#' Some of the conversions use pedotrasnfer equations from Saxton and Rawls.
#' Soil Water Characteristic Estimates by Texture and Organic Matter for Hydrologic Solutions.
#' Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:1569–1578 (2006).
#' @title Take in \acronym{SSURGO} csv files and create a soil profile
#' @name ssurgo2sp
#' @description Utility function to convert \acronym{SSURGO} data to soil profile
#' @param mapunit mapunit \acronym{SSURGO} file
#' @param component component \acronym{SSURGO} file
#' @param chorizon chorizon \acronym{SSURGO} file
#' @param mapunit.shp mapunit shapefile for creating metadata
#' @param nmapunit number of mapunits to select
#' @param nsoil number of soil components (within a mapunit) to consider
#' @param xout vector for interpolation and extrapolation
#' @param soil.bottom bottom of the soil profile
#' @param method method used for interpolation (see \code{\link{approx}})
#' @param nlayers number of soil layers to generate
#' @param verbose whether to print details of the process
#' @return a list with soil profile matrices with length equal to nsoil
#' @details Download the data from \acronym{SSURGO} using the \sQuote{FedData} package \cr
#' This will generate csv files \sQuote{chorizon}, \sQuote{component} and \sQuote{mapunit}, \cr
#' but also many other files which are not needed for creating a soil profile.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' require(ggplot2)
#' require(sf)
#' extd.dir <- system.file("extdata", package = "apsimx")
#' chorizon <- read.csv(paste0(extd.dir,"/ISUAG/SSURGO/ISUAG_SSURGO_chorizon.csv"))
#' component <- read.csv(paste0(extd.dir,"/ISUAG/SSURGO/ISUAG_SSURGO_component.csv"))
#' mapunit <- read.csv(paste0(extd.dir,"/ISUAG/SSURGO/ISUAG_SSURGO_mapunit.csv"))
#' mapunit.shp <- st_read(paste0(extd.dir,"/ISUAG/SSURGO/ISUAG_SSURGO_Mapunits.shp"), quiet = TRUE)
#' ## Using default 'constant' method
#' sp.c <- ssurgo2sp(mapunit = mapunit,
#' component = component,
#' chorizon = chorizon,
#' mapunit.shp = mapunit.shp)
#' sp.c <- sp.c[[1]]
#' ggplot(data = sp.c, aes(y = -Depth, x = Carbon)) +
#' geom_point() +
#' geom_path() +
#' ylab("Soil Depth (cm)") + xlab("Organic Matter (percent)") +
#' ggtitle("method = constant")
#' ## Using 'linear' method
#' sp.l <- ssurgo2sp(mapunit = mapunit,
#' component = component,
#' chorizon = chorizon,
#' mapunit.shp = mapunit.shp,
#' method = "linear")
#' sp.l <- sp.l[[1]]
#' ggplot(data = sp.l, aes(y = -Depth, x = Carbon)) +
#' geom_point() +
#' geom_path() +
#' ylab("Soil Depth (cm)") + xlab("Organic Matter (percent)") +
#' ggtitle("Method linear")
#' }
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Method using get_ssurgo_tables
#' require(soilDB)
#' require(sp)
#' require(sf)
#' require(spData)
#' ## retrieve data from lon -93, lat = 42
#' stbls <- get_ssurgo_tables(lonlat = c(-93, 42))
#' sp2.c <- ssurgo2sp(mapunit = stbls$mapunit,
#' component = stbls$component,
#' chorizon = stbls$chorizon,
#' mapunit.shp = stbls$mapunit.shp)
#' names(sp2.c)
#' metadata <- attributes(sp2.c[[1]])
#' metadata$names <- NULL; metadata$class <- NULL; metadata$row.names <- NULL
#' ## Convert to an APSIM soil profile
#' asp2.c <- apsimx_soil_profile(nlayers = 10,
#' Thickness = sp2.c[[1]]$Thickness * 10,
#' BD = sp2.c[[1]]$BD,
#' AirDry = sp2.c[[1]]$AirDry,
#' LL15 = sp2.c[[1]]$LL15,
#' DUL = sp2.c[[1]]$DUL,
#' SAT = sp2.c[[1]]$SAT,
#' KS = sp2.c[[1]]$KS,
#' Carbon = sp2.c[[1]]$Carbon,
#' PH = sp2.c[[1]]$PH,
#' ParticleSizeClay = sp2.c[[1]]$ParticleSizeClay,
#' ParticleSizeSilt = sp2.c[[1]]$ParticleSizeSilt,
#' ParticleSizeSand = sp2.c[[1]]$ParticleSizeSand,
#' metadata = metadata)
#' plot(asp2.c)
#' plot(asp2.c, property = "water")
#' }
ssurgo2sp <- function(mapunit = NULL, component = NULL,
chorizon = NULL, mapunit.shp = NULL,
nmapunit = 1, nsoil = 1,
xout = NULL, soil.bottom = 200,
method = c("constant","linear"),
nlayers = 10,
verbose = FALSE){
if(!requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)){
warning("sf package is required for this function")
## Select important variables from mapunit
mapunit2 <- subset(mapunit,
select = c("musym", "muname", "muacres", "farmlndcl",
"lkey", "mukey"))
## Calculate acres percent and number of mapunits to consider
## In decreasing order of number of acres
mapunit2$muacres.percent <- mapunit2$muacres/sum(mapunit2$muacres) * 100
mapunit2 <- mapunit2[order(mapunit2$muacres, decreasing = TRUE),]
if(nmapunit < 1 ||{
mapunit3 <- mapunit2
if(nmapunit > nrow(mapunit2))
stop(paste("There are", nrow(mapunit2), "mapunits available and ", nmapunit, "are requested"), call. = FALSE)
mapunit3 <- mapunit2[seq_len(nmapunit),]
## Process component
component2 <- subset(component,
select = c("compname", "comppct.r",
"slope.r", "drainagecl",
"elev.r", "taxsubgrp",
"taxpartsize", "taxclname", "geomdesc",
"mukey", "cokey"))
if(any(grepl("state", names(component)))) component2$state <- component$state
component5 <- NULL
for(i in mapunit3$mukey){
component3 <- component2[component2$mukey == i,]
component4 <- component3[order(component3$comppct.r, decreasing = TRUE),]
## This calculates the percent of the total acres in the area of interest
component4$acres.proportion <- mapunit3[mapunit3$mukey == i,]$muacres.percent/100 * component4$comppct.r/100
component4$compname.mukey <- as.factor(component4$compname):as.factor(component4$mukey)
if(inherits(mapunit.shp, "sf")){
lonlat <- colMeans(sf::st_coordinates(mapunit.shp["MUKEY" == i]))
mapunit.shp.d <-
if(any(grepl("AREASYMBOL", names(mapunit.shp.d)))){
component4$state <- rep(unique(strtrim(as.character(mapunit.shp.d[mapunit.shp.d$MUKEY == i,"AREASYMBOL"]),2)),nrow(component4))
stop("mapunit.shp should be of class sf")
component4$longitude <- lonlat[1]
component4$latitude <- lonlat[2]
if(nsoil < 1 ||{
component5 <- rbind(component5, component4)
if(nsoil > nrow(component4)){
stop(paste("There are", nrow(component4), "components (soils) available and", nsoil, "are requested"), call. = FALSE)
component5 <- rbind(component5, component4[seq_len(nsoil),])
## Process chorizon
chorizon2 <- chorizon[chorizon$cokey %in% component5$cokey,]
if(nrow(chorizon2) < 1){
stop("component horizon does not match component cokey")
chorizon3 <- subset(chorizon2,
select = c("hzname", "hzdept.r", "hzdepb.r",
"hzthk.r", "sandtotal.r", "silttotal.r",
"claytotal.r", "om.r", "partdensity",
"ksat.r", "awc.r",
"wthirdbar.r", "wfifteenbar.r",
"wsatiated.r", "ph1to1h2o.r",
"cokey", "chkey"))
chorizon3$hzdepa.r <- (chorizon3$hzdept.r + chorizon3$hzdepb.r) / 2
## Rename to match APSIM
chorizon3$Depth <- chorizon3$hzdepa.r
chorizon3$Thickness <- chorizon3$hzdepb.r - chorizon3$hzdept.r
chorizon3$Thickness <- chorizon3$hzthk.r
## Use Saxton and Rawls to generate these based on texture
chorizon3$DUL <- sr_dul(chorizon3$claytotal.r, chorizon3$sandtotal.r, chorizon3$om.r)
chorizon3$DUL <- chorizon3$wthirdbar.r * 1e-2 ## convert to fraction
chorizon3$LL15 <- sr_ll(chorizon3$claytotal.r, chorizon3$sandtotal.r, chorizon3$om.r)
chorizon3$LL15 <- chorizon3$wfifteenbar.r * 1e-2 ## convert to fraction
DUL_S <- sr_dul_s(chorizon3$claytotal.r, chorizon3$sandtotal.r, chorizon3$om.r)
chorizon3$SAT <- sr_sat(chorizon3$sandtotal.r, chorizon3$DUL, DUL_S)
chorizon3$SAT <- chorizon3$wsatiated.r * 1e-2 ## convert to fraction
## Convert micro meters per second to mm/day
chorizon3$KS <- chorizon3$ksat.r * 1e-6 * (60 * 60 * 24) * 1e3
chorizon3$PH <- chorizon3$ph1to1h2o.r
## From Saxton and Rawls
chorizon3$BD <- (1 - chorizon3$SAT) * ifelse($partdensity), 2.65, chorizon3$partdensity)
## Convert to fraction
chorizon3$AirDry <- chorizon3$LL15 * ifelse(chorizon3$hzdept.r == 0, 0.5, 1)
## Soil Carbon
## SOM contains approximately 58% C; therefore, a factor of
## 1.72 can be used to convert OC to SOM.
chorizon3$Carbon <- chorizon3$om.r * (1/1.72)
### Adding texture
chorizon3$ParticleSizeClay <- chorizon3$claytotal.r
chorizon3$ParticleSizeSilt <- chorizon3$silttotal.r
chorizon3$ParticleSizeSand <- chorizon3$sandtotal.r
## Soil names
soil.names <- component5$compname.mukey
soil.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(soil.names))
names(soil.list) <- soil.names
vars <- c("Depth", "Thickness", "BD", "AirDry", "LL15", "DUL", "SAT", "KS",
"Carbon", "PH", "ParticleSizeClay", "ParticleSizeSilt", "ParticleSizeSand")
for(sz in 1:length(soil.names)){
one.soil <- chorizon3[chorizon3$cokey == component5$cokey[sz],]
if( soil.bottom <- max(one.soil$hzdepb.r)
if(nrow(one.soil) < 1){
stop("There is no soil horizon for this component")
soil.mat <- matrix(nrow = nlayers, ncol = length(vars))
nlayers0 <- nlayers
nlayers1 <- nlayers + 1
for(i in 2:length(vars)){
tmp <- one.soil[,c("Depth",vars[i])]
nlayers <- ifelse(vars[i] == "Thickness", nlayers1, nlayers0)
if(verbose) cat("Processing variable:", vars[i], "\n")
sva <- try(approx_soil_variable(tmp,
xout = xout,
soil.bottom = soil.bottom,
method = method,
nlayers = nlayers), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(sva, "try-error")){
stop("interpolation did not work. Possibly due to missing values.")
if(vars[i] == "Thickness"){
thck <- numeric(nlayers0)
for(j in 2:nlayers1) thck[j-1] <- sva$x[j] - sva$x[j-1]
soil.mat[,i] <- thck
soil.mat[,i] <- sva$y
soil.mat[,1] <- sva$x
soil.d <-
## Attributes will be modeled after APSIM metadata
attr(soil.d, which = "SoilType") <- as.character(soil.names[sz])
attr(soil.d, which = "State") <- component5$state[sz]
attr(soil.d, which = "Country") <- "USA"
attr(soil.d, which = "Longitude") <- component5$longitude[1]
attr(soil.d, which = "Latitude") <- component5$latitude[1]
attr(soil.d, which = "DataSource") <- paste("R package apsimx function ssurgo2sp. Timestamp", Sys.time())
attr(soil.d, which = "Comments") <- paste("cokey =", component5$cokey[sz],
"- acres percent =", component5$acres.proportion[sz] * 100,
"- component percent =", component5$comppct.r[sz],
"- taxonomic classification name =", as.character(component5$taxclname)[sz],
"- drainage class =", as.character(component5$drainagecl)[sz],
"- elevation =", component5$elev.r[sz],
"- slope =", component5$slope.r[sz],
"- geomdesc =", as.character(component5$geomdesc)[sz])
names(soil.d) <- vars
## Store in list
soil.list[[sz]] <- soil.d
#' Interpolate a soil variable using 'approx' and return a data.frame
#' @name approx_soil_variable
#' @description interpolate a soil variable over a range of values
#' @param x input vector
#' @param xout output vector (see stats::approx)
#' @param soil.bottom bottom of the soil layer in cm
#' @param method either 'constant' or 'linear' as used in 'stats::approx'
#' @param nlayers number of soil layers
#' @return interpolated numeric vector as a data frame.
#' @noRd
approx_soil_variable <- function(x, xout = NULL, soil.bottom = 200,
method = c("constant", "linear"),
nlayers = 10){
xd <-
method <- match.arg(method)
if(is.null(xout)) xout <- seq(0, soil.bottom, length.out = nlayers)
ans <- stats::approx(x = xd[[1]], y = xd[[2]], method = method, xout = xout, rule = 2)
ansd <- data.frame(x = ans$x, y = ans$y)
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