
Defines functions checkSPC

Documented in checkSPC

#' @title Test for a valid `SoilProfileCollection`
#' @description Test for a valid `SoilProfileCollection`
#' @details Test for valid \code{SoilProfileCollection} by checking for slots defined in
#' the class prototype. Likely only used between major versions of `aqp` where
#' internal structure of \code{SoilProfileCollection} has changed. Use
#' \code{checkHzDepthLogic} to check for common errors in horizon depths.
#' @param x a \code{SoilProfileCollection} object
#' @return TRUE or FALSE. Consider using \code{rebuildSPC()} if FALSE.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @seealso \code{\link{rebuildSPC}}, \code{\link{checkHzDepthLogic}}
#' @export
checkSPC <- function(x) {

  # get slot names from prototype
  sn <- slotNames(x)

  # test for all slots in the prototype
  s.test <- sapply(sn, function(i) .hasSlot(x, name=i))

  res <- FALSE
  # a valid object will have all slots present
  if(all(s.test)) {
    res <- TRUE


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aqp documentation built on Oct. 19, 2024, 5:06 p.m.