#' Pre-process input for multiple models
#' return
#' @param inputs List of settings
#' @param modelType Character. Type of model, e.g. "mnl", "nl", "cnl", etc.
#' @param functionality Character. Setting instructing Apollo what processing to apply to the likelihood function. This is in general controlled by the functions that call \code{apollo_probabilities}, though the user can also call \code{apollo_probabilities} manually with a given functionality for testing/debugging. Possible values are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{"components"}}: For further processing/debugging, produces likelihood for each model component (if multiple components are present), at the level of individual draws and observations.
#' \item \strong{\code{"conditionals"}}: For conditionals, produces likelihood of the full model, at the level of individual inter-individual draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"estimate"}}: For model estimation, produces likelihood of the full model, at the level of individual decision-makers, after averaging across draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"gradient"}}: For model estimation, produces analytical gradients of the likelihood, where possible.
#' \item \strong{\code{"output"}}: Prepares output for post-estimation reporting.
#' \item \strong{\code{"prediction"}}: For model prediction, produces probabilities for individual alternatives and individual model components (if multiple components are present) at the level of an observation, after averaging across draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"preprocess"}}: Prepares likelihood functions for use in estimation.
#' \item \strong{\code{"raw"}}: For debugging, produces probabilities of all alternatives and individual model components at the level of an observation, at the level of individual draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"report"}}: Prepares output summarising model and choiceset structure.
#' \item \strong{\code{"shares_LL"}}: Produces overall model likelihood with constants only.
#' \item \strong{\code{"validate"}}: Validates model specification, produces likelihood of the full model, at the level of individual decision-makers, after averaging across draws.
#' \item \strong{\code{"zero_LL"}}: Produces overall model likelihood with all parameters at zero.
#' }
#' @param apollo_inputs List grouping most common inputs. Created by function \link{apollo_validateInputs}.
#' @return The returned object is a pre-processed version of the model settings. This is independent of \code{functionality}, but the function is only called during preprocessing.
#' @export
apollo_preprocess <- function(inputs, modelType, functionality, apollo_inputs){
inputs$modelType <- modelType
modelType <- tolower(modelType)
#### Checks common to all models ####
# inputs
if(is.null(names(inputs))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - All elements inside the inputs lists for model components must be named, e.g. mnl_settings=list(alternatives=c(...), avail=...).')
if(is.null(inputs[["componentName"]])) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The settings of at least one model component is missing the mandatory "componentName" object.')
# functionality
test <- functionality %in% c("estimate","prediction","validate","zero_LL","shares_LL","conditionals","output","raw","preprocess", "components", "gradient", "report", "hessian")
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Non-permissable setting for \"functionality\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\"")
#### MNL, FMNL, NL, CNL, DFT ####
if(modelType %in% c("mnl","fmnl","fnl","nl","cnl","dft")){
# Check for mandatory inputs
if(!(modelType%in%c("fmnl","fnl"))) mandatory <- c("alternatives", "choiceVar") else mandatory <- c("alternatives", "choiceShares")
if(modelType!="dft") mandatory <- c(mandatory, "V")
if(modelType=="cnl") mandatory <- c(mandatory, "cnlNests", "cnlStructure")
if(modelType%in%c("nl","fnl")) mandatory <- c(mandatory, "nlNests", "nlStructure")
if(modelType=="dft") mandatory <- c(mandatory, "attrValues", "altStart", "attrWeights", "attrScalings", "procPars")
for(i in mandatory) if(!(i %in% names(inputs))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The inputs list for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" needs to include an object called "', i,'"!')
# Check for optional inputs (avail and rows)
if(is.null(inputs[["rows"]])) inputs[["rows"]]="all"
if(!apollo_inputs$silent && functionality=='validate') apollo_print('Setting "avail" is missing, so full availability is assumed.', type="i")
### Store useful values
inputs$altnames = names(inputs$alternatives)
inputs$altcodes = inputs$alternatives
inputs$nAlt = length(inputs$alternatives)
inputs$nObs <- tryCatch(if(!is.null(apollo_inputs$database)) nrow(apollo_inputs$database) else stop('x'),
lenV <- sapply(inputs$V, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
lenA <- sapply(inputs$avail, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
lenC <- ifelse(!is.null(inputs$choiceVar),length(inputs$choiceVar),length(inputs$choiceShares[[1]]))
return(max(lenV, lenA, lenC))
if(modelType=='cnl') inputs$nestnames <- names(inputs$cnlNests)
if(modelType%in%c('nl',"fnl")) inputs$nestnames <- names(inputs$nlStructure)
mandatory2 <- c("error_sd", "timesteps", "phi1", "phi2")
for(i in mandatory2) if(!(i %in% names(inputs$procPars))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The inputs list for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" needs to include an object called "procPars" with an element called "', i,'"!')
inputs$nAttrs <- max(length(inputs$attrWeights), length(inputs$attrScalings))
inputs$warn1 <- FALSE
inputs$warn2 <- FALSE
inputs$warn3 <- FALSE
inputs$Dims = 1
if(!is.null(apollo_inputs$apollo_control$mixing) && apollo_inputs$apollo_control$mixing){
if(apollo_inputs$apollo_draws$interNDraws!=0) inputs$Dims = 2
if(apollo_inputs$apollo_draws$intraNDraws!=0) inputs$Dims = 3
### Format checks
# alternatives
test <- is.vector(inputs$alternatives) & !is.null(names(inputs$alternatives))
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"alternatives\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a named vector")
# avail
test <- is.list(inputs$avail) || (length(inputs$avail)==1 && inputs$avail==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"avail\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a list or set to 1")
lenA <- sapply(inputs$avail, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
test <- all(lenA==inputs$nObs | lenA==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - All entries in \"avail\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" need to be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
# choiceVar / choiceShares
test <- is.vector(inputs$choiceVar) && (length(inputs$choiceVar)==inputs$nObs || length(inputs$choiceVar)==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"choiceVar\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
} else {
test <- is.list(inputs$choiceShares) && length(inputs$choiceShares)==inputs$nAlt && all(sapply(inputs$choiceShares, is.numeric)) && all(sapply(inputs$choiceShares,function(x) length(x)%in%c(1,inputs$nObs)))
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"choiceShares\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a list with one entry per alternative, which is either a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
# V
if(!is.list(inputs$V)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"utilities\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a list")
lenV <- sapply(inputs$V, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
test <- all(lenV==inputs$nObs | lenV==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Each element of \"utilities\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a scalar or a vector/matrix/cube with one row per observation in the \"database\"")
# rows
test <- is.vector(inputs$rows)
#test <- test && ( (is.logical(inputs$rows) && length(inputs$rows)==inputs$nObs) || (length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") )
#if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"rows\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be \"all\" or a vector of logical statements with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
test <- test && ( (is.logical(inputs$rows) || all(inputs$rows%in%c(0,1))) && length(inputs$rows)==inputs$nObs) || ( (all(inputs$rows%in%c(0,1)) && length(inputs$rows)==inputs$nObs) || (length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") )
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"rows\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be \"all\" or a vector of logical statements or 0/1 entries with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
if( all(inputs$rows %in% c(0,1)) ) (inputs$rows <- inputs$rows>0)
# cnlNests
test <- is.list(inputs$cnlNests) && !is.null(names(inputs$cnlNests)) &&
all(sapply(inputs$cnlNests, is.vector)) && all(sapply(inputs$cnlNests, is.numeric))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument "cnlNests" for model component "', inputs$componentName,'" must be a named list of numeric vectors describing the lambda parameter of each nest.')
len <- sapply(inputs$cnlNests, function(x) ifelse(is.array(x), dim(x)[1], length(x)) )
test <- all(len==inputs$nObs | len==1)
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Each element of "cnlNests" for model component "', inputs$componentName,'" must be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the "database"')
# cnlStructure
test <- is.matrix(inputs$cnlStructure) && is.numeric(inputs$cnlStructure)
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument "cnlStructure" for model component "', inputs$componentName,'" must be a numeric matrix.')
# nlStructure
test <- is.list(inputs$nlStructure) && !is.null(names(inputs$nlStructure))
test <- test && all(sapply(inputs$nlStructure, is.vector)) && all(sapply(inputs$nlStructure, is.character))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument "nlStructure" for model component "', inputs$componentName,'" must be a named list of character vectors describing the contents of each nest.')
# Set lambda_root to 1 if necessary
inputs$root_set <- FALSE
if(!("root" %in% names(inputs$nlNests))){
inputs$root_set <- TRUE
inputs$nlNests["root"] <- 1
# Order tree structure
temp = rep(TRUE,length(element_list))
for(k in 1:length(element_list)) if(element_list[k] %in% inputs$altnames) temp[k]=FALSE
element_list = element_list[temp]
nlStructure_ordered[[element_list[1]]] = inputs$nlStructure[[element_list[1]]]
element_list = c(element_list, inputs$nlStructure[[element_list[1]]])
element_list = element_list[-1]
j = length(element_list)
inputs$nlStructure = nlStructure_ordered
# Calculate ancestors
for(j in 1:length(inputs$altnames)){
altJ <- inputs$altnames[[j]]
ancestors[[altJ]] = altJ
current = altJ
for(k in length(inputs$nlStructure):1){
if(current %in% inputs$nlStructure[[k]]){
ancestors[[inputs$altnames[[j]]]] = c(ancestors[[altJ]], names(inputs$nlStructure)[k])
current = names(inputs$nlStructure)[k]
inputs$ancestors <- ancestors
### Expand availabilities if necessary
inputs$avail_set <- FALSE
if(length(inputs$avail)==1 && inputs$avail==1){
inputs$avail <- as.list(setNames(rep(1,inputs$nAlt), inputs$altnames))
inputs$avail_set <- TRUE
### Check that avail and V are available for all alternatives
if(modelType!="dft" && !all(inputs$altnames %in% names(inputs$V))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The names of the alternatives for model component \"", inputs$componentName,"\" do not match those in \"utilities\".")
if(!all(inputs$altnames %in% names(inputs$avail))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The names of the alternatives for model component \"", inputs$componentName,"\" do not match those in \"avail\".")
### Reorder availabilities
inputs$avail <- inputs$avail[inputs$altnames]
### Reorder choiceshares in fractional model
if(!is.null(inputs$choiceShares)) inputs$choiceShares <- inputs$choiceShares[inputs$altnames]
### Expand rows if necessary, and update nObs
if(length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") inputs$rows <- rep(TRUE, inputs$nObs)
inputs$nObs <- sum(inputs$rows)
# Filter rows, except for V
inputs$avail <- lapply(inputs$avail,
function(av) if(length(av)==1) return(av) else return(av[inputs$rows]))
inputs$choiceVar <- apollo_keepRows(inputs$choiceVar, inputs$rows)
} else {
inputs$choiceShares <- lapply(inputs$choiceShares, apollo_keepRows, r=inputs$rows)
if(modelType=="cnl") inputs$cnlNests <- lapply(inputs$cnlNests,
function(x) if(length(x)==1) return(x) else return(x[inputs$rows]))
#### check that either attrWeights or attrScalings is supplied, but not both
s1 = sum(lengths(inputs[["attrWeights"]]))
if(s1>1) inputs$attrnames = names(inputs[["attrWeights"]]) else inputs$attrnames = names(inputs[['attrScalings']])
# Check that the elements of attrValues match altnames
test <- all(names(inputs$attrValues) %in% inputs$altnames)
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The "attrValues" attribute names for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" do not match those given in "alternatives"!')
# Check for additional warnings
# Give warning message if any of the elements in attrValues are not in attrnames
for (i in 1:inputs$nAlt) if(!all(names(inputs$attrValues[[i]]) %in% inputs$attrnames)) inputs$warn1 <- TRUE
# Give warning message if any of the elements in altStarts are not in altnames
if(!all(names(inputs$altStart) %in% inputs$altnames)) inputs$warn2 <- TRUE
# Check altStart is a list:
if(!is.list(inputs$altStart)) {
inputs$warn3 <- TRUE
# Add zeros to attrValues for attributes not supplied.
for(i in 1:inputs$nAlt) for(j in 1:inputs$nAttrs){
test <- is.null(inputs$attrValues[[inputs$altnames[i]]][[inputs$attrnames[j]]])
if(test) inputs$attrValues[[inputs$altnames[i]]][[inputs$attrnames[j]]]=0
# Remove unused rows from attrValues
if(!all(inputs$rows)) for(j in 1:inputs$nAlt){
inputs$attrValues[[j]] <- lapply(inputs$attrValues[[j]], apollo_keepRows, r=inputs$rows)
## check that each alternative attribute is of length nObs and update if necessary (will extend zeros, for examples)
for(i in 1:inputs$nAttrs) for(j in 1:inputs$nAlt) if(length(inputs$attrValues[[j]][[i]])==1){
inputs$attrValues[[j]][[i]] = rep(inputs$attrValues[[j]][[i]],inputs$nObs)
### Create Y
inputs$Y <- lapply(as.list(inputs$alternatives), function(i) inputs$choiceVar==i)
# Record availability of chosen alternative
inputs$chosenAvail <- Reduce('+', mapply('*', inputs$Y, inputs$avail, SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
} else {
### Create Y (different from discrete choice as multiple 1s now)
inputs$Y <- sapply(inputs$choiceShares, function(x) (x>0)*1) # Y should be 1 for all that are non-zero share
tmp1 = apply(tmp, MARGIN=1, which.max)
inputs$maxShare <- lapply(as.list(inputs$alternatives), function(i) (tmp1==i)*1) ### 0-1 matrix, with 1 in the column with max share
#### class allocation ####
mandatory <- c('V')
for(i in mandatory) if(!(i %in% names(inputs))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The inputs list for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" needs to include an object called "', i,'"!')
# Check for optional inputs (avail and rows)
if(is.null(inputs[["rows"]])) inputs[["rows"]]="all"
inputs[['avail']] <- 1
if(!apollo_inputs$silent && functionality=='validate') apollo_print('Setting "avail" is missing, so full availability is assumed.', type="i")
### Store useful values
inputs$nObs <- tryCatch(if(!is.null(apollo_inputs$database)) nrow(apollo_inputs$database) else stop('x'),
lenV <- sapply(inputs$V, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
### Format checks
# V
if(!is.list(inputs$V)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"utilities\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a list")
lenV <- sapply(inputs$V, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
test <- all(lenV==inputs$nObs | lenV==1)
inputs$nAlt = length(inputs$V)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Each element of \"utilities\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a scalar or a vector/matrix/cube with one row per observation in the \"database\"")
# avail
test <- is.list(inputs$avail) || (length(inputs$avail)==1 && inputs$avail==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"avail\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a list or set to 1")
lenA <- sapply(inputs$avail, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
test <- all(lenA==inputs$nObs | lenA==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - All entries in \"avail\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" need to be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
if(length(inputs$avail)==1 && inputs$avail==1){
inputs$avail <- as.list(rep(1,inputs$nAlt))
if(!is.null(names(inputs$V))) names(inputs$avail) <- names(inputs$V)
# classes
if(is.null(inputs$classes)) inputs$classes <- names(inputs$V)
# rows
test <- is.vector(inputs$rows)
test <- test && ( (is.logical(inputs$rows) && length(inputs$rows)==inputs$nObs) || (length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") )
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"rows\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be \"all\" or a vector of logical statements with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
if(length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") inputs$rows <- rep(TRUE, inputs$nObs)
inputs$nObs <- sum(inputs$rows)
### Check that avail and V are available for all alternatives
test <- length(inputs$V)==length(inputs$avail)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Arguments 'avail' and 'utilities' for model component \"", inputs$componentName,"\" must have the same number of elements.")
if(!is.null(names(inputs$V)) && is.null(names(inputs$avail))){
test <- all(names(inputs$V) %in% names(inputs$avail))
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The names of the alternatives for model component \"", inputs$componentName,"\" do not match those in \"avail\".")
inputs$avail <- inputs$avail[names(inputs$V)]
# Filter rows from avail
test <- all(inputs$rows)
if(!test) inputs$avail <- lapply(inputs$avail, function(av) if(length(av)==1) return(av) else return(av[inputs$rows]))
#### Exploded logit ####
# Check for mandatory inputs
mandatory <- c("alternatives", "choiceVars", "V")
for(i in mandatory) if(!(i %in% names(inputs))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The inputs list for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" needs to include an object called "', i,'"!')
# Check for optional inputs
if(is.null(inputs[["rows"]] )) inputs[["rows"]]="all"
inputs[["scales"]] <- as.list( rep(1, length(inputs$choiceVars)) ) # Changed length to number of choices (to allow for incomplete explosion) 7/05/2020
inputs$fixedScales <- TRUE
} else inputs$fixedScales <- FALSE
if(!apollo_inputs$silent && functionality=='validate') apollo_print('Setting "avail" is missing, so full availability is assumed.', type="i")
### Store useful values
inputs$altnames = names(inputs$alternatives)
inputs$altcodes = inputs$alternatives
inputs$nAlt = length(inputs$alternatives)
inputs$nObs <- tryCatch(nrow(apollo_inputs$database),
lenV <- sapply(inputs$V, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
lenA <- sapply(inputs$avail, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
lenC <- length(inputs$choiceVar)
return(max(lenV, lenA, lenC))
inputs$stages = length(inputs$choiceVars)
# Expand availabilities if necessary
inputs$avail_set <- FALSE
if(length(inputs$avail)==1 && inputs$avail==1){
inputs$avail <- as.list(setNames(rep(1,inputs$nAlt), inputs$altnames))
inputs$avail_set <- TRUE
# alternatives
test <- is.vector(inputs$alternatives) & !is.null(names(inputs$alternatives))
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"alternatives\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a named vector")
if(-1 %in% inputs$altcodes) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Negative one (-1) is not valid code for an alternative!") # Because it is used to represent a lack of a choice
# avail
if(!is.list(inputs$avail) && !is.null(names(inputs$avail)) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"avail\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a named list or set to 1")
lenA <- sapply(inputs$avail, function(v) if(is.array(v)) dim(v)[1] else length(v) )
test <- all(lenA==inputs$nObs | lenA==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - All entries in \"avail\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" need to be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
if(!all(inputs$altnames %in% names(inputs$avail))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The names of the alternatives for model component "',
inputs$componentName,'" do not match those in "avail".')
inputs$avail <- inputs$avail[inputs$altnames]
# choiceVars
if(!is.list(inputs$choiceVars)) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The "choiceVars" argument for model component "',inputs$componentName,'" needs to be a list, with one vector per stage, each with one entry per observation in the "database"')
if(length(inputs$choiceVars)<2) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The "choiceVars" argument for model component "',inputs$componentName,'" needs to be a list, with at least two choice variables (i.e. two choice stages).')
test <- all(sapply(inputs$choiceVars, function(cho) is.vector(cho) && (length(cho) %in% c(1, inputs$nObs)) ))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Each element of the "choiceVars" argument for model component "', inputs$componentName, '" should be a vector of length one or nObs.')
inputs$choiceVars = lapply(inputs$choiceVars, function(l){l[] <- -1; return(l)})
test <- all(unique(unlist(inputs$choiceVars)) %in% c(inputs$altcodes,-1))
if(!test) stop("INPUT ISSUE - The data contains values in \"choiceVars\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" that are not included in \"alternatives\".")
cho <-, inputs$choiceVars) # Check nothing is chosen twice
for(i in inputs$altcodes){
tmp <- which( apply(cho, MARGIN=1, function(r) sum(r==inputs$altcodes[i]))>1 )
if(length(tmp)>1) tmp <- paste0(tmp, collapse=", ")
if(length(tmp)>0) stop('INPUT ISSUE - Alternative ', inputs$altcodes[i], ' chosen more than once in row(s) ',
tmp, ' for model component "', inputs$componentName)
# V
if(!is.list(inputs$V) || is.null(names(inputs$V))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The "V" argument for model component "', inputs$componentName, '" needs to be a named list.')
lenV <- sapply(inputs$V, function(v) if(is.array(v)) dim(v)[1] else length(v) )
test <- all(lenV==inputs$nObs | lenV==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Each element of \"utilities\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a scalar or a vector/matrix/cube with one row per observation in the \"database\"")
if(!all(inputs$altnames %in% names(inputs$V))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The names of the alternatives for model component "',inputs$componentName,'" do not match those in "V".')
# rows
test <- is.vector(inputs$rows) && length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all"
test <- test || ( is.vector(inputs$rows) && is.logical(inputs$rows) && length(inputs$rows)==inputs$nObs )
if(!test) stop("INPUT ISSUE - The \"rows\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be \"all\" or a vector of logical statements with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
if(length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") inputs$rows <- rep(TRUE, inputs$nObs)
# scales
test <- is.list(inputs$scales) && length(inputs$scales)==inputs$stages
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The object \"scales\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be the same length as the number of stages!")
# Create Y
inputs$Y <- vector(mode="list", length=inputs$stages)
for(s in 1:inputs$stages) for(a in 1:length(inputs$alternatives)) inputs$Y[[s]][[a]] <- inputs$choiceVars[[s]]==inputs$alternatives[[a]]
for(s in 1:inputs$stages) names(inputs$Y[[s]]) <- names(inputs$alternatives)
# Create new availabilities list, with one list per stage
avail2 <- list(inputs$avail)
for(s in 2:inputs$stages) avail2[[s]] = mapply(function(a,y) a*!y, avail2[[s-1]], inputs$Y[[s-1]], SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
inputs$avail <- avail2
# Filter rows in choiceVars, avail and Y, and update nObs
if(any(!inputs$rows)) for(s in 1:inputs$stages){
inputs$avail[[s]] <- lapply(inputs$avail[[s]], apollo_keepRows, r=inputs$rows)
inputs$choiceVars[[s]] <- apollo_keepRows(inputs$choiceVars[[s]], apollo_keepRows)
inputs$Y[[s]] <- lapply(inputs$Y[[s]], apollo_keepRows, r=inputs$rows)
inputs$nObs <- sum(inputs$rows)
# Record availability of chosen alternative
inputs$chosenAvail <- list(mode="list", length=inputs$stages)
for(s in 1:inputs$stages) inputs$chosenAvail[[s]] <- Reduce("+", mapply("*", inputs$avail[[s]], inputs$Y[[s]], SIMPLIFY=FALSE))
#### NormD ####
if(is.null(inputs$outcomeNormal)) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The normalDensity_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"outcomeNormal\"!")
if(is.null(inputs$xNormal) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The normalDensity_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"xNormal\"!")
if(is.null(inputs$mu) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The normalDensity_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"mu\"!")
if(is.null(inputs$sigma) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The normalDensity_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"sigma\"!")
if(is.null(inputs$rows) ) inputs[["rows"]] <- "all"
# Expand rows if necessary
inputs$nObs <- max(length(inputs$outcomeNormal), ifelse(is.array(inputs$xNormal), dim(inputs$xNormal)[1], length(inputs$xNormal)))
if(length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") inputs$rows <- rep(TRUE, inputs$nObs)
inputs$nObs <- min(inputs$nObs, sum(inputs$rows))
#### Tobit ####
if(is.null(inputs$outcomeTobit) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The tobit_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"outcomeTobit\"!")
if(is.null(inputs$xT) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The tobit_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"xT\"!")
if(is.null(inputs$mu) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The tobit_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"mu\"!")
if(is.null(inputs$sigma) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The tobit_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"sigma\"!")
if(is.null(inputs$rows) ) inputs[["rows"]] <- "all"
if(is.null(inputs$lowerLimit) ){
inputs[["lowerLimit"]] <- -Inf
apollo_print(paste0('Tobit model component "', inputs$componentName, '" does not have a user provided value for lowerLimit.',
'This has been set to -Inf by default.'), pause=0, type="i")
if(is.null(inputs$upperLimit) ){
inputs[["upperLimit"]] <- +Inf
apollo_print(paste0('Tobit model component "', inputs$componentName, '" does not have a user provided value for upperLimit',
'This has been set to +Inf by default.'), pause=0, type="i")
# Expand rows if necessary
inputs$nObs <- max(length(inputs$outcomeNormal), ifelse(is.array(inputs$xT), dim(inputs$xT)[1], length(inputs$xT)))
if(length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") inputs$rows <- rep(TRUE, inputs$nObs)
inputs$nObs <- min(inputs$nObs, sum(inputs$rows))
#### OL, OP ####
if(modelType %in% c("ol", "op")){
if(is.null(inputs[["outcomeOrdered"]])) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The ol_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"outcomeOrdered\"!")
if(is.null(inputs[["V"]]) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The ol_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"utility\"!")
if(is.null(inputs[["tau"]]) ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The ol_settings list for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to include an object called \"tau\"!")
### if(is.null(inputs[["coding"]]) ) inputs[["coding"]] = NULL ### doesn't do anything
if(is.null(inputs[["rows"]]) ) inputs[["rows"]] = "all"
inputs$nObs <- tryCatch(nrow(apollo_inputs$database),
lenV <- sapply(inputs$V, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
lenC <- length(inputs$outcomeOrdered)
return(max(lenV, lenC))
### Format of tau
test <- is.vector(inputs$tau) | is.matrix(inputs$tau) | is.list(inputs$tau)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Thresholds for Ordered Logit for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" need to be a list!")
#if(length(inputs$tau)==1) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - If provided as scalars, need at least two thresholds for Ordered Logit for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\"!")
inputs$tau = as.list(inputs$tau)
} else if(is.matrix(inputs$tau)){
if(nrow(inputs$tau)!=inputs$nObs) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - If provided as a matrix, need one value per observation in the data for each threshold for Ordered Logit for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\"!")
inputs$tau = split(inputs$tau, rep(1:ncol(inputs$tau), each=nrow(inputs$tau)))
} else if(is.list(inputs$tau)){
#if(length(inputs$tau)==1) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - If provided as a list, the list of thresholds need at least two elements for Ordered Logit component \"",inputs$componentName,"\"!")
if(any(sapply(inputs$tau,is.list))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - If provided as a list, elements in list of thresholds for Ordered Logit for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" cannot be lists themselves!")
mixing <- tryCatch(apollo_inputs$apollo_control$mixing, error = function(e) return(NA))
#if(any(sapply(inputs$tau, is.function))){
# tauE <- lapply(inputs$tau, function(tt) if(is.function(tt)) tt() else tt) # might be wrong environment
#} else tauE <- inputs$tau
#max_dim <- max( sapply(inputs$tau, function(tt) if(is.array(tt)) length(dim(tt)) else 1 ) )
if(mixing) newDim <- c(inputs$nObs,
#if(max_dim==3 && intraNDraws==0) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Some thresholds for Ordered Logit for model component \"", inputs$componentName, "\" are given as arrays despite the model not using intra-individual mixing!")
for(k in 1:length(inputs$tau)){ # expand if necessary
tt <- inputs$tau[[k]]
if(is.function(tt)){ environment(tt) <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=parent.frame()); tt = tt() }
if(!(length(tt) %in% c(1, inputs$nObs))) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Threshold ", k, " for Ordered Logit for model component \"", inputs$componentName,"\" is given as a vector and should have one entry per observation in the data!")
#if(length(tt)==1) inputs$tau[[k]] = rep(tt, inputs$nObs)
#if(max_dim ==2) inputs$tau[[k]] = matrix(tt, nrow=newDim[1], ncol=newDim[2], byrow=FALSE)
#if(max_dim ==3) inputs$tau[[k]] = array(tt, dim=newDim)
} else if(is.array(tt)){
if(!mixing) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Model uses no mixing, so thresholds for Ordered Logit for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" should not be given as matrices or arrays!")
isCube <- length(dim(tt))==3
if(isCube && apollo_inputs$apollo_draws$intraNDraws==0) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Some thresholds for Ordered Logit for model component \"", inputs$componentName, "\" are given as arrays despite the model not using intra-individual mixing!")
if(nrow(tt)!=inputs$nObs) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Threshold ",k," for Ordered Logit for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" is given as a matrix/array and should have one entry per observation in the data!")
if(dim(tt)[2]!=newDim[2]) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Threshold ",k," for Ordered Logit for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" has a number of columns that is not equal to the number of inter-individual draws in the model!")
#if(length(dim(tt))!=3) inputs$tau[[k]] = array(tt, dim=newDim)
if(isCube && dim(tt)[3]!=newDim[3]) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Threshold ",k," for Ordered Logit for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" has a number of columns in the third dimension that is not equal to the number of intra-individual draws in the model!")
} else stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Some threshold has an unrecognised format for model component \"", inputs$componentName, "\".")
test <- functionality=='validate' && length(inputs$tau)==1 && modelType=='ol' & !apollo_inputs$silent
if(test) apollo_print(paste0('OL model component "', inputs$componentName, '" has only two levels. ',
'Binary choices such as this are better handled by apollo_mnl.'), pause=0, type="i")
### added 26 April
inputs$nAlt = length(inputs$tau) + 1
### Format checks
# outcomeOrdered
test <- is.vector(inputs$outcomeOrdered) && (length(inputs$outcomeOrdered)==inputs$nObs || length(inputs$outcomeOrdered)==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"outcomeOrdered\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
# V
test <- is.numeric(inputs$V) || is.function(inputs$V)
test <- test && (is.vector(inputs$V) | is.array(inputs$V))
lenV <- ifelse(is.array(inputs$V), dim(inputs$V)[1], length(inputs$V))
test <- test && (lenV==inputs$nObs | lenV==1)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - \"utility\" for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be a function, a scalar, or a vector/matrix/cube with one row per observation in the \"database\"")
# rows
test <- is.vector(inputs$rows) && ( (is.logical(inputs$rows) && length(inputs$rows)==inputs$nObs) || (length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") )
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The \"rows\" argument for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" needs to be \"all\" or a vector of boolean statements with one entry per observation in the \"database\"")
# coding
test <- is.null(inputs$coding) || is.vector(inputs$coding)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument 'coding', if provided for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\", must be a vector.")
inputs$coding_set <- FALSE
inputs[["coding"]] <- 1:(length(inputs$tau)+1)
if(functionality=="validate" & !apollo_inputs$silent) apollo_print(paste0('No coding provided for Ordered model ',
'component "', inputs$componentName, '"',
', so assuming outcomeOrdered goes from ',
'1 to ', max(inputs$coding)), type="i")
inputs$coding_set <- TRUE
# Expand rows if necessary, and update nObs
if(length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") inputs$rows <- rep(TRUE, inputs$nObs)
inputs$nObs <- sum(inputs$rows)
# Filter rows, except for V and thresholds
inputs$outcomeOrdered <- apollo_keepRows(inputs$outcomeOrdered, inputs$rows)
#inputs$tau <- lapply(inputs$tau, apollo_keepRows, inputs$rows)
# validate coding
values_present = unique(inputs$outcomeOrdered)
if(functionality=="validate" && !all(values_present %in% inputs$coding)){
if(!inputs$coding_set) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The levels in 'outcomeOrdered' do not match up with the default coding or the number of thresholds defined for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" !")
if(inputs$coding_set) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Some levels in 'outcomeOrdered' do not exist in 'coding' for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" !")
if(functionality=="validate" && !all(inputs$coding %in% values_present)){
if(!inputs$coding_set) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The levels in 'outcomeOrdered' do not match up with the default coding for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\" !")
if(inputs$coding_set) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Some levels in 'coding' do not exist in 'outcomeOrdered' for model component \"",inputs$componentName,"\"!")
}; rm(values_present)
# Apply coding
map <- stats::setNames(1:length(inputs$coding), inputs$coding)
inputs$outcomeOrdered <- map[as.character(inputs$outcomeOrdered)]
# Add extreme thresholds NOT NECESSARY ANYMORE
# inputs$tau <- c(-Inf, inputs$tau, Inf)
# Create list of dummies for outcomeOrdered
inputs$Y <- lapply(as.list(1:length(inputs$coding)), "==", inputs$outcomeOrdered)
#### MDCEV, MDCNEV ####
if(modelType %in% c("mdcev", "mdcnev")){
# Check for mandatory inputs
mandatory <- c("alternatives", "continuousChoice", "V", "alpha", "gamma", "cost", "budget")
if(modelType=="mdcev") mandatory <- c(mandatory, "sigma")
if(modelType=="mdcnev") mandatory <- c(mandatory, "mdcnevNests", "mdcnevStructure")
for(i in mandatory) if(!(i %in% names(inputs))) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The inputs list for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" needs to include an object called "', i,'"!')
# Check for optional inputs
#if(is.null(inputs[["minConsumption"]])) inputs[["minConsumption"]] = NA
inputs[["minConsumption"]] = NA
if(is.null(inputs[["rows"]]) ) inputs[["rows"]] = "all"
if(is.null(apollo_inputs$nRep)) inputs[["nRep"]] <- 100L else inputs[["nRep"]] <- apollo_inputs$nRep
if("outside" %in% inputs$alternatives) inputs$outside <- "outside" else inputs$outside <- NA
} else if(!(inputs$outside %in% inputs$alternatives)) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Name provided for outside good for model component "',
inputs$componentName,'" does not correspond to an alternative!')
test <- !is.null(inputs[["sigma"]]) && !(length(inputs$sigma)==1 && inputs$sigma==1) && !apollo_inputs$silent
if(test) apollo_print(paste0('Setting "sigma" set to 1 in model component ', inputs$componentName,
' to ensure identifiability.'), type="i")
inputs$sigma <- 1
if(!apollo_inputs$silent && functionality=='validate') apollo_print('Setting "avail" is missing, so full availability is assumed.', type="i")
if(is.null(inputs[['rawPrediction']])) inputs[['rawPrediction']] <- FALSE else {
test <- is.vector(inputs[['rawPrediction']]) && is.logical(inputs[['rawPrediction']]) && length(inputs[['rawPrediction']])==1
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument "rawPrediction", if provided, must be a single logical value.')
if(is.null(inputs[["fastPred"]])) inputs[["fastPred"]] <- FALSE else {
test <- is.vector(inputs[['fastPred']]) && is.logical(inputs[['fastPred']]) && length(inputs[['fastPred']])==1
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument "fastPred", if provided, must be a single logical value.')
# nRep
test <- length(inputs[["nRep"]])==1 && inputs[["nRep"]]>0
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument "nRep" must be a positive integer.')
inputs[['nRep']] <- as.integer(inputs[['nRep']])
# Useful variables
inputs$nObs <- max(sapply(inputs$continuousChoice, length))
inputs$nAlt <- length(inputs$V)
# continuousChoice
test <- is.list(inputs$continuousChoice)
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - \"continuousChoice\" for model component \"",
inputs$componentName, "\" must be a list.")
test <- all(sapply(inputs$continuousChoice, is.numeric))
test <- test && all(sapply(inputs$continuousChoice,function(x) length(x)%in%c(1,inputs$nObs)))
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - all elements inside \"continuousChoice\" ",
"for model component \"", inputs$componentName, "\" ",
"must be numerical vectors of length 1 or the number of observations.")
test <- !is.null(names(inputs$continuousChoice)) && all(names(inputs$continuousChoice)!="")
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - all elements inside \"continuousChoice\" ",
"for model component \"", inputs$componentName, "\" ",
"must be named, and names must match those in \"alternatives\".")
test <- names(inputs$alternatives) %in% names(inputs$continuousChoice)
txt <- paste0(names(inputs$alternatives)[!test], collapse=", ")
stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Alternatives ", txt, "are missing from \"continuousChoice\" ",
"for model component \"", inputs$componentName, "\".", )
test <- length(inputs$continuousChoice)==inputs$nAlt
if(!test ) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - \"continuousChoice\" for model component \"",
inputs$componentName, "\" should have ", inputs$nAlt, " ",
"components, yet it has ", length(inputs$continuousChoice))
# V
test <- is.list(inputs$V) && all(sapply(inputs$V, is.numeric))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - V for model component "', inputs$componentName, '" should be a list of numerical vectors/matrices/arrays, each with as many rows as observations.')
# alternatives
test <- is.vector(inputs$alternatives) && is.character(inputs$alternatives)
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - "alternatives" for model component "', inputs$componentName, '" must be a character vector.')
if(length(inputs$alternatives)!=inputs$nAlt) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The length of "alternatives" for model component "',
inputs$componentName, '" does not match with the length of "V".')
# avail
inputs$avail_set <- FALSE
if(length(inputs$avail)==1 && inputs$avail==1) { inputs$avail=rep(1, inputs$nObs); inputs$avail_set <- TRUE}
test <- is.list(inputs$avail) && all(sapply(inputs$avail, function(x) is.logical(x) | is.numeric(x)))
test <- test && all(sapply(inputs$avail, function(x) length(x) %in% c(1,inputs$nObs)))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - "avail" for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" should be a list of scalars or vectors (each with as many elements as observations), with values 0 or 1.')
lenA <- sapply(inputs$avail, function(v) ifelse(is.array(v), dim(v)[1], length(v)) )
test <- all(lenA==inputs$nObs | lenA==1)
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - All entries in "avail" for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" need to be a scalar or a vector with one entry per observation in the "database"')
# alpha
test <- is.list(inputs$alpha) && all(sapply(inputs$alpha, is.numeric))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - "alpha" for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" should be a list of numerical vectors/matrices/arrays, each with as many rows as observations.')
# gamma
test <- is.list(inputs$gamma) && all(sapply(inputs$gamma, is.numeric))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - "gamma" for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" should be a list of numerical vectors/matrices/arrays, each with as many rows as observations.')
# cost
test <- is.list(inputs$cost) && all(sapply(inputs$cost, is.numeric))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - "cost" for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" should be a list of numerical scalar or vectors (each with as many rows as observations), with positive values.')
# budget
test <- is.numeric(inputs$budget) && ( length(inputs$budget) %in% c(1,inputs$nObs) )
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - "budget" for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" should be a scalar or a vector with as many elements as observations.')
# rows
test <- is.vector(inputs$rows)
test <- test && ( (is.logical(inputs$rows) && length(inputs$rows)==inputs$nObs) || (length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") )
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - The "rows" argument for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'" needs to be "all" or a vector of logical statements with one entry per observation in the "database"')
# minConsumption
test <- is.list(inputs$minConsumption) && length(inputs$minConsumption)!=inputs$nAlt
test <- test && all(sapply(inputs$minConsumption, is.numeric)) && all(sapply(inputs$minConsumption, length) %in% c(1,inputs$nObs))
if(!test) stop('SYNTAX ISSUE - "minConsumption" for model component "', inputs$componentName,
'", if included, must be a list of numeric scalars or vectors (each with as many elements as observations).')
# set minConsumption to NA if they are all zero
if(Reduce('+',lapply(inputs$minConsumption, sum))==0) inputs$minConsumption=NA
if(anyNA(inputs$minConsumption)) inputs$minX <- FALSE else inputs$minX <- TRUE
## Add gamma outside, if missing
test <- !anyNA(inputs$outside) && is.null(inputs$gamma[[inputs$outside]])
if(test) inputs$gamma[[inputs$outside]] <- 1
# Put the outside good first, if it exists
if(!anyNA(inputs$outside)) inputs$alternatives=c(inputs$outside,
# Sort lists based on the order of 'alternatives'
#if(any(inputs$alternatives != names(inputs$V) )) inputs$V <- inputs$V[inputs$alternatives]
if(any(inputs$alternatives != names(inputs$avail) )) inputs$avail <- inputs$avail[inputs$alternatives]
#if(any(inputs$alternatives != names(inputs$alpha) )) inputs$alpha <- inputs$alpha[inputs$alternatives]
#if(any(inputs$alternatives != names(inputs$gamma) )) inputs$gamma <- inputs$gamma[inputs$alternatives]
if(any(inputs$alternatives != names(inputs$continuousChoice))) inputs$continuousChoice <- inputs$continuousChoice[inputs$alternatives]
if(any(inputs$alternatives != names(inputs$cost) )) inputs$cost <- inputs$cost[inputs$alternatives]
test <- !anyNA(inputs$minConsumption) && any(inputs$alternatives != names(inputs$minConsumption))
if(test) inputs$minConsumption <- inputs$minConsumption[inputs$alternatives]
# If there is an outside good, rename it to "outside"
inputs$alternatives = c("outside", inputs$alternatives[2:length(inputs$alternatives)])
#names(inputs$V ) = inputs$alternatives
names(inputs$avail) = inputs$alternatives
#names(inputs$alpha) = inputs$alternatives
#names(inputs$gamma) = inputs$alternatives
names(inputs$cost ) = inputs$alternatives
names(inputs$continuousChoice) = inputs$alternatives
if(!anyNA(inputs$minConsumption)) names(inputs$minConsumption) = inputs$alternatives
# Expand "rows"
if(length(inputs$rows)==1 && inputs$rows=="all") inputs$rows <- rep(TRUE, inputs$nObs)
# Remove excluded rows from cost, avail, continuousChoice, budget and minConsumption
inputs$cost <- lapply(inputs$cost , apollo_keepRows, r=inputs$rows)
inputs$avail <- lapply(inputs$avail , apollo_keepRows, r=inputs$rows)
inputs$continuousChoice <- lapply(inputs$continuousChoice, apollo_keepRows, r=inputs$rows)
inputs$budget <- apollo_keepRows(inputs$budget, r=inputs$rows)
if(!anyNA(inputs$minConsumption)) inputs$minConsumption <- lapply(inputs$minConsumption, apollo_keepRows, r=inputs$rows)
# For unavailable alternatives: Set consumption to zero and cost to 1 (unless scalar).
# No need no change cost if scalar, as an invalid number will fail for available rows too.
for(j in 1:inputs$nAlt) if(any(!inputs$avail[[j]])){
aSca <- length(inputs$avail[[j]])==1
xSca <- length(inputs$continuousChoice[[j]])==1
cSca <- length(inputs$cost[[j]])==1
inputs$continuousChoice[[j]][!inputs$avail[[j]]] <- 0
inputs$cost[[j]][!inputs$avail[[j]]] <- 1
} else {
if(xSca) inputs$continuousChoice[[j]] <- ifelse(inputs$avail[[j]], inputs$continuousChoice[[j]], 0) else inputs$continuousChoice[[j]][!inputs$avail[[j]]] <- 0
if(!cSca) inputs$cost[[j]][!inputs$avail[[j]]] <- 1
# Additional useful variables
inputs$discrete_choice <- lapply(inputs$continuousChoice, ">", 0)
inputs$totalChosen <- Reduce("+",inputs$discrete_choice)
inputs$chosenUnavail <- mapply(function(m,a) m & !a, inputs$discrete_choice, inputs$avail, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
inputs$chosenUnavail <- Reduce("|", inputs$choseUnavail)
inputs$hasOutside <- "outside" %in% inputs$alternatives
inputs$altnames <- inputs$alternatives
inputs$nObs <- nrow(apollo_inputs$database)
if(any(!inputs$rows)) inputs$nObs <- sum(inputs$rows)
inputs$nAlt <- length(inputs$V)
inputs$nNests<- length(inputs$mdcnevNests)
inputs$q = list() # stores how many different products where purchased in each nest
for(s in 1:inputs$nNests){
alts <- which(as.vector(inputs$mdcnevStructure[s,])>0)
inputs$q[[s]] <- Reduce("+", inputs$discrete_choice[alts])
}; rm(alts)
inputs$term4base=function(t, ars, qrs){
if(qrs==0|qrs==1) sumx = 1
if(qrs >1 & ars==1) sumx = 1
if (ars==2) sumx = ((1-t)/t)*qrs*(qrs-1)/2
if (qrs==3 & ars==3){
sumx = (2*(1-t)/t)+1
sumx = sumx * ((1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==4 & ars==3){
sumx = ((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*((2*(1-t)/t)+(1*(1-t)/t))
sumx = sumx + (((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*((1-t)/t))}
if (qrs==4 & ars==4) sumx = (((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*((1-t)/t))
if (qrs==5 & ars==3){
sumx = ((4*(1-t)/t)+1) * ((3*(1-t)/t)+(2*(1-t)/t)+(1*(1-t)/t))
sumx = sumx + ((3*(1-t)/t)+1) * ((2*(1-t)/t)+(1*(1-t)/t))
sumx = sumx + (((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t))}
if (qrs==5 & ars==4){
sumx = ((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1) * ((2*(1-t)/t)+(1*(1-t)/t))
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*((1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*((1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==5 & ars==5) sumx = ((4*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*((1-t)/t)
if (qrs==6 & ars==3){
sumx = ((5*(1-t)/t)+1)*(10*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+1)*(6*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==6 & ars==4){
sumx = ((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((4*(1-t)/t)+1)*(6*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==6 & ars==5){
sumx = ((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==6 & ars==6) sumx = ((5*(1-t)/t)+4)*((4*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
if (qrs==7 & ars==3){
sumx = ((6*(1-t)/t)+1)*(15*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+1)*(10*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+1)*(6*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==7 & ars==4){
sumx = ((6*(1-t)/t)+2)*((5*(1-t)/t)+1)*(10*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+2)*((4*(1-t)/t)+1)*(6*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((4*(1-t)/t)+1)*(6*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==7 & ars==5){
sumx = ((6*(1-t)/t)+3)*((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((4*(1-t)/t)+1)*(6*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+3)*((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+3)*((5*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+3)*((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+3)*((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((4*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==7 & ars==6){
sumx = ((6*(1-t)/t)+4)*((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((3*(1-t)/t)+1)*(3*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+4)*((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+4)*((5*(1-t)/t)+3)*((4*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((6*(1-t)/t)+4)*((4*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
sumx = sumx + ((5*(1-t)/t)+4)*((4*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)}
if (qrs==7 & ars==7) sumx = ((6*(1-t)/t)+5)*((5*(1-t)/t)+4)*((4*(1-t)/t)+3)*((3*(1-t)/t)+2)*((2*(1-t)/t)+1)*(1*(1-t)/t)
inputs$term4final=function(mdcnevNests, r_current_combo, q_person){
out <- 1
for(s in 1:length(r_current_combo)) if(q_person[s]>0) out <- out * inputs$term4base(mdcnevNests[[s]], r_current_combo[s], q_person[s])
inputs$term5=function(r_current_combo, q_person){
out <- 0
for(s in 1:length(r_current_combo)) if(q_person[s]>0) out <- out + q_person[s]- r_current_combo[s] + 1
out <- factorial(out - 1)
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