## TODO:
# * generalize fully
# * verbose output for testing
#' @title Annotate Diagnostic Features
#' @description Annotate diagnostic features within a sketch of soil profiles.
#' @param s \code{SoilProfileCollection} object
#' @param kind filter applied to \code{feature} column of diagnostic horizons registered within \code{s}
#' @param feature column name containing feature kind
#' @param top column name containing feature top depth
#' @param bottom column name containing feature top depth
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to \code{addBracket}
#' @details Additional examples can be found in \href{}{this tutorial}.
#' @note This is a `low-level` plotting function: you must first plot a \code{SoilProfileCollection} object before using this function.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @seealso \code{\link{addBracket}, \link{plotSPC}}
#' @export
addDiagnosticBracket <- function(s, kind, feature='featkind', top='featdept', bottom='featdepb', ...) {
# extract diagnostic horizon information
# note: the idname is already present in `d`
d <- diagnostic_hz(s)
d <- d[which(d[[feature]] == kind), ]
# rename columns so that addBracket() can find top/bottom depths
nm <- names(d)
nm[which(nm == top)] <- 'top'
nm[which(nm == bottom)] <- 'bottom'
names(d) <- nm
# there may be no matching features, in that case issue a message and do nothing
if(nrow(d) < 1) {
message('no matching features found')
} else {
# add backets
# sorting is done via matching idname to plot order of idname
addBracket(d, ...)
## TODO: more testing!
## TODO: add proper documentation
## NOTE: this function is vectorized
# internal function for plotting a bracket (usually defines a diagnostic feature or similar)
# x: data.frame with lsp$idname, top, bottom, label (optional), may contain multiple / profile
# tick.length: bracket tick length
# offset: left-hand offset from profile center
#' @title Add Depth Brackets
#' @description Add depth brackets to soil profile sketches.
#' @param x \code{data.frame} object containing `idname(x)`, `top`, `bottom`, and optionally `label` columns
#' @param label.cex scaling factor for label font
#' @param tick.length length of bracket "tick" mark
#' @param arrow.length length of arrowhead
#' @param offset left-hand offset from each profile
#' @param missing.bottom.depth distance (in depth units) to extend brackets that are missing a lower depth (defaults to max depth of collection)
#' @param ... further arguments passed on to \code{segments} or \code{arrows}
#' @details \code{x} may contain multiple records per profile. Additional examples can be found in \href{}{this tutorial}.
#' @note This is a `low-level` plotting function: you must first plot a \code{SoilProfileCollection} object before using this function.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{addDiagnosticBracket}, \link{plotSPC}}
#' @examples
#' # sample data
#' data(sp1)
#' # add color vector
#' sp1$soil_color <- with(sp1, munsell2rgb(hue, value, chroma))
#' # promote to SoilProfileCollection
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # plot profiles
#' par(mar = c(0, 0, 0, 1))
#' plotSPC(sp1, width = 0.3)
#' # extract min--max depths associated with all A horizons
#' # result is a single-row data.frame / profile
#' combinedBracket <- function(i) {
#' h <- horizons(i)
#' idn <- idname(i)
#' <- h[[idn]][1]
#' idx <- grep('^A', h$name)
#' res <- data.frame(
#' id =,
#' top = min(h$top[idx]),
#' bottom = max(h$bottom[idx], na.rm=TRUE)
#' )
#' names(res)[1] <- idn
#' return(res)
#' }
#' # return matching horizon top / bottom depths for A or C horizons
#' # result is a 0 or more row data.frame / profile
#' individualBrackets <- function(i) {
#' h <- horizons(i)
#' idn <- idname(i)
#' <- h[[idn]][1]
#' idx <- grep('^A|^C', h$name)
#' res <- data.frame(
#' id =,
#' top = h$top[idx],
#' bottom = h$bottom[idx]
#' )
#' names(res)[1] <- idn
#' return(res)
#' }
#' # combined brackets
#' b1 <- profileApply(sp1, combinedBracket, frameify = TRUE)
#' # individual brackets
#' b2 <- profileApply(sp1, individualBrackets, frameify = TRUE)
#' # plot in reverse order
#' plotSPC(sp1, plot.order = rev(1:length(sp1)), width = 0.25)
#' # note that plotting order is derived from the call to `plotSPC(sp1)`
#' addBracket(b1, col='red', offset = -0.35)
#' # plot in reverse order
#' plotSPC(sp1, plot.order = rev(1:length(sp1)), width = 0.25)
#' # note that plotting order is derived from the call to `plotSPC(sp1)`
#' addBracket(b2, col='red', offset = -0.35)
addBracket <- function(x, label.cex=0.75, tick.length=0.05, arrow.length=0.05, offset=-0.3, missing.bottom.depth=NULL, ...) {
# get plotting details from aqp environment
lsp <- get('last_spc_plot', envir = aqp.env)
# y.offset is a vector length(x)
depth.offset <- lsp$y.offset
sf <- lsp$scaling.factor
# line ending "2" is usually what we want
# however, when using very large line widths and tick.length = 0, the interval will extend
# beyond the top/bottom depths
if(tick.length == 0) {
seg.lend <- 1
} else {
seg.lend <- 2
# test for required columns:
# lsp$idname
# top
# bottom
if(is.null(x$top) | is.null(x$bottom) | is.null(x[[lsp$idname]]))
stop('required columns missing', call. = FALSE)
# test for > 0 rows
if(nrow(x) < 1) {
warning('no rows')
# test for all missing top depths
stop('no top depths supplied')
# test for missing label column
do.label <- FALSE
if(! is.null(x$label))
do.label <- TRUE
## TODO: this must also be done a profile at a time
# test for all bottom depths missing
no.bottom <- FALSE
no.bottom <- TRUE
# if not specified, use the max depth in the last plot
if(is.null(missing.bottom.depth)) {
missing.bottom.depth <- lsp$max.depth
# apply scale and offset to missing bottom depth
# depth.offset is a vector length(x)
missing.bottom.depth <- (missing.bottom.depth * sf) + depth.offset
# apply scaling factor and offset
# depth_prime = (depth * scaling factor) + y.offset
# in case x is a subset of the last plotSPC call, must index
idx <- match(x[[lsp$idname]], lsp$pIDs)
x$top <- (x$top * sf) + depth.offset[idx]
x$bottom <- (x$bottom * sf) + depth.offset[idx]
## x-coordinates
# 2019-07-15: using relative position
x.base <- lsp$x0
# there may be more than 1 bracket per ID
x.list <- split(x, x[[lsp$idname]])
## TODO: match logic seems backwards
# re-order list elements, according to plot order
# there may be some profiles without brackets to add
# resulting in NA in re-ordering index
idx <- match(lsp$pIDs, names(x.list))
# re-order in the presence of NA
x.list <- x.list[idx]
# iterate over list of profile IDs
for(i in seq_along(x.list)) {
# current set of brackets (single profile)
brackets <- x.list[[i]]
# skipping profiles with missing brackets
if(! is.null(brackets)) {
# note: these may contain NA
# variables recycled within loop
top <- brackets[['top']]
bottom <- brackets[['bottom']]
label <- brackets[['label']]
# missing bottom: replace bottom tick with arrow head
if(no.bottom) {
# x-positions
# x.base is a vector
x.1 <- x.base[i] + offset
x.2 <- x.1 + tick.length
# top tick
segments(x.1, top, x.2, top, lend = seg.lend, ...)
# vertical bar is now an arrow
arrows(x.1, top, x.1, top + missing.bottom.depth[i], length=arrow.length, lend = seg.lend, ...)
} else {
# normal usage
# x-positions
# x.base is a vector
x.1 <- x.base[i] + offset
x.2 <- x.1 + tick.length
# top tick
segments(x.1, top, x.2, top, lend = seg.lend, ...)
# bottom tick
segments(x.1, bottom, x.2, bottom, lend = seg.lend, ...)
# vertical bar
segments(x.1, top, x.1, bottom, lend = seg.lend, ...)
# optionally plot label
if(do.label) {
if(no.bottom) {
bottom <- rep(missing.bottom.depth[i], times = length(bottom))
# add labels at mid-points
text(x.1 - 0.05, (top + bottom)/2, label, srt=90, cex=label.cex, pos=3)
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