#' Edit an APSIM-X (JSON) Simulation
#' This function allows editing of an APSIM-X (JSON) simulation file.
#' The variables specified by \code{parm} within the .apsimx file specified by \code{file}
#' in the source directory \code{src.dir} are edited. The old values are replaced with \code{value}, which
#' is a list that has the same number of elements as the length of the vector \code{parm}. The current
#' .apsimx file will be overwritten if \code{overwrite} is set to \code{TRUE}; otherwise the file
#' \sQuote{file} \emph{-edited.apsimx} will be created. If (verbose = TRUE) then the name
#' of the written file is returned.
#' When node equals \sQuote{Report}, the editing allows to add variables, but not to remove them at the moment.
#' When node equals Operations, \sQuote{parm} should have a list with two elements. The first should be the line(s) to edit and
#' the second should be the component(s) to edit. Either \sQuote{Date}, \sQuote{Action} or \sQuote{Line}.
#' When more than one line is edited, \sQuote{value} should be a character vector of the same length as the number of
#' lines to edit. It is possible to remove, say, line 10 by using \sQuote{parm = list(-10, NA)}. It is safer to remove
#' lines at the end of \sQuote{Operations}. To remove several use the following \sQuote{parm = list(-c(10:12), NA)}.
#' This assumes that \sQuote{12} is the maximum number of lines present. Trying to remove lines in the middle will have
#' unexpected effects. It is possible to create additional lines, but only by using \sQuote{Date} first. This feature
#' has not been tested much so use it carefully.
#' @name edit_apsimx
#' @param file file ending in .apsimx to be edited (JSON)
#' @param src.dir directory containing the .apsimx file to be edited; defaults to the current working directory
#' @param wrt.dir should be used if the destination directory is different from the src.dir
#' @param node either \sQuote{Clock}, \sQuote{Weather}, \sQuote{Soil},
#' \sQuote{SurfaceOrganicMatter}, \sQuote{MicroClimate}, \sQuote{Crop}, \sQuote{Manager}, \sQuote{Report}, \sQuote{Operations} or \sQuote{Other}
#' @param soil.child specific soil component to be edited
#' @param manager.child specific manager component to be edited
#' @param parm parameter to be edited. It can be a regular expression.
#' @param value new values for the parameter to be edited
#' @param overwrite logical; if \code{TRUE} the old file is overwritten, a new file is written otherwise
#' @param edit.tag if the file is edited a different tag from the default \sQuote{-edited} can be used.
#' @param parm.path path to the attribute to edit when node is \sQuote{Other}
#' @param root supply the node position in the case of multiple simulations such as factorials.
#' @param verbose whether to print information about successful edit
#' @return (when verbose=TRUE) complete file path to edited .apsimx file is returned as a character string.
#' As a side effect this function creates a new (JSON) .apsimx file.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' ## This example will read one of the examples distributed with APSIM-X
#' ## but write to a temporary directory
#' tmp.dir <- tempdir()
#' ## Edit Bulk density
#' extd.dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "apsimx")
#' bds <- c(1.02, 1.03, 1.09, 1.16, 1.18, 1.19, 1.20)
#' edit_apsimx("Wheat.apsimx", src.dir = extd.dir,
#' wrt.dir = tmp.dir,
#' node = "Soil",
#' soil.child = "Physical",
#' parm = "BD", value = bds,
#' verbose = FALSE)
#' ## Inspect file
#' inspect_apsimx("Wheat-edited.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir,
#' node = "Soil", soil.child = "Physical")
#' ## To delete the file...
#' file.remove(file.path(tmp.dir, "Wheat-edited.apsimx"))
#' ## Edit the fertilizer amount in 'Maize.apsimx'
#' edit_apsimx("Maize.apsimx", src.dir = extd.dir,
#' wrt.dir = tmp.dir, node = "Manager",
#' manager.child = "SowingFertiliser",
#' parm = "Amount", value = 200, verbose = TRUE)
#' ## Make sure it worked
#' inspect_apsimx("Maize-edited.apsimx", src.dir = tmp.dir,
#' node = "Manager",
#' parm = list("SowingFertiliser", NA))
#' ## Remove the file
#' file.remove(file.path(tmp.dir, "Maize-edited.apsimx"))
#' }
edit_apsimx <- function(file, src.dir = ".", wrt.dir = NULL,
node = c("Clock", "Weather", "Soil", "SurfaceOrganicMatter", "MicroClimate", "Crop", "Manager", "Report", "Operations", "Other"),
soil.child = c("Metadata", "Water", "SoilWater", "Organic", "Physical", "Analysis", "Chemical", "InitialWater", "Sample", "Solute", "NO3", "NH4", "Urea", "Swim3"),
manager.child = NULL,
parm = NULL, value = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE,
edit.tag = "-edited",
parm.path = NULL,
root = NULL,
verbose = TRUE){
if(isFALSE(apsimx.options$allow.path.spaces)) .check_apsim_name(file)
if(missing(wrt.dir)) wrt.dir <- src.dir
file.names <- dir(path = src.dir, pattern = ".apsimx$", = TRUE)
if(length(file.names) == 0){
stop("There are no .apsimx files in the specified directory to edit.")
node <- match.arg(node)
soil.child <- match.arg(soil.child)
edited.child <- "none"
## For now we just edit one file at a time
file <- match.arg(file, file.names)
if(apsimx_filetype(file = file, src.dir = src.dir) != "json")
stop("This function only edits JSON files")
if(!is.null(parm.path) && node != "Other")
stop("When parm.path is supplied node should be 'Other'", call. = FALSE)
stop("'value' is missing", call. = FALSE)
## Parse apsimx file (JSON)
apsimx_json <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(src.dir, file))
## apsimx_json <<- apsimx_json
## Where is the 'Core' simulation?
children.names <- sapply(apsimx_json$Children, FUN = function(x) x$`$type`)
wcore <- grep("Core.Simulation", children.names)
parm.path.0 <- paste0(".", apsimx_json$Name) ## Root
## When node == "Other" root should always be missing
## The problem is that I have to guess it
## We should be able to use node == "Other" even if root is not missing
if(node == "Other" && is.null(root) && length(wcore) > 1){
## Process 'parm'
stop("parm.path is missing")
if(!grepl(".", parm.path, fixed = TRUE))
stop("parm.path is not a proper json path")
cparm <- paste0(parm.path, ".", parm)
pparm <- strsplit(cparm, split = ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]] <- gsub(".", "", parm.path.0, fixed = TRUE)
if(pparm[2] !=
stop(paste("First parm element does not match:",, call. = FALSE)
root1 <- pparm[3]
root <- root1
## Guess if 'root' is contained in the first level of names
root.names.level.1 <- vapply(apsimx_json$Children, FUN = function(x) x$Name,
FUN.VALUE = "character")
wroot1 <- grep(as.character(root1), root.names.level.1)
if(length(wroot1) == 0)
stop(paste("Second element of parm did not match:", root.names.level.1), call. = FALSE)
## Need to test if the fourth element of pparm is a node
nodes <- c("Clock", "Weather", "Soil", "SurfaceOrganicMatter", "MicroClimate", "Crop", "Manager","Report", "Operations", "Other", "Field")
if(pparm[4] %in% nodes){
## This amounts to guessing that root should be of length 1
root <- list(pparm[3])
## This amounts to guessing that pparm[4] should be the second element in
root.names.level.2 <- vapply(apsimx_json$Children[[wroot1]]$Children,
FUN = function(x) x$Name,
FUN.VALUE = "character")
root2 <- pparm[4]
wroot2 <- grep(as.character(root2), root.names.level.2)
if(length(wroot2) == 0)
stop(paste("Third element of parm did not match:", root.names.level.2), call. = FALSE)
if(pparm[5] %in% nodes){
root <- list(pparm[3], pparm[4])
root.names.level.3 <- vapply(apsimx_json$Children[[wroot1]]$Children[[wroot2]]$Children,
FUN = function(x) x$Name,
FUN.VALUE = "character")
root3 <- pparm[5]
wroot3 <- grep(as.character(root3), root.names.level.3)
if(length(wroot3) == 0)
stop(paste("Fourth element of parm did not match:", root.names.level.3), call. = FALSE)
if(length(wcore) > 1 || !is.null(root)){
cat("Simulation structure: \n")
stop("more than one simulation found and no root node label has been specified \n select one of the children names above")
## Parse root
root <- parse_root(root)
if(length(root) > 3)
stop("At the moment 3 is the maximum length for root", call. = TRUE)
if(length(root) == 1){
root.node.0.names <- sapply(apsimx_json$Children, function(x) x$Name)
wcore1 <- grep(as.character(root), root.node.0.names)
if(length(wcore1) == 0 || length(wcore1) > 1)
stop("no root node label found or root is not unique")
parent.node <- apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children
if(length(root) == 2){
root.node.0.names <- sapply(apsimx_json$Children, function(x) x$Name)
wcore1 <- grep(as.character(root[1]), root.node.0.names)
if(length(wcore1) == 0 || length(wcore1) > 1)
stop("no root node label in position 1 found or root is not unique")
root.node.0 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]
root.node.0.child.names <- sapply(root.node.0$Children, function(x) x$Name)
wcore2 <- grep(as.character(root[2]), root.node.0.child.names)
if(length(wcore2) == 0 || length(wcore2) > 1)
stop("no root node label in position 2 found or root is not unique")
parent.node <- apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children[[wcore2]]$Children
if(length(root) == 3){
root.node.0.names <- sapply(apsimx_json$Children, function(x) x$Name)
wcore1 <- grep(as.character(root[1]), root.node.0.names)
if(length(wcore1) == 0 || length(wcore1) > 1)
stop("no root node label in position 1 found or root is not unique")
root.node.0 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]
root.node.0.child.names <- sapply(root.node.0$Children, function(x) x$Name)
wcore2 <- grep(as.character(root[2]), root.node.0.child.names)
if(length(wcore2) == 0 || length(wcore2) > 1)
stop("no root node label in position 2 found or root is not unique")
root.node.1 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children[[wcore2]]
root.node.1.child.names <- sapply(root.node.1$Children, function(x) x$Name)
wcore3 <- grep(as.character(root[3]), root.node.1.child.names)
if(length(wcore3) == 0 || length(wcore3) > 1)
stop("no root node label in position 3 found or root is not unique")
parent.node <- apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children[[wcore2]]$Children[[wcore3]]$Children
parent.node <- apsimx_json$Children[[wcore]]$Children
## Edit the 'Clock'
if(node == "Clock"){
parm.choices <- c("Start","End")
parm <- match.arg(parm, choices = parm.choices, several.ok = TRUE)
## Find what the 'Start' and 'End' are actually called
## Find the 'Clock'
wlc <- function(x) grepl("Models.Clock", x$`$type`, = TRUE)
wlcl <- sapply(parent.node, FUN = wlc)
if(sum(wlcl) < 1)
stop("Clock not found", call. = FALSE)
start <- grep("Start", names(parent.node[wlcl][[1]]), = TRUE, value = TRUE)
end <- grep("End", names(parent.node[wlcl][[1]]), = TRUE, value = TRUE)
if(length(parm) == 1){
if(parm == "Start"){
parent.node[wlcl][[1]][start] <- value
if(parm == "End"){
parent.node[wlcl][[1]][end] <- value
if(length(parm) == 2){
if(parm[1] == "Start"){
parent.node[wlcl][[1]][start] <- value[1]
if(parm[2] == "End"){
parent.node[wlcl][[1]][end] <- value[2]
## The code below is not needed, I think
# if(missing(root)){
# apsimx_json$Children[[1]]$Children <- parent.node
# }else{
# if(length(root) == 1){
# apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children <- parent.node
# }else{
# apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children[[wcore2]]$Children <- parent.node
# }
# }
## Edit the met file
if(node == "Weather"){
wlw <- function(x) grepl("Models.Climate.Weather|Models.Weather", x$`$type`)
wlwl <- sapply(parent.node, FUN = wlw)
if(sum(wlwl) < 1)
stop("Weather node not found", call. = FALSE)
parent.node[wlwl][[1]]$FileName <- value
## Extract 'Core' simulation
wcz <- grepl("Models.Core.Zone", parent.node)
if(sum(wcz) < 1)
stop("Models.Core.Zone not found", call. = FALSE) <- parent.node[wcz][[1]]$Children
## Edit the soil
if(node == "Soil"){
## Extract soil
wsn <- grepl("Models.Soils.Soil",
if(sum(wsn) < 1)
stop("Models.Soils.Soil not found", call. = FALSE)
soil.node <-[wsn]
soil.node0 <- soil.node[[1]]$Children
if(soil.child == "Metadata"){
edited.child <- soil.child
## Perhaps too many possible metadata parms to list here?
metadata.parms <- c("RecordNumber", "ASCOrder", "ASCSubOrder", "SoilType",
"LocalName", "Site", "NearestTown", "Region",
"State", "Country", "NaturalVegetation", "ApsoilNumber",
"Latitude", "Longitude", "LocationAccuracy", "DataSource",
if(!all(parm %in% metadata.parms)) stop("parm name(s) might be wrong")
for(i in seq_along(parm)){
soil.node[[1]][[parm[i]]] <- value[i]
if(soil.child == "Physical"){
edited.child <- soil.child
## In older versions of APSIM Next Gen instead of 'Physical' it was called
## 'Water'. Now "InitialWater" has been renamed to simply "Water"
## So here we now just look for "Physical"
wwn <- grep("Physical", sapply(soil.node[[1]]$Children, function(x) x$Name))
soil.water.node <- soil.node[[1]]$Children[[wwn]]
if(soil.water.node$Name != "Water" && soil.water.node$Name != "Physical"){
cat("Found: ", soil.water.node$Name, "instead of Physical or Water \n")
stop("Wrong node (Physical or Water)")
crop.parms <- c("XF", "KL", "LL")
if(parm %in% crop.parms || any(sapply(crop.parms, function(x) grepl(x, parm))) && parm != "LL15"){
## Maybe we are trying to edit the parameter for a specific crop
## The first options matches the parameter exactly
if(parm %in% crop.parms){
for(i in seq_along(soil.water.node$Children[[1]][[parm]])){
soil.water.node$Children[[1]][[parm]][[i]] <- value[i]
## This assumes that the parameter to be edited is "Wheat LL" for example
parm0 <- strsplit(parm, " ")[[1]] <- parm0[1]
sparm <- parm0[2]
wcnp <- which(gsub("Soil", "", sapply(soil.water.node$Children, function(x) x$Name)) ==
for(i in seq_along(soil.water.node$Children[[1]][[sparm]])){
soil.water.node$Children[[wcnp]][[sparm]][[i]] <- value[i]
for(i in 1:length(soil.water.node[[parm]])){
soil.water.node[[parm]][[i]] <- value[i]
soil.node[[1]]$Children[[wwn]] <- soil.water.node
if(soil.child == "SoilWater"){
edited.child <- soil.child
wswn <- grep("^SoilWater", sapply(soil.node[[1]]$Children, function(x) x$Name))
soil.soilwater.node <- soil.node[[1]]$Children[[wswn]]
soilwat.parms <- c("SummerDate", "SummerU", "SummerCona", "WinterDate",
"WinterU", "WinterCona", "DiffusConst", "DiffusSlope",
"Salb", "CN2Bare", "CNRed", "CNCov", "Slope", "DischargeWidth",
if(parm %in% soilwat.parms){
## This allows for editing multiple parameters and values
for(i in seq_along(parm)){
soil.soilwater.node[[parm[i]]] <- value[i]
## This case is most likely SWCON
if(!parm %in% c("SWCON", "KLAT")) stop("parameter is likely incorrect")
for(i in 1:length(soil.soilwater.node[[parm]])){
soil.soilwater.node[[parm]][[i]] <- value[i]
soil.node[[1]]$Children[[wswn]] <- soil.soilwater.node
if(soil.child == "Nitrogen"){
wnn <- grepl("Nitrogen", soil.node0)
soil.nitrogen.node <- soil.node0[wnn][[1]]
for(i in 1:length(soil.nitrogen.node[[parm]])){
soil.nitrogen.node[[parm]][[i]] <- value[i]
soil.node[[1]]$Children[wnn][[1]] <- soil.nitrogen.node
if(soil.child == "Organic"){
edited.child <- "Organic"
wsomn <- grepl("Organic", soil.node0) <- soil.node0[wsomn][[1]]
som.parms1 <- c("RootCN", "EnrACoeff", "EnrBCoeff")
if(parm %in% som.parms1){[[parm]] <- value
for(i in 1:length([[parm]])){[[parm]][[i]] <- value[i]
soil.node[[1]]$Children[wsomn][[1]] <-
if(soil.child %in% c("Analysis", "Chemical", "Solute", "NO3", "NH4", "Urea")){
edited.child <- soil.child
wan <- grepl(soil.child, soil.node0)
if(sum(wan) == 1){
soil.analysis.node <- soil.node0[wan][[1]]
soil.node0.names <- sapply(soil.node0[wan], FUN = function(x) x$Name)
if(soil.child == "Solute"){
if(length(parm) != 2)
stop("When 'soil.child' is 'Solute' 'parm' should be of length = 2", call. = FALSE)
if(!parm[[1]] %in% c("NO3", "NH4", "Urea"))
stop("The first element of 'parm' should be one of :", soil.node0.names, call. = FALSE)
wsan <- which(soil.node0.names == parm[[1]])
soil.analysis.node <- soil.node0[wan][[wsan]]
## Check for length
if(length(parm) == 1){
if(length(soil.analysis.node[[parm]]) != length(value)){
cat("Length of value:", length(value), "\n")
cat("Length of 'node':", length(soil.analysis.node[[parm]]), "\n")
stop("Length of 'value' should equalto length of 'node'", call. = FALSE)
if(parm %in% c("PH", "NO3", "NH4", "Urea", "Thickness", "InitialValues")){
for(i in 1:length(soil.analysis.node[[parm]])){
soil.analysis.node[[parm]][[i]] <- value[i]
stop("'parm' should be one of 'PH', 'NO3', 'NH4', 'Urea', 'InitialValues' or 'Thickness'", call. = FALSE)
if(length(parm) == 2){
if(length(soil.analysis.node[[parm[[2]]]]) > length(value))
stop("Length of 'value' should not be less than length of 'node'", call. = FALSE)
if(length(soil.analysis.node[[parm[[2]]]]) < length(value))
stop("Length of 'value' should not be greater than length of 'node'", call. = FALSE)
if(!parm[[2]] %in% names(soil.analysis.node))
stop("The second element of 'parm' should be one of: ", names(soil.analysis.node), call. = FALSE)
for(i in 1:length(soil.analysis.node[[parm[[2]]]])){
soil.analysis.node[[parm[[2]]]][[i]] <- value[i]
### Need to fix this
if(sum(wan) == 1){
soil.node[[1]]$Children[wan][[1]] <- soil.analysis.node
soil.node[[1]]$Children[wan][[wsan]] <- soil.analysis.node
if(soil.child == "InitialWater" || soil.child == "Water"){
edited.child <- "InitialWater"
soil.node0.names <- sapply(soil.node0, function(x) x$Name)
wiwn <- grep("InitialWater", soil.node0.names)
if(length(wiwn) == 0){
### Maybe find just water?
wiwn <- grep("^Water", soil.node0.names)
if(length(wiwn) == 0){
wiwn <- grep("initial water", soil.node0.names, = TRUE)
if(length(wiwn) == 0)
stop("InitialWater node not found", call. = FALSE)
soil.initialwater.node <- soil.node0[wiwn][[1]]
## Only three can be edited: PercentMethod, FractionFull, DepthWetSoil
siw.parms <- c("PercentMethod", "FractionFull", "DepthWetSoil", "Thickness", "InitialValues")
parm <- match.arg(parm, choices = siw.parms)
if(parm %in% c("Thickness", "InitialValues")){
soil.initialwater.node.vector <- soil.initialwater.node[[parm]]
if(length(value) != length(soil.initialwater.node.vector))
stop("Length of 'value' should match the length of ", parm, call. = FALSE)
for(i in seq_along(soil.initialwater.node.vector))
soil.initialwater.node.vector[[1]][[i]] <- value[i]
soil.initialwater.node[[parm]] <- soil.initialwater.node.vector[[1]]
soil.node[[1]]$Children[wiwn][[1]] <- soil.initialwater.node
soil.initialwater.node[[parm]] <- value
soil.node[[1]]$Children[wiwn][[1]] <- soil.initialwater.node
if(soil.child == "Sample"){
edited.child <- "Sample"
wsn <- grepl("Sample", soil.node0)
soil.sample.node <- soil.node0[wsn][[1]]
for(i in 1:length(soil.sample.node[[parm]])){
soil.sample.node[[parm]][[i]] <- value[i]
soil.node[[1]]$Children[wsn][[1]] <- soil.sample.node
if(soil.child == "Swim3"){
edited.child <- "Swim3"
wswimn <- grepl("Swim3", soil.node0)
soil.swim.node <- soil.node0[wswimn][[1]]
for(i in 1:length(soil.swim.node[[parm]])){
soil.swim.node[[parm]][[i]] <- value[i]
soil.node[[1]]$Children[wswimn][[1]] <- soil.swim.node
}[wsn] <- soil.node
if(node == "SurfaceOrganicMatter"){
wsomn <- grepl("Models.Surface.SurfaceOrganicMatter",
som.node <-[wsomn][[1]]
if(som.node$Name != "SurfaceOrganicMatter"){
stop("Wrong node")
som.node[[parm]] <- value[wsomn][[1]] <- som.node
if(node == "MicroClimate"){
wmcn <- grepl("Models.MicroClimate",
microclimate.node <-[wmcn][[1]]
if(microclimate.node$Name != "MicroClimate"){
stop("Wrong node")
microclimate.node[[parm]] <- value[wmcn][[1]] <- microclimate.node
if(node == "Crop"){
## Which is 'Crop'
wmmn <- grepl("Models.Manager",
manager.node <-[wmmn]
## Which element has the crop information?
wcn <- grepl("CultivarName", manager.node)
crop.node <- manager.node[wcn][[1]]$Parameters
for(i in 1:length(crop.node)){
if(crop.node[[i]]$Key == parm){
crop.node[[i]]$Value <- value
}[wmmn][wcn][[1]]$Parameters <- crop.node
if(node == "Manager"){
wmmn <- grepl("Models.Manager",
manager.node <-[wmmn]
manager.node.names <- sapply(manager.node, FUN = function(x) x$Name)
if(missing(manager.child)) stop("need to specify manager.child")
edited.child <- manager.child
## Which child should we edit?
wmc <- grep(manager.child, manager.node.names)
## Maybe if it is inside a folder try looking inside manager.node?
if(length(wmc) == 0){
manager.node.names <- sapply(manager.node[[1]]$Children, FUN = function(x) x$Name)
wmc2 <- grep(manager.child, manager.node.names)
manager.child.node <- manager.node[[1]]$Children[[wmc2]]$Parameters
manager.child.node <- manager.node[[wmc]]$Parameters
for(i in 1:length(manager.child.node)){
if(manager.child.node[[i]]$Key == parm){
manager.child.node[[i]]$Value <- value
if(length(wmc) == 0){
manager.node[[1]]$Children[[wmc2]]$Parameters <- manager.child.node
manager.node[[wmc]]$Parameters <- manager.child.node
}[wmmn] <- manager.node
if(node == "Operations"){
won <- grepl("Models.Operations",
operations.node <-[won]
if(length(operations.node) > 1)
stop("Not ready to handle multiple 'Operations'", call. = FALSE)
stop("'Operation' child node not found", call. = FALSE)
## Here the assumption is that 'parm' is a line and a component to edit
if(length(parm) != 2)
stop("'parm' should be a list of length 2. The first should be the line and the second should be the component", call. = FALSE)
if(all(parm[[1]] > 0)){
if(length(parm[[1]]) != length(value))
stop("lenght of the first 'parm' element should be equal to the length of 'value'", call. = FALSE)
length.operation <- length(operations.node[[1]]$Operation)
if(all(parm[[1]] > 0)){
if(parm[[2]] == "Date"){
for(i in seq_along(value)){
date.exists <- try(operations.node[[1]]$Operation[[parm[[1]][i]]]$Date, silent = TRUE)
if(!inherits(date.exists, 'try-error')){
operations.node[[1]]$Operation[[parm[[1]][i]]]$Date <- value[i]
## Need to add Date if not present
##stop("Adding a row is not available yet", call. = FALSE)
if(verbose) cat("Added a new 'Date' element in position", parm[[1]][i], "\n")
input.list <- vector("list", length = 1) ## Create empty list
list.elements <- operations.node[[1]]$Operation[[1]] ## Copying the first one
list.elements$Date <- value[i] ## replacing Date
list.elements$Action <- ""
list.elements$Line <- ""
input.list[[1]] <- list.elements
operations.node[[1]]$Operation <- append(operations.node[[1]]$Operation, input.list)
if(parm[[2]] == "Action"){
for(i in seq_along(value)){
action.exists <- try(operations.node[[1]]$Operation[[parm[[1]][i]]]$Action, silent = TRUE)
if(!inherits(action.exists, 'try-error')){
operations.node[[1]]$Operation[[parm[[1]][i]]]$Action <- value[i]
stop("Trying to edit an 'Action' item but it is not present. Add 'Date' first.", call. = FALSE)
if(parm[[2]] == "Line"){
for(i in seq_along(value)){
line.exists <- try(operations.node[[1]]$Operation[[parm[[1]][i]]]$Date, silent = TRUE)
if(!inherits(line.exists, 'try-error')){
operations.node[[1]]$Operation[[parm[[1]][i]]]$Line <- value[i]
stop("Trying to edit a 'Line' item but it is not present. Add 'Date' first.", call. = FALSE)
### In this case the format should be parm = list(-10, 'NA')
stop("Second element of the 'parm' list should be 'NA'", call. = FALSE)
for(i in rev(seq_along(parm[[1]]))){
idx.rm <- abs(parm[[1]][i])
operations.node[[1]]$Operation[[idx.rm]] <- NULL
if(all(parm[[1]] > 0)){
if(!parm[[2]] %in% c("Date", "Action", "Line"))
stop("The second 'parm' component should be either 'Date', 'Action', or 'Line'", call. = FALSE)
}[won][[1]]$Operation <- operations.node[[1]]$Operation
parm <- unlist(parm)
if(node == "Report"){
wrn <- grepl("Models.Report",
report.node <-[wrn]
report.node.names <- sapply(report.node, FUN = function(x) x$Name)
stop("parm argument is missing")
## There is only one report in this case
if(length(report.node.names) > 1)
stop("More than one Report is present. Use a list to choose one.")
if(!grepl(parm, "VariableNames") && !grepl(parm, "EventNames"))
stop("parm should contain either VariableNames or EventNames")
if(grepl(parm, "VariableNames")){
lvn <- length(report.node[[1]]$VariableNames)
for(i in seq_along(value)){
vnindx <- lvn + i
report.node[[1]]$VariableNames[[vnindx]] <- value[i]
evn <- length(report.node[[1]]$EventNames)
for(i in seq_along(value)){
evnindx <- evn + i
report.node[[1]]$EventNames[[evnindx]] <- value[i]
if(length(parm) < 2)
stop("parm should be a list of length greater than 1")
wrn <- grep(parm[[1]], report.node.names)
if(length(wrn) == 0L)
stop("Report Name not found")
if(!grepl(parm[[2]], "VariableNames") && !grepl(parm[[2]], "EventNames"))
stop("parm should contain either VariableNames or EventNames")
if(grepl(parm[[2]], "VariableNames")){
lvn <- length(report.node[[wrn]]$VariableNames)
for(i in seq_along(value)){
vnindx <- lvn + i
report.node[[wrn]]$VariableNames[[vnindx]] <- value[i]
evn <- length(report.node[[wrn]]$EventNames)
for(i in seq_along(value)){
evnindx <- evn + i
report.node[[wrn]]$EventNames[[evnindx]] <- value[i]
}[wrn] <- report.node
if(node == "Other"){
## Note: this strategy might not always work well
## because cultivar parameters are under Command
## which I think behaves differently
## Here the path should be to the full parameter path
## Unpack the parm.path
## root node starts at .
parm.path <- paste0(parm.path, ".", parm)
stop("When node = 'Other' parm.path should be provided")
## Strip dollar sign if present
if(substr(parm.path, 1, 1) == "$")
parm.path <- substr(parm.path, 2, nchar(parm.path))
upp <- strsplit(parm.path, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
upp.lngth <- length(upp)
if(upp.lngth < 5) stop("Parameter path too short?")
if(upp.lngth > 10) stop("Cannot handle this yet")
## upp[2] is typically "Simulations"
if(apsimx_json$Name != upp[2])
stop("Simulation root name does not match")
wl3 <- which(upp[3] == sapply(apsimx_json$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl3) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 3")
## At this level I select among simulation children
## upp[3] is typically "Simulation"
n3 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]
## Look for the first reasonable parameter
wl4 <- which(upp[4] == sapply(n3$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl4) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 4")
## This is super dumb but I do not know how to do it otherwise
if(upp.lngth == 5){
if(upp[5] %in% names(n3$Children[[wl4]])){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]][[upp[5]]] <- value
wl5 <- which(upp[5] == sapply(n3$Children[[wl4]]$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl5) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 5")
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]][[upp[5]]] <- value
## Handling level 6
if(upp.lngth == 6){
n4 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]
wl5 <- which(upp[5] == sapply(n4$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl5) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 5")
if(upp[6] %in% names(n4$Children[[wl5]])){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]][[upp[6]]] <- value
if("Parameters" %in% names(n4$Children[[wl5]])){
wp <- grep(upp[6], n4$Children[[wl5]]$Parameters)
if(length(wp) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 6 (Parameter)")
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Parameters[[wp]]$Value <- value
wl6 <- which(upp[6] == sapply(n4$Children[[wl5]]$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl6) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 6")
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]][[upp[6]]] <- value
## Handling level 7, I don't think this works. Need to test.
if(upp.lngth == 7){
n4 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]
wl5 <- which(upp[5] == sapply(n4$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n5 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]
wl6 <- which(upp[6] == sapply(n5$Children, function(x) x$Name))
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]][[upp[7]]] <- value
if(upp.lngth == 8){
n4 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]
wl5 <- which(upp[5] == sapply(n4$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n5 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]
wl6 <- which(upp[6] == sapply(n5$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n6 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]
wl7 <- which(upp[7] == sapply(n6$Children, function(x) x$Name))
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]$Children[[wl7]][[upp[8]]] <- value
if(upp.lngth == 9){
n4 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]
wl5 <- which(upp[5] == sapply(n4$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n5 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]
wl6 <- which(upp[6] == sapply(n5$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n6 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]
wl7 <- which(upp[7] == sapply(n6$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n7 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]$Children[[wl7]]
wl8 <- which(upp[8] == sapply(n7$Children, function(x) x$Name))
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]$Children[[wl7]]$Children[[wl8]][[upp[9]]] <- value
if(upp.lngth == 10){
n4 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]
wl5 <- which(upp[5] == sapply(n4$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n5 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]
wl6 <- which(upp[6] == sapply(n5$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n6 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]
wl7 <- which(upp[7] == sapply(n6$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n7 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]$Children[[wl7]]
wl8 <- which(upp[8] == sapply(n7$Children, function(x) x$Name))
n8 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]$Children[[wl7]]$Children[[wl8]]
wl9 <- which(upp[9] == sapply(n8$Children, function(x) x$Name))
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]$Children[[wl7]]$Children[[wl8]]$Children[[wl9]][[upp[10]]] <- value
if(node != "Other"){
parent.node[wcz][[1]]$Children <-
if(length(wcore) > 1 || !is.null(root)){
## I have to assume that root was supplied
## otherwise an error would have been triggered before
if(length(root) == 1){
apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children <- parent.node
if(length(root) == 2){
apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children[[wcore2]]$Children <- parent.node
if(length(root) == 3){
apsimx_json$Children[[wcore1]]$Children[[wcore2]]$Children[[wcore3]]$Children <- parent.node
apsimx_json$Children[[wcore]]$Children <- parent.node
if(overwrite == FALSE){
wr.path <- paste0(wrt.dir, "/",
edit.tag, ".apsimx")
wr.path <- paste0(wrt.dir, "/", file)
jsonlite::write_json(apsimx_json, path = wr.path,
pretty = TRUE, digits = NA,
auto_unbox = TRUE, null = "null")
cat("Edited (node): ", node, "\n")
cat("Edited (child): ", edited.child,"\n")
cat("Edited parameters: ", parm, "\n")
cat("New values: ", value, "\n")
cat("Created: ", wr.path,"\n")
## This function is not exported at the moment
## It is not ready to be used yet.
edit_apsimx_json <- function(file, src.dir = ".", wrt.dir = NULL,
parm.path = NULL, value = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE, edit.tag = "-edited",
verbose = TRUE){
if(missing(wrt.dir)) wrt.dir <- src.dir
file.names.apsimx <- dir(path = src.dir, pattern=".apsimx$",
file.names.json <- dir(path = src.dir, pattern=".json$",
file.names <- c(file.names.apsimx, file.names.json)
if(length(file.names) == 0){
stop("There are no .apsimx or.json files in the specified directory to edit.")
file <- match.arg(file, file.names)
## Parse apsimx file (JSON)
apsimx_json <- jsonlite::read_json(file.path(src.dir, file))
## Should add code to deal with scoped paths
if(substr(parm.path, 1, 1) == "$")
parm.path <- substr(parm.path, 2, nchar(parm.path))
upp <- strsplit(parm.path, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
upp.lngth <- length(upp)
keep.going <- TRUE
if(upp.lngth == 2){
wp2p <- which(names(apsimx_json) == upp[2])
if(length(wp2p) == 0)
stop("Parameter not found")
apsimx_json[[wp2p]] <- value
if(upp.lngth >= 3 && keep.going){
if(apsimx_json$Name != upp[2])
stop("First position name does not match")
wl3 <- which(upp[3] == sapply(apsimx_json$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl3) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 3")
if(upp.lngth == 3){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]] <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
if(upp.lngth >= 4 && keep.going){
n3 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]
## Look for the first reasonable parameter
wl4 <- which(upp[4] == sapply(n3$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl4) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 4")
if(upp.lngth == 4){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]] <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
if(upp.lngth >= 5 && keep.going){
if(upp[5] %in% names(n3$Children[[wl4]])){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]][[upp[5]]] <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
wl5 <- which(upp[5] == sapply(n3$Children[[wl4]]$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl5) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 5")
if(upp.lngth == 5){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]][[upp[5]]] <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
## Handling level 6
if(upp.lngth >= 6 && keep.going){
n4 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]
if(upp[6] %in% names(n4$Children[[wl5]])){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]][[upp[6]]] <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
if("Parameters" %in% names(n4$Children[[wl5]])){
wp <- grep(upp[6], n4$Children[[wl5]]$Parameters)
if(length(wp) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 6 (Parameter)")
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Parameters[[wp]]$Value <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
wl6 <- which(upp[6] == sapply(n4$Children[[wl5]]$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl6) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 6")
if(upp.lngth == 6){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]][[upp[6]]] <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
## Handling level 7
if(upp.lngth >= 7 && keep.going){
n5 <- apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]
if(upp[7] %in% names(n5$Children[[wl6]])){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]][[upp[7]]] <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
if("Parameters" %in% names(n5$Children[[wl6]])){
wp <- grep(upp[7], n5$Children[[wl6]]$Parameters)
if(length(wp) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 7 (Parameter)")
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]$Parameters[[wp]]$Value <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
wl7 <- which(upp[7] == sapply(n5$Children[[wl6]]$Children, function(x) x$Name))
if(length(wl6) == 0) stop("Could not find parameter at level 7")
if(upp.lngth == 7){
apsimx_json$Children[[wl3]]$Children[[wl4]]$Children[[wl5]]$Children[[wl6]]$Children[[wl7]][[upp[7]]] <- value
keep.going <- FALSE
if(overwrite == FALSE){
wr.path <- paste0(wrt.dir, "/",
edit.tag, ".apsimx")
wr.path <- paste0(wrt.dir, "/", file)
jsonlite::write_json(apsimx_json, path = wr.path,
pretty = TRUE, digits = NA,
auto_unbox = TRUE, null = "null")
cat("Edited parameters: ", parm.path, "\n")
cat("New values: ", value, "\n")
cat("Created: ", wr.path,"\n")
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