",
            beta = "beta",
            beta_CI ="beta_95%_CI",
            sr2_CI ="sr2_XX%_CI",

get_txt_column_names <- function(df) {
     n <- names(df)
     names_out <- c()
     for (i in 1:length(n)) {
          names_out[i] <-output_txt_name(n[i])

output_rtf_name <- function(column_name) {
            b = "{\\i b}",
            b_CI = "{{\\i b}\\par}{95% CI\\par}[LL, UL]",
            beta = "{\\i beta}",
            beta_CI ="{{\\i beta}\\par}{95% CI\\par}[LL, UL]",
            sr2="{\\i sr\\super 2 \\nosupersub}",
            sr2_CI ="{{{\\i sr\\super 2 \\nosupersub}\\par}XX% CI\\par}[LL, UL]",
            r="{\\i r}",

get_rtf_column_names <- function(df) {
     n <- names(df)
     names_out <- c()
     for (i in 1:length(n)) {
          names_out[i] <-output_rtf_name(n[i])

output_column_width <- function(column_name) {
     narrow <- .60
     wide   <- .95

            b = wide,
            b_CI = wide*1.35,
            beta = narrow,
            beta_CI =wide,
            sr2_CI =wide,

get_rtf_column_widths <- function(df) {
     n <- names(df)
     width_out <- c()
     for (i in 1:length(n)) {
          width_out[i] <-output_column_width(n[i])

get_reg_table_note_txt <- function(calculate_cor,calculate_beta) {
     if (calculate_cor==TRUE & calculate_beta==TRUE) {

          table_note <- "Note. A significant b-weight indicates the beta-weight and semi-partial correlation are also significant.\nb represents unstandardized regression weights. beta indicates the standardized regression weights. \nsr2 represents the semi-partial correlation squared. r represents the zero-order correlation.\nSquare brackets are used to enclose the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval.\n* indicates p < .05. ** indicates p < .01.\n"

     } else if (calculate_cor==TRUE & calculate_beta==FALSE) {

          table_note <- "Note. A significant b-weight indicates the semi-partial correlation is also significant.\nb represents unstandardized regression weights. sr2 represents the semi-partial correlation squared.\nr represents the zero-order correlation.\nSquare brackets are used to enclose the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval.\n* indicates p < .05. ** indicates p < .01.\n"

     } else if (calculate_cor==FALSE & calculate_beta==TRUE) {

          table_note <- "Note. A significant b-weight indicates the beta-weight and semi-partial correlation are also significant.\nb represents unstandardized regression weights. beta indicates the standardized regression weights. \nsr2 represents the semi-partial correlation squared.\nSquare brackets are used to enclose the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval.\n * indicates p < .05. ** indicates p < .01.\n"
     } else {
          table_note <- "Note. A significant b-weight indicates the semi-partial correlation is also significant.\nb represents unstandardized regression weights. \nsr2 represents the semi-partial correlation squared.\nSquare brackets are used to enclose the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval.\n* indicates p < .05. ** indicates p < .01.\n"


get_reg_table_note_rtf <- function(calculate_cor,calculate_beta) {
     if (calculate_cor==TRUE & calculate_beta==TRUE) {

          table_note <- "A significant {\\i b}-weight indicates the beta-weight and semi-partial correlation are also significant. {\\i b} represents unstandardized regression weights. {\\i beta} indicates the standardized regression weights. {\\i sr\\super 2\\nosupersub} represents the semi-partial correlation squared. {\\i r} represents the zero-order correlation. {\\i LL} and {\\i UL} indicate the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval, respectively.\\line * indicates {\\i p} < .05. ** indicates {\\i p} < .01."

     } else if (calculate_cor==TRUE & calculate_beta==FALSE) {

          table_note <- "A significant {\\i b}-weight indicates the semi-partial correlation is also significant. {\\i b} represents unstandardized regression weights. {\\i sr\\super 2\\nosupersub} represents the semi-partial correlation squared. {\\i r} represents the zero-order correlation. {\\i LL} and {\\i UL} indicate the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval, respectively.\\line * indicates {\\i p} < .05. ** indicates {\\i p} < .01."

     } else if (calculate_cor==FALSE & calculate_beta==TRUE) {

          table_note <- "A significant {\\i b}-weight indicates the beta-weight and semi-partial correlation are also significant. {\\i b} represents unstandardized regression weights. {\\i beta} indicates the standardized regression weights. {\\i sr\\super 2\\nosupersub} represents the semi-partial correlation squared. {\\i LL} and {\\i UL} indicate the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval, respectively.\\line * indicates {\\i p} < .05. ** indicates {\\i p} < .01."

     } else {
          table_note <- "A significant {\\i b}-weight indicates the semi-partial correlation is also significant. {\\i b} represents unstandardized regression weights. {\\i sr\\super 2\\nosupersub} represents the semi-partial correlation squared. {\\i LL} and {\\i UL} indicate the lower and upper limits of a confidence interval, respectively.\\line * indicates p < .05. ** indicates p < .01."


convert_b_to_beta <- function(b, sd_pred,sd_crit) {
     beta_value <- b*(sd_pred / sd_crit)

get_delta_R2_blocks <- function(blk2,blk1,summary2,summary1,n, prop_var_conf_level) {
     R2_2 <- summary2$r.squared
     R2_1 <- summary1$r.squared

     deltaR2 <- R2_2 - R2_1
     deltaR2_test <- anova(blk2,blk1)
     deltaR2_p <- deltaR2_test$`Pr(>F)`[2]
     deltaR2_str <- strip.leading.zero(add.sig.stars(sprintf("%1.3f",deltaR2),deltaR2_p))

     deltaR2_txt <- sprintf("Delta R2 = %s", deltaR2_str)
     deltaR2_rtf <- sprintf("\\u0916\3{\\i R\\super 2 \\nosupersub}  = %s", deltaR2_str)

     deltaR2_CI <- get_deltaR2_ci(R2_2 = R2_2, R2_1 = R2_1,n=n, conf_level = prop_var_conf_level)
     deltaR2_LL_str <- strip.leading.zero(sprintf("%1.2f",deltaR2_CI$LL))
     deltaR2_UL_str <- strip.leading.zero(sprintf("%1.2f",deltaR2_CI$UL))

     prop_var_conf_level_str <- sprintf("%g", round(prop_var_conf_level*100))
     deltaR2_CI_rtf <- sprintf("{%s%% CI}[%s, %s]",prop_var_conf_level_str, deltaR2_LL_str,deltaR2_UL_str)
     deltaR2_CI_txt <- sprintf("%s%% CI[%s, %s]",prop_var_conf_level_str, deltaR2_LL_str,deltaR2_UL_str)

     output <- list()
     output$deltaR2_txt    <- deltaR2_txt
     output$deltaR2_CI_txt <- deltaR2_CI_txt

     output$deltaR2_rtf <- deltaR2_rtf
     output$deltaR2_CI_rtf <- deltaR2_CI_rtf
     output$deltaR2        <- deltaR2
     output$deltaR2_pvalue <- deltaR2_p

has_beta_cols <- function(df) {
     return("beta" %in% names(df))

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apaTables documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 11:22 p.m.